V - ? the PAcirio (Ummcrcial the PAoino JbbtHisfr 1C (Kflmnurcial ibbcrliscr IB PUBLISHED PCBL18HKD AT Kvory Satiu-da- v Morninir, Honolulu, llawAiiati Ilaint. BY J. HJJLACK. r 1 IlntoM of Aciror1llni;. Cl? mmt I lam Hbrrlylla.. WU.OO a Year. I A. , A a A A a . a j)a Aw f )i'r tnaurrl in II.IM) ! Mwalha. ,VParril tTi. 1 w 1 m tni Sm. m. 13 b. Farelis tbrlpHiM.fr .. i V rw r. 6 Liner, (tmif itiirh).. $1 lx Him 1 4 UO, t 00 I0 09 1 .. r "S? (ot.e Nt mi 4 4 uo OO O0 The ''e- Ii Ljn, mrh'. isi I 12 wiiTfiioo pe furwrdI lo to; part of ... . l.im-ii-. T lh t periimn if" 1 24 (tao inchfs) i i) 4 'U 0 Iki fro 10 l0 Ik oo L'nitl st.ve. i. annan. ir .' r:D is r SK (thrr do 3 on 6 0 T C4i 10 (0 14 00' S whn:f i i l I' - Ait ttrinf ir Lid. 00 lh4 f.f,- Lima. (fur lo ). W) 10 1 ixl 10 00 IS 00, ary prt of Car p w.i - tl- - !.- demandedrrr at ' I fa 00 Uuarirr A 10 10 Uo 14 OO 1 00 IvJ 00 40 00 !! m oin . !irh vri- - ItJtm t r-- on news- l olunin.... paper. rtrd Thirl Cc umn...... 00 12 lO 1 Oo Tl 00 S 00 vO 00 Half Column T ALwar II 00 i 00 4 00 SO 00' oo1 00 P.tiblb is Anvavra. W hoi ColUBIB I 00 30 00 44 00 ;& 00 100 OO 140 tjrir Cmmamcwiuoi'oirTi'' frcn all parts nt the Pacific will 04 alvay. very IT Adrvrtiarr Midim In thr Kaaiera I'nltxl fitalra, raa I r PrMi r- -l lin in any rt of the , can pay fur tbeir canlt toy rnrlair( (;rreblarka or l'nUi WatM th amount of suNseriptioo dues for this paper in Puata Mmp ftr auch amount aa lb wtab le pa as4 their merle a p'Wtare stamps. card will ! ioMtlrd a rt tlioTf tabk. fur the liirt paid lor. tST Businraa Carda. whm ratraio rem a Ttaa, are PLAIN AMU FiNCY alltvri licouni from tKrw rat a, abtrh are rbr traMient aJvertiaementa whm pai4 or rhartxl qaanerly. Stogie of the Advhtimi, ( vhee) DOOK AND JOB PRINTING rtue . To Crali cbarg4 . a Fiftea CeaUi bjr th IMLu. rr BiLun4D-- cr.-isie- and addh.i VOL. XXIV-N- O. 2S. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JANUARY 10, 1S80. NO. 1232. lo CAKD3 print.! ia theriTixi.hihrt tyl of the art. WHOLE 3iUtrtisfjnriils. The Ship Lonj Due. Sttsintss Carts. insurance oriis. Tn'r KAZlocf with tronbleJ eye Arrnoa the othd tlo; J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. A. W. PEIRCE & CO., T. J. BAKER. F. A. SCHAEFER, THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN Ton nay yrni'rr kln f.r ahip IkKNTA I' OFFICE. FORT STREET. CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION AKCIIITECT and BUILDER A GENT Bremen Baard of l adrrwrilrr.. MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, WILDER wr-k- corn--- r & Now niany htng W Hotel, in Brrwer'a Nea Block. d2J 79 SHIP Importers of General Merchandise. 00., inf. Plans and speciOcatioos furnished at reasonable rates. XArsl Drnsta Board of I'nderwrilrra, . frl-rn- . for and Bomb Perry Well mt-t- I wait my lii Agenta Brand's Guns l.anees. baria' hit Pain Killer, fierce Magnetic xrusa, naiemen snipping Address. Post Office, Uonolala, U. I. ja3 80 AgealViraaa Hoard of Underwriter. ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOW ESI I. Ik, hrr tniiin f ar; n. S. GRINBAUH & CO., List, . Queen Htreet, Uonolala. (Ja3 bO) Claims against Insurance Companies within the jurisdiction ZVA RATES. The clauses in the Policies of this Company ars of the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certified sieciaiiy aavantageous. Unt. ah ! my l.a ilue V 1 1 A H. TRIPP, tiiku. II. DAtlKtt. J lru 1 MI'OKTEKS AND 0 1.KS I.K DEAlc P. to by the Agent to wake them SO Agent. ralid. jail) Importers T-t- and many, many M. IN GtNKKAL MKKC'H AN UIS K. E. P. ADAMS, Dealers in nJ9 .Makee's lilock, Quen Street. 79 and Harness I tty out AND ACC- - .Saddle Maker, IMoTjrT" THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y iwnt the lr viitnrr COMMISSION MERCHANT UUHKtK or 'In yiuth'a awert lii W TIONEER. Vorls. Issues lire and Life Polities . & Aokst CALA. FURNITURE M A NUF ACTING COMPANY t II rr boaitl rainbow lu-- M. S. GRINBAUM CO., Foi-- and Sxx.s Strooti LIBERAL TERMS. ALL - ja3 80 OF BAN Ili-- aaila wrre while aa ttuow. ANf M FRANCISCO. All his OaTrnrJ settled with promptitude. MOKWAKDIM. COM ISSIOJ- Arllelea la Line Maaafarlared with nol5 79 11. not flaw MERt'llANTi', ja3 80 Ill DA VIES, Agent. With from atrito xteru. I' WONG LEONG & CO. ealarss aid Dlapalrk. AO'l not aivt or atain. '14 CAUPUKMA 8TKKET, gAN FRANCISCO. TIIIRTV-IOIUT- II AW11L BKP0ET. BOSTON BOARD OF heriM-l- f mf Naaaau and Marine Streeta, UNDERWRITERS. She bore riht gallantly facilitira for and particular att.nl ion paid to Corner II. 1. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots ilecial & AND w the main. and fihoea, iials and Caps, Fancy Goods, etc. Have also Xractor BuiU ASSETS (Caah) 3 S.000,000 rililE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE l"la OF ISL.A.NU M Boston Board of I nderwritera, notify Masters of Vessels Wall fr with niy Uo , C:o.NlN.MENTS I'ROUlt'E constantly on hand, Hawaiian Rice in quantities to suit. Also lht"! ry n29 79 China Choice Tea, China Seine Twine, China toil a tiandaer ANNUAL INCOME 8,000,000 and others that all bill, for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills Of which th'-r- waa uo la k. chiefs and saanea, etc. L. WAY, tor ueneral Average purposes, mast be approved by the Agent LaIe .,u fruit & ' of the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represented on I her trluK tue j.rr. E. 0. HALL SON, A gena--KaiI- ua Rice Plantation, Kiopa Bice Plantation, Shop Opposite Hopper's .ew Rice Mill. Orders Cash surplus 7,000,000 . an surveys, or bills will not he allowed. ha-k- A so I such BUILDIM MATBRIALS1 In lien, when ahe raiue IMPORTER NO DEALERS IV HARD- - and Palama Rice Plantation. aiu n1R70 P.nontlv to. nl 79 C. BREWER A CO., Agents. Cut I have waited Dow, my frit uJ. M. W AKK. Dry Mooda, Painta. Uiia. and Ueneral Merchant ltatal Corner Port and King 79 Ho many Wlnt-- r throiiKh, noli tt. JOHN H. PATY, I thick I acarce ahoaU know aain I Etvl3llslioci, 1030. M. PHILLIPS & Co., NOTARY THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE OF ALL KINDS; My hark and fairy rfw. FOR THE ISLANDPUBLICOF OADU. FIRST-CLAS- HORSE-SHOE- R general Agents. IMPORTERS AM) WHOL.ESAL.E O E S A nil yet our abipa may yet come in Shoes, liata, Men'f furoi.hinfr and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR TUB O. 37 X Wheo we rxjiet t thfin leaHt, fancy Qooda. (noli 79) No. 11 Kaahamann 8t.. Uonolala State of California and New York. C BERGER, Special Agent, O dS 79 . . OFFICE WITH BISHOP Sc CO. ! Well laden with rartfo fine & INSURANCE COMPANY On which our aoula may feaxt; BEOWN CO., For the Hawaiian Islands. M "! D. BARING GOULD, NOR'WEST LUMBER v Trt ahonM thi y fall to r a. h in ltr re, PORTERS DEALERS IN ALES E. Unlimited Liability Stockholders I WINKd AND SPIRITS, AT WI1ULK8ALK. ENGINEER AND SURVEVOR, The only Company that issues of There ia a harlx.r where 9 Merchant Street, I n 1 79 Honolulu, II. I. CIVIL Contractors' Engineer, London and Booth West They may cant yet, iuy friend, ern Railway, and late Division Engineer in Madeira and ASSETS, $26,740,105.70. A port aerene ami fair. A. S. C LEGHORN & Co., Mamore Railway, Sao Francisco, Tocaotius and Coade d'Ka Tontine Investment Policies, Comprising all the usual Stock Sizes Uailways, nraxil, Boatn America. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJCSTFU, AND PAID AT ONCE it WM PORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND Surreys and Plana for Railways, Tramways, Ac. made. Being practically an Endowment Policy at the usual Lite Q25 79 JL rr B I S II OP & CO.. Agfals. VARIETY. RKTAIL UKALRRri IN Office oyer Dr. tstangenwakl a, cor. Fort and Merchant its. Kates. auiSU ly General Merchandise, d20 tf TRANSATLANTIC SCANTLING. A Bubdcriber to a southwestern paper died tlj, Cwnn Queen and Kaahamann Sti. TIMBER, PLANK, BOARDS, nl 79 ly Xanana St., anJ Corner Fort anil Hotel Si. 0. S. CUMMINGS.M.D.. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, leafing four jcara" eobscription aopaid. I 9 LLOYD MARINE GO. Tbe editor appeared at the grate and deposited AND HOMOEOPATHIC SWISS INS., of I lam Ijurtr. FENCING and PICKETS.' CHTJLAN & CO., SURGEON and residence, corner of Fort and Bare-- on the cutEo a paltn-Ie- af fan, a linen coat, and a tania streets, opposite the Port Street Church. no29T OF WINTERTIl I'R. Capital, Six Million Reichsmark. thermometer. W M PORT ERS OF AND DEA LERS IN M CHINA uouua And am Prepared to Cany on this Branch UNDERSIGNED ARE AUTHOR IZ ED OTJ : Of all kind of Dry Goods. Also, con E. WELLER, 1VIIE TO INSURE 'IMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN ALSO HAND Now there abideth these thing", which crerj all descriptions, and la of my Business in a manner Satis- M. appointed Agents of the above Company are now ready to man can do better than any one else Poke a stantly oo hand, s inperior quality ot iiawauau nice. ON CARGO TREASURE o4 Nunana Street, Uonolala. ll'i'actical Watclimaker, factory to my Patrons. FREIGHT and Issue Polities asainst Risks of Fire, on BaUdlngs, Cre. Put on hia own bat. Edit a newspaper. From Honolulu. A Most Complete Stock of man Kaahumaou Btreet. Ilonolula, U. I. Mrrrhaadiie and Furniture. Tell a atorj alter the other baa begun it. With M. nlSly Examine a railwaj time tabic. llawkeye. DR. F. LESLIE MINER, Kckart, Jeweller. OWNERS OF FINE STOCK TO ALL PARTS OF TUB WOULD nl'KCEI) ACCOIX'IIEI'K. OFFICE Will do well to give me a Call. AND UPON witTtmvnSKm'For particulars apply to A girl the other told the schoolmist- i DR. NEILSON, little daj wiJi Dr. K. Hoffmann on Merchant street, IIooolulu, oil 79 H. HACKFELD A CO., AgenU. ress there was sickness in ber bouse, and was 3 octll 79 UIITSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE. COASTERS. BT SPECIAL PERMISSION North-ea- st or Dorses rent to my Ring Shop will be Faith neat borne to learn tbe name of tbe disease. corner Fort and Hotel street. Stret THE oev i ITT Especial attention given to Diseases of tbe Eye, Ear and fully attended to. On the most Favorable Terms. eiowooo Next morning after roll call she bashfull advan- A T.T.TIN & STACKPOLE, Throat. no u C. WEST. W. G. IRWIN & CO. New England Mutual Life Ins. Co. Scantling ; Flank, surfaced and rough; ced and said; Please, Miss, ma sajs we hare a KAWA1HAE . Uonolala. April 87th, 1878. oc25 79 d!3 79 Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. little babj at our bouse; but jrou needn't be V. HOUSMAN, OF BOSTON. MASS Board, bo rfaceJ and rough; Battens, CONTINUE THE GENERAL 0. O. SBOCXKKX. O. JlGLItta. afraid, for it ain't catching. WILL and SUlPflNQ BCSINEiS at the ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR. CALIFORNIA INSURANCE COMPANY. xa.es x x x . o . lOOrj. Picket!, Rustic, Lattice, Clapboards. above port, where they are prepared lo furnish the Justly cele- alVILj Late Canadian Pacific Railway Survey. Office, corner SECELKEN & CO., I o o A Yorkshire trainer latelj revealed bis method as are C. The Oldest ' brated Kawaihaa Potatoes, and such other recruits Fort and Merchant Streeta. oc23 79 NO. 6 NUUANU STREET, UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE Purely Mutual Life Insurance ALSO. IN STOCK. - of meeting a conjugal storm. His plan, he said, required by whale ships, the shortest notice and on the IlHE Company, have been authorised to insure risks on . . at T1 Co., in the United States. waa to keep ailence and nod bia acquiescence to fa1A THOS. G. THRUM, Dealers in Stoves and Banges, Cargo, Freight and Treasure, A no matter waa iraid by bia Fine Asst. of WALL PAPER everything, what T M PORTING AND HIM'I ALTl KIXfc Tin, Sheet Iron & Copperware t from Honolula to .11 ports of the world, and vice versa. Policies issued on the most favorable terms pouc. "Yea," remarked one of hia friends, DRS. F. H.ENDERS,& J.H.BEMISS, JI Stationer, Bookseller, News Dealer and Book Binder. hi nl 79 11 UACrxiKLD a Co LATEST STYLES. .' OC4) ftliaCHAST BT., SS4.B r OST, UOSOLCLO. 17 Constantly os Hard TI "but then she baa it all ber own way. Just KFICE. WAILI'KU, . Eur EXAMPLE OF RE PLAN, replied the Tyke, witb satinfaction; and ao9 79 A FULL ASSORTMENT OF TINWARE II A MlUritfill-ItRKMK- N Age, 35 NAILSV LOCKS, so." " o H. HACKFELD & Co. Galvanized Iron and Lead Inanred Yrnra Ordinary Life Plan no tiling annojs ber so much. There is nothing ripe, One Annual premium continues Policy 2 years 3 days ENERAL COMMISSION AGENTS. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. Two Annual premium continues Policy 4 years 12 days ! women bate like a walk-ove- r. HOLLISTER & CO., HONOLULU. apl9 79 India Rubber Hose, fct., at. BUTTS, HINGES, G o4 79 rflHE UNDERSIGNED. 1 1 A I N G BEEN Three Annual premium continues Policy 6 years 37 days Mark Twain contributed $2 towards defray- VO. 68 NUUANU STREET. HONOLULU. H. WICKE, M Appointed Agenta of the iaiv, Company, are prepared Four Annual premium continues Policy 8 years 40 daya Importers and dealers in choice Cigars, Tobacco and & J. against Fire on ml Brick Buildings Five Annual premium Policy 10 years 60 BOLTS, SCREWS, &c, &c. battle-fla- g 11 H. E. McINTYRE BROTHER, -- to insure risks Sune continues days ing the exinsca of tbe celebration at u..r nu mmi i. th Hawaiian Islands for P. I.orillard Z2 . To xa. o t and on Merchandise stored therein, on most favorable terms. Hartford, but took it out of tbe money that be a Col Tin Tag and Wm. ri. Kimball's Vanity Fair Tobacco. AND FEED STORE. MaKor, For particulars apply at the office of PAINT & WHITE WASH DRUSHES ! 79 GROCERY Corner of King and Fort Btreet. ALAKEA - AsBots, Also, manufacturers of Mineral Waters, fee. myl7 STREET. o4 F. SCHAKFER A- CO. $i:i,5oiMoo: sr. .end for a pew in Tbe - - K 79 A. " intended to a church. ot 79 Uonolala. II. I. ON DOOR BELOW HOTEL STREET. WHITE LEAD. ' " , U defence is Low. Paid through Honolulu Agrnry following bis of that course: "There RICHARD F. BICKERTON, Furniture of all descriptions made and repaired at reason : nothing nobler than fur religion to support pat- S. B. DOLE, able rates. Uood workmanship guaranteed. ap26 79 59.000 WHITE ZINC, N R AT UNION INSURANCE COMP'Y wiser for both up- TTORNEV A D COU NSELO LAW. T AWVER. PAINT riotism, and nothing than to rV Will attend the Terms of Court, on the other Islands aulO '79 Corner Fort and Merchant streets, Honolulu. CASTLE & COOKE, AGENTS OIL. JLd E. FOSTER, i. hold aol encourage domestic economy; therefore Monev to lend on Slortgaies of Freeholds. JTT OFFICK, No. W. OF SAN FRANCISCO. o4 FOR TIIK n A W'N ISLANDS. 79 ' from Stangenwald s. pew 3 Merchant Street, 2 doors lr. i SADDLES, HARNESS MAKER, I subtract this sum from the rent.' 17 LAINE & CO., and my 79 1805. WESTPIIALIAX on bia Fort street, next door to T. Lack, 3VX m TNT 13 . INCORPORATED, RUEXISII LLOYD METALLIC and other PAINTS Old Mr. Harris, of Dubuque, called IMPORTERS C0M31ISSI0.V MERCI11XTS, A. I'-- 1U Constantly on Hand. I ' friend of former years, (ioncral (.rant, at Galena, G. W. MACFARLANE & Co., HONOLULU. II. I. Harness asd Saddles ! Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to. CASTLE & COOKE, Agents IlVSUIftAlVCE COxlIP'Y taking two cigars from a roll of paper, said: M ER-- 1 A GRAIN AND GENKRAL XT XI and, M PORT ERS AND COMMISSION LERS In II T. aii5-7- u ly ' " MJeneral, you gave me one of these cigars when -- CHANTS, DEA GRAIN GROUND TO ORDKR. - o4 79 FOR THE HAWAIIAN ISLANDS OF M. GLADBACII, RHENISH PRUSSIA. C..LASN, - Fire-pro- guaranteed Btorage for K.binsoo's of Building, Vtueen ?t., Ilonolula, II. I. Orders solicited and aatisfaction were a General of the army, and 1 resolved "79 you a a r o a Goods. Or rICE, Fort street, below Lucas'. aulo M. & II A MUURG-- M AGDEBURG & you should be made Presi- a r J. OAT Co.. Sailmakers. Aachen Leipzig Ins., Co. Limited, s,ir, not to smoke it until The I'aulns ?heep Ranch Company, Queen in Makee's Block, over the U. S. Consul's street, OF AACHEN. (A1X-LA-C- I1 APELLE.) i oox, dent. The second you gave me in your first term, The rjpencer Plantation, Ililo, C. BREWER & CO., Ollice, Honolulu. II. I. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, ii:i:u resolved not to smoke it until you were Tbe Waikapa Plantation, A OF HAMBURG. and I llueto rtuar Mill. NDTaSHIPPINO MER- - gails made Best Style and FlUed CLAIMS FOR PARTICULAR 1 COMMISSION in the ALL sustained by goods arriving here and insured coal President. Now want another cigar. MirrUes, Tail Ac Watson s Sugar Machinery. Thimbles. in aain Honolulu, Oalia, (aa30 79) Hawaiian Islands. with Galvanised Clues and MERCHANDISE. tbe above companies, have to be made with tbe cognizance of Tbe cigar waa given without a word. John Hav 4c Co's Liverooul and London rackets. BUILDINGS, insured ag.tinst Fire on the most m3l The Ula.guw and tlonoluiu Line of Packeta. 79 Flaifs or all dracriptiona mmte and repaired. and certified to by the undersigned, in order to be valid. Ma. Rcxtox ia a brewer and a Liberal candi- JOHN THOS. WATERHOUSE, Thankful for past patronage, we are prepared to execute all favorahle terms. mhl 79 J. C. Ul. A UK, Agent. Essjx. Mrs. Buxton id benevolent orders in our line, with dispatch and in a satisfactory manner. A.. .JAKG 10 1 1 Agent f r the HawaiUn Islands. OORSjSASH, date of and ROTH, AND DEA IN inj-3- BLIPS S. T M PORTER LER GENERAL mhS 7 797MI cdvoeate tempera nee. The other day, says w Kltl'll A NT TAILOR. 38 FORT ST. JL MERCHAND1SK, gontcstir proDurt. TraM, she addressed an audience of working-- .'1 my 3 Honolulu, H. I. 79 au30 Queen Street, Honolula. 79 waste money and Ions time C. C. COLEMAN, A men oo the of of 1 G. DICKSO. BOBT. LBWEB3. C. M. COOKE OF CALIFORNIA AND E STERN drinking and smoking, but ber peroration waa CHAS. T. GULICK, WILDER CO., by & BLACKSMITH AND MACHINIST. HONOLULU SOAP WORKS, MA KK, A LL SIZES. interrupted by a ludicroua incident which was xsx LEWERS DICKSON, Agents for the Hawaiian Islands, a. v ACKNOWLEDGMENTSrui3ijio,TO Shoeing:, o n IN more unpleasant as it Ielt ber with no digni- AGENTt T TAKE ST.E.ALERS LUMBER AND BUILDING Horse OF THE Lclco, the C JNTRAC 13 and Fort 79 Honolulu. mi-tsu- s I.AUJK au9 Materials. Street. (o fied or adequate retort. " Ah, !"' shouted Z. LF Ojxi'rifag'0 Sco. For Sale in Quanlilies Suit Work, 1 1 1 1 ' where ud you be aa did- Agent. Shop on King Castle & Cooke. 11 it vd uii vrr vi llu.inraa sf Ihr abare concern bavins; ' one of the hearers, if - Coneral Business ALEX. CARTWRIGHT, jal street, next!to '79 muni ''.heat AND AT ortice Block, corner Queen and Kaahurnanu J. it inr I.UUIU,IL necn transicrreu to ? all along of us drinking as the lee' ap5-7- 9 lUtllilL UfL IIMJI1U n't drink lt'a Streets. Honolulu. ly aOOMMISSION MERCHANT AND GEN- - Puxton be so fine; you'd be wuss ofT without it, ERAL SHIPPING AGENT, C. WEST, OF NEW YORK, W. cow, wouldn't you T & CO., Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands au9 79 Wagon and Carriage BaHder, 71 and 76 king St., T. RAWLINS, IjOw Priooa, DILLINGHAI1 Largest, He hereby gives notice that the manufacture of la A trotident citizen before leaving town for a UI'OKTKKS AND DEALERS IN HARD. R. W. MARREN, M. D. Honolulu. (ja2a'79) Island orders promptly executed. witb family aJSxed in-i- Je hia ball door a WARE, Safest, tr bit and Oils, and General SURGEON. OFFICE, couched as follows : To burglars or Cutlery. Dry Goods, Pamia nilVSICIANAND and All Kinds of Soaps placard ' Merchandise. ft. aui 79 WAILUKU, MAUI. THOMAS LACK, Most Will be continued liy him. HuKT SOAP always on hand O. IdUCAS, those intending to burgle All my plated jewelry No. 37 Fort Street, Ilonolula. t9 Will buy beef, mutton and aoap grease, and solicits apJ WALB.BR, 8. grALDINO. WM. O. IBWIS. 3VT A. G xx J3 11 i 1 Com-jxiny- 8. t. consignments of the same from other tl est , valuables are in the Safe Deposit 'a 10. the Contractor and and other NO. 40 FORTHVI8TSTREET, --v Life Ins., Co. jalO Inlands. 80 vaults. The trunks and cupboards con- HYMAN BROTHERS, WM. G. IRWIN & Co., Economical tain nothing but second-ban-d clothing and simi Suerar Factors and Commission Agents, will attend to all orders in the OLOWALU Honolulu wmporters, wholesaleI'U1 IN andretail I a I PLANTATION, lar matters too bulky to remove, on which you AV lil'll HONOLULU, II. I. LOCK, Gl X it GKXERAL REPAIR LIXE in the world Clothing, tarnishing Goods, Ladies and EST MAUI, G. ARMSTRONG Si CO., WOUlJ reuliit COiaparntivelv little. The key" are Dry Goods, Hata 'roprietors. Crop now coming in. onuB-...-- dh. - ne win give special attention to cleaning, repairing and rev- - left-ban- d lor- 79 II. HACKFELD A Co., Agents. tha top drawer of the lide if Honolulu, ap.6 . ARentH nlatlnr Sewing Machines, and all other kinds of Light Machinery Asscts,('")$SO,000,000 dl3 v rrd C.pt. Snow'. BuiUg- - St. TOU dOObt MJ Word. YOU Will aleO find .here a Naaleha Plantation, Hawaii, Makee Plantation. Maui, and Metal work 01 every description, Ulackarailfeliig, As check to bearer for which will re-- Hnnuapo Plantation, Hawaii Waihee Plantation, Maui, ALSO. ON HAND AND FOR SALE CHEAP, certified $10. Hi lea Plantation. Hawaii, West Man! Plantation. Manl. 1 disap-poiatmeT- it. A. W. BUSH, - UUUU 1A1UC UJ P a n mu aerate vou (or jour Itws of time and Star Mills, Hawaii, Makee sugar company, Kauai, nOW lo a lUaUlC. TIJRTOX. .miopiii i hq l DEALER. A Variety of ScvTing- Machines. KM Crop of Sugar of superior quality,etor.now coming in Please wipe feet oo AND PROVISION D. R. Vida, (Union Mills) Haw.Kealia Plantation. Kauai, ICC niCITtt . jour tbe mat Family Grocery nd Feed Store, vivu ui r aiiDCT.n.om-vua- o in quantities to by candle-grca- Gans, Pistols, Shot, Arnmnnltloo, .W..CUI.I tiek .na sale suit sa fr mod spill any oo tbe carpets." ! entru.ie.1 to me Irorn the other islands will be Greig A Bicknell's ( Fanning'. Island) Coeoanut Oil, P6 79 no 15 79 n. HACKFELD A CO, don't r order, 79 mmm jvtitiaIIajs; r Fort Street. Honolulu, tapl j and Marine Co. of New Zealand A the matrimonial season ia approaching with promptly auended to. i t Union, Fire Insurance MACHINE OIL, NEEDLES, dec, Arc. Swiss Lloyd Marine Insurance Co. of Winterthur, Sewing Machine Tuckers, liinders.and all ! ESPLANADE, Honolulu, II.. frightful velocitj, we reprint, for the benefit of & CO., BANKERS, other extra and VOPTTT RRTTTSH AND MERCANTILE HONOLULU STEAM BAKL31Y I. BISHOP j19 79 North Western Lite Insurance Co. of Milwaukee. UUUIICALC paVri Ul JUKClilllCS BULLJIICU UU SHUrl DOlrlCC I tboughtleM girU, Mr. Tcnnjson'a littlj gem en- HONOLULU. HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. E7 Best Machine Twist. X3 INSURANCE CO., R. LOVE & BROTHER, Proprietors, titled After s jear; 11 DRAW K.XC11ANOK ON ALBERT C. STANDART, M. S.f M. D. E0LB aOBMT 19 THIS BISOOOM roi NUUANU STREET. Manulaclores all kinda of ' ' The yonnit wife grabbed tbe griddle rakes Tbe Florence Sewing Machine, from $40 to J30. OF LONDON AND EDINBURGH. B1XK OF ClLIIOKXll, SIX IKAXCISCO, MAKAWAO, MAUI. SIoBldingK, Kat-h- f From place on tbe glowing stove ; TIIK nnue cewing niHcnine, irom o. MEDIUM AND NAVY BREAD, Bmrkftfi, Window I ramr, , Dssri their Home Shuttle Sewing Machine,nautto $35. ESTABLISHED, 1809. JILOT. bat-- ASO TBXta AGISTS IS RESIDENCE AT GROVE RAXCII. fit Al always on nana ana maue to oruer. Anl her thought, went twelvemonth alnce, OFFICE A.l including all extras. au9 79 Blinds sod all kinds of Woodwork flolsb. (Jyl9 79 tp Wd Auraata was telling his love. New lark. CAPITA L 2,000.000 40, Mater. Soda and Crackers, TURNING AND SCROLL SA WINO. How L Earth never beld U.ia, S. GB4IT. T. BOBBBTSO. Accumulated nnd Invested Fnnd. 1 ,007,2 4 8 JENNY LIND CAKES. Ac. , t'ir4 that ha! Paris. E. B. THOMAS, All kinds of rare as his : arklnnd, SHIP BREAD REBAKED on the shortest notice. A treasure jet GRANT & ROBERTSON, BRICKLAYER & BUILDER. riMIK UNDERSIGNED HAVE BEEN' Al1-- M ' And that after the wedding he'd toil for ber 0B.IEXT1L B1XK CORPORATION, LOXDOX, POINTED AGENTS lor the dandwich Islands, and are FAMILY BREAD, made of the Best Flour, baked daily and Planing and Sr.wing, THE (Successors to A. 8. Cleghorn A Co.) ATTENTION on nana. Aa never man yet. PARTICULAR PAID TO authorised to Insure against Fire upon favorable terms. always trfled ASDT1I.IR BXABCHtj IS DRY Furaaces. Baker's Ovens and Wood-B- . LERS IN FANCY AND STAPLE Rangos, Heating Risks taken in any part of the Islands on SiostiSD N. B.BROWn BREAD OF THE BEST fiUJLITI Morticing and Tenoning. " and all kinds of Apparatus. Also, Variegated Cut that was year she said Haagkana. DEA of every description. Millinery and Dress Buildings, ami Merchandise stored therein. Dwelling Houses 04 79 and making Department from the other islands Concrete Sidewalks. All Work entrusted to me will be execu- Uis grid-li- e cakes fell una plate ; Sidart. attached. Orders and Furniture, Timber, Coals, Ships in haruor witb or without As promptly attended to. Corner of Fort and Hotel Streeta. ted promptly, and on reasonable terms. ornery, stump-nose- d com Melbaarnr. canroes or under repair. ft "And u the At: a General Banking Ba.ine... aP19 79 Addreaa through the Post Otflre. fe8 '79 UJFFsCHLAEQER A CO. METROPOLITAN MARKET, J Transact ap6 791 ED. ORDERS PROMPTLY ATTENDED, Won't get ny to put cal on the grata." WALLER, & C and Work Uutfranleed. WuiiTLiNU is not a lofcj nor a uaoful al- WILDER CO., Bred jet C. E. WILLIAMS. Boston Board of Underwriters ! Pure Aylesbury Ducks. Home Fed Turkeys. Orders from the other Islands aoltcilod. i though it it a universal accompliattment. Though IN I.I'M 11 ER. PAINTS, OIL. sm la., Manufacturer, Importer and Dealer in KWU STREET. HONOLULU. o4 79 Honolulu, May 2, 1S79. my if rmotiso a hundred and though DEALERS and Building Materials, of every kind. 4.