

The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, October 6, 1938 umber 37 Map Of Area Under Erosion Control· EXTENSION ENFORCE COURSE TO ONE-HOUR C. Of C. Affair Is Open BE GIVEN PARKING To Public In General Instructlions Police Ordered ------~® In Chemical To Tag Autos; Leaders At C. of C. Civic Meeting BALTIMORE Engineering \ Council Meets LEADER. TO Announcement was made this Enfo rcement of the one-hour and week that a chemical engineering three-hour parking regulati ons on extension course will be given dur- Main Street is being carried out to ing the school year at the Univer- the li mit of the law, following the ADDRESS sity of Delaware. One two-hour issuance of instructions by Chief ~f"rmatton of class will be held pel' week for of Poli ce last week . • ~~i(ER'ET:~.: . United States thirty weeks. "Now that parking limits are ASSEMBLY of .' BohC'min. No definite prerequisites hav plainly indicated on Main Street, " in, Yugoslavia, Bul- ,------been set, but it is highly desi rable said Chi ef Cunningham in announc­ that students have had se,-eral ing t he campaign, "we plan to break W. H. Meese I me I ne:I~!n'~~ ' ~~~n~~~~ TERRITORY years of college chemistry and some up the evils being commi tled by contentmcnt to Europe COMMITTEES training in mathemati cs through motorists. By enforcing the limits Outstanding Au strian-born Wll- elementary calculus. Six credits to- laid down by Council, I feel cer­ ward a college degree (three each tain that the hazardous practi ce of Citizen Of .,,----'-.. 'a"ff'al'i:so l:~:i : ~ e~n h~~d~~ ~~: ENLARGED APPOINTED semester) may be had, if desired, by double-parking wi ll quickly be eli m- I Mal'ylaJl(1 Facult y Cl ub of the UIlI ­ proprly quali fi ed students, ina ted." - ---.....------oelo Munday even- wnr . C I It w ill be a course in ch mical While only six cars were tagged E rOSIOn ontro Newark Century engineer ing calculati ons, covering for parking violations in September, F inal plans for lhe open-hous fundamental methods of calculation 20 have been mal'ked for trans- civic meeting to be held in the Uni- A rea I hcrease{I Club Holds of heat and weight quantities in- gr ssions since Chief Cunningham versity of Delaware's ' Wolf Hall p 't T 41 540 A ' I . . volved in industr ial processes. P ar- issued his orders last Saturday_ De- Monday evening have been complet- Ncw ark [ :'~ J e~, 0 , cr es Dltlal Session - ticular attenti on wi ll be devot d to spite numcrous warnings, almost ed by the Newark Chamber of c;~~;~ceut;u r e,e m ~ ______stOlc hiomelry weIght and heat bal- half of the tIckets Issued have been Commerce, sponsor of the a lTaiI'. m a lecent RIchard S Snyder, Delaware state Mrs. J P earce Cann and Mrs E ances of c o m b u~tlOn , chemIcal and gIven to mploye s of Mam Sh eet George M. Haney, chamber vice the LIOns Club of conrd 1l1ator for the Soil Conser va- B Crooks were the spea kers at the melt,allurglcal ,pl ocesses, eondensa- stor s, pol,'ce s ~ate . , pl-esident and chairman of tht! com- .~h~~' I~~:~':~:~':ltl0 r e lton ServIce. U S Depar tment of Newark New Centut y Club's 111 1- lt o _ and vapol,lzatl on, thermochem- Co u~ o ll l~l Session _ , l11ittee in charge, announced this f thc Austnan 1m- Agn culture. today announced that tlal meeting of the year on Mnndav Ish y and t h ~ 1 m o p h Y S I~ s In an effol t to ,lid the ChIef en- WIlham H, Meese E, Douglass mO I-ning that the session wi ll start O 1\1:1' Hauser 13,540 acres have been added to the a fternoon The former descrIbed De .tall~d Sbluhons force local o r d ll~a n ce s, the CouncIl at eight o'clock. MI'. Haney is being ~er;hl~r:~- II~~'~~~ ~:~ ~ :;~~ltO~r~~'~ j e:;~~I~~e s~~,:~~~l :;:U~ : ' ~~h~: ~ r ~~sc a ~~'~ O ~~i Pg;~e B~~ ;. ~ f:~ I;i~~II~;i~ ~: ~~~ ~ ~~ d d ~~~~~:~t l ~~ ~~ I~:r:l~rg ~~t~:i:g;,~~t~b~( e : e~~:~~ MEETING ISECURITY ~~~;~.~~~~~~ :~:~~_~~ne~~~;~D~~~ !~ in M~X I~" and during The pres nt 28,000 . acre area was Impre ss lO~ s of condItIons 111 : ?rtu- l eem~. e A S s~ Ut ~ ~~_sbO~k , I~~~~e :I~:d ~~b bi~t. :, e r e~o f~re~ I:~ ~~ ~;:;e d uh;s Trust Company; Charles E. Grubb. In h,s speech. b e- e ~l a r ged, ,to ,b r1l1 g mto the bound- gal, obtall1ed on a recent VISIt to Wa tson's: "Industrial Chemical Ca l- time between police work and duties OF D ~ R OPERATORS b'lsiness administrator, and Dr. Club he predIcted arr es a lalgel number of both coast- that country. The speakers were culations" will be used ith the light at' d power division !Jl Walter Hu11 ihen, president, both of facing Em-o pe al plain a.nd piedmon_t farms, _and intr.o,d uced by Mrs. A. D. Cobb, Membership in the ciass has been w Chief Cunnin'gllam's September • 11. • the University of Delaware, to war; that HItler thereby g l~et ~e l a w a l : ta r me~ st h a chall man of the program commIttee. limited to 30 members and appJica- report submitted to Council show- W. H . Meese, vice president of injusltceS done the more comp e e emens ra. lOn 0 , e Demonstr:Ltion Gi ven tions will be accepted in the order ed 81 polic calls for the month. COlIlnlittces W ' I I the Western Electric Compnny and by Frcnch dictati on methods ~se d to slop SOIl washll1g F ollowing the regul ar business received. It is important, therefore, Sixteen arrests were made and 16 al'lllllg SSlle( works manager of the Point Breeze of Ve. , ailles and and. fertlltzer losses. session. presided over by Mrs. T. D, that applicati ons be fi ll ed out and overn ight transients were provided AnnOllllced To Holder s Of Works, Baltimore, has accepted the '!ouncetil ire3UeS, not the cause of S .tnce the fi rst Of. the year, tech- Mylrea. a demonstrati on o[ lhe pub- returned promptl y_ The lirst meet- with lodging. chamber's invitation, issued through Two days fol- ntCl ans tn .the project offIce, have Ii c address system, recently pur- ing of the cl ass ~as held Tuesdav. Four accid nts and two breaking At Sess."OJl SL .k H . MI', Douglass, a life-long friend a nd lne Munich be e ~ ~v o r ktn g WIth farmers 111 the chased by the club, was given by The cl ay and hour for later meel- and entering cases were investigat- OC S e l e former neighbor, to speak before the Sudeten- Chnstlana Creek w a t~ r s h e d to set , Mrs. R. T. J ones. ings of the class may be changed to cd, one bicycle was recovered and ----- I --- the open-house n,eeting. "' f_~r!~_C~;;;;';~F.',l~:~'_w'i::m:::m e dia.t(: th r~o t uP. ~ o mp l e te so 1_1 savtng p la_n,s on The musical program consisted of suit the convenience of the group returned to its owner, ancl one case Mrs, Walter Williams, Mrs. J. E. "Co~,s u l t your b1,nker before trad- Community Problems PrIme Mm- thell fi elds. Actual fi eld wO l k has vocal selecltons by Mrs. Carl J . and instrllctor. of larceny in a store was investi- Full er and Mrs. H. T. Robertson, ing any stocks of known value" is As a former president of the Bal- 's st,1tement, fol- already been completed or partly Rees, who sang, "The Nightingale." gated. state omccrs of the C_ A_ R., allend- the advice olTered by local fin anciers timore Associati on of Cmnmerce, , o[ t he pact, completed on nearly 1.500 acres by Alabieff, "The Clothes of Heav- PI 'b'lI P ' .. T Two arrests were made for each d the first fall meeting of the If ollowing reports 01 operati ons in MI'. Meese ranks as one of the out- rem ~mbe r (hat" lf it w ~ ~ r e farmers have agreed to , .. by Du ~ hill , ~n d "My Love Is a y) " lO ~ 1 ,lIll , ~ of the following olTenses: Rer. kless Cooch's Brid,ge Chapter, D l1ughters Newark that center around the ex- standing leaders in the Maryland thIS way It would call ?, out these plans and help the lAen Mu l e t e~ r , by DI Nogero_ She WAS Be I l cseutcd Tile ~I ay driving, trespassing, disorder ly con- of the Amepcan RevolutIon. at the change of sound stocks fOI' atlrac- metropolis, His speech will be de- - ~ - : ---" " .... _ . on. ~> war. You m ust ser vIce set up a demonstratIOn accompal1l cd by Mrs. A. A. Relff_ The first playbill program of the duct. and assault and battery. Single home of . Mrs. J Irv1l1 Dayet\, tlve 100kll1 g, but worthless secunt- voted to community problems and we 'N corred: Survey Shows Erosloll Tea was served by Mrs. H. A. year, inaugurating U1C dramati c arrests were made fOI- larceny of Cooch's Br Id ge, Saturday afternoon. les civic ali'airs pertaining to growi ng . wf? ,I'; ..... 'd e Snyder smd that pr elitTrfn~ l'y >. II ! L anu., who acted as hostess for season at the University of Dela- bailee and mbezzlement. Magistrnte Mrs. Ch sley Stewart, London" At least three people have been communities. IfPOrted by th e Assoc- veys of the new area show that It he d ~y. ware, will be presented in Mitchell Dani el Thompson reported $8 col- Englancl , was asslstl.ng h oste~s. A approached here within the last While the alTair is open to the on Septemb: r 30, en- erosion exists on practically all cul- ChaIrmen a~ d members of the Hall, Tuesday evening at eight lected in fin es, and Magistrate Ben- tea. followed the. bustness sessIon at wee~ by high-powered :')Iici tors Ige neral publi c and specia l efforts . opi ntons.-Ed.) tivated fl elds located on sloping vanous commltttees for the com- o'clock. jamin Eubanks reported $16_ One whIch Mrs. Wll lt ams and Mrs. Ful- offerll1g tnducements of whi skey have been expended to have all ix Reasons lands even though , ~ 0 m e of the Iin g year w e f(~ announced_ as f.o1l0ws: In the cast Of, "The Faraway case was d ismissed for the payment Ie: poured. More than 30 were Iwa rehouse receipts .i n exchange for classes ?f ~i t izens represented, di- nallons all over the slopes are comparatively gentle. CommI ttees Appolllted Princess," presented by the Foot- of costs. pl esent. . . . establtshed and relt able stocks and Irer.( 1I1V ltaltons have been for ward- Hauser told h is list- One of the most important causes Amencan clf.J zenshlp-Mesdames lights Club, will be: Dorothy ew Work Approved Mrs. WIllIams spoke 111 b ~ h ~ lf of bonds. cd to all local organizations, fra- lmrty:'!"!"" •• "",, night, "observe a few of this erosion, he believes, is the R J _ Boyd, cha irman, Paul D. L ov- Thompson, Walter Mock, Gabr ielle Mayor F rank Coll ins presided " t the student loan fund. She also In addition to personal calls by terniti es, clubs, sc hool and univer- prayer on No- very considerable loss of organic ett, R M. Hadley and R. W. ~r go; Muller, J ane Hastings, Shirley F ul- the sess,ion which was attended by stated that an Iowa. ch_ap ter had n~- ~o lic.it? rs , local security hold?rs are !si ty faculties, t he Council of N.ew­ The observ- matter which h as occurred in the Amen can h om~s-Me s d ames MIllon IeI'. Charlolle Meed. F rances W il- Counctlmen Charles C. Hubert, q Ll ~s te d a box of SO Il fl om D ~ l a w a l.e l eCelVI?g requests to submIt lIsts ark, and offiCI als of the Wtlmll1 g- Day. instead of past. This loss has left the topsoil L. Draper, chaIrman, Grubb, Frank ]j ams and Virgini a Evans_ George E. Ramsey, C. Emerson \~ h lc h the:: plan to usc WIth SO Il of ~h e ll'" secllrtty possessions "~o r t o ~ ~h a mb er of Commerce, No ad- whIch the peace in poor condition to r esist the wash- Cunnll1gham, Sny1er, Wallace Cook Acting in "No, Not The Rus-J ohnson, J ohn F . RIc hards, Herman fl om othel states to _ plant a tree. analYS IS. Those who comply WIth mI SS Ion fee WIll be charged and no signed or ratifled. ing action of water running off the a nd M. M. Daugherty; ci vics- sians," to be given by the Puppets Wollasto n, and George F . Ferguson. DIr t WI ll be sent from th E' ,Old the request arc immediately vi sited cards are I'equired from anyone de- , most appropri- fi elds after heavy rains. Mesdames Ralph O'Connell , chai r- Club, w ill be: Belly J ane Brown. Treasurer C, Vernon Steeie and Academy grounds. \~ h e ~ ' e three slgn- by salesmen for whiskey receipts. siring to attend. Some of the measures farmers are man, Kenneth Kadow al1 d Stanley J oseph First, Barbara Bonham, Engineer George C. P rice were also ers of the Conslt tutlon attended InducCll1fn(s Are Offered MI-. Douglass will introduce the the Versailles and using to control erosion in the area Spoor ; corrections-Mesdames Lov-Richard McNett, Harry S tutman, present, . school. , Inducements arc then offered to s'p ea k e ~- , while Mayor Frank Col- gave the world not are beller crop rotations, contour ett. chaIrman, E. B. Crooks, J , F. and Leona Blocher. New ,,>! or k approved consIsts of Greetrngs Extended have them transfer their holdings. hns, LI eut.-Gov. Edward W, Cooch, armistice. plowing. strip cropping. terraces. di- D a u g ~ e rty " Edward Cur ~ i ss and In the University Drama Group's a sanitary se \~e r line and a water Mrs. extended greetings sign p o w e r ~ of attorney, and, at Superintendent of State P olice John How is it that ver sion ditches that carry excess FranCIS ~lI1d e ll ; dramatlcs- Mes- offeri ng, "Tonight A, t 8:30," will be: main to be .Iald on Lovett Avenue fro,:,", Caesar ~R odn e, y C~ a pte r and Il east one case r ~ p o r te d to the Com_ lR. Fader. George F. J ackson, presi­ docum nts so far rai n off the fi elds befor E' it can do dames P elry Arnold, chaIrman, G. Dorothy Counahan, Lawrence WilI- between Ha ll1 et and South Chapel tnvlted the I..-ooch's Bn dge group mUl1l ty Protecltve Service, Wilm- 'lent of the local Cham ber of Com Let me enum - any harm, sodded waterways, .md Taggar t Evans. Cobb,. George Sin- son, Mrs. Waller Wil,son and Cath- Streets. T.he approximate cost .of to its birthday party, in DeCQ mbe,'" ington, affi x signatures to sheets Of lmerce, and Oth, er dignitaries wilt m any other methods adapted to cl aIr. FranCIS H .. SquIre, C. Robert erine art. the sewer Job wll be $1,034.76, whIle A repol't on Robert K ,,:-kwood Chap- perfectly blank paper . :rhe N~ w ark High School band were made too so.on Delawal e farming conditions. Kase. J ay Robll1son and Al mer the water ma ll1 WIll cost about $1,- tel'. C, A. R., waS gIven by Mrs. , When the d ubious operati ons WI ll prOV Ide mus!c fo r the session. Of the land added to the Christi- Relfl'. , . Meetings Scheduled F01' 01 3.56. The sewe:' assessment to G, S. Skinner. . were r eported to the Chamber of Oulstanding Figure post war nations in- ana Creek project. about 6,000 acres LeglslatlO n- M e s d a m 'e S R. O. " prop~ rty owners WIll amount to ap~ The followtng commIttees were Commerce in Wilmington early in Mr. Meese, who is listed in the World War, only six.lie in the northern par t of the Bausman, chaIrman, Cobb, E. w, New Cn lI e POllltr )'111 <11 1 prox Imately 70 cents per front foot announced by Mrs. Dayett, regent: September, Federal Alcohol Admin- current Issue of Who's Who, is one i~~ i'iIIl1 acqluair'ted with the true county near Korner Ketch, while Cooch and G eorg~ Groh! luncheon A series of three meetings arc on each sid: of the s~reet " Mrs. Cora. B. Glimo.re, advancement i s tr~ to r W. S. Alexander immedi ate- I of th? fo r e ,,:, o~t co ~muni ty leaders Europe, Of the remain ing 7,540 acres are in the - MISS Anna FraZIer, chairman, and scheduled for New CasUe County A resolu tIOn , deedIn g a lot form- of Amencan. m ~l s lc ; Mrs, R. T_ .l y I ~s u ed a warning to the general and 1I1dust.l'l altsts 111 the United was not inter- tidewater section of Red Lion H un- Mesdames Arthur H usto n. R. E. pou,ltrymen, according to the an- erly owned by the town to Mrs. J ones, Amencal1lsm.; Mrs. W. A. public against trading stocks or ISt ates. . . , question of the Ger- dred Stone, Harry McHenry. J ane New- nouncement made by County Ag- (Please Turn To P age 4) Blackwell, conservalton ; Mrs. Henry bonds for whiskey warehouse I'e- Born at MIchI gan City, Ind., on was settled to her . comb, Elsie A rmstrong, Willard ricultural Agent George M. Worri- C. Harris, correct use of the fl ag; ceipts. S ep t~m b e r 3. 