I FREDERICK COUNTY GOVERNMENT Commissioners Blaine R. Young BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS President Winchester Hall, 12 East Church Street C. Paul Smith Frederick, Maryland 2 1701 Vice President Billy Shreve
[email protected] David P. Gray www.FrederickCountyMD.gov Kirby Delauter 0:301-’600-1100 F: 301-600-1849 Lori L. Depies, CPA Coiintv Manager April 1,2014 Mr. James T. Smith, Jr., Secretary Maryland Department of Transportation 720 1 Corporate Center Drive Hanover, MD 2 1076 Re: 20 14 Frederick County Transportation Priorities Dear Secretary Smith: On behalf of the Board of County Commissioners of Frederick County and the Frederick County Delegation, we are writing to share Frederick County’s (“County”) transportation priorities for consideration in the development of the FY 2015 - FY 2020 Maryland ConsoIidated Transportation Program (CTP). The County has numerous transportation priorities to address both congestion and traffic safety which are enclosed in the Annual Transportation Priorities Review Report. You would note upfront in the report, several County funded and private-public partnership projects on the Maryland State system that demonstrate our willingness to partner with the Maryland Department of Transportation (MDOT) with the goal to focus on safe and cost-effective improvements that eliminate existing and near term projected bottlenecks. Because of projects moving forward in the CTP and significant commitments by our development community to fund improvements on the state highway system, our overall top priorities for highways have changed since last year and include: #1- Proiect Plannine FundinP - MD 75: 1-70 to Lewisdale Road This improvement would address existing sufety and future capacity needs of the corridor.