--1 it for the Hawaiian Island, jears, jou 3T XX ! C. BREWER A CO- - jou f pi 7 Corner Fort and Qaeen Hit. lj Fort Street, TJ It AGENTS WAILUKU POI FACTORY, w biatie never oo. wliiatlcj, jet the Commonest OFlt EVERYN I TDESCRIPTION.E witoh-engin- e ever scared AND DEALER IN ! OF PA I MANUFACTURED that a human being IMPORTER Furniture Ware Room on Fort street ; Workshop Philadelphia Board of Underwriters QUALITY Al ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., at BEST All orders filled with dispatch. THE OLD GORHER- deal can beat jou at it. Tbe great and good Ueriden Triple Plated Ware, Glassware. the old stand. Hotel street, near Fort. for the Hawaiian l.lrtnda, BAILEY COLCORD, N. B. AGENTS A CO. were never great wbiatlers. (ieorg Washington AND COMMISSION MER- King's Combination gpetacles Ac Eye Glasses, Orders from the other islands promptly attended to. C. BREWER mylO 79 Wailuka, Maul. office, IMPORTERS CHANT, aula T never sat in a friend's witb Ins feet on the Merchant Mreets. mhl 79 ly Brackets, Vases, Lustral Wire Ware, I C VIS-ITIN- O , ' Corner of Fort anJ JBvTOT E. MASTERS OF VESSELS window-eill- whistling Grandfather's Clock Fancy Soaps. Picture Frames, this port in a disabled condition and insured in WAILUKU PLANTATION! Coffee and Billiard Saloon, - P. DALTON, any ol th Boston and Philadelphia Offices must have their against the edge of a card. Strive to emulate DAVIES, W oat enholm's Pocket Knives, MAUI. CROP OF 1878 THEO. H. reports and accounts duly certified to by us. WAILI'KU, by C. BREWER A Co., Washington, and although never MERC- A (icorge jou uiaj AND COMMISSION Scissors. Pistols, Powder, Shot St Ammunition, Saddle and llarncss maker. mh8 79 C. BREWER CO. fel 79 3m Agents. be first in wr, first in pence and first in the hearts IMPORTER HANT. aObjit roa Clark's Spool Cotton, Machine Oil, siyo STREET, BOyOT.VLU. Y Uoyds'an l the Liverpool Underwriters. Northern Assarance of couotrjmen, jet fame will not forget jou Foreign Marine Insurance JM jour Company, and British and & TJNIO KAUPIKIE. PLANTATION SUGAR if thej can write upon jour tombstone that jou Company. All Kinds of Machine Needles ! Ilarness. Saddle Sbee Leath- - never whistled jour countrjmen into convuls.ons mhlS 79 Fire Proof Baildmits. Kaahumanq A Queen ts. ly Constantly aa Hand. Fire and Marine Insurance Co., NCW COMING IN, Orders from the other Islands promptly attended to, au9 79 A ND FOR SALE IN LOTS TO SUIT c( intemperate but fruitiest profanitj. "DOMESTIC" PAPER FASHIOXS. OF NEW ZEALAND. A saloon- CASTLE & COOKE, PURCHASERS, BY The Virginia City Chronicle eajt.: Sale Agral far ft went down to the train last night to over- AND DEALERS IN WM. JOHNSON, CAPITAL, 10,000,000. C. AFONG. keeper IMPORTERS MERCHANDISE, THE UNIVERSALLY ACKNOWLEDGED Merchant Tailor, Honolulu. June 1st, 1S77 ja26 79 haul a man who owed him $15. lie announced mm , SHIPPING AND COMMISSION MERCHANTS at - Kaahauiann St., H. I., opposite Godfrey Rhodes. Honolulu, for the Hawaiian Islands, the undersigned platform witb the 11. 1. 79 i mm- n ap26 79 at 1 hia intention of wiping the fel3 o. SO rimr Street, Honolulu. nniiiiiiinnunrunu nnnrcTin 1 areIIprepared to accept risks against fire in dwellings, stores, FAMILY 'I iff? man if he once got bold of him. He found the Liuni uuuicoiiu warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks MARKET, roan, and the two had a talk absut the debt. C. S. BARTOW, apl29 SEWING MACHINE. ly M. on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. O. WALLER, Proprietor, S. WHITMAN, HOTEL A UNION The creditor told a pitiful storj about his bard ON Louse promptly adjuatrd nnd payable here. STREETS. t CTION'EER. SALESROOM O.UEEN BOLLES & CO., GENERAL BLACKSMITH, WM. O. IRWIN A CO. i. and said he bad onlj just enough monej to fe street, font of Kaahurnanu. mh9 79 MEATS FROM luck, CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION near IHOICE THE FINEST saloon-keep- kind-heart- ed King Street, Bethel, Honolula. Poultry, Vegetables, 10 Tbe er is a MERCHANTS. Herds. Fish, Ac. furnished gt to E.ko. SHIP 0 Order. Shipping supplied on short notice. jyl9 79 fel- & Queen lierman, and. after hearing the storj of tbe F. A. SCHAEFER CO., Importers and Dealers In General Merchandise. Street PARTICULAR ATTENTION PAID TO MANILA CIGARS, full Honolulu, uawanan Islands. 79 TOBACCO ft'QE&H misfortunes, the toars stood in his ejcs,and Horse-Shoeing- I OO STfll! low AND COMMISSION MERC- & Carriage Work TN BOXES OF 500. 200. AND EACH. remarked; "Mine Got. Fill, is dot so? Veil, IMPORTERS HANTS. 79 M. The Genuine Article. For sale by he 79 CECIL BROWN, ijb BOLLES CO HAWAIIAN SOAP WORKS two toller and a half for jou to get grub Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. ai5 my 24 ir ESTABLISIHED IN 1858, here's A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW. vav," nd, thrusting the money in the J" A NOTARY PUBLIC and Agent for taking Ackaowledr- - CRACKERS, on the KENNEDY'S FANCY FOR SALE A V. . he pressed a warm grip nnd M. McINERNY, ments of In.trnmenu for the Island of . HONOLULU IRON WORKS CO OFFERS FINK ASSORTMENT OF man's band, it vitb RECEIVED PER AMY TURNER, 4 tremulous ''Good bj. Fill,' and went up town AND DEALER IN No. 8 Kaahumana Street, Honolula, II. I. feS 79 STEAM ENGINES, JUST from Boston These Crackers are the Fiuen Arti- a IMPORTER Hats, Caps, Jewelry, Perfumery, SUGAR cle In the Murket. and we have a Good Assortment. murmuring. "Dot poj ish alvajs in hart lug." Mills, Boilers, Coolers, Iron, Brass and Lead CO. LI 1 11 UL Hi t Pocket Cotlvy. and every description of Gent's Superior A Full line of Ship Stores and Groceries, 018 79 For Sale by BOLLES ft I U 11:11 A Baltimore lieutenant of police, while sit- Furnishing Goods. JT Benkcrt's Fine Calf Dress Boots, Castings, desk, was accoared bj a respect- always on hind. RESERVED FRUITS. MEAT'S. SOUP SUGAR, Light and Hard Pressed ting behind the N. E. Coasaa or roar aso MnaoaaaT Itbebt. jail 79 Ac, Ac, my2A BOLLBd A Co. Machinery of Every Description made man, evidentlj just recovering from --CALIFORNIA CUBE IN 251b BOXES. ably attired TO ORDER.. V.' Reus of powdered suiar. NATURAL LEAF TODACCO, bard drinking bout, who requested the officer STOCKHOLM TAB, jal '79 For Sale by BOLLES A CO. a refused CASTLE & HATCH, Particular Attention paid to Ship's Blacksmith ing to send him to jail. This the lieutenant AT CASTLE, W.WTILMINGTON TAR. WILMINGTON Fine Cut Chewing Tobacco man became violentlj abusive VTTORNETS LAW. W. R. PITCH. For Sale CT Job Work executed on the s'lortest notice. au9 79 OARS ! to do, when the NOTARY PUr.LlC. ITal 79 BOLLES A CO. to be ejected from the station. On reacb-i- n Will attend all the Courts of the Kir.rfdom. Particular at- ASn OARS. THE REGULAR GREY & CO., AN ASST. OF CUT SMOKING TOBACCO and bad tention paid to the negotiation of Loans. Conveyancing. Col- WHITE direct from New Bedford assorted sises per be walked up the street and 1879-COLTJ- MBIA SALMON. MIXED RUBBER PAINTS, fc And a Large .., tba pavement lecting, etc. T M ney to an oo MorUtaee OFFICE . RIVER Amy Turner. (ol 79) For Sale by BOLLES CO. Manufacturers and Dealers Assortment of his request to be A meeting a policeman repeated 37 Fort Street, over Dillingham Co's, Honolulu Hawaiian J. A. FA LKINBURG. IN BARRELS ALLSIIADES. IN LARGE AND SMALL ! 79 Cm MHj and half barrels; and a splendid quality of Spring wBafFPackages. For Sale by BRIAR WOOD AND OTHER ! arrested, wbLch was again refused. He became Ialands. J13 the CHUTNEY IN ALL KINDS OF SOAPS! PITES to officer, Catch, 1S79. (seZT) Tor Sale by BOLLES fc CO. jal '79 BOLLES A CO. Tobacco Foaches, Pipe Sunns. - "i great! enraged and, exclaiming tbe rpilE REAL ARTICLE OF EAST INDIA Lcleo, King Street, Honolulu. Amber and Horn Mouth Fleces, j struck him C. AFONG,' BOAT X Chutney in quart Bottle, assorted, Pipe You wont arrest me. wont jou !" GOLDEN GATE, WHITE CEDAR BOARDS, 79 For Sale by B0LLE3 Ss. Co. Buttons, Cigarette Paper, ., els ' cane AND al orer tbe bead with a heavj WHOLESALE RETAIL FAMILY PER AMY TURNER, FOR Beef, Mutton and Goat Tallow Wanted! . beavj blows IMPORTER, Fire-pro- of Nuua-n- a FLOUR. II. i two stun- erchandise Store, EXTRA Flour at $2, RECEIVED Sale by BOLLES A CO. - J. NOLTE, be carried. The officer was partiallj Street. ja4 79 CASKS HAMS AND BACON. Q- Orders left with Bolles A Co. will be faithlully executed which Corn Meal in 10!b bags and with dispatch. apl2 79 lall '79 qr Corner of Queen and 8Is. , recovered and grasping his Cracked V heat in 101b bags. LARD, 51b Nana ned by the blow, but wBIASES and lOlb Pnils. station, where the n. s. WBITSI J. W. KOBKBTSOS. Oat Meal in 10 tb bags, ! ; fuwailant marched bim into the FOR SALE see BOLLES A CO. historic name of John Jones. Received this day by JUST RECEIVED per STORMY PETREL UNION SALOON, individual gave the WHITNEY & ROBERTSON, se6 BOLLES A CO. i for the action or the Criminal California Beef, California Pork, . FROM GLASGOW, E. S. CUNIIA PROPRIETOR , He was committed Successors to H. M. Whitney.) s McMURRAY'S OYSTERS. ' ' ".officer, and a few hours TAR, TAR ! MERCHANT STREET, HONOLULU. . i..-- for assaulting the NEXVS By Late Arrivals. For Sale Low, by ALIASES STEAM Court according to PI'IILISHERS. lib AND 21b TINS. FRESH AND 6 CLABIFIERS, 500 G1LL0NS ElCn. ' later waa comfortably lodged in jail STATIONERS. A. BOOK BINDERS, niPTY BARRELS WILMINGTON N. C. w- .- in nerfe" w. Choice Ales, Wines, Liquors, Cigars, &o jal 3 79 Merchant Street, Ilonolula. ly Al l ar, per Amy Turner. (oli 79) BOLLES & CO. aeSO tf A. W. PJELRCE CO seS BOLLES & CO For sale cheap by (sea tO H. HACKFELD & CO. 79 , i Xiis expressed desire. ...L ap6 , --f." J corriviEnciiii.. I M I'OKT. deed, while we note with satisfaction the great Dosoixxr;, Jn. 5th. 1SS0. NOTICE From C.laf per Nrhaiu CaMle. Jan. .V t bales TifigTcaa is made in of Mb. Editob ; Tou have often spoken of the sani- . tna-- blu- that being the production 4 SPECIAL MEET IXC OF TIIIE BOARD rai-- t.al. I.tiriaj . 1 l.'l you spoken J W nf Tnittiv. H.Mmr.l will lw Kl l .1 the 5T ETESiOJ r. . lr- - ii.a.:m '.ii m fir tary condition of Honolulu, and have nfthnlnn'. ISeO rtttDA jasca i: r io. rry. l'i'.'l I" n. iron ai.'' ti. our two principal elaples, we are reminded that Room of tbe Chamber of C'lromrce ON SATURDAY, Jaa. j - cleanliness, W have five arrival to vport for th- tw from lri k. IIlilr..kx trr la . ut hom. 11 t baiu. well. There is no doubt that sunlight lbso, at 11 a. m. Per order. wk j. k- - liii-T- . au 1 a b i'f Uil U ' there are numerous otherand T&lnable reeourcea nn fpm one lr. n. Hi ton .l, j t and good water are important conditions of health, It F. A. SCH AEFER, fJec'y lu frartrn. OIaow. frra L1vtt"I. ; be- ' of the country ought to be developed, and these conditions should be improved in an.l one from the Sonth Va value Im- 1 that that the Kn'lr f Fn tii I.:vri"ool. p,r an,a. Jan. . l Nik ,a;.. NOTICE. li-i- Honolulu. DIRECT ports by which will anumnt t. abont J"i.t)ii. lave ki' i'.ry g.ls. k ti.ai blurry, tides eujar and rice. r. I forty-thre- e OF I b-- b 0 But a residence and observations of ACCORDANCE WITH AX ORDER r.u-ta- ururry. u t tu also to kuxl the Claua Sprrklr frura Uilo and the ra l'bor )J pUti.'-- t j is' irou, IXthe Chas. C. Chief of the Supreme rt-- . . The total value of our domestic exports for the condition of lion. Harris. Justice from Kahnlni. h port they have firr bn k. years do cot satisfy me that the present Cort. made on the 29th cf December last, aothorixinr the it wtl. cin-u- , 11 , 1 TO ORDER cargo trim !in Frir t r V Aimy Jan 3 mul. 2 year 1870, is eel down at $3,555,SC3, an increase our city in these respects, as compared with my undersigned to sell certain r?al estate, the property of Lono, FBOM LONDON, PURCHASED AND MADE frutu Fan Fran The d. arturr dunritf the Lorana. 2u (.k.-- J I kj .air.: L'li tf. . hiMort. f Utarr, it in- - knowledge of the past, sufficiently accounts for the and Kahouaka. minors, eh. Mren of Hao Naonr, deceased. Week have two l'uk-- I .,tiu-- l t- - f an. I . 4 ! t irc-ia- . over the previous year of $307,083. and an bfrii four rr and r ,.r b'lc h' ri wide-spre- There will be okl at public auction on SATURDAY. Janu- fC cti;r. ti ad pre- runne l , 1 11 Cc ib, k existence for some time past of the Ulanila ta the Farlfl. a rut the rt, tmvr W n rt.ly if. xl. i4 crjrr-- ikit wl 'J0 cre:i--e over 1370, (in the latter part of which the ary 2ih. ls0, at U o'clock M , at the orUce ot Castle A rif :tM. feT baia hay, 20 m bric. 10 c ctrrt. '.MO ik vailing fever, which also prevails elsewhere to some iialch. that fine tract cf land on Ju H street, in Honolulu, ir. I0O r oil. ! rbiwc l.x"J k craim, Reciprocity Treaty went into effect) of $1,501,- - extent where none of these conditions exist. Rev. containicg 2 acres, described in Royal Patent No. 2T67. FOR T. WATERHOX7SE, - , J. Tha advent of ronxlderable rrk- fr,tu al.ral mar h II pfiv.twr.t,el 4' I t. IVji"l.III birgl-- 1 JJ"J rcl- - Ikf lio'. 035. This increase of over a million and a half Mr. Bond, for nearly forty years a resident of Ko- Tbe above premises have a froc'.ace oa Jald street, and will ef which calta rf nufchliirry f r plantation maku a bala and the Protestant missionary of that district, make desirable buiidir.g lota. wOt an.1 bastle alocii( the and on n Fp San Frani-.m- i. J T l.ly I Jn 5 lfT bm of dollars in viluc of exports during three years, MARY N AON K STEVENS. & H. WATERH0USE, btnt stret. tr..'n. -, con- BY MY SONS, T. ju. T C 1. whose residence is isolated and high, and the k1 FOR SALE by. r(,.ckT.. l.i t jr. 2 J b!.; bm. -- m ! Guardian of Minors. AND J. that gives) ma of reviving and trade. And re-u- apc bnlm4a 0w K W 1:2 pkK lurmlur- -. 46 tobarro. I ilk' is a direct lt of the pration of the Treaty. ditions of neatness and good water 1 have never seen January 10th, liSJ. jalO 21 w) tha iwoaparta ara that will pn.ve a ootat.te yar in 'i l ra oil. I'ri C'l.in- - IX) kf II or, .r. . excelled, and the trees and shade of which are no tha daeU:pmbt of our national Meantime luri tin, Tt fr Jin, Ji ljt"-- 1 .0 btt au.'ar. M Sir.re the tlx tf was In type we have learned that more than in times past, has bad this fever in his KONA COFFEE. At My Stores. Consisting of m roiiM-ir-rabl- of wool year's are s iiantitiea of clip in tha fasting U gaining ground am lnti.-- lr.r. - lat nir turn that t. .ii.- ?'.' U.S. were hbl Saa Francisco this own family, and be writes me that it has prevailed SALE BY r. iedto II 11ACKFELD At tha praaant mlrhUvon system ff iiartT!y K'riont, W k. J," r t.uil'lrr. throughout the district. In bis church of 400 mem- F?.1io at CO. (which dova not by a great deal mean iartrly Mltlo-aawt- e) bers, the average mortality has for years past been . Mi-- GOODS i . W H y. t " SPECIAL NOTICE. OF STAPLE Fr'ifn Fraii' r Alu Jan. 1 ? I T ai fi r FINE ASS0RT1I ought ba Le Su d w r rva r.rt."v. ip"- t abolished. Tl.i ran however - Tu i r aor iinfs vn IIV v? i.rv V j lirenty ; for the last year it has been forty. One ITEM" Vt U Sli- Mi. l ill.lib nnb - Irai.k rkiii. Walt ti, o alt.u. nutvia MEETING OF WILL BE by a .t.L.. . . IRISHMEN brought about only movement In InAner.ttal rlr. N H Mi I M "in-r- - re.-se- ul hundred per cent, more than the average of the V 3 lira I. J Fram bec irn? i in j d with or overshadowed by a par-tic- held on SUNDAY, January 11th, 1S0. at o'elock P. W H .ok. J. t u years past. Mr. Bond saj9, 4 They call it malaria. M , at the School Room attached to the Catholic Church, on view or in to any given sub Furt for purpose of a for an unpnvrdented derrowion of bii"ino8 in ToUlraluaofaillpatsl F..r I'li.Mni: lri. 1. i r Vivi 1. San, 5 J T Arun.M. ir bias respect How the malaria can exist over these breezy hills I street, the eubscrininir towards fnnd Secured in the monthi of June and Julv. during : alleviating the distress at present prevailing among our Coun- some, ol thciu Sau r Jau 5 H v F are prune to color every circumstance in ae- - cannot understand." at the VERY U) WEST POINT, since which duplicates of ,fl!ll i'miu I niii'M i'. laly ject, trymen in Ireland. A full attendance is solicited. It I II K- - l'in- n . I u V 11 Ilawai-ian- not purchased to keep in Stock to lock at. J5 ti - anl if Tb"iiia i al.!.tt unfair-nes- s A few years ago a fever quite fatal among s Ikito advanced from 2" to 50 per cent. Thews iods are if.-- . -. J . bn J :p' An. curdanco therewith, to the extent even of pnri ...... i.iiI t.I t hlmr j J' li. prevailed in the Makawso and Hamakua dis- to go into consumption as early as they can he Hold, so that iHia. porciiauern win lr w Ij Iii;. Wm Hivlee, ai:l 1 1 hiii'xe. Such be men- but iivi. of statement. appears to the tricts of Maui. It could not be accounted for by the have a eood opportunity Ut purchase advantageously. - . . r- . m.-i- l 1. I ...... 1 -.. 1 .. nrrw- presence of any new of the -- BOOT & .... .!.:., I. .l.i. f -- -- M.IKKIKI). tal condition of a writer in the Gazelle of this or different conditions ft, SHOEMAKER The Cream i alwavson me top ot me wnit, vtncn hoi m.iuj nmci, mum t. .. - l L' .t- tt.-.t-- .1 .... rc-ccn- from those existing. Merchant No. 26, next to 1 K. . . i 1 , Tl... - v....-- t'y district usually street. years. Having coninieneeu on t.iy own account tit'i' ilivivI n .1 nrir.I 'I. l n ' ' week, who comments on the mortality reports rlLv . flu" fess to do. Mv Motto in Businef. lor upwards ol 40 - n. '.. Green Thoa. G. Thrum. th. . y lb.- A. I;. Alhu-l-.- Mr. It. Mi Illan Dr. Hutchison and the late Rev. J. S. both "1S33, 44 A Nimble Nino Pence lJerore a Slow Shilling." All uiy Bonn Kucceed me in K I . . . r i Iv.... T . .. v ...... VI. in America in Prannta, UIII.II, I . I fc.UII.U.IIi'11, 1UAV published by the Board of Health. We testified scarcely or severe case occurred to Order of Best Material, and , l. Iiriru, that a fatal XT Boots and Shoes made Kab-uio-- tbia respect. The C'aro Consists of kala a of Kobala, liavaii. regret to have to criticizo our cotemptorary so ear- amongst plantation laborers or those having regular at reasonable prices. jalOif UtrlLraea,bta-- S SIILLImiN r MMIMiS-- Id tbi i itr. l.v th Iv. II. employment aod reasonable comforts. The earliest II. Mr. Henry :. Sb- -I l .n. of Kobal'a. t- - new which in many things t iarkrr. Hawaii. ly under its regime, cases amongst foreigners Honolulu attracted NOTICE. Mim ilaxinab t'liiniiiiiik'. of Wailnku. Maui. in that HAIKU appears to promise so favorably; but we cannot my were 1&49. They were few, but pro- E ANNUAL M EETI XC OF T II E c attention in milJL fl"G AR CO., will be hotden at the Office of the Agents, DRY GOODS. HARDWARE, GROCERIES. -- Ram. (aiia I 2B DIED. permit to pass unnoticed the exaggerated state- - tracted and prostrating, aad in local conditions Mcsrs. Castle A Cooke, on the 20th inst . at 9 p. m. ::J:!:!I- :is J- J ! - i - it i ATf.rTT. In 9, of malarial fever. C'atlier-Ju- - eminently favorable to health. This was before jalO 2t - B. ATIIEKTON, Sec'y. this rity, Jan. to g of AyUtt. M years. monts of the writer in question as the public well Great Variety Other tioods, but have kept out of skates and copper-warmin- pans, I 1'aukelaiil. Wife Jauies a'nl water was distributed through the town and With a of WtMUl,.. . .. (.tlla... health, wherein it is published to the world that water was chiefly in use and Honolulu was almost a, NOTICE. eo tb at an experience of upwards of 23 years as a Merchant here, is suggetitifo that my selection T KLEC-J- treeless plain. Uniform health had prevailed in the FTUIE BOARD OF INSPECTORS OF L oughit to be good; and 1 flatter myself I l ave done it bettor this time than before, making the THE? " our city has absolutely lost its healthy charac- TIO.N of Koolaupoko, Oahu, will sit at the Court Iloue let PACIFIC families where these attacks occurred for more than names do net of my Amongst the numeration of Goods eun be found. 5 B- ter." The object throughout appears to be to at Kaneohe, to hear applications of those whose experience. o Wool, lb a score of years. I do not call to mind any notable appear in the list of qualified voter, at 10 o'clock, on the lftlh - disparage as much as possible. To have said that recurrence of fevers till 1852, when a vessel bound and 23d of January, ls0. Commercial Ubcrtiscr. jal02l J. II. KACLCKOIT. President of Board. 5 5 the death rate as reported for November and De- from Panama to San Francisco put into Labaina in Fuiu, lba.. a ma cember did not afford a fair basis on which to distress, having many caws of ran fever on. PRIISTTS, LUSTRES, CLOTTrlllCBr SA T VRI) 4 y, JA A UA li Y 1 0. board, and soon after it broke out at Lahaina and HA- Honolu- THE ANNUAL MEETING OF THE - i ;5 calculate the rate for the entire year, would have was known as the . It spread to -- ,WAIlAN AGRICULTURAL COMPANY, will be With Good Monkey Jackets, Ladies' and Men's Scks, Stockings. Undershirts, Drawers, Umbrellas, IS! Tallow, lba. Twenty-fiv- e davs hence-o- n the fourth of lu, and perhaps elsewhere ; was not generally of a held JaDuary 29th, 1SS0, at 10 a. m., at the 1 been the tiuth, but it would not hare answered - February will occur the biennial elections dangerous type, and afterward obtained the name of 0ce of C. Brewer Co., ilonolu u. 2 the writer's p urpose. Neither would it have been jalOSJ P. C. JONES, Jr., Acting Scc'y. Calf fckina, pea. i boohoo H I throughout the Islands lor Representatives of the " fever." S3 2 2 to the in view had it been stated, (what At this period I was absent in the United States, OF a people in the Legislative Assembly for 1880. purple; JAS. GAY, A GREAT VARIETY NEW DRESS MATERIAL nida, pra. cveryliody here knows to be true) that in this but on my return in December of that year had a S2- - Although it is evident that, aside from the ordi- mild attack of it, and the above was the account I WA1MEA, HAWAII. u city is the only hospital in the Kingdom, to which SURVEYOR. of importance on oilier Islands attended heard of its introduction. Most of the years since, to. ' . ja3 'SO tf Blankets. Plantation lists, superior Saddlery and Bugs, Wrapping twine. Fih Lines and Hooka, Hundry Toys, I nary busincf s (if a session some very important aoalkioa,pca. II! 2 d are brought very many of the sick and dying from there has been more or lees fever in Honolulu, and Superior Bits, gugar aod Rice Bags, Burlaps, Single and llouble Barrel Uuns, Breech Loading Uuns, - matters are likely to come up for discussion and Paris and Commandery Shawls, very various, Hessians, Fine Knglish Sporting I'o'der, Hhot, alley's Caps, a the other Islands : that foreigners come from with a gradually increasing severity. JAMES M. M0NSAREAT Large Sacks for Coal, Wheat Bags. Seaming Twine, Marbles, lttlics Ulaaars, Croquet Hets, Cricket Chairs, 2!S u decision, yet so fur, the old feeling of npatliy as Dr. Vm. Uillebrand, both a scientist and good Bananaa, hocba I . . 