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Published by Authority



Notice of Publication of an Official Bulletin 1972

Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Kronum Abuohia, New Site, , ) 1972 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Atwima Nwabiagya District, Ashanti Region) 1972

Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Presbyterian Church of , Holy Spirit Congregation, , Ashanti Region) 1973 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Universal Church of Jesus, Old -Kumasi.) 1973 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (The Bethel Society, Kpobiman, .) 1973

Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Kingdom Assurance World Outreach, Adjen Kotoku, Accra.) 1974 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Assern blies of God, Ghana, Redemption Centre, New Legan, Adentan, Accra.) 1974 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Redeemed Life Ministry, .) 1974 Licence for the Celebration of Marriages-Public Place of Worship (Kingdom Foundation Gospel Network Ghana, Adawukwa.) 1975 Appointment of aMarriagc Officer (Church Hill of God, Kumasi.) 1975

Change of Names 1975 Change of Dates of Birth 1987 Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org



Notice of Intention to strike the name of a Company off the Register (King Lord Hotel Limited) 365 Notice of Change of Name of a Company (from: Inmobiles Limited to: Hupo Limited) 366 Notice of Dissolution of a Company (VWA Volunteer West Africa) 366

PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP UCENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 8, subsection (I) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Yaw Boafo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi. do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Kronum Abuohia, New Site, Kumasi, Ashanti Region. Given under my hand at the Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi. this 17th day of July. 2017.

YAW BOAFO Assistant Chief Executive Officer for: Han. Ash. Regional Minister

PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 8. subsection (I) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Yaw Boafo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer. Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kurnasi, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Seventh-Day Adventist Church, Achiase Atwima Nwabiagya District, Ashanti Region. Given under my hand at the Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi. this 17th clay of July. 2017.

YAW BOAFO Assistant ChiefExecutive Officer for: Han. Ash. Regional Minister Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org

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PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 8, subsection (I) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Yaw Boafo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi. do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Presbyterian Church of Ghana, Holy Spirit Congregation, Kenyasi, Ashanti Region,

Given under my hand at the Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council, Kumasi. this 31st day of August. 2017.

YAW BOAFO Assistant Chief Executive Officer for: Han. Ash. Regional Minister

PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 8. subsection (I) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Yaw Boafo, Assistant Chief Executive Officer, Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi. do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Universal Church of Jesus, Old Tafo-Kumasi. Given under my hand at the Office of the Ashanti Regional Co-ordinating Council. Kumasi. this 31st day of August. 2017.

YAW BOAFO Assistant Chief Executive Officer for: Hon. Ash. Regional Minister

PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 8. subsection (I) of the Marriage Ordinance (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Anthony H. Cobbinah, Municipal Budget Officer. Office of the Cia West Municipal Assembly. do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

The Methodist Church Ghana, Bethel Society, Kpobiman, Accra. Given under my hand at the Office of the Ga West Municipal Assembly. this 28th day of September. 2017.

ANTHONY H. COBBINAH Municipal Budget Officer for: Municipal Chief Executive Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provisions of section 40, subsection (1) of the Marriage Act 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) as amended, I, Felicia Dapaah, Municipal Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Ga West Municipal Assembly, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Kingdom Assurance World Outreach, Adjen Kotoku, Accra.

Given under my hand at the Office of the Ga Wcst Municipal Assembly, this 18th day of May, 2017.

FELICIA DAPAAH Municipal Co-ordinating Director for: Municipal Chief Executive

PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 40, of the Marriage Act 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) as amended, I, Daniel A. Nii-Noi Adumuah, Municipal Chief Executive, Office of the Adentan Municipal Assembly, do hereby license the following public place of worship for.the celebration of Marriages:

Assemblies of God, Ghana Redemption Centre, New Legon, Adentan.

Given under my hand at the Office of the Adentan Municipal Assembly, this 12th day of September. 2017.

D, A. NII-NOI ADUMUAH, Municipal Chief Creel/live

PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 40, of the Marriage Act 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) as amended. I, Maxwell K. Gyimah, Municipal Co-ordinating Director, Office of the Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly, do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Redeemed Life Ministry, Teshie. Given under my hand at the Office of the Ledzokuku-Krowor Municipal Assembly, this 19th day of October. 2017.

MAXWELL K. GYIMAH Municipal Co-ord. .Director Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


PUBLIC PLACE OF WORSHIP LICENCE FOR THE CELEBRATION OF MARRIAGES Under the provision of section 40, of the Marriage Act 1884-1985 (Cap. 127) as amended, I, Ishmael Anaman, Assistant Director I, District Chief Executive Office of the Awutu Senya District Assembly. do hereby license the following public place of worship for the celebration of Marriages:

Kingdom Foundation Gospel Network Ghana, Adawukwa.

Given under my hand at the Office of the Awutu Senya District Assembly, this 24th day of October, 2017.

ISHMAEL ANA MAN Assistant Director I for: District Chief Executive

RE: APPOINTMENT OF A MARRIAGE OFFICER Under the provisions of section 38 of the Marriages Act 1884-1985 (Cap.127) amended by the Ministers' Functions Instrument. 1971 (L.1. 707). the following Minister of Religion is hereby appointed as a Marriage Officer tor Church Hill of God, Kumasi.

Reverend Kwabena Owusu

Made this 18th day of August. 2017.