1885. he is the son of Consequently she gave Crater. J . D. Counahan, F. Allyn low and County Home Dem onstra- . , Mrs. Ruth A, McKi nsey, citizen- A request was m ade through the WIlham M. and Harriet (Cook) free hand, WOJuen 's Bib1 e Cla To Cooch, J ames Mackenzie, W. E. ti on Agent K ate Henley Daughel-ty, DanIel ThOJllpsOll s Term ship; Mrs. J . p , Cann, museum: Post at the time for reports on op- Meese. H e W'lS graduated from the Powcrs who lived P E " 1 t H~y e s and Leon Gilmore; member- Organization of local poultry com- Expires ; Ser ved 16 Yem's Mrs. R. A, M~Kin sey ,. ",Jis I s l a n~ ; era tors in N?wark to be made to IUl1l vers ~ty of M!chi gan .in 1905 with of Europe and wh.o re ent ntertmlln en shlJ~-M es d a m e ~ G o; ge W, Rhodes, mit.tees to take part in a movement Daniel Thompsoll, who has serv- Mrs, W. F. WIlson. fl llllg and lena- the ~ o mmul1l ty Protective S e r vic~ ? B .S .. m electrIcal engllleerlllg and and corner of the The Women's BI ble Cl?ss of the chaIrman, E. J . Ho,lll1gsworth, C_ to interest a l a l'(;~ numb I' of Dela- ed as Newark magi strate for six- IIlg Itbrary; Mr,s. Sklllner, genea- 111 Wl lmlllgton: . . I mm e dl ate l ~ entered the employ of perm itted to present Glasgow M. E. Church WIll nponsor Emerson J ohnson and J oseph Mc- ware poultrymen in the producti on t ' d f ff ' logIcal r esearch . Mrs. J ones, gll-I Local fin a nCI ers, m war l1l ng the the Westel n Electl'l c Compan y at or vicwpoints. After an entertainment in the b ase ~ e n t of Vey ; music- Miss Nell Wilson. of high q ual ity poultry ' products, ~~~~ d;e at~~ 'il~ e ~: e x~~~ti~n I ~~ ~il~ home makers; ~-s . E , W. Cooch, public to consult . bankers befor Chicago as a member of the student were reudy they had the church Wednesday eventng at chaIrman, and Mesdames Carl Rees, will be m ade. term. ~ e received his appointment l1 a ~lO~ a l . l':search ,. MI SS . ~n n a Fra- tr:tdtng any established stocks for Ico urse at th ~ Works. orO""OU"_ ln. ri""",, line or else. eight o'clock. Please Tur n To Page 5) The schedule of meetings is as f ' G ' 'W'U' D zel . JUl1l 01 AmerI can cItI zens and unknown exchanges, are request- I n 1910 MI. Meese was advanced swi mming in blood foll ows: Newark, Wolf Hall , Uni- g~;::, e 0 ~~~~22 ~ ~~1 7,:IS se :v ~~': o n ~ m e m b ~ r s h ip ;l~r s. Miriam ~ . Steele, ing that all representatives offering t? ch i~ f , o.f the inspection invesliga- -Ho 'no r' ~!"l ruled by a class defi cient D l Ad· A b versity of Delaware. tonight at 7:30· t · th t l' magazlll e; MI SS Audrey MI lleI' , mo- trade proposals be referred to banks tlon dI VISIOn. In 1911 h e was trans- history and geog- rOU tryman vIses out pm ' Hockessin Publi c School tll10US y tn~ ~ al ~,:" e. . (Please Turn To P age 4) for approval. Ifen 'ed to England as chief inspect- . ilhfrly-ef8hl, ",~: d.e s, the Bre;t Litovsk b ~ il d i ;~ g, Tuesd ay, at 7:30 p. m .• and It.~~~ O l~r~ ;~~ :;~ s:cn : o : hn: '~ :i~~; 0; of the L o nd~ n plant ?f the Inter- Rugsia from the B ., , 7\1 B l" t· MIddletown FIre House. Wednesday. at 34 West Ma in Street served as Ad· G · 0 P b' n.ltI O!,al WestCl n Electl'le Compa ny_ too b ' rOllers In 1yeW U te In October 12, at 7:30. state auditor for two te~ m s and as vIce lven n ro terns ~'t~~~;/eB~~~U~a n sfr r ~ d to ~~ e ___ _ - '_ . usy WIth the col- a Levy Court commissioner. He was " 't • P an tn e blOOd money und was ---- Ml·S. Lee Lewi s To Be also a member of the New Castle Of D w d B D t· s~ m e Cdpac~ y. After the German the Adrhlic only "Chickens being r aised for broil- front, shed roof. Inng brooder house ' C ' f th ' og 00 s ," e r- 'en army occupIed Antwerp during the U.·:":: ~:":, _,,,\ but not ;he l ~ast ' of ers should be fed a ration contain- in pens measuring ten by fourteen IustaJlec1 Mouday Night C o ~nt! F uel o m ~11Illee 0 1' 1~ J "J World War . he d irected the install- involved wns Fr a~ce . ing at least 18 per cent protein d ~ r- feet .t? simulate actual pr o ~ucti o n Mrs. Lee Lewis. recently elected ~~Il:,e a A S~~e~lbl~~l~ n gh e t1~~ :o;h~ " , -.- - - . alion ,of telephone ~yste ,:" s in the her allies during the ing the early weeks of the feedtng co.ndltlons ..E ach pen w a ~ pl ovl d.ed presid nt of the J . Allison O'Daniel ". . P, ' d - ~ f th F ' 'm- In ?ldcl t? m ake ,the best pOSS Ible be c l o~e r than eIght or ten feet so Scan?tnnvla l1 countrIes. 111 France, aU sorts of economical period if the m ost rapid growth is WIth b~'o~ dlll g and feedIng equlp- Unit. No. 10, American Legion Aux- ~:_;.~~~ ;;n~~ ~~~~y~ to e at showll1 g WIth theil' recen tly-p.ur- as to glove the. tree, I_n years to come, and 111 S W l t~e rl an d , _ the lesser powers of to be ob tained_" ment. sl mlla: to that used in com- iliary, wi ll be installed with other c h ~s e d dogwO?d trees, L. R. D e tJ e l~ , ample "pace III whI ch to grow and Climb Is Ra.pld they entered the This fact is brought to light in a merclal broil er plants. . new o lT icers Monday eveni ng at the , • assIstant hor tlc ultul'I st at the Unl- de,~e l o p . , Mr. Meese returned to the United of the All ies. new publication of the Univ e r~ it,y . Th_e broilers. w ere group-weIghed local L egion headquarters in the COIll11lIUeeS ApPol11ted F01' verslty of Delaware and a member When trees are ~ be planted tn St:l tes on . October 1. 1916, and was /\re Itevi c\\'cd of Delaware Agricultural Experl - tn bl-weekly 1I1tervals for. th e ~r s t Academy BuHding, Mrs, Calvin E. \V. C. D. Juuiol' PrOUl of ~h e New ~ rk .Garde:, Club, spon- the yard, . they WIll appear best made ass ~ s t a n~ ~~ n e r a l foreman of c o "nIY ' J. ~~b in for instance, was ment Stati on, titled "B R a I L E R cleven ~ ee k s of .the fee,dm.g tllne, Afflerbach. retiring de p a I' tm e n t sortng orgalllzatlOn, thIS we e ~ stated when set I", fr? nt of green shrubs, the machtne dIVI SIon at Hawthorne, ;.... 'n ._ --","e a Powerful South FEEDING EXPERIMENTS," which after w hIch all bIrds welghtng two president, will be in charge of the Announce,m ent has been m ~d e at that residents .should determme first or better , ~l1 ll tn fr?nt of , or under He was promoted to general fore- absorb the h I is now being dIstributed to Dela- and th ree-quarters pounds or more tnstall alton ceremony Mrs Harold the Women s Collp.ge, Ulllverslty of the best localton for the plants, tall trees, Mr Detjen pOtnted out. man on February 19. 1917. and was AustrI a, two ;;;'C~d~ ware brOIler producers were sold The, rematntng brOIlers Sheaffer, retIring p r ~s ld e nt of the Delaware. of .the Important chall:- Location Of Trees "Never plant .them under Norway advanced to assistant operating sup- COuntl'lcs It IS in- The new bulletin. written by A were weIghed tnd~ v ldu a ll Y at the untt, will also offiCI ate men for the JUlllor class A cabl- " Ch oo~e the best and most effec,t- maples. " he saId "because these are mer lntendent on February 2, 1920 that Bulgaria, a E Tomhave, animal husbandman ends of the fO llow1l1g th r ~e wee~ s On Tuesday evening, Delaware net. composed of Theresa SC.hrep- I ~e localton on the g~o lmd s that WIll too low-,? eaded and cast too dense On ~pn l 1, 1921 , ,he was promoted nalion Dnd and research poultryman WIth the to d e ~e rmtn e that the varIatIOn III Ulllt, No, 1. of WIlmtngton, will be pIer. of Middletown, pre s ld ~ n t; gIve the m o~t ple as tn ~ a p p~al' ~ ~ c e a shade ,to assIstant supertnlendent of in- Powers f A I I d t y Department of the fin anCI al return on the baSIS of the hostess to t.h flve units ' N Thelma West, of Barto, P a, vlce- to the home, Mr Detjen sUld. for Backgrounds Emphaslze(1 stallalton and general supermtend- a_c~;~-~~~ I ;;:~~~~ rcason, • e:~:~ d ~~ D ~;;:a ren ~~sp~rim e nt Station. IS a protein content of the ratIons fed Castle County. The session ':m eb~ preSIdent; Evelyn Conant. of Re- It IS infinitely better to usc the It:ees When a green background IS lack- ent of methods and results in the arrangement sllmmary of brOIler feeding tests to the dlff: rent , pens. held in the Legion Home, Lancaster hobolh. secretary. and Helen Black. as decorattng matenal for the b Ul ld- mg. It IS best to, plant lhe whlte- m ~ta ll alto n department at 195 promls d th d t d t the uni versity to fur- Rc1a tlOnsiup Of Proteins Avenue Wl lmmglon of Newark, treasurer, made the fol- tn gs and grounds than to make of It fl owered vartety 111 front of a cl ark Bl oadway, New York CIty On by SI' e c o ~ uc e ,~ ental data on broiler According to Tomhave, the differ- The C),Damel Unit will t ,t ' lowing appointments: a museum specimen wh ich is to be background, and the pink-fl owered 1. 1924, he was made operat- .lVS, ~~: d tne xp e !lm , ences in the average weights of the the patients of Ward 6 ~~ ~e~I~~ Class rll1g' Margaret Beuham. admIred " varIety in front. of a whi te wall or Iin g superintendent at the Haw- and Was E g. I E trcme1y Rapid brOIlers at the end ' of the eleventh Pomt on Tuesday evenmg a t be Mapl wooJ , N J _ and JUlllor P rom, "The corners, both front and back, bUI lding for b \tel' contrast, Plant- thorne Works, and on November 1, , Trlcste ir~ m - "s x~a n~ ~n ,,,x Tomhave pointed week of the exper iment was tn ell- 18, ' c o r Mi riam Hoopes. WIlmington, As- of _buildings and ti le angles of the tng between the regular stl'e t trees 1927, was advanced to assistant and a ')'ll~t rIa, I ~~ c re r ;~h~ r l imI ted because the rec t relaltonshl p to the protem slsltng MISS Hoopes w ill be: Chap- yard olTer splendId oppor tunIties or by themselves creates a beauti- works manager at Hawthorne. I· of ~ l, t ' l ~ ' d t _ I tively new level of the raUon, wilh the mash [ -I B A '1 erones. Ruth McCull ough, Brooklyn. for such trees and on large estates. CuI efl' er t, but only wh n t.he whole I On December 11. 1928, MI .. Meese 1 ent red Intn ~Ol leI, e; :~s~~n ~asl ~eae n extreme- containtng the l.ow or 16 p I' cent -,OC.I oy PI~OIJJte ( NY" publi city, Mary Leo Schuster. U,ey may readI ly be gl-o uped WIth stre t is so planted, , . was elected n ~ice president of the inSIst I the a d ts, "P , level of protell1 prod ucll1 g slower 11Ifl cIIL R. 0, r, . Heud Newark; prog1'om s and favors, Sara other shrubs and tr ~es 01' even "Another Important detaIl IS prop- Western ElectrIC Company, and on of ~( tt.IPon Iy Tr a PI~ t ' th d t e loded in growth dUl'ln g the arly weeks t.han .James C, Robmson, .J r , of New- Di cktnso n, Upp I' Darby, P a; busi- planted by themselves in proxim ity er preparation of the soli well in IJ anuary 1, 1919. was made works Inslstrnc 13 IOI~S l Ob 0 ~~ n f e _ a a r ~ a c h con- d id the h Igh protein rations ork, has be n appoi nted cad t ma- ness, H len Black, Newark; cor - with other plants," he conti nued. advance of the actual s lling of the Iman ager at Pomt Br e7.O, colt1l>Cll d to C', ~ e t"e, u 11 e 7" ' I ,O ~l pens. fed di(fer- "Only about one-sixth of the Jor of the UnIversity of Delaware sages, Elizu beth Scott. Wilmington; "I-low close such tr es nrc to be It-ees," MI'. Detjen sntd Intcrests Arc Dlvcrsifl cd eX~nt thei ,tno~lt fY , t.lIIl1n g 20 c 1J ~t1 s, we ~ e, contents broilers fed th 16 per cent protein R, O. 'I' C. for the college y ~ a r orchestra. P auline Plunli. Wlltning- ~e t to the house or othel- building When the soil IS deep, well drain- Mr, Mcese wns appointed tu-re- ,the Serbs Ru~ p nns, nt :-altons WI , PI; 2 etn r. nt in mash wC lghed two' a:, d three-quor-J ohn E Connor, J r. of Dovel', h a ~ ton, and mIscellaneous, Mary White corners depends much on the ex- d, and of good gar.,i en loam, no c Ivel' of the United Railways and 'I\:~e I VCd muC~ nl;tnA, varytng from l 6 ~o per - The I tel's pounds l' over [I t the end of been appointed captain tn charge of WIlmington The prom WIll be held tent of the grounds, With suffici ent early precaution is necessary bu t lElectric Compnny of Baltimore on t ts ..· fIt To Page 8) more ~~~il e:S rw ~~n br o~~c:~~~n a;, open (Please Turn To Page 4) the band, on J anuary 6, yard space, such tr~es ought not to (Please Turn To P age 8) (Please Turn To Page 8) 2 2 The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, October 6, 1988

~:~~: a nd map is an Invitation To Speak At ColJege HOIl1' T o E t tty g , . h . d go to see the 1\ Crhi I jlm~rOVeJ II SUNDAY KREBS P.-T. Rev. T. O. M. Wills Accepts THE WEDGE to get m t e cat .an . themselves. Raymond Gram Swing, radio news I The Un 'II four stone m a lk~ s h 'le riding comme ntator on the European situ- hold its I~e rslt y f,:;?:::iollal SCHOOl. rending a bou t ea ~ . . \~' ~eog r ap h Y alion for ono ot the leading Ameri- sc. 1st CHAIRMANCall To Springfield Church OUTLINED ::I iong. A s a com mee h ma n can broadcasting systems, will be "Ison . -:- L E S SON -:. - ~>------and history lesson, f';lll. .ot ~ o uld the g uest sp a ker at the op ning 0 clock in the interest, suc: ~ n ,;x c u~S I;;o pi e es- University H our program In U il- ~\m, R sidence li al~ Boi~~~Pil~ k1o~~:m~~ I ~;;,; II?~ I~ ' APPO INTED Has Served At I A WAITS APPROVAL IN GUIDE be ~ a rd to ca . O UI~t ot t un ou t chell H all, Octobel' 17.. :1\1'01'0. ® W C ' ler~ r ~!\'v":pt;.°p e r Union. Ebenezer M. E . p ecI ~ ll Y ~~ l~ld get a ol nts on Mr . Swing comes to Lh e university . Faculty III mllers of It- vlSlling th es~ 1 ~eei n the shortly a fter his return from Europe Sl ty Will be gUes!a 01 Once Clainled By bOund8l'Yt Ibm esM :~~ ~a a ~d Dix!n in this fali w here h e w as engaged as IoW;~s announced by ~:I_ L eason f or O ctob er 9 First Meeting For Seven Years stones se Y 9 . orresponden t I t. secretary ... 1\{ I I P 1765 by Colonel Graham in 184 , forClgn c · . SPIRITUAL wons fIIP To Be Held On The Rev. T. O. M. Wills, pastor of ary anf, ellDa., and ' by m ore recent surveyors. ~oooo~oooooooooooooooooo~;S;;;~~;;;::::: Ebenezer M. E. Church, Pleasant A I D I The whole trip, from Newark to ~ LESSON TEXT-Exodus 20 :4·0; 32: 1·8; October 20 J ohn 4: 19·24. Hill, near Hockessin, has accepted a n( e aware each point and back again, is .ex- YOU CAN FINANC COLDEN TEXT-Cod I. a Splrll: and call from the F irst Presbyterian aclly 16 miles. This is a convel1l en t nC they that worship him must wOTshl p him In splrll nnd In I Tu t .- John 4:24. New pO I' t, O cto ~ e r 5.-K I' e b s Church, Springlleld, Ill., to be assist- By AFlledthoernaYI HwirgigtlellSrs: AprSoSOje' (lEtditor in Ft itl~OenrlRr YN:e w a r k go north on Del. Your New or Used Car Through An AU Delaware School P .-T. A. Will l' e s u~ e faU ant pastor and director ot religious tl It III P Y "Thc First Commandment bids us meetll1gs With the IIrst sessIon on education. The Rev. Dr. J ohn T. Everyone who has lived or gone 896 (Strickersville Rd.l-Tour 9-to Credit Corpora on. w ay ou To htvesUcalt Ollt to worship God exclusively; the Sec­ Octo.ber 20 . Mrs. Waller Blank, Thomas is pastor. to school 01' college in Newark has the northwest corner of the Wedge, ond bids us to worship Him spir­ p r~ s l d nt of the ~ . -T . A .. has "p- Acceptance of tho call, ; >. l' Wills heard vaguely of "The Wedge," P oint C on map. Then to the east- Itually. The First Commandment pOll1ted the . f? l1 owll1g chairman to announced Tuesday, is subject to the tha t impish Iitlle piece of Delaware ern end of the Mason-Dixon Line, Royal Credit & Finance Corp, forbids us to worship fnlse gods ; conduct a~ tlvlli es of the P . - ~ . A. approval of Bishop Edwin Holt which juts out from the curved P oint D. Then back to Newark. CLARIENCE W. McCAULEY, President the Second forbids us to worship the Membership, Mrs. N. M. BroJous; Hughes, Washington Al'ea of the boundary at the junction of three Southwest from NewDrk on D el. PROVIDENT TRUST BUILDING true God under false forms" (Far­ program, Mrs. J . L. Eckl .e~ ; health, M. E. Church; the RO'I. Dr. Walter states. But how many persons have 2 (Elkton Rd.)