FAERIES™ a Complete Handbook of the Seelle
FAERIES™ A Complete Handbook of the Seelle Sampleby Sarah Link and John Snead file WWW.ATLAS-GAMES.COM Credits WrlUenbf Sarah Llnl!and Jahn Snead Storie.ltJ' Marl< Reln•Haven. LlsuStevens and Jonathan ,...., Addtlloa.Imaterlal, J.M. capenila, car1 Schnurrand Marl!Reln•Haven Dnelopmenl: J.M. Caparula, Marl!Reln•Ha�n and John Brnndt EdltlnfiLisa Stevens OrltllUllCoaceptl: Mari? 12eln•Haqen Production:Nicole Llndroos Cower Art: CherylMll ndus Tiiie LoQo• Rlchard Thomas InteriorArt: Charles Dou11heny, Erle Hotz, JeffMenfi6, RichardThomas, Marl!Reln•Hawen A r.U.U••ce peno11: StewanWlecR Anu._, .-..Creeled .,-, JonathanTweet and Marl! Re!n•Hagen Special, Special Thanbs Milfk "Sony about all thosesentence fra gments!' Reln•Hagen, for tl'arlng himself away from his cum>1lt project to dosome valuable development on this toog awaited supplement. Lisa"Keep thatmall man away from me!" Stevens, forgiving up onthe 24 hour-a-day \VC!rk ethic 111 favor of a healthierlifestyle (includinggroce ry shopping and otherfree time pursuits) . Jonathan"So Jong, Peoria."TwHt, for his original faerieco ntributi ons, and hlsappreciarion of the magical and the fanWtic. May your name always bein print. John "Yet another obnoxiouschart ." Brmdt, for spending the time to gently integrate all the separate influences which eventually� up this fine supplement. Nicole "Sony,Bllnky, gottago!" Lln droos,for limiting her indentured scn.'itude to Ot\esmall companyal 11time and delvingink! this p1ojeclwith lnzlhhand s. Cheryl "Those little peopleare hard todo!" Mandua, for her wonderfully evocative fame rover. Klchud "Well, If you'd saidso In the first place . " Thomu,for makingthing-s a little more curvy, the middle skinnier and the ends hang down a little farther.
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