18 Series Ind 1767
SERIES SUMMARY INDEX VOLS 71–80 (2001–2010) R.H. THOMPSON Abbreviations: c century; exh. exhibited, exhibition(s) (by); i.m. initial mark; obit. obituary of; obv. obverse; pl(s). plate(s); rev. review of, reviewed, reverse. Omissions: Accounts, elections within the Society, and other regular features (dates of election being given in each List of Members); subject entries for most reviews; individual contributors to the Coin Register; insubstantial references elsewhere to fi nds and hoards. Abbotsham, fi nd 2001 (16–17c.), 72.106–14 —. Coin Register 2006, 76.364–88, pls. ABDY, R.A. Coin Register 2001, 71.177–88, pls. —. Rev., SCBI 55: Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg, —. Coin Register 2002, 72.189–212, pls., 77.341 Part IV, 76.392–4 —. Romano-British Coin Hoards, rev., 72.220–1 —. The proportions of the denominations in English —. Coin Register 2003, 74.198–229, pls., 75.199 mint outputs, 1351–1485, 77.190–209 —. Coin Register 2005, 75.176–99, pls. —. Two notes on Stephen BMC type 7, 77.279–81 Aberdeen, mint (David II, half–groats), 79.182–4 —. Coin Register 2007, 77.307–41, pls. ABRAMSON, T. Sceattas, an illustrated guide, rev., —. Coin Register 2008, 78.261–90, pls. 77.345–6 —. Henry I type 14, 79.72–171, pls. —. Studies in early medieval coinage, Vol. 1, rev., —. Coin Register 2009, 79.254–87, pls. 79.288–9 —. The output and profi ts of the Calais mint, Acock & Hanks (Auctioneers’ tokens), 79.220, pl. 1349–1450, 80.131–9 Adams, W. (Naval medals, British, 1805), 80.203 —. A thirteenth-century enquiry into the administra- Æthelred I, coinage, 77.71–118 tion of the Bury St Edmunds mint, 80.189–93 Æthelred II, Benediction Hand type, 77.270–6, pl.
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