GLORIA AFUA AKUFFO (MIss) Attorney-General and Minister for Jus/ice

CHANGE OF NAMES 14206. Miss Sandra Ama Dekua Acquah, a.k.a. Miss Sandra Acquah, a Student ofTeshie Nursing & Midwifery Training School and of ll/No. 0012, Community 6. Terna. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sandra Gyamfi with effect from 1st November. 2013. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14207. Mr. Emmanuel Danso, a Trader and of l-l/No. B39/9. Odumasi Low Cost. Brong . wishes to be known and called Mr. EmmanuelYaw Danso with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing hi, former name are still valid. 14208. Miss Florence Kotey, a Businesswoman and of P.O. Box 1093. Teshie Estates. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Florence Welbert with effect from 5th August. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. "'. .' ':, 14209. Mr. Daniel Osei Asare, a Trader and of l-l/No. B 110/16. Bubuashic Arico. Okunloop Street. Accra. wishc-, to be known and called Mr. Ebenzer Asare Koranteng with effect from 31 st October. 2017, All documents bearing his former name are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-contd' 14210. Miss Irene Durowaa Gyamfih, a.k.a. Miss Irene Durowaa, a Student of University of and of Holy Family Hospital, wishes to be known and called Miss Irene Durowaa Gyamfih with effect from 3rd May. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14211. Mr. Elvis Yeboah-Asuarnah Gyamfih, a.k.a. Mr. Elvis Yeboah-Asuamah, a Medical Doctor with Reg. No. MDC/RN/9191 of Holy Family Hospital, Doctor's Flat D 04, , BrongAhafo Region, wishes to be known and called Dr. Elvis Yeboah-Asuamah Gyamfih with effect from 3rd May.20 17. All documents bearing his former names are sti II valid. 14212. Miss Miriam Opuni-Frimpong, a Lawyer of Law consortium and of l-l/No. SNBLKB2/B/R9. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Miriam Amoako with effect from I st April, 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14213. Miss Anita Gyeke-Aboagye, a Banker of Unibank GH. Limited and of P.O. Box 8907. Accra-North. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Anita Amankwah-Asare with effect from 6th November, 2010. All documents bearing her former name ar,e still valid. . 14214. Miss Vera Bedee Dartey, a Secretary of Ghana Highway Authority. Head Office. P.O. Box 1641. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Vera Bedee Sowah with effect from 26th November. 20 II. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14215. Miss Love Naa-Adjeley Akrong, a Secretary of Ghana Highway Authority. P.O. Box 1641. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Love Naa-Adjeley Akrong Provencal with effect from 30th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14216. Miss Rosemary Aframbea Bosornpr ah, a.k.a. Miss Rosemary Bosomprah, a Secretary of Ghana Highway Authority. P.O. Box 1641, Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Rosemary A fram bea Adjetey with effect from 18th february. 2012. All documents .bearing her former names are still valid. 14217. Miss Joyce Addo, a Beautician and ofHINo. Q 147. Site 14. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Joyce Twasarn with effect from 3rd May. 2015. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. . 14218. Miss Sheila Ahene, an Assistant Registrar of Mountcrest University College. P.O. Box YK 1408. Kanda. Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sheila Nkrumah with effect from 7th August. 2010. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14219. Mr. Enoch Korankye Achereko, a.k.a. Mr. Enoch Fiifi Godsent, a Graphic Designer & Social Media Marketer of Precious Creative and of I-l/No. B6 23129. Nii Boi Town. Accra. \\ishcs 10 be known and called Mr. Enoch Fiifi Godsent with effect from 31'd August. 2017. All documents bearing his torrner names are still valid. 14220. Mr. Agyenim Boateng, a.k.a. Apostle Agyenim Boateng, a Pastor of Apostolic Favour Ministerial Network of Africa and of HlNo. B. 35. Nobrekaw . Brong Ahafo Region. wishes to be known and called Apostle Agyenim Boateng with effect from I st February. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14221. Mr. Abbey Nicholas Anai, a.k.a. Mr. West-Nico Abbey, a Student of Presec La. Presbyterian Senior School and of HlNo. G203/2. La. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. West-Nice Abbey with effect from 24th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14222. Mr. Alfred Mensah, a Student of Kwame Nkrurnah University of Science & Technology and of 8686/6. Abossey Okai. wishes to be known and called Mr .. Obuafourba Annor Mensah with effect from 22nd September. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14223. Miss Theresa Taylor, a Teacher with Reg. No. KO 724 of University of Education- (Colter) and of Kofi Nsia, Plot U. Tanoso. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Theresa Aba Bortsie with effect from 27th April. 1996. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14224. Mr. Opoku Fredrick, a Student of University of Education. Winneba-Kurnasi and of HlNo. 40. Adoato- Kumasi. wishes to be known and called Mr. Opoku Frederick Joseph with effect from 25th February. 2015. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14225. Miss Osei Patricia, a Self-employed Caterer and of l-l/No. Block D 22. Asubonteng New Site. Kumasi. Ashanti Region, wishes to be known and called Miss Patricia Manu with effect from 31 st October. 2017. All - documents bearing her former name are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-contd 14226. Mr. Takyi Charles, a Student of and of HlNo. Block 36, Plot 15, Kwadaso- Kumasi.wishes to be known and called Mr. Yeboah Yaw Michael with effect from 31st October, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14227. Miss Sylvia Audrey Annobi, a Secretary ofMTN (SCANCOM PLC), 6th Independence Avenue, West Ridge and of HlNo. Plot 2, Block 10, East-, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sylvia Audrey Lartey with effect from 25th October, 200S, All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 1422S. Mr. Pau I A tta Frim pong, a Trader and of Plot 2, Block 4, Atonsu-Kumasi, wishes to be known and called Mr. Paul Atta Fosu with etfect frornLl st October, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid, 14229. Mr. Nyuixordzu Courage, a Public Servant ofMOFA, P.O. Box 124, , wishes to be known and called Mr. Awudi Courage Tsoeke with effect from 20th September, 2013. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14230. Mr. Fuseini Bayorbor Wissiwia, a.k.a. Mr. Fuseini W. Bayorbor, a.k.a. Mr. Bayorbor Wissiwia Fuseini, a Student of Nursing Training College, , Krobo, P.O. Box TH 7 L Techiman. wishes to be known and called Mr. Fuseini Bayorbor Wissiwia with effect from 20th October, 2012. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14231. Miss Dawaare Puorizuma Margaret, a.k.a. Miss Margaret Puorizuma Dawaare, aka. Miss Dawaare P. Margaret, a Student of Nursing Training College, Techiman, Krobo, P.O. Box TI-I 7 L Techirnan. wishes to be known and called Miss Dawaare Puorizuma Margaret with effect from 19th July. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14232. Miss Kakraba Albert Cecilia, a.k.a. Miss Cecilia Kakraba, a.k.a. Miss Albert Kakraba Cecilia, a Student of Nursing Training College. Techirnan-Krobo. P.O. Box TH 7 L Techirnan. wishes to be known and called Miss Kakraba Albert Cecilia with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14233. Miss Amponsah Salomey Sarpong, a.k.a. Miss Amponsah Salomey S., a Student of Nursing Training College, Techiman-Krobo. P.O. Box TI-I 71. Techiman. wishes to be known and called Miss Amponsah Salomey Sarpong with effect from 25th September, 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14234. Miss Owusu-Ansah Lorreta, a.k.a. Miss Owusu-Ansah Lorretta, a.k.a. Miss Owusu Ansah Lorreta, a Student of Nursing Training College. Techirnan-Krobo. P.O. Box TH 71, Techirnan. wishes to be known and called Miss Owusu-Ansah Lorreta with effect from 27th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former. names are still valid. 14235. Miss Racheal Antwi, a.k.a. Miss Raheal Antwi, a.k.a. Miss Antwi Racheal, a Student of Nursing Training College, Techiman-Krobo. P.O. Box TH 71, Techiman. wishes to be known and called Miss Antwi Racheal with effect from 2nd October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14236. Miss Amoabeng Ernestina N. Arn a , a.k.a. Miss Amoabeng Ernestina Nanaama, a.k.a. Miss Amoabeng Ernestina Nana Am a, a Student of Nursing & Midwifery College. , wishes to be known and called Miss Amoabeng Ernestina with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. . 14237. Mr. Emmanuel Korku Awlavi, a.k.a. Mr. Emmanuel Awlavi, a Statistician of Sekalog Limited and of P.M.B. 9. . Volta Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. Emmanuel Korku Manuels-Awlavi with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14238. Miss Angelina Sena Adorkor Cindy, a Secretary of Noguchi Memorial Institute and of HlNo. C 59S112. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Angelina Sena Appiah Kubi with effect from 5th November. 2007. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14239. Mr. Alex Kobby Affrarn, a Businessman and of HlNo. 145, Race Course, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. Onwona Alex Kobby Affr arn with effect from 28th September, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14240. Miss Hawa Mukaila, a Hairdresser and of P.O. Box AT 245S, Achimota. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Hawawu Karim with effect from 31 st October. 2007. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14241. Mr. Nache Ibrahim, Graduate Teacher of 01A Primary and of P.O. Box liS. . Brong Ahafo Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Ibrahim Abdul Haki Nanche with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents hearing his former name an: still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-contd 14242. Mr. Antoh Jacob Anukun, a Health Worker of Madina Polyclinic and of Trinity Baptist Church. Legon, .Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. Akesenseh Rockson Quaque-Ward with effect from 20th September, 2016 . • All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14243. Mr. Lukman Mamudu, a Driver of Marble Classic P.T.Y and of HlNo. H20, Broadcasting Bottianor, wish, es to be known and called Mr. Lukman Mahmud with effect from 10th July, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14144. Miss Theresa Nana Efua Monnie, a Nurse of Airport Women's Hospital, Airport, Accra and of P.O. Box 2XX.Spintex, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Theresa Nana Efua Boakye with effect from 7th July. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14245. Miss Christiana Coppoe, a.k.a. Christiana Naa Coppoe, a Trader and of P.O. Box 22440, Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Christiana Naa Attah with effect from 14th December, 2013. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14246. Miss Rosemary Awuku, a.k.a. Miss Rosemary Yaa Awuku, an Assistant Civic Education Officer of National Commission for Civic Education and of P.O. Box DS 286. Dansornan. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Rosemary Owusu-Buahin with effect from 21st December. 1997. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14247. Miss Sophia Pepraba Kwansah, a Businesswoman and of P.O. Box 10841. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sophia Pepraba Attuquaye with effect from 23rd April 2016. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14248. Miss Comfort Intsiful, a Pupil's Teacher of Sacs Kindergarten and of P.O. Box KT 24. Kotobabi. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Comfort Twumasi Ankrah with effect from 6th February. 2009. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14249. Miss Rachell Akweley Commey, a.k.a. Miss Akweley Commey, a Manager (Human Resources) of E.e.G.. Legan. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs Rachell Akweley Nelson-Odoi with effect from 2nd September. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 1·1250. Miss Nana Aku Owusua Temeng, a.k:a. Nana Akua Owusua Temeng, a.ka. Miss Temeng Nana Akua Owusua, a Hunker of GCB Bank and 01' ll/No. 305. Royal House Street. Haatso. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Nana Akua Owusua Etim Essang with effect from 21 st April. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are