13! abroad, to die hereof incurable diseases; and ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT - to who arc to be our representatives and law- practical physician, well known and honored here, LAW. Special attention paid to the negotiating of S Is that out of the 57 deaths in November last, 29 said that some attributed the increase of fevers to the Loans, Conveyancing and all matters appertaining to Real lrint.s, Miiislin, Clothing, Monkey Jackets, II holds the foreign com- Estate. aSP?l99 makers still of increase of trees, which might be true to tome extent, i Fangaa, lba.... I iilii are reported as unattended by any physician. It cau-- e. o oil o I i munity of Honolulu. This is the more singular, but he regarded it quite inadequate as a Commissioner of Deeds for the State of Xfw York. was but fair that these facts should have been tree culture greatly increased, I'oi, bbU. ; at first glance, when it is remembered that the Since this time has Office above H'kitncy if Robertton't Bookstore, A GREAT VARIETY OF DRESS G .ODS s5l:!-- mentioned in connection with the figures of tho and so have the extent and severity of the fevers ; bulk of the taxes is paid by foreign born subjects HONOLCLC, B. I. Ja3'80 Bait, Uma I death rate. The omission to do so very plainly and though it now exists where it did not, and where Woolen and every other kind of Shirts, including some specially imimrteJ lor Ship CarM.iiters. as they have a heavy slraia on and denizens, will be ones who the conditions existing in Honolulu and supposed to their Shirts, a great variety of Quilts. Stationery, and that they the iudicates desire to things appear as dis- NOTICE. -.I Sit the make act there as a generating cause are wanting, yet ColTi . . Iba S3 must particularly feel the effects of bad legisla II. COOK. HAVING THIS DAY I.T3A.T, you 6-- C mal as possible. As to statistics of death rates in there is little doubt that here these causes do act in JAMES from the firm of Cook, Goodman ft Co., the Homcthlnrx IIA.llI TO Jiliit filial It out. tion ; and yet they have for years, by their own business will ACO. U . other piarts of the world, as quoted with such an aid of others unknown to us, and no pains should be be continued under the style of Goodman Blue, Red and White Flannels, Jim Cracks, Ac, Ac., &o. 13313 inaction, been in spared to remove them. Miss Green, in your last JAMES H.COOK, practically unrepresented the . . E. o. Rlc,Ua. 3'! 3" air of conclusiveness from the London Times of spoke successful use in her school of Goodman, Sheet Lead, Corrugated Iron, 21 gauge, also, plain Corrugated Iron, genuine Portland Cement, the geuulne StnworiJge Fir s s -.- issue, of the ja3 4l GEO. L. BARNES. 1 Spikes, as well an a new (a. -. . Legislature, trusting entirely for ti e protection Bricks No quality. Hoop Iron, Galvanized Horse and Mule Shoes nails to suit.Spadra and Shovels, rt ' r Oct. 24, we find in that journal of Nov. 7, the steam baths from bailed Eucalyptus leaves, and I am ever Imported here; Saddles and Bridle., new patterns and good, both Gent's aud of their interests to the conservative influence of BLACKSMIThTnG kind of Patent Tinware, the first somethinv following words in connection with the quarterly reminded of an accoint that the French authorities NOTICE. Ladies'; Agricultural Tools of the American pattern with best Knglish steel, Charcoal Irons. Hinges, Kal Train, Screws, Tools. the Ministry and a handful of the Nobles so coun Algeria broke up the fevers of a very pestilential fvUy. u General of HaXLOX WOULD MOST RES. report of the Registrar of the United district and rendered it healthy by the cultivation of inform the public that he has taken the Black- A OF STRONG OIL CLOTH, CHOICE ; teract the generally erratic tendencies of native smithfll.Shop of the late Dan. Iloughtailing, on the Bay Horse NEW KIND PATTERNS Kingdom : "Judged by the weekly returns from the Eucalyptus tree, tnd I have seen other aecounts iSII members. There are about two hundred quali- premises, on Hotel street, where he will give bis usual satis- Mol: a, aU- - tho 20 English towns, the rate of mortality of a similar character. There can be no doubt of faction in HOUSE-SHOEIN- aad attendance on SICK Carpets. Bugs, Feather Pillows, a nice assortment of Brass and Iron Bedsteads, single ami double; Enamelled and other Hollow larce Kettles, tialvanized Buckets and Tubs, Fencing Wire annealed, of 3 sizes; Hubhuck's V hits Zinc and best NN h lie '31 3 fied foreign voters in the precincts of Honolulu, was very considerably below average through- the healthful influence of the Eucalyptus, and f horses. ja3 3m Ware, Tea the be lead, with Dry Uoods. and these, if their votes and influence were the months, mean think the Board of Health would not only justified - out three and the rate for the by Legislature is using stringent measures to FOR RENT. was lowest on com- the 011 united upon one ticket, are enough to secure the quarter the record since the promote cleanliness, tut in requiring a thinning out AT DESIRABLE HOUSE AND t ftveaa.tba. S of TMl No. 150 Nuuaou Avenue, present A Iiixie of Crockery Is of least two foreigners, in apparent- mencement civil registration in 1837." In and trimming up of tbe trees and planting the Eucal- at occupied by Full and Glassware return at the Christ-churc- Mrs. SharralL Possession Feb. 1st. Apply to a late New Zealand paper, we read that in h, yptus in different localities for sanitary purposes. - 4t - ly divided condition of the native vote. We are , Ja3 ' r J. IL WOOD. a city of 14,000 inhabitants, the deaths This is one of the exigencies in which the laws Bultnlalo for Tlioso Isslniicls,. told that there are now about forty native candi- for the month of September last, were fifty-fiv- e give to the Privy Council special power to take tbe COTTAGES TO LET. Knives and Forks, Butcher Knives. Pte. ls, Saws, hand, ripping and meat; Pruning Knives, Steel Pens, Carving Knives dates for this district, on some six or eight tickets, only two lees than the number reported for necessary action without awaiting the precedent rWMIE UNDERSIGNED BEING ABOUT TO and Forks, Tea and Table Simons, Coffee Pots, Hoes, Oo's and Mattocks . Cottages, C 3 Honolulu for November. of the Legislature. erect a number of with garden land attached. c and thus the vote will probably be a good deal action a short distance from town in Nuuanu Valley, corner of E B A calm and unbiassed consideration the Yours respectfully, S. N. Among the masses of the too, of all Castle. ccnoo street, opposite Air. uenry w aiernouse, also, on School scattered. natives facts and circumstances connected with the recent street, as lar as opposite ilev. r. K. liistiop s. Anchors, from 1500 lbs. to 100 lbs.; the interest in the coming election is apparently prevalence of fever in this city, will, we think, To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser: The rentals will be about Twenty-fiv- e Dollars per month Tenants will have the right of purchase by payment in iratall- - 1-- 1-- XX O IX OX. TJX. TJ, X. I : Gables, from 1 2 2 inch; PORT OF II. less than in former years, as they are becoming ead to the conclusion that it was not tho result Silt Tbe other points I bad in mind upon the mcms for three or Uve years, with a deposite of Twenty-fiv- e Chain inch to alone of uncleanliness, of too much irrigation, of of Honolulu, referred to in my per cent , should any be sold. ,. ARRIVALS. doubtful of the ability of aspirants for legislative Sanitary Condition Those requiring homes can secure the same by an early ap S bk H W A toy. Frecnan. 13 day fin 9 Prancbco impurities in the drinking water, of superabun- communication of December 20th last, are mainly Jut Aa honors from themselves to tcthe ka ji!i-ki- a plication to ine undersigned, ana il not too late, can have Topsail Sheet Chains, various sizes. 4 Am br( 8m Waif. Witnrr, 33 day from Jalait amongst ,4 coming make through- buildings to the intending occupants. 134 day fm tila.(ow dant foliage, or of a cessation of the trade winds, the conditions the race" suit BrU bh Marbam Caatte. Uoml. remove the burdens of the horse and dog may out the city. With the increase of their numbers ja3tf JOHN THUS. WATERH0CSE. A Brit bk Lad Lampaon, Maracoo, li dayt (nm tan but that it with reason be attributed to all All tho above have been tested and the Certificate, free of charge, supplied with them, and sold Fraactant tax. these causes combined. But after all, no one can have sprtinj; up iu all directions, numerous Wash-house- s, cents pound less they have been landed from California. ' Von fton San 1 at three per than recently f An cb Ctao rTckrla, "ehml.lt. say that we should have escaped the visitation from which oftentimes in already closely Days 10 CSrlasgo-- The above will be sufficient to give a bird's eye view tho importation. Orders from Town Franciara. l H lo At a recent public meeting called by two built localities the suds and waste water have no 130 in of fin 8 FrancbMra via Kahalai had none these causes existed ; for ' - . 7 Am acbr Knataea. Boia. native candidates in this district, one them de- of probable it and Country respectfully solicited. 7 Brit bk Caama, , 131 day from Liverpool of will be drainage, but help to foster fever germs by a lrln remembered that the same fever was constant dampness. Prior to their existence the clared his platform to be, ' a million dollar loan, known here fully ago, when the con- i H thirty years washing being principally by native women, ... lKIA RTI ' done S-- a and unlimited Chinese immigration " which an- dition and surroundings of this city were very JM a flaw bk Hawaii, Whitney, lor .ioih !lan.Ja whose preference for the streams for such work G. W. MAOFAKLANE & CO. different to-da- y. ja3 0 Uaialra arhr Vii.. Enlih. (r rannief'a liland . nouncement was received by his audience with from those of It really appears precluded the possibility of abetting such condi- , . Victor, r Fort GmMe de- to-da- y. 1 Arabktna ilardira. to be restricted to no particular locality nor tions as we have - , t--ia trro W L Brvba. Cncbo, fur Port BUkrly groans and shouts of derision. Another and by No OFFER FOR SALE a Am bk Eainiar, Wolff. Fort Uamble. pendant on any certain conditions. better The arrival also in our city of several hundred reason of his family connection a prominent can- authority in this point could be desired than the Chinese at a time, as has occured several times ! - didate and likely to be elected denounced the Hon. S. N. Castle, whose letter appears elsewhere within the past year, has been unattended with any A NEW DEPARTURE 11.1 nr iriiinirv! tl.ftM I -- - lb 1Kb to-da- care for sanitary conditions, but were allowed ! .Z" off Flub 5Iark t Reciprocity Treaty and all who had been instru- in paper. h t,na Storm Blnl la the of the Board to come right into our very midst from their long -- Will Probably the effectiveness of FHWI.. u..u, j .iTttini affrr whli h ahe aall mental in procuring ita adoption. These are voyages and literally pack themselves into al- be increased were com- . Sea I.IaniU fur more laborer, whii h will Health might much it Of the Fine Clijiper Bark 0 Booth specimens only of the talk indulged in by some posed wholly of citizens of Honolulu, instead of ready crowded localities, with whatever tendencies aoeae next week 4. apt in coiuman i. to sickness ship-quarter- s may he time llatarid as their crowded have Tlbbeta and Soreneon'a wharf, the Am wh feh Faciflc native candidates, and who, if the foreign voters Cabinet Ministers and physicians at present induced. So long as the Pilot's Bill of Health has At although tho might be retained as advisors. ! ba nearly completed her rrpaira. and will probably aail j remain apathetic as usual, are quite likely to be latter been signed it is presumed to he all right, but the NORHAM 1SSO, stand- CASTLE ON AWI AFTJEIt JANUARY' 11, (or a emijie aome Urae nest week. chosen to represent the wealth and intelligence of But the question recurs, would civilians of fact of having escaped an epidemic from this direc- harming a general ing and influence bo found ready to undertake the tion so far is hardly a criterion to keep on so. es- . ThaBrttbk Lady Lampaoo la di. capital city of the Kingdom. Just Arrived from Glasgow, Consisting of a o Baa rranctacoal the Old Cnatom-hmia- e wharf. the duties to devote their timo and attention and as- pecially when there are quarantine quarters where carf from While on this subject it may be well to correct After dlachargln. aha will be laid on for San Francl.ico sume the responsibilities of the work, without such might be ordered to for several days for their Fall Line or Our Terms "Will TDeCasli on Delivery, dlepatch. an error as to the lawjof elections into which the compensation ? We doubt it. And hereby wo are own and the general public's health, as has been With head- Am. CLana SprwekaJ ia at Brewer k Co 'a Gazelle of this week has fallen. Under the reminded of our suggestion made last week, to the done with the reoent arrivals of immigrants through The achr , FOR WHICH Franv.-ico- of the Board of Immigration. wharf. She wlU load angar for San for which ing, The privilege voting," our neighbor effect that the local government of this city, in- DRY part of next week. quotes from Jsection 783 rf the Civil Code, which all to sanitary regula- These may not be glaring evils in themselves, GOODS, GROCERIES port aha will aall the latter cluding matters pertaining the at Brewer A Co'a wharf, aud gives to denizens of the Kingdom, " as well as bo alonewere it not lor apparent susceptibility The Brit bk Lady Head la " tions, might with advantage entrusted to a ol our atmospheric to partake, mala- ! 1 right to vote for conditions of IVXalic baa cargo about all out. Her catito eonaitm J subjects the representatives. committee of the Privy Council a suggestion influences, We Shall a Liberal Discount br nmt-rat- e rial and quite naturally on the universal Paints and Oils, T Waterhotiae, Eaq, and baa been turned out In The Civil Code was adopted in 18o9. In 1804 which a correspondent, in whose good judgment we ' next New was and law of every little makes a niuckle." and yet order and la good time. She will aail for Eiulmalt the Constitution promulgated, have confidence, pronounces to be worthy of con- there are those who have interests in Hie and pro- quali- Glassware, Crockery, dl3 Grl-- weak. Article 62 of that instrument, defining the sideration. An act can be framed and submitted perty adjoining such localities who are loud in DILLIIST I .A. M & Co. W Almy U at the cppcMte fications of voters and giving the privilege only to Tbw Ant bk U . at the coming session of the Legislature, providing their protestations that they the Chinese con- e. discharged of ner carfe-- the Cuatom-touti- She baa all subjects, operated of course as a repeal of Section for the appointment of such committee, defining tribute more than their 6hare to the unhealthy Bar and Sheet Iron, and will load again for Saa rraactaco, to aail aome time 783 of the Civil Code, which the Gazelle writer their duties and providing the ways and means conditions of the city. next week. evidently thinks is still the law of the land. on a government for this Tbe above views will no doubt be sneered at by Fire Risks on Cane Fields. of carrying municipal IRON-WAR- E. CEMENT, GOALS! At the Old fiaeamebip wharf, the Brit bark Sorhaui What constitutes a denizen of the Kingdom," city. The establishment of a city government on some who will ignore their truth and attribute nplIE UXDKUSIGXED, AGENTS far Ike CHRISTIAN CERTZ, Glaaaow, Anti-Chine- CaaUe la diachargin a general caro Iroui is shown in Section 433 of the Civil Code. some such to result them to se motives, but the facts are . plan ought unquestionably AM) ItllKl.XE COjIP'Y Thia venael pi. ked nevertheless, to . IMOX FIRE lSlUA(K Which la coming out In good order. most advantageously to all concerned, to the here and this class are not going AND aoipwracked crew off Cape Horn, particulars ot remedy any of their evils unless compelled by pub- Of New Zealand are authorised to accept Fire Risks on Su- up a citizens, who expect the execu- gar Crops in field. For particulars, apply to M might reasonably lic sentiment, or to do so. the wairh tea onder Memoranda." We are indebted to the courtesy of the Minis- law, WM. Q. 1 KAN IN fc CO.. tion of local regulations and the inauguration of ' VoasJsWi The) Am bktna Eureka, at the Enplanade, baa comrlt ted ter of Finance for the Table of principal" domestic Tuos. G. Thkcm. and dC 3m Agents for Hawaiian Islands. y. and to Crown Ministers, who Ales, Wines, Liquors, cargo and will aail foe San Francisco improvements, the ber exports for quarter of 1879, as com- would feel relieved burdensome res- To the Editor of the Pacific Commercial Advertiser; Am brig Waif la at the Eaplanade. foot of Port the fourth naturally of The Sa : My commu- BOOT AND go to San Franclaco probably next week. piled by the Hon. W. F. Allen, Collector Gen- ponsibilities. Sib attention has been drawn to a of Best Brands. Also, on Hand, ex Late Arrivals, W. DART. SHOEMAKER, atreet. Sha will DRALKR IN Eaplaaade, we have the Am bk Camden, dis- Will nication in your last paper, entitled Beef Eaters," Alcna the eral of Customs. The table itself be found Fairs sV. ; Am achr Eoatace, loading for San and signed " Query," containing statements in re- St., Urlaw I.rwera Dlrkua'., charging lumber commercial affords gratify- Health Standard. I Franclaco. to aail on Monday. in our column, and a gard to the condition of cattle in the pens below the A FULL ASSORTED STOCK Ocncral IVIcrclisiiidise Am bark Ark-wrig- bt am one t the foot of the LJkelike'a dock, the ing evidence of the steady increaso which has An observing friend suggests an improvement prison. I of the butchers keeping cattle at Offers to the public, the best assortment of LEAVE TO GIVE NOTICE TO HIS that plaoe, and beg to state, that I keep about one BEGS Customers and the public in general, that la atill diacharging coal. been and is still going on in our production of on the ordinary conversation following the query, --OF Oer bk Angnate la at P M S S Cb'a dock discharging week's supply of animals on band at a time ; that I The sugar and rice. The increase in the export of 4 Dry Goods, Groceries & Hardware coaX when friends meet on the street of now are purchase food for them in ample quantities, and a He has Returned from Sau Francisco, in pen is always Just Tha Ertt bk Caama la in the atream, waiting for these two staples for the year just closed over you ?" which is answered in so many different large container the kept supplied ! To he found in Ilanakus, at very lowest rales. In to the Esplanade when the with water. As to mud it is impossible to avoid Ociicrsil JJercIi;iiilise berth. 8he will haul that of 1873, amounts to more than ten million yays, requiring not only timo to do so, but not Do not 117cre lie Prrtiomdly fklected Eureka sail. that, especially in rainy weather, but in ordinary mistake the place. only pounds of sugar and two million pounds of rice. always answers ALL OF WHICH WILL BE TU Am bUna J A Falklnborg ia nearly full, and clear when 'tis done. The are dry weather my pen is not muddy, and my cattle are well &c. awaiting the arrival of the achr Kulanianu. wbn abe It is estimated, from a careful observation in re- something like this : Very well ;' taken care of, in tvery respect. Yours W. DARTS NEW STORE. probably on Monday or Im generally " O. G. de6 3m FI.VE OF will for Furtlaud. O. off, Clifford. A STOTK GOOliS l HIS L1E day next. ference to the crop to come that the increase first rate;" "so so;" or don't feel just may "I OFFEKliO VE1.Y LIBEUAL TEKMS. San Francisco be looked for ay Tha next mail from of exports of sugar for the year 1880 over 1879, tight to-d- ate cabbage yesterday ;" or " was W Bearer. She brings a cargo to H WHICH ARK ' (hourly per Am bk J to more " 44 ALLI DIE'S PATENT 1'" 1 will amount thao twenty millions, a took feel Wilder Co. out late last night something a ROVAt HhWU THEATRE total for the year of seventy millions of pounds, lAtle bilious; took some of McKibbin's bluo pills B. Everything was purchased Lowest Point N. at the Endless Wire Itopcwsiy NOW OPENED AND OFFERED FOR thirty-fiv- e tons. exports of rice reached during the recent depression of prices in Great Britain, SALE, fr-- - or thousand Our tbey are splendid, but they give you fits go This Evening, Jan. 10, Vceacla For IIailailai a Fareisai l'ria- Saturday the benefit of which our customers will receive, as we charge UNDERSIGNED II AVE It KEN A l for 1879, amounted to nearly five millions ef a hunting, I tell you ;" the party at the same no advance on our former prices. jalO 4t rilllE1 pointed sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands for A. 8. Am ship Gea Botler, Newcaatle, NSW First production here of the rtcautiful Urania, In At Prices to Pull the Times. uoo aaiied from Lor- - Iron and Steel Wire Rope of every description. ilia-hAr- via Si WxbicLi, of this article having squeeze. All five acts, entitled, Hllilie's BrU af pounds, the production time giving bis middle story a thi8 Patent Endless Wire Ropeway for transportation of Ores, -- ; while of Merchandise, sugar, sugar cane, sc. nave also been ap . Britkc'oViteat. Uverpooi. ailed July 30 via Valparaiso almost doubled in one year paddy, of takes time, and when you part with your friend ne Thai Invoice Cainprlx-- st CaUJe. overdue JET pointed sole Agents for the California Wirj Work. Co Eull Aaawrlmrat Bn bk Toko. New which we sent abroad about three millions of a loss to say how he is. Would We have just received for distribution a few copies of the due Feb 0 you are at just it O ICE3 Uaw bk aale, Breeaen. SEAOr of Mexico ! MULES, MULES, MULES " Mechanical Miners (Juule, Transportation or ore and other FaanM Ftaber, Neve Caatle, doe pounds in 1873, we exported none in 1879 a not be far better to give figures ? For instance, we the Wild Flower material by means of Kndless Traveling Wire Rope, Haiti- - IN Baeet Anchor. Mew CaeCle, doe the Am brrtaa first-rat- e - Tatronage of CAI'T. CHANDLER die's Patent Midless w ire Kopesray. witn suggesuons as to Its Aaa Hara, Dapartare ay. daa fact to be exp lained by the existence of two steam would call a person in health par, or 03- rrnWucvl rndcrthe ler. V . or the u. s. . Lb. am erection." Coma Aafwita, Haw CaaUe, S 8 ,doa and orriCtKsj la a.na. suggest Ladies' Boots, t Sea lalanda. due 1 rice mills in this city. The export of rice for 100; out at night, slight cold, too much ice We would respectfully to our Planters and their Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, tierif batoe Miebolaa, boulh ttt Agents Wire Hope 1 ramway is what they Apr U W-l-ii .4 that Hallidie's just Am ba Ceyloo, Buaton, due 18S0 will doubtless be largely in cxccs of that of water, and the like, from 75 upward. A note OG A RITA. (Her Great Character) ZO E O YTO X want for the transportation of Cane, and also for carrying in Am barrae llaaaril. Port Gamble It Francisco, for Cilo, arr at llilo Dec 30 1879. Besides sugar and rice, there are due and no money in the bank might be put Sugar to the landing, and transporting supplies from the land Am i7hr Bonaaaa, fan ing to the Mill. Boots, be. W Bearer, tea Frane-r- a. due Jaa ! , down at CO with interest, or CO up to 75, just as Gents' Shoes, Gaiters and Slippers, Am J 14-1- enu- Sc port Townaaml. doe Jaa 6 eighteen other articlo of domestic produce n22tf DILLINGHAM CO. A bklaa CaCbcrlo klen. the case might be. Considerably indisposed but ! W New York, to sail Jan lv thyse - Am snip W U hitioo. merated in the table, and in all of cxceptiog 50 to 00. home, pi- JUST RECEIVED Br,tatflirZealandia,ry'lney.due Jan I able to be aboi;?, from At av ! Aa -- PER BAKK CALL AT MARCHANT'S Am umt tUy of New Tark, ran Franciaeo. Jan i the article of peanuts, the export of which has but able to read a LT?el or newspaper, from 25 li."f. IN Yonths and Boys Boots. Shoes, Gaiters and He in truthful words will tell you increased some twenty-fiv- e thousand pound to 50. Anything below 25 would imply that the Slippers, seen. LADY LAMPSON, FROM SAN FRANCISCO, Just the goods he has to sell you; VESSELS IX OKT has been a decrease. This fact shows quite party was really sick, and not to be For Mind you, now. he is not joking. there 44 CO VAVAL. example: "How are you?" Well, from to If you are fond of chewing or smoking; In Children's Boots and Shoes. plainly that the industry and the capital of the HOUSE FOR to anutttng, U 8 Lackawanna, Chandler 75." This would be plain, and to the point. Or if you're given i Boyd to tho production 25 Head Fine What he keeps does not need puffing; JT All of Best Workmunalnp and Ptyle Kverythlng War V 8 8 gonboat Bang?', country are devoted mainly ox lsirc will you really. He has brands suit ranted to be what it la represented to be. Orders from the Msacaarrwu. users them these two staples sugar and rice. We note Tobacco prize dearly; land, carefully to. ' ' ' d'20 flaw bk Kalnkaoa of ! They will please you to the letter. Other I. attended 3m ! 