
Review Article

Sex Dev 2009;3:60–67 Received: July 21, 2008 DOI: 10.1159/000223071 Accepted: August 28, 2008

Evolutionary Diversity and Turn-Over of Sex Determination in

a b J.E. Mank J.C. Avise a b Department of Zoology, University of , Oxford , UK; Department of Ecology and , University of California, Irvine , Calif., USA

Key Words Sexual reproduction in its most basic form does not Environmental sex determination ؒ Hermaphroditism ؒ require distinct sexes, but rather simply the union of 2 Sex gametes of any form. However, sexual reproduction often leads to , or size-differentiated male and fe- male gametes, and while anisogamy in theory involves Abstract strictly the gametes and the gonads that produce them, Sex determination, due to the obvious association with re- the evolutionary process that begins with gametic dimor- production and Darwinian fitness, has been traditionally as- phism has extended consequences in many animals. An- sumed to be a relatively conserved trait. However, research isogamy triggers an evolutionary cascade that extends on teleost fishes has shown that this need not be the case, beyond the gonad to the soma, as circulating sex hor- as these animals display a remarkable diversity in the ways mones involved in gonadal and gametic differentiation that they determine sex. These different mechanisms, which also influence somatic tissues and behaviors [Zauner et include constitutive genetic mechanisms on sex chromo- al., 2003; Ketterson et al., 2005; Mank, 2007; McGlothlin somes, polygenic constitutive mechanisms, environmental and Ketterson, 2008]. Therefore, whether an individual influences, hermaphroditism, and unisexuality have each animal develops as a male or female greatly influences its originated numerous independent times in the . The experience, as sex can shape the way an individual evolutionary lability of sex determination, and the corre- , how it acts [Nottebohm and Arnold, 1976; Datta et sponding rapid rate of turn-over among different modes, al., 2008], and ultimately how it dies [Vandenbroeck et al., makes the teleost an excellent model with which to 2003; Ivakine et al., 2005; Naugler et al., 2007]. Males and test theories regarding the of sex determining ad- females of the same may also experience different aptations. Much of the plasticity in sex determination likely evolutionary pressures [Mank, 2009] and often corre- results from the dynamic teleost genome, and recent ad- spondingly display vastly different phenotypes [An- vances in genetics and genomics have revealed the role dersson, 1994]. Sex is therefore an important biological of gene and genome duplication in fostering emergence and evolutionary component, and so it is hardly surpris- and turn-over of sex determining mechanisms. ing, given the importance of sexual reproduction in a Copyright © 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel Darwinian fitness context, that elements of sex deter- mining pathways are conserved across the animal king- dom [Volff et al., 2003; Ferguson-Smith, 2007]. That said,

