




DRUG GAN GS o w mev 4-26-es, In: AC A¢- i Inc ADI--1.-i not A: LII ,i,__ ;JL.A. Men1bers. Au '3;° Arrest Concerns Police 55?5-'-"-5 Lab __.i_.__. Logo Co-M _.__ D I11 l Dgjlo H. __ . r , lee. a|'-- , By Paul W. Valentine Mines was arrested after a 700 $0--a __ Ioington Pod Sui! Wrist sealed, ve-count indictment was Yum... __Z___ handed down by a federal grand Yololbon Iv __._ BALTIMORE, Sept. 26-An al- jury here last week charging him D-'e¢~o"| Soc; ._._ leged member of a notorious hos with acquiring rearms with false Angeles street gang called the identication and illegally possess- Crips was arrested here today on ing rearms as a convicted felon. weapons charges, fueling specula- The charges carry a maximum sen- tion among federal agents that the tence of 25 years imprisonment 10,000-member gang has extended and $1.25 million in fines upon con- its drug network to the Washing- viction. ' . ton-Baltimore area. Eisexiberg said additional charges Agents said they arrested Ar- against Mines are expected. Mines mando Eugene Mines, 25, as he en- is being held in custody pending a tered a city court to answer a local detention hearing Wednesday. assault charge. At the same time. Prosecutors, citing what they say is other agents searched his recently Mines dangerousness and likeli- rented suburban Baltimore apart- hood of flight, want him held with- ment and confiscated 2.5 pounds of out bail until trial. suspected cocaine, a semiautomatic According to the federal affidavit, rifle, $10,000 in cash and cocaine- agents traced Mines to the Crips af- packaging equipment, according to ter city police arrested him in June Assistant U.S. Attorney Harvey E. on a charge of assault with a hand- Eisenberg. gun and seized a-9mm semiauto- An affidavit led by agents of the matic pistol from him that he had Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco and purchased from a Baltimore gun Firearms in federal court identified dealer using the name of his broth- Mines as a member of the Crips er, Robert Edwards Mines Jr. of gang, one of several large, increas- . He also had purchased ingly violent in the Los An- a .44-caliber revolver in March geles area where California author- from the same dealer, the affidavit ities say more than 380 people said. He was released on bond in were killed last year in feuds over the assault case. drug customers and territory. Through fingerprint analysis, the Law enforcement officials say the afdavit said, agents determined Crips and a rival gang called the the identity of Armando Mines and Bloods have extended their net- learned from California authorities works into other cities such as Seat- that he was a documented mem- tle, and Kansas City. To- ber of the Los Angeles neighbor- day's arrest of Mines here marked hood branch of the Crips called the the rst tangible presence of the Santana Block Crips. He also had a Crips in the Washington-Baltimore 1983 burglary conviction on his area, ofcials said. record, agents said. They would not say whether oth- The affidavit said the Crips have er Crips members are in the area about 10,000 members in the Los The Washington Paar a L? but said their investigation is con- Angeles area and are divided into TM Wunmgion Times tinuing. The federal affidavit indi- loose sets or groups identied by Daily News Now York] cated agents had Mines under pe- local street names or landmarks. riodic surveillance for several A recent wave . . . of shootings Tno M" York Trncs months. and gangland-style homicides in the The Wall Stroot Journal He was distributing drugs at Los Angeles area, along with in- The Chicago Tribune least for himself . . . if not as an creased competition for the drug The Lon Angola: Times arm of the gang," Eisenberg told re- dollar and the accompanying law The Chnanan Science MOl'92|l°r porters. He said he did not know enforcement response, have driven USA Today whether the suspected cocaine gang members to expand or relo- seized at Mines apartment came cate their drug trafficking." the af- from Los M86155- fidavit said. Onto Q Y-._'

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~_.-:__.---tr:-<< "-5 - _:1~¢92;: __~.~-»" _="-.'92.l-5 I we.';-1- -J - '-":"'_-"<1v;;;§-;?.- 1.. : _ - »~ . . 4'- - 3- ;-- -_-1i~";ii5~* -~ ':-":,-'» g .. _¢~ _ - - ~_'2.-iii ,-3'."-1-»'=»"5';: J1" '-. ' . . f-- .. _»_:'- -.. 1'.:-I ':;-.. .. .1:71~ >-~ 4 - - 2-1* 7'-1 " =. '- .11-;':¢"'l'-,.:2-'-7 -.'--'-1-':'i .' --:_ ' -'_l92*.. f-v $1:L »~ t -- -»_" ~-. '~ - :$"*i---- _ '_ Y1_ "7-§==92-" .. .-.- .-' . -- ~' .. - -3-1" _92_---._92 --- "I_y.¢;_.-'~. la 5- i.__:- . -14-. . ' -;,i_at----._=_ _._._-.9292=;__ "~._....;;s--;,~_ 7 -",_.":4:-=; 92~'=g;»;>;= ;v;§;=_,__'__V.-t-,-.:.A¢;'..?;=i; ; 1,»-4:1-': ~ __-31:1-.r_.->'_.-5,: "3.-1, ._:;._~_;.=:;.~._.-.;_-_¢._.7-'2;;,2 .;".;-j._: cial agent -James Wattersonoi the US. 51 bi.i"'2iiis 4- .:'-e" P.- '-~ Y§- ' .""';r~§Z-. * .5= ii.-11'5"".- ""1". ¢-- * ~.-"- ' T--'iiE,;:' ~ i>- - i. - 1.»-=.~i~.Ii"~-"- = "i II-':-=--1-.' :92._:.~;>~.-7'>.-2; -.¢ Bureau of.-92lcohol. Tobacco and Firearms. ~ Y-IRE.''-:1 r ,'.-1 :,l'-ii; %-'--'-» - "J E2 - . fl."-1:1-, ' »: -I~,:7-;':'i'-';".' ¢?_'_1I*~'-"= . ":= --'»-'- 1~--..'1 .- H :. _1.- 1.5 -.-:='~_;,lI;--;1:'-'<'l.3.,3Z: l -_?i '~' -~':j::_: "And 92vhatsscary is that the crack prob- I .. -i1'_':-EL :.r-.-"i-1--_1 ,.-92 r--5 _,,,_»92-_,.;-'-F11 1.---->1_ ,.--,_...-,..i., _Q11:--.:'J:.-;_~.~',1_-."i1<.' ",§'¢~~.'=¢lI-j-K!. , s :$- - - .. +91 . -1 -.* letnjust keeps getting worse." - i .-,-t;::[email protected].» +>.oA=.=1-'.<:-.'-'-. -153.--:1:".ia. ;=-3:,-';=.=.-I»-* 1: "'-ts;-.-.:-<_= --vs. ~:_._- t-"" " --:. . .-":1-.:" ' 1 :'.»~ i--14;. l. . : The ghettogangs entry into drug traf- .."21""-'. -~;,_~~-- - ..'_"i"¢~-_?:*_~f-173»:-s.r;-.Y>.{: -.4,,.».,_~92._.~.»-.-_._ I.~.-i= ... _ .~. . '-"."1f.. _ , . -~,...,dg_. , : - .. ~ i~.92 '1 :F-_};:1-.~ '. ~_._7-l _- l -_-_' ;';~ . 1 5 i-:--:-=-~;=.. 1;=»~-:~=-v;=_';~;-.r..';:i_;~§*=.:'.--_::r~=:;-;~-' I' ..-£2}. --J;'~4» ~ =:..92-'-~" <<~i.-. ._~1'<-F-..': 51:: » .-=- --». 1.32292 -:1 4:.-"T-:92,. I ficking ona major scale may be creating >1 :"-:- -.-ii-i;~.~-;.:"f=*:~11=.'-1:-1 =:~'=»-.:= ~_'>.r.= ~ .~1.=_- the nationsbiggest crimeproblem indec- - -'1'-?'=.- i-.*-t-'*.f:~"=5:.-'-:'-;-=Y»~?-~:<;-§:a-*a'- I ';!»-*.=-.>-*1. 1-11:1. .- -_-::>. l .' ades. Drugprots are soaring-and sois - -1: J: 1, :._-:;»i_--;_.1.'-:;- ' 1-$5-W. '~-';;=.-,_.,.'_ *' "~»'t;_-;> l:_lJ"§~ , = X: '~ ~< ~_ '-; 1:-,,~ "- .~;--_';- " y.I;,_ ""£ZT3'-__-_i._t.. . '1. Ht: v.~¢-.; .1-.. . '7.'t.~'~ . '5'}. "-' .; >1. < . 92*s=",§ . .._-=-~:,:-;. =:_-.--_=»-'. "-1- .7f ': _>.=1 .-.-'.-..-, 1. -r-., 2» . .13 .:= --'I-=;="-_ .1-''92> ';-. f;_._-.__._92 the drug-relatedhomicide rate in cities ~-'f'5F'-1'i-7 _.-.,,r .'.:<>.-- . ~,.-.-..;-.-r._»;;'-:t .3 ,1-»-__.~,-.. '=.-2.338.:. _ ...- ....,.-E ~-;_ ,_--1,1-}_.*/§;A,__-_._:?§ ~ ;_ er-.- 73>_;;",'§'_'-_,..'>3,.*f"';-. /.- _'. -" where the vanes aremost entrenched.It is ---5 =.i:=;?='+'r.-;"~i1-.§s-=~~t1¢.5-=2-?*--l?$..Ti9-*.1 K31 >.'»-- 1--3a'?.1i:-Q1: i ~"".".Z»"=:2.,-;-.-'_ ..i"»:"" O 7 ' .f:-"!=_4,--:.~--.;- . -=-:--.;':.:.=-;-2.-;1»'.-92=,-:"1=1'--~:~.-».':'.-."-it-==', _. ,,.. 3" .1»{"-~ '~=i.= 1» I5-"J--1 '1-.'.T~ ='~_=.-s2>"92'-;92;92;#-=- -ii, 11:? -''-'_, --.. -1 A '-3'~. I-J1* :"=-~;'..-f==':-2-=:"I>7.>-;<_-5:?ItQ; .§7,;.§_:y. ;92i . y£#- ' .- arguable, infact. that the emergenceof - :6 2 - arr;-1 If-1 xf.~-- t,»=.:--_=_.;.:~;.5,-3.¢?;»_ _-'-,:-;'.§."v-¢'.".:»- . _ ah.»:: L drug gangsfrom coastto coastis verysimi- * -"E. =:-,=:=.,-1-.~;,_<._>.?_:;»:i:;<-;_=rsstéa '.--~»_..::-_-7.:-t--',;, 5.-ti. .'Y -,-- -.'-_.2;_~; -.:-"'55=- -.»_-=~i ll"-~:i>w.;; _;,.1-Z Ifklizilw ' .» I I .I. ' lar to what occurred during the early years .-.»*T1"~'.~-"'-»'- £E?I;?;?;§"= ' .11 3 P-ii. -'- -2552: . of Prohibition. when La Cosa Nostra-the . . -,-- 1*-~ -.- '-._-__-.-.'~.-_1.v-.=.-:= 92 _ - %% '-1' ~,-.=., .- ;- '1, '1 ' ' '' "' -."~:i-.':~>" -35»; ;s . , ::';;, ..-_g.~i;t92.£-;,--='---_+5,;-;1'4,_-7.-rna- %_ .92'laiaconsoiidatedstatus its as an under- '- .-- ._--.-_, = - - '9. '.. _;;__1 '~.'<_-:_=:_§;3u_-2: -.-;-,--agg-3 >; -4,. I 9.1".';_".==_--.-.~z§1--». -s -- - 1:,"1-.. .43.. L.~ L J-';>"-"*-'-§_E_t+-.1:~.-w*Z>'e:<- 3-*l'92'>"=~=sZ-.-;=,-;-.-.~,11:t=-- -5 1 '~r world cartel by building on the prots of _5»',..=-"3 " _ 3.; ~-i'1:,_-;l_§-v;'-.- ,t-wt-g;_ illicit alcohol. "Look at the developmentof --- '3»-~q7%-3.'5-i"r: ..=-Z1.-"ii'.--~.u_¢:-4.1-~~ 4 ,,..I; O rt, 1 2 Ir:-J-1-_;..,,-1,-1--' i .1. - _ - . '4' . _ .I-3?»;';§"::$"3'_;e;""'92;"_3L~>E?-.. .1...... cw.1,:.w.-=.;;_.;§Q:~; -1'-'57 4-' -an5' z .-."*':7"_ e;- organized crimein theUnited States.says . , - -*" . ,1: r -. -: ~'*Z':; -~ -" f _»" . ~ " ref: ~'I',_ ':'wI':i~1=Tfi&-=1. -.»..~. Thomas Reppetto,president ofthe Citi- ; ..-~ t--A 9?-'-i>'=52!-'-'#*t~=¢Ff1*1*=2Y"~'92s'W <-17,-u~. , J ---~".;; r"-./-> x'".: - - '-- ~ ~ -~==-.»:r-""*'~"~..,_>-. »"~ '92i- ...-*.<&*--.- llQ-9' _ '| X .."' ~ -:- "'17U J 27;'i. . -'--- -7" _,_,...r! - "'. .¬;".I ..=--_.-.-.:.-' -'K -.> , r. . -;"¢,;?n';-._i-':-:;1:»'.%,;u'¢- _+- ,. _ ._; _- _ .. ig- i-;:'-. 3,- =Y=:, " tr;-.-.-=_I-1» "S5; .. 1 zen's CrimeCommission of New York. a , V.V ..._ _ , e _-;_=:_!.-.',-;:_$-.~;'. t.-_. _, i!- 3. - ..r"..»_.;_>_,.~..-*3.-1; -__.._.-;-..i'_».-_-~_,15;}.-;;;;,::;_;,;1Java;-;~ ,. ,-;_¢._,_-.1, . .1.--=~-=-.»::..:-'+~'¬-.»"l§?!'£-.?~=i,- . »~,a--as _~,;,.--,. '92:~::-'*i'-. .--/1 ;..~.- .~':.~=» . , ;-3_£---yQ,»51-.'_;{3'~:_::f_*§IT.;;TQT;;f_an 4.» 3;;-J3" ,..~ -2.,"-Qt:-*-'-__._~? ST ...- . -I:-"'£'i-='-'.'_ 1;-;}92:-..-;:¢-5 J:=7:---vi-is -iv,-:3---._'~,-;'_~:-=f,;-.3»! -'-'-= '1' . -.:._:_->1-~;~:;¢${e7s;qr:-1;-*_{¢?7.g§¢E5¢-217:2:4» , ._ -4 _= t ---..i~w»»~,-_~--3,;:=->.~_,._ _ 1;--' ~..1 :2-'1 -;-5';-z~ privately fundedgroup. "Ifwe've learned_ I s"-"'-tlfsrszr;-1-1 --._,__;_:3§.,._,_-;-,_Z'J:.~"'f¬~33:':.:_;"L"C:_~ . -.---.---1» . ..-:1,»-_~ . .1: ._._.,92-_ *.;';,3~.=..'".~'¢-isvri-'.~-_._92 -. 1. _1' .- - ;._ JP-.'-;;:..1. » 1-::=-:---en.-t--.,<;.~4~- -*3--.,.-.-.-. »,»-_¢----..- ,*v .92»_92" g;' .;»~|.- >,- _., . . I _._.--v »;'@. ;;-_.- _; 4 anything, itsthat oncewe let these guys ...... _, .-i.-"._.-.~_»¢T-_:,-¢- ~':~~~w.-----.-:-->'1- J.'--;'-i§~:n'.--: -. - .--~-.i~-.--er-1.*1-*_~*_.'<,;*; . -. '-" ~ =~'.:"'*":>~'1-3' "' -_-.v,:1P?i-1J"92'-"" .-, _ ., . _-_>_.;_»~ a '4 "-1.=,¢¢;:;,-;;@;.,;g&;Z?=_ -1-:-:--'.-:~:. '3-r" 5;»i;n;»*-317*§'71?5t92l!$%E=:§FsK'92Z¥-P11-Y-" *~- " .. ".~;_-.. l get toobig, we'vea situation got that will . - '-.'».-.-'~'=="r-.'>.;<'--=-" -.-__=~.s.+--- .. __ ' "Q: r~.- 1;; »;:_;,= <.:=J-.==.-';_~:.:;-_-_-.'I l: take decadesto [control]. The [ghetto] gangs nowhave anopportunity provided'l'UN92'Uill1l_92§C-i'lt"l'!.'Hl-14,224>l.i'The ghettotradition mock-feudal of has gangs takenits most violent yet:turn H[.s-primesin fro ll by the crack explosionand the breakup vi 1 of [traditional] organized-crime groups. The result is a casual acceptance ofand 3 Thesegangs are where the[Italian] gangs Guns like Uzis. Ali--$7 assault ries and AR-15 semiautomaticsare widelybought 2sometimes enthusiasm fortorture and it were when they moved into bootlegging. murder. "driveby" shootings and public i'l We can'tlet that happen again." isome even letfally in gun shops?by gang Kill him:The analogy to Prohibition. as ~ members. who nance their high-tech ar- mayhem. "lt'-'.he§.~don'tkill you.the:-"ll kill i - senals with prots from the drug trade. _your mother."B.-&TF's Wattersonsays oi Reppetto notes.has onesignicant aw: the Jamaicangangs. "TheCubans andCo- today'sgangs, ghetto especiallythe Jamai- Another" factor,experts agree.is thesocio- ' I can posses.are far more violentthan the pathic recklessnessof these youth: big- lombians don'twant to deal with them be- Maa. In part. the extraordinary levelof city ghettos and barriosare full of teen- cause thej-re so dangerous."But the point applies toNew Yorksblack andDomini- violence isthe result ofthe ready availabil- agers whosepoverty anddeprivation haveI ity of military and paramilitary weapons.' immunizedthem to both hopeand fear.f can druggangs aswell. Investigatorssay w ill


