St Mary’s @ @ @ @ @ Greenville, South Carolina

17 March 2019

Dear Friends in Christ,

In the Nicene Creed we confess that Jesus Christ is “God from God, Light from Light, true God from true God,” and these words are an emphatic affirmation that the man who is the son of Mary is also the divine Second Person of the Most Holy . But the Light which we confess Christ to be is not the created light which sprang forth at the dawn creation when the Father commanded: Let there be light! No, Christ Jesus in his divine nature is the bearer of the uncreated Light which is the brightness of divine , and in the Christian East that is often called Tabor Light as a reference to the holy mystery of Christ’s Transfiguration on Mt Tabor.

The Transfiguration is described by Matthew, Mark, and Luke, and every year the Gospel appointed for the Second Sunday of Lent is an account of that event. Jesus takes the inner circle of the Twelve with him up a high mountain - identified by tradition as Mt Tabor - to prepare them for the tribulation to come, and the Catechism of the Catholic Church explains the significance of the event: “From the day Peter confessed that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of the living God, the Master ‘began to show his disciples that he must go to Jerusalem and suffer many things…and be killed and on the third day be raised.’ Peter scorns this prediction, nor do the others understand it any better than he. In this context the mysterious episode of Jesus’ Transfiguration takes place on a high mountain, before three witnesses chosen by himself: Peter, James and John. Jesus’ face and clothes become dazzling with light, and and appear, speaking ‘of his departure, which he was to accomplish at Jerusalem.’ A cloud covers him and a voice from heaven says, ‘This is my Son, my Chosen; listen to him!’” (CCC 554)

“For a moment Jesus discloses his divine glory, confirming Peter’s confession. He also reveals that he will have to go by the way of the cross at Jerusalem in order ‘to enter into his glory.’ Moses and Elijah had seen God’s glory on the Mountain; the Law and the Prophets had announced the Messiah’s sufferings. Christ’s Passion is the will of the Father: the Son acts as God’s servant, the cloud indicates the presence of the Holy Spirit … The Transfiguration gives us a foretaste of Christ’s glorious coming, when he “will change our lowly body to be like his glorious body. But is also recalls that ‘it is through many persecutions that we must enter the kingdom of God.’” (CCC 555-556)

Standing in the transfigured glory of the Lord Jesus, Peter was filled with both fear and awe. He could scarcely look at the brightness of Christ’s glory, and yet he could not imagine leaving that sacred place. The brightness of the cloud at Tabor and at Christ’s Baptism in the Jordan is the same brightness that blinded Saul on the Damascus Road, that burst forth in the bush which burned before Moses without being consumed, and that filled the Meeting Tent and the Temple as a sign of God’s presence among his people. At this Mass let rejoice to be in the presence of the Light from Light, even as we prepare to go down from the mountain and give witness to Christ by joining him in the Way of the Cross.

Father Newman LENTEN VESPERS Saint Mary’s Catholic Church Father Jay Scott Newman, Pastor

Sundays in Lent

5.00 PM

10 March

17 March

24 March

31 March

7 April

14 April

Thirty minutes of beautiful choral music sung by the Schola Cantorum, devotional prayer and meditative silence.

Come pray with us. And bring a friend.

Calendar of Events

Mass Schedule & Intentions Meetings & Events * Financial Report Sunday, 17 March 2019 Sunday, 17 March 2019 Weekend of 9/10 March 7.30 am @ Karen Whelehan 9.00 am 3 & 4 Year Olds (K4 classroom of 9.00 am @ Alexis Quartararo Hall) Needed 34,500 11.00 am Pro populo Nursery: During 9.00 am Mass Received 32,715 1.00 pm Spanish Mass Coffee & doughnuts: After 9.00 am Mass (P) Shortage 1,785 9.00 am Scripture Study Our Solemn Mass at 11 am each Sunday is 5.00 pm Solemn Vespers (church) streamed live on our parish Facebook page and 6.00 pm Women of Grace is available later as a recording on both our Poor Box 242 Facebook page and the parish YouTube channel. 6.00 pm High School Youth Group (P) Black & Indian Home Monday, 18 March 2019 Monday, 18 March 2019 Missions 2,210 7.00 am @ Argemira Palacio 6.30 pm Cub Scouts 7.00 pm Boy Scouts Offertory Year to Date Tuesday, 19 March 2019 Tuesday, 19 March 2019 Needed 1,276,500 Received 1,302,150 7.00 am Special Intention Surplus 25,650 12.00 noon Members of the Polce & Murphy Families Electronic Giving: If you want Wednesday, 20 March 2019 Wednesday, 20 March 2019 to have direct management of your Electronic Fund Transfer 7.00 am @ Deacon John Karandisevsky 5.00-6.00 pm & 12.00 noon @ Phil Wilmeth Confessions (church) online, you can now do so 6.30-7.30 pm Religious Education through the “Make a Gift” link 6.30-7.30 pm Introduction to Catholicism on the homepage of our website. 6.30 pm Program of Catholic Studies For more information or if you have any questions please contact Jennifer Anderson at Thursday, 21 March 2019 Thursday, 21 March 2019 [email protected]. 7.00 am Nathan Damian Grabosky 12.00 noon Gabe Wiedman