- Tour 8- to the r ar). Israel had lived among the Mrs. J . H. Taylor ; . pu.bhclty, Mrs. E. Gunby, superintendent of the had a chance to enjoy the tascinat- P rismatic Stone, Point B. Then 919 Orange Street Egyptians, a people known fOr thei r Harvey Moore; hospltallty, Mrs. Ed- Wilmington M. E. Conference, and ing geographical com edy of the 800- back on Del. 2 and south to the Dial Wilm. 2-8123 worship of images, and we re a bout to enter into Ca naan where the re upwa,rd MMrscCa. Plllaulste r ;Grubb summ; erm agaz round-ine Chuthe rch offici. al board of Ebenezer oacref all tr practo pthator ti on kick toe dit su p s izae ?fu ss ou t T Lainenge, Pntoin Pointt A, th eant bathcke toMarYlan Newark~d.,II ~;;;;~;;~;;;;~;;;;;;~~~~~~~~jfJ;~~ were m any false gods. Thc Lord chair man, Mrs. Charles Bratton. Mr. Wills, who has been a t Ebe- The Wedge was the last area, in - was therefore careful not only to . Prese.nt O~icers nezer for the last seven years, hopes what might be called Delaware's I ,.0>------forbid the worship of other gods, but OffIcers servll1g With Mrs. Blank to be able to take over w ork a t the Sudentenland, to be ba ttled over be- a lso to torbid the m aking of imagcs arc: vice-president, Mrs. Charles Illinois church abou t Oct. 31. Rev. T. O. M. Wills fore the IIn al establishment of the of any kind, whether they represent­ ed 1I1e m a ny galls of heathend(l m, or ~~~ lt~~~ ;re~~~.~~ u~Z~ . ~~ r~~ r~~~ r~~~~ )Jave Mutual Agreement ------..------~~t~~~, a r;~:. s:~~~y~ef~; e ~~:o nR e:~d 1 wc re attempts to symbolize the true The members of the faculty w ill be No dill'lculty is attached to a HOlnecOJning Cele bl'u t ion Dixon had otl'icially given to Dela- God. In studyin g this lesson we In charge of the program at the Me thodist minister transferring. to Held A t E b e n ezer M. E. war e what Ma ryland long claimed- Complete need to exercise ca re lest we miss meetll1 g, and a ll pal ents are urged the mll1l sery of the Presbyterian la nd now the southern part of Sus- the poi nt by talk ll1g only of the gods to atLend Church, It was said, beca use the two More than 300 persons attended sex County a nd a narrow strip along of wood a nd stone which the hea then Rally Day was obser ved a t all denomll1a hons have a mutua} agree- the thl'ee services which marked the the western side of the state. But worship, and fa il to apply the truth services 1I1 the Ncwpor t M. E. ment on thiS POll1t Qu a llllc a t lO ~ s 11 4th annual homecoming celebra- the fa nciful and unique cur ved to any improper use of im ages Ch urch on Sunday. h a~ e b en set up ~y e ~ c h d ~ n o mI- ti on of Ebenezer M. E. Church un- northern bou nda.y of Delawarc d id Banking which m ay preva il in our land a nd The J unior League of the New- nah an and credentials are pi esent- . ' . not meet the point whe re Delaware, in the prescnt day. Le t us lay aside port M. E. Church rcsumed its ac- ed a nd examincd by the Presby- del' the ehreclion of the Rev. Theo-Mar yland, a nd P ennsylvania were any preconceived notions and face tiviti cs for the fall on Sunday eve- ~ e r i es and Methodist Confcr: nces dore O. M. Wills, pastor, last Satur- supposed to come together. Instcad the facts in the li ght of God's Word. ning, unde r the di recti on of Mrs. lI1 volved 1~1 the change of ~1I11 3 tr y . d ay. of a point where a nicc stone could I. True Worship Requireil (Exod. Gcorge L . Biddle. Electi on of of- Gradua tion from the Semll1a ry ot The Rev. Dr. Charles R. Erdman. ma r k the spot, there was this si7.­ 20:4-6), fic rs was held, resulti ng as fol- the P resbyt,;r ian Church at Princc- professor emeritus of practical able piece of ground that nobody Fa This commandment expressty for­ lows: president, Barbara Nichols; ton, N .. J ., sllnplilles the changc t or theology of Prince ton Theologica l q uite kne w wha t to do with. II bid s idolatry in any (ol·m. The in ­ vice-prcsident, Ircl1 e Smiley; secrc- Mr. Wills. . .. SCT,Tl ma:7' spoke on the "ldcal No Man's La nd j unction is twolold. (I ) Men a re tary, Cha rlotte Mahan ; treasul'er, . Mr. WIlls. who bcgan hiS ministry IC hurch at the 11 a. m. ser vice. The Wedge, as it came to bc ca ll- forbidden to make a ny m ateri al Francis Grecn; social chairman, In the WJlm ll1 ~O n M. E. ? onfc: - M::s: WIlls s?ng. . "ed, was a No Man's Land. Duels,l Wi ll announce the Fall 's smart­ est weddi ngs. For smart brides likeness wh ich to them reprcscnls a Anna Dunlap. ence eleven ye,ll s ago. SCI vcd 111 1 he At t a ll~ m e n t of Eternal Life prize-fights, cockfigh ts, a nd other I I everywhere are delighted to buy being to be worshiped. It mallcrs A special meeting of th Loyal several smaller Delaware. churches was the subJect of a n address by illegal doings wcre held here with not whether it be a n image of what Wedding Announcements and In­ Tempera nce Legion of N wport was ufle:' which he went to hiS present Dr. H arold P aul Sloane, editc r of no da nger of a sheriff's raid. Wh n vi tations so traditionally correct men believe God to be li ke, or the held on Monday evcning ::I t thc homc c h a ~ ge where hc has remat ned .long- I the ChrIs tI an ':dvocate, at 2:45 p. a resident of The Wedge was clect­ ... so beautifully styled image of an angelic being. a hea vcn­ of the prcsident Miss Charlottc ' 1' ,ha n ::I ny prevIous pastor m ItS m. S peCi al musIc was furntshed by I d t th D 1 . L . 1 t h· - so reasonably pricedl Newark Trust Compa n~ Iy body, in fact "anything tha t is Mahan.' l1 isinry. . " a quarte t from B e t~ c l M. E. Church. ~O ll e~gu :s j ~ l ~ i~; ; ; a~~II~c~s~~ c'hi;;; in the heaven above," or on the F all Meetings n csumc,! Mrs. WIlls, the forme r MISS Ellza- ~cm' Chesapeake City. An o ld -fn s l ~ - as " the gentleman from P ennsyl- 25 INVITATIONS Member Federal Deposit Insurance CorporaUOD earth-such as a man or animal; or The Women's Chri stian Temper- beth Woo.d, a nalive of Blantyre, IO ned hy mn scrvlce lcd by thc chOir vania." More serious was the plight OR ANNOUNCEMENTS under the wa ter-such as u fi sh. (2) ancc Union of Newport resumed its Scotland, IS a gradua te of the w om- ] at 7:30 p. m. prcced cd a sermon on of landowners the' h d 'd t If such objects ha ve bcen m ade fa ll meetings wi th a rally on en'~ ~o ll ege, University of. Dcla- "Sal va ti on for Modern Socie ty" by know w hat statc lI~ ey \~iv~d :n. no 3 I e iLh er by ourselves or others we may Wedn sday afternoo n. held at thc wale,. ,1I1d also of the W es tmlll l s~e r t ~ c Rev .. Dr. George A. Apcl, . J r., Up to now. it was very di ff icult I $ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~'::~~. .not bow down to them, nor rcnder home of the president. Mrs. George ChOll School, P r ll1 ceton, ~. J . l he vice-presiden t of the Am e rl c~n l f o r anyone but a person w ho mad ~s."S~~S'~S~"'S"S any scrvice to thcm. Let us all ex­ I L. Bi dd le of Silview. Wills h a ~e a b fl by . son. ThM dore Tl:cologlcal. Semma? and thc WI1- boundaries h is hobby to make head I ~ amine our religious ccremonies a nd practices tn the light of God's com..... A Tcachcrs' Trai ni ng Scho?l will O. M. Wills, .1,·., thell' only chi ld. Imlngton Bible I nsti tute. lor tail of the Wedge and its h isto r y. ~~~ T'he'v Sar·d T.t Couldn't Be m andment. be conducted under the auspices of I Though Newar k has always h Ad including Inside and Ou tside En- l~ I. j 'J 1.1 11 N t M E S d' S h iS h S velopes, Folding, Tissuing a nd In- ." Observe tha t obedience to this le . c.w por . . :. un ay c .00 , out ern ta. te FOl'c ib"ll S tlldy Gronp someon.e who had ta ke n the ti me to serting. ~~. . Done-But-Uere 1t' Is comma nd br ings rich blessing to bcgmnll1g Octobel 17, a nd contmu- · . . fig ure It out most people gave up r~ I7.1 "thousands" (v. 6) , whercas disobe­ in g for six weeks, with sessions on Pt .. Sh To Remalll In EIIl"ope try ing. But ~v i t h the p ublica ti on o f ADDITIONAL COPIES sc EACH ~ d ience is a curse not on ly to the Monday vening of each week. a IODS . ow Now tha t a European war has Ithe Delawa re Guide, thc Wedge be- I " man who disobeys, but also to his The senior choir of the Newport More Interest be~ n averted, fat' ~ t least th , time comcs clearc r. The Wedgc Map on 'Reglstered U. S. P at. urrlco ~ descenda nts. Spi ri tual blight so M. E. Church has purchased song ' bCl ng, the UI1lVCI'Slty of Delaw" "e page 458, w ith its chief points d is- M . S D I ~ often r uns 1I1rough wholc families, boo ks for the junior choi r of the Foreign Study group of a b o ~l . 60 cussed in Ihe tours of the region, I ervin . a e " while spiritual life just as orten C h,~~~hL adies' Auxili a ry of lhe Min- l\A[ttke lld~Ill1 ce At cfs s6i~n ~~l~~:.~~ ;~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ I ~ ~~ ~I~m~~~g~n~~ 1:~;' h e basis for a clear u ndcrstand- Jeweler ~ REDUCED $30 blesses those who follow us. Blessed is the m an who gives his children quas F ire Company wi ll serve its ' a es ncrc a s e 0 · :.. Switzerland for thc college year . Like A Prcttv Girl Dial ;)221 Newark , and his children's children a true a nnual chicken suppcr on Thursday Per'cent Ove r Las t YeHl' P lans ?ad been ~ a d e by Dr. Wal- Like a prctty girl.' however, the " :!> ~ spiritual heritage, but woe be unto evening in thc li re hall. Mi ss Elea- tel' Hulhhen, prcsldcnt of the UI1l- _ I ~ that m an who passes on thc dark­ nor Clark, p resident of the auxili- Thc attendance record of Sou th- versity of Delawarc, for at least ~S~~~~..,.~~~"Sss.."~~""S$~"S$S~~s.."""""""""S""""S$sn..., ~ Formerly $139.50 ness and spiritual death of unbelief th to ~,: ~ 'ge'~ eC:tslrm a n of the supper Rr- elnrenetl.nSgtsa terse acCheodoP,ea· ranteivwe h 'llglahtrothnl'sS' soonmo e cOtf. I l ,e bgurot u,Pv llCn saallsfeOttrlchmOemnCt ~ (Ad vHlisemcnt rc-rlln wll holl t cost 10 Sanders Pharm .cy In ordcr ~ ~ to his children fJ to cor rect e r rors which ~ IJlP {' a r f' d in issue of September 29 .) ~ 'i II. False Worship Established Thf' Newpor t Woman's Club wi ll year, accor d ing to L . E . Raper, d l- was reached on thc war situa ti on 2 ~ ~ (Ex ad. 32: 1-8). observe its ni neteenth birthday an- rector of membersh ip rclations, w ho last week, thc pla ns were changed ~ Sanders Pharmacy ~ ~ Now Only $109.50 It com es to us as a real shock ni versar y on October 11, with a reports a 63 per cent increase over and lhe group will remain in ~ ~~ ~, that a people so highly privilegcd, luncheon in the clubhouse. The that of 1937. Europe. ~ ~ committee in charge comprises: This far mer-owned, cooperative - - -- - ~ ~ 3 0 well-instructed a nd so ably led as Israel should turn to idola try. Mesda mes Charles Bratton, Waller purchasing organization s p o n s o r C d~~ 72 East Main Street ~ ~~~~ Small Down Payment and The story reveals the depravity of Blank, J ohn Veit, S. N. Tamma ny, a total of 1944 patrons' mee tings ~ ~ the human heart. Their excuse that Leonard Lynam, H . P. Steward, throughouts its operating territory ~~~~ Blanche Silcox and B. C. H ar ter. in li ve sta tes during July, August, I~ As Little As $5.00 Per Mon~ Moses was gone was only an excuse without foundation. They did what Anniversaries Observed and September . These gatherings ~ Y It IT' ~ 1I1e!r hearts wa nted to do, and they MI'. a nd Mrs. Leslie W. Mahan of brought together 64,990 farm people < es s rue. used his absence to put forward Newpor t celebra ted their 28th wed- in the interest of agricultural co- r.J ' their wicked desires. ding a nniversal'Y at thei r home on operati on. ~ Due t o our cons tantly increasing bus iness and our Let us be careful lest we be mis­ Thursday with a family dinner. Mr. Rapid Growing Intcrcst des ire to serve you in the h'1 0st prompt and efficient ~ led or indeed, mislead ourselves into and Mrs. Mahan have seven chil- The establishment of this attend- manner, we find it necessary to increas e the personnel creating a God after the concept of dren a nd three grandchildren. Mem- ance record of nearly 65,000, as com- ~ f t M crft R H' k J f bel'S of their family are William pared w ith the 39,831 recorded pres- ~ 0 our s ore. 1'. I on . IC S, 1'. , 0 H ills boro, our own heart and mind. We, like I Mahan, Stanton; Mrs. Emily Lucas, ent at the 1937 meetings, reveals a Md., has been added to OUt' staff as a gene ral assistant Israel, may be tempted to "make us gods" to which we will bow down Elsmere ; Mrs. Lillian Wilkinson, rapidly growing interest a mong in a ll departments of the s tore. This makes a total of and worship. It may not be out at Newport; Alfred, George. Betty Lou farmers in coopera tive e ffort. four pers ons, three of whom are licensed drivers , assur- place at this point to warn against and Charlotte Mahan of Newpor t. o.f those present, 6,018 participat- ing our patl'ons of immediate delivery of telephone or- I a folly which seems to have laid A r ather unusual number of an- ed in the programs, which featured del'S in town or country. hold ot the church, that of almost niversaries in this family occur dur- cntertainment, music, and fun as For DRUGS, PRESCRIPTIONS and ABBOTTS deifying our Christian leaders. A ing the month of September. Three well as business. Approximately ICE CREAM call Newark 2900. man who is called to speak for God of Mrs. Mahan's brothers also cele- 1700 advisor y board m embers were is a highly privileged man, worthy b l' a t e d wed din g a nniversaries, chosen to voice the will of the pa­ of our support and our respect. But namely: Mr. a nd Mrs. Raymond S. trans in the selection of the cooper­ let us remember that he is only a Cochran, of Newark, observed their alive's directors, and in de termining An Interesting Story . ser~ant, an instrument in God's 21 st a nniversary on September 21 ; policies . hand, and let us never be guilty of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred L . Cochran of Members of this board, with the ~ A group of College students who have been regu­ . worshiping a nd serving "the crea­ New Castle, celebrated their 16th directors of affili a ted cooperatIves, lar customers at our Soda Fountain, since their arrival ture more than the Creator, who is anniversar y on Sept. 4, and Mr. and w ill attend the annual m eeting of in town, stated a few days ago that they had been blessed forever" (Rom. 1:25) . Mrs. P aul Cochran, of Newark, Southern States Cooperative sched­ served at every fountain in town and had not found any 01. True Worship Defined (John marked their. 16th a nniv"rsary on uled to convene in Baltimore, Md., Chocolate that could compare with ours . We thank 4:19-24). Sept. 30. November 3. This annual meeting ~~ t h em and scores of other persons who have made the One would suppose that a truth so At a meeting of the Boys' Club of of leaders in the cooperative move­ Newport this week. the directors ment among farmers was held in same statement. It is not what we may claim but what vital and fundamental as that the people s ay that really counts. stated in these verses wuuld long elected the following officers as Richmond, Va., last year . since have completely saturated the chairman of branch act i vii e s: ~ life of the church as well as of the Chairman of Board of Governors, Inqui r ~ NOW"bout individual believer. "God is a Spir­ Charles Collingswood; secretary, "Anniver sar y Week" At MODERN ANTHRACITE it, and they that worship him must Edw a ~' d Bratton ; . treasurer, E ~ rl.e Newark M. E. Chu rch BUllNINC EQUIPMENT Vitamins! worship him in spirit a nd in truth." Cunnll1gham ; chatrman of acttvI- You ale ' 't d t II' f ti es, Arthur G. Craig; chairman of "Anniversary Week" will be ob- E J H II- g rth ~. c· l.nVI ~ 0 ca anu s ee one 0 the greatest ~ Even in this year of our Lord 1938, church committee, Alvin Ruth; se r~ed a t the. Newark M. E. Churc.h • • 0 In swo ~ dIsplays of VItamin pro~uct s evel: made . Thes e prod- countless men and women still be­ H_ Ia th. Compl. .. ABC Ho.... lieve that worship has something to chairman of lire compan y commit- begll1 n ll1 g thiS Sunday a nd cuhnt- Ilicts made b y Parke-DaVIS & Co., mclude every known tee. ' Na thaniel Clifton ; chairman of nating on Su.nday, Octo b e ~ 16. Rev. combination of VitamiI~s from A to A, B, D, G, & C'I· Laandry UDiI \hal Wuhe., 11IDae.. do with place (vv. 20, 21) or race Company he Blue., and Damp Dri.. cloth... (v. 22) or some other external de­ school committee, Arthur G. Craig. WhIte, pastor, Will preach :r lowes t 'pl'O~t sharl11g price, 43c to $5.67 accord- W ith tb. ABC Spinner. your bomds vice or formula. What a pity that Meetings of the club will bc held at the morning service Sunday on Ing to cOmbl11atlOn and size of package. lleed not toucb the clothe. from the time this should be true when the gra­ on Tuesday evening in the church, the subject "Making Disciples the L umber, C o a l, F u el Oil, M iII- t:.