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'tication whenthe membersare notwear- =>=f.*.::3$'2'*JXQQY .."::; :1 31 .. . _> r n' "'i~.._'l*='*:-::;.-,--"__ ___:;_.-:1 1'. »/. - . __: -= 1:4='-:_ 114.. _-. .'"' . . -~ ing their P colors.! Butlocal variationson _ ,. _ 3 ;°;5;~'. __-,;.»_' .. ;. . 1:1 ,-I-=»=-1113-.~ ".-.._- .; ' j - -~ y~...'~,. the themeare endless,and Cripgangs are ~ -é;-,;. -- e , r -t;,,;;:~,,-_'_ -.r:- 1 .-.'_ .. 4 r p ;.f_.;.; . -92-I.-.~ . Q 5,.1 . . - -' - ._> ' - ~ ~ almost aslikely toght eachother asthey -. 1 .-:1-;~ ~-~ re to ght the Bloods. ."- 1} -- t" . 92 -4' _ , __a The dayswhen rivalgangs fought each -~ -.-, ~ -.1.~ ._',2. 'I;,f.-<~.'.-.'.-~»;r -- -. _ , .---,1 _'->.=.~' --< - ::;; 1"" .~ __ - --V . other onlyover turfand colorsare fading fast. InLos Angeles,Chicago, NewYork %$Y5§_4-é:_-_§Y_1;Y'--A:-.'.i1 *_;:;__ -' :.-_._~;;;;:?i.._.-. -',_ 5;-;»: "- i ;-~.'E;'_:-I,-.'=.-_»-1-.-,'. 1'?"-" - " ~ : " if; " 5'and dozensof othercities, gangconicts WT , "1'-»».-.';+'.>f:e5-£~' iq have becomea form of urban~guerrillawar- §-.-..-'1:-,....§>:f¥~:.£. | -'7.?:92._ , l~ §'-_. 1 :':- .~'.~--"¢*:.".--,~;'v fare over drug trafficking.Informers. a.-eras:-.>>%"-st-.r.t~_.-.2;-*-;..'-._ 92 ,~.-».¢;-$;¢--;s>=--r'.?;.<~.-.-;1-2%-my~*~31,-.1»-_ .-5,-.,.92.._s_....-,_=,~,-V..- .~=. -1-"I;:_'..XI:"'>2.'92",,I -3.},.;~'§-.;!F-9-. g..-~~__....-_»- ~_;.~,.»~'.-.v-1-_:;;;;---I-4. -,--... ,_:_--,;,,-.,. - welshers _;. andcompetitors areruthlessly ._.;».¢¢-_z=_~,=_-=:.; ;.='é'=-'»~'a='%-.-;;'~'¢;'-.'~1 aI,=..-;;92-35;-.-;~.~.",$-*-:-,'-T--:.:==i1.;;':-Pl punished; manyhave beenassassinated. _92l.-92l K RiL'!l.-92Hl!>-i'lLTL'Klil;l1-_T§_921»i.jii,i=.i"~'¬¢*-4i, ._... .. _ ~23 .-;;.:_:-';...§~-,.-it ischeap. easilyconcealed providesand a tion bya Los Angeles gangis supposed to be inf»-"'?"1"i'1;§ =I7Y3.'-?'i'='.~"1i.?'..~.l"-';.~ --=-'-"4->5,-~*7*?l"¢" short-duration highthat invariablyleaves _+.-~»=?.;,:.- .--- ~._~:_'~-~.:'.'='.-.=.- §F*;1-=F*.'»-~",T='-l'.="» er. " -» .,-| ~'<.'--=-=.."."-:-;-"-'. a brutal ritual knownas being"courted in -'-:. _.,,_ ,._.,, -. ,__,,¢e_.._.,__,,. -<:'.-;.-.':~§:.,:-1;-- ._....._0 -.. ;.- -.3 .. he user craving more.It was probably in- -'1- ' 1. 01* . ;-." >-3.-. '>- . »-, or "jumpedin." To be jumped in is to re- l k .1... ---*--.-*=---1" '¢.-=.=. ~- '.=-:1 ht ;~-- t. vitable thatstreet gangs,observing ceivea beating administered by three or l __""""''fT""~_-".- ';¢,";--.-.-;.¢-_-_-4-_-o-{;.jf,'_¬_...-3.-_ '-,-.'.E_'-§.'.*.~1 '-'--'3-.'-'1!-5t1 - .;uf; , "rune.- cracks arrivalin their neighborhoods over 1 .._~.-.-v.-'g1'.:92.'._"» v,=;¢._-_~i_.___v§:;.,-<.":;;,;g<.,,_e _-_1~»._,_.-X»-5..~ 3-;._.;;_X l four gangmembers: thecandidate isex- - . '- ?" i ~ the pastseveral years, would be drawn into pected toshow his ghting spirit. If he . . 5:» 1. '44! trafficking themselves.Southcentral Los passes thetest, thepeewee then becomes a '-1i Angelestoday. like Miami andNew York. "banger" or"gang banger"and isentitled J: -1.»-.--~=KT"-.w-z.:':f-'1-:r " I is oodedwith crack. It is sold onstreet .-..~_|;g|l:~f_92?,'; -- 1-. *~ - - -". ~i arses to sharein the gangs fortunesor, more ~., '92»-""5.-~.e;;r ,.__t;;_-:5 ' s,r;',l92;.."-#51 ~11. -1.<-_'£_*.i;z-:,:v¬|_r'f;¢-'.~__;"' -.:.§~-"'°'l"'aorners bypeewees in androck houses op- commonly. misfortunes George Willscol- .. .. , - -'' -.¢=.-.-3:"-.-.-.I.=:-:_ .__ ratedby bangers.Somewhere behindthe _; 1'53?-4'4,. ~,E:-i.- _-2'-"3,..v--,-,3-'--.-,.-" ; .~;-_-. :,.'-?§;,-;.'---*';'...».-._-,=,,»;,»1'"--;1';'~~ ;.s;'_k3;;_» ;~:u_-1--r'."~,-.92 , .:.921~,;;'j iv umn, page 76!. E5. V K524 .-§,;-;;:?»¢~;t;i§:I ._,,,.{., $1.. ,, '-s... . rt cenes, muchof theghetto cocainetrade is Eolurs andsigns: Thetwo mostnotorious ¥i;g;p~l-. ..~~_- r-°Kh-1'.--::$-3-H".-i .-'_,.3"-. 7§'=-feZ?**3§~=f~*:y'+-. _.-- - *':1 '.= 1 .s -' -ontrolled bywhat LosAngeles calls ~z. .-5-r .-.._~. ..f92.~. ;-1;-»:.j,'--1 -. '1"P ~=.=./ ~'-- ..;i-.§§t.,-~... -»r.:-_-,-:;',*.1f~;.-.-'-31 .'~ LA. gangstheBloods andthe Crips -,r'~ , ~- " :1 - ,3; _--- .'_ --in~92"f';1~;-..»">l7',Y'.--'q92l .. '. '~ ~'~-.'~ . rollers and"O.'G;s--old agangsters. are not really gangsat all. Instead,th §_¢_,,_-. . - -.¢-. ,;§~5¢ - .-..~,.,_ _ _.- ~ " » -'92. term thatusually refersto gang veterans. names denotelegendary confederations . """"1tii§"--:?"l":5~'-r.}5=i§.= .-'?;*'1=-?..'many ' ofthem stillin their20s. whohave <

