www.ShofarMinistries.net Shofar Ministries [email protected] P.O. Box 513 Burton, Oh 44021 (440) 834-9006


Greetings to you, in the Name of The Father, Son, Holy Spirit As I begin writing this letter I am anticipating The Feast of The new year has begun, Rosh Hashanah, and the rd which is the real birthday of Jesus, the 23 of birthday of Adam, is now past and we had a great night Sept. this year on our calendar or Tishri 15 on the Jewish. It of celebration at Lakeshore Assembly of God. Many who really is amazing and once you see it, you will be without any attended said they enjoyed it and learned a lot. Some doubts to these findings. who had heard it many times before, said they finally We begin with the clue that He came to amongst get it. Yes, I am aware that it takes repeated study but us. Jn1:14, as well as key phrases that the angel used to when it finally sets in, that end-time prophetic puzzle authenticate this season by telling the shepherds the baby comes closer to completion. Some of those pieces I am would be wrapped in swaddling cloths. These cloths were the still working on but every year fewer pieces are needed. priestly undergarments worn in the temple but replaced every year at this time. They were also used as wicks for the grand Since I began making the Bible my hobby, my lighting ceremony of the four 75ft. tall candles. It was at this adventures have been magnificent and there is always time that Jesus called out that He was the light of the world. more to learn. It’s like a wonderful board game with Jn.8:12. clues to find out more about who God is and His

We see time and time again how Jesus utilized certain events character. Every year brings more insight. It is my prayer to teach of Himself. He actually organized, from long ago, for you, who are right now reading this with your eyes, detailed Jewish requirements with definite customs using that you, too, will have a passion to study Him as never particular phrases, so to give us huge clues for our before. Let that be your New Year’s resolution! understanding. Remember what Paul said in Rom.15, that the things written before were for our learning.

But there is still much more evidence. We really can know I am just now learning that last year in a historically that Jesus was born during this season by knowing when unprecedented development, a famous Turkish modern John the Baptist was conceived. Muslim and author, Adnan Oktar, along with a prominent group of Israeli rabbis have joined together on one of their In Lk.1, we are told that Elizabeth conceived immediately declared goals, to rebuild the Jewish . after her husband Zacharias was told by an angel of The Lord, Oktar has also met with three representatives from the re- in the Temple, that Elizabeth would finally have a child, filled established Jewish Sanhedrin, a group of 71 Orthodox with the Holy Spirit. Since we know that he served in the rabbis and scholars from Israel, to discuss how religious eighth week of the Biblical calendar as his course of Abijah Muslims, Jews and Christians can work together. It did, (1Chron.24:10) and adding the week of Passover when

they all served, we come to the week just before Pentecost. would be called the House of Prayer for all Nations as It is just like God to have John the Baptist conceived during well as Solomon‟s Palace. They believe that any Jew, a Pentecost since he would be filled with the Holy Spirit. We Christian or Muslim should welcome this with enthusiasm also know that Elizabeth was six months along when Mary to bring the beauty of those past days back to life. told her she too would have a child. This would have been during Hannukah. Nine months later is Tabernacles. Voila! Other groups, as well, have a vision for sharing the Pretty easy don’t ya think? So why don’t more Christians . Yoav Frankel, an Orthodox Jew who has know this? Because they don’t study their Hebraic Roots. been deeply involved in interfaith dialogue with Muslims Aren’t you glad you do? Why not share this with your calls the project "God's Holy Mountain" and is an effort Pastor? of the Interfaith Encounter Association that envisions the day when the Jewish Temple will exist side by side with Oh. One more thing. Jesus was probably born in a sukkah, a the Dome of the Rock. (Rev.11:1-2) The Obama mandatory out building for Jewish families to dwell in during administration has also suggested that Jerusalem could this week and often used for animals the rest of the year. become an international city that would be shared by They had to be able to look out the roof and see the peoples from all three Abrahamic faiths. heavens. It was a reminder of how God took care of them in . It’s all gonna happen,folks! the wilderness. Jesus too was fulfilling this requirement as . (notice pic on front of newsletter) He did all of them.