~c:..th : J.':t \~:e ~•• ;;. untO yoa cious and delightful way to worship and on Wednesday e vening in the Supreme T as ~ of the ~hurch . " Sun- work, B u i I d i n g Materials, Fin e C h ocolutes-Sch rafft's, Page and Shaw b .~t. '" CIIlI,. ONE Spin...... ABC Minquas IIrehouse. The Minquas day school ,<, Ill meet 1I1 all depart- H d P . t GI F Samoset. ' Is through personal spiritual com­ For quick. efroru... wuhfD.. tit til F ire Company is spcmsoring the ments at 10 o'clock. ar ware, am ~, ass, en- H t But~ered Pop Corn -Fresh Daily. munion between God and mall. :!:BCS;::'~ ...... y ed..... ta ... 01 u.. Deadening formali sm is not our aclivities of this club, and other 01'- At seven o'clock ~und ay evenll1g cing, Fer tilizer s, Feeds, Etc. ~ The leadm g store in Photographic work e I)eciall ~ only enemy. There is the powerless ganizations of the town are coop- the young people Will have charge colored enlargements. Developing Free. ' , Y eraling, having appointed members of the combined service. There w ill NEWAR K, DELAWARE preachment of modernism-and in all honesty must we not admit that of their organization to coopera te be no Epworth League service. P hone 507 ~ W . E. SANDERS ~ Delaware Power & Light even some so-ca lJed fundam ental­ w ith Al'thur G. Craig, w ho was re-Next Thursday, the a nnual con- sponsi ble for the organization of the gregati onal supper will be held. All ~ ~ P. S .-Hot C h ocolate same q u ality a cold choco- ~ ism has in m any respects lost the HiK::t] I Dial 6211 true spirit of the fa ith for which it club. members and friends of the church 't]lIUiIIll ~ late_ Wilmington are invited to attend this supper. • . ~~.,..".,.,~'" ~ rightly contends. We who cherish :r.'.':1;1.) ;,. the truth of God's Word will shun Boy "Siamese Twins, " born to a '~~~~~""~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~f modern libera lism. We m ay not be peasant in the village of Staresti , tempted to obscure the worship of Ruma ni a, are thriving, and the God by formali sm. But we m ay be mother is doing well. The babies are in da nger of a dead or thodoxy, be­ joi ned a t the chest. ing as som eonc said " orthodox about everything except I Corinthi­ a ns 13" -01' failing to wo rship God In spirit and in truth and not living THE DELAWARE out that spir it in loving service to GUIDE our b rethren. A Brilliant and Useful Volume That Every Delawarcan hould IJave On Sale At

RHODES DRUG TORE $2.50 = The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, October 6, 1938 TO GIVE [Uncle Jim Says I DATE OF Neatness And RELIGIOUS Order Inlportant W'EDDING F or Children TRAINING Cure And Slorage Of OBSERVED Gamcs And Efluipmenl School To Be In Definite Places Mermaid Couple Held Mondays H abits of neatness and ordel' ca n Mark Thirtieth be cultivated more ' easily in chil­ For Six Weeks dren il they have definite places to Anniversary keep their belongings. Most growing children have play By Mildred Gebhart B Sara Penn In ton Evans fin d sports equipment for . both in- Voters nell' hOIllC bulicllngy H ockessin, Oct. 5-The Rev. Rich- M .y 'd 0 t 5 g M d M' door and outdoor use, Thlllgs uscd and eorl . \\'~nt- 8rd M, Green, pastor of the Hockes- "Tests at one ex eriment station EIWO~~al Sh e l~o~ '-;;bs~~v:~ th~~: out-of-doors, such, as skates, ba ts, home ~ onil~~lSfl ~~~ Sill Mp. ~, gChurch, has announced show that lime a:d sweet clover thirtieth wedding anniversary Sat- croque t sets, tenl1ls racquets" s led~ , This space has been contracted for by the assocl~.t wC'lthcr thc .o en,lIl .of the ~r~t rural coo~- over a period of years has boosted urday evening at their home, "Fair- skis, and scooters, are convenient 11 as su mmc iIlU~S at ratlve lellglOuS trOlnlllg school I.n corn yields !rom 39 bu. to 63 bu., view Farm" on the F airview-Plcas- stored near one of the .entrances White Clay Creek Hunrlred Dell10cratic COll1111it­ cont ." New Castle Co~nty. The scho~l IS and has cut costs from 64c a bu, to ant Hill Road, A turkey dinner pre- fr e~ u e ntl y, used by the chlldreJ;!' If ; and ul'bnn f~ 1 cclos- under the auspices of the Wilmlllg- 47c a bu." cedcd the rece ti on, The couple It IS pOSSible to arrange a closet, Wll.. I .... derr".'.. " rapidly I~ vol- ton C~nference B~ard of Educa tion, was assisted in ~.e ceiVing b their fitted With shelves and racks, or a tee. Watch for it each week. the favorable f,lctors and Wi ll be held 111 the Newport M. d ght Mis Alice Sh Ido: chest. nearby, many of these articles climb in house rcnt- E. Church, Classes will be held KENMORE au :,rT St!a.ts FI e GI i can be kept accessible but out of the months, The each MO!~ day evening for six consec- D " ili ;.wer r ing woy. If the basement is dry, some- -~ '_ ",I"" Loan Bank belicvcs ulive weeks, beginning on October GRO ' g u:~~g a r::o~:e~le:di;;o~~o:ided times ~t is the best place tor bulky The D~mocratic Party has nomi­ .~IOO~dll:relyra,'o r~'''c pOSlt.lOn that 17, UP IN ~~te rtainment. Earl Dawson acted playthlllgs. rental properllcs havc Officers Of School as the minister and L, T, Staats, the BookShelves Can Be Used . past year has b?cn Offlce~s of the school are: Dean, fiower girl. In d 001' game boar,ds, foldl.ng nated its ticket. It was chosen by contnbutlllg Rev. Richard M. Green; secretar- SESSION Mr. and Mrs. Sheldon were m ar- tables, and ~ther r ecreational ~qulp- ren l estate ma~k~ t , ies, MISS Es~her Rose, and Miss Dor- ried Sept. 30, 1908, by the late Rev, ~ e nt that IS gen,e ~all~' used, III the has bccn a ra.Pl d othy Baldwlll of Hockessin; treasur- El'I1est W. Greenfield, of Wilming- living room or dllllll~ room IS most the people. Members of the Dem­ i cost, rcnts h ~ ve er, Rev. J . C, McCoy, pastor of the ton. Belore her marriage, Mrs, c on~e nJently stored 111 those rooms inc l'ease. Speculative Newport M. E. Church, Improvements Sheldon was Miss Florence Dean, of 01' III a, nearby ?all closet. Book- polenlial homc own- The f aculty and courses to be g'v- Newark, shelves m the lIvmg room need not ocratic Party are proud to offer this a ~ h o r lagc of quarters en are as follows: the Rev.'Ashworth Reqllested At Their guests were: Mr, and Mrs. be used entirely lor books. They during the depres- Burslem, pastor of St. Georges Pres- George Leak, Miss Roberta Lea k, often, prove to be a good ~Iace for ticket to the voters of White Clay demand for new byte rian Church, "The Old Testa- Recent Meetin (1 Mi ss Ida Leak, Miss Violet Lea k, keeping the val'l?us games III an 01'- , must be relieved m e n~ ;" the Rev. Leonard White, pas- ~ MI'. and Mrs, James T, Wilson, Mr, d ~r lY way, mUSical records, maga- the next fcw years. tor of Newark M. E. Church, "New . and Mrs, Esmer Wilson, Paul Dean, zll1e files, a.nd so on, , . , Testament;" the Rev, Deeks Pickett The regula~ ~onthlY meetll1g of Mr. a nd Mrs, Clarence Dean, Mrs, A walk-m c!oset m the IIvmg Creek Hundred and solicit their PICTURE FILMS TELL of Washington, educational research the Fourth ~ I S,tI'lCt School Im~r ove- J ohn Dean, Mr. and Mrs, Oliver Ap- room 01' hall IS a great h elp, as ALUMIN UM - The director of the Bureau of Temper- ment Assoc,latlOn was held 111 thc pleby,' Miss Frances Sheldon, Mr, s h ~ lv es c?n be mad~ the nght size support. and uses of ance and Public Morals of the Meth- Kenmore High School recently With and Mrs, George Sheldon, MI'. and ~Ol the different articles while fold­ aluminum , products odist Church; the Rev, Willard a . large number of members and Mrs, Stanley Wilson, Mrs. Nathaniel IIlg card tables or game boards Wi ll two educatIOnal mo- Purdy, pastor of First and Central friends atten~lI1g. . , Richards, Mr, and Mrs. John Krai- go underneath. WlI1dow-se.at lock- fi lms recently prod uc- Presbyterian Church' the Rev . . After hearll1g rep. orts of van ous k M ' D' D M' Id ers or chests are more satJsfactory I of Mines. The Archibald MacMillan, ~astor of First commi~tees and transacting . som ~~~lC'h , ~s:. a n~l~rs ,e~dwaJ~~s Gin~ when ~he interior is divided II1tO I. ..•" -n'''""'''Il,1! two reels United Presbyterian Church; the mlllor Items of busll1 ess, C, OtIS Mc- ther, Mr, and Mrs, Lewis Pennock, compa! tments for speCific uses so "A luminum. from Rev, Joseph B. Dickerson, pastor Cauley addressed the meeting and Cecil Lynch, Miss Margaret Lynch, tha t the artICle wanted Will n~t ul- County Ticket And "Aluminum: of Hillcrest M, E , Church, "Social ex plall1ed, the purposes of the C OUl~- Mi ss Naomi Lynch, Miss Agncs ways be at the bottom of the pile. ' ,'. The~ are Reforms;" the Rev, T. O. M. Wills, ty CounCil P .-T. A, of which he IS Lynch, the Rev, L eonard White, . _ ~ , to thc filn: library pastor of Ebenezer M, E , Church, president. . , Miss Betty White, Miss Mildred How would you like a .hower ~ which now ~o:l sists " Dramatics in the Sunday SchOOl;" Mrs. Josephll1 e Mackie read the White, Mrs. Grace Whiteman. bath not for a bathroom but fo ~ a ~ Ninth Representative District reels. that wcrc shown the Rev, Dr. Walter E. Gunby, dis- program for Improvements to t?,S Others Present bcd ? It IS a burglar-alarm deVice ~ occasions in, 1937 to an trict superintendent of the Wilm- a n~ other schoo ~ s of ~he commul1lty El'I1est Whiteman, Mr, a nd Mrs. calculated to protect deaf p ~op le or ~ over 10 million pcr.nns. ington Conlerence, "Church Admin- which a delegatIOn pl esented to the Earl Dawson, Mr. and Mrs, H arry very sound sleepers, A SPI~y noz- f.j (White Clay Creek Hundred) .~~...,~d.JU"" films, in 16-mm a nd istration;" Mrs, H. A. Bethards of County Board of Educa hon last Cavcnder, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin zle located .over the sleeper~ head ~ ~~~iill~ are availablc fo r ex- Grace M, E. Church, "Primary March" J ohnston, Mr, and Mrs, Ronnie Cun- con,nects With a door or ,Will dow, ~ 1 school , churches, col· Teachings." Board DIscussed . . ningham, Mr, and Mrs. J oseph W~lC h , when ,?pene~ , by an IIltr.uder, ~ For Recorder'of Deeds and business organiza- Credits For Classes , The a ttitude of the School BOa! d Vought, Mr, a nd Mrs. Wilbur Hol- pl od uces a n alarm 111 the fO! m of ~ Intercsted, Appli- Thc classes a re open to Sunday I~ rcgards to the school \~os fre71y lingsworth, Mr, and Mrs, J amcs a shower of cold water, ~ be add rcssed to the school teachers a nd workers, and d~scu sse d, also the delegatIOn of 111- J ackson, Mr, and Mrs. J ames Little. . ~ Mmes Experiment Sta- cred its will be given for all courses. dlvld~ a l s headed by Mrs. Robcrt C, Mrs. J . C, Little, Mr, and Mrs, afternoon for 12 weeks a t the home ~~ Andrew J. Rimlinger Strect, Pittsburgh, Homecoming services wm be ob- Mackie, who presented to. th: Harold Little, Mrs. Alice Davis, Miss of Mrs, Leonard Nelson, is madc for thc use served in the Hockessin M, E. School Board at I ~S last meetll1 g, a Gladys Davis, Mr. a nd Mrs. Ray- alt hough cxhibitor is Church on Sunday, October 16, On proposal to consolidate some of the mond Davis and son, R aymond, Mr, ~ For Register of Wills to pay transportation Sunday mOl'l1i ng the messag w ill and Mrs. Clarencc Davis, Mr. and 7 ~~vOOCI \ hO f ~7\ cO~h~~n l !~h :I~~S r ~~ ~ be d elivered by the Rev, Richard Elk e g s Mrs. L. T. Staats, MI'. and Mrs. ~ M. Grcen, pastor of the church. His I ton. . t d t th t th' d I Herman Coo k, Mr. and Mrs. J ohn ~ Seth M. Long ROUTES F OOD TO topic w ill be "The Heavenly Home ,~was po" , e t~U , ba d IS ~~ - Moore, Mr, and Mrs, Raymond Ly- ~ VICTIMS-The Agricult- Greeting," gatlOn r,epresen e 11 0 0 Y 111 n e nam, Mr. and Mrs, J ohn Walker, ~ announced t~at At two-thirty in the afterno?n, ~~:m~;I:: ~xbcee:st \~~~.~e c~~s~~~; o~ Mr, and Mrs, EdwRJ'd Worrall, Mr. ~ Surplus CommodltJes thc Rev, I , J . Sard, pastor of UnIOn , t t ' d~ . th th ' 'd Pd' t . t and Mrs, Maskle J ohnston, Mr, F , ~ For Sheriff is taking ?mergency M, E , Church, Wilmington: will d7- ~~:::~ ~~~:;~;I~e n e~ th e~'vo t ell~s ~~~ ; H. Buckingham, Mr. and Mrs. Ly- ~ ute food supplies to VIC- li~ c r the message. Spec181 musIc tax a ers of Cecil County and the nam McCalli ster, Chester Hendrlck- ~ New England storms a nd w~1I be furnished by the Kutch entic: dele a tion r e resented only son, Mr, and Mrs. ~ es l e y P err!", S d b S . f.j FSCC bought two cars Sisters of L e b~n o n , Pa, two childre~ attend i~ g t.he schools Mr. and Mrs. Abe Geist, Mr, Edwlll easone y ervlce ~ G. Lester Cleaver milk, amounllllg to Mr. Green Will speak at the Young . . l' Taylor, Mrs. Emma Worrall, Mr, a nd ~ Norwich. :,' Y., a nd P eoples. m ee ti~~ a t 6:30 P . M. His In I~L~ ! ~ O~~ cid e d to have a repre- Mrs, George J ones and Miss Rosalie Most of the people in this compLl 2 one ca.-1o"d to New tOPIC Will be VI hat Young J;eCille senta tive delegation from thjs as-Hash. ~ and the other to Are Thlnklll ~." sociation resent the sentimen t of The annual poultry and ~ y s ter are in telephone work to stay. This is For Coroner I The FSCC also In the e v e n~n g,. a t 7:30, Dr. Walter the C o mm~nit LO the board at its supper of Ebenezer Church Will be .:t organ iza tion of men and women I of surplus commod- E.. Gunby, district supel'lntendent, next regular ~ ee ting, served In the church basement on seaso ned by service and tesled by time. to New H aven, will deliver the message, T B tte C d·t! Oct. 11. The fi gures prove it. More than half ~ .' amounlin.g to 58,- Lodge Holds Election It has ~ee : r:vi~~sll :~~ erron- A home hygien? class was start- of our 446 people huve had ten or ~ William Smith, Jr. pre,vlOu. ly c o ~ s.lgn e d to On Wednesd ay evening, Septemb- eously PUbli S h ~d that it\vas the de- e~ last week a t Mllford Cross Roads more years of telephone experience" ~2 rehef authorities, was er 28, the officers of the Rural En- sire of this association to have ALL With fourteen m e:nbers, enrolled. Over one hundred have served 20 ~ ~ruCk s at the Bronx campment, No. 17, L 0 , O. F , .were children in the Fourth District at- Mrs. Evalin ~ Bacon JS the Instructor, years or more. Fifteen ha\'e been in ~ cars of butter,. or elected as follows:. Chief patrlBrch, tend the Kenmore High School. The The class Wi ll meet each Wednesday this business from 301050 years! And ~ F or Levy Court COlllmissioner flO un.ds, also were being Anson Gr eg~; s?l1Ior warden, J !J hn ideas of the association as presented ~ tru?k to Ne:n. H aven. D . ~onder; 1~l1I or ~~ a rd en, J?s e~h to the County Board of Education K• d those who have reached top posit ions ~f.j r~he f authorities plan- Buffington:. high pr~es t , Benja min last March are to alter the present Bewl re I ne y have earned and learned their jobs by I bake the flour L loyd ; SCribe, MarVin A. Shakes-Kenmore High School building to rising Ihrough the ranks. John M. Ulmer At Ware, peare; treasurer, Edward Bufflllg- properly accommoda te the prespnt G If" . d Today this state and nation enjoy Sprmgfield, ton ; trustee for three years, Howard hi gh school; consolida tion of the erms I' I re tho finest telephone service in the ~ C o~ ~ ., tru~ks W. :ray.lor, Provide nce and F ai l' Hill Schools , world. It is our aim to keep your For State Senator co m~odJl!es ~ rrlv- District Deputy Grand Master with such other schools of the dis- N A h. service constan tl y improving-at a rchcf supplies to J amesBlackburn of Bear, and. hIS trict as the board m ay see fit; to (I price lhat insures a fair deal for ail. ~ towns, staff Insta.lIed n~wlY elected offlcers provide modern sanitary condHions ervous , ng ~ AND OIR of the Fnends?lp L odge, No, 22, on and reroute busses to provide trans- o/s"!o1?e':,~~l\,~w~o Ny~~g~~ , ~~tr~rg~r~,I~f ~ Robert J. Quillen T BRING Saturday evening. . porta t lO n for both grade and high Buller from BurnIng Passages, FreQuent When orders are few and far bet.... een Federal Food a nd Offlc e ~ s ~ r e: Noble grand, IrVI~ schot)1 pupils, of the Fourth Dis- ~,ill~ai~ gfid~:[:':lg:'A~a~t~~b:n .P~~~~~~? and sales costs must be cut, smart busi. , .reports the Seager.s, vice-grand, Olto .Lloyd, trict, to the school. 