not even 24 years old and he has two Mer- 'Some gang veterans say the cocaine . cans and the street gangs." Levant cedeses and a Rolex watch." Says Bill trade in south-central LA. is controlled by 5 That link-the strategic nexus bet Blanco. another gang specialist in Miami: 15 to Z0 O.G.s~an assessment that IS the Colombian cocaine cartel and sr "Who you are is dictated by the gold shared by knowledgeable law-enforcement . I4. level distribution in the United State I l chains. the Rolex. the car. And every- officials. Deputy Chief Levant. who com- 5 becoming increasingly visible to inver bodyis got a car phone." Cellular tele- mands a newly formed LAPD unit that ! tors in southern California and elsew phones are more than decoration. of special-izesi~n~major d-r-ugtraffickersnmong . There is little question-that some i ii course: they are extremely useful in the the street gangs. says T5 to 100 gangs are f drug traffickers have now establishe 5 drug trade. Beepers. which are equally now actively involved in cocaine distribu- 3 rect relationshipswithtop-level Colt useful to dealers. are now so common tion. Some of these groups. he says. now y an smugglers. According to Los An. among ghetto teenagers that Los Angeles ' have sales totaling up to S1 million a week. . County oicials. the Colombians are public schools have banned them. - "There is a link between the South Ameri- 5 willing to sell drugstoO.G.s and rolle