7b if EiUtoroftLe Pacific Commercial Advertiser: KENTUCKY MULES Pomara, CvfTee decreases, amount, . ' : - cigars none Uaw etrtne In that our export of still . , , ' . ; And bis else are better; am tovaad Kb Loieta, beater Sib. : In your issue of the 3d inst, you make men- Street. ' All Broken to narness. "Also, Meerschaum pipes of style and fashion, A Lona. to only 73,375 pounds during the last year, " sea Jaua ing of a municipal government for J um to suit each tate and passion; "lrAm wh bk Paciae. kUiowtea, tion of the propriety is through Hawaii nei stated, aweger against 127,003 in 1878. Some or this decreaaa HOUSE AM) LOT ON EMMA ST KELT, It PARLOR ORGANS am sea If ooora, this city. I am clearly of the opinion that the time FjIIE Milch His geods are justly celebrated; tUr bk Aoguaca, Schumacher to increased 20 Head of Extra Cows All the fine-c- ut brand, of chewing of 53,C?3 may be attributed - some in this direction should Apply to . Am bkiaeJ A Falklnewrg. Uobhard has couie when efLr Belonging to the unJiTicnod. ; 7 ' That your teelb will never ruin; on- - Avery on ac Uaw Jau M Avery, home consumption ; but it is evident that made. It may be questioned however whether AND Pipes of briar and stems of cbeiry, Uaw Dfioa Sturm Bird. Uatoold le More any - and the more speed remunera- thaa mule could carry. gtaa a ArkWoVtit, !raaS count of blight the legislature would be disposed to confer on the E. P. ADAMS, It would take a month to tell you am bk Camdm. Boblaeoo or sugar and rice, Durham ! The many things sell you. Sordberg tion obtainable by the growing Privy Council such power as would enable that j iii it Queen street Four Jersey and Bulls be has to Aat bt'-- 3mua, has fall- MAKCUANT you'll find at hi. location, Boa at iavry IsVad, A ad leand the coltivation of coffee in these Islands body tc carry on an tOcisnt city government. Always ready to give information, U W Abny. Freemaa Which are now offered to Planter and others. Orders Am bk Only about ten Islands must be accompaniedJr with Or to see you well provided brie; Sm W a Warner en into neglect of late years. There would be many objections to a regular for 'Mules from the Other is by Am through Agent, as our terms hereafter for With that which all decided Br.t bk Norlaaa Castle. Good years ago, (in 1S70) we sent away over 400,000 municipal government; tax payers might justly Cash Remittance, The best CHKWINO snd SMOKING BRANDS, bk Lady Lam pa, Martian Stook will be stric.ly Cash. Also, t.Yr'c;ea, can be found in fifty lands. PARLOR ORGANS! Brtt Voo re- fear the expense as weli as its management, were RECEIVED That Cbaaa preeketB, Schmidt of cofll in one Latterly, it is JUST money justly Am sahr pounds jear. city to be ruled and governed by people of its Any one finding in their rcket belonging to Am arhr Baaiace, Bote reliable taurces that the blight the 6 MULE HARNESS I Marchant, please call at the Captain's ouice aod get their Irving ported from may seem still those 2, 4 and m Brn bk Caama, own choosing. This strange, Sets tickets. dl3-l- J- - ! so seriously affected this crop in Kona, who have the most interest in city property will CONCHEE & AHUNC, Good Time to Buy which Harness, Hawaii, since about 1800, has sensibly abated. believe it FORT STREET. ABOVE KING. Sets Buggy MEMORANDA. legislature were to pass an act, con- F. ai small Suppose the J. O'BRIEN, PRICES VERY LOWS Cactaia Oood of the Sorhara Castle, whlrb arrived The cultivation of coffee requires a very ferring on the King and Privy Council the power to NEW GOODS OF VARIOUS DESCRIPTION Phaetons, Top Buggies, PRACTICAL f this port ca U 4th last, after a Toyave of Lkl Wy froia Olaeaowlreporta havtn experienced very heavy weather capital beyond the cost of the land, and the labor elect from amongst the property holders five men, to Rockaways, &c.,r &c.; &c, GAS well-know- AND trraaa. part of Aha voyae, aad a an ln..tance relatra coffee, is n, be known as Supervisors; to be elected say for two PLUMBEE FITTER. tha . is extremely light. Kona it reacired daye to from 5.1 In tne Atlantic years and to serve without pay; to be allowed a From the Firm of Messrs. Bowley Bros. CALL AND EXAMINE .' eaina t53 t la the Partfte. aW none world in point cf flavor. & SMITHISG, AT- - lathe datfrec lit -- - r. is excelled by in the to be made in accordance CHINESE JAPANESEWARE! TIN 1st. j.n. --li rf clerk; an appropriation GorM that an b'Pt. 20. in I'M1 a 42,-64- ALSO SMITHING. barque V. day ont fnru Havre, In the article of wool, we have dropped 2 with the requirements and improvoments contemp- COPPER rpoke French J. ship METAL. ROOFING bound to Mejlllonea ; Oct. Is. spoke British pounds in 1879 below the amount exported lated; the board of Supervisors through their Chair LATEST STVLE OF G. W. MACFARLANE& Co SO days out from London, bound to Nicoye. to oa CASTLE & COOKE'S a. the)'.Brit, man having poaer draw the appropriation lor apS fa 8. Ion. 74 JiT W. at m. alRbted in 1873, which waa 522,787 pounds, that being class of expenditures; extra- European Novelties in Jewelry! it tf ijiVKate Helena, of Swansea. Captain Way. with Has g , on a certain SJt'qy work and Jobbing promptly attended oTdlstreaa flying. Spoka her and found that the vessel an increase over 1877 or 137,054 pounds. The ordinary expenditures to be referred to the Privy INCLUDING SOME " guaranteed. waa a alnfc'"ff condition, and about a complete wretA. for approval. and satisfaction ta being entirely rarrled away. production of this article, though not favored by Council their notice. WANTED., tha niaia and miixen masta was My object is to get from some practical pen some- Tiger , t. The deck Claws: Orders .hould be left at Shop, Merchant St. near Fort. 13 M ai-a- taa jtbbeom. and Treaty, is a remunerative one, and being Fine Sets of PERSONS. INDEBTED TO THE ID" ofibe P. C. ADVERTISER, toTanp by tha falling of the mainmast, and the pnrop the thing more definite and lfs crude. .. I am not one cf VLL on Nuuanu street, kuowu as the WHITE ni2 6m VOLUME unbound. Ctpy of I'. C. ADVEKTISKR. carrfad away. Although blowing a adapted to localities where sugar culture cannot the fault finders either with the government or SILK IIAMHCKRCIIIKFS. Hill SI',, lately under the manmcmenl of S. L. LEWIS, January 28, 1878- Volumes 2.3 and 4 of Til It FRIEND, '"VeJna payment at the Otfioeof M. or 'unbound. 1 CONVKMTION HA I' KM, a uking the crew otI ,heK and I have no hesitation in saying (Ileinstitchcl). All Colors Qualities. , will please make immediate bound Bel bound time.w. "n'ut prosecuted with advantage, wool must conti- Board of Health, Phillips Co., No. 11 Kaihumanu M. TO LET. or unbound. 1 Volume DAILY II ALU, bound or un- , aaraey,ao.dana loamwu--i uw - r be ft - tit in " ' the gentleman who heads the government and . p;iid within Thirty Days, will be placed BRICK-STOR- bound. 0 4.V Vm. W. at 9 a. m. spo" that Fiae .liisnaicnla af All accounts not K AND 73SS' nue to maintain its impiortance as an exjwjrt. one who will use measures rilllE PREMISES ' , bovmd to Vaipvalao. and put the the Board of Health does all that auy man can In the hands of our attorney, rigorous a on Queen street, belonging to lr R V. Wood, at pre- The above are wanted to complete aets, for which lair of her. Captain Oood eoncludea There is amp.le room on the Islands for a large or may be expected to do. But one man can oaly JAPANESE LACQUERED WARE to collect the same. ...., . sent occupied by the uiideralgned. For terms apply to prices will be paid by power t th wTth if M. ruiLii.irs vo., it naanum&nti Ft. sevi-t- t UACKrKLD & Co. au23 TUOS. U. THRI M. , that he done ail la bla In- - do so much- - . j ilO Jm II. comfortable, and hi action li in strict "Xc expansion of the business of wool growing. JU (good nam. A a.a.uw and savage cartons of the Rocky Mountains ar to taal &trtistnitnts. BY AUTHORITY. THE PACIFIC tbe sunny and smiling scenery of the Sandwich Island, ro i Mir-- Hint's volume to that In BY COURT OFTIIK HAWAIIAN Commercial bbcrliscr. which tlx- - Hawaiian paradise. She E. P. ADAMS. BY SUPREME Prwbale. Id the ESTATE OP JuHN I. passed through many thrilling adventures, and ber C. S. BARTOW. FOR SA1V FRA!CISCO. BREWER, of Ucn-.lalu- . Oahu. deceased, intestate. Before Mr. n. was the very of the sunny, lotus Jastke McCully. Order of notice of pctilioa fcr admirals tra-tio- life revet taiinff REGULAR CASH SALE ! The A war r lea Bark 5.4 T I K D A Y, JA .V VARY 10. existence be bad so much enjoyed in ibe Hawaiian FURNITURE SALE. On reading and Cllrg the peliiion ol CUAS. C. HARRIS, oo Archipelago." Probably her numerous Hawaiian behalf of Mr. .ann e R. P.rewer. ailegintr that John D Brewer, BRIEF MENTION. friends will be glad thua to bear again Iron this W. ALMY Of said llouolulu. dird intestate at said Honolulu, on the 15lh Dkfaktuzwt or Ixteriob, Boabd or Lmmic.raxio. lady IlErElV day of a. D. 1S79, and praying that tetters of administra- adveuturous ttaveller. THURSDAY, JANUARY FREEMAN, Master. lec. UuNi-trLr- , Qcees's HosriTAi See notice of special meet to 2 15th, tion issue to him and I'rter Cushman Jones. 7th January. 10. ES(jriAI.T tX'KTAKt At 10 o'clock, A. M , It i ordered lhat WEDNESDAY, t.ie 21t day January, Parties wthiii( to lA-tai- any of the immigrants ex of Boar J of Trutees of the above, will be sold WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 14th, have Quick Dispatch for above Port. baring been declared miieriable in rase of an at- Will a. D. 10. be and hereby is appointed f.r hearing aaid petition pected by the bri " Nicholas." due about February 11 to before the aa d J usiice. id the Court lUwin of th Court, at tack by a hostile as llus!ia now bas in For freigU aad apply to 10th frum the Sea Islands, will please make ar 3?" Look out for the eclipse of the uo to morrow, CitnicU An A(IO O'clock. A. M p"? CASTLE k COOKE. Agents. Honolulu, at whrch time and place all persons may appear !outu tbe North Pacific, the (i. vi intneiit bas decided to Assortment of Dry Goods, and ahow cause, if any they have, why said petition should plication t the B rd of Immigration. commencing at 11 o'clock. oruer be published lo Ike English erect certain woiks at Nanaimo. tbe Whit and Rrr.wn IVttor fine While hirn, AT THE RESIDENCE OF MR. SENIS. not be graateti, aad that thai All former api'lii.-atic- for South Sea Islanders are Am-rir- n J. language for three successive weeks, iu the Pacific Commercial Btiiisb coaling sta.ion. Ibe projected graving Prints, i.n. Francisco. couaiJertrU as carjet lied. SiM L G. WitoitB. Masosic There will be a special meeting of W hlHtlll Kul Wo For San Advertiser, in Honolulu. dock at will be of great Importance for r-r- a. o. of No & M. M-- n tt r.' f r,f II' l ar.d P.irJ.irl s'.m , will l a'JJ Dated al Honolulu, II. T'. 2M. 179. Janli) at President Board Iniuiirratiou. Lodge le IVc gres de l'Oceanie 124, A. F. A. con- rv ,Vv k , ?l eking-, i? t' J- -- F- A 1 Bark Ic. vessels frequenting the Pacific. Il is to be tt lots. LaJis' - The British LAWRENCE MoCCLLY. SO ,1 ( - this evening at 7. o'clock. Business of importance. Ituff Blurt. b.Ibtnf. etc. r -- Attest: Justice of the Supreme Court. structed next year, and will be 400 feet loog, 90 oo Aeevaut of ! partsre. Sale of Government Lots. 41 floor, Also, ! A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. ja3 3t broad al top and al tbe with a depth from Fresh Groceries and Canned Goods Lampson, On Saturday, F'ebruary Uth. ltvO. at U o'clock noon.at Helt for Irelam Bjr special notice it will be high of Sf A Indy 1 1 water level J feet. graving dock of st-r- s, A MrMarrj' 1 act 2 lb. Ot L..b-u- -r. ! -- C EM K COITRT l)F T HE II A A X at pub Parlor, Eedroom and Kitchen Furniture MAR3T0N, Master, 2 PR W the front of Alilolaal Hale, wiU be sold a tbere will be & meeting of tbe sods of Erin these dimensions will naturally attract from all A 4c Iilandj, in Ircbate. Ia the Estate of QEuRUE A. sff that Jains JUie, ti.l.ien f;u TM l'ie Fruit. 3 lic auction, tin? following BuilJiiijj Lots ou Kulaokahua La Crois Olive rerw-- BRIUUES, of iloaolulu. deceased, intesute, and proof cf the for the purpose of contributing to the parts of the I'acilic all vessels needing overhauling C..r. Oil. f Olives. k s'uj.'-rio- r H- ?-- rirbr.r. Parlor Wali.ut -t Walr.ut )r.xm of Before : Lard, liawi. ar.d Baron. Mix-- d I'ickle. r..p. Will have Quick Dispatch for above Port will MARIA BRIDGh. deceased. Mr. Justice Plains relief fund for tbe sutJering poor of that country. or repairs. T.rra Wool tteilroofn set. Hair Matters, fcoldioj, Mirror, McCully. Order of Notice of Petition tor Administration. K- Pnrk v4 aVana, l..k aa i la rKktni, rn Not;. 125, 167, - I'pset price, 20u each. FKO NKW Cal.fclHlMA Ka-- t t CLr'Hno axel l ietura, la For Freight or Passage, apply to reading and Cling petitroa of 'HIRAM BINGHAM, Cor J. nnnl fcera and tarju. . On the l"ps-- t Nil.. ?air. I I of Kii tJ'.l.er j,Arliel'-t- A. Bride-s- , No. 127, 14. '!, 1W. price, $200 each. The baud will play at the foot of Ibe Espla re- Ka Corn. iwa and Bran. fcM tioUf. fcw JUIro. n. h'n l'ur:o'.ur. atl JalO C. BREWER At CO., Agents. of Honolulu, alleglrg Chit George ol ll.molulu llf. Tbe Anthropological Society at Paris bas just 4 2d day.of 1S74-th- 321, 1524. :i."2. Upset price, I'asra Curorw IVef, aValr-- l fc"-f- . died ioteatat a, liuadaiu on the Nov. a. D. at No. $i) each. nade at 4 past four ibis afternoon, instead of Emma ceived two beads ol ' Canaques," preserved in t C. B.IKTOW, AortV. Bridges 10th day Dec. t. Maria died on the of a. d. Nos. ;1J, a'o. I' pact price, f 2isJ ravli. occur- spii of l a 1S79, .Letters Admiriiatration issue to Squire The change is made on account of ibe iis wine and l..raid.-- by navy surgeon, . I Auctioneer. and praying that of him, 1100 K. I. FOR SAX FRAXCISCO and aiao for proof of the will of Maria Bridges, the widow of Noa. Ml, StU. f2. Iftti. Upset price. each. rence of a boat race between tbe Lackawanna' tine, is that of the rt t.i l t hiol Altai, and sbowa l. riii-rg- lit 31 .V 12 aaid Geurge A. bridges, and for Letters of Guardianship of their Noa. 35, JU7, .".. aw. I'pset price, f 100 each. crew, and the victors, Kapiolnni's, of the race on great and intelligence ; the other is that of The American Schooner Yacht minor children. News. ail, 31ii, 112. price, flM each. a inedecme man, a sort l Papuan kahuna. WEDNESDAY, l"iet NtW Year's. There It la ordered thai the 7th day of JANU- Xos. 313, 31", 314, itlu. price, $l each. Ami convicts, ESTATE ON FRIDAY. JANUARY 16th, 6 A. be appointed l'iet - now remain only in New Caledonia, BEAL 3: ARY, D. IssO. and hereby is for hearing said . - 3 3l-2- MoP.K Imm 2O0 shi Clans Spreckels,' petition before Ihe said Justice, in the Court Room of this Sua. '), I'pset price, f each. icbwts. Tbe Iliilbb HighIyer. li. i' ill lc.73 over 4 ..'00 arte ai lit out. A r rrucb vx- , AuariON, At 10 a. m. at Fanrwro, w.Il be oH, TON SCHMIDT, Master, Court, at Honolulu, at which time and place all persona con- So. 3i;7, 36. Upset price, 2J each. from London via St. Mictiae-ls- (Western Islands) tranojiort has bailed from Toulon for Noumea With cerned may appear and show cause, it any ttey have, why Sua. 370, 37S. I'pset price, $100 each. will be due in al! next month wilh l'ortn-iies- e l.0."0 troops on board Will have Quick Dispatch for above Port. aaid petition should not be granted, and that thia order be here ON FRIDAY, : : JANUARY 16th. published in Ihe Enclish language for three successive week S,. 2J0, 242. 243. 244, 245. I'pset price, imtnigraiitrt to th Hoard ol Inimigtuiion. For Freight or Passage, apply lo m-- in the Pacific Commercial Advertiser, a newspaper ia Hono- $200 each. Sbe will tiling about 330 uilulla, n and women, 11. M. ('jHu', d27 2t WM.G. IRWIN A CO., Agents. - S. Cupt. Kobtiisiiii, has been ordered Kwlihl. lulu. . Triangular lot bounded by Bi Tetania street, Makiki and 50 children. Ilooulti lulmi. ibr I'rrMltf. Dated Hcnolulu, II . I.. Deetrber 12th. 1S79. home Irotn the Pacific. TLe German corvette llothin LAWRENCE M'CLLLY, street and premises of J. S. Lemou. Upset price. $200. Vimnarik: has sailed ftof.i a three) L. . r,f Sydney for At 11 n . by order 4 B. U.re r..l WIVov.. A.irrv-- Attest: J ustice of ihe Supreme Court. Lot bounded by llerctenia, Keaunukti, Kmau and Ma- A PasToR koii Waiixki". Hy tbe hidy Lnmpson E. Mr. hs, llankrtii.r. I will !! al m action, AMI. Fox San Francisco. months' trip through tbe South Pacific, with lbj FOR 31 A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. d:20 kiki streets. Upset price, $joO. from Francisco on the 5th Inst, arrived tbe Coiisul-Caeut-ru- l, ! BARK San new Captain Zettibacb, on board. Isot jr TIIK FINE HAWAIIAN a Uev. F. wile. Mr. 11. is a clergy- of Furniture THE SUPREME COURT OF THE II These lauds are sold with distinct understanding that II. Uobinson and The --Yiiui i.'us reached Sydney Nov. 4. and relieves 1 11 r I'laaila. ti. Olher fJ . IX Kingdom. the purcbawrs art. to improve the same. The Goveru-Uieu- t man ol the Congregational denomination, and will Ihe Aibulross, which cornea borne. The I'rinct 3iooo ('ir " RAMON A FERNANDEZ SMITH vs. CHARLES SMITH, declines to sell to parlies desiring to bold for an be settled nver the Society at Wailuku, Maui, for Adalbert, with Prince Henry on board, encounter- In ll).: i.f Ihe dwe in( h.MSs rf said K. rtrrbz, with KALAKAUA,"JENK3 MAsTER. Libel for Divorce. . uhich place be took bis departure on Monday last. ttinM.iirs frINrrmin. I" lrl-- . linuj- - House, Chicken One Single Seat Buggy and Pole. KALAKACA, by the arace of God. of the Hawaiian Islands, advance. ed a hurricane near the Japanese coast recently, Il..u, l'i; l'rn, Pi-- on I I'm". Ac. AUo, tn undivided Will have Quick Dispatch for above Port. King: To Wm. C. Parke, Esq., Marshal of the Kingdom, or Terms, one-fourt- cash, one-four- th in one year, one-four- th but escaped unharmed. The Kumdan corvettes FUR PARTICULARS Mr-Joh- one-ha- ir a.lj. th- - side r.f K. ?tre,x's fKK Pu?TERd. PORTRAIT OF K AM Ell AM Ell A I - L Ilecse, in kit .irons; mauki Passage apply to his Deputy Greeting: one-fourt- inftml Jf For Freight or in two years, and h iu three years, with X'lytsihiik and 7.'i v.t'"X' passed through tbe and indu-tin-- apana Nr.. de- premises, ot square chains, twine 4, C. S. RARTOW, Auct'r. WM. Q. IRWIN A CO.. Agenta. You are hereby commanded to summon Charles Smith, a native Hawaiian no mean abilities, al- - Channel last month on tbe way tu 1740. noi5 fendant, in case he shall file written answer twenty interest at 9 per cent, aud mortgage on the property. artist of the Pacific, la imrl within self-taugh- K. ADAMS, days sfter service hereof, to be and appear before the Supreme Papers at the expense of the purchaser. though entirely t, has neatly finished in join Admiral Aslauberg's (Jeet there. Admiral I. Awrl'r. ! FOR SALE Court at the April Term thereof, to be holden at Ihe Court Sam'i. O. Wildeb, water colors a portrait of the Conqueror of Ihe Is- Stirling, in lint 'IYiuih, was at Caltao when last ! Fox Sale or Charter. Room of the Court I loose, Honolulu, in the Island f Oahu, on lands, which is probably a better likeness than most heard from. F. J, Two Iron Safr, One Iron Tank, a Lot of faxls. MONDAY, Ihe 5th day of April next, at 10 o'clock a. m., to Minister of the Interior. LKASK AT AUCTION 1KS0. extant ; and as THE HAWAIIAN SCHOONERS show cause why the claim of Kamona Fernandes tmilb, plain- Interior Office, Jan 7th. at all events its represents the King AT ttl.t:.SKUON ()l Bl c. 9. BARTOW. tiff, ahould not be awarded ber, pursuant to the tenor of her an elderly Hawaiian chief would have appeared, and Twenty-Fift- h Anniversary of the Honolulu LILIU," "KALTJNA" and annexed petition. of as tbe old natives say he did appear. We under- !- Sale of Lease Government Land. Sailors' Home Society. -i : And have you then there thia Writ, with full return of your stand that tbe portrait will be photographed. SATURDAY, JANUARY 24th, a i. i: " EAMAILE." prjeeedings thereon. ON MONDAY. February 9th, lt0p at the front entrance i'it (Seal ) Witness, Hon. Chaa. C. Harris, Chief Justice of 1'2 oou, of Aliiolani Hale, at o'clock will be sold the The of the society, AT 12 II'CMICK, NOON. Ar;ilunlIo Essttite. Well found and ready for sea. For particulars, apply to of Dec. A Hcman Curiosity. Among the immigrants annual meeting above which Ileal COOKK, Agent. Our Supreme Court, this 4th day 1S79 u years piece land e20 Kr.iju'ireof C. B. BARTOW. r,2 A. FRANK A. ROSA, Deputy Clerk. lease for t. of that of Government constituted its 25th auuiversary, was held - r,f recently arrived from Micronesia, is a young girl at the Rj Or. r Ihe 1 hereby certify die (oregolng suramorrs to be a true anil cor- known as KAl'NOLU, I.ANAI. Upset price $200 per -- - provided by with two Home on 8d Jauuary. 1880. 11 Hon. rect copy of ibe original no w on file vn the Clerk's Olfloe of annum. TERMS Payment sviui-annu- in advance. nature tongues. Only think the at a m . 8. New York & Honolulu Packet Line ! N. Ca.-tl-e Trustees of the Lunalilo Estate, ill.iivli:ir.s S:ilo. the Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands. Sam'l G. Wilder, of it a woman with an extra tongue Shades of. presiding ( lTVe-- MOTT C PARKE Job Caudle ! woundn't she w ret tie with a eurtain Tbe Treasurer reported a balance of $86.82. on I'KKMi: OL'KT IX EUl J. So Bros., Honolulu, Dec. 4th. 1S79. ; (u8 61) - Marshal. Minister of the Interior. H. ! I 1 ll off r f r a SICMITH. rw,.'nrnni. r. KDWAltD K R. W. Crossman 1S80. lecture h&nd. The report of the Chairman of tbe Executive Interior Department, Honolulu, Jan. 9th, I IXd.Eao.l W. I.. WII.I O.V, i:ri"l in ban k ru ptry c.f laid 118 Chamber Street, New York Agents. " And still her tongue (s) run on, tho less Committtee is given below. E. r'trel.z. and Cll tRLES W A LI., defemlanta. Supreme Court of the Hawaiian Islands, Of weight thoy bore, with greater ease; rI Hy of decree of Ihe Court of Law and Fob Election to Ih? held on February 4th, 1880, for everlasting election of Trustees for a term of three years. of I'on Vein's rirtoe a ! . : the And with their clack. f Eiuily of Ihe IJawaii &ii in a certuin cause deiiending K XEXT VESSEL ibis POPULAR In Probate. .. Representatives to the Legislature, the following parties upon closing the 31st Dec. 1882. resulted aa follows : ritll1 Line will leave New York in all the month of December. Set husband's ears the rack." THE in sai l Court. wr,rrin J. M 'l rmith ia coiuplainant and con- Messrs C. R. Bishop. P. C. Jones, T. , having freight for port, will do well to patronize In the or the of CIIAS. KANAI3I A, have been this day appointed to preside over and J. Waterbouse rtir-tts- B. bole and W. L. Wilrv.x asdigneea in bank- Parlies this matter Estate e. good Teasel low rate ol Gbavixq Dock. will be seen by fhe B. Atherton, A. Wm. ruptcy of aaid K. Mrehz, and f'h.irl.