CHANGE OF NAMES-conic/. 14258. Miss Rose Akosua Boatemaa, a Retired Nurse of P.O. Box NW 820. Nsawarn, Eastern Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs Rose Akosua Benson with effect from 2nd November. 1985. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14259. Miss Harriet Dodua Amoo, a.k.a. Harriet Amoo, a Student of Fornena Adanse Community Nursing School and of HlNo. B 103517. Ntow Street. Bubiashie, Accra, wishes to be known and called Miss Harriet Amoo with effect from 27th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14260. Mr. Kwame SarpongAkorsah, a.k.a. Asante Raymond Addo, a.k.a. Arthur Raymond, a Driver of Palace Shopping Mall, Spintex, Accra. and of P.O. Box ML490. Malam. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Kwame Sarpong Akorsah with effect from 5th January. 2012. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14261. Miss Margaret Yawa Dedzo, a Public Servant of National Commision For Civic Education and of P.O. Box AF 2832. , Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Margaret Yawa Edzii Davidson with effect from 23rd March, 2013. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14262. Mr. Jonathan Edmund Ameyaw, a.k.a. Mr. Jonathan Arneyaw, a TrafficfMonitoring Clerk of PBC Limited. . wishes to be known and called Mr. Jonathan Edmund Ameyaw with effect from 14th July. 2016. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14263. Mr. Jones Billy Okyere, a.k.a. Mr. Jones Billy Asante, a Student of Senior High School, Eastern Region. and of HlNo. 1012 Close. New Achimota. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Jones Billy Asante with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14264. Miss. Veronica Ayumu, a.k.a. Miss Veronica Korkor Ayumu, a Pupil Teacher of S1. Paul's Lutheran School. Kanda. Accra. and of Divine Provision School. P.O. Box C.T. 4589. Cantonments-Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Veronica Quarshie with effect from 7th December. 2013. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14265. Miss Tranquillc Delali Dzakpasu, a.k.a. Miss Dzakpasu Delali T, a Student Nurse of Midwifery & Training School, PO. Box AN 7246. Accra. NOI1h.wishes to be known and called Miss Tranquille Delali Dzakpasu with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14266. Mr. Richard Kojo, a.k.a. Mr. Richard Kojo Manyina, a Trader and ofl-l/No, P. 49/E. Penkuasi. Sunyani. Brong Ahafo Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Richard Kojo with effect from 25th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14267. Mr. Solomon Nayijen Kwabena Bidaba, a.k.a. Bidaba N. K. Solomon, a Student and of HlNo. 062. Obunja. wishes to be known and called Mr. Solomon Nayijen Kwabena Bidaba with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14268. Miss Vivian Agbemaile, aka. Miss Vivian Agbemaele, a Trader and of HlNo. FD Zone 2174. Kakasunaka. Michel Camp. Terna, wishes to be known and called Miss Vivian Segtorfia with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14269. Miss Esinam Enyo Sedudzi, a Medical Doctor with Reg. No. MDC/PN 017074 of Greater Accra Regional Hospital and of l-l/No. 7. Sterling St., Terna Community 25. wishes to be known and called Mrs Esinam Sedudzi-Agbodza with effect from 17th January. 2004. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14270. Miss Sylvia Dzifa Addae, a Banker of Heritage Bank. Accra and of SCB Ghana Limited. P.O. Box 768. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sylvia Dzifa Ankrah with effect from 13th Decmber, 2008. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14271. Mr. George Offei Gyenti, a.k.a. Mr. Kofi Ayensu, a Trader of P.O. Box 4439. C.T. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. George Offei Gyenti with effect from 28th May, 2007. AI) documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14272. Miss Linda Adwoa Asiedua Mensah, a.k.a. Miss Linda Tetteh, aka Miss Linda Mensah, a Banker of FBN Bank Ghana Limited. . Central Region and of P.O. Box MP 1384. Mamprobi, Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Linda Adjoa Asiedua Tetteh with effect from 12th November. 2005. All documents bearing her for- mer names are still valid. 14273. Miss Naana Am ponsah, a Teacher with Reg. No. 5665/2007 of Ghana Education Service and of P.O.Box KN 6148. Kaneshie, Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Naana DoruwaaOkyeadie Mensah with effect from 8th August. 2009. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-conte! 14274. Miss Agatha Boateng, a Student and of HlNo. 40. Sowutourn, Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Nana Ama Asiedua Boateng with effect from 8th April. 2013. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14275. Mr. Samba Kofi, a Fanner and of P.O. Box 747. Wa.. . wishes to be known and called Mr. Samba Mwintiibu Emmanuel with effect from 31 st October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name arc still valid. 14276. Mr. Ibrahim Kojo Samba, a Businessman and of P.O. Box 747. Wa, Upper West Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Samba Sombawieba with effect from 31 st October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14277. Miss Abigail Dede Nartey, a Teacher with Reg. No. 6068/11 of Ghana Education Service. Accra and of HlNo. 9. Vinga Rasta. Teshie Nungua-Estate. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Abigail Dede Laryea with effect from 10th October. 2015. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14278. Miss Hannah Adjei-Mensah, a.k.a. Miss Hannah Adjei Mensah, a Nurse with Reg. No. HAC975 of Ghana Health Service. clo PO. Box AN 15526. Accra-North. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Hannah Odei Appau with effect from 11th February. 2012. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14279. Miss Gloria Gyamfuah Opoku, a Customer Service Officer ofVodafone Ghana Limited and ofHlNo. BAE 6131. Baatsona. Spintcx. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Gloria Gyamfuah Lamptey with effect from 7th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name arc still valid. 14280. Miss Akosua Yamoah Sarfo, an Architect of Que Architect. Airport Residential Area and of HlNo. 6. Nii Kodia Road. Adenta West. Accra. wishes to be known and culled Mrs. Akosua Yamoah Pobee Abbey with effect from 27th October. 2012. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14281. Miss Annastacia Bello, a Student and of HlNo. CI 1791\. Dansoman. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Stacia Bello with effect from 12th April. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid . . 14282. Miss Love Wunpini Mankubasi, a Civil Servant of Ministry of Local Government and Rural Development. Konongo and ofA.A.C.M.A. Box 55. Konongo. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Love Amoni with effect from 20th June. 20 I3.AII documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14283. Miss Adelaide Dede Aryee, an Accountant of fIlNo. 203. 7th Lane. McCarthy Hill. Accra. wishes to be Known and called Madam Adelaide Aryec Owusu with effect from 15t November. 2017. All documents bearing her tormcr name are still valid. 14284. Mrs. Leticia Kocmson, a Fire Officer with Reg. No. 91 0027JG of Ghana National Fire Service and of P.O. 1J0x 4129. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Leticia Sarbah with effect from 11th November, 2016. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14285. Miss Sandra Fafa Amuzu, a.k:a. Miss Sandra Am uzu, an Investment Banker and of P.O. 80:\ 387. Mad ina. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sandra Fafa Boatey with effect from 27th Norvernbcr. 2012. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14286. Mr. Prince Kaedabi Qua reo, a.k.a. Mr. Prince Quarco Kaedabi, a Lecturer/Engineer ofKof Annan Centre of Excellence in ICT and of PO. Box 12694. Accra. Ghana wishes to be Known and called Mr. Prince Kaedabi Quarco with effect from 10th March. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14287. Miss Romana Sarpong Kusi, a Pharmacist of Adepa Pharmaceuticals Limited and of HlNo. C/48/28. Buwalcshie. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Romana Sarpong Omaboe with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14288. Mr. Nicodemus Worlanyo Cudjoe, a.k.a. Mr. Nicodemus Worlanyo Adodo Cudjoe, a Bank Official of (iCB Bank and of HlNo. A916117. Dansornan, Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Nicodemus Worlanyo Cudjoe with effect from Ist November. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are srill valid. 14289. Miss Janet Agyekum Daasebre, a Businesswoman of Box AT 214. Achirnota Market. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Janet Daasebre Okorie with effect from 28th April. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are sti II val ill. 14290. Miss Mavis Adjo a Achiaa Yeboah, a.k.a. Miss Mavis Achiaa Yeboah, a.k.a. Miss Mavis Akyaa Yeboah,