-c 'I1 h lianaaiean invasion in West iiirginia » 50 dealers could be found cides. all drug related. oc- with i houses its and tidy neat appleclapboard brazenly hawking dope in curred in 18 months as rival 4 and peach orchards on land broad daylight, just three dealers fought for control. I George Washington surveyedblocks from the police sta- f Cases of venereal disease shot lice but they were unable 1 centuries ago. Martinsburg, tion. At times business was so 'up as prostitutes imported drive away the dealers. Or. W.Va. population: 13.000!. brisk that intersections were ; by the dealers worked the night. when the Jamaicar seems far from the mean clogged with traffic; many streets. At local schools. stu- outside became particular! -1 streets normally patrolled by cars bore out-of-state license dents hired as drug couriers raucous. Shamburg woke l drug gangs. But over the last t plates. The customers "were strutted around in expensive see her husband crouche three years. an invasion of all ethnic groups. age groups Nike jogging suits and gold with a shotgun in one han Jamaican drug dealers has and every profession." says chains. intiinidating class- and a pistol in the other. grin turned thehome vifthe Moun- police chief -lack Sti'obiid:e.mates anditeachers. A police l_v waiting for a break-in. tain State Apple Harvest Fes- "They came riding up on raid of a Jamaican dealer's Under 'pressure from th- tival into amecca forcocaine. skateboards. on bikes. in Mer- ; house turned up crude photo- community. local polic The Jamaicans rst arrived cedes-Benz cars. in pickup graphs of a former homecom- asked the federal authoritie- in Martinsburg as migrant trucks. Stores in the region5 ing queen posing half nude. for help. In fall 1986 some 20 workers to pick apples and i mysteriously sold out of vita- ; pieces of crack lying about agents from :1 special federi. peaches at harvest time. but min B: police soon gured out 5 her. According to lawen- drug task force and local pi many stayed on to peddle that dealers were using it to forcement authorities, she lice raided 26 drug dens. ax i coke and crack- Hundreds "cut" the cocaine. Then the 1 later gave birth to a baby fa- resting 35 dealers and sei; squeezed into small apart- Jamaicans introduced crack } thered by the dealer. ing a cache of high-powere J I ments in a poor neighborhood and started a run on plastici Needles and knives: Residents weapons. Police also found ; called the Hill" and trans- "hit list" with the names c- J food-storage bags used to I were virtually besieged in formed several blocks near i package the drug. 5 their homes. Theresa Sham- local judges and law-enforce the center of town into I Martinsburgs 2S~man po-1 burg D was unable to leave her ment ofiicials. The suspect. .1! an open-air drug supermar- lice force carried out small 1 driveway without being of- arrested insisted the name; ket. Supplied by couriers raids but were overwhelmed were targeted only for a mys .L- l ; fered "crack, cocaine or reef- -H shuttling between Jamaican v by the dealers. In a region er by pushets. Discarded tical curse by Jamaican witci gangs in Washington, Miami I doctors. Even so. three count; ii where one or two murders per l needles and knives littered and New York, as many as year was ;the norm, 20 homi-? her front yard. She called po- magistrates began carryin; guns for self-protection. v From picking apples to selling cake andizrzicliz A downtown street. in a Martinsburg /tome Street action: The raid pushei I '92V;92l.L92' .92lc;92l.-92.92il'IE~.92iF.92VS92Vl*IEK T-l.ll 'l'l.92'$fll7lllZI Yl.l "Hill-I|'.92l{T.92l|{.92"I' !ll Y|'the !most blatant dealers oi the streetsat least for 1 while. Much of the street ac est,-,-.._"; .. ' " _ie l "f f _ I - .3, » _4' ~ _ '._'I' ' i _ tion moved down the road tt _ ¢92 "-., ; %A.» _;.=------.~<;;§,_ ~ 4.; 4 Charles Town. 16 miles away But many Jamaican dealer: ' ~? ' . Y --sis-Y-=.'.'-1--_'=_""; 5; "-3. '~ '* i ...- ._ ' fr-1: 3 have kept up a ourishing un l dei-ground trade in Martins- ». ,' '- ;»»_.~;1_,-._ 5. --_ ' l_ '~ '5 Pi-w7..~ 31 i;'_ . I burg. On warm days, Theresa . . ' _._ '_.- R. E 4__ 55¢. .._ I '_"*'<-Q33!» wr Shamburg once again sees - -k - "'53 '_~1.I§,~5_Y;d% _ . '-Q» ' 7;" 11:;-: __;A..: dealers congregating across --is _-_, 1-=7:-. --r - sf . :- the street. The Shamburgs I 5'? Y *t1f:_,-- ._.:_;=' I .3.-;.;.;-_will not wait to see what hap- -=_. ,1 I i: .... - . i pens next. After three years oz >=.'..,92*_='~=--'=.i :_; : 4'_'; -.1. trying. they have finall! y f F.:.- ' 3 1?--1" .-l ,-;.._,';-_;;_.7._:f_f:._ ll-al I -. " .. . . I g ,1 J r;-~.:'n§,I§ __55"@~_' _§ "Y .,1-'1' ff; . "R ; . - 1 ,=-55;:found an out-of-townbuyerfoz we ii '. _. Q, "$3.?-.-1 _ rv -I . , " »'-'. ..a _. ».---=2; _ __~.'2'-*-~~,:;..-_~~_ . _-_ ._ *- . 1*-"' '-1% -~ *'=-.I>'v-="'*z:,-. . "-'1' 1'.-1 .. ii their home. They are moving -1 iryéj _ _.v,=J-_1_:t;.:5;§'.§;_-::_.,r,a l __:_._;t .. _:,-f,>_._to a house in the country. bu: li .v;.'_'/*~g1_;;p;?==~ ____;__5_;,-z-,._.i¢_»: '1, ' .~.-=5-J.-%_.;. ZIfl% L- ~ Y ~-4 --1":*.:- '~;'. . Sh-amburgsuspects there is nc E. +3 "es 7 is. ..;92=i'- Q -- . ._._--_,_., ,1 "+1-.,escape. She says: "I rezlll; ".=-~*-~' ~ - '" -e-=~-¢-.>:-2~.-*§»...--'4.-=!.=:e -r.-~»-..~=: -. *1. .- -~*5<~:' v"-;..~~¬ am don:moi -think it sate ;,lll92.".-'t1~:1'I; :~=}::a':l~Q ita-, l E-:1: .. :.~w~ ,_, - ~ . ~2. -. ' ' ' -.»-3'i.~_f.-1_~_-,_»».;;.;;;='..,1;.;;:_J> - ' . l; :,_>§-..- ~ ~f:=>*-iiai-;<_ t ;;~r-t V F-7.»-_->."= its ._. i v L . » 1 . . _._-- A... -tr --at-$5;-g;, _ _-E__ <- 5;-ft} . I . . ..,.-. . . - 92 ll 4 5-.53Ia112.2;, - . -' ;- :1 92l 92lH92 92lu 1 K rr In/r1n~imr_ _ , 1_ .. ~*'"l"?%.1':~.Jt.=~-"'--!':".. .. 1' " _ 3.1.-_¢_-_.-.'p¢;_--._; ;;_:_=.21» .:-'= -__; 1 - V_ .-3;¢_:,:.r_-y_':;.7*;~iZ~;.r=_'.;;..,~_-.~_,_.'~ 92_.§_i,,sa_-7;:-;-;~g..-J.- ,» _ :,».I. ;.._.74_. _'.- ._§». - . <_..__._ - :;_;.'-_-_-4.1-»_ '_ ,,_-.._ _ -v'~1~;*~---1.-:='.'.5,-.=.:f-=.-;.:a~'-153 ' 1:' " .-'11-'1'-1.;--'.iv.- _-- -..-;.|--.~ -"92_¢--~ - . -.-.- ~- we -='-. "1 _-. ;1':. ~'.-J|-';.'.- ,-= '3<"» ;-,-__-F --'-- s :_ . 4-.-E..._¢_._._ ,;.,s.'_;__*_.-,._._;7;- ;:!'.=,r-A , 1..- ._ {3.__§-'{ - » »- .- .. .--_. -. .~= ;§,§.. . I ~.,;r_A-,.,.,~;.,_.;». L -~,'.-1..::*",l;<~,- .a*1.:u92",1» _ ,1 n . *. _ 1'-.7 1 ..§,i-.-1;=..*2=I= >-"-7 '1?»-12¢-'-3~'I-."§z'f='.5l1-::i"t_<.%=51-I'=- - ,'1'.. -'.~;, '.,..92;92-- _._92,;. .-I-."_3"-T;;S.-".5 -. Y -. I , £- ..7;.92.'.-.5 " ~-":.'}';=l-:>.';_,5 :/-;:j_-;.-P;-'1'; ~ gs! :';."_'14:':»;l:_fJT.fi;i*;t1i§;'.-:';~"-i7:..--5 __4 Lsing,-_'-,I~f:;_|__-_'_"~ _ - .~. ._ . n,PL"¢_.-- . ,.92.- ..- ,-i» -~- J .:_-.~_~_='-921_. . ' .> ' ' 1 ~..»-< I _;92 . r._>I_'_vIc92:»_,- , .__ . -,.,..__.,.__. -~ . 4., ._.., _.;_.-t.~g=;;;.;;3_1.._-.25 ._ Hm =92_- ii = §».."'E'!. :- -',"*ii i . ..92'. -i-1:»:--=s-2--->7.-w»»-.»:-we-»=%§~:.. .1._._;_,.~.-.->¢-;'4~~_.;.;,i-~:r-.-3* :2;--:-;__-;;.-_-- >¢_:.--]~v ,5d:¢:,.¢--."ta. -'.~ -»s¥"¢~=:.-=?:i»r.~---1---:~=.=,'K-i$i>~:3$~- ~'~"~.=:..~.>."-.;:-.'.~-~~.- ' 11'"--.=. 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V -- r-.-_ '-~~.._~.,-al~;l-."'~1'~.f'.- Y4-, __ , -.~92:-,=,-_'I-33-<1-"-.-.A1551-§;';::-'$5' "~._:5?-I%'-55-I" ' " ~ ' '~ ' '- -2:~ 1 1 -;.,;r_'- . -=;=. Q-'-'*=~:~ - ~ ~ T- r ~ .-1-»_._I--..-.*'92.*-_,. _j.-*-_:-=-..,_'}_:..:.-".=::;_-_.'-!:T;:> '1"" s';.'-"- - ' -;.-1":._ .. . §'--... P -_~~,.-"er . .¢ " .. " {£1-T;-§?3¥.. ' I . ' ..,,:v . .- .. :-" -___ ~~4-.-*_v.'_-'_~ ;-92~,.;._._§1'--£4.-r~5e.s4>=:?§:f;§:{ =~,...92-~.; 1.... 2:.-__.-_.=_.-:"1-_f ~. 1 .-___',_--_-_3_7;-.;- 35; 13:...Ii ,2 -_.'.13;5.,'-i"- 1. ..-T~.'~Z-.'<='l;'i".-,'~'~n.' " "'-"-D ;';_"1.--. . . .,;_..T" -I. re ~-v___92. . 4 W; -1:-w-~-=%i=::. :34! "*3 "E-':*;»=~; "*1;_ - ,, __ <-.r r;-1. -- , -..» .~- ,.;.-.'i: .1,-_¢-»_ _=;;-1 -L f demonstratedthe attitudethat "we'rebad _ E1¢_:¢-_~=.i-,i.'g:*-.-;,»,4~;r~ $~t;:"2.;-'_:_-_-:f.-E"' in:.4,-.:$}$'~1-5,; : . . '1:_ ' . -..' ..-~-- . _ -~ '.'_-'-,-{_*<.-~4"_-=.'<.::. -*-~ -1'-.'-..r~r.'. ;a~ ."-.'~. .»_'-:1 3% - . _':.'_4.'.f': .-;.. ' -.2: » . and we'll prove it toyou. . .[they'll]walk up -1::'ib!*é*_'-"~~'»-'-'-:.-'-.@..» -'5" 1:'* A J; -;-"1"-ff.-_f1 '3 ' <'' .,-- ' E~-' -17.-'._;', ' - "-'-~ -';=,~<;§.--_,-_ »~:;~92.":"r+.»-";~:'.';':.-1-"=-..'~.=;-.-.~._= ,_h -.._ -.-.- ". .. 3;}. ;.__ _f_-..,_-,~;.,._.;-,-- _ ~ _, : . 2 ' z to [their competitors! and just kill em. It's ;'-?;.i~..'-:-' ' :»i.e?:.~'¢§ii??§;.not, I'mgoing to out~macho you.Its 'Im _H21-iii-';:*;.¬F=;:i'. . _ ._1. L. = .' :-"-z'§+'. ~=.:-_---;-.;.-':+.. . ".--rs-1* ;.-..- ;.-,-".=:-=..*- - ~ '__* ' ='-.--..."r. B1», .7 going to kill you. "The result. Woodward =_--4.-.~ -.. . :'.;~;- ."_92-E pf - -- _. _ ; _.=; ,.;;._ .'.-».¢:-::2H ; ~-..- ._. 3..-' .. ..'- '1'."-.~t.'»~.-.".~'_*'>=-".=:$:-:;»1*¢-»'>."-'7-.'= -_~ .,_.;,__k -- *-'iq'.---__ -,. -_._;..,_ _ H-1._ »-_;_.._,=¢1:. .'92§»5-"~-. _ .. = . _ .__. .:,'».;-'.-'-- ., .._»,'*.3t;~,.=-=.~3__.:-7. -.;;-'._._~.-1. - _ .~>- '-':. -1~..- .-_-,1-'»-.*.L.=:.-"ff-;-_» ;._ -'~ '.. §:"..~.=e;.»-.t._,,1;-1-~ 'T;g?"*.-j-:';'.'s-j:f,.<;:.., -4*.- ______..;1:-"1-.~_;.-_,¢, »»: .- ~.r- r-.-».~..9.-_,-2_...,,g-.,,.x-g.;;-;¢.;.-;;--t,:==.-.;.-11-: _. J.-.-'>-'->'-'1-1'm..92i"-_.~=-Q' ~"-"---_"92:'»'92r..:.'~.'»~.. ~ :-,-.-.*.;¢:._:;&'¢§5-9'1;'.a92t_;Z'- . -....._,- -:;-4r!.@i;-:- =;-.;»:- 'r .3 ._ _ , Enriched .-;:- bytheir drug profits, big-city ..;--:.~'r-_.-21:;w7;.-z~r.s:+-.;.g;- -..-.;.*._.+.:'-.:=- --- ~. _;-- »,-...... ~1.= --... .r- -5--".;.:~;.- ~' " = 3 {-_;¢._f;;:r. '_-92.I_l~;~-$'v11;L~I!.';=3'-.~,.-5 ..--;-_ ' .-1;, -.~~- -;:;-';__-.35.». .*;'---$a~"'=- _ 5_ ~*;-.J"¢-. -.1-41'2.13-. -y-_'=-¥'~;"' ' 4: 1-:<-- '-1-.-'~~_<---.;~-Z. ~.;-:".:' . ~-,.---:- ";.1. as gangs can now easily afford the overhead of 5 ;__~; Y-'..4&, -_ ~.-_.4 ...'. _¢-£3 ._. ,~s- " - .- vi.-'._ 1.-,1.-.,...,;12':-.,i;.-lig5~.'_ -'-¢;_ _ .~ 5 §'.%-15¢ .< .. far-ung operations.The gangmay senda -~ -.=5 -J;-t r~=.'-3.It , '-.=~-§~-._".'-1,51.:e:-f1s':2;»=I--_-T:-1*-fl --T -'-i-T». I scoutoften a younger memberto test ,1 ' --:;.}=.~=..r-_ ..'-v- "~.' 1-'.-Ir-;-1 '==?.,-i'"T5I -....v_-:~.. . ,_s . -ls §.'1_~.;;*.;f92.-4-... _:T-'~,=",j.l-L!.43.92 =-;,'.'.- ;~..=.-.-.<=-i4I.1;"?1l<=Ili:: ' ~ . - . -..~ '" 2 the market in the target city. If the rst :-1,-_';'--:F;.A _, ,'. ;I-"iii-~_~"._:'-,,-_. "ft .- ~ 1 ..-.--.-mi. ...J . -.~.~.~ r;,'~:4.~.1-=< - ,92 r ~ J. "-.-~".';..~-'- a =.92---,..-F-;-,¢P.¢f.".--1~-'-:-?'» .~".,'-.--_-- ~F - .':*.~.. ~' -''. -- .---=1--=:.»'92<-.-»-:-~.-"1-i':J='--" -::.: ~ r-1 -22?. .=~.~@.:::-1-92-.'=:--. . . expedition pans out, a larger group will '=-. "I . -_.-_:_ -=§,-'_>92 .-~ . 1...---> "-:-~...- .~¢,>.f.-::,- >-G1-:,';...m"»_=~;_-5.-'1~'..-' -_~ . =1-ll; 9:»-15;>.i;; ,._ -'-~ . i -, ~ ; _ ,_- ;-.~,:*. -- ~,-_a-'2:--1 -4,; 7§,~ :="'+-1".--__ .. .,.,_.._._ _ - follow to rent a ghetto apartment asastash . "'--I"-L_ a~-3~.va§§""i;~$5{§"f_ '--=f.~:$¬l';-' -.»_.1, ;;.;-.1; ~;*"~<@house for volume sales.Woodward saysthe ._._._' -....;.r r , -- . .- -- "- .'' ~ 92 ~ .=!===-.:E=.~:e--_....---__i...-i, -. --.2 ~ ,._ .r-_~.» .3;3_.,~ -- Q3-:_ .»= -;- ;.:'lookouts andrunners areoften local.Body- '~ .'-92I-".- -3" ' M PH !l'O:}urn»; 1 /<92,'.:.'-.~--§-I>E:R¬T.;-.-.~. -:1 s-'_..; -_',-guards 1. may be either locals or out-oi'- _»Y<.._;§~..~..:=-;:>;;:¢~:»:-.;.-.-; _~1, . towners. But the higher-ups. who control PeewaesWannabees: and Street-gangacolytes withwalkie-talk iesformt:-.:.-'-13....,.~; lookout. . .. *-1.-"-;-I-4'-_ duty ,, 1 l a consignment basis. a .'._-.v;.._»_-5*.-A;--_.;=~:¢.-.-.- . the stash =,.".i.-_.and countthe money.are always * -.=.¢ Y? i - ---'- -,_'.:-_..,= J: the cartels trust. One 11.2.-=:'..-.;;;3 ,-;_-.av-,~_~: -.<.._ members of the invading gang. The creasingly close connectionstrong between indicator the of in their city. "This is the.l.~1!$Plkl'I_ rst time IJHUUP KLamount of cocaine involved. Woodward Colombians and the ghettoexample dealers of the was in- we've anseen American gang move into also says. need not be large--a kilo or so uncovered during Operation Pisces II. a town, says U.S. Attorney Robert Larsen. every few days. Bring in "one kilo and Theyre greatentrepreneurs." I you've10.000 got bagsof crack. and that The big-cityboys havetwo thingsgoing will supplyquite a few little housingareas for a few days."he says."Youre talking about S25a bag. or 3250.000per kilo.The kilo costs [the Miami Boys] 310.000 to l $1-2,000 Miami.in sothere isa great. great I two-year investigation run jointly by the I for them.First, theyare usuallyable tobuy prot margin here." I U.S. DrugEnforcement AdministrationLtop-quality cocaine directly from major The posses:Although there is still some l and state and local authorities in Califor- smugglers at wholesale prices--aslittle as controversy over just how well organized nia andFlorida. PiscesII was a money-' $10.000perkilo. Thesecondisthattheyare ; the American drug gangs are. no one laundering sting aimed at identifying | better armed and far more violent than the doubts that the Jamaicanposses areas both smugglersand dealers.In a video- gangs or drug rings they encounter in disciplined asthey areviolent. '.92/Ianymem- taped conversation between two Colombi- smaller cities.As a result. they cancom- bers are believed to be illegal aliens. and an smugglersand detectiveswho operated pete successfullyon priceandqualityand the groupsthemselves areusually basedin the fake money laundry, the Colombi- if thoseclassic businessadvantages arein- Jamaican-immigrant communities on the ans admiringly describe ablack traicker . suicient to establisha beachhead. they East Coast-NewYork, Miami.Washing- i in south Florida. "That s.o.b, he just or- intimidate thecompetition withmayhem ton, D.C.. among others. But their nation- dered andordered; it was hard to keephim and murder. In Atlanta, says policeLt. l wide spreadover thepast severalyears has stocked," onesmuggler exclaimed.Those John Woodward,the invadingMiami Boys been staggering.The possesare majorfac- I blacks are really the best ones, the sec- ! tors in the crack trade in most East Coast ond smuggler agreed. " -'»i-"',r.~."-4';-2-- --.=-.1:-.~,'. -""..-'~.- cities. They are also active in . .-,__.-1114;:e- gv-K i'...--2:1 -»-In?1-'.--'. > .-gqQ'. xv. - 1 92~.»~="-,_. '- ' East andWest: Thereis equally little ques- __ .._ _,__:,___'.B, £;1_?;1_.- . ~:L___'_.. Dallas and Houston, in cities 4:, '*"'~.*'-"*'- Z...' ~ . _ ..__,' -' ."-. "' ».;- _ ,o1-- tion that some ofthe more aggressive big- 1 v¥,_;-'.'.';;-_'"_;-g -...we . - #- across the Midwest and. re- i ',',*.,.1.-In 35"- -. ¢- -_~*- ,<~._ -_:>92~.... - >1 city gangs have begun to spread the drug ,q. :.',92i§":."u:92_,.-_v .~ _._r_. ,.~._ markably enough. they have trade into the heartland. Police from Den- -.2.e~~1 /Ah. ..- ___5.5}_-7.~.».¢-_~',.92 _-_; .- i »_ -..'7 '.' -" recently been spotted in An- .:.,,:.-."§=,*:.1. .~__~.- "-_t.-=.=_- _/-t.-'..-.'~:92 ver to Vancouver repo rt that Los Angeles 'X} ''-;.,'~.-. . _-,-_a 92,. "ii iF§4'~'i'-Jchorage Alaska. Like most gangs are moving in to establish branch 0-. , :. ,.,l.-92".~E-. "3.7 .'-lmericangangs. drug theJa- cocaine. In Atlanta. 4.' ~'.~"f~l:.'§_-£4 . . .. .;, operations selling rock E >2.- r 5.1"" .92 - -1:115/5 .'. _.;._ . maicans are known to hire local Savannah andMontgo mery, Ala.. authori- ,1-.1 helpers whenthey opena crack .e .. ties saythe Miami Boys are following the .f' _.§;r_; 5-.§:;;¥i:i{',.,. {$.14 house ina new city. Butthe core same expansionarypattern. Chicagogangs -. ,~a:=.;53* L=--- -. group isalways from the island. have appeared in Milw at-*1-E¢::. ' -.E'j' aukee. Minneapolisl -'- ""1 - and no outsiders are allowed to and Racine, Wis., and the Jamaican posses l . penetrate theupper echelonsof seem tobe organizingcrack outlets almost _ H C -_ .. F the ring. everywhere. Kansas City authorities re- '" c..=I-£7:;'-at .;=r-'=?»92 " ~.'=i§}l="-I. J»"".-:»-.':.-:'.<-92.:~' Q-1. .t..:~_I#'="-_:-.-*-.*.ft'~ U.S. lawmensay manyofthe cently managedto breaka Jamaican posse #7--'-.'-'3.-;~..'.t?-"-.51~ ~ ~;+..r - _ * _ ~a1..=-- ',-.'-"--3":-,.-';'Is'.f:posses have .:.__-'_ their roots in the that began importing crack from its. East i-'!'l'."."i:}-{:i,l'.¢-.;§":3';.~.-'.:,~'ii'_""~ ="~:*.r42* . ~1~¢..~"';;;*;~.."-'.-..:is.*-slums aroundKingston.Jamai- Coast basesometime in1985; thep osse was ca. Theirnames reectthat ge- operating 75 crack houses that grossed .' "~,*/1."-=~". 7".*t'i; jg 1-=:»i=.+-==..=..<=:-rs : " .:r.~--':q- _:;-,..,,.~-a -"A .i:-.-;.~.., -; nealogy. TheRiverton Citypos- S-100.000day. a After that success. howev- .I_->,;;.-.-..~i»-.-an: .--=-_.-.-~r.~ _-»..»'=;'1:/4 .. gf. -gs.cw .-. 1 . _ :-.":-.;;~;|-;r . -=.~. se is named aftera Kingston er. IxansasCity wasinvaded from t :_;j='>>,:»--1"':-92;_.,p.=;, ",?' V . 92"' or ,' 2__» -<32; "'. he West I §:=-_~,_-;-,='~'i,;_a;~.-&92 ~ -> '_'-._ r ~ ~;,-7; --.~w3?-.'-~»" . -~...-gaszv. ---.. ; neighborhood. and so are the Coast aswell. In February four members of K ,:;_*:.."92.- ;,_'92.;..-_..-.:_-,_. _t__.~. -b _ g . - -Ell-.~;,"=»-;2-"L4|_-.;-I-_§:¢' F -'-.'.-*"1i!"~lit. 11*. ~','.. . - 1:_Maverly andWaterhouse pos- an LA.-based Bloods gang were indicted - ,.-- -»-:-tr---i I$|',5"'.-=-'._'¢.;a;.-31.-' 5.1., _ fir ~.-,_ -. Q, 5 _ - is>§§"$=-':".:ii?f1j 1':r; -ii-jaw;-:..'.-=~- '-'_ -3.!-J" ______,--:~ " '.-,L..,_:. 4-"»92. . . _ -2: '_ - ses. _ The Jamaicans call them- for selling cocaine, an d investigators say selves possesafter the armed they haveidentied 15 LA. crane ,, D members bands in American Westerns.! _ ___ , ._ _-» n »

