*> • -f — ’ * *7 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1966 Average Daily Net Press Run" The Weathci* PAGE TWENTY-FOOl lE u ^ ttin g For. the Week Ended ' Cloudy, breezy, mild tonffliR. October 8, 1968 l/»w in 60s. Ponrible showers from the various grade levels ssriy tomorrow, then psrtisl Explorer Post 112 will have a Reading Parley are expected to attend the con­ THE OLD elenring. High in 60*. hot dog roast and social time 1 4 ,8 5 9 Neu) Voter Session Announce Engagements ference, sponsored yearly by the Mtmehester^A CUy of Village, Charm About Town Sunday from 3 to 8 pjn. at Set Tomorrow Connecticut Council on Read­ An all-day voter-making Camp Johnson, Bolton. Allen ■ TO* Connecticut Association session will be conducted to­ ing. ^ tdassified Advertising on Page 11) PRICE SEVEN CENT® Squires is in charge of the pro­ Miss Carol L. Hansrni of 310 (jJsJdoJtL (FOyRTEEN PAGESm-TV SEGTH>N>) MANCHESTER, TONN., SATURDAY, OCTOBER 15, 1966 and the New England Aasocia- morrow and another on Oct. VOL. LXXXVI, NO. 13 gram. Porter St. wUl be a panelist at tioo of !><bUc Accountants aw 22, both in the town clerk’s drug com pany ooeponsors of a New EJngland the 17th annual Connecticut office in the Municipal Build­ Sunset Rebekah Lodge will Weiss to Speak Regional Federal Tax Confer- Reading Conference being held ing. have an Assembly Officers «noe to be held Saturdaiy, O ct Both will be from 9 a.m. to Night Monday at 8 at Odd Pel- tomorrow at Ekifield High At UGmii Class S9, from 9 ana. to 6 pjn. at the S p.m. and new voters made NEW LOCATION LBJ Signs lows Hall. The president of the School,, Enfield. , GE Accord Held Hotel iUnerica, Hartford. There on those days will be per­ Manchester General Manager Rebekah Assembly of Connecti­ An art Instructor at WUU- 767 MAIN STREET win be a hindheon from 12:30 to mitted to vote in the Nov. 8 mantlc State CoUege, Miss Robert Weiss will be one of the Brushes 1:46 pjn. Aaron Lutin of S67 cut and her staff of officers will Psridng In front—and Birch L aw N am ing state election. attend. Refreshments will be Hanson will emphasize how ex­ instructors at a Nov. 1-2 Sani­ St. Parking Lot In the rear Faimington Ave., Hartford is In Eligible applicants must served. Officers are reminded to posure to a wide variety of tarians’ Institute on Law and dbarge of reservations. be at least 21 years of age, perceptual experiences in sub­ wear white dresses. There will Administration, at the Universi­ Travel Aide residents of Manchester for be a rehearsal for participating jects such as art or music can Raymond A. DwAesneau, son at least six months, and enhance a child's motivation to ty of Connecticut, Jointly spon­ WASHINGTON (AP)-^President Johnson and 11 la­ members Sunday at 2 p.m. at sored by the Connecticut Asso­ WASHINGTON (AP)— flf Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred W. must be U.S. citizens. read. Men, Women, Children bor unions'appear to have emerged the vigors in a new Odd Fellows Hall. ciation of Sanitarians, the Sani­ President Johnson signs Huchesneau of 68 Mountain Rd., The theme of the conference icontract settlement with General Electric’Co. that fore­ Bid for Eased Tension tecenUy enlisted in the Navy tary Engineers Division of the legislation today enlarging A. Pre-cana conference for is "Reading for Every ChUd," stalled a strike by 125,000 woAers. for four years. He is stationed The VFW Auxiliary will spon­ State Health Department, and JUDO his cabinet to 12 members Engaged couples will* be held and speakers wiU Inclijjie Dr. "It is a major viotory for the -— ■ ' ' — gt the U. S. Navy Recruit Train­ sor a card party tonight at 8 the UConn Institute of Public Learn the nrt of self defense. Tuesday at 7:30 p.m. ab -St. Frwk Jennings, editor-at-large Johnson administration,’ ’ a gov­ by creAting a secretary to MOSCOW (AP)— Com­ ing Center, Great Lakes, HI. He _ . , _ i. ti at the Post Home. Classes-starting this monttu L,abor Department . declared for the Saturday Review; Dr. Service. ernment source said of the coordinate the nation’s air munist leader Leonid T. Is a graduate of Manchester "hie, ENROLL Garey’s re-election fraudulent. Roma Gans, professor .emeritus The two-day course, open to agreement boosting wages and and land transportation High School and has attended Hartford ^ e r y ^11 be host Monday, Tuesday, TOnnday The ixmforenee board of the Brezhnev today brushed at Columbia University: Dr. chief executives, health direc­ fringe benefits an average of ill policies. aside President Johnson’s Hentloy College, Boston, Mass. t^e conference. Those deslr- tors and sanitarians, will cover Evenings 