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Festival sta omogočila 16. FESTIVAL SLOVENSKEGA FILMA LOVENIAN FILM LOVENIAN FESTIVAL DEL CINEMA SLOVENO S AVDITORIJ, PORTOROŽ/PORTOROSE F 11.—15.9. 2013 WWW.FSF.SI FESTIVAL O FESTIVAL TH partnerji 16 ILMA F generalni tehnični partner pokrovitelji nagrad generalni medijski partner medijski pokrovitelji 16. FESTIVAL SLOVENSKEGA SLOVENSKEGA 16. FESTIVAL pokrovitelji katalog_FSF_2013_ovitek.indd 1 27.8.2013 1:55:31 16. FESTIVAL SLOVENSKEGA FILMA/16TH FESTIVAL OF SLOVENIAN FILM Urednica/Editor: Alenka Ropret Uredniški odbor/Editorial Board: Igor Prassel, Alenka Ropret Oblikovanje/Design: Maja Rebov Prevod in lektoriranje/Translation and Proofreading: Maja Ropret Tisk/Print: Collegium Graphicum 16. Festival slovenskega filma th Slovenski filmski center, 2013 16 Festival of Slovenian Film katalog_FSF_2013_ovitek.indd 2 27.8.2013 1:55:31 Kazalo Contents UVODNIK NetekMOVALNI PRogRaM FOREWORD PANORAMA PROGRAMME 4 Uroš Grilc: Nova doba slovenskega filma/A New Age for Slovenian Film 81 Celovečerni in srednjemetražni filmi/Feature and Medium-Length Films 6 Jožko Rutar: Čas žetve/Season of the Harvest 98 Kratki filmi/Short Films 8 Igor Prassel: Leto slovenskega filma/A Year of Slovenian Film 107 Študijski kratki filmi/Student Short Films NagRada Metoda BadJuRe za žIvlJeNJsko delo fIlMskega ustvaRJalca 2013 sPReMlJEVALNI PRogRaM the Metod BadJuRa lIfetIMe achIeveMeNt awaRd 2013 addItIoNal PRogRaMMe 10 Karpo Godina 115 Program otroških in mladinskih filmov za šole/Children and Youth Films for Schools 122 Posebna projekcija/Special Screening stRokovNa žIRIJa 16. festIvala sloveNskega fIlMa 127 Retrospektiva kratkih filmov Karpa Godine/Karpo Godina Short Films Retrospective JURY OF THE 16TH festIval of sloveNIaN fIlM 132 Strokovni program/Programme for Professionals 14 Hrvoje Hribar 15 Olmo Omerzu INdeks 16 Hanna A.W. Slak INDEX 137 Indeks filmov/Index of Films 17 PRedstavItev NagRad 139 Indeks režiserjev/Index of Directors awaRds PReseNtatIoN 140 Indeks producentov/Index of Producers tekMOVALNI PRogRaM 142 o festIVALU coMPetItIoN PRogRaMMe the festIVAL 19 Celovečerni in srednjemetražni filmi/Feature and Medium-Length Films 54 Kratki filmi/Short Films 70 Študijski kratki filmi/Student Short Films Nova doba slovenskega filma A New Age for Slovenian Film Spoštovane gledalke, dragi gledalci, Dear Film Viewers, filmske kulture. Del tega razvoja je tudi obeleževanje tinuous and thorough development of film culture. It Letošnji pregled v okviru 16. Festivala slovenskega This year's yield at the 16th Festival of Slovenian film vseh pomembnih mejnikov slovenskega filma, zato si is part of this development to celebrate all the major filma govori o bogati slovenski avdiovizualni produkciji, indicates an extensive film and audio-visual production, te nove dobe ni mogoče predstavljati brez refleksije in landmarks of Slovenian film, which is why the new in to kljub časom, ki filmskim in umetniškim ustvar- and this is despite the times that do not particularly pripoznanja v obliki vsakoletnega Festivala slovenskega age could not be imagined not to include the reflexion jalcem nasploh niso najbolj naklonjeni. Če letošnji favour filmmakers and artists in general. Looking at filma. Čaka nas veliko dela in pri popravnem izpitu and recognition contained in the annual Festival of festival pogledamo skozi prizmo številk, lahko ugoto- the current festival through numbers, it can be estab- slovenske kulturne politike iz filma štejejo le najvišje Slovenian Film. We have much work ahead and when it vimo, da je bilo leto bolj posvečeno fikciji kot resnično- lished that the year has been dedicated to fiction more ocene. V festivalskem žargonu - šteje le vesna. comes to retaking the exam in Slovenian cultural policy sti – razmerje med dokumentarnimi in igranimi filmi se than reality – the ratio of documentary to feature films for the area of film, only the highest marks count. namreč nagiba v prid slednjim, kar daje slutiti, da se je favours the latter, which could lead to assumptions dr. Uroš Grilc Speaking in the festival jargon – only the Vesna counts. Oscar Wilde, ko je zatrdil, da življenje imitira umetnost that Oscar Wilde, claiming that life imitated art and not Minister za kulturo in ne obratno, morda vendarle zmotil. vice-versa, might have been wrong after all. Dr Uroš Grilc Film ima med vsemi umetnostmi eno izmed bolj Of all art genres, film is one with most demanding Minister of Culture zahtevnih in reflektiranih občinstev. Pri tem imajo kar and ruminating audiences. The merit for this is mostly največ zaslug sami filmski ustvarjalci, ki vzgajajo kriti- that of filmmakers themselves, fostering a critical view čen pogled tako, da s svojimi izdelki nenehno dvigujejo by constantly raising our expectations with their