.: 4 1._- *5 -: ' I -, - .;- ~-. Egg .1 ;_-w_ ..; E;.;!»,;y, ,. a -- -. v; -a..-;~.,-.'-,1 .-. .-,;~_--__ ¢.;l?._;.2.; 4_'<-..-.:._;.- .=-$1.31 ' _.~-_;; .= _»-5. _-11.-_~.-':.= i-*-. =~;_-__ -1 ,,- ~- .':.' _--,-_; .=,_ =-1 1:,» 5.-..,' V: -2_-_- =5."-n '- >~~'.~_..-J. -_.=-»-r1=.-?.~.- -.'- - - -.-. ~. '-.;;'..,Q-1.,-;_-.1 ~-' : ~-1---~21--F-+ -.'_--~*'>_,>',-,1» -5--'. _. -F-..~1:~; » __' -_ . 5' .- =-'. SP-angler gangs, claim vague ailiationsting enormous pressure on police all across convicted on other charges. Ofhcials in cit- with Jamaican political parties: the the country. Cocaine and heroin traffickers ies like New York, and Spangler posse aligns itself with the Peo- are nowdeepl y entrenched in the ghettos of Washington, D.C.to say nothing of Los ples National Party offormer prime minis- many larger cities, and drug prots are a Angeles-are also being forced to reorga- ter Michael Manley, while the Showers powerful incentive to hundreds of thou- nize their police departments to meet the identify With the Jamaican Labor Party ofl sands of unemployed black and Hispanic threat of drugs, which means cutting back current Prime Minister Edward Seaga. Ja- teenagers. ln addition, many gang mem- on manpower for other crimes. "We need maicanpoliticians, however, disavow any bers are increasingly expert in exploiting more resources-people and equipment," connectionto the groups. loopholes in the law. As a result, California l says Frank Storey. the FBIs chief drug In reality, most posses were probablyand New York authorities are consideringofficial. "Resources are the most crit- marijuana-smuggling rings in Jamaica. new anti-gang legislation patterned after ical problem at the federal, state and But the crack explosion of the 1980s offers the federal RICO Racketeer-Inuenced local level. unlimited prots to the posses just as it Corrupt Organization! law; such state Outmanned. outgunned and outspent, does to American gangs, and Jamaican RICO statutes will enable prosecutors to have been even quicker than the Ameri- the cops are ghting back as best they can. seek longer prison terms for gang leaders There is nothing they can do to control the can gangs to exploit the oppor- tunity. South Florida. with 5 spread of weapons like Uzis its Colombian drug connec- § and AK-47s. As long as such tions, is the adopted home for 5 an estimated 1,000 posse mem- .» -.'_; ~ _»~, ; -"-I _,_, if '7; _ _ 1- »-.t'_=bers.TheShowerandSpangler guns have been adapted to re posses are the two main groups. . '"" r ~'~§_-; -I and some lawmen say all other only on semiautomatic-a pro- 2->54 ---.-<="---§;.-=. . / - »" ~. -..-=" » cedure that is readily reversed gangs are offshoots of these 1 t . -i __,.-1.'-='_~._T-.3:-11' ~' : ~. _ ~ 3. 1., ,1? I by outlaw gunsmithstl1e two. The lesser posses have ex- f .--ii: .{t';__-.3"-_.> Ex v J; tr ,, >_f';~;_;.:3- -}'!.~92.._ _'_ ~I-~.'. 5:-'3 9. ;92":¢.-__1. ' ; iv . ¢. :3_-_;~r:; p¢.~-1;5; -;-.>'-,-- ,--51$, sales are wholly legal under otic names like Dog, Jungle and --_,;;.,. ' - "*"" . 3.5 - - eh , *1"/:1-*»1:=~"-1=-atze:*:t» . -_. - _ ;;'-**?>- *;=f.4'~federal law. Officers who must Okra Slime. One group, the i .. ~ 1.-:3 '1--' T», .1 ;'-."¢';'.ir-F1-1-'. K, .....-I . _ 1 r-.< .1-ii " ._=_ -x-Z "-- -cl, " --51;: ~" - 5" , ,. .1 ,.-~;_~-..--,_~_~..ri-:2 .-Q. - 3;; 7-._n_ -=,,,;_--_.:s.; deal with the gangs routinely X I Jungle Lites, is reputed to be » . :1: T" 927§1'f-Li; wear armored vests which of- expert in guerrilla-warfare tac- 5'-,.=,_.--_= j-_:=.;_*. r"*;:I-_92 I-l--E-'=-_"'.j.;;--<1-.-==. '-"-§1i.'i-.$7'=1.' 5{3}. ' ''? -14!» - :7 - lr" ;;;_-? . "' "'I- J i 5* l _ {!',v,,.,._.l_~>: ...3§ y J I ten will not stop an assault- I .- rie round!, and many depart- may °S'mi have P°°° received SsP° military i they I 31'§:-=_?;;;4*-1;;§z.t..;.- , ments now equip all their ,.- training in Cuba. - - ~ " M ~ officers with automatic pistols Reggae and death: But every to increase their repower. posse has a fearful reputation : » . sf; '*.'i'f-.. __f1y*-T fl,-=1-;=rIv§. . But ghetto busts are extremely for violence. Nationwide, ac- - I __- =.-._..!.;,¢_H 1-5. :=;~_" dangerous anyway: in Boston, " .,-92 .92 -4' 92 9* _ 2'13; :1 -"1T."."i't§i" l92 - for example, Police Lt. Det. Mel Ahearn has trained a spe- Q? cording to U.S. experts, the Ja- cial "Jamaican entry squad" -'=i~'*i'fT:!§: to take on the posses in their maican gangs have been linked . _ max ruricruna oaour strongholds. ' to 800 murders, including more On-the-spot lab work:An officertests for drugs in LosAngeles than 350 last year alone. Posse There is every indication. .' ;_.__.. B = gunmen are known to prefer meanwhile.thatthegang/drug shooting their victims in pub- " A Street*Side Pharmacopeiaproblem will get worse. If the lic, and reggae clubs in major analogy to Prohibition is accu- cities have a welldesen/ed rep- ver the last two years some drug dealers have aban- rate, the gangs have only begun doned marijuana and heroin to push crack. But others to consolidate their hold on utation for frequent homicides. are doing a brisk business in new imports-and some old A dispute between posse mem- standbys. A report from the city streets: drug trallicking-and given '{:>bers at a reggae club in Houston their growth so far, it seems 1; reasonable to expect that they, 1a5tQ¢tQb9;-1ed92;Qafat9_1shoot; ; Cocaine and crack: A glut has forced the price Ora like the Maa before them. will -_. ing in front of nearly 100 wit- L= kilogram of cocaine from $65,000 four years ago to $10,000 M5595, and New York polige Q in some places. in some cities, a vial of crack costs only $3. becomeeven more skillful in report that homicides occur al- E evading law enforcement. The most weekly at a popular 3 Maruuana: Though somewhat harder to nd since the supply of smuggled drugs-~ __. Asian heroin, Mexican heroin FT Brooklyn nightspot known as - .-crack boom, pot is by far still the nations most popular the Love People disco. Torture ; illicit drug; 18 million Americans smoke it regularly. and cocaine most of all-seems and maimings are posse trade- ll3llllCl0g8l'lSI A watereddovvn form of LSD is making almost limitless. At the same marks as well. They dont 3 acomeback, mostly in the West. Sales of inexpensiveliquidtime, the federal government, mind shooting people. Weve ; PCP are up again on the East Coast. which has scattered the respon- had numerous cases of Jamai- .- sibility for combating drugs cans who were shot in the knee - Mexican heroin: The street price for BlackTar, which is . among dozens of different agen- as much as 80 percent pure, can climb to $500 per gram. A cies. seems to lack :1 coordinat- A. or leg,says Dallas police inves- - ~. tigator Charles Storey. "A lot of § bargain brown-powder heroin sells for $120 to $150 ed national strategy. Who's Q. groups have a potential for vio- ASl3II llfli One form comes from the Golden Crescent running the war, America's 4. lence,but[theJamaicans]dern- _5 Iran,Afghanistan, Pakistan, India! and another from the hard-pressed cops are asking- onstrate it daily. Dallas police t Golden Triangle Burma.Laos. Thailand!. and when are the good guys - - say Jamaicans were linked to _ nally going to win? - Fentanyl: A potent heroin substitute known as China - 'lo.92i MORGANTIi.92UlL'i!}l 35 homicides in 1987 and 10 to _= Mlcrurt .-92. LE2RNERinLus.-ln_;'o3/cs. 12 so far this year. I . White, the synthetically produced designer drug" is most- RKCHARD S,92Nl72,92iI1Wu.~.'hin_gton. ly a West Coast fad. Street price: $3,200 a gram. .92' 0 x .92' Y A a aorr in .92/eu Yur/c. The explosive growth of the 3 DAVID L. GoNz.ai.r:zin.1rliumi. L ,,;1_9LL,Q £1} 4-2s-as! . _ . rm so 44-.__ one'_v loosBattle ::::.:..~=*-AD la-~. ___ to Control50,000 GangMembers on theStreets Losof Angeles Q" C»; I By Matt Lait P-am Am. ___ Spcdal theIn WaaehittgtmPusl Citing increasedgang activity,the LosAngeles City In. Iv". ,_,___. Council has voted to add 150 ofcers to its Tori. 1;-q. ____ LOS ANGEl.ESJohn Big Sleepy!Lewis seemed7,100-member forceby June 1989; Mayor Tom Brad- Yogi:-A _i___, bored ashe stood with his handscuffed behindhis back, ley hasasked foran additional250. The annual costof rllltano ll -_- staring overthe headsof the police officerswho had the newofficers wouldbe $26.4million. OnThursay- 9-u¢vov'a._ 30:] $319995 himfor questioning.Residents theof neighbor-the sameday thatthree gang-relatedshootings leftsev- hood eastof CulverCity watchedimpassively fromthe en peoplewounded--city andcounty ofcials received porches ofgraffiti-covered housesas he was released $2.73 millionin federalgrants to help combatsuch vi- minutes later. - olence. _ 'g _ __ _,- Since joiningthe city'soldest black street gang,the Now, partlyin responseto such targeting, manygang Crips,12 years ago, Lewis says he has beenshot three members havemoved to other West Coast cities, where times, hasseen severalfriends killedand cannotrecall the drug-market competition is less keen and local all the times hehas beentaken tojail. At 21, he isolder law enforcement officers know less about their meth- then mostof his fellow "gangbangers,"as they call ods. themselves. Hewas releasedfrom prisona few months Police in San Diego, San Francisco, Portland and ago afterserving a year for possessingcocaine andan Seattle report a recent influx of Los Angeles gang Uzi machinegun. members. Theyalso havebeen reported in Phoenix, Over thelast fewyears, blackgangs inLos Ange- Tucson, Shreveport,La., andToronto. " lesparticularly theCrips andtheir archrivals,the The black gangs have gone to other cities looking Bloods-have growninto well-organizeddrug-traffick- for fertilegrounds forthe sellingof arcoticswhere the ing networks,feuding violentlyover clientsand terri- price is a little more inated, and have set up tory. * McDonald's-like. franchisesthroughout the United Recently, insearch oflarger prots,the twomajor Statesand even up into Canada, LosAngeles Police gangs haveexpanded tocities as distant as Toronto and Cmdr. Larry Kramer said. - -, Seattle, forcinglaw enforcementagencies todevelop Officer Neil Crannell ofthe PortlandPolice Depart- new ways to combatthem. - - ment said the Crips appeared there in 1986 and the With morethan 50,000 hard-core gang members,Bloods in 1987. ' . mostly black,Hispanic andAsian, inLos AngelesCoun- _ When they rst came here,Bloods andCrips were ty, policeare battlingwhat many say is a losing war. A kind of palling aroundtogether, andthey hungout at report releasedthis weekby theNational SchoolSafety some ofthe sameplaces, buta few months afterthat, Center putsthe estimateeven higher at 70,000'mem-they changedand now they're separateantagonists, bershere, surpassing Chicago with10,000 and New increasing in numbers, he said. * York with 5,000. In Seattle,local authoritiessought helpfrom federal We'remaking nota big dent, saidSgt. Alan Thatch- investigators, includingthe Federal Bureau of Inves- er of the LosAngeles PoliceDepartment's antigang unit. lts a brush fire effect. A murder happens over there, so we go over there and try to solve it, and then there'sa murder over hereand wego here,and onand on . . . . " Compared tothe sameperiod lastyear, gang-related homicides in1988 haverisen 50percent inthe city and almost 100percent in the county, accordingto police and sheriff'sdepartment statistics. There have been 40 The WashingtonPost L such murders in the city through February and 28 in The WashingtonTWHQ5 ___i__ the county to date. The total last year was 381. Dally News New York! ______i in response,the LosAngeles PoliceDepartment has The NewYork Times._____.____ launched itsGRATS Gang-Related Active Trafficker The Wall Street Journal ______Suppression! projectthat expectsto jailas many as 100 The CNCIQO Tribune .._._.___._..._ gang membersa month on drug charges.Many make TM Lo: Angeles Times ._i__ instant bailwith the pocket moneythey carry, some- The Chrialian Science Monitor ____ times thousandsof dollars. USA Today i The department'sCommunity ResourcesAgainst Street Hoodlums CRASH! unitalso hasreorganized to ght street violence, andthe city attorney haswon a Date Q:_,g___M court injunctionprohibiting certainCrips fromloitering, trespassing andharassing neighborhoodresidents. Pl?! ii. Pa: ecu Is- A ll-, __._ Q~ /~ b 1 Q ' I tigation,Drug the EnforcementAdministration ihé'_ ad Bureauof Alcohol,Tobacco Firearms; and and DEASo farthis year,at least53 bystanders have been Treasuryin agents Seattlearrested Los three Angeles killedwounded or gang by membersin LosAngeles, gang members on cocaine-trafckingcharges lastpolicesaid. Several of thosekilled, becausedied they! month, seizinga sawed-off shotgun, $5,680in cash, wore wrongthe colorsin gangsa territory. quantities of--crack,a-srnall--safe, paraphernalia drug Althoughand- Hispanicgangs in Los Angeleshavea his? business records. .- tory datingbackto the turn ofthecentury account and The growthin gangmembership is partlyhereattri- for someof thecity's violence, gang-relatedtend they butable theto profitmotive. to bemore territorial,Kramer said. -; It'stotell hard 15-year-olda with kid $3,000 in his ~ Hispanicsgangs are not intothe monetarygain as pocket, beforeneverwho a dollar,hadthat this is the muchas theyare into proving theirmanhood the and wrong wayto go, said Detective MichaelBerchem fact thatthey machismoare defending and they what of theLos AngelesPolice Department'santigangsee astheirneighborhood, Wes Sgt. McBride of the unit. l Los AngelesSheriffs Departmentsaid. _-, in manycases, older the membersof thegang del-But policesay emerging gangsAsian of youthsmay egate the real workof acquiring and sellingdrugs tosoon rivalthe Bloodsand theCrips terms in drugs of younger membersbecause juvenilesreceive lighterand violence.The recent deaths two of DEAagents a in penaltiescaught. if exchange. In the junior memberLos AngelesCounty shoot-outwith suspected Asian getsa shareof theprots. "' drug dealersraised fearsthat Asian gangs, directwith it'slike basically anyother business, the higherup links Asian to heroin,are developing into majornarcotic you thego lessyou haveto dowith theactual business, organizationspotential withextremeviolence. for _ Berchem said. ' Meanwhile,Crips theBloods, and dozens withaf; of But Dr.Lorenzo Merrittof Project HEAVY West,a filiate factionsthroughout city, the remain the dominant nonprotcounselingthat center triesto help children gangs. Andpolice say the Crips tightamong them~ stay outof jail,said theyjoin fundamentallybecause selves.of _ _ a needfor acceptanceand identity. It generally means "Theremany are moreCripsithan are there Bloods. an absenceofa cohesive . . . family life wherethereis But withintheir differentfactions, very you seldom see no sense of belongingand respect." Bloods feudingwith otherBloods it butisvery common Even youthswho don't wantjoin to gang sometimesa to seeother Cripsfeuding withother Crips,Kramer see nochoice. 19-year-old A member Crips ideniwho said... tified himselfby hisgang name,Jay Stone, said: YetiThe bottomline tothe wholething here, is thatit joinsurvive. to you're If in gang,a nothave you pro! nodoesnt anymake sensebecause nothingthere's to .youretectionfor otherfrom ingood. bangers~ Once you'reA Iin, thoughmake senseanyabout it, Berchemsaid. Whya guy If youwant be toa man, you're it, Lewis said.in 92over this onstreet will shoota guy six blocks awaybe- The Cripswere identiedas thecity's largecause he's rsta different kind Crip,of butyet, sixblocks black gangin theearly 1970s,according police, to over otherthe iswaya gang of Cripsthat getshe along Shortly afterwards,the Bloodsformed protect to th_ern~with_. . just . doesn'tmake anysense. selvessince and then,the gangs have become mortal enemies. Membershipis determinedlargely neigln by borhood. Crip membersadvertise affiliation theirby wearing blue on everythingshoelaces from the tobandanas that hang ofout their back pockets.Bloods redwear thein sarnefashion. '