Friday, 22 March 2019 Friday, 22 March 2019

7.00 am @ Emily Rose Gomes 5.30-6.30 am Into the Breach Forward in Faith 6.15 am Morning Prayer (church) Capital Campaign 6.30-8.00 am Pillars of Christ 10.00 am Scripture Study Class $7 Million to Raise 12.00 noon Program of Catholic Studies 2019 to 2023 3.30-5.00 pm Youth Choir Practice 6.00 pm Way of the Cross (church) followed by Lenten Dinner (P) Donations 454,764 Received Saturday, 23 March 2019 Saturday, 23 March 2019 Pledges 1,325,088 5.00 pm @ Marvin Hambleton 8.00-9.00 am - Grove Rd Made abortion clinic 3.30-4.30 pm Confessions (church) Still to Go 5,220,149 G - Gallivan Hall M - McGrady Hall * All events in Sacred Heart Hall P - Pazdan Hall Dining Room unless a location is listed. Lenten Devotions Way of the Cross Solemn Vespers Fridays of Lent Sundays of Lent at 6 pm at 5 pm Parish News

Friday Lenten Dinner The members of the St Mary’s Council of Catholic Collection for 16/17 March Women will serve a light dinner after each of the Stations Support of the Parish & of the Cross, beginning Friday 8 March. Grilled cheese St Mary’s Capital Campaign sandwiches, salad, soup and beverages will be served in the dining room of Pazdan Hall. St Mary’s is sustained by the generosity of our parishioners. Thank you for your generosity and support. Requiescat in pace Please pray for the repose of the soul of Patty Jo Feltz, who Prayer Requests died recently. We extend our prayers and sympathy to her Please pray for all those who are hospitalized and for family and friends. all those who are shut-ins, ill or recuperating at home, especially Paulina Cruz, Brett Gervais, Pinto, Prayer For The Faithful Departed Joseph & Sandy Srp, Marie-Therese Isidore, Carlton Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and may perpetual Carpenter, Jim Barber, Alfred Smith, Mauren Lukovic, light shine upon them. May their souls, and all the souls Christine Tancrell, Irene Karandisevsky, Lenore of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in Cole, Celsea Patry, John Tyler, Hunter Conant, Carly peace. Amen. Burkhardt, Anne Alexander, Ruth O’Rourke, Rafael Marquez, Lori Wylie, Kenneth & Nancy Tessier, Patricia O’Leary, Robert Brown, John Hever, Juliet Roy, Chris Papademitriou, Jeannine Harvey, David Gibbons, Job Openings at St Mary’s School Richard & Susan Peck, Jim & Adair Andreasson and Ruetta Rogers. for the 2019-2020 School Year St Mary’s School is accepting applications for 1) a qualified part-time Pre-K-8th grade Spanish Congratulations to teacher. The ideal candidate would be a practicing Ellie Sofie Rowland who was baptized last week. Catholic, fluent in Spanish, and experienced with teaching students of all ages. Compensation is dependent upon years of experience. Knights of Columbus Breakfast 2) a qualified part-time middle school Science The KofC Monthly Breakfast is scheduled for teacher. The ideal candidate would be a practicing Sunday 17 March in the Pazdan Hall Dining Catholic, experienced with teaching middle school Room after all the morning Masses. All are students, and possess a valid teaching certification. welcome to share breakfast with the parish family. Compensation is dependent upon years of experience.

