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*> • -f — ’ * *7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1966 Average Daily Net Press Run" The Weathci* PAGE TWENTY-FOOl lE u ^ ttin g For. the Week Ended ' Cloudy, breezy, mild tonffliR. October 8, 1968 l/»w in 60s. Ponrible showers from the various grade levels ssriy tomorrow, then psrtisl Explorer Post 112 will have a Reading Parley are expected to attend the con THE OLD elenring. High in 60*. hot dog roast and social time 1 4 ,8 5 9 Neu) Voter Session Announce Engagements ference, sponsored yearly by the Mtmehester^A CUy of Village, Charm About Town Sunday from 3 to 8 pjn. at Set Tomorrow Connecticut Council on Read An all-day voter-making Camp Johnson, Bolton. Allen ■ TO* Connecticut Association session will be conducted to ing. ^ tdassified Advertising on Page 11) PRICE SEVEN CENT® Squires is in charge of the pro Miss Carol L. Hansrni of 310 (jJsJdoJtL (FOyRTEEN PAGESm-TV SEGTH>N>) MANCHESTER, TONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1966 and the New England Aasocia- morrow and another on Oct. VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 13 gram. Porter St. wUl be a panelist at tioo of !><bUc Accountants aw 22, both in the town clerk’s drug com pany ooeponsors of a New EJngland the 17th annual Connecticut office in the Municipal Build Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Weiss to Speak Regional Federal Tax Confer- Reading Conference being held ing. have an Assembly Officers «noe to be held Saturdaiy, O ct Both will be from 9 a.m. to Night Monday at 8 at Odd Pel- tomorrow at Ekifield High At UGmii Class S9, from 9 ana. to 6 pjn. at the S p.m. and new voters made NEW LOCATION LBJ Signs lows Hall. The president of the School,, Enfield. , GE Accord Held Hotel iUnerica, Hartford. There on those days will be per Manchester General Manager Rebekah Assembly of Connecti An art Instructor at WUU- 767 MAIN STREET win be a hindheon from 12:30 to mitted to vote in the Nov. 8 mantlc State CoUege, Miss Robert Weiss will be one of the Brushes 1:46 pjn. Aaron Lutin of S67 cut and her staff of officers will Psridng In front—and Birch L aw N am ing state election. attend. Refreshments will be Hanson will emphasize how ex instructors at a Nov. 1-2 Sani St. Parking Lot In the rear Faimington Ave., Hartford is In Eligible applicants must served. Officers are reminded to posure to a wide variety of tarians’ Institute on Law and dbarge of reservations. be at least 21 years of age, perceptual experiences in sub wear white dresses. There will Administration, at the Universi Travel Aide residents of Manchester for be a rehearsal for participating jects such as art or music can Raymond A. DwAesneau, son at least six months, and enhance a child's motivation to ty of Connecticut, Jointly spon WASHINGTON (AP)-^President Johnson and 11 la members Sunday at 2 p.m. at sored by the Connecticut Asso WASHINGTON (AP)— flf Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred W. must be U.S. citizens. read. Men, Women, Children bor unions'appear to have emerged the vigors in a new Odd Fellows Hall. ciation of Sanitarians, the Sani President Johnson signs Huchesneau of 68 Mountain Rd., The theme of the conference icontract settlement with General Electric’Co. that fore Bid for Eased Tension tecenUy enlisted in the Navy tary Engineers Division of the legislation today enlarging A. Pre-cana conference for is "Reading for Every ChUd," stalled a strike by 125,000 woAers. for four years. He is stationed The VFW Auxiliary will spon State Health Department, and JUDO his cabinet to 12 members Engaged couples will* be held and speakers wiU Inclijjie Dr. "It is a major viotory for the -— ■ ' ' — gt the U. S. Navy Recruit Train sor a card party tonight at 8 the UConn Institute of Public Learn the nrt of self defense. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. ab -St. Frwk Jennings, editor-at-large Johnson administration,’ ’ a gov by creAting a secretary to MOSCOW (AP)— Com ing Center, Great Lakes, HI. He _ . , _ i. ti at the Post Home. Classes-starting this monttu L,abor Department . declared for the Saturday Review; Dr. Service. ernment source said of the coordinate the nation’s air munist leader Leonid T. Is a graduate of Manchester "hie, ENROLL Garey’s re-election fraudulent. Roma Gans, professor .emeritus The two-day course, open to agreement boosting wages and and land transportation High School and has attended Hartford ^ e r y ^11 be host Monday, Tuesday, TOnnday The ixmforenee board of the Brezhnev today brushed at Columbia University: Dr. chief executives, health direc fringe benefits an average of ill policies. aside President Johnson’s Hentloy College, Boston, Mass. t^e conference. Those