-- Wall, are dcindanta: this Line, being assured of a and a deceased. Petition to sell Real Eatate, and divide proceeds duct uald Election iu a ich districts as have a Wanted, a It Jr. J. Fuller, and Babeock. I freight. ae27 tf among the heirs of said Chas. Kanaina. The elected bal- EASE OF THE ILI OF PAU It Wi onlird. that all the rinht, title, interest and Polling Place : letter from our esteemed European correspondent, Trustees the following officers by estate of ll.e sai i Edward Mrehz. of. in ami to all and singular To the HON. CHAS. C. HARRIS. lot : vix ; S N. Castle, President : C. K. Bishop, aides) i - Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. Kan, Hawaii Rev. J. Kanhane. that a large graving dock is lo be constructed at In Waikiki. ahs), situated oa .lb ul the Ihe mortgaged preimsea mentioned in complainant' bill of Mr. Chas. Wall. Treasuier: F. A. Schaefer, Secretary. . I cer- Esquimalt, B. C. Thia is just what Honolulu needs, Waikiki R"S1, jiUininr complaint, an therein described ait follow: All Ih'.ae fMIE4 PETITION OF WILLIAM C. - Mr. C. K. Apiki. s ''' . Executive Committee, Rev. 8. Damon, E. JL 0. tain pH-c-- of land aitoate,! in Kalild. inland of Oihn, and Con- FOR PARKE respectfully represents to Your Honor, that for repair of large (as well as small) seagoing Tea- 0. veyed to the Slid Mri-li- z by Henry Nolte by deed on or about the 5th day of April, 1077, he was duly appointed D. Kama!. Hall and P. C. Jones. 27-1- 00 Uward J. Hilo, Hawaii Mr. sels. The existence of such a convenience at this AN AREA OF 24 ACRES, il.it. d Hie Cr.l dy of July, A It. which (aid deed ia re TUB HAWAIIAN BRIO Administrator of the Estate of the said Chas. Kanaina, and Mr. J. 11. Pahio. The Sailor's Home continues its usefulness In tbia Re.-iCra- r port would make it more than ever the entrepot of corded in the r.llice of the of Conreyancea of the that he duly qualified as such Administrator as by law pre- Mr. J. K. Naiole. community, although it has changed in Its ohatacter Ponds, Kingdom, in Liber on paea 451 and 452; and also all that scribed; and in pursuance to the Order of this Honorable the commerce of the Pacific, especially in view of the Fish : It. A. Lyman. to a in piece or paro l of land situa'ed in Kalihi aforeas id, conveyed Court, tliat all of the debts of die Haiti Estate have been duly Hauiakaua, Hawaii Mr. coming isthmus canal, tbe Southern l'acifio railway, great extent proportion lo tbe general change W belonging to Mr. J. K. Kannamano. . . twenty-fiv- e to said Edward Ktrehz by illiiwn Adam), by deed dated the POMAEE, paid and satisfied, that there remains the said trans-Pacif- which the years of its existence have Kalo Patches, ic cable. But (I'-t- Mr. Chas. Williams. aod tbe telegraph private 2Jih dy r.f Jane. A. 1. 1"67, which aaid is recorded in Well Found Ready for Sea. Estate, and under the control of your petitioner. Real Estate wrought in this oity. The Record of tbia Institution olli'-- being upon Hawaii, Maui, enterprise, with capital from abroad, must build oar the of iho Registrar ol Conrryancca afureaaid, in Liber 24, au23 Apply to H. UACKFKLD A Co. situate and the several Islands of Kalaupapa, Molokai Mr. 3. Hanaloa. is full of interesting reminiscenses, and calls to mlnJ and Grass Lands on paes 114 and 116 Molokai, Oahu and Kauai, as appears by the Inventory herein Mr. 11. K. KajKiloli. dock. with the decree, ahall sell at pub- filed, and formiog a part of this petition; that there have been a number of our best and most useful citizens of on Klubiik,a And in accordance above I Mr. Kahaulelio. (CT TKKMS AT SA I.K- "- Chart at lic auction at Kalihi. on Ihe said premises, on Saturday, the PACIFIC MAIL decreed as heirs at law of the said Chas. Kanaina, the follow- A Narrow Escape Tbere was a narrow escape whom many have since departed to a better life, HaJesroum. . 17ih day r.f Janu.iry. A. U. 1VM. at 12 o'clock noon, all the ing persona: Uanoah. Lilikalani, Edward Lilikalani, Ilaualel, Kauai Mr P. Keaweamahi. Uf those who - Naih.1 fcy Paniahoa-w- , A. L. from a conflagration on Smith street last Monday s constituted the first body of Trustees E. P. ADAM?. Anctr. right, title and inu r.nl of the aaid hdward r!irehz lu and to ! W. Uaalllio k, flaalelea k, Mr. G.B. Meheula. feirrhteen living, the following described premises, lo satisfy the demand of J STEAMSHIP COMPANY Kahuakaiola k, 1'aliau w, Kaaua k. heirs of Kilinahe, Mr. John Lovell. evening, ibe family occupying a two story bouse in all. onlv six are nnw and nf iksuA Moll Smith, m rti;:iu"-- e of s.nd premiatu, under a certain mort- deceased, U. R. II. Keelikolani, and Mrs. Uernice Pauahi Ifthe Rev. Dr. Damon and Hon. S. N. Castle have ever 1 . were down at su nner. whpn fh wind hlnwinr - . gage dated the olxt day of August. A. 1S72. which demand Bishop; that aa your petitioner is lnforned and believes true, Puna, Kauai Mr. D. K. Holi. stairs ' . n. M l. II''' con-- ecn wemoera and omoers of...... the UqjuOS AUFGEBOT. Mr. Josia Keawa. . through an onen window brought a certain in 1 ac"7e w as ascertained by John K. llarnard. one of the masters of SA1V the said heirs are unable to agree to a division of aaid u i aaid Court to amount to Ihe sum of $2,169.20 Said premises FOR FRANCISCO. Estate, and that a majority of the said heirs are desirous lhat Mr. A. Ku. tact with the flame of a lamp, and tbe set Great credit and the thanks of tbia community arc Ks nrJ allfftmeinrn kenntniss) dass curtain lar are bounded and described as follow: the balance of the Real Eatate remaining and belonging to the SAM'L. O. WILDER, Minister of the Interior. fire to a mosquito bar on a bed Dear by. Two na- especially aue to tue itev. uamon for bis Inde- I Der kaarmann (Abraham) Albert Loewenbers; wohi.hafl la Commencing at a redwood post in lence at west corner of THE SPLENDID STEAMSHIP said Chas. Kanaina, may be Sold at Public Auction, and the fatigable labors in the interestsir of Home, Office, 5, 1880. 10. saw blaze , tbe Sailor's Honolulu, S..ho de sa San F ruic isoo whnhaften Rentiers thi piece on government road, said ost being 57 ft N E of the proceeds thereof distributed among the heirs at law of the said Interior Jan. Jan tives on the street the and bursting in the ' Loeweobera; and seiner in Berlin verstorbeneo front door up to chamber and extinguished "and tbe occasion of its 26th anniversity is a fit oppor- Ka.ha!l second mile stone, and from which post the government sur- Chas. Kanaina, therefore your petitioner prays that an order Legislative ran tbe Bike gebocene Sch weraenski. vey station, Lake, bears N 4i- - 11' W true, and running A! may be made directing him, the said Administrator, to sell at The Election of Representatives to tho next flames, which otherwise would soon tunity to give publio expression lo these sentimenta. r?!t - CUKVALIER, Commander. Asst-mbly- , tbe have set the Po- a ZEALANDI will take place thr. mahout the various Election Ex-eout- n.1 IU - K tyi along Meek- 8 31 25 E Public Auction, all and singular Real now remain- In that gentleman's as 2 I die llrorielle (Jenny) skhutllamder vohnhaft S 64 65' trne, ft land; irue, the Estate Districts' Kingdom on Wednesday 4th day of house on fire. There were two sick children on the report Chairman of tbe Torhti--r Kaufminn'a Valentin 45.8 ft along Meek's N 47 c 4V K true. 14 !. 9 ft along on ing and belonging to the Estate of the said Chas. of the the ara, rl4 Trr'torbvnn land; Will leave Honolulu for San Francisco Kanaina, February next. The followinf; places are designated for bed at the time. Those natives we have not learned Committee, will be found an interesting bit rVi lnxtlarmlrr and trior Kbefraa Johanna ireburene Meek's lan,l; N 4J - IS W true, 60.1 ft along .Meek' land; a and thai the psoeeerU thereof be deposited with this Honor- e ' holding election. of international history an evidently well foopded Poar-ndi- einander einK.-h- wollen. W along Me. N W true, or about Mondays Jan. 19th. able ' Court, anil tie divided among Ilannah Lilikalani, the eir names certainly deserve "honorable in Ehe mil 6312 true. 32 3ft k's Und; 4110' HAWAII. mention." lur SrkannlmachaD Art Aa'f-riot- s hat In der Stadt I'wn 22 3 ft along Mcek's UikIv N 41 57' E true, 11 ft along Edward Lilikalani, Naihe k, Pamahoa w, A. W. Haalilio 7 presumption that American legislation relating to r V. S A 1 ; L. Kili- Hilo, Court House rxl in rux-- drr 'kwoeo Zritun in Uonolalu u Meek' land; S 44 - iV true. H2 ft along R P 675 p N ! k. Haalelea k, Kahuakaiola, Pahau, Kaaua, heirs of District of Hilo Court Hditse in An Old Acquaintance. By a recent urrival seamen reoeived some hints from that of Hawaii on 60 V K true, 72 2 ft along It P 075 Ap l.said piece deeded For Sydney, via Auckland nahe, deeeased, 11. 1C II. Keelikolani, and Mrs. Bernice Laupahot hoe. the same subject. Pmwti am llien Nottmbrr, ST). by Kahele to Slrehz); N 7 ZV W true, 2 8 ft along K P 675 Pauahi Bishop, the heirs at law of the said Chas. Kanaina, District of Hatiiakua Court House in Waipio, School from the coast we were pleased to welcome Mr. tfund)br-amt-- . 3 - SPLENDID STEAMSHIP lrr Ap I; N 84 24- E true, 60 7 ft alone Konohiki (1'eapa); N 2 THE according to llieir respective shares or interests. And your Honse Houokaa. 'bomas Tannatt and wile, former well known resi H N K Housa Waimea, School. House Annual Report of drciiin L. S. HCMP. 35' K true. 81 ft along Konohiki (l eapa); 75 4V true, i petitioner further prays, that notice of this application may be District of Koliala Court dents of this city, who left us some five years since the Executive Committee. It along HUa lo corner of stone wall; N 8 6J K true, CITY OF NEW YORK," published in the English and Hawaiian languages, in the Ainskea. N Koliala. K of N. Kona School House Kailna. with the intention or settling in Arizona. Having Whatever changes have passed over the world 14 It along stone wall along hiinaunuj N24lKtrue, COBB, COMMANDER. Pacific Commkhciil Advektikr and Kvokoa, two news- District REMOVAL ! 274 6 ft along stone wall alng Kai.himaanu; N 64 3 62 E true, papers published in Honolulu, calling upon all persons inter- District of S. Kona School House llookena. thoroughly tried the new state, our friends appear Kau House Waiohiuu; School House during tbe lust quarter, the Honolulu Sailor's Home, CJKRTZ. Ill KIT AM SUOKMAKER, 115.6 ft along stone wall alor g Kaohimauna to corner of atone ON OR ABOUT MONDAY, JAN. 26th, ested to appear and show cause why the prayer of this . peti- District of Court to have concluded that it was a very good country K llot-- l I J E 454 1 ft aUing slone wall along tioner should not be granted. And your petitioner further Poualuu. has continued onward in its career of nsefulneaa. Irm.K kiutTiM from I I In i tltors wail, thence 335' true. U. HACRFILD A CO., Agenta. School House Pohoiki. to emigrate from at ail events, like many others a Mrrchanl formtrly orruptcil bj D Clark. cc lam lo corner of atone wall; S 57 2' W Irne. 4'r2 ft along prays for all other and further ordera in Ihe premises as may District of Puna Its doors have always beeu open and aoootfodaliooa flml, tti.-i.e- e N W necessary, proper ' who in former years have gone out from us. tbey slo.ie wall along Kaohimaunu and llalai; 15 12' GowsU For Msipawravt Sleasarr east www be and for the sale and distribution of said MAUI. always provided for those for whom it was 204 ri along Kuloa K P 673 Ap2lo corner slone wall; rr Estate, as to this Honorable Court may seem fit in the are glad lo find themselves once more in these sun- built and Irar. be-- wf Chartfe, Ihe Fire-pro-of District of Lahaina Court House Lahaina. otLers who concluded to DANCE PARTIES. these 6i s W true, 66 ft along slone wall along above Sloied. Free la premises. nistrict of Kaanapali School House Uonolua. ny isles of the sea. where they propose to make a avail themselves of its priv- al-- ng Jal 79 C. ' IM patent; a 12 If K true. 77.0 ft al.ve patent; tf6S4 V wear Ihe Slrsarr Wharf. W. PARKE, Administrator. District of Wailuku Court House Wailukn, Court House We will ileges. Many thousands of seamen and others have TIIK lNIKKli;.KI XINT.rZf;, W 151." ft a alKive patent; ! 14 6' K true, 5)5 ft rtksr Subscribed and sworn to before me this 4lh day of Decem- permanent stay. learn that Mr. Tannaii an f lity-on- e "" fruns thr "jtYb true, Ion? TJlnpalakua. here found a quiet temporary resting place. In re" after ahrire al.-nt- ; 102 3 ft along pa- ber 1S79. shortly open a Bhop in bis former business, of U- , aloi.g above N Gi '25' E true, above TIME-TABL- E Makawao. wlK b happy lo pity lnr-- e. OF THE District of Makawao Court House " , STVJ iiin.ltn, tent; 8 27 e 45' K true. 51.5 ft along above patent to slone wall; de6 6t J NO. E. BARNARD, Clerk. School House which due notice will be given. ' 'v..:m .uv "'ou' J vi uic KJlj !Cl J UUIIvG tUaVi A1ln-M- : J. w. I iLM.ni.oi, District of Hana Court House Haua, some officers II Ul Honolulu. H55a2'W Irue. 15 ft al.mg llalai lo atone wall; 8 Wailua. of the original are living, while othera dUT era Pawian Reittaorant. at.. J o 2S s Zl' E Irue. 5 f: c HaUi lo owner su.ne wall; H 61 ' Supreme Court of Islands, District of Molokai and Lanai Court House Pukoo Mo- have passed away. Judge Allen, our Minister N 2? 3 W the Hawaiian Sanctum Fiends This is the pet name applied at lO W irue. Iu5. ft along stone wall to corner; 47 STEAMER LIICELIKE; lokai, Store House Kalsupapa. School Bouse Kaohai Lanai. Washington, was the first : tru--, 7 6 o.rncr atone wall; thence 3 Probate. President Judce Lee. A RARE CHANCE. ft a'oog t iikin..n lo In OAHU. by editors to visitors who make themselves at home : 6.1 e W H ft N 37 3 60 W Irue, M one of the Trustees Judge Robertson another and Th Slock. Onorlwill and ' irue. .lone Wilklaon'; KINO, : : t : ASTER. in tbe office io the absence of tbe chief scribe, by over, FU'orr, 1 ft 1 50 12 W 111 2 ft along R or Estate or of Kona Aliiolani Hale Honolulu, at the front S. N. Castle while ITOR.i KlI.K: Mde It-- along It P67T Ap 8 true. In the matter the CHAS. KANAINA, District another, ('apt. Babeock was one of. Lean, a( ih aXabUalMil Jo.l Wnr in M -. PA73 .tp It 363-2- K tru- 211 ft along R P 673 Ap 1; 8 deceased. Order on petition of Administrator, before the entrance. hauling exohanges and leaving things in disorder. the Floating Committee. Mr Castle has been ll.wvo4.Uo. for-ol- known aa Ihw WIIITK IIOI'Ht:. - Ap 1; S 83 3 10" E 3 of Ewa and Waianae School House Waiawa, ad- among lately lh 57 2' W m. 79 J ft It PT73 true, unlet justice. District Now what may appear to such persons to be " those aitoatrit nrt Niuua arul aniVr nuiwrraimt 5 tt along It P 673 Ap 1 arul Wilkinson to corner of su.ne School House Waianae. of tbe Trustees during all the period of the L. iirt, 2l2 READING AND mirable confusion " on the editor's table, is to him of Uwi. wad; S 66 13 Irue, 7 ft f nr- - lo ouih corner ol this TTPON FILING THE District of Waialua School House Waialua. society existence, aud he is now our honored Presi- many year, jj foregoing petition of W. 0. I'ARKE. Administrator of Laie-Wa- en- Tht !trr h u been established a ol piece on govrmmnt roar!; N 30 b' W Irue, 465.3 ft Tuesday, Jan 13, 6 p ..Circuit or Hawaii J District of Koolauloa School House i. the most perfect order, and which their irruption dent, while alea run M tn.... the Estate of Chaa. Kanaina, deceased, praying for an order the Seamen's Chaplain has always aotecf and ha Urp eulomrr. ng g .ver-ime- ruwl to initial Tuesday, Jan 30, 6 p m Hilo District of Koolaupoko Court House Kaneohe. tirely oversets. . But the gravest outrage is yet to be th- - OilW of at for the sale of all the remaining Real Ksiale, belonging to the as Chairman of tbe Executive Committee in Trm arul further Inform lw.n al lie mooaina lloko o Ilikau i Hauna-l-- o Tuesday, Jan 27, 6 p ...... Circuit of Hawaii KAUAI. prtpar. P.-- AUoApl4R 11247. tn..... aid Eatate upon certain grounds as set mentioned the mutilation of the sanctum files! -- If M. Co, II Kukamana Ht. 1 Hilo forth in said petition. ing tbe Annual Report. ' ' Ji7 rtllLl.l K h"rnaka m ke k hi km a e he 35 korn '29 Tuesday, Feb S. 6 p m is hereby of pub- Wat-raho- i, It ordered that notice aoch application be District of Waimea School House Waimea, School This unpardonable offence was recently perpetrated n. h 1.7 ma m of Hawaii , Kanie-beme- ha kaal rra ko H tti.l, aU:la 513 lie J kaul ko Tuesday. reb 10, 0 p ...... Circuit lished In English arid Hawaiian-languages- for succes- Tbe corner stone was laid by His Majesty 1 Hilo the four House Niihau. in by or CONSULATE OF PORTUGAL. alalia A M 3 ht7puiku; A 1J kora 20 Tuesday, Feb 17, 6 p m.... sive weeks, our sanctum, a party parties unknown, and IVtb on Restoration Day, 31th 8-- in the Pacific Commercial Advertiser and of Puna School Honse Lihnc, School Honse of July, 1865. f ma ko k K nohikl, N W i rliaur kahl i bontnaka Tuesday, Feb 34. 6 p m Circuit of Hawaii District who are notified that we shall hereafter Ilim-tat- a. kal M' Kl'OKOA, two papers published in Honolulu, calling upon all Koloa. hereby have We have admired "th. ISTi. ai eka. Tuesday, March 2. 6 p m.. Hilo always the address of Ilia Majesty . iItct-o- person Interested to appear and show cause if any they have, Court House Hanalei, School House these guarded by a poculiurly savage dog. matiar f th kutam of JoptPIIInllflLV.. I . h'.W? ( 9 25 piece of Hawaii District of Hanalel treasures on lhat occasion as la th T: e eontalorng an area sere. The above T new lay, March 9, 6 pm... Circuit on TUESDAY, the 6ih day of January, 1880. 10 o'clock, G. peculiarly appropriate and we re- perw-n- a Ihe e ,.f aU.ee l.-i- .l at Auahola. Sam'l Wildku. all Z aim asainat rt th f is cooiKed f Grant -- .'22 to II J Nolle. l.ot llof K Tuea-lay- . March 16. 6pm.. Hilo Cave canem. member it was written out in ' hin pre-n- l t(.e rr.e A. h. of that day, at Aliiolani Hale, in the city of Honolulu, Kec 13th 187'J. Minister of the Interior. his own baud writing, are lo la the 6-- A A 1 K P 1247 lesa '23, Circuit of Uawaii namrd d.eaae,, reueird - I' I lams and Ap ol to Kahunahuna Tuesday, March 6pm.. lh- - will b- why the prayer of the said petitioner should not be granted, Station-hous- e. when called for by tbe within .Monihe, or tu-an- .. Hilo in Yesterday morn- printer t'odemiTred deer Toesday, March 30, 6 p m. and for auch other and further orders aa to the Court may Suicide thk And all persona Indrbte,! aaid K.U. are d 1 The laying of corner stone r.r an barred. rrjuu On the a d premises are two dwelling houses, seem necessary and proper in the premises. ' Licenses Expiring in January, 1880. ing early, a man named Matthew Pettigrew. aged the edifice destined to la ariikr Ihe aaaw without deity. with the neceaa-ir- s, and has a water Money ! add to the welfare aud happiness of Seamen la an occa- farther rihl No Credit for Passage Given my hand the aeal of said Supreme boiler-mak- er JtWN PIRKY, Is paid up Fire Jtisurance under and the about 40. a by trade, and a Scotch sion interesting to every member of cf 3 Uys p, r week, there alo a Passages, and we Court, this 4tb day of December, A. D. 1879. ia hereby given that all Licenses must be ap- thia community. de23 St Coruul fur I'ortarai. Policy on aaid premises up to the 2oih day January A. 1. We positively decline to open accounts for Notice man by birth, who bad been locked up over night The hardships with which the. sailor contends, aud tuw call the attention of the traveling public to the CIIAS. C HARRIS, Chief Justice. plied for direct to'the Interior Office, and all parties are dangers which he braves lirin ns caxe la vi. Theloc ili. o is uiiurpaed tiring on Ihe Oovernraest particularly Attest: JNO. E. BARNARD, Clerk. de6 6t cautioned about failing to renew expiring Licenses, and on a charge of drunk wan iotind dead in the cell. and security. Had rami and about 3 miles from town, most of the above land can necessity of having Baggage and Freight plainly markel; the he never steered his ships into our waters, Honolulu NOTICE. not be responsible for any unmarked baggage or all Sheriffs and Deputy Sheriffs have instructions to pro- having evidently strangled himself sometime dur- wight simply have b planted With kal. the patches all being laid out and Some tleamer will secute without discretion, any and all parties doing retained its jxwltiou aa a usliing vil. HAWAIIAN urvl-- . on application for any Freight or Parcels unleaa for. . ing the night with his suspenders. He was found lai;e or become by thts time a deserted beach. I hope AHOUTTO I.F. VKTIIE r cultivat.o-i- I be premise can be viewed Rrrrlaird Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage. business without the proper Licr-nse- the HtCIXC i Mr. Ak'X J. a undersigned of Uic aame can be aeeo at his about 10 o'clock Thursday night, lay has panned for any class of men to be valued onl- - for hare prnted l'artriht to the aod a Bap FREIGHT MOXEl DUE ON DEM AND! PrR-i- . SAM'L G. WILDER, by the police mi m who w ill attend to all my huein dunoc toy flI"u--5 VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT their strength, and adaptability to thepnrpoaea of other. atloraey, not lesponslble or un- suaut to a power of sale contained in a Mortgage Minister of the Interior. on Kaaiiuinann street, without shoes or hat. and on M RoBEKTd. ("files sai I d- - eree cast and expenses be previously satisfied. In all cases of Freight for parties certain Tbe sailor, the miner, the seamstress, aud even the alave, abaeac. Im' JikMll required In advance. Deed dated December 24, 1877, made by Kanui Lumaheihei Interior Office April 30, 187'J. being taken to tbe station und interrogated by Mr. Iasr.1 at s-- of pnrchaaer W. C. PARKE, Marshal. known, the Freight Money will be for Keueratioiis to will all have cause to blesa the 6t and Wiliiam P. Lumaheihei, her husband, of Hamakua, Island McDulI. gave such wandering and incoherent an Nineteenth Century. In raising thia Home, we endeavor NOTICE. Honolulu, Ivc 11th, 1S7. d!3 LIQL'OKS AND WINES of Hawaii, M. D. "' PACKAGES OF and P. Kinimaka and Lelea of Honolulu, RETAIL. swers was considered best lo locK In in up to act iu accordance with the Spirit of the Aft, by seek- Oahu, to Thomas Cummins of Honolulu, of record in the 1 that it ing to a IV K I NCI OF IIONOLILU ! MUST BE PLAINLY MARKED aid OAHU F H Wilt, Hotel Street, Honolulu ameliorate the condition of a preiMinderatluif ele- all Till'. PfHI.lt: LAND FOR SALE cffica of tha Registrar of Conveyances in liber S3, on pages 1 st, . for the night. Yesterday toi a cot oner's jury ment of our foreign a very bheral lumtoiure nratoweii on me in my re- P Daltou, Kind and considerable one of our the Mtmnaae For the pirty whom they are for, or plainly stated Id the 141. 142 and 143, and by said Thomas Cummins assigned to 1 & impanelled by Deputy Marshal Ihiyton. con aa a deaW in Dry u.m and ,enrri Jiercnacuue. riii if: imi:kmgm:i). as in Whitney Robertson, Merchant st, " was native, population. 