works. prečko naših pričakovanj. Vzajemnost teh pričakovanj In the very heart of things, the reciprocity of such in njihovega preseganja je v osrčju gonilo kvalitetnega expectations and their overachievement is the driving filmskega ustvarjanja. Pomembnosti vloge občinstva force of quality filmmaking. At the Ministry, we are also pa se zavedamo tudi na ministrstvu. Z Nacionalnim aware of the audience’s key role. With the National programom za kulturo 2014-2017 se namreč proble- Programme for Culture 2004–2017, we have thus matike slovenskega filma in avdiovizualne dejavnosti tackled the issue of Slovenian film and audio-visual lotevamo skozi optiko, ki nam na tem in še katerem area from the perspective that might not have been drugem kulturnem področju doslej morda ni bila naj- very customary in the past, neither in this area nor in bolj domača. Motrimo jo predvsem skozi oči gledalca, any other field of culture. We have mainly approached zato pogosto govorimo ravno o dostopnosti filmske it through the eyes of the viewer, which is why we often produkcije, vendar pa tudi nič manj o njeni kvaliteti, talk about the accessibility of film production; its qual- vrhunskosti. Zavedamo se, da so za to potrebni kar ity and excellence, however, are no less important. najbolj optimalni pogoji filmskega ustvarjanja, o teh We are aware that this calls for optimal conditions for pa lahko govorimo le, ko dobro delujejo vsi členi kine- filmmaking, which are only feasible when the complete matografske verige. Naši ukrepi na filmskem področju chain of film production is in full operation. Our meas- enakomerno posvečajo pozornost tem členom, zato ures for the area of film focus equally on all the links zasledujemo zelo raznolike cilje, vse od povečanja gle- of the chain, which is why our aims are quite diverse, danosti kakovostnih kinematografskih del, večjega trga ranging from an increase in the ratings for quality films, za kinematografska in avdiovizualna dela, boljše izrabe an increase of the market for cinema and audio-visual digitalnih tehnologij pa vse do ustrezne prisotnosti in works, a better use of digital technologies, as well as umeščenosti filmske vzgoje in izobraževanja v osnovnih sufficient presence and position of film education in in srednjih šolah. primary and secondary schools. Naša rdeča nit izkazuje precej neskromne ambicije, Speaking of a new age for Slovenian film, our main saj govorimo o novi dobi slovenskega filma, ki pa aspirations are indeed not based on very modest je mogoča le s kontinuiranim in celovitim razvojem efforts, when this can only be achieved through a con- 4 Uvodnik Foreword Uvodnik Foreword 5 Čas žetve Season of the Harvest Nekatere ekonomske teorije govorijo, da če želiš biti Some economic theories predict that to be successful, nalnega programa za kulturo na filmskem področju, v Culture has listened to the desires and reasonings uspešen, moraš stalno vlagati in ustvarjati ter spodbu- one has to invest and create continuously, as well as pripravi so spremembe krovnega zakona. Če se bodo of film professionals and the SFC. An ambitious draft jati pogoje za rast. Varčevanje in pametno gospodar- foster the growth conditions. Naturally, being economi- udejanjile tudi denarne spodbude za tuje produkcije, National Programme for Culture for the area of film has jenje sta seveda nujna, a ne za vsako ceno, temveč v cal and a good manager is a must, but not at any cost; to pomeni, da obračamo ladjo v pravo smer. Vse to been devised, and changes to the framework act are okviru zmožnosti. Ko sem pred dobrima dvema letoma it is better to do so within one’s means. When just seveda zahteva ogromno energije, predanosti, časa ter being developed. If monetary support for foreign pro- prevzel vodenje Slovenskega filmskega centra (SFC), over two years ago I assumed the headship of the seveda kreativnosti. ductions should also be implemented, then our boat smo se skupaj s strokovnimi programskimi komisijami Slovenian Film Centre (SFC), expert commissions and Ob tej priložnosti bi se želel zahvaliti za sodelovanje is being turned in the right direction. All this, however, in sodelavci odločili za ambiciozen filmski program. colleagues joined me in opting for an ambitious film in podporo tako sodelavcem na Filmskem centru, requires a great deal of energy, commitment, time, and, In ker v filmu traja normalni cikel od potrditve projekta programme. As it is in cinema where a normal cycle članom sveta in strokovnim programskim komisijam, of course, creativity. do njegovega dokončanja do dve leti, bomo letos from project confirmation to its completion takes up to kot tudi vsem filmarkam in filmarjem, ki nas s svojimi On this occasion, I wish to thank my colleagues upravičeno “želi” sadove odločitev izpred dveh let. two years, this is the year when we