,I National Service Personnel of GC8 Bank Limited and of P.O. Box EK I. E tfiukuma. Takoradi, wishes to be Known .ind called Mrs. Adjoa Achiaa Kesse-Sam with effect from 21 st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-conlel 14291. Mr. Eric Anyra, a Cinematographer of Red Studio and of HlNo. C/48/28. Easat-Legon, Bawaleshie, wishes to be known and called Mr. Edem Freeman with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14292. Miss Obadiah Fosu, a Student of University of Ghana. Legon and of l-l/No. SO/B/391A Sowutuom. Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Obadiah Akoua Agyaa Twum-Boateng with effect from 25th March, 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14293. Miss Janet Adu Gyamfi, a Seamstress and of l-l/No. Plot 2. Elizabeth Avenue. Aherna Kokoben, Kumasi. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Janet Obeng with effect from 26th May. 2007. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14294. Mr. Abdul Rahaman Malik, a Student and of P.O. Box 118, Techirnan, wishes to be known and called Mr. Amens Nana Kofi Antwi Boasiako with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing his former name arc sti II val id. 14295. Miss Fauss Elias Sayyid, a.k.a. Miss Fausa Mohammed Suleman, a Trader and of HzNo. Plot 12. Block M. Oforikrorn, Kumasi. wishes to .be known and called Miss Fausa Moham med Suleman with effect from 1st November, 2017. All documents bearing her former names arc still val id. 14296. Mr. Gideon Blunt Kwaku Gbesiagbe, a Trader and of Box 605. Madina. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Gideon Kwaku Mawuli with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14297. Miss Irene Antwiwaah Boateng, a.k.a. Miss Irene Antwiwaa Boateng, a Student of NAIIATS. P.O. Box 10. . Upper West Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Irene Antwiwaa Boateng with effect from 25th August. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14298. Mr. Kaba Augustine Louis, a.k.a. Mr. lssan Augustine Louis, a.k.a. Mr. Louis Augustine Kaba, a Student of NAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Upper West Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Kaba Augustine Louis with effect from 17th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14299. Miss Cynthia Naa Dodua Dodoo, a Civil Servant of Non-Formal Education Division (NFED). Ministry of Education. c/o P.O. Box MP 745. Mamprobi. Accra. wishes to be known and callce! Miss Naa Dodua Dodoo with effect from 5th July. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14300. Mr. Attaa Panyin Kobina Hagan, a Businessman of Cat or' Lodge Limited and ofl-l/No. 1/6th Link Avenue. SSNIT Grade Estates. Teshie-Nungua. wishes to be known and called Mr. Atta Panyin Kobina Henry Hagan with effect from 16th February. 2016. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14301. Mr. Gilbert Amehoho, a.k.a. Mr. Gilbert Kofi Amehoho, a Student (Graduate) and of c/o Major Isaac Arnehoho. Base Ordinance Depot. Burma-Camp. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Gilbert Amehoho with effect from 25th October. 2017. All documents bearing his forme!" names are still valid. 14302. Miss Zulfah Osman Gyangani, a Trader and ofHlNo. CI951l6.Alajo. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Zulfah Osman with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are stili valid. 14303. Miss Susana Riverson, a Banker ofGN Bank. Agona and of Emma Riverson. G.N.F.S .. Box 230. Sekondi. . wishes to be known and called Mrs. Susana Benyah with effect from 14th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14304. Mr. Kingsley Obeng Kingdo, a Footballcr of Omni Sirius Feeder Club and of P.O. Box AN 10643. Accra- North. wishes to be known and called Mr. Kingsley Obeng with effect from Ist September. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14305. Miss Abena Ampomaa, a Trader and of H/No. DK 245. Darkuman. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Abena Amporfo with effect from 8th June. 2012. All documents bearing her former name arc still valid. 14306. Mr. Musah Ayssah, a Mason and of H/No. E. 92116. Nima. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Musah Ayssah Habib with effect from 13th November. 2007. All documents bearing his former name are stili valid. 14307. Mr. Richard Sewu, a.k.a. Mr. Ricahrd Sewu, a Footballer of Sporting Mirren Football Club. Cantonments. Accra. and of Abelenkpe. C581l8. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Richard Sewu with effect from 1sr November. 2017. A11 documents bearing his former names are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF N,\MES--·conld. 14308. Mr. Eric Kwaku Otoo, a Student of Accra Technical University am! of H/No. KZ &5913. Kasoa. Central Region, wishes to be known and called iVk Eric Kwaku Olami Otco with effect lrorn 3151 August. 2017. I,ll documents bearing his former name arc: !iii!1 valid. 14309. 1\1iss Alirimbey Matil(:a A., a Student of Kwapong Nursing Training College and of H/No C66. Chnclutigu, wishes to be known and called Mi:~s Alirimbey t\wl.'lHiirim [\Ilatilda with effect from lSI November .. 2017. ,\11 documents bearing her former name are stili valid. 14310. Miss Maudre~1l Enyonam APPlIW, a.k.a. Miss Maud Appaw, a Nurse with Reg .. No. HAC RI16 of The Trust Hospital, Osu, Accra and of P.O. Box AN I j 171.. Accra, wishes l~ be known am! called Mrs. Maudreen Enyonam Boateug with effect from WIll October. :?016.,Ail documents bearing her former names arc still valid. 14311. Miss Sei'akof Y. Selonncy, a.k.a. Min Sefakor Yawa Selormey, a.k:a. Mis~ Sefakoe Yawl! Kokui Sdnrmt'Y. an 1.1'. Architect of IBM and of l'UNo, 2. Mabey Junction. Haaiso. Accra. wishes ,0 he known and called Mrs. Sefakor Yawn Knkui Lamprey with effect from 20th August, 2016, AI! documents bearing her former namesare still valid. 14312. Miss Evdyn AS~'U'lIobe3 !\hntl)Y, n.k.a. Miss Evelyn Asamobea i\'i:mtl~, a.k.a. ;'I!tiss ,\lbnt£: Asamoabea E\'ld!¢It. a Student and (If HfNo. ADl47. BaU1S(10n:l. Spintex ;;.,;1(1. wishes to be Known andcalled M.iss Ev~~IYIlAsamobea Mllnte with effect from l st November.. 2017. AI! docmncllts bl:arillg h<:r fonm:r l1<11n.:;;::lr~~~lill valid. 14313. Mr, Allene Atikpoe, a Trader and of HiNo. C14.t/4. Kol;om!i:!'lltc. A~:Cr::L ".ishes W be kno'MI and calk!! Mr. John Kwesi Abbcrtsetts with effect from JISl 0.; lober, 2017. Ai! \iI}CUml~nbb,~aril!g !ij, t(lnno:r r.aml~ arc still valid, 14314. Miss Georgina Kesscwaa i\sial11~,h, u.k (/_ i\iiss Georgilla Kes5cwa f\~ial1lah. a COlJflsdlol" of Lynch Medic.1i Ser',it,c:, LiI1i~ilcJ. IOOmclrcs from Club COf!l1::r.. Kam:·;:}.!i\.',rind of Bo.~ AC-25, Mls Cemrc. Accra.. Ivi:,hc:s (0 be known and called Mrs (~eorgjnaKtS$CW;1l1 Ny:amt:kye wilh dlb;:! from 7th Febnx;Jry-. :W{lO.An dO'.:umwts bearing her former rl,; S!r'~;:t. T.::sili'c. ,,\en;). wi$ht~S 10 be known m1d ~'ajkd Mr. Agorsor En,,~st Remember with cff'::l:t from 3th August. 2017. An t!c'cuments <::lring his former l1am¢ ,Ire stili valid.

14316. [Hiss l}lltilwce Adj03 ()yapi Ayi., (f.fUI. Miss P:~tiencc Ayi, (I.k.a. Patience OY:111pi Ayi. known and G\!lcd Mr . .Jenery Akw

14319. Miss M.illil:ent NY:lr!w. o.k.,) Miss Millk"lIt Y'HI Bim~y.,'-I Tr,J(k~' un(l of HiNo, TMliL Nyanyanc. Kaso(l, Central Region. wishes tn be known and c,llicd Miss Millicent '\':1;,1n'III'), with dl\XI Ii-o'n 30th Octob<~r.?O! 7. .'\it documents bearing her former !lames :1n~slill vaHd. 14320. Miss Sandrn Amelia Osei, a Clerical Suptwisor of Arriva London North \1,'000 Green 'N22 4Tl. Lmdon and of HfNo. 234/16, Amad,ln Stn;ct Dansomml ControL A';CX'J.wisheslo !K' knO\I,HIIJ1d !.'

