BFI Film Academy Highlands & Islands 2017

Are you aged 16-19? Do you live in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland? Want to meet other people like you who love movies, get to make your own short film and start out on a path that could lead to a career in the Film Industry?

Applications are now open for our next BFI Film Academy Highlands & Islands in partnership with Eden Court.

Over a 9 day residential during the October school holidays, we are offering intensive training in; storytelling, directing, production, sound recording, editing and camera with the final aim of devising, shooting and producing a plot driven narrative short film.

Working with key organisations and individuals within the Film Industry, we will provide you with an understanding of the commercial industry, cultural knowledge of the film value chain and the skills you need to help make a career in film a reality.

What is involved? 9th – 17th October – Full Filmmaking Residential Drumnadrochit by Loch Ness

• You will take part in training and development sessions covering everything from storytelling/storyboarding, camera workshops, sound and sound design, editing to directing, composition and production. In the first 4 days, each participant will also develop a short film script, with two chosen to be made into films by the group • A day of preproduction where you plan your short film shoot. • Two days shooting your movie. Split into two groups you will have time to bring your story to life • A day and half editing your final film • Masterclasses. Previous guest speakers across our Academies have included Hollywood director J Blakeson (5th Wave), writer/director John McPhail (Where Do We Go From Here, Anna And The Apocalypse), Welsh director Philip John (Moon Dogs, known also for Downton Abbey, Outlander), Scottish writer/director Hope Dickson Leach (The Levelling), VFX Supervisor Frazer Churchill (The Flash, Scott Pilgrim vs The World, Children of Men), acclaimed film and television director Colm McCarthy (Dr. Who, Peaky Blinders, Sherlock), Scottish producers Arabella Page-Croft and Kieran Parker of Black Camel Pictures (Sunshine on Leith, Outpost, Legacy) Barry Crerar (BFI Vision Award 2016-2018), Scottish acting talent Freya Mavor (, Sunshine On Leith, Not Another Happy Ending) and Paul Brannigan (Angel’s Share, Sunshine On Leith, Under the Skin) along with many others. Saturday 28th October – Screening and Careers Day Eden Court, Inverness • On this day, you meet Industry professionals who can help you plan your careers and you will be able to watch the final films in the cinema with your family and friends who get to see all your hard work. You must be available for all the dates specified. Cost There is a £25 fee for attending the course, but bursaries are available for both the fee and travel for those eligible. Don’t let the cost prevent you from applying.

We will provide three meals and accommodation for the Residential part of the course, running 9th- 17th October.

Selection Criteria You can only be eligible for this Academy if you live in the Highlands & Islands regions. We will select participants based on passion, ability, talent and willingness to work hard. If you get a place, you will work towards the completion of a Bronze Level Arts award that will enhance your knowledge, skills, CV and Further and Higher education applications.

For more information and to download the application form visit:

Please return completed applications by email to [email protected]

or by post to BFI FILM ACADEMY HIGHLANDS & ISLANDS, Screen Education , 30 Ferry Road Avenue, Edinburgh, EH4 4BA

For any other queries please email Gaelle on the address above.

The closing date for applications is Friday 28th September at 5pm.