Ians at Ou^Ost American Aasooiatlon of Textile Valerie Ann U Ttle

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Ians at Ou^Ost American Aasooiatlon of Textile Valerie Ann U Ttle - / . m . V-,- • X • WEDNESDAY, NOVEMlEg ■ t ''V' vRACB rarENTY-EIGtit , \ : 'X jbnrfan^r lEvfninn Avtnute Dafly Net Preifi Ran Bdfifd of Health, tva yaars; Alton tha__ _______ Board'for_ nb^meludlng a ' Fbr the Week Eaded 'rU taW eathar la t U . AMrad It. Roftra, « . apn Mambin of the various Oatho<: woman in that gfmiwx, •, LIT US TEST 1 ; Foraeapt of O. a. WeaHwr BanaB of Mr. and Mra. John C. Rogara Ue4Cothecs CSrcIos'w!ho plan , to Boai*d Names Cowles, Advisory F ark and Kacr . , OcL W. IfiSS About To^ nS 3 B. Middle T p M . !■ attffhdlng attend the annual banquet of tf Engaged reatlon Commission, fiva yaara; Vopr W eit^ RiRia Earl b. Rohan, Board of Tax Re­ Occasional rain toalght. Low the A r m ya Anti - Aircraft and combmed circlea Jfov. 16 at la 30 Sacapdl near 40. Tomorrow showers early .m. at the British American view, Hkret years; *Atty. John 11,916 3. CBriten W»rt Jr. of rwnUnf-. Quidad Mlaaila School at F o r t ? Nine to Posts M OVf ' In morning, mow llurriOa, wtndy. ton <t»an» ”1lM Oum flnlt" Bliaa, Tax. ItOgera who antprM 5 Maple St„ may obtain ticke Mrosek, U brary ‘ Board, Uiibe M^esker of Vge Audit colder by afternoon. High la the pKttorti of Iniiu«trU.MtMMrch" at tha.. Am.) in June lW3.’’nolda th# from Mrs.. Ralph M., Rook’s. years; William C. Pitkin,. Pension \ , Biirkaii of O ^Iatlaa .40a, tha'toMtinc of tlia Hartforid S«c< Arihy commendation ribhoh and HarUhnd Rd., or Mts. JuU ii^L. Nine p4rsdns, seven of them Board and Pehslon Trust ,Tund SWEDISH Mdncheater^A City of VUlagm Charm Korean aervice ribbon. Ha grad­ Randasnb, 80 Bpkon St. ^ re incumbents, wen nam ^^o posts Trustees, both four years: Mrs. tMn,Am«dcan SbOety ofMachan> ----- ;----- ----- 1 I ieat a ^ e w a . FrW ay'at S p.m. uated from the Univarilty of C5ott\ turns must be^dade by Hoy: 12. to on town boards and commhsions Dorothy Ja«okson. Town Planning A neiaitttfik prlatad roaaiB — Ibt the Xdmmittee their ctoctraalOaUF wUI u n yea tha tn tha *mn;t3r CoUcf* caumlatry pectlcut In Julie 1953. ^ ComniMsion, five-years; and Mrs. B 8KIN 6 SHE VOL. LXXV, ffO. 29 (9WENTY-FOVR PAGES— TWO SECTIONS) MANCHESTER, CONN., THURSDAY. NOVEMBER 3, 198$ ..(CtaMltiad AfiratttolM m Paau 22) fMns. by the Board of Directors last Martha H. Stevenaon, Develop­ trM eaadHiOa pM rata pf gnat PRICE nVEjPgjrtE audUorluM. HarlXord ' B c t a li cX LUTHER HAU - ‘ taactim of iM fraatar Hartford night. * / ' ment Commission, five year*. ''’v ■' - ' Roger E. Carlock. eon of Mr*- M. piilverstehi, president of The two new members are Mrs. E X P u tT w a ‘M;« a B F A ia a \ a|aa will ba fuaaU at tha cbap- Joe-Patrtcla CarlocK of 24 peer- Director .Wal Ur Mshoitty nom­ Eu m m iib I UrtlMrafi ta fa jnaeUn*. igers'^^oTp. of M anchester and ils ry Jane Miller, appointed for a inated Bahlla Pagsni for the rec­ PROMFlPv * field Pr.,’haa been named tO the oger*, w^^atUheM the Ad CIuH ChHreh / reation post but Psgant, who waa ECONU!WV'’AI. 8CR.VIOB dean's Hat at Colgate Univers^ meeting toino^s!^ at the Sheraton 3-yegr term on the Library Board Sot«rd«y, N«v. 5, T p.m. Flood Help ‘Hia W.B-A. JunRra meatinc. Hamilton, N. T„ for /icajlemH: Biltihore Hm m In Providence. Sit- to succeed Chgrles H. Norris, and prasent, declined nomination. Ma­ AU8PICB8 0 F aitUct waa achadulad for Frhlay excellence during iha^ ppecedlng verstein, wno^haS' made several Edwwrd Saarl, appointed to a 5- honey also noiHtnated Atty. Fran- \ avaoinf at tha Cbihmunity T haa lemeater. He la a 19^ graduate Of trips tOyBuropeXln behalf of the year term on the ZonfM Board of cir'Shea for several quccesstve DOBCAS BOClfcTV baaa poatponad until Friday ava< Kent School. govcnuaent'a pro^am to aid the Appeals to succeed Jhines H, Mc­ openings. iatnf of next aaak. induatrlal recoVery:\ of weatern Veigh. McVeigh, a member of At the close b* the meeting, Eupdpe, will speak on "Manage- the Z A k for eight years, had de Mrs. Helen Fitzpatrick', who has The Hartford^ East Association maa m 9te«l«ema*mml f - A dauahtar w aa boira Sunday of ^ngregatlonal Oiurcher will eht as a Vnlvarsal L*hfuage.' ctined reappointment. sought,to have a woitvA appointed /I at tha mrtford Hoapttal to' Mr. hold iU fall meeUng at the Com- Incumbents -resppointed/were to the Advisory Park\and Recre­ 785 M AIN ST. Joseph .Masoetli, r-e e .n,nea k a rrj p h Pn^'^A . F. Lundberg;,.Advieory ation Oommlsaion, again criticised Read Herald Advd. and Kra. Wallace Worthington, 33 nuinlty^urch, Wapplng. Sunday . H