14322, Miss Cilristi;lnll OfQI'i OnWIlIl:l, a Riomedical Sci~:mjs( (If Noguchi !lvkmorial IIl;:;tituiC' for ,\,11:1.111.:,1) Researchl Uni~'ersity of Ghana and of IllNo. 4. Salvia Street Dome PBbr 2. Aceta. wishes to b.: known i:md call>:d _Mrs Christiana Okyen: widl effe,,;t from 131h tvl("l),.2017. All dm:umcnt._ beuing her former name are sliI! vaiid.

14323. ~lliss Dorcas AgyenHln KOlladu, a Credit AnaiY$j. ()f NDK Fimmcial S.:rViCi:, ,mil (If IllN() , Plu! 165, 'lop Herbal. H::tatw, Accra. Wishes to be kn{1Wn and citih:d Mrs. [)I{)rclis. Agyt'mnn Otdu:re·,\du 'with dYe~:1 from 7th October. 2017. All ,kil;wm:rlls hearing her fOrfl1\;r lIilm.: an.~slili valid .. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-conld. 14324. Mr. Samuel Adu Poku, a.k.a. Mr. Samuel Nyame Adorn, a Minister of the Gospel and of P.O. Box 216. KNUST. Kurnasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Samuel Nyarne Adorn with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14325. Miss Dieudonne Andewo Aso-Oliyah, a Civil Servant of Ghana Post Company Limited and of P.O. Box 784. Techiman, Brong Ahafo Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Donnee Andewo Agutong with effect from 8th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14326. Mr. Degenu Mensah Segbedzi, a Teacher with Reg. No. 7206/07 of Ghana Education Service and of HlNo. Plot 112. Block B Onwe. , Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Segbedzi Soku Kojo Mensah with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14327. Miss Lawrencia Ama Ampadu-Twum, a.k.a. Miss Lawrencia Ampadu-Twum, a Civil Servant of Ministry of Defence and of HlNo. 05, Evergreen Street. Saki-North Community 25. Tema. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Lawrencia Ama Ampadu- Twum Torkornoo with effect from 23rd March. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14328. Miss Mercy Asamoah, a Student of University for Development Studies and of P.O. Box 2135. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Mercy Asarrroah Ameyaw with effect from 25th January. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14329. Miss Ama Fianu, a Student of University of Ghana. School of Medicine and Dentistry and of P.O. Box 1830. . Eastern Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Karen Nana Ama Fianu with effect from 26th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14330. Miss Joyce Cofie, a.k.a. Miss Joyce Naa Otobia Cofie, an Investment Banker/ Businesswoman of Cost less Ventures and of P.O. Box GP 1591. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Joyce Akoto with effect from 22nd March. 2014. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14331. Miss Appiah Eunice, a.k.a. Miss Eunice Appiah, a Civil Servant and of HlNo 59. Ableazai Street. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Eunice Oppong-Danquah with effect from II th December. 2013. All documents bearing her former names are stil! valid. 14332. Miss Theresa Osei-Banahene, a Beauty Therapist and of Adenta SSNIT Flats. Block 46. Flat A6. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Theresa Elsie Asare with effect from 29th June. 2013. All documents bearing her former name arc still valid. 14333. Mr. Prince Dodzi Tornyesinu, a Businessman and of P.O. Box 3430. Mamprobi. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Prince Addison Macrich with effect from 2nd Marcil. 2012. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14334. Miss Mercy Aduko, a Cultural Dancer of Dagara Music Centre and ofHlNo. OGX 239/1. Madina Estates. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Mercy Apreku with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14335. Mr. Adam Abdul Basit, a.k.a. Mr. Adam Abdul-Basit, a Student of NAI-lATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. . wishes to be known and called Mr. Adam Abdul Basit with effect from 13th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14336. Miss Iss aka Osman Seibatu, a.k.a. Miss Seibatu Issaka, a Student ofNAI-IATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Issaka Osman Seibatu with effect from 25th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14337. Mr. Abubakari Sandah Arafat, a.k.a. Mr. Abubakari S. Ar afat, a.k.a. Mr. Arafat Sandah Abubakari. a Student ofNAI-lATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu, Northern Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Abubakari Sandah Ar afat with effect from 23rd October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14338. Miss Rhoda Am akye, a Student and of HlNo. ANT/2/007. New Achimota. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Salomey Banea Amakye with effect from 20th October. 2017. A II documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14339. Miss Alice Nuoire Tantuo-Ametiemu. a Trader and of P.O. Box 132. Baatsonaa, Spintex. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Alice Nuo-Ire Tantuo with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former name arc still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-contd 14340. Miss Olivia Adzoa Fiakpui, a.k.a. Miss Fiakpui Olivia Adzoa, a Fashion Designer. cia Eric Bansah. P.O. Box 41. G w.c.L., Ho. Volta Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Olivia Adzoa Bansah with effect from 29th July, 1993. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 1434I. Miss Ugonma Alice Nwokeocha, a Businesswoman of Precious Meals and of HlNo. 4, Telecom Road, New Gbawe, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Ugonma Precious Peter Ogbogoh with effect from 4th August. 200 I. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. • 14342. Miss Atoah Mary, a.k.a. Miss Mary Atoah, a.k.a. Miss Atoa Mary, a Student ofNAHATS, P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu, Northern Region, wishes to be known and called Miss Atoah Mary with effect from 19th September, 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14343. Miss Sa rata Adams, a Business Development Manager of Kofi Annan ICT Centre of Excellence and of P.O. Box NK 158, NC!rth Kaneshie, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Sa rata Omane with effect from 13th July, 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. i . . 14344. Miss Jemimah Atswei Kumah, a Banker of Cal Bank Limited and of P.O. Box TN 940, Teshie-Nungua, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Jemimah Atswei Tamakloe with effect from 13th August. 2016. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14345. Mr. Christian Katsekpor, a.k.a. Mr. Christain Katsekpor Tettey, a Pastor of I.c.GC and P.O. Box 87, Koforidua. Eastern Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Christian Katsekpor with effect from 9th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14346. Miss Orpah Mensah, a Factory Worker of Mettaloplastica Company Limited and of HlNo. Block D, Plot 6. Atonsu. Kurnasi, Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Orpah Kwarteng with effect from 3rd January. 2005. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14347. Miss Christiana Kpaligah, a Student and of HlNo. AV-W-517, Avoerne West Aflao. Volta Region, wishes to be known and called Miss Christiana Gawuku with effect from 25th October. 2017. All documents-bearing her for- mer name are still valid. 14348. Miss Selina Adorna, a.k.a. Miss Nyarko Florence, a Trader and of Zenu Atadeka. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Selina Adorna with effect from 26th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14349. Miss Mercy Akua Amoah, a.k.a. Miss Mercy Amoah, a Hospital Administrator of Darb em Medical Centre and of P.O. Box 955. Ashairnan. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Mercy Akua Amoah with effect from 24th October. 2016. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14350. Miss Mavis Amaah. a Trader and of l-l/No. GB 25/9. Gbawe. Mallam. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Mavis Kena with effect from 5th October. 2013. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14351. Miss Edem Matekuor Azu, a Counsellor of Opportunity Industralization Centre Accra Ghana (O.I.CGA), Shiashie. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Edem Matekuor Bamfo with effect from 20th March, 20 IO. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14352. Mr. Narh Y. Frederick, a.k.a. Mr. Narh Frederick, a.k.a. Mr. Narh Yao Frederick, a Student of Central University and of HlNo. L 577/1. Ahunjo, Kpong. Eastern Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Frederick Yao Narh with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14353. Mr. Israel Ofori Quaye, an Electrician and of HlNo. AKA-075, Tuirne . Volta Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. Israel Foli Horgli with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14354. Miss Forson Sarporn aa Ivy, a.k.a. Miss Forson Ivy Sarporn aa, a Student ofTeshie Nursing and Midwifery Training College and ofHINo. NZ 50, . Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Forson Ivy Sarpomaa with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are stll valid, 14355. Mr. Mawufemor Adzika, a.k.a. Mr. Joshua Mawufemor Adzika, 'a.k.a. Mr. Adzika Kofi Mawufemor, a Student and of pc.G Living Word Congo Malejor, P.O. Box AF 2830, Adenta, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. Joshua Mawufemor Adzika with effect from 21 st August. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still