11 so, the tru~ cnuse Olren may be germs ness mell turn to Ihe telephone. Long 2 qu antJl!es of flours, recordll1g secretary, W. c. Pierson; Scout Program Given Ig Distance ca ll s cover out.of.lhe.w ay g~delrg"t~ r trgn~IY~Yt~:r~~caol~"mg:lnbl a For Representative ~:~ a~t h e r foods and assista.nt secretary, J ames P atterson; J oseph E. Plumstead, secretary of ~~~~. goe{~O':.:."l~rd~~~~c~r ~I~g.l'!~e~~ed'::ft~ customers quickly, easily and ceo. ~ .u~:~ .r aJs, se. oC the pre- fi nanCial secretar y, M. A. Sh ~ k es - the J essup & Moore P aper Company cause much troublo. OrdInary ,medIcines nomi call y, They bring in extra sales 2 delld IIl sects, thclr peare; treasurer, S : S, Denl1Json ; a nd m anager of the Kenmore Mills ~:g;;B~c!fh:;,udc'::'~Oer~~ u~~r~~lad~y~t~~~t~~~ ~ mMol11 1I, ed nfOOd.stuffs warden, w a ~r e n FII,nn; conductor_, made a few remarks explai ning his sntcoCkgee drmbsy !nnI13dllrouugr~I~~d~rs\Bp%~~I~~tjl;~1; at a cost Ihat leaves you a profit. The~2 Ira C. Shellender t 1 0 thiS ~c- Charles Lake, chaplalll, D. M. Buck rcasons for assisting in the fl ght satlslaotory In 1 week and be exactly the Dl8mond State' Telephone Company, 8,626 sac ks of w hite ingham ; musician, J Oh.n Armstrong; for bettl'r school conditions in this medi cine you need or money back Is guar- i of buckwheat fl our, right scene supporter, H arvey Wood- community ~~~::_~ c x1c I ~g~~~ ~'l,'!,r ~~~~~~:e:orpZ.l~~t~ rye nOUI', 49 barrels of ward; l e f~ scene supporter, Anson After the meeting adjourned, you. Copr, 1037 bo Knox Co. For Inspector , 827 sacks of corn Gregg; r ight supporter to noblc Scoutmaster Bob McCa uley had fl our. 8 sacks of o~t- gra nd, Howard W , TOi lor ; left sup- Provide nce Tr.OOP NO' .125 give a few ------~~~~~~------1 sacks oC homll1Y grIts. porte r to noble grand, J ohn ; demonstr a tions in thcir work with ~ of thc other scizurcs right s up~ orte r to vice .grand, ~ a :n es patrol competition in compass work, i2 1st Elec. Dist.--Leo Moore oC . fiithy crab- Beeson ; I~ s ld e gua.rdlan, Willia m knot tyi ng and signalling, Scout C, oC cavlllr. contalll- La ke; outSide guardia n, J ohn Arm- Otis McCauley tal ked a bout the I i 2nd Elec. Dist.--Harlan C. Herdman I dirt; 265 cases of strong, troops' weck a t CHmp Rodney and catsup; An d 535 gal- M r. a nd Mrs. Robert F. Gebhart gave a deta il account of its fourteen ~ CLOSE crca m, are r ecelvll1g congratulatIOns upon milc h ike, ~ ~ 3rd, Elec. Dist.--Isaac Thorpe . ~ the birth of a da ughter, Mrs, Geb- Eight second class badges and one hart will be r emembered as Miss tenderfoot were prescnted by Mr, ~ Dorothy P owell, of Newark, Plllmstcad, ACQ UA I N TAN CE ~ Montgomcry Gebhart r e turned ~ i homc Monday f rom thc H omeopathic , ~ ~ The Democratic candidates to the General i Hospital, Wilmington, w here he und- Englishmen On Dole ~ COU NTS a Assembly are qualified to represent you and the ~ er wcnt an ope ra lion, Refn c Job Offel'S ~ ~ Men w ho cannot a ITord to w ork ~ ~ best interests of all the people of White Clay Creek ~ beca use they would earn lcss than ~ they g t by taking the dole havc ~ ~ Hundred. They are the choice of the people and ~ been found in England. Some are ~ ~ listed in thc new r cport of thc Un- ~ ~ as such will represent them. They have not been ~ I A 't B d ' We believe it is a distinct advantage to ~ ~~I;d~~r:' cn t SSIS ance oar In 2 us and to our depositors to know them hand picked by powerful influences and will not ~ Onc, ti n unskilled worker, gcts personally, It makes it easier for us to be dictated to by any group or individual. i ~~.5~ a :~e:i~: ~~da~i~~r~'ep~~~e~~ I give the right kind of service, Also, there I.. If 11011 (rom a lord i, brenk(n,' (or a (001." children, the ullcmployment pay, is a mutual feeling of confidence and a~cordin g to the U, A. B. rules, friendship which prevents friction and Without question Rohert J. Quillen and Ira River Railroad I ocr~~~n I ~ f' between New York and :Z~!d m~~e ~~~~\eA:o~~~S e!~n~~h: misunderstanding. C. Shellender, Democratic candidates for State . ~ Albany opened, 1851. board scaled him down to $11 ,25, This is the spirit back .of everything we ~ t-Alexander I .. klnl1 ed0t b ut still 10aOng is more profita ble try to do for our depositors, Senator and Representative, respectively, are ~ ...:i"'\. YU\loslavla, assaSSlllat I ~ In Marseilles, 1934. fO~~~~'er with scven children was ~ men you can trust to support such measures as ~ ,.,....1D-Henry Ward Bee,chef cnti tied, according to the scale, to 2 _ ~ ~~ beQan pastorate 01 the $12,15 n week, while his normal will be of benefit to all th~ residents of White Clay ~ ...sb.- Plymouth Church, Brook· wagcs were $10,lO. Ma ny others de­ ~ Iyn, 1&17. clarc it would be in/licting hardship I .1:s n II-NewYorkClearlnqHou'" on their wives a nd families if they Farmers Trust Company ~ Cl'eek Hundl'ed. ~ ~ opened,I853. accept jobs. I ~W::~I~dE~lr!g . ~ ~ Send these men to Dover to support Gover- ~ ~ ran tho blockad9, I ~ J. Thc h cling problem in the homes NEWARK, DELAWARE a ~ nor McMullen, who has given all the citizens of ~ of a few centurics ago was not mct 13-Wm. Gooch became 'JoY" ~ ~ I f.1 h ' ~ omor 01 VtrQinla, 1727, by flrcplaccs alonc. Mctal brazicrs ~ ~ De aware two years 0 sounu, . onest government. ~ , ~ conta ining small (lrcu and mowlted , Member Feder.1 Depo.lt In.ar.nee Corpor.tl.. ~ ~ l4-Conqress adopled cr on whcels w l'C uscd for local heat- ~ ;Jf)...... Declaration of RiQhts. L ing. Thcsc prcccded cvcn the bed- ~ ~ In4. ~\Y_" I - -_.--- worming pons. ~~~~OOIOOIOOIOOIOOIOOIOOI~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~"U.U~~~~~S~~~,,~~ The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, October 6, 1938 I ] tip that sorne Clellandsville. . Life is a ctll1tinual proc ss of sort- An Indepondent Newspaper By "Snapper" 2:30 p. ~ .-Mee ting ot ~adics' A~ ing and choosing; yct most of out' , . While un---=---- ofllc~r 1 Publlshed Evcry Thursday by the Ncwark Post, Inc. ixth Installment Ich arnctcr typcs.. Society . of N WB I k M. . choiccs arc bascd on the emotions, I ~.'I~ at CnmbridgeS'llt Locally and lndcpcnd ntly Owned and Operatcd A world famous author, writing Count them: 4 typcs-Flery, TATE THEATRE BRIEF Church 10 thc chu~ch . 01' on habit, rather than on rcason, Jdck,'d UIJ the rnachin EDITOR ...... CIIAR LES H. RUT~EDGE :~c~ ~:~a~~~/~~~~ u~~~~S;e~~i~h~~:~ ~trt!':~h A~~;:;~e~L o~ ~~i!i~~~ F1'ida y and ahu'day 2:30 p. m.-Annual mecttng of (h an':! this causes haphazard l' suits a II'h"l'l , R ~d l o's ' Thl.s Man 'lagc Busi- of Lcola Council, No. 14, D. :j: CHI C K S :i: D.A.R. ALL REALLY GREAT STORIES SC iences, about character stU?y, n"ss will prove Itself a charming oC P . I':' .;. Council l\'leets HAVE BEEN WR ITTEN BY HOME about any of your problems Wlll Ch comedy-romance at thc State The Thursday; ovember 17 ::: Blood-tested and Culled 'j' TOWN FOLKS ABO U THO M E sccm to be . due to temperamcntal atre.. 0-7 p. m.-Turkey supper,. sponsor- .;. For more uniform growth ::: (Continued From Page 1) (Continucd From Page 1) TOWN FOLKS. The stories that In compaltabltty, to thc author 10 With th~ cver-popular Victor cd b~ women of the First prcs- !::: and healthier chicks :1: tion plcturos; Mrs W E Holton, , cdltors mc' 10l) king for are about carc of thiS newspaper Attach suf- Moorc III hi S first solo starrll1g rolc, byterlan Church of Ncwark. . .:. BARRED ROCK .;. national dcfcnse ; Mrs A B East- Ella M Slack fOt $400, was adopted people who live rIght III YOUI' own ficl ent postage so that your letter and the husky Allan ,-Ano shanng .;. .:' man. prcss rclaltons, Mrs Wilson. A JOtnt petItion, filed by F A homc town who work at thc ktnd may bc forwarded unopcned out of romantiC honors WIth a luvely new- Asthma (ause ::: and :i: real daughters, Mrs A 0 Cobb, ~~.oc~~S::t~d a n~a !~;~' db:' s:r~~~= work y~U know best of aU bc- town. And inc l os~ postagc for rcpl y c o ~er, Vi cki Lester, th.e ~)ICtU : '~ nf- :i: ROCK-RED CROSS :1: membershi p water to a dl'lveway at 204 West causc It IS YOUI' work also, who are SubscriptIon Blank fOI.dS plenty of entcI tall1mcnt to F h. 3 M" I .;. Satisfaction Guaranteed 'j' The next meetlllg Will be held on MaIO Street was dented b CounCi l membcrs oC your chlll ch or lodge To The Ncw?rk Post: SC I cen patrons oug I In Inu .s :1: ::: December 3 at the home of Mrs l ' ff' .t . 1 Y 01' favonte cll cle whatever that may I am II1cloSlllg $1 50 for a ( ) ncw A suddcn blll st of famc comes to By dissolving and removing mucus or .!. Sc b h' .1. Ruth ill.A McKinsey, Wllmtngton iiol7s

1- ~~~'~''S~~'S,~,~,~""~~" "" "~"""~,,,,,,,v l ...... --- The Newark Post, Newark, Delaware, Thursday, October 6, 1938 WEDDINGS Events Around Newark Guest And Host At Birthday Party Patsy Ann Chalmers Is Halr h-Ernest Birthday Party Hostess , NOTICE Miss Rosalynd J ane Ernest, daugh­ Patsy Ann Chalmers daughter t NJ:t ~RE~r&,~s~fvG 1 ,~b1!~ n~~G ter Mr. and Mrs. J ohn Ernest, M,'. and Mrs. Dnvid W. Chalm I'S, UNO.:R PENALTV 0.' ., I ot R. To Wed Local Man On October 20 45 West Park P lace, a nd Mr. Herb­ Prospect Avenue. entertained u I'II E LAW ert Wilson Haigh, son of Mr. and Mrs. H erbert B. H aigh, Wilmington, ~~m~~ ~ ~~~leb:I~~~~; i ;~s~e l~~~l~'~~ W I LL I A~~c~~: n:~E~ ~ S~~~ Joel '!'. Bl1oll(" were mar ried at four o'clock Sat­ day. )l~ wand 1\lrs. urday a fternoon in St. Thomas' P . Guests included: Eileen and Shh'- a~~\'iIle, Pi!. arc tile E. Church by the Rev. Andrew W. Icy Ritchie, Mary Jean Itc and BENJ AMIN EUBANKS ~CII' do)'s of 1\ lr and Mayer. rector. Carolyn Chalmcrs, Billy and Betty JUSTICE OF THE PEAOE ;'dgIl'OY, Notllngham Rd. The brido was given in marriage Lindell , Ella J a ne and Tommie by her father. Her sister, Miss SheofTer, Donald Knauss, Diane AND ~!. T rimb.I~. Bay J acqueline Emest, was maid ot Chalmers, Bill Ritchie, and Ray­ NOTARY PUBLIC )lrS sund .I Y With Mr. honor. Mr. Harold Haigh, broth r mond Chalmers. P hone 8191 nt of the bridegroom, was best man. \l' 1:I~m II. Brown. E. Mall1 LICENSES OF ALl_ TVPES ISSUE D Mrs. Haigh wore a garnet going­ John Hansel' of Milwaukee, Wis., LEGAL Pi\) EllS EXECUTED away suit and corsage of white for 40 years has earned a liveliho d gardenias. The bridesmaid w o r ~ leSting soap in a laboratory to de­ blue velvet and Talisman roses. termine the alkali and tat content. SALE OR ItENT Mrs. Ernest, th bride's mother, wore / LOCAL GItOCE It V BUS INESS black. A gOi ng concern C8_n bo pur ­ chased or leased on reasonable Aite r October 15, the couple will L·--'--'.· •• • • • . J terms. be a t home at 1723 East Thirty-sec­ . ... or details and lnforma.tion ond Street, Baltimore. Week-Ead write to DFPT. 508 Atkinson-Boice Miss Mary M. Staving Mr. Grover T. Sur ratt Specials , __~ \~'R~ ~ J~tA~AIt E ~r . a nd. Mrs. William Boice, of . Miss Staving, teacher ot commercial subjects at the Jacob Tome In- . Fresh Ohlncoteague Oysters CLASSIFIED Phl~~delph l a, P~ ., announce t~ e s~ltute, Port Deposit, M.d., and a graduate of Women's College, Univer- • Any Style ADVERTISEMENTS mm Ilage of t~elr daughter, MISS slty 0: Delaware, was given a birthday party-dinner last Friday evening Fl o ~ence E. BOIce, to Mr. Fred O. by MI . Gl'Over T. Surratt at his home, 43 E. Main Street. • Roast Turkey With All The • ------=~_ Atkll1son, son of M~s . Katheri,ne At- The tol.lowing guests a ttended the affair: MI'. and Mrs. Pat Rya n • 'l'rlmmlngs . Lost kll1son. also ot. Philadelphia, form- Port DepOSit.; Mr. and Mrs. Harry T. Wilson a nd MI'. and Mrs. J ohn N: . Tenderloin Steaks And All • G sY':I'CS,S EReS,-,'aP"dair"f II"edtlues"I','edOCtloagMon""sl e rly ot Elk Mills, Md. The cere- Russo, Wllmll1gton; the Misses J a ne Sta vi ng a nd Bette McKelve N _ . mony took place at St. Phillip's M. ark, and the Messrs. J . Wally Bakel' and Charles W Davis also of ~' e ~ • Kinds of Ohops • lo~~~i/' Sullivan, 40 North St. . E. Church, P hiladelphia. . , " ewat . • Our Prices Are Appetizers • The bride was given in marriage • ' by her father and was attended by Library Meeting To Be sion : "Getting Boo ks Over, " Miss • • Situation Wanted her two sisters, the Mi sses Ida and Held T0J110rrow At Dov . Mary Hopkins; "The D e l a war e • SENIOR In Collcge who has worked uide Ark Restaurant. WIth chlldl'cn professionally, deSires Mary Boi ce .. Mi ss Mildred Da niels A fu ll -day's program has ~:e n 9 ," Miss J e a n e.t t e ~,ckman; • • room and boa rd in return for s taying was fl ower gil'!. Mr. FranCIS C. At- a rnll1ged fOI' the Delaware Library New Adu l ~ . Non-FICtIOn, Mrs . • ~vlth children , chauffering and act ... mg as handyman . R efer ences . Write kll1son, b" othe,' of the groom, was Associati on Institute which will be Charles N. Plel'SO n, and "New Ref- Newark, Delaware Box 60, Ext. A-43. best man. Ushers were: Messrs An- held tomorrow at the Stat H C1'ence Matenal for Town and · • 10-6-3tp. drew Atkinson and Charles Boi ce. Dovel'. ,e ouse, School Libraries," W. D. Lewis. r ••••••••••• , Wanted MI': a n~ M,·s. Walter Seydell, the Following registration a t 9:45 a. ,_, ,_, - , --:- , , " • , :::-::=:-:=-______Ilalte l a s l ~te r of the groom. attend- m., ~r s. B. W. Hammond wi ll give 2""""'~~~~"Sss~~~~~"S~~~s~"Sn~~s..~~l Qyl:~~; s1~~M~~~sctocotr;w~~~ !~g\,:':rd~ I ed the c ~ emony. MI'. a nd Mrs. At- a talk on "Delaware Libra ry News," ~ <) SntqI . UII'C "fter 5 P. M. at 28 1 E. Main klnsun Wi ll be a t home at 3442 AI- aCler which Mi ss Na n Lang will ~ V·t· Pdt 2 legheny Avenue, Philadelphia. after speak on "Children's Boo ks." "Long ~ I amID ro uc s ~ 9-39-tfc. a trip through the so uth e~n states. Live the Boo k," a film about boo k- ~ ~ For Rent Hurley-Buckley ~~~~~~~ ' wi ll be shown at ~ I eve n ~ ~:~:g g]~5~~~~ss B~~xOfo~O 2.5...... ,. . : : S l :~~ ~ LARGE FRO·W-.:...r:...... :..R:..:O.:...O:.:.M-I-n - I,,-,v-a-te MI'. and Mrs. Daniel Patrick Th f II ~ A-B-D Ca psules Box of 100 ...... 2.69 ~ home. Ali convelllences, usc of I B kl 22 e 0 owing talks have b een ,~ Hlllivcr Oil, Plai n Liquid IO -cc. vial ...... 43 ~ phone. Gentleman 1" fel'led D,al uc ey, 12 Boulevdrd, Wilming - scheduled I or the afternoo n ses- ~ H ll li ver Oil, Plain Liquid 50-cc. vial . . . 1.49 ~ Newark 375 1. . j ton, have issuer. invitations for the ~ H a li ver Oil Capsules Plain Box o[ 25 43 ~ 1_0-_6-_2_tc_. ______MISS Eva Pcllicconi malTlage ot their da ughter, P a uline - ~ ~ Ha li ver Oil C ~psulcs ,' Plain Box of 50 ...... :1f1 ~ APARTMENT- Six rooms, showcr bath. Mr . and Mrs. Anthony DiAngelo, 1807 West Eighth Street, Wilmil1g- T~ e r ese . to Mr ..J ohn J oseph Hurley, • ~ ~ ~ l iv c l' g\1~ a p s ~l es, /tlainlox F~5~00 ...... 1.29 ~ ~lt~\I~~~~~ 1~,?:;i11~'~~:tel.1~\t;:rdceR~~~~ ton,. ha ve a nnounced the engagement of their daughter, Miss Eva P ellic- / J~ ., of ~6 E. Main Stree t. The wed- ' ~ H ;' li~~:: oil w'jr~Uvi~stel:g ~ L~~Ui~ 5 -cc . '\;i~i ·: ::. . . : : 2: ~~ ~ Haines St. y cro;~ ~~;~l.~,~~~I S~I~~~ Cont, to Mr. Thomas J ohnson, son of the late Mrs. Annie J ohnson of ~,~g. W~~I be h ~ ld on. Sa tlll:da . O ~ - . ' ~~ ~ ~ li ~~~ ~\'t ~~rh V~Y~;i~~b' I.LL~ ~ ~4i05~c:c~. ia~iai ·:· .. ... U~ ~ RIOo-60-Mlt:·,. .a" ge [" ont 1'00"1. 27 A" ,s-tel Ne wal·k. The wedding will take place on Th d ' 0 b 0 el , at n ll1 e-thlrty 0 clock 111 R E N T H all ver Oil with Vi osterol. Ca psules Box of 25 ...... 89 r.i - Helen Black and o'clock ' St A th ' R C Ch urs ay. cto er 20, a t two the Sacl'ed Heart R. C. Church. The I ~> Huliver Oil with Viosterol, Capsules Box of 50 . . . . 1 .•>;9 ~,> Ave . . Irs. W C Bl ack, 26 111 . n ony s . . urch, Wilmington. ceremony w ill be performed by the fi Hali ver Oil with Viosl.erol, Capsules Box of 100 . . . 2.69 ~ IO -6- ltp.