deslr- tors and sanitarians, will cover Evenings 7:16-9:00 80,000-member . electrical work Ing more information may con Holiday Bazaar John Holt, author of the book cents an hour bver three years. ers ■ tuilon nwets in New York ■ As the second Caibinet-level call for better East-West iuid the University of Hartford. Baldwin photo The engagement of Miss t<q>lc8 of law and administration Sat. Morning 9 to 12:00 tact Mrs. Clark Standish of 14 "W hy Children Fall” ; and Dr. The sudden settlement Friday Sunday and ia expected to ratify agency . t o be approved by Con He was employed at AlUed Peggy Ann Ross of Ormond as they relate to public health relations, saying U.S. “pi Fleming Rd. Set by Guild The engagement of Miss Vir Virginia Blggy, director of after weeks of deadlocked talks the contract .J The other unions gress in two years, the new de Printing Service, Manchester. Beach, Fla. to Richard L functions. ratic raids” on North Viet ginia Mae Chapman of Center Tufts Unlvreslty’s program for ADRIAN'S averted a nationwide walkout .will work OM locsil plant issues partment win bring into one Sts Bartholomew’s Women’s ’Thompson of Manchester has agency a myriad of activities Nam bar any improvement There will be a rehearsal for The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Line, Mich, to Robert Albert the preparation of reading On Nov, 2, Marvin L. Smith, Cor. Park and Main Street ,scheduled for 12:01, a.m: Mon ;Snd in m<m cases ,;»ubmit the been announced by her parents, state sanitary engineer, will now scattered throughout the now. ^r. Roberts,’^ the forthcom- pastor of Bolton Congregational ^ / Girard of Andover has been an- teachers. Or CaU 648-6266 day against the major defense contract to a vote of their mem Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Ross of Thirty panel discussions will moderate a panel disoussion on auwplier. goyemmMit. "If the United States w«nU to 1 tag production o f the little Church, will conduct a Worship Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 6 from noimced by her parents, Mr. bers. Ormond Beach. develop mutually profitable ra- ' and Mrs. iEdward J. Chapman of highlight trends In the teach the reaction of the course par . But iftrikes over local issues The White House said Johnson Theater o f Manchester, tonight Service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on lO a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church Her fiance is a son of Mr. and ' Meanwhile,’ in Pittsburgh the lations with the Soviet Union — Center Line. ing of reading from kinder^ ticipants to the question, "Is end grievances were still a-pos 'would sign the measure in cere at 8 at 22 Oak St. Act 1, scene radio station WINF. The pro- school. The event is open to the Mrs. Herbert C. ’Thompson of WesUnghouse Electric Corp. and we would like this in princi Her fiance Is the son of Mr. garten through high school. Connecticut Making the Most of sibility kt some of General Elec- monies ,in the East Room with 1, and act 2, scenes 1, 2 and gram is sponsored by the Man- 38 Sterling PI. emd. three unions' agt'eed to ex ple — it is necessary to remov* and Mrs. Donald Girard of Hick Several Manchester teachers Existing Public Health Law 7” trio’s 160 plants. members of. Congress, federal * wiU be rehearsed. Chester Ministerial Association, ^ handknit Miss Ross is a graduate of tend their contpaiet negotiations the main obstacle,” Brezhn(W ory Hill. Andover. TOe settlement saved Johnson officials and transportation in- I ■ I i -i" ■ — articles, holiday decorations, a Seabreeze Senior High School. on, a day-to-day basis until at said. Miss Chapman received her the politically touchy decision . dustry leaders locking on. variety of gilts for adults and She attended the University of least. Tuesday. ' 'rtie decision ‘‘Stop the piratic raids on^l| BS degree from Madonna Col oq whether to invoke a Taft- The new department, destined children, homemade baked Florida, Gainesville, for the year canie Friday a few hours before Socialist state, the DRV (Oem»- lege, Livonia, Mich., and Is em FAIRWAY Hartiey Act injunction that was the union woidd have been free . ■ to have 90,000 employes and an goods, candy and preserves and 1964-65, and Daytona Beach annual budget of, nearly $6 bil cratic Republic of North Vi*t ployed as a home service ad being drafted by the Justice De to etrike at midnight. Westing- white elephant items. A comer (Fla.) Junior College for the H partment. lion, will come into formal ef-. Nam), and stop the aggressiV* 5 visor for Consumers Power Co., house usually follows the lead of M A R L O W ^ will be equipped with an easel winter trimester of 1966. Mr. istence 90 days after the Presi war against the Vietnamese Mich.