valid. \ .,~ 14356. Mr. Solomon Yao Kporxa, a.k.a. Mr. Solomon Charles Kporxah, a Student ofAkatsi College of Education and of HlNo. DZ41117. . Volta Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. Solomon Charl~s Kporxah with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-contd 14357. Miss Semanhyia Doris Love, a.k.a. Miss Doris Semanhyia, a.k.a. Miss Semanhyia Doris, an Aviation Security of Ghana Airport Company Limited, P.M.B. Box 986, Kurnasi, Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs Love Marfo with effect from 24th April. 2006. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14358. Miss Lawrencia Adeso, a Trader and of HlNo. 6, Akpor Sowah Street (Little Roses), Ashaley-Botwe, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Lawrencia Gaitu with effect from 3rd July, 2015. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14359. Mr. Samuel Annang Odai, a.k.a. Mr. Odai Samuel, a.k.a. Mr. Odai Annang Samuel, a Student of Health Concern Ghana and of HlNo. 387/4, Teshie Aboma, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mr. Samuel Annang Odai with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents Bearing his former names are still valid. 14360. Miss Rebecca Mangortey, a Media Broadcaster and of HlNo. 24, Official Town, Odorkor. Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Rebecca Quarmyne with effect from 14th May, 2016. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14361. Mr. Julian Kermah Blay, a Student of University of Ghana and of P.O. Box 1356 GP. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Mohammed Sualisu Kuyini with effect from 24th October, 20 17. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14362. Miss Aisha Omar, a.k.a. Miss Omar Aisha, a Housewife and of 1-I1N0. AO 23. Community 5. Tema. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Aisha Omar Haruna with effect from 9th March. 2016. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14363. Miss Cheraphs Adoma Darko, a Student and of HlNo. III. Bortianor. Accra. wishes to be known and called Miss Cheryl Adorna Darko with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14364. Mr. Adelah Tetteh Abdul Majeed, a Dispenser of Volta Regionall-lospital. Ho and of P.O. Box MA 374. 1-10. Volta Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Adelah Al-Majeed Tetteh with effect from 25th November. 2015. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14365. Miss Dinah Addo, a Postal Manager of Ghana Post Company Limited and of HlNo. 30/1. Nana Damoah Street. West Anaji. Takoradi. Western Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Dinah Abissah with effect from 21 st March. 2003. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14366. Mr. Denyenu Collins Mensah, a Poultry Farmer and of. clo J.I-I.S. No.2. PO. Box 18. Pcnyi. Volta Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Deynu Collins Mensah with effect from 13th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14367. Mr. Adomah William Mensah, a Student of Dormaa Senior High School and of HlNo. NYB 058. Nyamebekyerc-Bcrckum. Brong Ahafo Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Amos Yaw Kyereh with effect from 17th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14368. Mr. Prince Manu Agyapong, a Trader and of P.O. Box KS 16438. Adum. Kumasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Nana Osei Kwadwo with effect from 23rd October. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14369. Miss Veronica Eva Opoku Agyemang, a Principal Records Officer of Social Security and National Insurance Trust and of HlNo. Plot. I. Block D. Asokwa. Kumasi, Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Veronica Eva Adu Acheampong with effect from 25th July. 2014. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14370. Miss Acheampong Shirley, a Hairdresser and oflNo. ME 14, Block 9. Ash Town. Kurnasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Shirley Asare Bediako with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14371. Miss Rose Ampah, a Trader and of P.O. Box MC 1673, Takoradi, Western Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Rose Obosu with effect from 17th April, 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14372. Mr. Antwi Kwabena Bosiako, ak.a. Mr. Antwi Clinton, a.k.a. Mr. Antwi Bosiako Kwabena, a Student of Training College and of P.O. Box K 10, Kejetia, Kurnasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Antwi Bosiako Kwabena with effect from 24th Octo~er. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES-contd 14373. Mr. Abubakari Fuseini, a Health Information Officer of Ghana Health Service and of HlNo. H.B.37. Odumase Kibi, Eastern Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Desmond Osei with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14374. Mr. Ikem Oliseh, an Unemployed and of Plot 56, Block K, Pankrono, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. John Opoku Mensah with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14375. Miss Nancy Dorcas Boadu, a Banker of Zenith Bank Ghana Limited and ofHlNo. C3, Kweikuma Estate. Sekondi, Western Region, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Nancy Dorcas Bennin with effect. from 16th November, 2013. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14376. Miss Margaret Delight Asare, a Trader and of P.O. Box 1993, Kumasi, Ashanti Region, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Margaret Delight Gyan-Darkwa with effect from 6th March, 20 IO. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14377. Miss. Gnahore Ange Georgina, a Student of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology and of Plot No. 45, Block Q, Nseine. Kumasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Georgina Ange Raissa Gnahore with effect from 9th February. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14378. Miss Edna Osei, a Banker of Talent Micro-Finance and of ll/No. Plot 16. Block E, Anomangye. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mrs. Edna Of or i-Mensah with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14379. Mr. Bright Michael Anokye Frimpong, a Service Personnel and of PO. Box 656. Adum. Kumasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Mr. Anokye Sarpong Frimpong with effect from 18th July. 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14380. Miss Akua Ansumah Appiah, a Trader and of P.O. Box 1599. Kumasi. Ashanti Region. wishes to be known and called Miss Weenie AkuaAnsorn aa Wiafe with effect from 10th July. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14381. Mr. Percy Kwabena Asamoah Okyeadie Mensah, a.k.a. Mr. Asamoah Kwabena Mensah, a.k.a. Mr. Kwabena Asamoah Mensah, a.k.a. Mr. Kwabena A. Mensah, a Businessman and of P.O. Box KN 6148, Kaneshie. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Percy Kwabena Asamoah Okyeadie Mensah with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14382. Mr. Martin Odoi, a.k.a. Mr. Martin Safo Mensah Odoi, a Public Servant of Economic & Organised Crime Office and of P.O. 80:-': 497. Cantonments. Accra. wishes to be known and called Mr. Martin Odoi with effect from 30th April. 2014. All documents bearing his former names are still.valid. 14383. Mr. Nana Agyemang Twum Barimah, a.k.a. Mr. Frank Owusu Mensah, an Operations Manager ofAsadu Waste Management and of P.O. Box 2290. Accra-North. wishes to be known and called Mr. Frank Owusu Mensah with effect from 23rd October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14384. Miss Osman Zainab Wumpini, a./ca. Miss Osman Zainab Wunpini, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Upper West Region. wishes to bJ known and called Miss Osman Zainab Wum pini with effect from 15th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14385. Miss Patience Ansong, a.k.a. Miss Patience Akua Amoah, a Trader and of P.O. Box KN 2838. Kaneshie. Accra, wishes to be known and called Miss Patience Akua Amoah with effect from 30th October. 2017. AI} documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14386. Mr. Nanunja Ndomo Philemon, a.k.a. Mr. Nanunja N. Philemon, a.k.a. Mr. Philemon Ndomo Nanunja, a Student of NAHATS, P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Upper West Region, wishes to be known and called Mr. Nanunja Ndomo Philemon with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former names are still valid. 14387. Miss IssifValentina Semiratu, a.k.a. Miss Badjaben Valentina Semiratu, a.k.a. Miss Badjaben Valentina S., a.k.a. Miss Valentina Semiratu Issif, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10, Nalerigu, Upper West Region, wishes to be known and called Miss Issif Valentina Semiratu with effect from 13th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14388. Miss Agnes Coffie, a Seamstress and of l-l/No. AB State House. Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Agnes Darko with effect from 27th December. 2014. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF NAMES~contd 14389. Miss Sandrah Kyeremateng Attobrah, a.k.a. Miss Sandrah K. Attobrah, a Student and of P.O. Box 19114, Accra-North, wishes to be known and called Miss Sandrah Kyerewaa with effect from 26th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14390. Miss Sheilla Naa Koowah Banafoe, a Businesswoman and of P.O. Box MP 1190, Mamprobi, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. She ilia Naa Koowah Okai with effect from 4th March, 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14391. Mr. Emmanuel Ossorn, a Mechanical Fitter of Group Five Construction Company and of HlNo. 24, Avenue Abdulai Golf City, Tema, wishes to be known and called Mr. Emmanuel Prince Donkorwith effect from 26th September, 2017. All documents bearing his former name are still valid. 14392. Miss Abigail Nketiah, a Research Analyst of I Care Ghana Limited (NGO), Accra and ofHlNo. Plot 3, Block II, Ayeduasi, Kumasi, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Abigail Oteng Yeboah with effect from 18th February. 2012. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14393. Miss Felicia Kesewaa, a Banker of Biege Capital Savings & Loans and of SSNIT Block 15. Dansoman, Accra, wishes to be known and called Mrs. Nana Adwoa Kesewaa Inkum with effect from 7th March. 2015. All documents bearing her former name are still valid. 14394. Miss Atsu Ohieyo, a.k.a. Miss Mary Atsu, a Trader and of P.O. Box CO 3333. Community I. Terna, wishes to be known and called Miss Atsu Ohieyo with effect from 20th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former names are still valid. 14395. Miss Emmanuella N. Amponsah, a Student of Praso Midwifery Nursing Training. College and of The Church of Pentecost. P.O. Box 117. , wishes to be known and called Miss Emmanuella Nana Amponsah with effect from 7th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former name are still valid.