7:16-9:00 80,000-member . electrical work­ Ing more information may con­ Holiday Bazaar John Holt, author of the book cents an hour bver three years. ers ■ tuilon nwets in New York ■ As the second Caibinet-level call for better East-West iuid the University of Hartford. Baldwin photo The engagement of Miss t<q>lc8 of law and administration Sat. Morning 9 to 12:00 tact Mrs. Clark Standish of 14 "W hy Children Fall” ; and Dr. The sudden settlement Friday Sunday and ia expected to ratify agency . t o be approved by Con­ He was employed at AlUed Peggy Ann Ross of Ormond as they relate to public health relations, saying U.S. “pi­ Fleming Rd. Set by Guild The engagement of Miss Vir­ Virginia Blggy, director of after weeks of deadlocked talks the contract .J The other unions gress in two years, the new de­ Printing Service, Manchester. Beach, Fla. to Richard L functions. ratic raids” on North Viet ginia Mae Chapman of Center Tufts Unlvreslty’s program for ADRIAN'S averted a nationwide walkout .will work OM locsil plant issues partment win bring into one Sts Bartholomew’s Women’s ’Thompson of Manchester has agency a myriad of activities Nam bar any improvement There will be a rehearsal for The Rev. J. Stanton Conover, Line, Mich, to Robert Albert the preparation of reading On Nov, 2, Marvin L. Smith, Cor. Park and Main Street ,scheduled for 12:01, a.m: Mon­ ;Snd in m<m cases ,;»ubmit the been announced by her parents, state sanitary engineer, will now scattered throughout the now. ^r. Roberts,’^ the forthcom- pastor of Bolton Congregational ^ / Girard of Andover has been an- teachers. Or CaU 648-6266 day against the major defense contract to a vote of their mem­ Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd F. Ross of Thirty panel discussions will moderate a panel disoussion on auwplier. goyemmMit. "If the United States w«nU to 1 tag production o f the little Church, will conduct a Worship Bazaar Saturday, Nov. 6 from noimced by her parents, Mr. bers. Ormond Beach. develop mutually profitable ra- ' and Mrs. iEdward J. Chapman of highlight trends In the teach­ the reaction of the course par­ . But iftrikes over local issues The White House said Johnson Theater o f Manchester, tonight Service Sunday at 8:15 a.m. on lO a.m. to 3 p.m. at the church Her fiance is a son of Mr. and ' Meanwhile,’ in Pittsburgh the lations with the Soviet Union — Center Line. ing of reading from kinder^ ticipants to the question, "Is end grievances were still a-pos­ 'would sign the measure in cere­ at 8 at 22 Oak St. Act 1, scene radio station WINF. The pro- school. The event is open to the Mrs. Herbert C. ’Thompson of WesUnghouse Electric Corp. and we would like this in princi­ Her fiance Is the son of Mr. garten through high school. Connecticut Making the Most of sibility kt some of General Elec- monies ,in the East Room with 1, and act 2, scenes 1, 2 and gram is sponsored by the Man- 38 Sterling PI. emd. three unions' agt'eed to ex­ ple — it is necessary to remov* and Mrs. Donald Girard of Hick­ Several Manchester teachers Existing Public Health Law 7” trio’s 160 plants. members of. Congress, federal * wiU be rehearsed. Chester Ministerial Association, ^ handknit Miss Ross is a graduate of tend their contpaiet negotiations the main obstacle,” Brezhn(W ory Hill. Andover. TOe settlement saved Johnson officials and transportation in- I ■ I i -i" ■ — articles, holiday decorations, a Seabreeze Senior High School. on, a day-to-day basis until at said. Miss Chapman received her the politically touchy decision . dustry leaders locking on. variety of gilts for adults and She attended the University of least. Tuesday. ' 'rtie decision ‘‘Stop the piratic raids on^l| BS degree from Madonna Col­ oq whether to invoke a Taft- The new department, destined children, homemade baked Florida, Gainesville, for the year canie Friday a few hours before Socialist state, the DRV (Oem»- lege, Livonia, Mich., and Is em­ FAIRWAY Hartiey Act injunction that was the union woidd have been free . ■ to have 90,000 employes and an goods, candy and preserves and 1964-65, and Daytona Beach annual budget of, nearly $6 bil­ cratic Republic of North Vi*t ployed as a home service ad­ being drafted by the Justice De­ to etrike at midnight. Westing- white elephant items. A comer (Fla.) Junior College for the H partment. lion, will come into formal ef-. Nam), and stop the aggressiV* 5 visor for Consumers Power Co., house usually follows the lead of M A R L O W ^ will be equipped with an easel winter trimester of 1966. Mr. istence 90 days after the Presi­ war against the Vietnamese Mich.
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