a rtfo rd , ;Nov. (jp)— Gov- N. School St. / chemist w d consultsnt-supei'visor Hartford, Nov. 3 (>P)—TKe big job Coiiui^ticut. people face 3 of the, Connecticut State Water •T- rePguring and rebuilding after two flOoda was outlined in etxmr Ribicoff today gave^O Commissioh Laboratory; Wealeyaa black amL white today, 'The State Flood Recovery Corifimittee .por'^l^'backing to th^27* z University, will present to the made "report to the Governor. The report concerned repair pob)tj|utt)gram of the state ians at Ou^ost American Aasooiatlon of Textile Valerie Ann U ttle. Chemista and Coloriats a paper env and redevelopment. JT<X)d R fiaovery ComTftittee. titled "A Pollution Eduction Pro* ^Mias Valerie Aan U fiit, daugh­ The committee, -kesded by Sher* "Everythuig of p' positive man Rl .Knspp, public utili^ ex­ recommendaDoa that' the com­ gram for She Textile Industry,’- ter of Mrs. J a m p g ^ . McDowell Brazil’s President ovember Sale Friday' evening at 8:30. at the ecutive, racomniended |n.-mUllon mittee haa made, I will support Hotel Bond. Anyone interested ,in Jr., 188 and BUnley Forefro in state aid to*help psy^fw repairs IS Heart Attack and recomnibnd tq. the Legisla­ the' problem of water pollution ia Little, 2 4 3 St., la engaged to to public property apd give relief ture," he said. \ Hot Frontier elfish cordially Invited to attend. ba.m'aryk)RiU»^George E; Tatro, X . , to flood vicUms thjough tax abate­ 'Terming this a "gragt vote qi ments. y ' Rio de' Janeiro,-Brazil, Nov. confidence, he added; f Cotton Fabrics nephsw of Mr.'an'd Mrs. Oris A. - Beyond t^t, it proposed that 3 «•) —Praaident Joao Cafe The annual fail rummage sale Tatra, 8S Mather 8t. "This is the greatest trilMft'e. w« of the Siaterhood of Tempi- Beth Mias Little graduated from Man­ the striclum communities under­ Filho Bimred a. heart attack can give the COmhiltteq/iol\ itf Shotom, which opened today in tl take long range redevelopment during/the night and physi- outstanding, work." W orst Since ’48 W ar chester High School in the claai program with federal and htate k I9e— 36" DAN RIVER WRINKLSHED AND vestry of the Temple, will be of 1954 and is employed as a key ciana-kald he Would be com- Tha Governor's eqafinents tiifued tomorrow from 9 j/clocV punch operator'- at Travelere In- ahiab that out of the disaster will peUed to undifrgo a period of at a press confers^ snqrtly after STEVENS GINGHAM PLAIDS until npon. suranct/Co. .. amerga "a better Connecticut." cc^plete rest. His condiyon Sherman R. Knkpp, conuntttae Jeruaalen), Nov. 3 (AV-Iaraeli and Egyptian forc«i battled ' it also recommended ,that the if not.serlous. chairman, Imifded him a bound, .in the El Aujd-Nizana^demilitarized frontier zone in the worat REG. ?cw36*; FINE A.B.C. CREASE RESISTANT Her fiance attended Springfield Trade School and served with, the General Assembly ask Congress to / Cafe, 36, became President copy of Uiaraport. The'governor fighting between them since the end of the>1948 Paleat^e COnON PRINTS . U, 8, Army from 1951 to , 19S4. Sivc immediate consideration to in August 1934 after President . concMeiF'Uiat he had read a mi- A ssem blir Y lew s ood control meaaurea for the meogrfiphM copy of the SSrpage War. He U employed by Q ty OpUcianS, 1 Getulio Vargas committed sui­ Refwrta of casualties, from both sides gave a total of 2(Ml' OedorfiiCt ^ plaids with the wonderful wrlnklahed finish , Springfield, Mass. Northeast. ,' /' cide following . a drive by 38 dopmnent before breakfast-. and quality sta la dark grounds. , i SJades of Europe An April wedding la planned. 1 Urges CompromUa generals' who forced hia reaig- Legislators Seat Copies Israelis and 60 Egyptiape.killedJn the clash^ which started Knapp, president of the Con­ natlon. The chief executive said that last night. manaser and program supervisor necticut-Light Rower Co., at­ . -Brazil recently elected a- m copiea are being mailed to the 313 The battle was for the El Sabha checklist, which, accord­ Mrs. John Tierney, president of tached to the report a personal P resident and Cafe la dua to members bf the Legislature today. Gibbons Aseembiy, Catholic Ladles of WICC, Bridgeport, has devoted pleas that the, committee recom­ ing to the Egyptians, has changed hands twice. The post ia in over 16 years to the study and re­ turn over his office Jam )1. If Jft appealed to each legislator to of Columbus, conducted a business mendations be considered Jn a he is unable to take up his study It before next Wednesday's the demilitarized zone but inside laraeli territory. \ l Ineefing laat evening at the K.
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