CHANGE OF DATES OF BIRTH 14396. Miss Gladys Sasu Adarkwa, a Trader and of I-IlNo. 29. Ofarrkor, Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 6th March, 1978 and not 15th January, 1979 with effect from 5th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14397. Miss Rose Okyere, a Student and of P.O. Box 272. Madina. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 10th June, 1991 and not 10th June, 1994 with effect from 10th July. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14398. Mr. Uzairu Shaibu, a Student and of Shaibus House. . Northern Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 2nd November, 1987 and not 13th June, 1993 with effect from 17th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14399. Mr. Adam Mahama, a Student and of HlNo. M 46. Zogbcli. Tamale. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 9th August, 1995 and not 8th September, 1995 with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14400. Mr. Joshua Naibo, a Footballer of Berekurn Arsenal and of HfNo. 852. Oyarifa, Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 27th April, 1996 and not 27th April, 1990 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14401 Miss Mariam Awudu Sanusi, a Student and of P.O. Box 4242. Kaneshie, Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 28th January, 1996 and 110t 28th January, 1992 with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14402. Mr. Douglas Bentil, a Student of Asankrangwa Nursing & Midwifery Training College and of HlNo. B2. Asankragwa Roman Hill. Western Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 1st March, 1994 and 110t 3rd March, 1994 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14403. Mr. Daniel Obeng, a Footballer and of P.O. Box 2910. Tema, wishes all to know that his date of birth is 21st July, 1995 and no/21st July, 1997 with effect from 2nd October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF DATES OF BIRTH-contd 14404. Miss Shirley Asare Bediako, a Hairdresser and of HlNo. ME 14, Block 9, Ashtown, Kumasi, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 19th March, 1976 and not 19th March, 1973 with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14405. Miss Freda Baffour Awuah, a Student of Methodist University College, Dansoman and of HlNo. 149/4 NT, Extention-Sunyani, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 20th August, 1993 and not 20th October, 1988 with effect from 4th August, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14406. Mr. Amos Yaw Kyereh, a Student of Dormas Senior High School and of HlNo. NYB 058, Nyamebekyere- Berekum, wishes all to know' that his date of birth is 1st July, 1994 and not 2nd January, 1993 with effect from 17th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14407. Miss Ruby Braimah, a Student of University for Development Studies, Tamale Campus, wishes all to know that her .date of birth is 24th July, 1984 and not 4th July, 1984 with effect from 23rd October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14408. Miss Abubakari Rukaya, a Student ofGushegu Nursing & Midwifery Training College and clo Adam Haliq P.O. Box 2253, Tamale, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 5th August, 1992 and not 5th October, 1992 with effect from 27th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14409. Mr. Prince Agyapong Manu, a Trader and of Plot 22, Block D, Maakro-Suarne, KU\TIasi.wishes all to know that his date of birth is 18th July, 1977 and not 18th July, 1987 with effect from 23rd October, 2017. All documents bearing his forme, date of birth are still valid. 14410. Mr. P~ul Ataa Fosu, a Trader and of I-IINo. Plot 2, Block 4, Atonsu, Kumasi. wishes all to know that his date of birth is ~3rd Decem ber, 1998 and not 23rd Septem ber, 1985 with effect from 3 Ist October, 2017. All documents bearing his fermer date of birth are still valid. 14411. Miss Anane Egyiri Bernice, a Student of Kokofu Nursing & Training College and of AK 41 C. Akrokerri. Ashanti Region, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 2nd May, 1996 and not 29th March, 1996 with effect from 19th July, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14412. Mr. Patrick Bonsu, a Business Person and ofHlNo. Plot 76. Block C. Aboahia. New Site, Kronom. Kumasi. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 12th February, 1971 and not 15th February, 1972 with effect from 31st October, 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14413. Mr. Isaac Ofori, a Footballer ofTema Youth and ofMM2. Mangoase. . wishes all to know that his date of birth is 11th May, 2001 and not 11th May, 1998 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All doctrrnents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14414. Mr. Yeboah·Yaw Michael, a Student of University of Ghana and of HlNo. Block 36. Plot 15. Kwadaso, Kumasi. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 29th March, 1990 and not 3rd March, 1993 with effect from 31st October, 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14415. Miss Tabi Afrakomah Beatrice, a Student of Tanoso Community Nurses College and of HlNo. Plot 84 F. Block 1, Abuakwa, Kumasi. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 27th January, 1996 and not 26th January, 1997 with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14416. Miss Mohammed Amina, a Student of College of Health Sciences and of HlNo. Block A347. , Northern Region, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 23rd April, 1996 and not 23rd April, 1998 with effect from 6th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are sti II valid. 14417. Mrs. Salomey Sasraku Odametey, a Fire Service Officer of Ghana National Fire Service and of P.O. Box 17846, Accra, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 25th August, 1965 and not 25th August, 1963 with effect from 20th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14418. Mr. Alexander Kwadwo Frimpong, a Driver and of HlNo. 41311 1. Accra. New Town, Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 23rd November, 1979 and not 21st June, 1979 with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14419. Mr. Theophilus Adorn, a Trader and of HlNo. A 483/1 0, Mamprobi, Accra, wishes all to know that his date of birth is 9th May, 1997 and 'not 9th May, 1990 with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14420. Miss Dapaa Felicia, a Student of Nursing Training College Techiman-Krobo, P.O. Box TH 71, Techirnan, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 5th July, 1996 and not 5th July, 1997 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF DATES OF BIRTH-con/d 14421. Miss Ofori Fabea EmmanueIla, a Student of Nursing Training College Techiman-Krobo. P.O. Box TH71. Techiman. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 27th Decem bel', 1997 and not 27th Septem ber, 1997 with effect from 27th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14422. Miss Amoabeng Ernestina, a Student of Kete Krachi Midwifery Training College. Volta Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 24th Septem ber, 1994 and not 24th Septem ber, 1996 with etfect from 30th October . . 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14423. Miss Agbeli Grace, a Student of Nursing Training College Techiman-Krobo. P.O. Box n-I 71. Techiman, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 25th May, 1988 and no/25th May, 1987 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14424. Miss Benyin Philomina, a Student of Nursing Training College Techiman-Krobo. P.O. Box TI-I 71. Techiman. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 26th October, 1993 and not 26th October, 1993 with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14425. Miss Ampoh Lydia, a Student of Nursing Training College Techiman-Krobo. P.O. Box TI-I 71. Techiman. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 10th June, 1996 and not 6th June, 1996 with effect from 27th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14426. Miss Bannor Louisa, a Student of Nursing Training College Techiman. Krobo. P.O. Box TH 71.. Techiman. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 21st July, 1995 and not 21st July, 1993 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14427. Miss Ayisha Shaibu, a Trader and of I-I1No. POKN 472. Kaneshie. Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 15th February, 1979 and not 15th February, 1984 with effect from 3 Rt October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14428. Mr. West-Nico Abbey, a Student of Presbyterian Senior High School. La. Accra wishes all to know that his date of birth is 6th August, 2001 and not 15th July, 1997 with effect from 24th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14429. Mr. Asmah Manasseh Emmanuel, a Student ofNAI-IATS. PO. Box 10. Nalerigu. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 20th January, 1993 and not 20th January, 1992 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14430. Mr. Samson Amoh Kotey, a Trader and of .IN.IEnterprise and of P.O. Box 4388. Adum. Kumasi. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 31st January, 1999 and not 31st .January, 1993 with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14431. Mr. Abubakar Siddiq Bilal, a Trader and of .IN.I Enterprise and of P.O. Bo:\ 4388. Adum. Kumasi. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 16th January, 1998 and no/16th January, 1994 with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14432. Storms Sob ern a Menri, a Minor ofl-l/No. Plot 2. Block 2A. Asarnang. Kumasi. Ashanti Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 13th May, 2007 and not 13th May, 2005 with effect from 25th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former elate of birth are still valid. 14433. Miss Patience Quaye, an Entrepreneur of Gorgeous DI-IFI-IEnterprise. Teshie Tsui-Bleoo and of l-l/No. 32. Nii Klu Din Street. Teshie Tsui-Bleoo. Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 25th March, 1974 and not 24th August, 1974 with effect from 31st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still va!id. 14434. Miss Lucy Ama Amankwah, a Student of Family Health Nursing Training School. Teshie and of HiNo. 320. Manet Court. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 10th July, 1994 and no/20th December, 1994 with effect from 31 st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14435. Mr. Osei Frederick, a Footballer of Top Talent Football Club and of Box Lt. 626. Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 10th October, 1999 and not 10th October, 1993 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14436. Miss Theodora Angmorkie Nanor, a Nurse with Reg No. RGN22848 and of H/No. B/22. Afienya. TOR Estate. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 28th May, 1993 and not 12th July, 1993 with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14437. Mr. Sarfo Prince, a Footballer and of HiNo. M 1027/3. Madina Old Road. Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 16th September, 1999 and not 16th September, 1995 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still val id. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF DATES OF B[RTH-contd. 14438. Miss Felicia Achiaa, a Trader and of HlNo. B348, Santamaria, Accra, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 13th June, 1996 and not 13th June, 1991 with effect from 30th October, 20[7. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14439 .. Mr. Abdul Rahman Inusah, an ICT Engineer and of HlNo. Plot 7. Blk 8. Amako~. Kumasi. Ashanti Region, wishes all to know that his date of birth is 18th September, 1983 and not 18th September, 1978 with effect from 25th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former ,date of birth are still valid. 14440. Miss Patience Affrah Odame, a Nurse with Reg. No. 22632 of Legan Hospital and of HlNo. 02, Anyaa N.I.C., Accra, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 9th Septern ber, 1987 and not 8th Septem ber, 1982 with effect from 16th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14441. Miss Dorcas Yeeku, a Student of Asankragwa Nursing and Midwifery Training School. Wassa Amenfi West. Western Region, wishes all to know that her date of birth is 9th October, 1987 and not 11th November, 1987 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still v,alid. 14442. Miss Ayose Leticia, a Student ofNAHATS, P.O..Box 10, Nalerigu, Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 31st July, 1992 and not 30th July, 1992 with effect from 16th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14443. Mr. Ayangba Joseph, a Student ofNAHATS, P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 15th May, 1992 and not 15th May, 1993 with effect from 16th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14444. Mr. Medjida Ya'kubu, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 3J¥1 January, 1996 and not 3rd January, 1995 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14445. Miss Madi Jamila, a Student ofNAHATS, P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 16th January, 1997 and not 16th February, 1997 nor 16th November, 1997 with effect from 25th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former dates of birth are still valid. 14446. Mr. Mohammed Fatawu, a Student of NAHATS, P.O. Box 10, Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 2nd Novem ber, 1992 and not 21st Novem ber, 1992 with effect from 18th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14447. Miss Osman Zainab Wumpini, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 23rd April, 1993 and not 22nd April, 1994 with effect from 15th September, 20 1.7~AII documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14448. Miss Atoah Mary, a Student ofNAHATS, P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 25th May, 1990 and not 22nd May, 1990 with effect from 19th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14449. Miss Yakubu Marifuatu, a Student of NAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 23rd February, 1996 and not 23i-d February, 1995 with effect from 24th July. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14450 .. Mr. Musah Issaka, a Footballer and of HlNo. C 178/9. Accra Newtown. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 27th August, 1998 and not 27th August, 1995 with effect from 30th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14451. Miss Josephine Kwartemaa, a Student and of P.O. Box TB 291. Taifa. Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 2nd August, 1995~andnot 2nd August, 1997 with effect from 3rd August. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are stili 'valid. 14452. Mr. Sahanunu Iddrissu Alhassan, a Trader and of HlNo. MD 37111. Madina Zongo. Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 12th October, 1988 and not 12th October, 1990 with effect from 25th August. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14453. Miss Saraphina Ayerko Apperkon, a Student of Community Health Nurses Training School and of HlNo. Block 0, Room 3. Flagstaff House. Barracks, Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 12th Septem ber, 1993 and not 12th September, 1995 with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org