© 2009 S. Karger AG, Basel Judith E. Mank 1661–5425/09/0033–0060$26.00/0 University of Oxford Fax +41 61 306 12 34 Department of Zoology E-Mail [email protected] Accessible online at: South Parks Road, Oxford, OX1 3PS (UK) www.karger.com www.karger.com/sxd E-Mail [email protected] the actual mechanism by which this pathway is triggered Types of Sex Determination in Fish varies widely and can be a function of inheritance, envi- ronment, or both. Sex is ultimately determined via a biochemical cas- In scientific thinking and research, there is a bias to- cade that initiates the formation of either the male or the wards sex chromosomes, which is primarily due to the female gonad. We concern ourselves here with the ulti- fact that most of the major animal models, including hu- mate factors that initiate that cascade, typically referred mans, possess them. Sex chromosomes arose once in the to as sex determinants, rather than the proximate genes ancestor of the therian , and all modern theri- in the pathway itself. It is useful to delineate these deter- ans possess orthologs from this event [Lahn and Page, minants by whether they are internal (inherited and con- 1999; Waters et al., 2005; Potrzebowski et al., 2008]. Sex stitutive) or external (environmental or inducible) to the chromosomes arose independently in the avian ancestor, organism. and all modern sex chromosomes are descended from this ancestral event [Fridolfsson et al., 1998; Mank Sex Chromosomes and Other Inherited Mechanisms and Ellegren, 2007]. Some of the most popular model in- Internal factors determine sex at conception by inher- , namely Caenorhabditis and Drosophila, also itance. Sex chromosomes are the most commonly identi- possess sex chromosomes [ C. elegans Genome Sequenc- fied carriers of constitutive genetic sex determination ing Consortium, 1998; Drosophila 12 Genomes Consor- and derive originally from autosomes that contain a clus- tium, 2007]. All this produces a misconception that sex ter of closely-linked sex determining genes [Ohno, 1967; chromosomes are the predominant mechanism by which Charlesworth and Charlesworth, 1978] and which are of- sex is conferred in animals. ten called proto-sex chromosomes. There is selection to In fact, sex can be determined in a variety of ways, and suppress recombination between the male and female re- perhaps no group of animals illustrates this more clearly gions of the proto-sex chromosomes, and this yields a sex than the teleost fishes. Since its origin, this clade chromosomal inheritance pattern and neo-sex chromo- has evolved and re-evolved a remarkable array of sex de- somes [Charlesworth et al., 2005]. These neo-sex chro- termining mechanisms, including constitutive genes mosomes often lack morphological differences at this linked to sex chromosomes, multi-locus autosomal trig- point, and are homomorphic, or visually similar, in chro- gers, environmental factors including , food, mosome stains and squashes, which are generally the and nest availability, as well as demographic and social most common genomic scans. Subsequent extensions of influences [Devlin and Nagahama, 2002; Mank et al., the region of recombination suppression, accompanied 2006]. Furthermore, sex need not be a life-long condition by chromosomal inversions on one sex , will in fish, as many groups are simultaneously or sequen- lead to degradation of the sex-limited chromosome tially hermaphroditic [see Avise and Mank, this issue]. [Charlesworth, 1991; Vicoso and Charlesworth, 2006] Several have even abandoned sex entirely and and the emergence of heteromorphic, or visually distinct, evolved unisexual reproductive modes [Avise, 2008]. sex chromosomes [Graves, 1998; Charlesworth, 1996). Clearly for this group of animals, sex chromosomes are Sex chromosomes do not, by themselves, determine sex, just one of many different options for determining who but rather are an epiphenomenon resulting from the con- will be female and who will be male. stitutively expressed sex determining genes that they This wealth of diversity brings with it several ques- contain. tions that we address in this review. Here we summarize Sex chromosomes may take either of 2 inheritance what is known about sex determining mechanisms in fish patterns ( fig. 1 ). Male heterogamety (where females are and then attempt to reconcile this with current genomic XX and males XY) and female heterogamety (where fe- and evolutionary theory. males are ZW and males ZZ) have both evolved multiple Examples will be given for different kinds of sex deter- independent times in fish [Devlin and Nagahama, 2002; mination in teleosts, but for an exhaustive catalogue of Woram et al., 2003; Mank et al., 2006]. Sex chromosomes sex determining mechanisms, we refer the reader to the have been observed in about 10% of surveyed species work of Devlin and Nagahama [2002]. Similarly, we have [Devlin and Nagahama, 2002], though this is a gross un- previously addressed the broad-scale comparative phylo- derestimate as proto- and neo-sex chromosomes lack dis- genetics of sex determination in teleosts [Mank et al., tinguishable karyotypic differences between the large 2006] and so refer the reader there for a comparative evo- major (X or Z) and small sex-limited minor (Y or W) sex lutionary analysis across the clade. chromosomes. When nascent sex chromosomes are ac-

The Evolution of Sex Determination Sex Dev 2009;3:60–67 61 fail to reproduce. Males will then have to compete for ac- a Male heterogametyb Female heterogamety cess to females, and this competition may explain the Father Father presence of sex chromosomes in lineages with sexually selected male traits and large skews in male mating suc- XY ZZ cess, such as the Xiphophorus [Nanda et al., 2000; Kingston et al., 2003]. XXXXY ZZZZZ Some species have internal constitutive genetic sex de- termination without sex chromosomes. This can happen