I #5 9. A > _Uw_r_:_u,!;L:2;__n1r_%m__ E, ___ Fl:_-__"4::;:;§?.,_i¢r,_:1_;;¢r;5=:f¢j1_>.£»,~-3 _,u .,__ ,r-KM L 92¢JIb-Q ~ < 1+»-**-W ~;.:_w<92' M ,-,.~ . - :1.J ..-_¢_2, . 1:"923'§3'§}-;;-¥=3;w5_J'&'-:§1~"7'lf"§.-M . . ,..¢..~.»1~s»~¢1y;-_~'1t;_.'i-,_,__,,~ ' ----Z".. -.4.,4._-.. ,;.1-; ,.'=..-;'_~..'.:.;.,{»-'r'-..- .>.-':-- ..;=>_...¢.»~-'@;w.¢;;;§-:.-2§.'§=;<;.=§;:'>~,@¢¢;-,'_1 ~-Ia-4,4~ - .»:¢---r. ,=:-~ "." . ':~- ?_-<.;=..-rt.~..@.,~ ~-r _92 -'--.=-a»-»~~ »< =<._1-;<' _, - - . - -I ~- »92 J» __ ** I-,?_*JJ92:T§l4-A".:;F:!92_ I. -'-.-vw.''4-t j§:¢,.a~ '~#1» aJ'.*:1;§7*?i-{fir-m¥1a"»=* *f"-W?3-Q " --.,.~- age r W~%;_@v " M"

