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© Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Entomofauna ZEITSCHRIFT FUR ENTOMOLOGIE Supplement 9, Heft 4:33-248 ISSN 0250-4413 Ansfelden, 1. April 1997 Moths of Vietnam with special reference to Mt. Fan-si-pan Family: Notodontidae ALEXANDER SCHINTLMEISTER Abstract 190 species of Notodontidae are recorded in this work for Vietnam. Most of them were found on Mt. Fan-si-pan, but some interesting records are also from other localities including South Vietnam. 32% of the material of about 13.000 Notodontid specimens belong to new taxa. 82 new species, 11 new subsecies, 2 new genera and 3 new subgenera are described in this work. About 86% of the species are recorded for the first time from Vietnam. The greatest part of the species are illustrated on 36 colour plates; a few species are also illustrated in their early stages. 16S male genitalia are illustrated on 22 plates. A first Zoogeographie analysis (according to DE LATTIN 1967, SCHINTLMEISTER 1989b) shows that the fauna of Vietnam consists of about 25% Himalayan faunal elements, 15% Sundanian, 20% Sino- Pacific elements and about 40% endemics of the region which includes also Thailand, Laos and eastern parts of Myanmar (= Burma). Therefore it seems useful to introduce a further faunal element for which I propose the name "Siamic faunal element". It seems likely that there might be several subcenters of the Siamic refugium. One of them could be Mt. Fan-si-pan. Zusammenfassung In Vietnam können in vorliegender Arbeit insgesamt 290 Arten Notodontidae nachgewiesen werden. Diese wurden zumeist am Mt. Fan-si-pan gefangen, einige interessante Funde stammen aber auch von anderen Orten, unter anderem aus dem Süden Vietnams. Von den gefundenen Arten sind ca. 32% für die Wissenschaft neue Taxa. Insbesondere befinden sich 82 neue Arten, 11 neue Unterarten, 2 neue Gattungen und 3 neue Untergattungen in dem ausgewer- teten Material, daß mehr als 13.000 Zahnspinner umfaßt. Der überwiegende Teil der Arten (ca. 86%) werden das erste mal für Vietnam gemeldet. Die meisten Arten werden auf insgesamt 36 Farbtafeln dargestellt, dabei in einigen Fällen auch die Präimaginalstadien. Auf 22 Tafeln kommen ca. 165 männliche Genitale zur Abbildung. 33 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Nach einer ersten zoogeographischen Abschätzung (im Sinne von DE LATTIN 1967, SCHINTLMEISTER 1989b) setzt sich die Fauna Vietnams zu ca. 25% aus himalayanischen, 15% sundanischen und 20% sino-pazifischen Faunenelemente zusammen; aber etwa 40% sind Endemiten. Unsichere Zuordnun- gen blieben dabei unberücksichtigt. Der extrem hohe Anteil an Endemiten der Region, die Teile Thailands und östliche Teile Myanmars (= Burma) mit einbezieht, läßt die Frage nach einem eigenen Faunenelement berechtigt erscheinen. Für ein solches Faunenelement wird hier der Name "siame- sisches Faunenelement" vorgeschlagen. Dabei muß zunächst noch offen bleiben, ob sich dieses Ausbreitungszentren in Unterzentren gliedert (was anzunehmen ist) und wo die eigentlichen Entste- hungszentren und Refugien zu finden sind. Es ist aber zu vermuten, das eines davon das Massiv des Fan-si-pan ist. Synopsis of taxonomical changes New Genera Paraptilodon, type species: Paraptilodon notabilis sp. nov. Resto, type species: Resto publica sp. nov. New subgenera Dymantis, type species: Pseudofentonia (Dymantis) tiga sp. nov. Letitia, type species: Pheosiopsis (Letitia) optata sp. nov. Lupa, type species: Pheosiopsis (Lupa) lupanaria sp. nov. New species Periergos (Periergos) afonini Neodrymonia (Neodrymonia) albinomarginata Mesophalera ananai Torigea argen tea Phalera argenteolepis Torigea aristion Ptilodon autumnalis Periergos (Periergos) beo Pseudofentonia (Mimus) brechlini Mesophalera bruno Besaia (Curuzza) bryki Benbowia callista Benbowia Camilla Micromelalopha capreolus Periergos (Periergos) decertatio Quadricalcarifera defector Saliocleta dejoannisi Ceira distineo 34 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Pseudofentonia (Disparia) dua Phalera eminens Gargetta eucharius Ceira eustachus Saliocleta fabula Gangarides flavescens Neodrymonia (Neodrymonia) fuscus Pheosiopsis (Suzukiana) gefion Pheosiopsis (Suzukiana) gerola Pheosiopsis (Pheosiopsis) gilda Neodrymonia (Neodrymonia) griseus Quadricalcarifera hebe Quadricalcarifera hercules Tarsolepis inscius Quadricalcarifera iole Besaia (Besaia) isis Besaia (Besaia) isolde Quadricalcarifera jupiter Besaia (Besaia) kolmani Besaia (Curuzza) leechi Pheosiopsis (Oligaeschra) li Micromelalopha longijuxta Pheosiopsis (Lupa) lupanaria Besaia (Mimopydna) magna Hexafrenum marcarius Ceira marcellus Besaia (Ogulina) melanius Periphalera melanius Besaia (Besaia) meo Turnaca (Ambadra) nigridorsalis Stauropus