" th. Just as I am sure the Temple will be rebuilt Paul even told us in Rom.15 that the things Satan. But how could that be said when it is next to the Dome which is located at the written before are for our learning. clearly Jesus who opens the first seal in area where the court of the Gentiles once Rev.6:1? Another thought is that the rider was, (how fitting is that?) I am equally sure, So, is Marvin Rosental saying that the six on the white horse in Rev.6 (the anti-christ) if not more so, that the Bride of Christ will seals are not an awful time? Ok ,maybe not cannot come to power unless the light is not be here for any part of the seven year as awful as the bowl judgements, but to gone and there be no brightness at all. tribulation. There is a teaching out there, minimize this time of widespread death, (Amos.5:18-20; Mic.7:2; Isa.57:1; Ps.12:1; originating with Robert Van Kampen and famine and pestilence is out of line as well 2Thes.2:7-8) The church is hindering later picked up by Marvin Rosenthal, that as against Scripture. Jesus said to pray to Satan’s coming to power. At the moment of says we will encounter the beginnings of escape all these things after describing the the rapture/resurrection all light will be gone God’s indignation, like a pre-wrath time. Let tribulation in Luke 21:36. which gives the spiritual darkness its power me assure you that is a false doctrine for to show itself. Shortly afterwards the many reasons. Besides there being And what about Matthew 24:20, "But 144,000 Jews will get sealed. The tribulation numerous pre-trib rapture Scriptures that pray ye that your flight be not in the saints will begin to accept Christ as well. are all listed on my web page, there is a winter, neither on the Sabbath day" when You see right now the Holy Spirit is alive Jewish custom that makes it mandatory for fleeing the anti-Christ. If He were and well in us. We must leave for there to all Jewish weddings to have a honeymoon addressing Christians would they care if be total darkness even though it is only for a that lasts for a period of seven (the number they were running for their lives on a very short time, maybe only an hour or even of completion). It could be seven days (most Saturday? Don’t think so. This is obviously minutes. Then the Holy Spirit will take on adhered to) or seven weeks, even seven addressed to the Jews not Christians. Let the same role as He had in the Old months if you were very wealthy, but me ask you why the church is never Testament of coming and going as He anything less than seven and it was mentioned after the fourth chapter when we deems necessary. That is why David would considered non commital. In our case it will are repeatedly referenced prior in the book pray: please don’t take your Holy Spirit from be seven years. of Revelation. In fact, He defines the lamp me. We can’t pray that because He dwells stands as the church which are now in in us all the time. Take, for example, when Jacob discovered heaven in chapter four. And most students he had married Leah instead of Rachel in of the Bible should understand Daniel 9 And of course, any view other than a pre- Gen.29. The only way he could have Rachel where there still remains seven years of the trib rapture destroys His imminence. And is if he completed his week of honeymoon 490 year prophecy to finish God's dealing there awaits a special crown for all who with Leah first.[v.27] That is the way it was! with Israel in the Old Testament are awaiting Him . [2Tim4:8; Heb.9:28] Knowing your roots makes a difference dispensation. We were not here for the first certainly not after the appearance of the when it comes to understanding prophecy 483 years and we will not be here for the anti-Christ. There is so much more I could as we have been grafted into the roots that last seven , which is Jacob’s trouble when say and this is the kind of topics I teach supports us. (Rom.11) Let me say it God turns His focus back on Israel for their on the second and fourth Saturdays again…God organised detailed Jewish salvation. Rom11:26 every month. It makes me wonder why requirements with definite customs with more of you don’t attend. Don’t let the particular phrases that Jesus would also I also understand that they claim the cares of this life stand in your way. Why use to give clues that we may learn how it beginning of the Tribulation is the wrath of not try to join us at 6:30PM. will be for us, in this instance our wedding.