Mother Mother when a single gene initiates the pathway, but genetic re- XXXXY WZWZW combination in the area has not yet been suppressed, and thus the sex chromosomes have not diverged. These are analogous to the fully-fledged sex chromosomes de- scribed above, yet are cytologically cryptic. Sex can also Fig. 1. The inheritance of the minor sex chromosome (Y or W) is be determined by polygenic internal factors, such as the correlated with sex. Because the odds of inheriting the minor sex allelic combination of unlinked genes seen in Dicentrar- chromosome are even in both cases, the resulting sex ratio is bal- chus labrax, the European sea bass [Vandeputte et al., anced in male heterogametic ( a) and female heterogametic ( b ) 2007], or the combination of competing female- and species. In both panels, female offspring are shown in red, male male-heterogametic mechanisms that has been shown in blue. for some cichlids [Cnaani et al., 2007].

E x t e r n a l I n f l u e n c e s counted for, sex chromosomes may be present in up to Many species of fish delay sex determination until 50% of teleost species [Arkhipchuk, 1995]. maturation, and this allows a host of external factors to Sex chromosomes alone generally produce a balanced influence sex via inducible sex determining genes. This sex ratio, as an individual has an even chance of inherit- means that an individual can adopt the sex that confers ing the minor sex chromosome from the heterogametic the greatest expectation of future reproductive success parent (fig. 1). In mating systems with strong monoga- based on the environmental and social factors that are mous pair bonding, or where female gametes are not the currently available or may be reasonably anticipated, and limiting factor in syngamy, a balanced sex ratio is theo- it is a clever evolutionary strategy to maximize reproduc- retically favored, and sex chromosomes present a stable tive output in variable ecologies. The external factors that mechanism to maintain approximately equal numbers of influence sex determination are numerous, and examples males and females. Additionally, in species where fre- are given below. quency dependent selection acts on sex ratio [Fisher, The temperature of the water column is known to in- 1930], such as seen in diadromous fishes that congregate fluence sex for a number of species, including the Atlan- on spawning grounds, a balanced sex ratio conferred by tic silverside, Menidia menidia [Conover and Heins, sex chromosomes can provide a stable . This 1987], and likely acts as an environmental gauge. This may explain why sex chromosomes are exhibited in ca- incorporation of temperature cues into the sex determi- tadromous eels [Park and Kang, 1979; Passakas, 1981] nation pathway could theoretically evolve when the tem- and anadromous salmonids [Woram et al., 2003]. perature, or the environmental factor that it predicts, af- Alternatively, sex chromosome evolution may not be fects the reproductive fitness of females and males differ- adaptive but rather a product of a more neutral or even ently [Charnov and Bull, 1977; Conover and Heins, 1987], relictual genomic process. Evolutionary models without as has been empirically demonstrated in [Warner adaptive Darwinian motivation exist, where the emer- and Shine, 2008]. A similar situation occurs in some cich- gence of a sex determining gene on an autosome leads lids, except that pH is the environmental stimulus that is eventually to karyotypically distinct sex chromosomes correlated with sex [Rubin, 1985]. Presumably, pH in this [Charlesworth, 1991; Charlesworth et al., 2005]. This pro- case is an indicator of some environmental factor with cess could produce sex chromosomes even where a bal- conflicting influence on male and female fecundity. anced sex ratio is not necessarily adaptive. In species Demographics can play a strong role in sex determina- where the male reproductive potential outweighs that of tion as well. Particularly for the sequential hermaphro- females, a balanced sex ratio means that many males may ditic lineages, which are described in more detail else-