nigropunctata Paraptilodon notabilis Ceira notia Turnaca (Turnaca) ojfula Neodrymonia (Pantherinus) okanoi Pheosiopsis (Letitia) optata Periergos (Periergos) orest Hexafrenum paliki Pheosiopsis (Pheosiopsis) pallidogriseus Antiphalera philippoi Ceira polonia Centra (Cerura) priapus Neodrymonia (Neodrymonia) pseudobasalis Resto publica Ceira rogatus Periergos (Rosiora) rosiora 35 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Gangarides rufinus Periergos (Periergos) rusatus Quadricalcarifera scensus Periergos (Hunyada) septentrionalis Micromelalopha simonovi Euhampsonia sinjaevi Torigea symmetricus Besaia (Curuzza) symphorian Pseudofentonia (Dymantis) tiga Torigea theodosius Besaia (Besaia) tristan Hexafrenum viola Allata (Celeia) violaceus Pheosiopsis (Pheosiopsis) viresco Quadricalcarifera witoldi Peridea witti Quadricalcarifera wunna Besaia (Besaia) zoe New subspecies Cnethodonta pustulifer albescens Homocentridia picta alius Pseudofentonia (Pseudofentonia) argentifera antiflavus Tarsolepis remicauda captura Neodrymonia (Pantherinus) bipunctata gestor Baradesa lithosioides gigantea Hexafrenum maculifer kalbet Brykia horsßeldi mapalia Quadricalcarifera charistera minima Ceira sabulosa tonkina Somera virens watsoni New synonyms Damata WALKER, 1855 of Harpyia OCHSENHEIMER, 1810 Neodrymonia anmashanensis K.ISHIDA, 1994 of Neodrymonia (Epistauropus) terminalis (KIRIAKOFF, 1963) Dudusa sphingiformis birmana BRYK, 1949 of Dudusa sphingiformis MOORE, 1872 Stauropus chlorotricha HAMPSON, 1912 of Quadricalcarifera viridipieta (WlLEMAN, 1910) Stauropus sporadochlorus BRYK, 1949 of Quadricalcarifera pareevirens (DE JOANNIS, 1929) . Damata longipennis formosicola MATSUMURA, 1929 of Harpyia longipennis (WALKER, 1855) Pydna kamadena Orientalis KJRIAKOFF, 1959 of Periergos (Periergos) kamadena (MOORE, 1865) 36 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Acknowledgements I have to thank many people for the possibility to publish this work. First of all thanks to the people who collected the material in Vietnam which forms the base for this work: our russian collectors VICTOR ("VICVIC") SINJAEV, EVGENU AFONIN and MISHA SIMONOV, the crew of Vietnamese collectors, particularly Mr. ANH ("ANANAJ") and Mr. YOK, the Meo helpers, particularly Mr. LEE and Mr. TYUH, Dr. RONALD ("RON") BRECHLIN and Dr. WOLFRAM ("WON") MEY. Mr. LOTHAR SPRENGER made the excellent photos for the plates as well as the photo- graphs of the male genitalia. Mr. ALEXANDER DANTCHENKO drawed the additional geni- talia plate 22 and Mr. SINJAEV photographed a lot of Vietnamese moths in their biotops. Dr. DIETER STÜNING and Mr. BERND-JÜRGEN KURZE reared and photographed caterpil- lars of Vietnamese Notodontidae in Germany. My special thanks to Mr. ANTONY A. C. GALSWORTHY for his kind assistance in Eng- lish language and informations about the moth fauna of Hongkong. Mr. WERNER WOLF, Bindlach, who also managed the publishing, gave useful hints for preparing the manu- script. Mr. THOMAS J. WITT made the publishing of this series possible by his engagement in all kinds. Graduate photographer LOTHAR SPRENGER (left) and Dr. ALEXANDER SCHINTLMEISTER (right) pre- paring and photographing the colour plates for this volume (SPRENGER phot.). 37 © Entomofauna Ansfelden/Austria; download unter www.biologiezentrum.at Collecting localities and their data A map of Vietnam with the collecting sites and a full description of the localities is pub- lished in a previous part of this series (SCHINTLMEISTER 1997). Tam Dao: 70 km NW Hanoi. A well known tourist site with many hotels near the airport of Hanoi on the top of a green hill (1250 m altitude). The collecting sites are in the village which is surrounded by secondary forest in good condition of about 950 m altitude. Geographical data: 21° 34' N, 105° 20' E. Dates: l.-15.xi.l992, 1.-5.V.1993, 3O.vi,1993, 9.vi.l994, 14.-15.vii. 1994, 17.X.1994, 2.XÜ.1994, 23.-24.ii. 1995, 9.-10.ÜU995, l~8.iii.1995, 23.iii.1995, 31.iii.-7.iv.1995, 28.- 30.iv.1995, 17.x. 1995. Cuc-Phuong, 100 km SW Hanoi, National park in a smaller mountain range (400m alti- tude) covered by primary and secondary lowland forest in good condition. The collecting sites was inside the National park (about 20 km from the entrance). Geographical data: 20° 15' N, 105° 20' E. Dates: 18.xi.-3.xii. 1992, 21.xi. 1994, l.-2.iv. 1995. Bao-loc, Rung cat Tien, the collecting site is situated on the main road from Saigon, 15 km before Bao loc. It was situated on halfway up the montain hill (ca. 1500 m altitude) on top of which Bao loc is situated. The vegetation consists of cultivated land and second- ary forests. Geographical data: 11° 32' N, 107° 48' E. Dates: 10.-20.xii. 1992, 25.-28.iv. 1993. Fan-si-pan (FSP 1600-1800 m, FSP 2000 m), Mountain range