Email resume and cover letter to [email protected] Join us in Pazdan Hall after the Deadline for applications is 1 April 2019. 9.00 am Mass for doughnuts St Mary’s Catholic School is an Equal Opportunity Employer. 24 & 31 March St Mary’s Catholic church Forward in Faith St Mary’s Catholic church St Mary’s Catholic church Church Annex Forward in FaithForward inChurch Faith & Organ Repairs We will install new pews and Churchkneelers, new& Organ units Repairsfor heating and cooling, andThe new annex wainscoting will in thestand between Wenave. will We willinstall also newpatch pews and paintand Church Annex Church Annex Churchkneelers,the plaster Washingtonnew& and Organ units provide Repairsfor much heating neededStreet and and our cooling,enhancements and new to thewainscoting organ. in the Wenave. will We existingwillinstall also newpatch horseshoe pews and paintand driveway and kneelers,the plaster willnew and units providebe fashionedfor much heating needed and to complement cooling,enhancements and new to thewainscoting organ. in the The annex will stand between nave. WeThe thewill annexbeautyalso patch will of and the standpaint church. between Washington Street and our the plasterWashington and provide muchStreet needed and our enhancements to the organ. existing horseshoe driveway and existingThe main horseshoe entrance driveway to the and annex will be fashioned to complement willwill be face fashioned the parking to complement lot and will the beauty of the church. Gallivanthe Hall beauty Plaza of the church. be accessible to the handicapped. The main entrance to the annex The existing slope will be replaced Gallivanby a levelThe Hall plazamain Plaza that entrance serves asto the annex will face the parking lot and will an extensionThe of firstthe Hall, floorand will include be accessible to the handicapped. the sidewalkwill face will thebe coveredparking to lot and will The existingaccessible slope will be replacedrestrooms and Gallivanbyallow a leveleveryonebe Hallaccessible plaza toPlaza thatstay tooutserves the of The first floor will include anelements. extensionconfessionals of the Hall, and a nursery Thethe existingsidewalk slope will willbe becovered replaced to accessible restrooms and byallow a leveleveryoneThethat plaza firstwill to thatstay also outservesfloor ofserve theas will as a bride’sinclude confessionals and a nursery anelements. extensionaccessibleroom. of Andthe Hall,therestrooms secondand floorand will that will also serve as a bride’s the sidewalkconfessionals will be covered and toa nursery room. And the second floor will allow everyoneserve toas stay a practiceout of the room for our that will also serve as a bride’s serve as a practice room for our elements.musicians. musicians. room. And the second floor will serve as a practice room for our Church TheOffice annex Expansion will connect to the The annex will connect to the musicians. church on both floors by a The existingchurch garden at on the back both of floors by a theChurch building Office will Expansionbe transformed walkway that will allow easy walkway that will allow easy into theThe new annexhome ofwill our connectprint to the passage. shopThe existing andchurchpassage. an garden additional on at the both storageback floorsof by a Church Office Expansion areathe building forwalkway equipment. will be that transformed will allow easy into the new home of our print shopThe existing andpassage. an garden additional at the storageback of areathe building for equipment. will be transformed St Mary’s Catholic Church u 111 Hampton Avenue u Greenville, SC 29601 u 864.271.8422 into the new home of our print St Mary’s Catholic Church u 111 Hampton Avenue ushop Greenville, and an additional SC 29601 storage u 864.271.8422 area for equipment. St Mary’s Catholic Church u 111 Hampton Avenue u Greenville, SC 29601 u 864.271.8422 Additional Opportunities for Lenten Confessions “God in His great mercy, has instituted the by Monday 18 March which the sins committed after 7.00 pm baptism may be remitted. No Blessed Trinity - Greer human being would ever have thought of this sacrament of Wednesday 20 March reconciliation for it is something 7.00 pm like a resurrection; we rise after St Mary of the Angels - Anderson we are dead. It is a journey back again to God. It enables us to get rid of infections before they Monday 1 April become chronic diseases and 7.00 pm epidemics. The sacrament of St. Mary Magdalene - Simpsonville reconciliation is the inflowing of God’s mercy, an opportunity for Wednesday 3 April the increase of the grace of Calvary. It is a medicine for the soul, the healing 10.00 am - 5.00 pm of our wounds, a homecoming, an undoing of the past; an opportunity Our Lady of the Rosary - Greenville to get a fresh start in life, another bath, a kind of secondary baptism.” Wednesday 17 April Venerable Archbishop Fulton Sheen 9.00 am - 6.00 pm St Rafka - Greer

The St Mary’s Men’s hiking group, now known as Blessed Pier Giorgio’s Men of Venture, enjoyed a great day of hiking in the Mountain Bridge Wilderness Area in February. Our hike in March will be along the Chattooga 2018 Tax Statements River, and we invite any man of the parish family who would like to join us on this next venture to please contact Deacon John Heuser at [email protected] for more information and to sign up with this fantastic group of men – seeking first the Kingdom of God in all we do. Please contact Jennifer Anderson, Director of Finance, at [email protected] or 864.679.4102 if you would like a copy of your contribution statement for 2018. Please allow several days to process and mail your statement. Tax statements are only mailed upon request.

