NOTICE OF HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Submissions on the Draft Regional Land Transport Programme 2012-2015 will be received, and submitters who have indicated a wish to appear in support of their submission have been scheduled to be heard, as follows: Date: Monday, 16 April 2012 Time: 9.00 am Tuesday, 17 April 2012 9.00 am Friday, 20 April 2012 9.00 am Monday, 23 April 2012 9.00 am Tuesday, 24 April 2012 9.00 am Venue: The Chamber Level 2, Auckland Transport 6 Henderson Valley Road Henderson, Auckland HEARING PANEL MEMBERS Chairperson Mr Rabin Rabindran Dr Ian Parton Mr Mike Williams Cr Christine Fletcher Stuart McDougall REGIONAL LAND TRANSPORT PROGRAMME MANAGER Contact Name: Mr Ray Day Contact Telephone: (DDI) 09 440 7297 Email:
[email protected] Website: Note: The Agenda Report accompanying this Notice of Hearing is for consideration and is not be construed as a decision of Auckland Transport. AGENDA FOR A HEARING OF THE AUCKLAND TRANSPORT HEARING PANEL, TO BE HELD IN THE CHAMBER LEVEL TWO, 6 HENDERSON VALLEY ROAD, HENDERSON, AUCKLAND ON MONDAY, 16 APRIL 2012 COMMENCING AT 9.00 AM 1. DRAFT AUCKLAND REGIONAL LAND TRANSPORT PROGRAMME: HEARINGS REPORT Introduction Submissions on the Draft 2012-2015 Auckland Land Transport Programme (RLTP) closed on 23 March 2012. A total of 930 submissions were received. In addition, approximately 1,600 submissions were received on the transport section of the Auckland Council Long Term Plan (LTP). Some of these submissions relate to matters that are relevant to the RLTP.