Bummer Field S^Es Service Cut I
'"v n - ■..^'. ' ■. ', , ^ C -.v :.-... W ';,‘ ” V ■ ■ - - ■■■. ' |.■^r^^v-' I r '• Iv/ PAGE tWENTY-EIGHT ( ThA Weather > Farecaft of D. 8. Waatker Bnraaki e.niaiit Brown, Dank Cannon, N6I1 Snow tanlght becain^ mUad ^ -fin «>*nk B*d«n Jr.. l6-y«»r-old ion Campagna Directs Case, Warren .Case; Gerald Dt- with alaet, changin^^ la.^aaki' by • Afll% ftt I rfW n ‘' « Mr. tnd^m . Frank Bedell, 44 Manno, Georgb Duncan, WlllKm Connecticut —Ternperatum for morning. Low in .ikld S9a. OamuH * * * ' ' ^ * * T OrUwdhl SC,~--ha»‘ entered -U>e Gray, BTed Hopper, David Hut«>i- Po^eK F aiiiire ShHners 'Hospital for WSCS Production Father, "Kimberly the next five days wUl w r a g e a- Jonal rain, not ka cold Friday. / for i.naon, James alcKay. EJdward Pot little below norm al.. Tbs noivnal ^yfHanchetiier-r^/i City o f V ilj^ e Charni • Chapter. 51, R o y a l Children in Springdeld ter,'Richard Reliiohl, Nelson Rlch- Saindman, Jndlth Washburn as the .Jlrch Maaona. will h « d a buaineas poet polio surgery, ap- B enii^' C'ampagna Is' dfrectlng A few High St. residents, were Witch. Lorraine W.oodruff and Bev George Crandall. Gefal-d Doherty, mean for Hartford degreas, m-md, ^ S a Shirer, William SweJ- ranging from a hlgb"of 55 to a low'», . :----------- — ---------------- .“ " ... : ... " X - ----------- maeung tonight at 7ig0\.ln tte predate hearing' Icoih friends. the GllbfK and Sullivan operetta, wltheiijt electrical power for , a erly BrgWn as Aiigels. Martin Fegy, Thpinas Gay, Bruce n'ey and Robert Von Deck. short time'., and kbme electrical The Cookie Children were Betsy Doughtv, Richard Andrulot and of <8.
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