Welcome Newcomers

We welcome the following new members to our parish family: Mr & Mrs Albert Normandin, Mr & Mrs Francois Vian, Ms Jordyn Pouska and Mr & Mrs Giacomo Campus.

Pillars of Christ Pillars of Christ is a men’s ministry led by a group of St Mary’s men who are on fire with the love of Christ and His Church. The group meets on Friday mornings from 6.15-8.00 am for prayer in the church and then in Sacred

Our Patron is Blessed Pier Giorgio because of his love for outings in the mountains with his friends. Faith was Heart Hall for study. For more information, the real rock that bound them together and these outings served as opportunities to do something they loved and at the same time call each other into a closer relationship with Christ and his church. contact Deacon John Heuser at 864.679.4113 Verso l’alto – To the Top or [email protected]. Pilgrimage to Washington, DC St Mary’s is online: The Greenville Deanery of the South Carolina Council of Catholic Women is offering a Pilgrimage to Washington, New Website D.C., from 14-17 August 2019. Lodging will be at Trinity Facebook University. Pilgrimage sites include The Basilica of the National of the Immaculate Conception, The YouTube Saint Mary’s Catholic Church Greenville, SC Franciscan Monastery of the Holy Land in America, and The St. John Paul II National Shrine. Additional offerings include the Museum of the Bible, The Museum of African American History and Culture or Holocaust Museum. Cost is $425. Call 864.246.5777 for more information or write [email protected]. Registration and first Lenten Volunteer Opportunities payment are due by 29 April. Are you looking for a way to give of your time and talent during this Lenten season? United Ministries is a local St Mary’s Council of Catholic Women Christian organization that does amazing work and has transformed the lives of the homeless and working poor, $1,000 Scholarship Award empowering them to live better lives and to become self- Established in 1998 to support Catholic women of the sufficient. parish in their academic endeavors, the members of the Training is provided for all volunteer positions. If you are SMCCW are proud to continue this award, now in its interested in any of the below volunteer opportunities, 21st year! This award is available for both high school helping those in need to begin this transformative graduating female members of St Mary’s planning to journey – please contact Deacon John at 864.679.4113 or attend an institution of higher education and female [email protected]. Thank you! parishioners who are currently enrolled in a continuing education program. • God’s Gardener’s Group – teaches gardening and how to grow produce used in feeding the hungry. Volunteers Go to to download the 2019 Application are needed to help weed and plant. which contains the eligibility requirements and rules. *Meet the 2nd Wednesday of every month from 9.00 – Click on ‘Click on ‘Parish Organizations’ under the ‘Who 11.30 am. We Are’ tab and follow the thread to ‘Council of Catholic Women’. Applications must be received on or before • Administration Building Receptionist: Thursdays 12 April to be considered. The recipient is selected via 8.00 am – 1.00 pm or Fridays 8.00 – 10.00 am. blind review. • Learning Center Receptionist: Wednesday mornings

SC Council of Catholic Women (SCCCW) • Emergency Assistance: Interviews participants for services: Tuesdays 8.30 – 11.00 am & Wednesdays 8.30 $1,500 Scholarship Award – 11.00 am.

The SCCCW Reverend William F. Pentis Memorial • Pack grocery bags for participants: Wednesdays 8.30 Scholarship was established in 2009 to honor Father – 11.00 am. Pentis, an Oratorian Father, who served as Moderator for the SCCCW, providing spiritual support for more than • Adult Education: Assisting adults looking to get 30 years. His work with Council was a labor of love. their GED or other education. Hours are totally flexible This award is available for Catholic females graduating - Volunteers come whenever they choose when the from high schools within SC and planning to attend an program is open: Monday, Tuesday and Thursday 8.00 am institution of higher education. – 7.00pm & Wednesdays 8.00 am – 12.00 pm.