Mrs. William Holloway and chil- F. ORE: :' tll/~:~:~'~O\\~~Pa. last ~'ridayh c~evelt~.~:- dren, Archer a nd Margaret, of New- AppOllllJllents' ~1~0~·h:.iI~~Miss Bucka ~eDb~~~~ley has a~e:;;nno2un· cse.d thse" l October 15th ~~~" ~ l g~Rt~ : :g !H~gO~-gg:Dv~~~E'(S':: :··· D..·· · ··R···· u·" G'" "· s·· ·' T' 31.:~1993~~~~'i.~:,' Ji'y~~~:~~~~;;tA~~,~~;ot' ~~t ~~S·~N~f';~~,i:r! W;~ld:W . ~Lind~ ~i e. llp~:~, 47 ark, Md., were g uests over the week- __ members of her wedding party. Her o. 51 Elkton Rd., $32.00 -:-10::--6_·-2_LI_' . ___.______end of Mr. and Mrs. Cha rles J armon, (Continued From P age 1) sister, Mrs. Stewart Ly nch, will b ABSOLUTELY PRIVATE " H 0 U S E- Ya:garet Hugan . My ra De laware Avenue. Richard Snyder. J . R. Ernest, MC- , matron of honor, and her sister, Miss ~ APARTMENT" of 3 large chcer[ul h dt I Cron ar . ane I H e I en H enry, P . K. Musselma n, Ruth Ball, Elizabeth' .' V B uc kl ey, w.'' 11 b e m al'd 8-Rm. Modern House ~~' Established 1856 ~ wloaomsy view and frombath eve011 , fi,sLy 'oom floor Screcn-Hlgh- the cooking class Mrs. H arvey Hoffecker is ill «t L. A. Stearns, Love tt, Reiff, Lee of honOl. Her tWIl1 Sisters, MI SS U ~ ed back porch La\vn and garden. and Li/(ht Com- her home on E. Main Street. Lewis. Couna han, Cobb, J ames H ast- Anne C. and Mi ss Louise M. Buck- newly papered and refinished ~ Open Dall y Crom 8 A. M to 10 P. M. ~ g:~~~e36~ ~'e~ ~mAJ;'fl yN~_:;~r~m D. last Thursd ay ings, Harry Davis a nd Mylrea. ley, w il be bridesmaids. The Misses chicken houses- garden ~ Sundays and Holi days 9:30 to Noon; 5.30 to 8 ~ 1_~~6-ltp " Miss ~etty Sargeant, W . Main Olher Oomm ittees ICt~l y nB and Eilpen Lynch, nieces Immediate po session ~ Dial Newark 581-2014-2927-2929 We Deliver ~ HOUSE. 7 rooms and bath. Two m,les - Street sent the ek d ' M Pl'Ogram- Mesda mes Cobb, chair- 0 ISS uckley. will be fl ower girls. ~ ~ on New London Rd C'om Newark. H~gan. 73 E. Cleve- K eesp ~ rt P a. we -en 111 c- man. Stearns, Draper. Boyd. Charles Mr. J~sep h Hurley of Have rford $40.00 ~ 36 EAST MAIN STREET NEWARK, DELAWARE Gardcn. garage, all modern convenl- is hl'mg al the Wo- Grubb, J . S. Gould, Carleton E. Township. Pa" brother of Mr. ~ :~~e s James A Beers, R D 2, New- Practice House for. Douglass, Fra nk J . Cuningham, T . Hurley. will be best man. Mr. Stew- j ~USSSSS~"'SSSSSSSSs..'''S~~ss..~~'-''Un..~~~ 9-29- 2t;> . tramin!; 1'1e l·e. Dr. and MIS. George W: Rhodes, F. Manns, R ichard H. Morris and a rt Lynch, brother -in-la w of the 6-Rm, Modern House A-P- AR-~1-'M-E-N-T-.- 3 rooms and bath 2nd - S"dcOllege Av e~ue, e nt ~ rt all1e d Sat- Miss Wilson ; publicity- Mesdames bride. Mr. Daniel P . Buckley, broth- I on Quality Hill r' ~gE.'; ge~~ao~~~. I ~:st :.~:~ge~ur!'t~~): C~~ ...... ru _r'" Heyward is a new ~say ~e v e ~n~~n hon01;.L Mr. a n~ Rees. chai rman. G. M. Haney a nd ~·s 0 ~1 the bride, a nd Mr. Benedict Octobe 25th $4 500 . partly fUl'Ili sh. Apply Farmers Trust Delaware Ave nue. P a' ~ ran 1I1ners, I amspor , Groh ; sai e ty- Mrs. H. S. Gabriel. a l'l' ~ ot Philadelphia will be t· " . Company, Newark. . chairman; d ecorations-Mrs. Morris. ushels. M' HIM G 9_-_29_-t_IC_. ______Coach's chai rman, Weldon C. Waples, Reiff, . Much e ntertaining is being done Large Stone Hou, e ISS e en regg APARTMENT, 5 roollls-Iiving_room .. LD,' '1 hi te, Jr., vis- Mrs. Ca rle ton E. Douglass, S. Col- a nd John Speicher; e:ducation-Mes- In honor ot Mi ss Buckley and her Mode rn- nea r tOW l' • g~~~~ gi~~o~~o/~ti:~~~. 7~ E~~~fg~~: P. ~: Fobe rts, Sr., lege Ave nue, entertained at lunch- dames Gould, chairman, Boyd. Don- fi ance. Among the hostesses ha ve Available Oct. 15. Apply Farmers .\lter two years of eon on Tuesday. aid Armstrong and Ea rl Helmbreck' been Mrs. Arthur G. Connolly, Mi ss immedia te possession 9-i;-~1~ . Company, Newark. at the Women's . fin e arts-Mesdames Squire, ch a ir~ Mary La ffey. Mrs. Frederick H. make a n offer Roberts entered the Mrs. Mary Rice and grandson, man, Henry C. Reed, and Larson; Stewart, Mr. and Mrs. Bayard APARTMENTS, three and live rooms, ~ of Plmnsy l varli a this fall Dickie, have returned to their home hospitality-Mesdames H. F. Tiff- Berndt, and Mr. and Mrs. Stewart modern, all hardwood floors. Apply H. Handloff, Academy Apts. veter inarian study. in Kansas after spend ing some time a ny, chairman, R. O. Stelzer, Lar- Lynch, all of Wilmington. 6-Rm. Bungalow 9-15-tfc. with Mr. and Mrs. M. M. Dougherty. son, Gould, Robert M. Thompson, South Chapel St., $35_,00 Walen, .. Orchard Road. K. ' Simons, William Teacher of Piano and Voice APARTMENT-Orchard Road Apart­ ~ ~ai n S~reet > H a ye~ , Fr~ nk Visiting Nurse Reports mentS-Herman Wollaston. Dial New­ ark 8421. afler vIsiting fnends Mrs. Louise Sentman, Wilming- ~~a~~~~sPle , C. P . Hearn and Miss 269 Calls For September 9-1-tfc. ton, was the guest of her sister, Mrs. International relations Mesdames Miss Alice Leak, visiting nurse , Wilming- Maggie J amison, E . Main Street, Henry Harris, chairman, Gould and for this section ot New CasUe Coun- w. HARRY For Sale Or Rent with Mr. and on Monday. Warren Ellis; welfare-Mesd am es ty, reported a total ot 269 visits, in- ll-ROOM HOUSE, bath, hot water and F. McCully, E. Main Hyde, chairman, G. D. P lummer, cluding 200 nursing and 69 instruc- Graduate of Combs College modern conveniences. Three-car la ... rage. 121 W. Main St. . Mrs. Phillip Cameli, S. College M. Hanson, Walter Hullihen, Waples, tive calls, tor the mon th of Septem­ DAWSON 6-9-tfe. Avenue, is visiting her paren ts in Daniel Thompson, E. L. Richards, bel'. , of Music, Philadelphia Kells Avenue, San Antonio, Texas. A. B. , W. E. Holton, W. A. K inds of cases and number ot vis- DIAL 2-0441 For Sale a position with the Wilkinson, R. E. Price, Harry Bon- its were: Prenatal 2, visils 4; heart ~~~~~~~~~~~~ FORD- 1936 Tudor In pertect condi­ Gtneral Hospital. Mrs. M. W. Hanson, Orchard ham and Cobb; ways and means- ?isease 7, visits 51; arthritis 4, vis- -: tion. Priced low for Immediate sule. Apply 46 E. Main St. Road, entertained her card club on Mesdames R. W. Heim, chairman, ItS 35; kidney disease 3, visils 26; N'atl.onal'5 IO-6-2 tc. II Sinclair. Orchard Tuesday. Armstrong, Daniel Thompson, How- pneumonia 1, visits 3; intp.stinal dis- ~t a bridge-Iunch- ard Jernie, Joseph Beste, Leonard eases 3, visits 7; anaemia 1, visils 14 ; 298 I ORIOLE GAS RANGE, 4 burner with Phone Newark 26 W. Main St. oven control. 176 W. Main St., phone iIonor ot her house Miss Phoebe Steel and Miss Har- Fossett, George Sch uster, Snyder, ' iniec~ed toe I, visits 8; m iscellaneous 8581. W. K. Eld er, of New riet F erguson entertained Tuesd ay Waples, Morris, Fra nk Simons, 19, VISitS 57; treatments 54. BABY NEEDS 10-6-Hc. evening in h'1I10r ot Miss Dorothy George Simons, Grubb, Lee Lewis. State . ~ork included holding a Wheeless. Those present were: Mrs. W. J . Barnard and Miss M. Elsie baby clll1tc each Wednesday with Perkins, Wilmington, J . H. Sk inner, Jr., Mrs. Richard E . an average attendance of 14. Eleven with Mrs. L. B. Perk- Ryan. Mes. Almer A. Reiff, Mrs. birth certificates were delivered and Elizabeth Reese, and the Misses Service Station Adds New one case of measles removed from Ann . Betty Sargeant" • quarantine. Nesbitt, W. Main Loiuse Hutchison, Estelle Wheeless, Maclune To Eqmpme11t ---__ Selby Jarmon, Isabel Hutchison, Dorothy - J ohn V. Cunningham, proprietor Pythian Sisters Sponsor spend the week- on, Shelby Rice, and Margaret of Cunningham's Super Service S . A dR S. ] Waples of Newark, and Mrs. Mor- Station, West Main Street, announc- upper 11 ulnlnage.1 e ton Ste vens, Jr., a nd Miss Mary ed this week that he is now equip- Friendship Temple, Pythia n Sisters MI'. J ohn Helen Stevens ot Wilmington. ped to offer "road actionized" lubri- No. 5, wi ll hold a covered d ish sup- . Ernest Camp- cation. The Globe "Rock-A-Car" per on Friday, October 14, in Fra- in York. Mrs. H arry Everett, Chestertown, machine, moves the car up and ternal Hall a t six o'clock. They wil1 Md., is visiting MI'. and Mrs. J ohn down genUy a nd permits thorough also hold a rummage sale Saturday, [ormerl y w ith Holloway, Capitol Trail. oiling of springs, shackles and Oct. 15 in Richards Garage begin- Sweater, Cap and Bootee 95c Service, has spindles. ning a t nine o'clock. Sets--Pink, White & Blue in Philadelphia. Mr. a nd Mrs. Ralph O'Connell - have moved from their former resl- Baby Saque, Cap &Bootee 98 Dowr.c., U. S. Navy, . dence at 88 West P ark P lace to the Manager and owner of the Elk Restaurant in Elk­ Sets--Pink, White & Blue C enroutc [rom their r e- Orchard Road Apartments. ton for five years, I have sold my interest in the estab­ in Brook lyn, N. Y., to li shment to devote my time and enet'gy exclusively to Angora Sweater, Cap and l!!idcnce in W ash~g - Mrs. Edward Steele,. S. College Bootee Sets Dr. aud Mrs. John Avenue went to Baltimore Wed­ my new and modern eating hou se 'II. Main Street. Satur- nesday 'to spend a w eek there visit­ and ing Mrs. J ohn Strickla nd. GLASGOW ARMS $1.49 $1.59 F. Proud, New The Women's Auxiliary of the Bathrobe Sets visiting her sister First Presbyterian Cchurch met 98c Orchard Road. Tuesday evening at Miss Edna RESTAURANT Chambers' home. GLASGOW, DELAWARE Baby Receiving Blankets--Esmond POll >, Miss Sarah R. Curtis Pot s were Mrs. 1. N . Sheaffer, Main Street, Intersection of U. S. Route 40 and the Newark-Summit-Brldge Warmspun of Mr. and Mrs. after having been confined to her Road w here I am offering the best In meals at 59c and 89c and fam il y, Marl- bed for two weeks, is now very Pa. much better. NEW LOW PRICES Simpkins and chil- Mrs. Thumas -:r.-Green, W. Main Full Course Turkey, Chi cken, and Steak Dinners National were Sunday Stre t, is convulescing at the FloweI' 1 85

~Mr_s. D. A. Mc- Hospital. :A( C :y:: Mr. and Mrs. Mervin S. Dal.e, 59 :.!:. Other Dinners 75c and 50c :',1: & Wheeless. Orchard E. Main Street, enterta ined inends 5 10e to week-end in Mag- [rom New Jers y last week. ::: Also special plaiters ranging from 35~, Including en tree and bever- ::: $3.00 Store 1.".y.,.,.,.::.·. .. .,.1 Newark, Det ~~~:~;i~~~:: ~~~~~}~;~:Smilh, E. CI ,g:,;~~~~~veland Ave. ,:~~~:~~,~~~1:~~f,~~~:~.. : ':.:~~.,.,. .. 4:191 JACKSON'S RAROWARE STORE Dial 4391 ~ow ShoW'ing--The 1939 Models .01 PHILCO, EMERSON AND CROSLEY RADIOS LOCAL SPORTS FEATURED WEEKLY l~ Roamin' with Rutledge The Newark Post The Newark Post, Newark, D e laware, Thursday, October 6, 1938

R e member The Swallow While t h e tumult and s h o u t,i n g still rings t hro u g h t h e local ozon e , f llowing the Blue lIe n s' sen satio na l a nd s ome­ w h a t s urp ris ing g rid triumph over Urs inus last Saturday­ and t h e t'c i s ever y r c a s on for r e j o icing- w e are wont t o r e ­ gard the "officia l" r e action of non-football-minded m embe r s of t h e faculty with mis givings, "---____ "'>------4'---- (,1>------~~----~~----'" Just when Steve Grenda, Gcorge'tt------I ~---+-- --- ~ <§) <9 ~ ® '" ...- ~ne:, ;o:I O~~ ie~~ s i ~~~P;~t~:~~~(' ~=~ II was the ideal ftg htin ~ peak and New'ark Grl-dders Slated Fo,r Nocturnal Battle WI-th Du terial mixed with several outstand- sd-up that coaches contlllually seek ing players willed to them by Lyal b ~ efl' ort and prayer,. It was a com­ Clark, get things started on the prop- blnatton that canna. be tossed to- er lr a ~k , and as staunch efl' orts are getherEVERYSATtn:DAYthrough- M I C 0 Exh·b·t JAC - being made by everyone really in- out a , seaso,n, . espe,clally when a BI STATE FINALE IS BEAGLES arce amp pens I I nons KETS terested in placing Delaware football sq~a d IS as hml ted 111 numbers and - At Mar-tI·n's SatuI-day Afternoon their feathers ~~ffiaCi~;in effec~t:h :~"N~~lt~nothine~gt ~m~~a~r~e ~~~tis neeSsadt~e~d pW~rt~lucked:s b y~ :any~sw ~eeor ~as ll, of the teams CARDED FOR SUNDAY IN TRIALS Fiflh Ranking Pocket •" SNOOKER" CHAMPION SEEKING at Frazer Field, We have won a they are ,to face ere the current game, We beat Ul.'sinus," campa,lgn IS completed, we hope the NEAR HERE Billiar(l Slar Heads FIRST Innocently believing that the mir- Sunshtne Boys- those same fair- Con.way Chased As Oxford Rally Program Of Champiolls acle performed by Steve Grenua w ea ~h e r lads who were ~ e ady to and a group of fi ghting lightweights Grenda tor on Nets Six Runs In Seventh,· Final By "Cue Keeley" before the;" eyes last Saturday can envoemlnry atIck~e et last SaturdpraYe-s ldWeill~t r e- Ea~tern Club's Marcel Camp, "snooker" cham- OF SE become a steady diet without addi- m~~nb e r , that h ~ gave them a mir- Count Is 9.5,. Wharton's Errors pion and fifth ranking pocket bil- tion and improvements, numerous ac agalnst UrSlnU S, Annual Test liard player of the world, will open faculty members are convinced that Should they follow their accustom- Costly. Aiken Winning H I the exhibition season at Jimmy the pre-season hubbub was so much ~ d roles, , wh ~ n and it the Hens go ' m- er Being Run Off Martin's Stat.e parlor ilaturday aft- m alar ky lnto a talispln, however , they'll be ---- ernoon at four o'clock -rwr- ' :;~~I~;n~ !e:;,ea: : ;~ye l~:t~~ ~~v~~ : ' By ,"The Roamer" , By "Ben Beagle" Camp ',"on the "snooker" cham- Look Out, Steve! thrllst forth in feliCitation, Others A Six-run outburst 111 t h e seventh frame of the s econd The annual fall field trials con- plo n s ~IP In 1937 agalnst the great- Show F Sweet though the victory over will shun him hke a leper That's contes t of the pos t -season series for the champions hip of the ducted by the Eastern Beagle Club fst players I~ th iS C O U~lrYthwlthou~ H ~,::,~~~r;;," ;~, ~,:: ; ':;:; ~' ,:;::~~: :::;,.':; ,;':~~W'" ,,",om m ,, ~ ,' m -St.te Leagoe e.nabl,d Tay 10' Bn,,' Muoo", to mu Lineup Ursinus h a ~ a good ball club It I? tea~s begll1 s to take ItS toll in while J im Yerkes and Sadi e Aiken' y 0 Ol' 0 u s e ward Seaman, Turtle Creek, P a , by V. Praclically was more experienced than Dela- m~:~ es , the wmnlng battery, had an erro; Fresh from a crush ll1g, 35- to-O and handled by Harry E Campbell, E, E. Mylln stnrt agall1 st the war e's It had a weight advanta e m ~ any::..,f lh ~ br et hr ~n-too apiece , victory over the Artillerymen from Roblso l11 a, P a, took firs!. h o n "~ o Head Football Coach ate battlc has that was easily 15 pounds or mo;e Uany, III fact regald the wm over Aiken Is Steady Fort Hancock last Sunday at Dela- Monday tn the 13-mch aU-age dog Ackle Stiltz a to the man The Hens d o~me d thal rsmus as a sign that any football A k t k ware Ci ty, the Fort DuPont Red class Twenty-two entrief, con pet- * last year a~ d team by refusmg to recogl11 ze de- em~~~~n ~~ I ~!n~ee l ~:a;~ee:~!