Congratulations Class of 2014! 2 Student Life Getting Involved in the Stock Market Into Debt in Such a Short Period of Time, but Clearly It Is Very Pos- Sible

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Congratulations Class of 2014! 2 Student Life Getting Involved in the Stock Market Into Debt in Such a Short Period of Time, but Clearly It Is Very Pos- Sible The Volume 74, Issue 3 RAMPARTThe Official Student Newspaper of Fordham Prep May 2014 A Tribute to a Great Teacher I enjoy museums, reading. Es- By LIAM NEUBAUER pecially reading and finding out recently had the outstanding more about artists. experience to sit down and talk Is there anything else you’d like to Fordham Prep’s art teacher, to mention? IMrs. Marilyn Honigman. Mrs. I just feel so lucky. I get to come Honigman has been at the Prep in everyday, do what I love, and for 35 years. Her full educational teach it! All these years have been career is at the Prep, and she is great and I’m going to miss it. a cherished member of our com- Mrs. Honigman’s love and munity. I was sad to learn that support for her students and art is she is retiring this year. She has overwhelming. She goes beyond done so much for this school, be being just an art teacher. She is it putting on art shows, running such an interesting person, being the art club, supplying and man- her student for a few years now aging numerous projects every I learned so much from her and year, and most of all inspiring her I wasn’t very good at much else, their mind what they’ve created. about her. She taught me many students. I was able to ask her and I always just loved art. I orig- I personally love to draw. things not only about art, but some questions, and this is what inally wanted to be a fashion de- What are you going to miss the about life. My fondest memo- Mrs. Honigman had to say. signer, actually. most about the Prep and/or ries are listening to her recount How long have you been working Who are some of your favorite teaching after retiring? the stories of her parents liv- at Fordham? artists? I should give the diplomatic an- ing through the Holocaust. She 35 years. My favorite artists evolved over swer and say the faculty, but my gives such a unique outlook on What are your favorite memories time. There are many. As I got students are number one. They life from all her experiences, and teaching art at the Prep? older, and read more about artists are the reason I come to work ev- was always very open about it. I Anything involving my students. my view would change. eryday, and why I love what I do. will truly miss just being able to They made the best memories. What are some of your favorite What are your plans for next have her to talk everyday and see At what age did you start creating topics teaching art? year? her smiling face as we walk into art? My favorite topics are the ones I plan to begin planning an art class. I speak for many when I I was always crafty as a child, but that students understand. It is not show with my pieces. It takes a tearfully say, Mrs. Honigman we I became serious with art in high always immediate, they may look very long time so I will be kept love you, we will miss you, and school. back on a piece of work a few busy! we wish you so much luck on the What has inspired your artwork? weeks later and it will click in What are some other hobbies? next chapter of your life! New York Blood Center Honors Fordham Prep up to help organize the blood By THOMAS DELUCCI drive by escorting those who or the past seven years, are donating blood, handing out Fordham Prep has been snacks and juice to those do- holding blood drives and nating blood, and helping those Fdonating blood to the New York who are whiling to donate blood Blood Center. Dr. Gelpi and his sign up. At the Prep, you must mentor group set up two blood be sixteen years old to donate drives a year. This year, the two blood. Anyone from students, drives were set up on November staff, and faculty donated blood 26th and April 11th. As a mentor this year, and the Prep collected group project, students can sign over 100 units of blood. Ford- ham Prep is usually among one of the top donors for the past five years. Fordham Prep, as well as many other schools in the Bronx that held blood drives for their school, were invited to the Bronx Front Page | 1 Zoo by the New York Blood United States. Through the inte- and Pennsylvania. Students en- Student Life | 2 Center to be recognized for the grated efforts of our blood ser- joyed breakfast and watched a help that the donations made. vices operations, NYBC annu- presentation from the New York Entertainment Established in 1964, New York ally provides some one million Blood Center, as well as funny & Politics | 3 Blood Center (NYBC) is one of blood components to nearly 200 skits. Fordham Preparatory was the largest community-based, hospitals throughout New York recognized as one of the top do- Sports | 4 nonprofit blood collection and City, New Jersey, Hudson Val- nor high schools in New York distribution organizations in the ley, Long Island, Connecticut, City by the NYBC. Congratulations Class of 2014! 2 Student Life Getting Involved in the Stock Market into debt in such a short period of time, but clearly it is very pos- sible. Expert financial analysts have come up with an array of theories in regard to the conse- quences of such a large debt, but it is something that we will have Ram-say’s Kitchen to wait to see what happens. In addition to the national debt, the By NICHOLAS NATALE Business Club has been learning niffing around the school about stocks, bonds, and trading to find the source of through SmartStocks. The pro- the tasty scent, Class of gram SmartStocks offers a free S2015’s Jack Leitner came upon a app where one can mock trade some of our questions: How? festive scene. He was just in time By BRENDAN MCLOUGHLIN on a live stock market with fake Why? What are the Consequenc- to sample the last of the prepared money. This iPhone and Android mong the many reward- es? To put it very simply, the food. “I smelled something good, app has taught many Business ing clubs at Fordham U.S. is in debt because the gov- and I wanted to eat; that’s why Club members the complexity of Prep, the Business Club ernment is spending more money I’m here,” said Jack triumphant- Ais one of them. The Business Club than they are actually making. the stock market and the impor- ly. Tables filled with a variety tance of researching a product or meets in room 216 with its mod- The reason for this is because of of tempting dishes, the scene is company before investing. Mr. erator Mr. Bozzone, who teaches war. National trends dating back a familiar one to members of the Bozzone with the help of var- Advanced Placement Macroeco- to 1800 show us that the United Fordham Prep Cooking Club. ious resources including mov- nomics at the Prep. This year the States is almost always involved Although you might expect ies and phone applications has Business Club has taken on some in war during fiscal stress and to find the Club cooking in the taught many Fordham Prep stu- very interesting topics, includ- depression. For example, before school’s kitchen, all the mix- dents about the basics of the U.S. ing the ever-expanding nation- the United States’ army first en- ing, chopping, baking, and sau- economy and art of trading. The al debt of the U.S. In efforts to tered Iraq in March of 2003, the téing that these cooks do is done Business Club is a great way to explore and examine the United United States actually had a $10 at home and brought to school not only get involved at Fordham States’ national debt of almost billion surplus. It is hard to fath- for the Club to taste. Each club Prep, but also in the United States $20 trillion, we watched the film om how one country could spend member sets aside 30 minutes at economy! I.O.U.S.A., which answered so much money and dive so deep home before each E-day to pre- pare a recipe. These students Building Bridges put their skills to the test, exper- By KENNETH DILLON imenting with new recipes or re- peating old club favorites. “Ba- very E day next to the li- sically it is the eating club, but brary help desk a small I can’t complain,” said Brandon group that makes big Graham, Class of 2015. At each Echanges has their weekly meet- Club meeting, participants de- ing, the Bridges club. There cide on the food theme for the would probably be more than following week and then critique about 7 members if the name of the new foods that members have the group had not mislead some just consumed. Some recipes in aspiring engineers, but bridges the past have included oatmeal are being build in the small con- cookies, chocolate covered ba- fines of a guidance classroom but con, cakes, fruit salad, and fried they exist in the mindsets of the chicken. student body. The Bridges club, Fordham Prep’s budding chefs chaired by president Andrew Dil- look forward to adding more lon ‘14 and supervised by Mr. healthy foods to their schedule O’Sullivan and Mrs.
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