The Obama administration wants lawmakers to restore 100 MILLION dollars in U.S. military aid to Lebanon's army. Congress suspended the money over concerns it would get into the hands of Hezbollah and then be used to target Israel. Obama just keeps on giving me proof that he just doesn’t care about Israel and wants to please Muslims, even the terrorists. Obama, who is your master? Besides it has been in the news that Hezbollah is about to do a coup and take over the Lebanese government. Why haven’t they yet? Probably because they are waiting for us to send this money first. These are such obvious facts to me. Our world is going crazy. Your thoughts can now be expressed to me on my new blog on my web site. Would love to hear from you.

To add to the report of June’s letter (see archives) on Ps.83 and especially after the latest killings of four Israelis in Hebron. Sources report that Israel is preparing for a multi-front war with expectations to take back at least Gaza and perhaps other territory. However, it is also reported that PM Netanyahu has offered up the northern top of the Golan (ancient hts.) in exchange for Syria’s agreement to break all ties with Iran and help to break up the Hezbollah in Lebanon. What will Syria do? In my opinion they will want all of the Golan and only say they will break ties with Iran. I’m reminded of Ezek.36 where it does say the ancient hts. will become the enemies possession and that Israel will be taken up by the lips of talkers, sorry as that is. These are certainly interesting times. We are seeing Bible prophecy come alive. Surely you and I were born for such a time as this. Jesus will be calling us up very soon. I doubt that we will even see the next presidential election.

As you know Israeli-Palestinian peace talks have begun with part two occurring last week. Certainly the one in Washington was no smalltime conference. The participants were the leaders of Israel, Egypt, Jordan and a fellow who claims to represent the Palestinians but has no control over Hezbollah or Hamas which are the current culprits. Prior to the first meeting, Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak met Jordanian King Abdullah. The very next day, there was a slaughter of Israelis outside Hebron. This occurred the night before PM Netanyahu flew to Washington, a high alert day for the Israeli army. At this point the Israeli government demanded that every Israeli be armed. Any public sympathy for the deceased disappeared after that. What remained was a warning to Israel: Here's your fate if you don't sign on for "peace." Thanks, Ehud Barak. And on the same day, Barak announced that he, a government minister, was in favor of dividing Jerusalem and that PM Netanyahu was the man to do it. The message: the deed has been agreed to (actually long ago) by the government. [seems like a done deal]

Others are involved as well, Pres. Mubarak and French Pres. Sarkozy met to discuss the European goals of the "peace" talks. France and Egypt are the co-chairs of the Mediterranean Union, a Vatican invention supposedly started by King Juan Carlos of Spain. The MU has promised to bring peace to the Middle East their way at its Barcelona Conference on November 20 and they had Egypt’s Mubarak in Washington to make sure of it. Ex -PM of Israel Shimone Peres, is to fly to Rome on Thursday to meet with Pope Bendedict XVI and to update him on the latest efforts to end the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and to secure peace in the region. And why does the pope need a personal update? There has to be more to that story!

And why are we allowing Iran’s Achmadinejad to speak at the UN conference? Shouldn’t that be part of the sanctions?

Concerning the koran-burning pastor, Terry Jones, who thought he might cut a deal with the imam of the ground zero mosque. He’d cancel the book burning, if he would move the mosque. Then, the CFR got involved condemning Jones and threatening him enough that he hauled himself out of Gainesville and is not available anywhere. Hmmmm I have heard, however, that the mosque has been shelved at least for now, but I doubt the Muslims will remain quiet about this for long and many Muslims still gather there to pray.

I appreciate the strong and courageous stand that Glenn Beck has taken by providing excellent information about what is happening in the arena of civil government and law, but Christians must understand that Glenn is now, by his own choice, promoting something that is not compatible with Biblical Christian doctrines. While Christians can join Glenn in opposing tyranny, socialism, cultural Marxism, and the like; we cannot join him spiritually. We can be co-belligerents on many moral issues with non-Christians but we cannot find common ground theologically, doctrinally, and spiritually. Glenn has now moved into an area where we must draw a clear line. This is not according to me, but according to the Word of God. Christians must understand that the Jesus of the cults is not the Jesus of the Bible.