1 fact f.r Wm III. Ul. rand. l. I.. ..firsattorxktfor rale, on liberal ceipt to whom they are consigned. Alex. J. Cart writ-li- t of said Honolulu, by document date.l June Edwards, Valley Home, " Messrs. G West. Henry A. II. Moss The moral wants of the sailor demand onr eqnally I w,.ukl mneclfallv notute that I hare diapnaed ol aaid must be made withiu ODe 1JC sisting of Hart. rare n terms, of Uiwl in Kemno, Ramananui, sard lo contain All demands for Damage or Loss, 25, 1S79. and of record in liber 59, on pages 311 and 312, and 4 Wo & Co, nt, with those Hint are Hebello,ie ami for hi-- a eontiimance trart Sam Chung Hotel " S. W. H. Untidy, physical. '1'he facilities offered la buvineaa lo Mr. Jiha ak 70H) ncres In all; and a in Wahlawa, said to contain month. for a breach of the conditions in said Mortgage Deed contained, 6 at, man. J. Webster. Jas. Lycett. and liiiu on as ns.mul.le kind rkeora. JOr.PH RoBkRT.. aio trart ' Ching Ou, Nuuanu shore a r and responsible being oth.e 149t acres, all situate in Ihe District of Waialua, Island of In no way liable for loss or accident to live stock. that all and singular the lands, tenements aus) hereditaments 8 Chulan & Oo, Nuuanu st, - , who. after viewing the body and beating the evi should be mnltiloriii. In order to counteract disadvan- dJO Im Corner r.f Hotel and Nuuanu 8(1. will not allowed the Oahu The Und in were formerly lo John XT Hack Drivers, Boys, and such like, be In said Mortgage Deed contained and described will, after the 8 Lew-er- & Dickson, Fort st, " dence adduced, returned as a verdict that Deceas- - tages inseparable from a life at sea. I'or his owu sake, Silvia ami Owen J. Holt. (d20lf) CH A3 R. BISHOP. on board the Steamer upon arrival, until after the passengers time limited by law, be sold at public auction on account of a It) Honolulu Iron Works Co, ITIakoheo, " d came to his death by stt angulation by bis own aud tlmt nt every community he visits, he should evar be ' have been landed. breach in Ihe conditions as hereinbefore mentioned. The pro- 10 Ah Peck, Nuuanu st, found an orderly and intelligent In- NURSE AND MIDWIFE. CO. band, while in a slate of delirium." It is stated member of society SALE CHEAP. nih8 79 WILDER 4 perty in said mortgage described being situated in Kona Akau, 12 Piikoakti, Waianae, stitutions ol tins character will help to make blui so. WARD. OX SCHOOL. 8TRKKT. FOR Kona llema, Hsmakua, Hawaii, and Honolulu, Island of Oahu. 12 I.ttio Plantation Co, Laie, Koolauloa, that l'ettigrew had beeu drinking heavily for some Kuteitaitiing these feelings towards sailors, I Uot tVI.MI-MII.- L, did MRS. fort and oaana l(a , hereby notiftea the I BRASS I'CMIM at. aoaigaog. CECIL BROWN, HI Fong, had'-swor- hesitato to assist in ceremony 1 8. 0. ALL. r. ALEX. J. CAKTWRI0UT, Lin Waikiki, days, but off." anil the result of the the of and I terin ciiiwrna of llonoiula. thai ah ra prepared lo act aa N lT KSK 1f.OOI capable of holding 600 gallon each; Solid Attorney for Assignee of Mortgage. 15 I.al, Maunakea rt, myself happy Unit my name la asvx lated good many year a experi- Piiie Work, Connectiona, etc., sudden discontinuance ol stimulants resulted in with this In raaee of harinf had Frame, for above larks; also, & KOBINSON, Paled at Honolulu, Jan. 3d, 18S0. , . ja3 41 Hi Wong Park 4t Co. Nuuanu st, nun. Mt'K.K?. ALLEN - ' : ence in the Iloapitala al ftneklon an.1 Virginia City. And ia complete. Thi Mill can tie ecn in working order by apply- . . r ' . . l'J Akoi & Co, Nuuanu st, " delirium. 1 he t a practical M 1 1 V I K. prepared lo attend palienla ing lo (ntflf) H. J. AUNEW. A DEALERS IN 20 & Akana, Kaalaea. Koolaupoko, Society tias always been peculiarly fortune!' aiao r T ROBINSON'S WHARF. MATERIALS Notice of of Mortgage. Ahoon in caae of need. X. LI' M BUR and all kinds of BL1LDINU Foreclosure 22 T J Mossman, cor King & Nuuanu fits, " The Theatre. The Zoe Gayton Dramatic Com in eecurinrr coed and reliable msuatrera : Mr. and fur aerricro cither at her home or Naiia, Ac. PCR-L- Any appilcaiinna her OF COPYRIGHT. Paints, Oils, Ac, VOTICE IS II KREBY GIVEN. THAT rl 22 T i Mossman, Nuuanu st, pany gave their initial at toe lioyai Mrs. Thrum, 1850 186'J ; Capt. and Mra. Oat. will be promptly attended to. NOTICE a & periormance throne! the Post Oftce aGKlTS FOB SCHOOa-gH- suant to a power of sale contained in a certain mortgage 23 Kong Gee Ahong, Nuuanu st, 18G0 1863 ; Mr and Mrs. Miller, 1864 1806 m MRS. WARD, School Street. deed, 1S77, by Eldredge 24 Sing Chong & Co, Hotel 6t, " Hawaiian Theatre on last Thursday evening, and to ; d7 I I RKMK.MBKRK.I. THAT OX THE KULAMANTJ, dated the 20th day ol April, Keano R. jwrs. ; f Nov. x. D. 147'J. Thrum, of Bono, and David P. Eldredge. to II. A. Widemann, and of record in 20 Sing Chong & Co, cor Bcretania and a well filled house. The plays produced were the traoo, iooo ltsi Mrs vvhiteous, 1871 BF Tb. C KKKAULIIOHI, ; Dunr-comb-, Tdand r.f I in accordance with Section 3 of an Act Liber 20, on pages 103, 104 and 105. and also In another cer- Nunumi sts, " drama Miami," otherwise known as 1873 Mrs. and Mrs. 1868 . NOTICE TO CREDITORS. lulu, inr.u, & romantic " Learning Ki lom, by Securing the MART ELLEN, tain mortgage deed made by said Keano R. Eldredge and 28 Anee Asing Co, King st, " ' During ten Y. CJ I V K X 1 1 AT T 1 1 K To Underage in thi r Green Bushes," and tbe farce " Margery.' The ihe last yens, tbe M. C. A.' baa IH IIKRKHV T Copi s of Chart and Hooks to the Authors and Proprietor of PACAHI, David P. Eldredge, to the said II. A. Widemann, dated Nov. HAWAII 3 Akiona, Kaiopihi, North Kohala, VOTUE baa been apKinled A.lmiuitra;nr of Ihe 7 various parts were fairly sustained, but tbere was a sustained a Reading Room at the Hume, which baa onderiifned ancr-- . Copies," approved n the day of Dee. a. D. 1S64, 25th, 1876, and recorded in Liber 43, on page 106.107 and T Spencer, Utlo. il of Yin Chinir. mte of llonclnln. drreaaed. aad all per-au- 3It H ALEAK ALA. 7 A been much Ealatc Book Hawai- 1 108, for in Tong Wo Co, North Kohala. lack to also a frequented aud never more than at tbe aathen-tM-aU- ti, in Itna olllce the lilie of bis The ' and a breach of the conditions said mortgage deeds noticeable of adherence the text, and are hereby nontled to preeent their claim, duly ha d.'iiaited FAIRY QCKKN, 8 Kong A Makapala, Kohala, Atmaii-t- and Annual, a Hand-Roo- k of Information on contained, that all and singular, the lands, tenements and Ton Co. of gesticulation, all of present time. whether arenred by mortcage or otherw:ae, at the ian 18 Ho Gin, Puuahoa, Hilo, superabundance, at times, . Kel iiing to the Hawaiian Islands, Original aod CILAMA, hereditaments in such mortgage deeds contained and described, Although whaleships have ee of ding A Ct-- , Hotel Mrret. Honolulu, within lx alters 27 C Waiohiuu, Kau, which may possibly be attributed to a first night ceased to frequent thia off Value to Merchants, Planters, Tourists and Others, LEAIII. will, after the time limited by law, be sold at public auction, Meinecke, from Ihe date hereof, or they will be Ibrerer harred; on men- before a strange audience. In the Miss Zoe port only one coming this year yet merchant v ea- anih are hereby notified tu carefolly c. mpile-- by THUS. G. Til KL'M the rights of which account of the breach of the conditions as hereinbefore MAUI 4 Malailua, Wailua, Koolau, drama. and all peraana indebted lo aul eatate n29) Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. (79 tioned. The property mortgages described, in- 30 Wong Kokomo, Makawao, St. sels bave increased, and vessels of war coming occa- paymenr thereof he claims as owner and proprietor. in such and Lau, Gayton, in the dual parts of Miami and Madam make immeil.aie I hereunto act my hand and tended to be sold, being situate In Kula, Island of Maui, and sionally as in former years The A. V LOO N0AWK, In testimony whereof. hav KAUAI 14 Akiona, Nawiliwili, A utter t made a fine stage appearance, and ber deliv- necessity for sus- caused Ine tesl M the Interior Irspartment to be affixed at known aa the Ahupuaa of Kannoulu, and containing 20,000 20 G S Pinkham, Koloa, taining such , A of the Estate ol Yin Chin;, deceased. , TrrtL-TST- K of of the parts showed study aud self- - an institution remains aa urgent aa Jminutraior 2;:li NovetnlK-r- . D. 1S7D. V. COOKE, acres, more or less II. A. WIDEMANN. ery the lines Honolulu, Dec. Uih. u13 l Honolulu thia day of 25 Paahana, Hanalei, ever. It formes a centre place of resort for 1" !.gne.l) SAM'L . WILDER, AO EXT OF THE FOLLOWIXQ COASTERS s CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Mortgagee. dl3 4t 27 Aloiau, Kapaa, Kawaihau, pc3MCssion. Miss Lizzie Ingles done fairly witb tbe friends of many good enterprises, Bible n2!i 2in Minister of the Interior. A parts assigned ber, Nellie O'Neil and Meg, as did including and tract ASSIGNEES' NOTICE. Wailele, Malolo, of WHOLES LE. also Miss Amy Nelson as Geraldine. Mr Walton's disti ibutiou. So manifest has been Ibe usefulness " Notice of Foreclosure Mortgage. 1 E A Bro, cor Fort A King sts, Honolulu, IIK rxilKRHUXKO IIAVIXO HEciX NOTICE OF COPYRIGHT. II Mclntyre Mr. of this institution that it bas never been allowed to t.ono- - fl'K-1- 1 4 Aswan, Nuuanu st, " Connor O'Kennedy was good ; but Murtagh, rlerted Aaainee of the ratale of inoo n.an oi - Department of Interior, llonolu'u, Nov. 7th, 1879. Waimalu, Eamaile. VOTICE IS IIEREBY'GIVEN THAT H tjerao-i- In- - to a ower of sale contained in a certain mortgage was so wild times, as to become encumbered with debt, and the community lulu. o b v.i" l.vj av'twen tn all KM IIKRKI), O.N suanl RET a I L SPIRIT. Bradley, and profane at piuiivp. Kau, to make immediate pajm jnt to IT R KM THAT THE WaioU, deed, dated Sept. 26th, 1877. made by Debora Haakulau and compel- bas always most generously responded when appeala debied to the taid fhnn of Nov. . 1S79, Bowser, of Honolulu, Liliu. - 1 & spoil tbe poiuts of many of bis speeches by n; day a. noree Kaaliaanui of- Pcreira Vereira, Hive, Bartow at his falearontn. Honolulu. Any peraor own-i- fK To to C. S. Bartow. Chairman of Board Trustees of Be have been made for its support. C. 8. Island of O ihu. in arcor.lance with Section 3 of an Act " Lodge No 21, F. A A. M., of Liber 23, on ling some of tbe auditors to close their ears. Mr. artirlea, of any description, which hare been KiCjl Securing Copiea Waiehu, and Ealuna. Hawaiian record in VICTUALLING. t no.araire Leamtni in this loin; by tha pages 1 and 2, and by said C. B. Bartow assigned to U. A. Perkins (Grannidge, and Mr Krancouer (Jack Gong) It should not be furgoiten that in the early daya Cbua Kaa and bow in fMiaaeasiua of lh aaiigrWa may B an.1 r.r auch 1 Atai, Punahoa, Hilo, Hawaii, with of Charts and H.ks to the Authors Proprietors FLAG. Red with White Ball. OFFICE, Corner of Widemann and J. L. Richardson, by document dated May 27, to succeeded. of tbe Hume, representation of Government officers Obtain lh aame cpn prorintf ownership. Co.i-,- " on Ihe 31st day ol I'ec. a. D. 1S64. has 1 Aki, Waianae, Oahu, endeavored amuse and fairly, In tbe B. approved 79 Nnuann and Queen Streets. 1878. and for a breach of the conditions in aaid mortgage deed among led C. RART.IW. ed in this oifiee Ihe title of hi Book The-- llisvrw- - jalS 1 O K Aiona, Waiohinn, Kan, Hawaii, farce tbe various characters were fairly, and only the Trustees lo a thoioogh review and W. C. AK A'iA. contained, that all and singular, the lands, tenements and 4 Afo, Lahaina, Maui. remodeling of ae!3 Kingdom Sinlialirnl nnil Co irrrliil in fairly sustained, but under tbe circumstances it Hawaiian Laws relating to Ibe pro- llun containing name hereditament sntd mortgage deed contained and described 8 Tiu-kou- & Co, Makapala, N Kohala, Hawaii, Hirrrlsry nml Tsnrl.l. ti nidr BOSTON & HONOLULU PACKET LINE! will, after the time limited by law, be sold at Public Auction, might be uncharitable to draw a comparison between per treatment of seamen. Some years ago, when ! of all the while and foreign resiilcnts except fhiuee on all the 17 Geo Munilon, Koloa, Kauai, SCHOOL NOTICE on accour.t of the breach of ibo conditions as hereinbefore 22 Allen & Stackpole, Kawaihae, Hawaii, Rough Diamond " cant of tbe California The- the friends of seamen in Ihe United States desired : Islands, alphaln tically arranged, a!o the houses ol all the At property in mortgage tbe " r!B-rF- C. KREWER CO., AGENTS.' mentioned. The said described being 24 Tung Hang. Nuuanu st, Honolulu. tbe enactment of new laws .N business an en on all Ihe Island cla.'Sifi.l. a fu'l, ami iLiboralc atre Company and the Margery " cast of the relating to seamen, SHIIKRRV"IM'IIOOL Wll.l. if. a made for situate in Leleo, Honolulu, Oahu, and in Waianae. Oahu. i- to fyT'Rjr arrangement can always be X"M January 6th. when he will hare oro for - few m.ire d. srription and HLtory of all and each Isl iruK Invaluable Favorable II. A. WIDEMANN; CAKE PEDDLING. present combination. A pleasing addition to the copies of our Laws and regulations were applied for, . comn-.i-n-- of Oil, Bone, Wool, Hides Corner of Alakea and Itcretanla Am-1- 1 dj) 3t . T uns an l men; ihe names of all the Plantations Storage and Shipment L. 2 Ayan, Kauai, aud when the Dewly framed laws pi. . J. RICHARDSON. evening's was the rendering of a were passed by the KniK-hcs- New York aod entertainment aid distance from Honolulu and distance from and other Merchandise to New Bedford, Boston, 14 publish- CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Assignees of Mortgage. d20 4t Apana, Molokai. to fifteen Uuited States Congress, it wse manifest that hints DISSOLUTION NOTICE. : cunty or chief Town, name of R.nt.l, ke. The whole other Kasiern Ports. ET Cash Advances made. 23 Akaniukai, Molokai,.- - Teutonic ballad, relating "one dollar and ed and compile.! by liEUKt.K BOUsKK. The ri'H of C. BRKWKH A CO. cents,.' by Mr Farrie of tbe Laclxxioanna, and which at leaet were suggested by Hawaiian Laws and reg- PkRTNKRSIIII' IIKKKTttr'UKF, vth:ch he cl.ii.i s a owner ami prorielor. ji7 Notice of Foreclosure of Mortgage. BUTCHER. the andenigned, ha Ihis day IWen gave sufficient satisfaction as to gain an encore. The ulations relating to seamen. No caodid observer oaa, , rillt:A eaislintf betetn In ah-i- e. f. I have hereunto ael my hand and 2fi W L Davis, Makawao, Maui, All debt .f Ihe Pl'H-- ll possibly review the history of the Home for qdar-t-er by tautoal mnaent. outtandir late c.iitied the Seal of the Inte.ior Department to be aflixed at REGULAR VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT performances were witnessed by His Majesly and a aetlU-- suant to power ol saU) contained in a certain Mortgage ARMS, Brm will be by Mr. W. II. Purri. li i.iolulu Ihis 7ih.la)' ol Novrmber, a. D. It79. a FIRE and also by tbe captains and numerous officers of a century and not acknowledge its great use- WIlLI-eM.-- . DISPATCH LINE FOR SAN FRANCISCO Deed dated September 20d, 1877, made by Keano R. Eldredge suite, Oahu,, , (S.iKd) eA M L O. II.DKR, 27 J H Black, Kona, men-of-w- ar fulness to seamen, strangers and othera. WILLI JH IlkKBTRT PI RVIS. and David P. Eldredge. jr.. to Stephen Spencer, of record in ... of the in port. " Sea of Ice," under the At the dicG 3m Minixter of Ibe Interior. present time all our Couauls send Kokuibaele. ilaoakua. Uawaii, Dec. S, Vi'.'J. tl& Im C. Ai CO.. AGENTS. Liber 62, on pages S17. 318 and 319. and for a breach ol the WHOLESALE SPIRIT. patronage of Captain Chandler and officers of tbe their distressed BREWER conditions in said Mortgage Deed contained that all and singu- 1 A & Co. cor Kaahnmanu A Merchant sts. seamen when they reoeived STORAGE FREE' and F Schaefer Jsickawitina, will undoubtedly draw a good thither are not under medical NOTICE. Merchandise lar the lands, tenement and hereditaments In said Mortgage treatment at the Queen's Hospital. Many NORTH GERMAN liberal cash advances made on shipments by this Deed contained and described will, afer the time limited by house "Leah the .Forsaken is under- of the A CO. boarders of bave been riMIK TRI'STKES OP THE I.I'XAKIIA ji 79 C. BREWER law. be sold at public amnion on accrrint oi the breach of the lined for Monday night. late sent by the planters 1 rl'ND having aecurvd a plot of ground, aod desiring to condition aa hereinbefore mentioned. The property in said Houghtailins Sausages, agents ; hence to close its doors and suppress it erect sarh BuiklU.g or Buiklitig as may be most aui table to bein situate in Kula, Island of Maui, and known as int.-r- . rr.ortjage 8KCLREU various agencies would be a serious loss to tbe oom- - Fire Insurance Company, Csrrv out the t of the doeier. namely, to provide an FOR SALE. the Ahupuaa of Kaonouiu, containing 20.000 more or tHK SERVICES HAVING BEEN fTrom "our Regular Correspondent. IOIC AtiKI IXDKigXT HAW AIIANS, ask from aod teres ' M of an exjieriencad, competent persen, the eatablishmetit AYIIM G. less. STEPHEN SPENCER, ' pub- Arx-hi- t RESIDENCE OK THE LATE E. on Hotel street will herealter be prepared lo furnish the from Europe No, 32. rts arul oire r. who may wi.h to aid. f.r sketch's and riMIE1 ADDEKLV, a above the first btidge.on his Attorney in fact, H. A. WIDEMANN, Letter til x.x- OUj. r Reichsmatk. may In) determining b- -t melho.1 of short dsslanre lv lic with choice vusiruisn Capital. Five Millions plans ahich aid th"in the Nuuanu Avenue. The lot Is nearly half an acre in sue. For CECIL BROWN, Attorney for Mortgagee. dl3 4t . h- - ground Loxdon. Dec. 1st, 1879. buildii There will J.itions on the information enquire on premises. n22 2m Sup-rrinte-n.l further the Bolognas and ordinary, rNlKKMGXKI IIAIN' BKKX lorty or fifty couples, aud for Ihe residence 4 a Sausages, both ADMIRAL PACLKT, Supreme Court January Term. 1880. fflllR ate-r- are now r adjr to urit olQce, s!ore-rK)a- i. chapel, ASSIGNEE'S NOTICE. J. appoin'ed Atfrnu i.rtlie Company, nt. a bunnes a Ac. , etc., etc. Sugeesi ! will be nr!i( l f"t such accommodation in the FOR SALE. VIRTUE OF A DEED OFASSIGN-me- nt 4 Head Tripe, Whose name holds an important place in the annals large o single or double B1 October 179, by F. H. WILT, then " Chief Justice Ifsrris presiding. IU Excellency Edward PwliclM ralBt Ri'kt af Ilrr Caildiars f..rru.f die or more huiMinirs.. or A SE AND LOT IN K A PA LA 51 A. mad f fC? Orders IeR at your Butcher's will be promptly attend of Hawaiian history, died November 22d. ut his cottag.-s- . IIOl doing business in llonoluluas Cabinet Maker and Upholsterer, Preston, Attorney General, for theCwwn. For particulars, inquire of ed to. uiu ol house at Mat lborough-bHl.- ' Lord George ratilet, Mwrcbaiaiallae ! Fwrwllwre. The hu l lintrs ar lo ho of brick, of plain bat tastefui style nl tf II IIACKFELD A CO. or all las KrCk, Tool, Accounts ana rroperty nt whatever Jan. 6th. The King vs. I'auole (k). Malicious bomfae. thai mar 1 creditable to the of the donor. W hen kind, for the benefit cl .Ilia crwhtors..Notjce ; feerehy givit C. IJ., who was a son of the late Marquis tf Win- The prisoner upon being arraigned upon the Indictment, oo term equal to tbwe of other rrapectable coeipaniea. the choice-- of the general plan shall have been made, the to alt parties concerned lo'p'resent liieir claims duly authenti- A. IN 31 V ! chester, entered the navy in 1817. ond served off pleaded guilty, and was sentenced by the Court to im- I adjusted Tru-iee- a will rail knildlrg- p aod specifications. FOR SALE. cated, and parlies owing to make immediate payment to I. B. EW RKET prisonment at hard labor for five years, Loaara paid dr an. here. f.r atu tbe Portuguese coast during the civil war in 1832-3- 3. ami to pay cost A any which are PE1 URdtjN.CoiWotor tlMare For particular, apply t fiir n.iarrraiM will be given f.r p'ans riMKISK PREMISES SITUATE IN HILO. forth 1S43. comtnaadipx io tlie; taxed at f7. in wh- le .r in and ad designs sh uld be sent to 1 oppoaite the Court House, suitable for a flrsl-clas- s Hotel. nol TUOS. Q. THRUM, Assignee In while Pacific he ne,. prt; i . SO II. IIACKF EI.D Co. Ajrent. Ih-- ; ler-i- g b- - d-- Feb- - The King va. C. F. Brown. Hinuppllnp opium. Ja3 nn e. f .re the loth of Sanaary next. A u in g.'Ou order and repair. Apj-i- y 10 ... I, I.'. seized the fort at Honolulu. 25, and raised The and bail having tA N I'FURIl It. U'JLK J. II. CONST. Honolulu, TO CREDITORS. the English flag, as tunny id reakleuU may still defendant his been called three times In Ftr th- Tratu-- t t f I.tnalilq El'.ata. fe8T9 RICHARDSON. Hilo. NOTICE open Court and not answering, ou motion of the Attorney ! orC. Messrs. Raupp & Schrader, Butchers, renjetnber. He administered the government of 1 200 was TA3CJC NOTICE Dar.-- Honolulu. Dec. 2J, H79 d6 6t VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the tieneral the bail of d. lared forfeited. 11 undersigned ha been appointed administrator of the OPENED A PLACE OF the LiwaUati Jslauris till duty 31, when Admiral The King vs. Naauinni and Napahuaha. Adultery. RKI-KIVE- WTKA.NIKR FOR SALE. estate of A. U. Honolulu, deoeMasd. and- - all persons HAVE on Hotel Street, aear Port 3t ; where Ibey wi Thomas restored lb sovereignty of the Kingdom. Appeal from the Polioti Justice of Honolulu. Caae tried, B' LEWdof - JVST TO T1IF. fclMMXS ntLIf OF II0.V0ULL i.U M1K TWO STORY R ESI DENCE. SITUATE are hereby aotified to present their claims duly authenticated have always on hand the best of-'- " During the Crimean war Admiral Paniet took part and a verdict returned of not guilty two dissenting). TJIK OTIIFK on School and Emma Street, Honolulu. Ia in excellent whether secured by mortgage or otherwise at the place of with his The defeudunts were thereupon discharged. . , Roll Butter, ISLDS. : in the attack on Sebastopol flagship the . Fresh California order and repair, with good and sufficient pasturage for two business of S. Magnin oa Fort Street, in Honolulu, within six & ! Jan. Cta. G. W. Macfarlane A Co. v. F. W. Heckler-- . Veal, Mutton' Pork JUUeroption, aud was subsequently appointed an Oal MeaL Corn Meal, Cracked Wheal. xih:rsic:nki v(in.i) most or three horses. Half the purchase money may remain oo months from the date hereof, or they will be forever barred, Beef, Action of assumpsit on promissory note. On motion ol ritiii: Ac- - aide-d- e Uruccri. a ami rrMVxiuna, ft resciliil.y announce Ibst h U prepared to Collect mortgage for two or three years, at 8 per cent-- per annum, and all people-Indebte- to the said estate are hereby notitied to And the Best of camp to tbeiQiwen. He died in his '76th counsel default entered and judgment entered up tut th c , ttt.-- 1 A and make purchases there Vice-Adroi- e. unts. and to unions enquire of i6 If) THOd. BROWN, Registrar's Olllce. make Immediate payment thereof. RACHEL LKWIS. year. Tbe French ral Jacquinot. who in sum of iS.i3.s5 and costs, $';..VJ. 1U) or re. for th e who may wish lit services in that line. ' S. L. elsewh' Administratrix of the estate of Lewis. Grer-rnrir- 1S37-4- 0 ' com-mi- i ! Dumont on voy- R-- al ji accompanied d'Urville a (Before Harris, C and 3 Also to buy ami a 'I ttale and c dlect rents, on Dated at Honolulu. Jan. 3d, ISsO. . . ja3 3t Sausages J., McCully, J will and FOR SALE. age the world, and wrote an account of or 1870, .a. All buair. Ks lutrustcd to bitn , ; r w Freah Every Day. round it Eupele et al. vs. John Pumner et al. Appeal from the Garden prohipily attend, d I . ' ' Made in 20 volumes, Voyage to decision of Mr. Justice Judd, sitting aa AS FOLLOW t EASTERN-BUIL- T 3 eutitled. the South NEW given to N A SA argued A. H. plain-t- AdJrss ONE heeled Ox Cart of very superior make; )nst the cart " Notice to Creditors. Also special attention their BOLOG Pole and in Oceania." bas also just died at Ton-Io- n, Case and submitted. Hartwell for the i fl-a- LAZARI keep aoy length of -l Yellow )nioo. J3. f, for plantation use. (jal2) C. BREWER A which are warranted to for ffs ; Preston and Itrowu for defendants. l.are ltiace, I.re OfBee Box 1V4. Hunolnlq Cft. .VOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT the or directed aged S3. jn Scarlet Ralnh. Half Lon ?pira!ed Ralifh. H r. 13, t79. n'lSSra P. st 11 undersigned has been appointed Executor of the last time. The attention parties traveling is specially Jan. 7th. In tbe matter of the bark " Kalakaua." Apr Red Smorxh Tomato, 'A to these Bologna Sausages. They will serve their customers MISS ISABELLA BIRD. Caeumber. . "W.Il testament Eonoluhi, deceased, awl rhoei Onn lar. Cabbog-e- and ol long of all country promptly peal from the decision of Chief Justice Harris, Bitting ia Rett Top Turnip, Large Drnra Hea.1 FOR RENT, persons are truly notified, to present claims duly authenticated at the very lowest rates. Orders from the Tbe author of "Six Months in the Sandwich Admiralty. Caae argued at great length and submitted W Large Citron Mu.fcmeloo. j THE PARISIAN RESTAURANT attended to. Shop kept open from 4 o'clock in the morning Lone Iiand A DWELLING HOUSE IX NUUANU whether secured by mortgage or otherwise, at his office on whom I- pleasure to meet at for the consideration of the Court. llowef. i- -i 8 o'clock da73in Islands." bad the Earrr larnlo Re, Ruaiian iun --v II.I. BE KEPT OBEX ma Valley, containing ten moms, servants' bouses, borse Kaahumaou Street, Honolulu, within six months from the until al nl?ht. R. Keelikolani vs. Alanaku. Appeal from the decision' which can b. had al l reet, I Iwen Lsr-- hereafter EVERY (ex- - U-- and carriage stables. Also, three acres of good pas date hereof or they will be forever barred, and all people in . Todd's Ridge House in South Kona some six years IHof MI.Bl ' ;.NINlJ of Chief Justice Harris, Bitting as Chancellor. Caae w nl Nuuaou. at Inweal Cash Price. ' ( i a9 c pi ru .Jsj) 'l ew U'rlsrk, ture land A great variety of fruit trees and a large flower debted to said estate are iiereby notified to make immediate MEDIUM BREAD AND CRACKERS. ago, has just published a new book, called " A argued aud aubmited. to, aAt J4 where t:ieb- -t of Oysler Slews. Fancy garden, froveroment water laid on. The premises are in a payment thereof. .hi. ALKX. 3. OAKTWR1GHT, Lady's Life in the Rocky Mountains," about which Promptty Attended and Panned Oysters, aod ail other delicacies c good condition. Address: P. O. Bog 169, or enquire of Executor of the Last Will and Testament of Ako deceased DAY BY' All the tax appeal cases will be taken 'up ou Monday 'Country Orders Koaals. Fried a, THIS a reviewer writes : " As the frewning precipices next, and the mixed Jury esses on Tuesday. RAMHKV. behal. (.25 10 L DEJKAN. 