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where [Avise and Mank, this issue], the sex ratio of the of genes resulting from meiotic division, and the combi- population and the relative position of an individual in nation of genes from both parents produces a diversity of the social hierarchy can strongly influence genotypes. Emerging ecological challenges screen the whether an individual behaves and reproduces as a fe- suite of offspring genotypes, selecting the most suitable. male or a male [Lorenzi et al., 2006; Rodgers et al., 2007]. Clonal lineages must rely on alone to produce For hermaphroditic species, demography influences the variable offspring and cannot assemble different combi- reproductive fitness of males and females differently, and nations of genes with each generation [Hartl and Clark, individuals modulate their sex in ways that potentially 1997], and so are far less able to respond to evolutionary enhance personal genetic fitness. ordeals and may succumb to more easily than their sexual relatives. Mixed Strategies Some species have multiple types of influences on sex determination, combining internal and external cues. The Sex Determination For example, several cichlids integrate genetic, environ- mental, and demographic cues into sex determination The overall evolutionary picture of sex determination [Oldfield, 2005]. Some cyprinids [Fujioka, 2001] as well in fish is one of remarkable lability. Even when it appears as the sockeye , Oncorhynchus nerka [Craig et al., at first glance that a clade of fishes has a single conserved 1996], have both sex chromosomes and thermal contrib- mechanism of sex determination, further scrutiny often utors. Such combination strategies may occur as ephem- reveals hidden diversity. Evolutionary transitions among eral transitional states between the different mechanisms, all types of sex determination seem possible, although persisting only as long as it takes a newly emergent sex concrete assessments of the rate and direction of transi- determining mechanism to replace a more ancient form. tions have been hampered by the incomplete state of sys- Alternatively, some mixed strategies may be a form of bet- tematic and the paucity of information on hedging where variable environments can produce favor- sex determining mechanism for the clade as a whole. The able conditions for different types of sex determining lability of fish sex determination stands in stark contrast mechanisms. to the strict conservation of single sex chromosome sys- tems in and therian mammals, suggesting that U n i s e x u a l i t y some fish-specific character, or suite of characters, must Several fish lineages have dispensed with sex (and allow fish to transition rapidly to different types of sex males) altogether, with females reproducing clonally via determination. gynogenesis or hemiclonally via hybridogenesis [Dawley and Bogart, 1989; Avise et al., 1992; Quattro et al., 1992; Evolutionary Transitions Avise, 2008]. These unisexual biotypes are evolutionarily Even when a large clade has a single type of sex deter- ephemeral and are invariably confined to the distal twigs mining mechanism, further scrutiny sometimes shows of the fish tree of life [Mank et al., 2006]. All known in- that this is due to independent origins of analogous mech- stances of unisexuality in fish originated via hybridiza- anisms rather than a single monophyletic history. For ex- tion events between related sexual species [Avise, 2008], ample, whereas most salmonids have XY sex chromo- and so unisexuality in fish may be the result of non-adap- somes, current evidence suggests that they are not all or- tive processes, such as genomic incompatibilities between thologous [Woram et al., 2003]. The same can be said for the parental species, rather than adaptive evolution. Oryzias, in which multiple sex chromosomes with ho- Presumably, the clonal mode of reproduction for these mologous inheritance patterns have emerged indepen- lineages is a key factor underlying their transience, as dently [Tanaka et al., 2007]. While the convergent evolu- unisexual fish lineages are demonstrably less able to adapt tion of the same type of sex chromosomes within a clade to changing ecologies such as emerging pathogens [Ha- may seem puzzlingly coincidental at first glance, popula- koyama et al., 2001; Mee and Rowe, 2006] and are more tion genetic models exist to explain the rapid origin of likely to suffer from increased extinction risk due to the homologous sex chromosomes within a clade [van Doorn accumulation of deleterious and genetic load and Kirkpatrick, 2007]. This theory suggests that there is [Loewe and Lamatsch, 2008]. Sexual lineages produce a period in the early evolutionary history of a sex chro- offspring with a range of fitness coefficients at each round mosome in which linkage between a nascent autosomal of reproduction, as recombination, random assortment sex-determining and sexually antagonistic gene can lead

The Evolution of Sex Determination Sex Dev 2009;3:60–67 63 species, as is the case for the platyfish, Xiphophorus ma- Oreochromis karongae culatus [Volff and Schartl, 2002]. The tilapiine cichlids Oreochromis mossambicus similarly show rapid transitions between female- and male-heterogametic systems, with several lineages with Oreochromis niloticus competing male- and female-heterogametic mechanisms Oreochromis aureus [Cnaani et al., 2007], as shown in figure 2. Evolutionary models have been developed to explain direct transitions Tilapia mariae between female- and male-heterogamety [Bull and Char- Tilapia zilli nov, 1977; Lande et al., 2001; Vuilleumier et al., 2007]. This theory is based on the invasion of sex reversal genes