Visit to download the 2019 Application which • Van Driver: Drive men in Overcomer program back to contains the complete eligibility requirements and rules. their home on Pleasantburg Drive using United Ministries Applications must be received on or before 12 April to van. (Must be male) Tuesdays or Thursdays 11.45 am - be considered. 1.00 pm. Mass Intentions Baptism Class To schedule a Mass intention, contact Vickie Acosta at Prior to having a child baptized at 864.271.8422 or [email protected]. Saint Mary’s, you must have been registered in the parish for at least Caritas Counseling Services, LLC six months, attending Sunday Mass each week, using the stewardship Counseling services are available at St Mary’s. Contact envelopes, and participating in the Dorothy Whalen by phone at 864.679.4122 or by email at life of the parish. Baptisms take place on Saturdays at [email protected]. 6.15 pm after the 5.00 pm Mass. Attending a Baptism Preparation Class is required and may be attended prior Bulletin Submissions to the birth of your child. The next class is scheduled for Monday 29 April at 6.30 pm in Sacred Heart Hall. The deadline for items is 12 days prior to the bulletin Pre-registration in the church office is required. For date. To submit items for the e-bulletin, contact Lisa at questions, contact T.J. Nielsen at 864.679.4114 or [email protected]. [email protected].



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P ERPETUAL E UCHARISTIC A DORATION St Mary Magdalene A key card is required to enter the chapel. If you would like to sign up as an adorer or regular visitor, or just visit Byzantine Rite Divine Liturgy for the day, please come to the St Mary Magdalene parish office Monday - Friday, between9.00 am and 3.30 pm. Holy Dormition Eastern Catholic Mission will gather for the Divine Liturgy on Sunday, 31 March at 5.00 pm, at Prince of Peace Saint Rafka Maronite Church (1215 SC-14, Greer). For more information, visit Follow us “Blessed are those who dwell in your house!” (Psalm on Facebook: “Holy Dormition Eastern Catholic Mission.” 84.5) To share an hour with the Lord, contact Lisa Buss Contact Fr Joseph Matlak, [email protected] or at [email protected] or 864.508.7123. 980.785.2764. Urgent hours: Saturday 4 pm

All hours are available for co-adorers, most especially: Monday 4 am, 3 pm & 4 pm Tuesday 6 pm Saturday 1 am & 11 pm

The Belmont Abbey College Experience Saturday 30 March from 8.00 am - 1.00 pm Open to all young adults ages 18-35, Hope & Joy The Abbey Experience is a wonderful opportunity to will be a weekend of faith, fun, and fellowship at the check out the campus and find out what Belmont Abbey beautiful Camp St Christopher. Register online here. College has to offer. This half-day event will give you the opportunity to tour campus, talk with current students and faculty, learn about financial aid, meet with admissions Natural Family Planning counselors, attend an optional Mass, and visit with other Natural Family Planning (NFP) encompasses moral, prospective students. For more information, call the natural, healthy, modern and scientifically reliable methods Admissions Staff at 1.888.222.0110 or register on the of family planning that teach married couples how to website. identify and understand their signs of fertility which they can then use to plan to achieve or postpone a pregnancy in accordance with God’s design and will. You are also invited to attend the free NFP session on Thursday 11 April 2019 at 7.00 pm at St Francis Hospital – Eastside in Greenville WCKI 1300 AM in Classroom 301. For further infomation, please contact Nancy McGrath at (H) 864.292.0475, (C) 864.270.3655, or Visit [email protected]. Father Jay Scott Newman, VF Father Francisco Cruz Pastor of St Mary’s Church Parochial Vicar [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4100 864.679.4116

Assisting Priests

Father Jonathan Duncan Father Bartholomew Leon Chaplain to St Joseph’s Catholic School Administrator of St Rafka Church [email protected] [email protected] 817.475.6909 864.469.9119

Permanent Deacons

Deacon Nestor Acosta Deacon John Heuser [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4118 864.679.4113

Deacon Clark Brittain Deacon Joe Sanfilippo [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4120 864.679.4119

Deacon Diego Ferro Deacon George Tierney [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4112 864.679.4115

Deacon Alex Garvey Deacon Tom Whalen [email protected] [email protected] 864.255.1096 864.679.4108

Staff Vickie Acosta Timothy Nielsen Executive Assistant to the Pastor Director of Christian Formation [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4100 864.679.4114

Jennifer Anderson Chris Ortiz Director of Finance and Human Resources Director of Youth Ministry [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4102 864.679.4111

Arlen Clarke Pat Perkins Choirmaster Director of Administration [email protected] [email protected] 864.901.1250 864.679.4109

Jaime Escobar David Rhyne Director of Facilities Organist [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4107 864.270.4689

Joann Miller Lisa Watkins Director of Religious Education Director of Communications [email protected] [email protected] 864.679.4110 864.679.4105