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u /


BY Paula MarieMcKibbin, J.D. Spring I992 92 J

A C 0/nmenl on the Law in a Series of Independent intoResearch Topicsof Social Impact Supportedby a Grant fromthe JOHN STAUFF ER CHARITABLETRUST

" ' W A 1 I 1 R 92

BLACK STREET gangs As of March 1992, out of the total number of 942 street gangs identified in the G.R.E.A.T. System, 299 were identified as black street gangs.l44 In the author'sopinion, ofall youth, black youth are in the most danger of joining street gangs and becoming involved in street gang criminal activity. Statistics reveal that althoughblacks comprise only 6%of the .. I country'sgeneral population,Wthey make up 46% of the nation's prison population.l45According toDavid Sandoval,twenty- five percent of black male youth are in eitherijail or prison, or on parole or probation, compared to only six percent of white male youth.l46 Forty~four percent of the black population cannot read, and an additional 17% are semiilliterate. The national dropout rate for black students is 22%; however, in some cities, such as Los Angeles, the . school dropout rate for black youth is 50%. In addition, 56% of the black families have no men in their household.l47

l44McBride, seen. 8. 145 RonJohnson, Consultant,Community ReclamationProject, Los Angeles, California, "Rites of Passage: Bringing the HighRisk Youth to Adulthood," CommunityMobilization: How to Survive in the '90's, ConferenceProceedings, Office of Criminal Justice Planning, Los Angeles County Interagency Task Force on Gang Violence, and California Council on Criminal Justice, 1990, p. 139. 146 LosAngeles CountyCommission Human on Relations,Limited Life Opportunities for Black and Latino Youth, December 1990, p. ll. l47Taylor, see n- 20.

Ji*1 ;-:7: _1,-1.: ".~; ,.;-,_.. *"-, _*' j~ 1»-.'-.5. M, - r W ~ » ; . . - , t .'_.--1 1 I'?:A v_,._..f{:,._&}o{7.;§:,.:.::_;;.:="=. >»=~>'.-='*=.I-= ' " == '41"-"1'."»""~l3.5 :-_ _' _-_.~'. 1 _- -i.'~.*-kn-'- -.7,,.:_?__:£._i;_ 1% ;r'--~'.4 5 },__':,>' *-=". __.;:_: 92.92. ._, ;_= .~&.~i92 f;.;-,_§t,_.__4;__,:_ T . ~_~92-2»-»,H,_-v_._Q 1~ _~;__r' k§ * * *-"-'~1-" 1 IQ, §3¬:~ ~~*aif¢.~:*».>#;§¥~<=:H~':$*;:~<%<*wasi1*e~~"¢§§">z¬'@@*' -- -x a 1 zr or, ;~-=-~'I.-'1*I?t= - f v * ~ _ 92 -,-.. ___ ' _. _' - _,--- F3l 3?; T~"'=_ ! .- .2 _. . 1-yilili-?-él:¢'¬%"'4~L-» - - _,. ...~.._. .4~92-»~A4 .~-92"-'1'-_""-: .. {>.~.7,<*vT§.*1ih»92!'%'»-":'I."., _1 ,_._ mm "'-~*.,i.e.. ~"~-.. ;'=92.._, -"T:-' .. 1.-1,. . ,~:-'=*¬v'~"~'Y"=""-'5.-I=n"?2:JE~:%§.r'?11 ..1 331" _, . _r_* V 4 Mtr _ Q ~- ~.~ 1'< X-* K

Black street gangs have existed in the areas of South

Central Los Angeles and Compton since the early 1920's. These early gangs, one of which was "* the Boozie gang,

consisted of family members and close friends who involved

themselves in limited criminal activity designed to make

themselves appear tough and to provide~a source of funds. The

early black street gangs were more territorial than they are

today. In the 1920's, the different black gangs fought each

other}?but theydid hot engage in stabbings¢ . orshootings.l48 During the late 1930's, the Slauson gang was the most active;

whereas in the 1950's and in the 1960's, gangs such as "the

Businessmen, "the Home Street Gang," and "the 117th Street

Gang, were active. Since these early gangs concentrated

their criminal activity within the black neighborhoods, they were virtually unnoticed bythe rest of the public.l49

In the 1960's, black street gang activity caused two

rival street gangs, the Crips and the Bloods, to organize.

The Crips were the first to form in 1969. Contrary to popular

belief, these early Crips were comprised of black male youth

from the upper middle class of society. They attended

Washington High School in South Central Los Angeles. The

Crips soon made a name for themselves by confronting other

youth and forcing them to fight; to give up their possessions;


l49Association of Orange County DeputySheriffs, p. 23, see " ". -5-!» ' ._ if" ,'_'~'' _, ., 1" _ ._ "f 3 - -..':---".3:-4»;°~-_ .~ ~."i-1,-P"?1?-?;2:§11i1iéIiFi*

and, in .some . cases, to ]O1n. . the Crip street gang. 150

when law enforcement and school authorities were either unable or unwilling to provide the protection needed by members of the public from the Crips, black youth in many neighborhoods started to form their» own gangs for self protection against the Crip gang members. One such gang that formed was called the Bloods. The early Bloods called themsetves ,naming themselvesgafterthe street they lived on in Compton,_California.l5l_ Although the BloodPirus initially were successful against the Crips, the Crips soon began to,outnumber the .1. Bloods. By the mid-1970's,the Crips had built a reputation for themselves as the strongest black street gang in the State. The growth in Crips gang membership has increased steadily to a present ratio of three Crips for every one Blood. Today, all black street gangs align themselves with

either the Crips or the Bloods. The Crips and Bloods continue

to be rival gangs. Nowadays, however, as many people may not know, the majority of the street gang warfare occurs between

lSOOffice of the Attorney General, State of California Department of Justice, Unclassified Confidential Publication for Law Enforcement, Crips and Bloods Street Gangs, BOCCI Unit, p. 3; Hourie Taylor, Police Commander, Compton Police Department, Black Street Gangs Organization and Subculture, rev. June 1988, p. 3. l5lTaylor, seen. 20. § g=-- 2» ::. 51 ? - - . _,,- ~ I - - - _ , - x:: '~-em»;V ~.1;-_--: 4- w {. .1 9;."-;; -. _ > . .-;»__., = r ,.=.'.¢.~._,»_;.¬@m~,..;2¢7'%x;-._ag;q,;@g;=3¢g;;&;:;t:;- .-:1 -.:~:~ u _ 3 it,-<_ ._ 2.1; " 1» 53* ' ».$Q§§*§§»*~"?1¢$< 3* ;g:_.5.-¢~ ~ " 3 1 - ~31: -'=':»"-'.="r:='-l"5_1J*%'~""-' ' u ». ~1~.~1"-%4?iI?';'5"!f*1s%'I '> ~ ' . :.'_:~'-~i =,~.-v»! 2.,.5§l;;§1g-",5:'3'1§.§'#";?-P'§»2. ';~,-'_~_;»~* .'- -vf!!92F.'=?§+'74

the various Crip gangs.l52

Both the Crips and the Bloods organize themselves into

sets made up of different age groups. The membership within E

each set includes groups of "wannabees," "peripherals," A.

2 "associates," and "hardcore" gang members. The wouldbe gang Q s members, also known as "wannabees,*are between 6 and 10 years r z of age. The young members form a set of "baby gangsters? who

are between the ages of ll and 15. The hardcore gang members . . /' form'aof set "gangsters" whorange in age from16 to 22. The

older gang members, who are over 22 years old, are called n .,. "153 original gangsters. f 1 In order to identity themselves to others, the Crips and §

the Bloods began wearing, i.e., "flashing," their respective 2 gang colors. The Cripsbegan wearing blue clothing, and the

Bloods beganwearing redclothing.l54 - More recently, tattoos0 have become another popular means of identification used by black street gang members.l55 1 Black street gangs are not as culturally oriented as

traditional Hispanic street gangs, and they have fewer subsets. They usually have only alfew older gang members.


lszlnformation obtainedfrom BobFerber, AssistantSuperviso Cr Gang Unit, Los Angeles City Attorney's Office, Los Angeles, California, on May 8, 1992. l53Taylor, p. 7, see n. 150. 15416.

1551a %


5 ,,., . _ .,-s" _ - _ N _ , _, ; , ,'.._,_ =-_~ ,_ 92;-».-Jr",:,;_ >,- <_.is,.-;.,:1-;:;w,,;-_.:,.",,3; _ ., V. . - _~:{ ;-.;.,; ___.. b .,__.,§=._.,-3.; ~7;":_:_;_;,§:;::{w_;f;_;_,~_.,=f _;lYj;!j.§:.E92'2g-__¢.-;>:192=,§:'»"~r*§t:?f'5.~ -5;,1 ,:92' #19-3:ma? l Q5, t~92'92r e, .35 '. -¢~ .?h ."' i*¬@¬?$$$$§§$§§§§@eeev%%%»*un%¢eiMe~ ..:-'_'=>=; +~-*=><"."'f"'"- '- ,'>'¬:-. . ,' . -. 92~ *=***§

They arenot as oriented or as loyal to the gang asare the Hispanics. UnlikeHispanic gangmembers, black gang members put their own interests beforethose of the street gang.l56 If a black gang memberholds anyloyalty, it is usually to another gangmember, ratherthan to the gang itself. Another difference betweenthe blacksand theHispanics isthat many black youth,unlike theHispanics, havebeen knownto speak openly tolaw enforcementofficers about themselves andtheir gangs whenthey areaway from their,s¬reet gangcomrades.l57 In the 1970's,more the sophisticatedblack gang members started to abandontheir distinctive gang attire in order to avoid detection by law enforcement andschoo1;officials.l58 In recent years, all Crips and Bloodshave begun to "dress down"in order to avoid detection by law enforcement officers. Rather than wearing allblue clothing, Crip gang members nowadaysmay conceal somewhere ontheir person only bluecol0red scarves,also knownas "rags," to identify their gang affiliation. Bloods mayreveal their gang involvement by carrying only redcoloredrags.l59 In 1984, it was firmly established that many black street gang memberswere involved in drug trafficking. They