~~~~1 dea:h e~i ~~r~~~~ e~ 1~~ch Oe:aosV~~r\~~ ~~.v ~s : ead ~o u t h thiS week end edsecond la saw sllm'e regular !;:;e~~~~~ g ~~~: m;I~;I~~ agains! ~ fl those gan:,e kids to get knocked on r' ldaY'd h e~d the J ackets to SIX Yard t!a:e l ; ~~~ ~~'g~~~f~~ t~~';;. Spot, o wn e~ b~e c~:~!s ~ H~~ ~~~n~ ~~~ t~~t~u~rterb~ f tball ", , smar sap happy by runnlllg agamst sll1 g es an tree earned runs 111 hs on Saturday Wilmington ' third Orangedale Bal ' ,ave l ~~ite d a~~et~cc asto n , utlhzmg their brUisers outweighlllg them from 15 gallllllg revenge f?r the 2-to-l re- Throttled by' the Tars at Dela- dy, owned' by Raymond Vansant 111 Jacket lilts aLl getllng t~ the ~ull es t , and by to 50 pounds-before they reaUze verse he suffered m the first game ware Ci ty in 1937 the Devils are Buckllleham Newark' fourth Van shown a defilllte e!l! breaks more an t ell' share of that the emergency still eXi sts? The of the sen es, Chalmers led the out to avenge th ~ t defeat and to nock Bdl, ov:,ned by Homer S ' Cann- other, ••~: ~~:'~~~ ' ;:;~,::," , w,;,: b,ll ;:~ ' ~~~,;;~;h ,; ': ,.~~' ~:~ :"',,~ ~;:~,~ ' .;~~,~ .~,:'~:"';:' ~:, ~~; ;;~::: ' ,: '~ ,,~'d;:: ' ~: . ' ~,,~~; ;;'~:; ,,'i.!':' ~:iU .P~ ; 'k~d,:.:::'~~ "~.:;' ~:,~: ~:" h' ll 'f h ' l oa e one Wi ll be even more so ere the Hens' a au Ie and smgle, and Myers and campaign Dunbarton Kennels Pik'esv 11 Md squad which IS t~e iro O~~Crl~~a b~~tmg in,gainmg 1938 campaign comes to a fll11 sh Larry Preston, With two smgles The E~ g m ee r s have rolled U l) a I Bllcklngha rr: Wlnne~ e, ' The players had the t s team Unless Grenda reall y did 1I1herlt each, paced the Oxford delegates total of 68 pOInts in two games Zanboanzo Router owned by tough batlles ~omb 1I1 a Ion I ~asW r~ atUl'day Thurston's magic wand! Al though he fat led to get a safe- while stoppmg both the Washmg\on Charles P Moss, Mass, les, and although ~Y, Rube Argo batted two J acket Navy Yard and Fort l:i ancock in and handled by MrZ a ~e, Buckmghs v ill e, am This is the fourth In a series of s ix outstanding dIagram plays by leadi ng e,xpected to be ln, '~ ns home I~ the second when My- handy fashion, The next game at won Hrst honors Tuesday in the 1 3 ~ college coaches from Grantland Rice's new CitI es Service Football GUId e, han for tomorrows elS boo ted hiS roller, J ack Edman- DelBware City is listed for Octob inch derby class. Shore Drive Lady T HE above play Is from a single ' t It 11 i Downed 25·6 on s?n I and Ernie George drove in 16 with Fort Ontario providing t~~ Mad Cap, owned by Dr, Elliott B. wing back formation with unbal. 111 a I e ne or g ves to ·0, 1 back powerful Wcst F 1 a S h e S smg e runs, opposition, Floyd, Norfolk, Va" and handled by anced line to the right. We bave on ~0 ~' e3v ~~~~i v e d the ball from cen. e l t!ve~ , the Preston batted three runs across Mr, Campbell, took first. in the 15- been more successful with this play tel', spins and gives it to No, 4 for a lea? 111 the first I By the rubber for the Maroons, Scot- M ' inch derby class also run a ll' on tban the regul ar off tackle with No, 4 regula r off tackle play, NO.3 heads It ImpOSSible to -II ten two, and Cooney, Goldey, and olol'cycle HIli C lilnh Tu e~ d ay, ~I~~k ~:c~j l~\~ go t\~I:r b~l~y~'ri~c\vf,\dl~ back In to the line and blocks the ponent's attack, Woodworth one each, Scheduled For O c t. 23 Other winners in the l3-inch the full back keeps the b 11 d hit fl,rst man through The blocking as' J ohnny Gumla, Oxford Breaks Ice The second hill climb of the ear eV,e nt were: Second, Gray's Cap- a an s slgnments are as sh own, Trmilng ,6.0 after B I F 1e t C h e r Edmanson opened the ball game bemg sponsored \:1 th NY ' tam, owned by Roland Shearer ed the cnhre first ______~. by smglmg to ~ e nt el' , He took sec- Mo torcycle Club wII(be p ~ese net:~~~ B all l~lO r e, and , handled by Mr' Major Players ' BI'olhers handed hurler WIth plenty of ex- of the second, 1WE'RE KNOCKONG OFF nus COLUMN STANmNG UP AND 'T'S 00' 00 B"row, " " "' ''. b" w" U" d.ffi"U m,od RoO< Mo,"" " Bu, k"gb, m. ",.ro. Ch"",\ Bell. Called In By Phill.es , .."' ,,. " " ' " ' Id. " "d, S a ell t h b ' stranded when Whiteman lifted to co urse near M'Uo d C ' owned by Charles Marlowe and No- 1 mch and weighs 1 d l~ ' mre ovel'" twb~o''" ta "roles 1U "'1_----.1- so jf :~ d y aug JO h ~ m g to type With the m ach1l1 e up on the mantle Cooney and DICk ,Roberts rolled out, on Su~d ay, Oct~b e l: 23 l OSS Roads, Ian Hutchison, Elkton; fourth, San- The Phill ies have picked four He IS a graduate ~ f ~~~/ F end of the half m ..,," ,h, d b<=. " " "', 10 00'"'' m" " " , odw",'" " ,",h" dooo . L.. " d " , C\'" C u,d.. ",,' S," D •. " d ' ''''. hment, to our- a n l :~:~t l as we ~ e l, l eve d , that the games George si ngled to center F e rrJ~ Wh',rton, local second sack- by A E Shamberger, R e l ~te r tow n , Walker, of the White Sox, He stal:~: ~~~It~·~~~ n ght-handed pitcher Wi th try ~ lcad lllg lockeys self? We dcserve It we can assure J:P y demolall zed and ll rcd and Whar ton loaded the bases when er, wlil not be at hiS accustomed Md , won nrst place Wednesday in 6 feet, weighs 160 pounds a d L ,of the Nebraska State tUI r in! ColumblR you Well, we'll h av~ to admit, , , ed u~o a~~ Gold cont.lllgent was slat. Yerkes f umblcd hiS bunt, posil1 on m the J ackets' l ine-up Sun- the 15- 111 Ch all-age b itch cl as~, sald to be faster afoot th a l~ hIS fo~~gue, dlCd fO,lIowm g an oper ation he IS taklllg a course we didn't h ave a bet on tlle Univer- the bI OC~~d an~t h e l ball game V18 Argo roll cd to Myers who kicked day at Oxford fo r t ~ e fl nal game of HarrIson's Henl'l elta, owned by brother IS __a_ l_e_g_lnf_ _e_ct_to_n_, ______..::ll1:g::..' ___ - ---r--. slty of Delaware football team Sat- reckoned (andk';;~ ; oute, but we the ball as Chalmers and George ~~: post-season series fo r the Bi- Samuel Granato, Rochester , N, y, Lanlllng, brother of J ohnny L an- urday For two weeks we talked With t th Y e you did too) scored Wbarton puUed up at third te League pennant. Other dogs placlllg were: Third nlllg, of the Boston Bees is 1 ft about It and ad Vised our faithful do\ aUf ' e great heart that was and Argo at second Conway hJt to Handicapped last week by what Whitely's Patsy, owned by Ross S' ' a e - r eaders (all eight of 'em) to back vn 01 a moment but not out. Myers who rel1red Whar ton at th he m crely thought was a rash on the Hens in the openlllg tlit of their , Wlthlll ~h e next ten m lllutes, thc plate Argo scored on Ed ma~l so' l '~ h iS body, he learned Monday, fO I- 1 ~ob lll so n , Wilmington; fourth, Gor- current grid campalgn And for ~~tl a t to ~ Iev;rsed Itsel! and Coach squeeze bunt lowmg a VI Sit to a local physician, costl y boots as lite J ackets went ~l ,TrUdt, owned by J , W, J ones two weeks, VIC sought ' to place a cl eve fr ren a's ,men ripped t,he (Please Turn To Page 8) that he is sufferlllg with shingles, down to defeat at Oxford last Sun- N Ci~~ , , a , and r eserve, S an k a na~ bet, but somehow or other we never laws doml a tnat llng ,herd of Gnz- - Whal'ton was charged with three daY, 9-5, S Ig d mdre, owned by Dr, and Mrs could connect With p Bea'r backer z les an p as ered theIr hides up in _ ny er. ' And so, after the game, we kicke'd ~h ~e~::~~es ~a°";~~:c~~mW:~I~ a~e ?S HEROES OF SPORT ourse~ around three blocks of our the throes of h t e III ' b~UW~~WMk ~~~ md o~y a ~ wn ~ r~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ho~e you'll all be sports enough to Wi~ . Delaware team came back to ;:-;~~ s uf~ l~ g~~~~: n!~~e t~~ ~,~~~" \~~n- , An,d the. boys were probabl y bear- , p, 1I1 g 111 mllld Grenda's advice that Address all com,mumcations In when you have given all you've got ~ar? of, Concentrallon Camp 0000, , , , just give a little more, We ~e Isolated ourself as f urther I, But now, through uU lhe rejoic­ pumshment, mg, thcre is still one deadly under- BLUE liEN FAN WHO AW current fl owing that cannot be over­ the Delaware cleven turn in that lookcd , , , a lack of rcserve mu­ upset vi ctory over Ursinus saw what terial. was distinctly a "team" conqu st, l What if Lady Luck should turn You could si ngle out individual back and force n few of the Hen stars, , , Earl Sheats' gr at play on regulars to retire to the sidelines the Hens' left DAnk, Howie Vidcn's Idue to injuries? What if the charlie ball carrying, Tommy Ryan's de- hOlse in Homan's kicking I g re­ fenslvc work, Ed ~o m a n 's punti ng Ifused to iron itself out or the Dela­ " these w re highlights of the wore team should su ffe r from the Blue and Gold's excellent perform- many casualties too common in a / nce, but when it's all summed up, (Please Turn To Page 7) ~-----....:.-=------=-----=~- FORGET WIN AND I wo.""...... Elkton Won Lost FOR SOUTHERNERS Revelers 1 1 /Continental Ol'llce •• Business Men •• Defen c Enlphasized; Advance ~~~I~~:rt~llb~~a~~ ~ \ : Elkton point To Invaders' Strong Rudolph Malquess ~ Totals Deaver m m m:: Attack; Deadlocked Drexel Welden ~:g m m= ~ Crowl Sioneeker 180 214 P Lost Clo e Tilt To RichlDond Totals 883 912 837-2632 K Continental Plant Bowlsby 168 140 178- 484 Beers 135 133 172- 440 H Dunn 133 174 148- 453 W Smith 171 154 157- 482 E Smith 201 171 164- 538 CERTlFICATEOF REDl1CTION 806 772 817-2395 OF CAPITAL OF

756 Office 154 138 182 147 176 681 787 Business Men 180 135 170 137 1700 213 16" 168 147 161 797 826 Revelers 177 150 157 136 137 162 160 167 160 172 791 787

724 706 Scrubs 1611 171 ISS 161 167 105 11 6 143 166 152 749 755 Fair Hill 189 155 202 194 172 147 "DO 143 168 137

931 776 Cranston Heights 166 ll5 167 168 168 170 166 167 199 141 666 761 Ebenezer HELEN F BENESH 141 156- 297 NOTARY PUBLIC 167 14" - 309 COOK COUNTY ILLINOIS 145 175 115- 435 STATE OF DELAWARE 175 lSI 175- 500 OFFICE OF SECRETARY OF STATE 172 145 158- 473 I CHARLES L TERRY .TR S.cle 153 135- 288 lary of Stale ot U e Slate of De laware 799 766 737-2302 ~~ ~~e~~~gCfsR'r;.lF~u~ a!n~hecg~roe~~ Presbyterian Church copy of Ce t lficate of Reduct on of he m m m= !~~ ~~t~k °lNh a:~~~~~:~d~I~(nn m m 140:: ~~ t~~b~~I~ ~ e 1~:U'e~~e rltho ~I~ko~ S~ 125- 125 IN TESTIMONY WHERE OF I have hereunto set my 726 734 714-2174 hand and official seal at (SEAL) Dover this nineteenth day AUXILIARY LEAGUE of September In the year ot Won Losl our Lord one thousand nine 3 1 hundred and thirty eight 2 2 CHARLES L TERRY .TR 2 2 Secretary of State 1 3 Received for Record o 0 Albert Stetser Recorder o 0 September 19 1936 922 3t Condlfico The State of Delaware 145 123 153-- 421 To the Sheriff of New Castle County 104 121 SherIff's Sales Greeting 101 92 \Vhereas Deulah 118 98 \V Jones bJ. ner 133 164 P c t I lion to Ihe J Jdges of 0 11' Su 651 598 perlor Court filed Newettes n he off ee of I e 97 146 Prolhonolary of said 155 117 Court in and for 95 Np" Castle Counly 108 133 fa the cause of 131 160 (OFFICIAL SEAL) complaint Ihereln 169 alleged has made applicallon to our so d Judges that a decree may be pro n) need dissolving th( marriage exist Ing between the Pe tllIoner and Dallas W Jones We Therefore Conunand You AS YOU WERE HERETOFORE COM MANDED Thai you ~mmon Dallas W Jones so t1 at he be and appear before the Judges of our said Courl al Ihe next term Ihereof to be held at WtI mlngton on Monday the Seventh day

