S&P RPG #35.Indd
MMongooseongoose PPublishingublishing PPresentsresents 35 Roleplayer A RRavenaven IInn TThehe RRoostoost AAnn AAllll NNewew IIntroductoryntroductory SScenariocenario fforor RRuneQuest!uneQuest! Priest Of Ishir NNewew CCharacterharacter CClasslass fforor LLoneone WWolf!olf! Drops And Drop Capsules BBackgroundackground DDetailetail FForor SStarshiptarship TTroopersroopers SS&P&P RRoleplayeroleplayer 35 PPlus.lus. MMoreore SSteampunkteampunk TTechnologies,echnologies, SShadizarhadizar AAdventuredventure PPlots,lots, AAugustugust 22006006 TTalesales FFromrom MMongooseongoose HHallall aandnd llots,ots, llotsots mmore!ore! MMGPGP 5535R5535R wwww.mongoosepublishing.comww.mongoosepublishing.com Rob Farquhar (order #2903111) 2 Normally you’d be getting some hugely witty or esoteric editorial riposte from Matt Sharp about now, but I’ve been tasked with fi nishing off S&P this month, meaning I’ve also got to do the editorial. Frankly, this sucks as I don’t do editorials, so instead I have left you with a picture of the Wheel of Pain from Conan because that’s how I feel. It’s also conceivable that if this editorial is grotty enough I might not be asked to do another one, which would be nice. Alex promised that I’d enjoy shipping out to the States to keep him company but this wasn’t what I had in mind. Did I mention the Wheel of Pain already? t.c. Editors: Mongoose Staff: Matt Sharp & Ted Chang Ian Belcher, Richard Ford, Adrian Walters, Nick Robinson, Chris Longhurst and Kelly George Managing Editor: Ian Barstow Cover Art: Empty Room Studios Editorial Director: Artists: Anthea Dilley, Chad Sergesketter, Chris Quilliams, Jesus Barony, Anne Matthew Sprange Stokes. Production Director: Contributors: Matthew Sprange, Marco Conti, Rob Farquhar, Alejandro Alexander Fennell Melchor, Morgan Davie, Vincent Darlage, Bryan Steele d20 Modern, Dungeons & Dragons and Wizards of the Coast are trademarks of Wizards of the Coast, Inc.
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