08 8. MAQMN. Dated at Honolula, April 22, 1879. . i ap26 RECEIVED BOLLE8& CO. jal "80 Im J. P. foreign Mtrtisccititts. VANITY FAIR. J. H. HONOLULU FIRE DEPARTMENT NOTICE. I WITH PLEASURE WE ANNOUNCE At Lynch's Manufactory ' LEWERS & DICKSON, IT oar Vanity Fair Tobacco and Cigarettes, in their va-rir- ai M. DAVIDSON, ty!es, l.ave been adoptej by the t'retjcb Government. MAT BE FOUND. J. Below we quote fnm tLe Rochester Democrat and Chronicle : MEW MEW fiOODS rcatt-- well as fi AT " It is a r to Rochester, as to the firm PODS, TTORXKV LAW. of priJe OrtVi-- e lii!-rn- M"nt-gomev- First-Cla- ss over i bank, ptiM of Market and directly intercut!, that yesterday a cable dispatch was re- I r.- Importeri and Dealers in Boots and Shoes ctrret. tu Frnciw, California. -2 ly ceived statin? that the Freaca Government had adopted the The Fire Tower Bell will be Rung Tobacco ai.d Cigarette manufactured by tt'm. & Kimball A A. P. EVERETT. Co., of (his eitt . We should explain, perhaps, that all Tobac- Hunting and Riding Boots and Shoes, AT 4:30 O'CLOCK, co snl-- i in France op to tb.s time has beea manufactured by HA1MT3 First-CU- as OIM Forwarding Com minion Merchant LlMnEUAMI BilLIUVG MATERIALS the Government. Of late the demand far other make has Cot op in Stjle, and A GOOD FIT Guaranteed. COOKE HAVE arisen, and the Government, to meet it, allowed EDglUb and On the Last Saturday Afternoon of Each , CASTLE Oj FRONT STREET, CORN Kit CLAV. America Maoufactarers to enter goods for competitive test ALSO wnh a to the adoption of the best. The fact that Wm. Month, Till Further Notice ! l.( I'RA XtlCO. S. Kimba:i A Co. have ecme oat far ahead of a.l other manu- Cuttsigtiiaents of facturer, Is proof A GOOD STOCK OF ALL KIN DS OF Particular attention pai l lo Ii'.and I'r iucr in both countries. unmistakable that their Ter Order: CU A3. T. GULICE, Dl " ' ooj are the best the world produce. Their Tobacco and JB. York, Cigarette will hencefjith be on sale in Paris aa freely aa in Ladies, Cents, Misses Chi- Nov. 1st, 1579. (clif) U. F. D. Laura Lumliam from New New York, but uo other make, except the French, will be and AND f und there. In other words, the French Government, on the report of Its experts, the goods of Wm. 8. BUmball A ldren's Ware, Co. the beat in the worid." . LIVKIU'OOIj, Itoanls, haltens. T r.ruJ and Groove, IIOLLISTER Ac CO. From the Best Eastern Manufactories ! Sugar Plant For Sale. VIOLA FUO.II jal Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands. FKEIi:ilICK AxI Walca Be Sal C Will boa far Cash. JUi rndtrsisard ufftr far sale the follow I n Lino of Goods Suitable MONUMENTS. ALL ORDERS Ftill Ki:i)WOOI) LlIllKKRs UNDERSIGNED HAVING BKCEXTLY FROM THE OTHKR ISLANDS PROMPTLY ''HE1 rrte.vrd the Agency of Monuments, Headstones, Ac. by oil ATTENDED TO. tf viz : OWNERS, TRADERS 4 OTHERS, specil arraneement with the manufacturers, is able to furnish MACHIXERY, FOR PLANTERS, MILL All KiwU of S annnl Stuff. the same at lower figures than they have heretofore been sold. - leg is and Drawings can be seen at my store on Merchant Suai- ITIilla, And to Be Sold as Low as the Lowest. Discounts for Cash ! ft . one door from Bishop A Co.'s Bank. By pricing these amelr-s- , once seen. ECKAET the euonnoa reduction will at be Tae inJocrnents 1 offer are sack that people have no need Tj3A7TITiTiBrt. Rollers, EASTERN WHITE PINE, of serxiu.g elsewhere. AXO VULCAIY KKKOSKXIi OIL, u if FRANK OF.RTZ. Kaahumanu Street, Honolulu, PALACE (UlCiKK IK llfOULD RESPECTFL'LLT NOT I FT Eiisinc. CALL AND SEE WW hi Friends and the Island community generally. THE BEST OII-- S IN MARKET, AXI GUARANTEE!. SECOND GROWTH ASH I iih ue naa ! Vacmi in Pan & l'ump A Knglih Prints A Cutlaoa Beale and Howard Streets, V ilIKIIUTEX, Amoskeag Denim., Ticking. Drilling, Amoskesg Bleached A I nbk ached Cotton. Amorlcau Ki:itJt eXTJST RECEIVED which can be seen at the Honolulu Iron Worka. Also, 59 Ilatel Siren, AN INY0ICK OF THE Finet Quality and Medium White and I'nhleached Sheetings, HAN IKASCI'CV, CALlFuRMA . BLACK ffsUJH BOARDS k FLASK, Double Effect and Centrifugal Machines, &. Furniture Dealers. VERY FIRST CLASS GOODS 1- IV - Upholsterers now on the way, and described a follows: I 1 M 1 12 M - W. n. LOG, Irldat, In hi tine, to which he Invite Inspection, consisting of A G R C U T U Ji. Ij I T Til UPHOLSTERING Flrmt Silver Platfd Ware Paris Plows, heavy breakers; Steel Breaking and Horse Plows, Cultivators, Ox Yokes, Ox Chains, Ox Bwa, JIOOCR, ...- SarrTlatfBu at, , extra 'JOS. Orfortl Ccdsir, I All If. Iiraarhc-a- Dene lo Order In the A great variety ot Patterns, frcm the celebrated manu- S! E a, Uardefl Iort E Hues, Kxlra Ileavy Hoc, factory at Meriden, Conn. ThreeBOIL(3) Compound Boilers, each 7 feet in diameter, and 25 Canal Barrows, Shovels and Spades, Cane Knives, Lane's Planters' Slylrw. At feet 4S Lsslr.l Will Neatsieaa Dlapalch. A Large long, with flue inches in diameter, and containing 6 issartmeat of Dlanaaas Galloway Combustion Chamber, feet in kqJ O-- Ads, Pick and Sledge Handles, Portable Forges, Plantation lulls. Feed Cutter, BUILDERS OF Both Tube; 2 length; lUes, Axe. SPUING A, HAIR 3I1TTR ESSES MADE TO ORDER. set and unset. 64 four inch Tubes, 8 feet lone; uelj of Boilers 1 AVIiitc inch; Flue, Balchet Brace, Wood, Jewelry, rial a aad Eaaaielle 7 inch; and Heads, j inch iron. Boiler stayed and riv- Blacksmiths, Engineers and Carpenters Dammera, Axe Pattern, thingluig and Bench Ilalehets, Obi Mattresses Repaired and Renovated. every eted in the best manner, and complete with all necessary STKAM MACHINERY, Of variety and style. mountings and fixture. Coe Wrenches, to 21 in.; Pipe Tonga, Bolt Cutters, Babbet Metal, Sheet 7.inc, Wheelbarrows, Belling, 3 to 12 in; Island OrJers Promptly Attended to. do 2m Rings, Brooches, Lockets, Charas, Etc. Also, two (2) Compound Boilers, each 0 feet in diameter, IH ALL IT CRANCHE-- . and 23 feet long; with Flue 40 inches in diameter, and con- India Kubber IIoe, I lo 2 in.; Cut Nails, 3 to COd; Wrought Nails, 2 to 4 In.; Cut Spikes, 6 to 0 In.; Finishing Nails, KOA BOARDS AND PLANK An unrivalled assortment of taining 4 Galloway Tubes; Combustion Chamber. 2 feel In 3-- Haws, AC. length, and 72 four Inch Tubes; Hftelts and Flues of inch, Machine and Carriage Bolt, all sises; Nut and Washers, 9 to I In.; a Full Line of Carpenters' Tools. Plane. AND CLOCKS and beads of ) inch iron; all properly riveted and stayed, and StcuiiiIo.it, WATCHES complete with all necessary mountings, 4rc. House Builders' Hardware, In full supply; Steam Parking, Asbestos Cement, Ac, Giant and Common Blasting PowJer, On Hand, and Of the purest imported strain, and of all age. From, the MOST APPROVED MAKERS. Hubbuck's White Lead, Zinc Paint, flubbuck's Raw and Boiled Linseed Oil, Aortrd Paints, In oil; Bed Ixad, At, Intending to make Cbriatmaa or New pre- ! f Parties Year' MILL, Sleninsliip, sent, should call and look at my stock and Inquire prices, SXJGrH Window Glass, Putty, Whitiog, Tubular Lanterns and Reflector Lanterns, a Large Assortment l Tinware, Flour. FOR SLE, One (1) Improved Supar Milt, with rolls 66 inches long and Ac, Boxed and delivered lo atmr. or chr. betore purcnasing eisewnere. nia Zm 30 inchea in diameter, with the iron work for cane carrier, 40 Hard Bread, Table Fruits, Corn Starch, Tea. Soap, Soda, Ac, Finest Assortment of Genuine Pplcc, SAWED TO ORDER a ieel long, and complete with all latest improvements and sub- ENGINES AND BOILERS. stantial double gearing to connect with Kcgiue. A.t Xodorate 3?rices. Boston Matches, Dairy , Agents for and Have on Hand. Uzh Prepare ar Canpaoad. H. HACKFELD&COi jlST jST IE Gr IE! Weston's Patent Centrifugals, Best -- I 18 compute Prrsaas whhlnjc ta start with the Stock or to OFFER FOR 8ALE-- One (1) Putnam Steam Engine, with cylinder. inches in STE IM of all kinds, bailt with diameter, and 42 inch stroke of piston, fitted with reversing of Iron or Composite. ! improve what they aow have, can bay Hulls Wwl, JUST RECEIVED la pairs not akin. gear, heavy fjy wheel, etc. Blake's Steam Feed, Irrigating and Vacuum Pumps, N A T X I E S com pounde l when ad visa ble. O R D I It E ti d0 Address, A. HERBERT, Hawaiian Hotel. STEAM LAUNCHES. Bar- - an.l Jwra Toil tin to th Trade In which they are to A Fall Assortment of One (1) Cast Iron Vacuum Pan, 7 feet and 10 inches in di- New Haven Organ Company Organs, troetcil with rvfcrenee 1 OF THE b employed- - Speed, tonnage and draft of water guaran- ameter, 10 feet high, fitted with 4 four inch seamless copper teed. SOlIInilAGJ EXTRA coils, and arranged for the use of both exhaust and direct steam. Woodward & Brown's Colebratod Pianos. SUGAR MIM.1 AMI H'CAR MAKING Haw. Bark " R. C. WYLIE," vacuum pump: se20 7 ACII I N EK V made aflrr tr.e most approved plana. l;iiiifs and Oil, Atao. ail H iler Iroo Work connected therewith. One (1) Blake's Direct Acting Ait Pump, with steam cylin- SALMON BELLIES! M. R1KEMANN, MASTER, der, 14 inches in diameter; air and water cylinder, 13 inchea in WATER PIPE. cf Boiler or Sheet Iroo. of any size, diameter; and 24 inch stroke of piston. au.lt la suitable lengths fix connecting together, or Sheet AVall In Half Barrel and 50 Pound Kitta, Hotted, Punctual. and Packed c Shipment, ready to be Paper, DOUBLE EFFECT EVAPORATORS ! ft riveted on the fround. JUST AT HAND EX H0N0RA From BREMEN One (1) Double Effect Apparatus made by Pontile & Wood HVURAl'MCKIV ET INK. BoiW Work and Wa-- ur of London, complete with all necessary ir Pumps, etc., and H Pip made by thi Establishment. Riveted by AND FOR SALE, (100 Days from Cape Lizzard.) capable of evaporating juice to make 15 tons sugar per day. Riveting Machinery, thai quality of work being ISuilclcr's Ilai'dwai'c, Also, One (1) Double Effect Apparatus, as above, capable of far superior to hand work. evaporating juice to make 10 tons sugar per day. -. LOW SHIP WORK. Bhtp and Bteam Capstan. Steam Winch- AT RATES Now Landed in Splendid Order CENTRIFUGAL MACHINES! ta. Air and Circulating Pump, made after the moat ap- - JSpriicc dl3 1m CASTLE X. COOKE. proved plana. Ladders, Four (4) Centrifugal Machines, Weston's Patent, with Iron And Consisting in Part of a frames, made by Messrs. Mirrlees, Tait & Watson, of Glasgow. W-- Acting Pomp- - Irrigation or City JOHN PUMPS. Direct f 24 long; Worka' parpoacs, built with the celebrated Davy Valve from 12 to feet J. O. CJRTER, Aljtioo. superior lo any other pump. ocll 3ui VERY LARGE ASSORTMENT n22 Executors of the Will of .4 lex. Hutchinson, deceased. (ESTABLISHED 1862.) An Invoice of GENUINE FOR SALE JOHN NOTT. 8AM. NOTT. KICK 1YIIL.I ! MADEIRA WINES ! OF IHDIA CORN KR OF IMESlJir ! DIRECT FROM MADEIRA, GOOI53! HISSIO Jl FUEM05T STS., SIX FB1.CISC0, C1L. At Lowest Market Rates IVTew 6c Fashionable INDIA RICE MILL.. AFTER SIX-- M. " riMIE nt. Eavenscrag" JY & CO., TaX YEARS of practical experience and improve-mr- Per Ship NOTT ta now the nearest to perfect I'm of any of the Rice Milla BY A. JLt DRY GOODS, E JIST RECEIVED EX LATE ARRIVALS, of world. In lh.roaghneM of Ckransinc and FotLhinir It FOR 8 E nil Land onrivalei; and in yield of Cleaned, .Merchantable Hice SUCH AS fraoi the Paddy, prod ueee from A to 8 per cent, more than DUTY I the Celebrated Mill of Amsterdam. IN BOND OR PAID THE INDIA KICKMIIXh now In Perfect LEWGRS & Kaonicg Order for the nl IIIiSO. BY PRINTS, UllLIAG UHESSIXG OF PADD1 ! & In 80 Different Style and Color. G. "V. aVTacfhrlane(oc Co. AN 0 UNCLEAN ED RICE, Domestics, to which It is specially Adapted "Wre Have lieceived from the Hawaiian Islands, C. BREWER CO., Brown, white, blue and red cottons, drills, sheeting, h EX RECENT ARRIVALS. Ticking, Ilorrock's gunuine A B A U cotton, CONSIGNMENT OF Dark blue denim. PADDY AND HULLED RICE ! Now Offer For Sale, FRESH CALIFORNIA HAY ! WlH Receive Prompt awl Careful Attention. Oats, Bran, Corn, Oil-Ca- ke Meal, etc. Dress Goods, JUST TO HAND, A SPLENDID LINE WM. M. GR KEN WOOD. CommlMiun Merchant ami Proprietor of India Rice bk. Amy We have a Large Stock of Onrral aro Per Amer. Turner White stripes, Batistas, silks and woolen, Mill. French merinos, all colors and fancy. STOVES RANGES -- OF- NEWELL, MASTER, XT OF KINDS Flannels, " " " & GRATEFUL. COMFORTING. PRODUCE ALL Buckskins, doeskins, tweeds, and all other on hand at all times, which we will sell FOR CASH The Most Complete Assortment, 118 DAYS FROM BOSTON, any other house in town. lower than GOODS I with - EPPS'S COCOA! ARRIVED OCTOBER 3d, 1ST9, We Wwnld Call Particular A llrolion la Oar TAILOR'S ii mil ii noil) BREAKFAST. inn iii witches, mm barege, lawns, mosquito netting. iii 1 TZ TZ ! Velvets, linens, LARGEST RANGE OF ! 3IIXED I Towels, threads, Brooks, silk, Ac. PRICES - By thorough knowledge of the natural law which gov COAL, a CU.linKRLAiVD As being the best none. Mule or Cow Feed that can be used. ens operation of digelin and nutrition, and by a careful us, TO BK FOUND IN the Stove Coal, (or family use; It is rround and mixed by and WARRANTED application of the tarn properties of welt selected Cocoa, Mr. Franklin GOOD GRAIN. OF fla- Fancy Groods, Xppa ha provided our brjwk.t tables with a delicately Wilmington Tar, White Lead, Tutty, GROUND doctors' ALSO, OUR BARLEY. HAWAII NEI!! voured beverage which may aav a many heavy bill. Dainar Varnish, Axle Grease, Neckties, trimmings, ribbons, silk, linen and cotton. o.nsti-tntio- Ground Grain Is one hundred per cent, more economical fat of such article of dirt that a a Handkerchiefs, all colors; It by the judiciou ate than whole Grain for feed. TIN & JAPANNED WARE, EVERY GRADE, may be gradually built up unlit strong enough to resin Socks and stockings of every description. IVIatcliess ! A HORSE POWER" VOR SALE. every tendency k diaeaae. liundrcil of soltle wialadic are Boston Card NEW "IMPROVED Pumps, a large assortment; Kitchen Sinl:, Dnnr Mats. i a a ready to attack wh-rev- er there I a weak XT Storage for Light Goods JCB Slaw Cutter. House Water .Closets and Cast Iron Soil or fluatinf round La Croix Green Corn, Tomatoes, Waste Pipe, Yard Broom. Stencil, Marking. and M IDE may cape many a fatal shaft by keeping curservr dl3 lm cV CO. Clothing, Iut point Wt Lobsters, in 1 ami 2 lb. tins; Clams, LAINE Whisk Brushes. Nests Wooden A Onlv'd Tuh li Buckets, Ibrtlnad with pure blood and a properly aouruhed Garden Rakes, Tin Ware, Japanned Ware, a full asnrtm't; well M jackets, and a large assortment of rn CIVI L SERVICE GAZKTTK. ' Green Peas. auage Meat, Pants and sacks, Ox Yokes and Bows. Ijtnes A t lenient s I'lmiter's Hoes, frame." article the - Goose Neck Hues, 8 Picks: A- Hoe Sold only in pack-e- U iVOTICJE. shanks; Pick Handle, Made slnipfy with boiling waur or milk. Boston ilaked Beans, Clam Chowder, SPECIAL Horse and Mule Collars. Trace Chains, SHIRTS, Cane W'hitle-trce- s. on or Una, labeled: Fish Chowder, Gcrkjns, io and lgall. jare; SECURED THE SERVICES OF Heavy Woolen and Cotton Knives, Grindstones mounted frames At the Factory, HAVING known Ul'HOLSTKHKR A DRAPER, MR. J. Ames' Shovels, Spades, assorted; Plantation Bella, RK, only first class Upholsterer in the King, Trash. May and Manure Forkcs. K 6c MAHINBL the 12 desirable style. A SI S EPPS CO., dom, (late of San Francisco), I am prepared to do all kinds of J - Jul 4 "9 HoM:oTiiic Caawnf. Losdov- ly Corn Starch, Assld. Crackers PLOWS. Steel and Iron, aiMSOH' Merino antrcotton undershirts. ALL SIZES. J, MERRILL & CO., Tomato and Mock Turtle Soups, Blankets, woolen and cotton, fancy quilts. C Etc., la the latest and best style. Table covers, skirts, rugs, carpet bags, T R Coats, Ac, Cultivators, Knox's Horse Hoes, Hinge A Rotary Harrows, Sandwich Meats, Corn Beef, Tongue, Ham, CALL AND SEE I'mbrellas in large variety, Florence hats, Falrbank'a Platform and Counter Scales, lloriug Machines, OF THE Commission. Icrchants, WORK WARRANTED. Hat Bowers and feathers, shawls. Iron Axles for Ox Carta. 2 to 3 inches; DIAMONDS PUREST & FINEST KIND J SAN FRANCISCO. CUDEbUGAR, Family Pork, qr. bbls.; OCR Bright color and white of every quality. Hubs, Fellows and Spokes, assorted sixes; Stocks and Dies Steam Cocks, assorted; Sash Weights. Portable Forges, Diipatth Uae f rackets. PATENT ROCKERS, Wheel Barrows, Lawn Mowers, Lisston's Files, Irrits far tbc KfsiUr Oil" Brazilian ! RED LOUNGES, Cylinder and Thermometer Churus, Kerosene Stoves. Tin- No Chipped or Color Goode all are Pure Diamonds. Tlie Finest Display of my31-T- 9 AOTASCE3 MADE OS COSglONMEXT3. tf American Mess Beef and Pork Stationery, SOFA ned Tack. 8 to 24 ox.; Chopping Trays, Hunt's and Cross, BEDS. to. man's Handle Axes and Hatchets, Pica Mattocks, Long Cut- WILLIAMS, BLANCHARD & CO., Axo Handles, Pick Handles, N. B Mr. M. ha selected a fine lot of Upholstering Slate, looking glasses, goldleat ter do., Adzes, Broad Hatchets, Grub Hoes, Hide roller, Hay Boilers, Asetd. 15 to Goods, Parlor Suits and Lounges, Chair. Ac, of the latest Cutter, Koad Scrapers, Fence Wire, oiled and annealed; Gal- Farmers' Oars, 22 ft. styles, which have jut arrived from Ban Francisco. I have vanized Corrugated Hoofing, Galvanized Water Pipe. J to 2 in.; Shipping & Commission Merchants, An Invoice of Refined Iron, also just received a new lot of Sheet Iron, Sheet Copper, all sizes; Saucepans, Sheet Lead, GORIM. STERLING SILVER WARE ! Perfumery. Sheet Zinc. . 3d to COd; 2 I 9 Callfwrala Street. Cut Nails, The Styles of Furniture, A Having a force Workman X. Latest Soaps, Pomatum from Lubin, SPEC1 L. of employed, Ever Goods Charcoal Irons, Steel Shovels, Hay Cutters, hair oil. we are prepared to do work in offered in this Market. Beware of Stamped Coin Silver, which means anything mhaa Ti 8AX fRANCISCO. WINDOW SHADES. Kimmel and others, genuine Kau de Cologne, PIANO AND TABLE COVERS, Vienna tooth brushes and combs, Harmonicas, TIN. COPPER nsid SHEET IRON. from a Nickel to a Bad Peruvian Dollar. Such Goods can and are sold at any price. See that all PICTURE CORD, NAILS, sVc. Pipes and Playing Cards, Sydney Saddles, At lowest possible rates. Parties in need of work done in this Silver Purchases are Stamped Sterling, or 325 Fine. All Waltharc Watches Guaranteed, and W. H. CROSSMAN & BRO., Platform Calfskins, guaranteed, best brand; line, will do well to give us a call. We liU be pleased to Fairbanks' Scales All of which will be for sale cheap. XT It will pay Leather Belting, give Estimates on Work and Guarantee it to stand the test of you to call at NO. C4 Fort street, and examine the goods Steam or Konax. Hhlpplnp; aisl Coninilsslon Leather Belting, Babbit Metal, bcrure purchasing elsewhere. . v I LLIA . fel J. NOTT A Co. Jyl9 ii BAGS AND GUNNIES! MERCHANTS. Rubber Packing, HEAVY COAL SOLD at GREATLY REDUCED PRICES. 118 CbasiWrs Street. NEW VORK. Burlaps and Twine, Wrapping Paper, large sixe; A i-- Waterhouse. Ladies, Gents and Boys Watches. The Trade Supplied Cheaper than anywhere outBide Refereaee Castle Cooke and T. CARTS- - I Printing Paper, Vienna Chair and 8ofas, Trunks, iJust Received. the Factory. aplo T MULE COMPLETE Mule Cart Materials, Hubs, Spokes, Rims, PIANOS, black and walnut, from the celebrated manufac- EX LATE ARRIVALS, jy!2 Sm M. Agent tory of L. Neufeld; M'INERNY, for theso Islands. The Challenge Standard Ash and Oak Plank, 1 in. to 3 in. OF NIPPLES, MOST AVARIETV Apparatus, Klastic Trusses, assorted; t Pickles, Salt, Sultanas, Biscuits, Olive ! ! GROCERIES Injection Something New Under the Sun C. CENTENNIAL ROCKING CHAIRS A RARE CHANGE Oil, Candles. Crushed Sugar, Soap, Camphor, Ac. Lactopeptine, Brou, W BORDEN. Eucalyptus Oil, genuine; Elixir of Beef, IIIIO, HAWAII. FOR 1 Hunt's Axes and Hatchets, Spunyarn, LIO.l70RS.cVc.: Brandies, de Laage File; Boutelleau; Iron and Wine. do. Peruvian Bark, Dealer in Canned Fruits, Meat., Ac, and a full line of Suspensory Bandages. Syringes, Choice iS roceries. An Invoice of New Bedford Manila Rope, Qin Key Brand, In basket and cases; Citrate Magnesia, Tarrant's Aperient, KOISTA ! C thread to 4J in. Injection Injection Ricord, Cigarettes for Asthma, PUJiE COFFEE Christmas and The FINEST CLARETS JL RHINE WINES. Matico, Roasted and Fresh Ground Everyday, Rarey's Condition Powder, Capsules, Fuller's Earth, Newmarket Brown Cotton, M. J. ROSE, KING STREET, la Stock a good assortment of Picture Frame. Chromo. Iron Safes, with combination locks; CHAMPAGNE C has. Farre, Ileidriech's, Thoreau & Alcohol, 97 per cent; Sap lio. Stereoscope and Views, both Island and foreign, and a JVciv Year's Co.'s; Alcoholic Demijohns, Corks. Tooting His Own Horn ! full line of Surf Boats, 20 and 22 feet; And a Great Variety cf JCST TCRNED OUT A NEW FANCY GOODS & PATES T MEDICINES. A JL Pauls' Ale, Bavarian Beer, Lager HAVING WAGON for the Waimanalo 8ugar Co. ! LES BEERS St And if you will give him a call, you will Ond. Beer. No one to say one word about it. Something naeful for Plan- ! two-whe- CARTS, Complete E3SEKTTS tation It turns in less space than a el x OX and Medicinal cart. That he has the Best Jk. Drugs Preparations Width of hind tires, S inches; front, 4 inches; built light, but Assortment of Candy Xots Light and Heavy Hand Carts, PAINTS i OILS. POWDER Oambier A Culch. very strong. Those wishing to send in large order, and wish To be found In II Ho. GENERALLY, them got out on time, wonkl do well to do it immediately, or they must stand back and wait their turn. mhl5 Alao ON ICE Ami always to be had Ire CalcT. 