Unity Lodge 158 145 142 138 161 160 145 162 141 164 DIVORCE New Castle County ss The State of Delaware To the Sheriff of New Castle County Greeting Whereas All crt loyal Crane by his Pol ton 10 Ihe J \ldges of our Su pe rlor CourA flied in the 011' ce of tI e P Qthonolary of ~ d Court nand fO! Ne v C n s 1I e Co nly for Ihe (OFFICIAL SEAL) ca se of complaint IIfled from Ihereln alleged has tbe field ade a pplicat on to wit b a o sa d Judges that a decree may broken leg be pronounced dis and anotber solv ng the mar man had been knock r a~e existing br ed cold Tbe pros t weeen lhe Pe I lin er and Viola weren I playing dirty Crane They were simply too We Therefore Command You AS big and tbey bit YOU WERE HERETOFORE COM MANDED That you summon Viola bard ------:--:--:-- Crane so tI al she be and appcal be Tbls nation being DIVORCE fore the Judges of Qt r sa d Court at what It Is and the tl c ext ler n 1I c pof 10 be h eld al football season being SO Intense Ibe re 8 probably room for botb sorts or game And If the colleges are worried les\ the prof s510nals masb tI em Oa t th y may be r e lle\ od to leart that the profes s ian Ii e l Ire pr Deurs are can corned ovel Ihe same mat ler It s ch s hould come to I a s the pros might have to told up SHERIFF S SALE-By vi It e of n " II of Levari Facias No 2 10 me dlrecled too (or wi e re would tbe y get will be exposed tu Public Sale at the the ir players? Cunningham con DEER PARK HOTEL IN THE TOWN c\udes g~la:a~~~K1u~~~Vy 5 ~sI1~tI C3~;I~f EIght The Newark Post, NewRrk, Delaware, Thursday,~~~_ --~ge , co-captain a nd fullback of I STANTON I European U. s. Diphtheria Immunization 'Now ~~ e t~e~:;c~~sli~~:~pt.O illl his post ~l~~'~ l" 25 YEARS AGO (ConUnued From Page 1) Ii s~~tht~~se ~~~~n~m~ l~a!~~ s e~ ~~~ ~i~3!~ ··:·: .. \~ ~ BetOng CarrtOed Out In Schools mel'S has scheduled two mid-we k . '" . ~ IN REVIEW tha n the Fre nch had Il right to give praciice sessions in order to whip 1 utol, .6ii ..... October 8, 1913 LIBRARY away. The case of Huneary ilJus- ---- the local club into top shape for Ihe Sho .. o ,. COII'I! r 1ll ~:~t~~ ut~o::tnt~~;! O I;heanS~IC~:~~~:~ Decelllber Rated Danger ~fonth By finale. In addidon to Conway Ilnd lloWI' by .. Jr .. • .. I21 II, WEDDING TO REOPEN states were crea ted to uphold French I h C Whitem an, Chalmers pla ns to have ~~n~; ' .. :.::: \ ~ ill Fader-Murray . supremacy in Central Europe. and State Board Of Hea t; onsent Boney .J ackson, J ~ hn Grundy, a nd l ~ Ulllf? rci ".: : ·::: \ ~ ~ Cards are out a nnounc1l1g the 4-H Cillb Plans their frontiers were drawn without d IF' T . t t Roy HIll ready fOl mound duty. . E\\ ell ...... m marriage of M,ss Gertrude F ader ~ regard 10 natural and nationalistic Of Parents Nee e( or lea DIeIl I Totals.. l6ii-- a nd George Wilson Murray at the lines" B Ii I - III home of the bnde's father, Gottlieb To Observe US;"g a large m ap to illustra te - K b M I lit Alexis I OW ng Renshaw Ark 11" laUlllI F adel', Newark, on Thursday eve- " N' ] " the points of his talk. Mr Ha user Pre-school age children of Dela- P ark, '1t~ed ~.r sd~PO~~: Forwood, --- ~ ~ ~~t, ~t . .:. I~ \11 I11ng. October fourth Only m em- Parents Ig It reviewed the history of Hungary ware famlltes of upper and mIddle duPont, 'ddl t d T nsend (Continued From Page 7) f'ul1on . 118 I~ bel'S of the ImmedIate famlltes were ___ from it~ founding 111 990 A. 0 II1come groups, are. on the aver~ge , Ard e;~n!:nd e~ ~; 7h :~c h e;;e is a~ ate . 167 170 184- 521 GrllT ll h .: l ~ \~ present. Rev W . J . Rowa!: of FIrst B Miss Emma S. Maclllry "In her one thousand years of ex- th ~ most poorly protected agall1st The . ~rown .,. . 154 167- 32 1 Totals. -- ~ PresbyterIan churc~: o ~ l cla.ted Stanton. October 5 - MISS Nellte istence she dId not engage, as an dipthel'la, according to. ? bs ervaho~s follows. October 7, 1938 . li20 8lB 900-2547 WII,o l;' 794 113 Mr and M.rs MUllay left l ",me~l- orton New Castle County ltbrar- independent nabon, JI1 onc sll1 glc of s t ~ te health authorIties. Na tu. al 9.30A M. Tota ls ... _ II TI mko . S , I a tely follow ll1 g the cerp" .ony fOI . a ~n h a~ a nnounced the r e-opel11ng aggress.ve war But her defensive lI1 el tIa often p~events famll.'es fr ~ m Commod.ore MacDonough 10' 15 A. M Presbyterian Church 7. \~~nnl n g ton tnp south They wIl. oe at home 111 of the County LIbrary at Stanton on wars, especially against the Turks, ta kll1g theIr chIldren to their famIly St Geo~ge~ltC, W 11 '00 A M ~hO~~~~~ ' . . g~ 191 199= · :~: c \VI ~6~1 . II thell' new home southwest of town, Wednesda The Itbrar y at thIS almost drained the national blood phYSICian for this treatment, a nd an Delawate . Y C · 1i'45A M sheafJer :: . 166 149 118- 43:1 \1 Penlllngion I !~ 1~ after November fifteEnth . t h' d\een closed recently due stream erroneous beltef has persisted that Delaware CIty . '00 P ' M TIffany • . 171 141 171 - 483 ~ Juslts '. m Fifty-fifth Wedding Anniversary POIl1 a ., . only those of low income m ay brll1g Port '?enn W . I , W SmIth . 182 161 165- 506 Tolal -- _ Mr . a nd Mrs. T. J J ones celebrat- to the death of MIS. Maty DIckey Mlnorl~y ~roblem .u0rn their chIld. en to w ell baby confer- P ort P enn C. 1:30P M \ Totals 851 763 790-2410 .... 6:: 1~ ed their fifty-fifth weddJl1g anlll- who had operated the ltbrary JI1 her "To replemsh It they II1vlted na- ences a nd to school imrnumzahon Odessa 2:15 P . M. . Country Club St e l z ~ r WOlf lIalI versary last Monday at the home of home for many years The new one tionals . of other countl'les. to come cltnic~ to be given this treatment. Kirkwood W 3.00 P M. ~;e Hopkrns .... l ~~ ~M 1:t= ~~~ F' C Houghton' l ~ 1. their niece Mrs P . M Sherwood. IS now located m the Grange Meet- lIVe wlt~ t.hem. and act1l1g upon C m al n Has Started Kirkwood C. 3.20 P . M. Slew~rt·· .. .:: 172 161 164- 497 Stearns . 14() III , . tng H all or the old Friends Meettng . thl" mVltabon hundreds of thou- a p g . Powell 210 J7 1 156- 537 C 0 1Ioughton 198 III They had as thell' guesMts theJlrHsons House and re-opened on Wednes- John N. McDowell sa~ ds of Rumanians Serbs Slovaks. The diphtheria immulllzation pro- October 12, 1938 A M w llhams~ n ' .. ' 184 202 200- 586 Plelpont . 115 IiI and daugh ters, Mr. and rs ow- ' M t bl h . " gram for the 1938-39 school year has Oak Grove 9'30 . ---- T - ard Breed of Center Square, Pa, ~:~ . re~~~ roO:~O I~t ~t a~~o~, ~h~~~ Mr McDowell. executive ~ecr~- sax~ens . d~~~ e~~a n: , n~~ ~~~ ~~~! started a nd doctors a nd nurses are St~nto n 10 45 A M Totals .. . . . 9O!. 916 829- 2647 otals I' 806 1ii and Mr and Mrs Fred C. J ones of IS the flrstgone tn the county to be tary of the UnIversity of Delawate ~;:hi~ the borders of Hungary. And visltmg schools on. n pre-announced Hockessm C. 100 P . M. TUESDAY NIGU'r L EAGUE Gibbs .Ig h S C ~~ I Wayne Pa . AlumnI ASSOC Ia tIon, was the guest . schedule to admll1lster the tOX Oid to Hockessll1 W 1 30 P M Won Lost 0 Connell I Omega' Alpha Purchases Beautiful ~e~:;~ o~I~~~~.s~e ~~~~s~gae: ~ nl~ speaker a t the PhiladelphI a ChlUb· th\1 ~ ~~~ b~:nngary 's mtnorlty those chIldre n whose parents have Oc~ber 12, 1938 ~~~~g;cr,~~ :"F ac ultY ' . ... . ~ 1 g al ~ , c ' . I l ~ Home . i . a chapter of the aSSOCiatIO n. w IC h pi 0 e . ' . SIgned consent sltps The program I t N 34 2'00 P M AI k Restaurant . .... 4 4 K ern ISS The sale of the r eS idence of 0 C ? onattng the bookcase,S a n ~ urnlsh- met m the LO l'ratne Hotel, Phlla- "Instead of mSlstmg upon asslml- IS bemg carried out earlI er thIS Mt P easan o. 2'30 P M' Wllson's Service Station 1 7 Tiffany . 163 . t th tngs from h IS mother s h o.ne. I h T d latlOn the HungarIan government Yorklyn . LIons Club .. I 3 ~~:ga W;I~~haM;::te:'~I~~t, of 0 De l a~ To Arrange Reopening d e~e:ke~~ a ~ e:h:y~ ext session of permitted these newcomers to ltve ~ :~~ ;'e m D~ ~~:be~? ~~vee ~~~~e c;,~~~ Walnut Green 330 P M Wolf Hall . . 0 4 Totals . ii04 ware College, was concluded last Mrs Lula Chambers, chall'man ?f the orgamza tI on WIll be Stephen J their own lives. speak thell' own dan er month ' I October 13, 1938 . THE IWFUl PRICE YOU p~y e elllng Mr Rose IS pl'eparll1g to the library commIttee, and M.s. Grenda football and basketball language, wear then' own natI onal I g d f th . C Walker's 9.30 A M rnD v~cate at onr.e The boys e~pcct to Alma Lynam, s e cret~ r y, together coach at Delaware, and J acob Kresh- costumes, bUIld their own schools D e ~~~r:~~: ~ee~s tho~ ' pr~b~ob~:7; ~f iT8YIor's Bridge 10:00 A M un ta ke poss~~~~ :~ w~thl~ h~ e~onth ~~:~I~l ssor~~~ nlt~:a~~~e dF~~e ;~~ ~ono~ ~ r~~.~~~ a~! ~~~I~~~il~:' ,Y eekly a n,?~~:~c~~!. Austl'lan cabmet met co~tracting dl ~ hth e rl a is hl g ~ er , ~~:?: ~~~pe l ~~i ~ ~ ~ M h h Tg" b P N 23 Imp 0 present, the Itbrar y WIll be open on 111 1914 to deCIde upon the ulltmatum pOlents of chIldl en of pre-school a~e P atterson 100 P . M. NE RVO US mn e . ~ a I~ e~r ~h lef~ on the Wednesday afternoons f rom 2 to CK to Serbia. there was but one man arc bell1g parltcularly urged to CI t - Ebenezer 1'20 P M ~ . M. /~~se ~tht sun thiS moon AI - 4 30 , on Fnday afternoons from 2 TO CHE who opposed the ultimatum be- e; take them to thei r famIly P:~ S I- Mt. Pleasant C 2 00 P M ~h:eL~g ~ D e~ uty Gr e~t Sachem F H. to 430 a nd on Fndny evenll1g from cause It meant war That man was c~a n for ~~mu~' za ~l on 'h or t~ . \~l g l summlt Blldge · 230 PM n hIS vacatIon tI'l to the 7 to 9 Through the actlvlttes of Count T,sza. the premlel' of Hung- t em to ell'. oca sc 00 l 01 IS October 14 1938 . ~mlt: IS 0 st b 'f I P g he the town ltbrary commIttee and the ?5 000 000 ary When the war did come, how- treatment SlIntlar ly, parents are N k W '930 A M Cheek Below And See If You Have aC I 1C dcoap , S ~ o r~ ;:'~~~~ e s of Diamond Sta te Grange thiS ltbrar y ..., ever Hungary marched with the be 1l1 g urged, for the' safety of theu' N ~ \Y : ~k C · 10 30 A M de.pultze , work IS bell1g contlllued, and It IS " AustrIans and the Germans be- own and (Jther chIldren. to be sure w, , Any OCThe Signs thIS trIbe to raIse the chI efs of 1~1I1- hoped the r eside nt ~ ef the commun- U S IIOMES cause Itke honest people th - world ~o affIX theIr sIgnatures and return Welsh 'lract 11 :10 A M Qulverln, nerves can mako you old and nehaha tI Ibe Brother Wl t1~oes and ity \Y ,;I aVaI l themselves of the op- ' '1 over ' the felt com )elled to Ilve tlJe consent slI ps to .chools Dlph- Ogletown 11 .40 A M. hI S stoff performed the cel emonles t t t d d g .. . Y I then '! under present-day methods Chllstlana W I 00 P M ~~g~~nOk~~g fy~~a~~k~n~ig~~d a~d 1:;~ m due form WhIle the C o unc:~ ~~~:r~:'IY 0 receI ve goo rca 111 ___ up to t~~~ ~~~~:~I O;:~a.lty of h ~ ~ lth protectIon, has ceased to Christi ana C 1:40 P M YODo"r!'tgr:~ y~~ar~~r ,,~~~. t:keC8thaa~~ S~~t F Ires are burnlllg as usual we at " The Stanton 4-H Club will ob- "When the Central Powers were be the serIOUS bug-a-boo It once was Eden 200 P M taking a good, !C!hablo tonic-ono made eape­ F" P' t' etoUt//or tOom en . And could you ask for any· serve "P arent NIght" on Thu",day II 1011 defeated, Hungary was staggered to parents of young chIldren, ac- thlDg whose benefits haye been better proved ~~~~~~ ' ;~ll1~e ta ~~ ~td h~~ r : ~L~:,~c eT~! e leVen ~ ~~ ~!~ ~Va ~ ~~ ~ ~ than world-famous Lydia E. PlDkham'!J chI efs ;'31~ed u are as folle ws eventng. at whIch tllne parem. w,lI Week Sche(111Ie(l by the pUlllshment inflicted upon cOl'd:ng to statIstICS ~ f .the State Pleasant Valle 320 P M. Pro het W ~ Jester, sacl em, M be guests of t~ e gr o u~ a t a dll1ner her Two-thIrds of her blood-soak- Boal d of Health It IS Important, Iron HIll y 340 P . M. V el:t' ~hee C:h~~n~! herbs and roots of P Pinkham'B Compound help Nature calm F M All: tel' s en I 0 l' sa ' l more meetll1g at 6 0 clock rhe 4-H club F or Oct 9.15 cd terrItory was g iven to her guests. p'lwever, that there be no ces ~ atlOn your shrieking nerves, tone up your sypt.em, c_ s ' . g , members WI ll prepa re a nd ser ve the • A proximately 68 per cent of her 111 the program, and that chIldren October 17, 1938 and help lessen d iatrcsa from female func­ tional disorders. ;:';;;~r \TWI7:~: e l ~r;tU :~~'m~~~a~ 0l~, dll1ner Therp will aJso be a n ex-' ---. , c~ t1 e , 71 per cent of her sheep. 66 of nt.ne months and over receive the McClellandsville 9.30 A M Make a note NOW to get (l bottle or this H o k1l1s ' sedond sanna p, Wm hlbltlon of the wor k completed by Everyone. of Amellca s 25 . 000 , 00~ per cent of her hogs. 70 pt·r cent tOXOId I MIl!ord X Roads 10 ~O A M time-proven Pinkham's Comp1>und T ODA Y M a~r s' fi rst warrIor, S W DIxon, thIS group homes IS gO lllg to be lI1 spected f~1 of cOI'l1-p roducll1g lands. 99 per cent Schedule Arranged . Harmony 10 .o J A M . Rally Day was obser ved at all common fil'e hazards, and eve I y of her Jron ore mll1es 90 per cent The rema ll1l11 g schools WI ll be Claymont W I CO P M ~~~~;~ar~~~~.II~::·e d ~:~~~ ,' r;'t~:u;.'~~ SCI vices of the Stanton M E Church reSIdent of a house IS g~ 1I1g to be of her wood lI1dustries', and 100 per VIS Ited m acco rd .1nc~ WIth the fol- Cl a YI~ o nt C .. ' 3000 P M warrIor Delbert SmIth, first brave, on Sunday. shown how to corr ect eXl st1l1g haz- cen t of her salt mmes, lost most of lowlllg schedul.e. pmen\s of un-,m- I ~hlOU gh o ut the ye,,, It . ~ S p oss l~ l e , Annual Chlckcn Suppcr ards her nattonal shrmes, out of 16,68 1 mLlnlzed chlldl en of pre-school age fo. parents to take thel! Chlldl en ~~:cell~ ~~~:~'\lI . ~ ~~o~e~: a viw~~ s On October 13th, the L adles Aid Those are the objectIves 01 Fre schools she lost Il , ~J6 . a nd all but are bemg urged to note carefully to the,,' own phYSIcian. or to the , , y gci Society of the Stanton M E Church PreventIon Week whI ch WI ll be ob- two oC her cen tul ies old unlversl- the date of VISIt to their local school, weekJy well-baby conferences held ~~u~~ !:~ e ' cCh~s t e~ e~:lI~L; a~~aI~f WI ll serve ItS a nnual chicke n sLIpper served October 9 to J5. . lI es. a n~ to ~hen .take theIr child there In h ea l~ ce~te r s . th roughout t~ e forest g Gregson. Representa- III the basement o( the ch urch. Sp o n ~o r e d by the Na honal Fn e "To crown this masterpiece of (01 a dmllllsh atlon of tOXOId. state, fOI a d~llll .s b a tlO~ .of the pi 0- . ' h G' C '1 W F The Young Women's Class of the ProtectIon ASSOC IatI on. the wf'e k the angel of peace Burge nland, with VI SItS have been made to these tective t OX OId; III addItIO n. dunng ~~ ed t~ t e . eat ounCl , m . . Stanlon M . E. Church held its this year is specially planned to I'e- almost 100 per ' cent Hungarian schools : Minquadale. Rose Hill, 1he period of the school immuni- III e . P ersonals monthly business meeting a nd social duce America's resident. ' fire loss population. was ceded to Austria. Butto nw o~ d , Willia m P enn, Booker Izati on program. they m ay be ta ken Mr. and )\o1 :s. Wm. Heavellow en- on Mo nd ~y evening a t the hom!! o( -:-an appalllllg 3nm"" I total of 7,000 This w as the bitterest cup of all to T. Washlllgton, Absalom J ones, to the 10caJ school on the a nnounced tertailled the following guests at Mrs. LOLll se L ~a su r e . . h~ es ~nd ~ o re tha n $100.000,00 111 the H "ng~ri a n s . This was done Mount P leasant No. 2, Rlchafdson day. their home near Harmony last Sun- Mrs. Sue SmIth. Mrs. Alma Bould- pJOpelty d amage. . . by th