156 Arizona Departmentof Public Safety, IntelligenceDivision, p. 8. l57Marshall, seen. 5.

n. 88. l58AssociationOrange of CountyDeputy Sheriffs,p. 35, see l59Id_


~*__%»s - » V '*" :4-,_~._=~:.;-=92.*: 3*"""*">*?i=i'"~"i-f»*-'*';":§"I.~--"F - -= -,':'T'.-.g.:~;".~.--,1 -Y/.j~,.. ,;»" ',,--'+*<"E-1'.*- ;~.»;.*':=-:_ ~- :.~" .1*,-:11=1;'1.~gu:i:,»&§~»-,;,.."--l¥s;;-".*::<=:;.-aw 31,-, =~z'*¢~¢~~7"*i,§~§;1.,'92 /92v: ~_-.;.=;,>1,=-Y5-¢;v,_.-_~:1--: :;» - _-l4- 1.-c-.»»>»-;..--_,;»._:.,.;<<; . - -,1» _ ~r<-:~-=.»~_~_-92,- , . . --1. --<~;;,~-~~.92» - ,~~.. V~,.;_»-_-.». as-.~;-'w_<_ .----_~»_1,.-=-1. 92_ _!- .-. <5;.' K el-0,,-.-».w~ .»,;~,_ .».¢_- <...~»--,.~;. ~v =...- ,1»; .._~ <.__',. 92 ;.¢=92--..s,..-._> ~ 92_,~;¢;,!¢._ -.-v<.. vr.~92 92,;_¢ .-~.<.~.-4-_.~_.» ~,-~.. /__:1_._" -~>.- ; . .-7,.;.--.-.92-*'»1,-~._~;~-.._~,- <-.-.-~-~'~,- 1-4 ~; n -r' - 's wt "'*'"""'3=-""~~-"3"""2?c";§¥3$§l6§'§=?!

trafficked predominately marijuana and PCP, and their business steadily increasedto includecocaine.l6O Inl987, Cripsand Blood operations mushroomed into new territories beyond Los Angeles, in part because a quantity of rock cocaine that sold for $25 in Los Angeles could be sold for as much as $80 elsewhere.l6l Since 1984, the Crips and the Bloodshave quickly transformed themselves into well-organized distributors of narcotics.l62 In 1991, both Crip andBlood .4 L" street gangs were engaged in crack operations in 22 states and at least 27 major cities.l63 i As of1988, gang veteransand lawenforcement officers J, determined that the cocaine trade in South Central Los Angeles was controlled by 15 to} 20 black street gang original gangsters.164 LosAngelés PoliceDepartment DeputyChief Levant reported in that year that,75 to 100 black street gangs were actively involved in cocaine distribution, with weekly sales totaling as much as $l,000,000.l65 Law enforcement officers have discovered that black street gangs are connected

l60Taylor, see n. 20. l6lId l62Id. 1 63Skoln1ck,.p.. 8,see n. 49. l64Id.

165 Office of the Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice, p. 2, see n. 100.

56 I p-3.,-.:'~. 1..-,:,,=,,.:1 ~. ;*.*..-__;_ 92.'»'--i-»'~»¢-92:u'-l<#m<>'-»- 92.~;i,~.~;-.~n;_~.92-?S5'--z'-;..="~?¬--:2.. _ 7F"1~-,.v<~,1-,<-.a.,.,.r.-.:-a-;'.v,a:;-¢,»;,,.,-'92._1_w&_,u__ ~- -. . . . . - z.<~~*.-~ ~ ' -=. .,.. . , , t. _ ,_,_p » . - , .. . L. 1 -- I I _ I. ..i._. < :1. _.,>_-~_:,;§_}=-.~..1..$:.:$$r.:@$1.1?4,;f,~%i1;§¢'a,§=»!¢@¢g§§;;;;§;.;?g>?;§§;N.-5,-,34,? __é:,.;fh.,i,_v_.__%_ .:m,_,._. {liar : , ;»r-w;<~4,f'¢=¢%-%:'*rf¥-e>2-=»- 1.w--.1»-..; 1 ~= Ir =#-"-a.t--5i%I,1q=J;~$ I-"Iw::~'»'=.-*:.~..<*-V141.-Y:r=..' - _We-=~'*»r -~wwnswmwm»ks?4eow-..¢»»@~1 =-*~'=fr::%~">%r»*:*K?~'!w-i~>~vw:=~ '.=~-"i-"*}:-13"-'<"-'is ~:>w '1» r . .9 ~ " ~'-- ~""- "' ' '' 'Y"=i?*7*r*T*'-"1?7i§?@54f¥'a2~".$;r¬f7>-5i5"%3I%1§'§§é% ""=~

with the Columbia drugcartels.l66 Black street gangs establish themselves in a community by initially living with or contacting blood relatives of individual street gang members.l67In somecases, theymay offer $50 to $100 per day to single mothers or elderly persons who are on fixed incomes in exchange for using their residences. . to deal cocaine. 168 . Law enforcement officers have

discovered that some Bloods and Crips may forego trying to establish themselves in some neighborhoods and deal drugs from motels located along the major Interstate 5 and Highway 99 .' . . . 169 .- corridors in California. / J. Black street gang membersoften establish themselves in new locales by throwing lavish parties. These newcomersflash ~. a lot of money and offer gifts to people in the new locale in order to persuade them to attend their parties. After the guests arrive, the gang members offer them alcohol and crack cocaine, realizing that once they get someone to try crack cocaine, they have a guaranteed addict and consequently a guaranteed client.l7O

l56Id., p. 7. 167 Christopher Kuntz, Sacramento Police Department, Investigation of Black Street Gang Drug Distributors, 1988, p. 5. 1 16816. l69Kuntz, p. 6, see n. 167. l7OMarshall, see n. 5.


_ -_ _ _,_,, ~-- - ii»= 1.-~~~- »._- .~1»@a~~»¢§n»iiemm@m%%£Q%$w%%$%@%%#$@~m. -¢":~'-':-'-2-5,..-~'-:~=~-:..11-" --» ' ~.1.1" : '~ .'~' I1 . _ -" -- ~.~- gi;$¥?ke§¢;waw;l =- »;~ §' ta» .. .' . . ?~'.-V" -- ~" '. . V-1 ~._.- ,- .__-i.'-wt» ~--;---=1.&:»,. -'<.1--':'92=,- 3.,v:.r'-.'¢r-f"=§::<¬ 1'. iv A ,_ > ,;;~'-§'<_»--=-.~": ;_-,--?.-§=r">=7~~'?ff-1$¬.J'§- 1.-;vvI'._v2 {,3-§§',}~.~=~-9292,_ >.~- .4 -'-' .. 1' § 1 " " ~i 31¥'5=:¬=;;'D-J ,~ :_- ~"-»_ ~~..."."--.:3-».'§1"»:§%:%i3E3{i?-1k

Black street gang drug dealers_ often use commercial airlines, buses, and automobiles to transport themselves and

their illegal drugs to new locations in order to conduct their

. . . . . 171 . criminal activities. Law enforcement officers have

discovered that the Los Angeles street gang members seem to

prefer arriving at their destinations by automobile or by bus between the hours of 6 A.M. and 8 A.M., hoping thereby to minimize contact with law enforcement officers.l72 . ,r _ Law enforcement officers also have discovered that when

a black street gang member transports cocaine, he often is accompanied bya female, who is often white. The;white female

usually carries the cocaine concealed on her peison. When law

enforcement officers stop the black male, they often do not suspect that the white female is with him.173

In order to avoid forfeiture of the expensive cars that

they buy with the proceeds of their drug trade, black gang

members register their transport vehicles in the names of their parents, siblings, and close relatives.l74 They also are using rental cars more frequently. Los Angeles International Airport is a popular car rental location.l75

l7l Kuntz, see n. 167; Office of the Attorney General, State of California, Department of Justice, p. 6, see n. 100. l72Kuntz,p. 7, see n. 167. l73Id_ »

l74Id_ l75Id_

58 ' _.-,~.--t .. .-. . _ .._ §- - . ""1ni>¢#s:. ; -3; ~,k__ ,~.--, ~,_¢_.92_.~* ~ $4-1-,",§'R"¬.l 4- .._ --."}"~.. M ,-.1"Q - -_ _ -~ . ,¢_. .. ;;~-~,.»_ . ~.;;.-_-;;. > .. -.__4:...-y,-,-.0 . _ , -_-_; =,~_, <>4; . . .__, _.,- ,, »-_ %%$w$%@g@%&ww&sw@&%%%&@& asmmwwgmmwmm" w%@%%%tsim$§%w%%%$&hw&$§;%»m@Q 4intahtmhtttt§¥$§§#ir¢%?w#@¥%%e%§h»~r¥n>t%&%#§%z¥§%%¥$§#%@%h&%asa%?****?ihm*Q*>e¥&¥~ss*seeesettisirstf

Only a few of the black street gang members who are

involved" in d'r'ug'i-ck ing traff end up mak ing a subs tant ial

amount of money. These gang members often buy respectable businesses, and some of them get out of drug trafficking altogether. Law enforcement officers are aware that these black street gang members now own several big businesses and live in some of the best neighborhoods in California. They also associate withfpeople of moneyéand influence, who are 0 often white upperclass citizens. They move out of their old neighborhoods, but they still maintain ties with the neighborhood. Theyuse homes in the old neighborhoodas stash pads for money anddrugs.l76 A Law enforcement officers are starting to see whites and Hispanics in Crips gangs, as well as Asian gangs that claim Crips affiliation.l77 These officers believe that the recruitment of whites and Hispanics into their street gangs

is an attempt by the Crips to expand drug markets into suburban areas and to enable them to transport drugs more

easily across the country. For example, law enforcement

officers recently discovered that children of white families

in Corona who lived in $500,000 homes had joined black street

gangs. These white youth go outside of their wealthy city

surroundings to affiliate with black street gang members.

They told law enforcement officers that their reason for

92 1 l76Marshall, see n. 5. 3'1 177 ld.;M? Quarry, see n. 9. qg

59 1%;

E . Q - ' ~.-1 . "4-.>.,_¢_:;»< ";-.~:_e .~_-x =-.-.- .1-'v¢'5.j' , ~..-»,-¢_..., _.> ~21-:1-m1,=~, -.':- ~'. ..- -, '2.-.1-- ~'~.~_'.~3". " »~:=..'».'<~'. .. . -;.~l.'I'§-1*."-11, .,~'~,-.1".-'-_,_'I-'-r .~ <1 ~.~ --.;'--..- 1 -.p- -2'. - ' - ~,92!- -., _!fziag2Z;:{192.:,£::~i_{g:§:1_:_.:;:__v?$92F;92,"%~4§%?;%~"¬;!.??:%'p» ,, » ,-=, -Rgh; J--W,1 < ;-.14: _.,'.- ,_,Q;M-~/. w> 1-,,- 92,_.,' _.. , _7 2 ff_ '_}.4..£..;- .'._"Y ~~.:w';;;'-. -~§»2 A ggé _T,t,._:{ ~-.-~921/.';;5._-J1%.. .34 ,...,.. .__ .-'».~'-I-3*"; _ r 5 :35 0 '.;;3;>.:r_..-_:_=,,t;;;'-_;._::92.~.§=:;__,;:3_Z=r¥:>%?*:¢'».~»;"3.~§92=-7»;<~. gt-E, 1 -_.'~,;=,:--~;='-,z~¥.-&'i,?~:¢~§3~f-.1'=.=-§=7:',?,§1,»**w?f¢~92%I7§v'¥?r:=>3=; ..-~;;4.,,-_§;:5;jg_;;:: <~-.-v.:_.-,_...'-1' ;~»§~q~s3,;~;.t§;£._.. .'. ».-¢as§E~:;:-I *3 * '1.» I 92 ~» 2;- - -1-"-<'=Y*I=.=. 92;¢92_;--, '1-~,.. 12

0 joining black street gangs was to experience the sheer '- excitement of being a gang member.l78 CARRIBEAN s'1'm-:13'r*czmcs


Until recently, the Jamaican street gangs, known as _ Jamaican possees, had confined themselves to cities along the East Coast. Law enforcement officers consider them to be ruthless and heavily involved in narcotics trafficking. In April 1992, law enforcementofficers detected the presenceof Jamaican possees in the State of California. It appears that Jamaican possees sent scouts to infiltrate; the narcotics » 4', market in this state. These officers do not know at this early date whether or not the Jamaican possees are trying to establish themselves permanently in the Los Angeles area.l79

5 2

178Marshall, seen. 5. l79Angeles,see n. 135.