Female heterogametic (ZZ-ZW) into a gene pool, which ultimately transform their bear- Male heterogametic (XX-XY) ing chromosomes into nascent sex chromosomes of the opposite inheritance pattern. However, these models are Competing systems (ZZ-ZW and XX-XY) predicated on the assumption that such transitions re- quire a concomitant shift from female to male sex deter- Fig. 2. Rapid transition between sex chromosome types. The tila- mination. In other words, these models assume that fe- piine cichlids have transitioned back and forth between female- males are the default sex in XX-XY species, with a male- and male-heterogamety, with an intermediate state containing determining gene on the Y, and that males are the default both types of mechanisms. The reconstruction of sex chromo- sex in ZZ-ZW species, with a female-determining gene somal ancestral states is based on maximum parsimony from the available species data, with the assumption that the competing on the W. While this assumption seems valid in male- systems of sex determination are orthologous and conserved be- heterogametic systems, where the Y chromosome has tween O. mossambicus and O. aureus. Sex determination and phy- been shown to initiate male development in a number of logenetic data from Cnaani et al. [2007]. animals [Graves, 1995; Kent et al., 1996], evidence from birds is equivocal as to whether female development in ZZ-ZW systems is linked to the W chromosome [Smith, 2007] or the Z via a sex-regulated locus [Teranishi et al., directly to the evolutionary emergence of a sex chromo- 2001] or whether the sex of an individual depends on some from that autosome. This process would manifest overall chromosome dosage [Ellegren et al., 2007; Itoh et itself by the presence of clades possessing suites of con- al., 2007]. vergent, similarly aged sex chromosomes. Evolutionary theory also exists that relates to the fac- Possibly the most illustrative example of this in fish is tors promoting environmental or conditional strategies. in the stickleback genera Gasterosteus and Pungitius. In In these cases, the sex determination pathway is theo- this clade, there has been a recent origin of a male-het- retically subject to some environmental trigger, such as erogametic linkage group in the ancestral progenitor, an inducible promoter. More importantly, this sort of sex which is present in Pungitius pungitius. Following this, determination is adaptive when the environmental or there was either a fusion between the Pungitius Y chro- ecological factor has contradictory influences on male mosome and another linkage group, or a wholly indepen- versus female fitness [Charnov and Bull, 1977; Conover, dent turnover on the same linkage group, resulting in an 1984]. Conditional strategies can involve body size, as X1 X2 Y system in the branch linking Pungitius to Gaster- overall mass in many animals, including most fishes, in- osteus. What is most striking about this transition is that fluences the reproductive success of females and males both competing male-heterogametic sex chromosomes differently, and large individuals will be more successful are present in G. wheatlandi, while only the more recent as one sex compared to the other. This size advantage hy- type is present in G. aculeatus , making this clade an evo- pothesis [Ghiselin, 1969, 2006; Warner, 1988], often ap- lutionary time-series for the origin of, and transition be- plied to explain why sequential hermaphroditic fishes tween, convergent sex chromosome types [Peichel et al., switch sex during the course of their lifetime [Lorenzi et 2004, Catherine Peichel, personal communication]. al., 2006; Rodgers et al., 2007], also potentially explains Transitions between female- and male-heterogametic how other environmental triggers, such as temperature, sex chromosome types are also clearly observed from can influence sex determination. For example, for species comparative phylogenetic analysis [Mank et al., 2006]. with a sex size advantage, individuals born earlier in the Competing sex chromosomes may exist even within season will be larger than those born later, so when tem-