The Apostle Paul warns Christians against uniting with unbelievers in spiritual endeavors in 2 Corinthians Coming Dates 6:14 where we read, "Be ye not unequally yoked together with unbelievers: for what fellowship hath Ceil Will’s home church righteousness with unrighteousness? And what communion hath light with darkness?" In verse 16 Paul in Madison Oct.4 Mon. declares that Christians must be spiritually separate from non-believers "Glenn Beck's Divine Destiny" program on Aug 27, has been specifically described by organizers as "a unique spiritual event." @7:30p Call 440- 428-1384 Again , while I applaud and agree with many of Glenn Beck's conservative and constitutional views, that does not give any Bible-believing Christian justification to compromise Biblical truth by spiritually joining Beck for directions in an event, described as "nationally-known religious figures from all faiths will unite…". The event was ********* also described as an evening "that will help heal your soul." The problem is that as a Mormon, Glenn's Shofar Assembly, 2nd definition of God the Father is not the same as that described by Jesus Christ Himself in the Bible. Glenn th says, "I have been reaching out to the biggest names in faith for the last year… and asked them to put and 4 Saturdays differences aside (excuse me…that there are many roads to heaven?) and to reach out with one another so 6:30p in Burton call for we can remind people to get down on their knees for our brethren's shield in our dangerous hour." directions Christians who want to be committed to Biblical truth cannot "put aside" the cross and Gospel of Jesus Christ 440-834-9006 nor the supremacy of Scripture by spiritually uniting in prayer with those that proclaim another Jesus, another gospel and declare the cross foolishness. Which is why the Mormons have no crosses, anywhere. Lakeshore A/G Oct.21 Mentor,Thurs.7p Appearing on stage at this "unique spiritual event" arm in arm, sends the message that Biblical Christianity and Mormonism and Muslims can indeed find spiritual common ground. This is not only a public relations Chester Christian Cen. victory for Mormonism but also for the soon one world church, a counterfeit Christianity so much like the real one, that good Christians are afraid to speak out against it. In I Kings 18:20-21 Elijah rebuked Israel, for Nov.10 Wed 7p worshipping God by mixing it with pagan spirituality. He told them they must choose to whom they would pledge their allegiance. Elijah asked the "How long will you falter between two opinions? If the Oct.28 I will be taping Lord is God, follow Him; but if Baal,(which today are all other faiths) follow him."(Satanically inspired) a program for TV on A short list of the facts of Mormonism are as follows. God was born a man and raised on another planet. He the TBN Satellite has a harem of wives that produce spirit-babies that are sent to earth where they gain bodies and earn network WDLI ,ch.16 sainthood. Jesus is the brother of Lucifer who was elected as savior by a council of gods from other worlds. on Time Warner out of America is the promised land, not Israel. The holy city is Independence, Missouri, not Jerusalem. Jesus‟ latter-day agenda is to return to Missouri, while America‟s founding fathers were “spirit babies” who created Akron to be aired at a a “sacred Constitution just as holy as the Book of Mormon. In the latter days,(that would be now!) it will be later date Check my under siege but saved by Mormons. Thus, we must “reclaim America” to save the Constitution and usher in a genuine age of Mormon leadership. They want to build a Mormon kingdom on earth, similar to modern day web page for posting „Dominionists/Kingdom Now‟ proponents. Now we can understand Glenn‟s drive if you watch his show. Again, I like his program and I have learned a lot. Just don‟t ask me to join you in praying to another god.

Final note: Due to lack of monetary support, after 16 months on WHK, we no longer can continue on a weekly basis. But, thanks to a few regular contributors, WHK is encouraging us to do at least a monthly program. So, the one in Oct will be on Saturday the 23rd at1pm. Now it all depends on you. When more funding comes in we will increase the times. Thanks to the regular supporters and remember all programs have been archived on my web page (thanks to Lew) where you can pause and relisten to aid in your knowledge of the Bible adventure. Bless you all, I love you! Sheila hlyw