CHANGE OF DATES OF BIRTH~contd 14454. Miss Naeem Mahamud Hasiyat, a Student of Jirapa Nursing Training College and of l-l/No. 100, Block B, Dobile Section. Wa. Upper West Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 23rd March, 1993 and not 23rd March, 1994 with effect from 11th July, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14455. Mr. Mathias Bill Appiah, a Businessman and of Darkuman, Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 5th March, 1991 and not 5th March, 1985 with effect from 30th October, 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14456. Mr. Issah Mohammed Sherifdeen, a Student of NAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu, Northern Region, wishes all to know that his date of birth is 9th .January, 1994 and not 4th January, 1994 nor 8th January, 1992 with effect from 19th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former dates of birth are still valid. 14457. Miss Acheampong Angela, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 20th September, 1997 and not 20th Septem ber, 1998 with effect from 6th October, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14458. Miss Victoria Fordjour, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu. Northern Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 1Ith November, 1994 and not l l th Novem ber, 1995 with effect from 12th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14459. Mr. Abubakari Sandah Arafat, a Student ofNAHATS. P.O. Box 10. Nalerigu, Northern Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 24th December, 1993 and not 24th December, 1994 with effect from 23rd October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14460. Mr. Kwaning Kontor, a Trader and of P.O. Box 1568. Accra. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 10th January, 1957 and not 10th January, 1965 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14461. Mr. Fuseini Bayorbor Wissiwia, a Student of Nursing Training College. P.O. Box TH 71. Techiman-Krobo. BrongAhafo Region. wishes all to know that his date of birth is 2nd January, 1995 and not 2nd January, 1994 with effect from 20th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. 14462. Miss Yakubu Latifa, a Student of Nursing Training College. P.O. Box TH 71. Techiman-Krobo, Brong Ahafo Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 21st November, 1992 and not 21st November, 1993 with effect from 29th September, 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14<163. Miss Arko Amponsah Lisa, a Student of Nursing Training College. P.O. Box TH 71. Techirnan-Krobo. Brong Ahara Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 6th February, 1997 and not 6th February, 1998 with effect from 29th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14464. Miss Adomako Richlove, a Student of Nursing Training College. P.O. Box TH 71. Techiman-Krobo. Brong Ahafo Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 29th December, 1995 and not 29th December, 1996 with effect from 14th March. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14465. Miss Justa Kwakye, a Student of Nursing Training College. P.O. Box TI-I 71. Techiman-Krobo. Brong Ahafo Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is I st October, 1990 and not 1st October, 1993 with effect from 16th October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14466. Miss Opoku-Takyi Mabel, a Student of Nursing Training College. P.O. Box TH 71. Techirnan-Krobo. Brong Ahafo Region. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 19th June, 1994 and not 19th June, 1996 with effect from 27th September. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14467. Miss Andriana Gyedu, a Public Servant with Reg. No. IS/2302 of Ghana Immigration Service and of P.O. Box AN 15800. Accra-North. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 19th June, 1977 and nor 19th June, 1979 with effect from 31 st October. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14468. Miss Eniton Esinam Akosua Doe, a Student of Western Hill School of Nursing. Ofankor, P.O. Box OF 92. Accra. wishes all to know that her date of birth is 17th May, 1998 and not 6th August, 1997 with effect from 1st November. 2017. All documents bearing her former date of birth are still valid. 14469. Mr. Stephen Nsiah, a Trader and of l-l/No. Block 6/24. New Tafo. Kumasi, wishes all to know that his date of birth is 3rd April, 1986 and not 25th December, 1984 with effect from 4th October. 2017. All documents bearing his former date of birth are still valid. Digitized by GhaLII / www.ghalii.org

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