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perature indicates seasonality, its incorporation in sex their genomes are still far more stable than those of the determination would help maximize an individual’s re- teleosts [Kasahara et al., 2007; Nakatani et al., 2007]. Ge- productive fitness. nome reorganization can influence sex determination by creating nascent linkage groups between sex determin- Genomics ing genes and the sexually antagonistic genes that are the The evolutionary theory described above can give basis for much of the theory surrounding sex chromo- clues to how certain methods of sex determination can be some evolution [Charlesworth, 1991; van Doorn and favored, but it doesn’t answer the questions as to why fish Kirkpatrick, 2007]. Such phenomena could explain the are so labile with regards to this trait. The sex chromo- repeated origin of convergent sex chromosomes seen in somes in all therian mammals originate from a single the salmonids [Woram et al., 2003; Phillips et al., 2005] evolutionary process [Lahn and Page, 1999; Waters et al., and suggest that a similar process may have occurred in 2005; Potrzebowski et al., 2008] as do the sex chromo- other clades as well. somes in all birds [Fridolfsson et al., 1998; Mank and El- legren, 2007]; yet much younger clades of fish show mul- tiple origins of sex chromosomes [Woram et al., 2003; I m p l i c a t i o n s Cnaani et al., 2007]. What is it about fish that permits such rapid evolutionary change in a trait that it so con- With respect to the number and variety of sex deter- served in other clades? mining mechanisms, teleost fishes display a remarkable One distinguishing characteristic is the dynamic tele- evolutionary diversity. This is a likely consequence, at ost genome, which varies greatly in both size and synteny. least in part, of the dynamic teleost genome. The teleost Gene and genome duplications are an unusually com- clade thus provides an excellent model system for testing mon phenomenon in the teleosts. Indeed, the clade expe- hypotheses regarding the evolution of sex determination. rienced a whole genome duplication at its origin [Hoegg Many recent advances in fish genetics have expanded our et al., 2004], and there have been subsequent duplications view of what is theoretically and empirically possible, but in numerous teleost sub-clades [Mank and Avise, 2006]. many questions, such as those surrounding the rate and These duplications initiate subsequent bursts of recipro- timing of the transitions among different sex-determin- cal gene loss, sub-functionalization, and genome reorga- ing states, remain to be answered definitively. nization [Brunet et al., 2006; Semon and Wolfe, 2007a, b] that likely form the engine driving many types of teleost diversity, including sex determination [Volff, 2005; Acknowledgements Braasch et al., 2007; Siegel et al., 2007]. The dynamic teleost genome likely influences the evo- J.E.M. was supported in part by the Wenner-Gren Founda- tion. The laboratory of J.C.A. is supported by funds from the Uni- lution of sex determination in two different ways. First, versity of California at Irvine. We thank Catherine Peichel for duplication of sex determining genes in fish can result in permission to discuss her work on sticklebacks. changes in ultimate sex determining mechanisms as the duplicated gene integrates into the sex determination pathway, as has been shown in the medaka, Oryzias latipes [Matsuda et al., 2002; Nanda et al., 2002; Kondo et References Andersson M: (Princeton Uni- versity Press, Princeton 1994). al., 2006]. The duplicated gene can come under a host of Arkhipchuk VV: Role of chromosomal and ge- new promoters, and this may explain transitions between nome mutations in the evolution of bony environmental sex determination and inherited mecha- fishes. Hydrobiologia 31: 55–65 (1995). Avise JC: Clonality: The Genetics, Ecology, and nisms. Alternatively, the duplicated sex determining gene Evolution of Sexual Abstinence in can foster the evolution of an entirely new set of sex chro- Animals (Oxford University Press, Oxford mosomes. 2008). Avise JC, Quattro JM, Vrijenhoek RC: Molecular The dynamic teleost genome also reshuffles itself far clones within organismal clones: mitochon- more rapidly than do the genomes of other vertebrate drial-DNA phylogenies and the evolutionary clades. For example, bird genome structure and synteny histories of unisexual vertebrates. Evol Biol are highly conserved [Backström et al., 2006, 2008; Stap- 26: 225–246 (1992). ley et al., 2008], and although mammals do not exhibit the same level of synteny as birds [Thomas et al., 2003],

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