8ELF-RECCLATI- XC Corrugated Rooflng, 24 O. Fish'-r'- s AND ! ! HARDWARE Galvanised Champagne Cider, and flollitter's Orange Cider. TMIEONLr W when material used. Power, KNOWLES' VACUUM FEED PUMPS GREAT REDUCTION Ale, orl.I. and Banca Yellow Metal, Hoop ALL WARRANTED NEW AND GENUINE, Ginger coda Water and Harsaparllla, and for those considered, it is acknowl- Tin Plate. Sheet Zinc, Tin, Book-Binder- y, use orktaaashlp and Durability are Iron, Keg Rivets, Fence Wire, Galvanised Buckets, that the weed. edged to be the The Honolulu IN THE PRICE OF Tubs. Basins, Needles, Pen Knives, Hatchets, Axes, Mauafartorirs I See PORTLAND Picks, Shears, Scissors, Charcoal Iron. Lantern, Ac. Fram the Btt DOES BINDING of ALL DESCRIPTIONS Call and the Best Assortment of DEAFEST WIM-JII- ll I. USE Cigars, plug and One cut, smoking and chewing tobacco, ami The Work executed at this Establishment is under the my 17 clgarettts and cigarette paper, Ae. M Emp- well-know- n ly Files, Cement, Oak Boats, in the World of FIRE BRICKS. Slates. supervision of UR. JOHN L. RKE:, who is as We are the ONLY Manufacturer CEMENT! an experienced workman, and cannot be turpatxed. SEWING MACHINES ty Barrels, Coals, Ac, Ac Lubiirs Toilet Articles, DOUBLE-HEADE- R WIND-MIL- L Wheat and Gunny Bags, ! THE the Holidays) Done JUST RECEIVED Fence Wire, During Orders from the Other Island carefully executed and Work at Lowest nates For power parwoeee, such is running Canto m IT From Paris Direct! WHITNEY' Si ROBERTSON. B V STEAM ER. a Urge rt.. k t satisfaction TEEMS LIBERAL. For particulars, Book-Binde- Orist Milt and reed Mill. Corrugated Iron, guaranteed. Stationers, Publishers, New Dealers and r. apply lo Exquisite Toilet Powder, Soaps arid Perfamery, (fe22 '79) FIRST-CLA- SS BOOTS ALWAYS VICTORIOUS AT FAIRS THOS. LACK'S, Oriental Toothwash, & SHOES, Oil t AT Combs, Brushes, Cosmetic, Jkmd Practical Teat. Downer's Kerosene THE HAWAIIAN BARK AT apl2 NO. 4J FORT STREET. H. H ACKFELD & CO. Fine Tooth Powder, Cocoaine, Sozodont, MILLS, IN VARIOUS SIZES. oci Carboline, Extract Ginger, JTL JLs THE ABOVE AN INVOICE OF . TV Y" 9 LYNCH'S BOOT AND SHOE FACTORY ! far ! Aureline, or Golden Hairwash. O. I E Far lrrlj:atU anal Pamela; Water SALMON M. RfKEMNN, Master. PLANTATION A law, Stack ar Famllj re. IOR SALE AT LOW RATE IN QUANT- Finest German A American Cologne, n Iarcr lei f Frnn Burnett's Cocoaine, ITIES to suit, by ap- F Calliston for the Complexion, Has Arrived from Bremen, Cr Two of the latter are now her and can be sen oo janlltf CASTLE at COOKE. Just FRENXJH plication to the aaderaiimetl. Florimel and Tooth Wash, Variety of Carbolic Soap9, 122 days Passage, and is now discharging her CALFSKINS! For further particulars, apply to OAKUM, WHICH WILL BE JAMEM S. LEMON, AN INVOICE OF CHAIRS, various styles; TUFTY BALES OF BEST NAVY OAKUM. FOR SALE AT 1. MILL, &c., FOR SALE I? ol8 79 For Sale by BOLLKg A CO. Cargo Goods SOLD VERY CHEAP FOR ana T II. SUGAR of New nil tf CASH. lllla. AN INVOICE OF COMPRISING FOLLOWING MACIIINERT. NOW COTTON DUCK, DR. ED. HOFFMANN'S mEJl in esse at the Kofna Plantation, Kauai, is offered fur sale, TAvJOS. FROM 1 TO IO. COTTON SAIL .A. Large Assortment OREGON BREAD, ! to be delivered by August 1st . 1 TWIN, &, 9, 7 and ex Murray this day. d8 2m DRIG STORE AND MURRAY'S OYSTERS seo BOLLKS A CO. M' 1 Sujrar Milt, 20x43. - T A CONSIGNMENT OF 1 F.X FORE-- QCEE2, se4 73 1 and 2 pound tins. 3m 1 Vertical Engine, 44 H. P. OREGON FLOUR 1 Water Wheel. PROVISIONS. OARS AND CORDAGE, VARIETY OF MERCHANDISE 1 Cane Carrier. EX JANK A. IATICHVISUIICJ. ! PORK, HAMS. BACON. CHEESE. EX AMY TL'RNER, IN EVER V LINE, BZS. D. C. MURRAY & DISCOVERY 1 Trash Carrier. BEEF. rc, Ac. Tor Sale by FOR 8ALK BY EX 1 Pump. CO. bove Goods are offered to the Trade GROCERIES Juice jal BOLLEb BEST ASH AT LOW At AS Connect-haf- t. HUNDRED WHITE Janlltf CASTLE COOKE. eccn 1L.IME, 1 Spare Wrought Iron all lengths: 350 Coils New Bedford Manilla, all RATES and on by II AT, BREAD. CRACKERS, pare Pinion Wheels for Mill. FIVE LIBERAL TERMS Camden Corn, 2 f New HAY! sizes; five 30 feet New Bedford Whnlebonts. f..r sale by Condensed Milk. Atlerney branJj KEROiE.NE OIL, GOLDEN GATS FLOl'R, LARD. 1 Spare New Bevel Pinion for Engine Shaft. HAY!! oc4 A o253m : A. n. fblKtt, Si UU. H ACKFELD & Acid Candle. 1 Spare New Bevel Pinion fur Waterwheel Shaft. SMALL LOT OF SUPERIOR QUALITY h. CO. iperlor Strarie , UAMd, low by PIANOS, Box in SMALL BALES, ex Murray, sale PIANOS. bars-- 1 Spare New Brass Valve for Juice Pump. for Candle. Amber etoap, in boxes of 20 BACON, sen BOLLKS A CO PAINTS AND PAINT OIL. From L. NmiVld. Adamantine COTTON rood working order. The Mill is capable Brrlia. 8oep, In boxes of 12 barv; IrCK. The above is all in GROCERIES, Extra Olive COTTON SAIL TWINE, of irrindiug cane for 1 to tons of sugar per day. HURBI CK'S PURE LEAK, HUBBUCK'S Received in Splendid Order Oermania Starch. Dooley' Teast Powder, price, aprty to KEROSENE OIL. A LARGE ASSORTMENT. NEW AND Zinc, Hubbuck's Pale Boiled Oil, Boston Spirits Just , OYSTKKS, Ae .Ae. For particulars and ins .For Sale by Turpentine. For Sale by Salmon, in barrel cases-- etc low. KOI.OA PLANTATION CO.. Koloa, FKKSH. And far Sale by faperior Columbia River Received ,h- and f .ale OWNER'S. A CO. - - dy, & jT12 Or II. IIACKFKLD A CO., Honolulu. eo For sale by BOLLEn A CO. t.al 7i BOLLKS jal 19 BOLLE8 A CO. myl7tf H. IIACKFKLD A- COv ort For sale by II. I1ACKFELD & CO. D PACIFIC COMMERCIAL ADVERTISER SUPPLEMENT, JAN. 10, 1880. THE PAOiriO that there must be an arrxml from a judgment No Children. which is enacted shall be summary final and con- c c c c AT TIIE Commercial ciliate, or the statute be found unconstitutional A home without children is like a heaven with S 2lbbcrtiscr. in- 5 5 5 Co-operati- is as argument to shew that the statute is not out angels. We often bear landlords, speak of ve Tailor Store, tended for such justices. some ot tbeir tenants because they have no coil Just Received Ex Laura R. Burnham, Hiring found that the said police Justice bad dren. Advertisements and notices of bouses to 5 " s SATURDAY. JANUARY 10. no jurisdiction to proceed under the Statute of let, or board, are qualified by the words " With Interpleader, no mandamus will lie for an appeal. out children." Children are an encumbrance, . 2. 2. A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF NEW GOODS ! Supreme Court In Chambers. Honolulu, September 25th, 1879. nuisance, and they are not wanted. Supposing is re rrrnioN or c. a&a.va fob a or man-- to change the order, and say, select circles and s 5 5 writ classes of society, and single persons and childless Fort Street, Mclntyre's Block, . Selected with Care and Bought for Cash, DAMC3 OS TIIE POLICE JUSTICE Or HONOLULU. Foreign News Items. i Russel Young, parents; houses and homes where no little lips John who went around the no no cry. Another Invoice Lot of AT McCuIly, world with General Grant, and knows a good rattle, little feet patter, little voices Effort J. low stiff and prim the parlors, how orderly and OF THE It appears that the petitioner baring a judg- deal about his affairs, estimates the value of the company, FI1YE general's property at $150,000. mechanical the now cold and formal ! " ment in the Police Court of Honolulu against one the salutations ; there is no romp nor fun there ; JE HOCK BOTTOM PRICES Aloka, levied oo personal property , The cotton yield in the sooth this year is OA DOLLAR TAILOKIXO certain but no scratches on the furniture ; nothing away STORE. Before the Adrance which is now Quoted at from 15 to 30 per Cent. that before the sale one Ahchuck came before the larger by 500,000 bales than ever before. The and no glee. The guests are like fish ; cold GOODS, I'olice Justice, cn the 12th of September instant. tobacco crop is greater by 12,000,000 pounds blooded ; no throb of paternal feeling beats in According to the Clan of Goods. and claimed to be entitled to the goods and chat- - than last Year and the production of suear ex those veins ; no pets or playthings, because no BUY YOUR CONSISTING OF ten io. execution id Ins own right ; that the ceeds by 200,000 hogsheads that of last year. children are there. Any of the company are free Diagonals, Broadcloth, Doeskins, I'olice Justice, after notifying the petitioner, The grandest steamship in the world is being to bring in a kitten or a poodle, with weak eyes, inn ii! iv r.nnirc m .uT iinmrn bear J evidence on the claim in pursuance of the overhauled and provided with new machinery to and the corners of its mouth streaked in channels, IlVLIiiai UUVJJU IV IX VAU UULTuAlt ot ot Acta Serges, Tweeds and Trimmings. A EroTieiooa chapter lii the of 1876, fit her for carrying live cattle. What a fall is like the stream that flows from the lips of a to- Good Line of Hardware and Agricultural Implements, Act to amend the law of interpleader. here, my countrymen. The Great Eastern bas bacco chewer, to be fondled, and kissed, and lie Jasl Rrrrirrd, ex Bark Vila, and afterwards pronounced judgment io favor of proved a marine elephant or, more properly on the lap of its devoted mistress. But no chil- The Splendid Store, So. 68 Fort Street, (lately occupied by Well Known to the TRADE & Consumers Generally. the claimant and ordered the Marshal to deliver speaking, a whale on the hands of ber owners. dren. Better sweep the Sowers from the soil ; the California One Price Baxar) FROM ENGLAND. Downer' Kerosene Oil and Palace Kerosene Oil. rates weighing capacity from 9M to S.IO0 tt- - him the exxl and chattels seized. From this It is expected that the Great Eastern will be better pluck ths stars from the skies ; yes, let Our Stock contains the Finest and Best judgment the petitioner asked for a certificate of Selected Material lor ready for the cattle trade by next March, and paint and varnish, and fine upholstery go, but Suits erer imported in this Kingdom. appeal to the Intermediary Court, tendering the let the children come. Next to Has been Leased by G. P. Wells, then the great eastern question will be settled, as the eongofan --A. JLIjSTE ! costs. Die I'olice Justice refused to grant ao far as she is concerned. angel, is the laugh of a child. And the heart CALL, LRGKE OIT LAMES WHO WILL OPEN TDK 8AMK Lamps, Chimneys, Hanging Lamps, appeal, basing bis refusal oo the 10th section of following sewage that can feel, and the lips that can say, I bate bAAIVsinitt, Ac. An Extensive Line el Chandeliers, Ac. now The is Uerscb's test for the Act. The petitioner prays that be raaj contamination, or the presence of putreecible or children, would exchange places with Lot's wife. be Qraerea to grant appeal. The man . . AND ganic matter in water : Ml a clean pint bottle or the woman that lias fallen, no matter AS A ONE DOLLAR STOEE ! Rubber Hose, Leather Belting, Cordage, &c., &c., A.S. Hartwell for petition. three-quarte- rs full with the water to be tested. what tbeir crime is. who retain in tbeir souls The denial of the appeal is based on the pro-- love BE CONVINCED, Recently received from England, Hubbock Son's White Lead aoa) Zinc, Paint Oil, Topsail Chain, Trarv Chain. " " - - . the of song, of flowers and of children, bas - - - . ,v - . . . . . and in it dissolve half a teaspoonful of the finest TiDioa ercuon me ae-cisi- oo id iv, inn judgment ana sugar, then cork the bottle and set in a warm not yet been left without the ministry of angels, THAT OCR of the Court in a summary manner shall it woo, A place for forty-eig- ht hours. If, meanwhile, the to and win tbem back to virtue. And the Stationery, Toys, Large and Full Line of Files, Rasps. &c. be final and conclusive against the parties and all water becomes cloudy or unfit home that has not echoed to the merry voices of persons Iroia or milkv. it is lor ! A Splendid Assortment of ENGLISH DOOR MATS, So ranch Needed now. , claiming by, under them. domestic use. If it remains perfectly limpid, it childhood, bas not yet been baptized in its name, and Fancy Coods. Tweed Suits for $30.00 Jut But this cannot intend to bar the general right is probably safe to use. even though formal prayers may have dedicated A Superior Line of provided against decisions Pocket IXL Cutlery, Scissors and Razor. of appeal all of a Light it to the purpose of a home. However close may Cannot be made elsewhere for the money, and just Police Justice. Electric at Ska. Prof. C. F. Brush bas be the Don't Ask the Price, Each Article is $1. &c. been work for affinity of loving natures, the bond that the thinf for this climate. Sauce Fans Fry Fans and Tea Kettles, I. Article 7 of the Constitution secures a jurj at the past year upon an apparatus perfects that union is only found until paternal tor tne use ot A trial in all cases heretofore used, and this statute the electric light at sea on the bows love reveals it. olStf Strong, Durable, Cool, Well Made, FOR CHRISTMAS CHOICE LINK OP only provides another method for the adjudication oi ocean steamers. He bas completed it to bis of a question which might be brought in trover satisfaction, and it will soon be on exhibition in Stylish and Pf rfrrt Fitting: ! & Boston. He has She was Missed. Reed Barton's SILVER PLATED WARE or replevin, and a claimant cannot bar a party of succeeded in the attempt to se Direct from the Factor more on the way. A Libftrtl Discount wrl be made lo Cah ftirchtMraw cure a continuous and perfect focus by an auto Country Orders filled with our usual promptness and dispatch. bw riht to go to a jury on appeal by selecting She was getting her dinner when her husband W. & Co. Ui am this method of proceeding. matic movement of each carbon, instead of one, 6. Macfarlane as heretofore. By use, came in and announced the death of ;i ceigh- - There may be an appeal from " summary" its a thick fog bank bas bor. DIL.LIIMGHAIVZ CO., been pierced 3000 is and fine print SALE proceeding e. g., under the Landlord and Ten-ac- ts feet, it said, OFFER FOR no22 tf 37 FORT STKKKT. IIONOLILt'. can be easily read two miles away. "Dead!" she exclaimed, holding the pot i to A. W. PEIRCE& CO., Act. loaehcr suspended in the air, " Ah, how true it This Act of 1870 d e not exprcsnly repeal the During hi tour General Grant was received is that in the midst of life we are in death. Put O general nt.it u tcv ref pectin,; afi:als. It only re- formally by the following " high born " rulers on some of the tomater pickles, Tildy. They're CilELG-- : THE and people Queen Victoria peals the pruvmou by vtJhcIi a sheriff might of Ensland. Kinir spiling an we may as well eat 'em up, and SHIP CHANDLERS, OFE-MHEI- Lcopold Belgium, OF THE D c summon a jury to try a claim for property seized, of the khedive of Egypt, the when you cut the bread, cut one slice around ; IPOK. and be couIJ disregard the verdict and sell if sultan of Turkey, King Humbert of Italy, Pope ; (AT THE ULD STORE) JUST that's enough or, if it ain't, you can get some properly indemnified. Now, if the present stat- IjC) Alll., 1 resident McMahon of trance, the more afterwards. I hope the funeral will be at British Bark VIOLA, 1 Y ute is eufxttitutcd and all appeal it barrel, it king of Holland, Emperor William of Germany, the church. There was Simmons' wife's funeral. Queen Street, Honolulu, H. I, would take away the riht to a jury trial where i'rince lismarck. King Oscar of Sweden, the Em They would have it in the house, an was so J. II. PRICE, Mauler, peror U3fti:i, it It has heretofore been used. Alexander of R the Emperor Francis crowded 1 thought my dress would be spoiled. DEALERS IN Joseph King Alfonso of O. fe A riht of appeal is always implied in cattes of Austria, Spain, Presi Are going to have it in the house, hey? I'll bet 138 Days From Liverpool, E. HALL SON, heard by a Justice of the Peace. Jones vs. Rob-bin- s, dent Grevy of r ranee. M. Gatubetta, iceroy Lyt- - 'twas one of her She A SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF ton mother's notions. always WHALING GEAR OF ALL KINDS, 8 (jray 341; Sullivan vs. Adams. 3 Gray of India, I'rince Kung of China, the kins of was as full of notions as an egg is full of meat. Now in Condition 476; Kenny's cae, 108 Mart. 490. and IJeers vs. Siain. the mikado of Japan. Make good Landing Splendid a lot of gravy, Tildy. They don't eat Whaleboats, Boat Stock, Anchors, Chains. SILVER PLATED WARE Doers, 4 Ct. to the effect that a statute not Something of an idea ol the value of the creut so much butter when is Hemp there plenty of gravy, Consisting of the following Gsods, viz: and Manila Cordage. Duck, Naval Stores. AND allowing appt.aU from a magistrate would be newspapers of London may be gathered from the and 1 want to fill that three gallon crock this Paints and Oils, Hrass and Ualranized Marine Hardware, clearly unconstitutional. following item which is going the rounds of the week. Sailmakers' Goods, Boatbuilders' Hardware, II. This etatute need not be held unconstitu- prene Well. I shall miaa her. She was what I call Groceries Hay, 60 REAM SOLID SILVER WARE tional by interpreting it that such judgments are An offer of 85,000 sterling has been made for i a eood neighbor. Not so sociable as some, but a Oats and Bran, Etc., Etc. final and conclusive, unless appealed from under me uuuuuii xcicgrapii. unu ueciineu uy no pro iniddiin cood neighbor. 1 borrowed a recipe Cases Nary Chocolate, Casks Finest Malt Vinegar, Would inform our friends and patrons, that we hare now on INCLUDING roviioQ Glover's Messrs. Law Levy & Cases Sardines, i and i tins; Cases Stearine Candles, hand the most complete and varied assortment of the general for appeal. Io prietors, eon. Co. As the book there just a little while ago. There won't Cases Coffee and Milk in tins, Cases Table Salt in bottles case, 3d Hawaiian Reports 701, it was held that Telegraph is rated fourth in value among the be no hurry 'bout carrying it back yet awhile. Cases Lea &. Perrin'a Worcestershire Sauce, pints; FORKS and SPOONS, different Patterns Sizes. no appeal lay on tacts, because such had leeo London newspapers, it would appear the journal- Likely they'll be so overcome for Cases Coleman's lUst Mustard in tins and bottles, ! and. tic they won't care Cases Morton's Botiled Fruits, ass'd; Cs Confectionery, SHIP CHANDLERY the statute from a time prior to the Constitution, istic market is at least firm over there. The nothing common vittlcs. I but wonder if the Cass Kpp s Cocoa, Cases Fafe tticlc Chocolate, & and because the licensee expressly waived &ocb Times is roughly valued at 5,000,000. the Stan girls will wear black ! Well, the Lord gave and Cases fate de Foi Oras Truffles, J and i; SHIP NAVAL STORES, terms his license. dard 2,000,000, and the News 1,200,000. Cases Green Peas in tins, Cases Mackerel in Oil, appeal by the of at at the Lord taketh away. Come, set right down ; Cases Cheese Crackers in tins, Cs Pickles, Chutney, Vc and othr Goods in our line, to he found on the Sandwiih Isl- WITH PATENT PORCELAIN iA7V05; III. Final judgments of State Courts are the The price asked for the telegraph is a round mil dinner is all ready. Have they got any one to Cases Preserved Kels, cottinvs, dec, Cs Hams in tins, ands; and having a new lease, for a term of years, of the old so long (he only caws appealable to the Supreme Court of the lion, lhe circulation of the-- e journals is given at help him over there? I believe I'll run over after Cases Hlack Pepper in tins and bottles. Cases Salad Oil, stand, and favorably known by people of the tro.lt and Cake Dislirs, Cases Currants, Kaisins and Muscatels, Sandwich Islands, and by the Masters and Owners of Whaling for Stan- Fire-pro- United States." United States vs. Bailey, 9 85.000 daily the Times. 145,000 for the dinner. How funny it'll seem not to see her Cases Jams, Lemon Peel, Cases Salad Dressing, 4c. and Merchant Vessels, and with our New Store and Card Receivers, Pel. 272. dard, 125.000 for the News, and 200.000 for the around. I shall miss her dreadful. Samuel'il Store-hous- e near by, giving us unequaled facilities fur keeping even a sun more complete ana vanea assortment Stock-we- of all the Castor Gr-- at V, C. Jones, the Police Justice, respondent, Telegraph. In point of advertising patronage, get married again of course. One of the ll Goods in our line, large additions to which we have ordered Table lo Variety, relied on the terms of section 10 and the author- the limes exceeds all the other three combined. girls would make him a good wife. They Dry Goods from the United Slates and Kurupe, all of which we offer on house-keepe- the most favorable terms. Dishes with Covers, Tea Sets with I rnsA. without, ity ot Glover's case, and made do argument. the Standard surpasses both the News and the are all good rs and used to children. Assorted Colors of (reach de l.aine, Blk French Merino rnddlo? Telegraph, and the former leads the latter. Check and Saxony Flannels, Black Velvet Edging, Per Curiam. Funeral hey! Well, I hope it will Heavy Blue Uros Grain Silk, Assorted Blankets, MANILA ROPE, lee BowU, Water Sets, In order to obtain a solution of the question, The unseemly warfare against the Jews of be cool ; I want to wear my black sacque. Worsted Damask Table Covers, Whita Mosquito Nets, mm Assorted Wool and Silk Scarfs, Silk Umbrellas, Coils 6 Threads, Coils 9 Threads, Coils 12 Threads. Vases, whether the judgment of a I'olice Justice upon Prussia continues. The origin of this unpbil-osophic- al There will be lots from the city there. Let the Tel let Sets, Ruggi, Tweeds, Towels, Loniccloih, Victoria Lawns, Coils lk Inch, Ceils H Inch, Coils 1 Inch, Coils 2 Inch, of seized Marshal re- fire go down when Inch-Coil- the right property by the in crusade is said to have been in the the dishwater gets hot; hain't Sheetings, Linen, Assorted Superior Prints, Coils 2i Inch, Coils 2 Inch, Coils 2 s execution is subject to appeal to a higher Court action which bas recently ect in in Germany, in got to cook nothin' more ; there's apple sags for 3 Inch, Coils 3i Inch, Coils 3r Inch. Coils 3 Inch. Jewel Caskets, Salad Dishes, Syrnp Cops, Spoon Holders, Match Boies, ! Coils 4 Inch, Coils 4i Inch, Coils 4J Inch. Coils 6 Inch. or to a jury, I examine the entire Act, of Inter- church and state. Dr. Stoecker. the court tea. So she's dead Dear me, dear me, how 1 A Fine Assortment of MEN'S CLOTHING Walters, Batter Dishes, great variety; following : miss pleader and make the observations preacher at Berlin, who organized the Christian shall her." Woolen Shirts, Handkerchiefs, Denims, Sec, dec. WHALE LINE, Section 1st provides a procedure for a defend- Worklngmens" association for the purpose of com Pickle Castors, Jardrolers,. in a personal action in a Court of Record, batting socialism, when he had got adver The humorist of the New York Times tell the Cutting Falls. Manila Bolt Rope, Sisal Rope, Bale Rope, ant that Hay Kope, Manila Lath Tarn, Galvanized M ire Hope, story the opening new opera bouse Isiquors Goblets, Cops, Fruit Knives, Tureens, Olive Boats, Sauce Dis4icy r--r- whereby he may bring to the knowledge of the sary on the hip, took up the cudgel against the tragic of of the Seizing, Sea . in Wire Deep Lead Lines, 60 Fathom Log Lines, Court or any Judge thereof the interest of any Jews and bas been uncparing in his treatment of Lynn, Maes. The varnishing of the perforated Cases X, XX, XXX nennessey Brandy, Lines for Patent Log, Signal Halyards, Fish Lines. AND A who may be to become wooden seats, it appears, was neglected until the Cases MarteU's Pale Brandy, third pirty, then required them irom that any to this, lhe press, largely Cases Cutter No. 1 and O. K. Whiskey, a party to proceedings in such action or on a controlled by the Jews, have bitterly attacked the last moment, and then a quantity of varnish was Cases Kentucky Favorite and U. F. C. Whiskey, HEMP HOPE, Mr. Brewster, one Cases Scotch and Whiskey, Great Variety of Articles, Useful & Ornamental, 'I feigned iue, that is to eay, this statute pro- preacher, lhere has been organized, as an out hastily purchased of of the Irish 1 inch, If inch, 2 inch, 2t inch, 2 inch, 2 inch, leaders ot anti-ope- ra bouse The nar- Cases Jamaica Kum, Cases Old Tom Oin, 3 inch. 31 inch, 3 inch, oj 4 6 vides for wliat might be done by a bill of inter- come of this war or words, the Anti Setuil Liga, the party. Gin, inch, inch, 4J inch, inch, MAHV OF THEM IN ELEGANT SILK LINED CASES. Cases and Baskets 6 inch, 6 inch, 6J inch, 7 inch, inch, 8 iuch. pleader in equity. which has for its object the preventing of Jews rative then proceeds : " The house was varnish- Cases Fine Old Port Wine, Cases Superior Sherry Wine, "i ed on the last day of October, and on the next Cases Superior Cachet et Blanc Champagne, qts & pts; RATLIN 12 thread, IS thread, IS thread. 21 thread. CT The ahore Articles are of the BEST MAKE and MOST DESIRABLE PATTERS, and af well Section 2 is, with ao unimportant variation holding any kind of office in the Prussian state, S P H N V A RN 2 yarn, 3 yarn. 44 " com- Cases Superior Roderer Champagne, qts & pts; adapted for in phraeeology. identical with section 10, on in excluding them from clubs, hotels, theatres evening it was opened by the Pinafore Cases Superior Claret, SEIZING 6 thread. 9 thread, 12 thread. Every the seats was Sc. which the Police Justice has declined to grant and hospitals which Christians visit ; to circum- pany. one of 6even hundred Cases McEwan's Ale, pta qts; Cs bass' Ale, pts & qts; Marline, Ilouseline, Hambroline, Rounding, Russia Bolt Rope. & ! . occupied, be among Cases Blond. Wolfe if Co.'s Ale, Cs McEwan XXX Porter, CHRISTMAS WEDDING, OR BIRTHDAY GIFTS app-eal- is no doubt section 2 applies social and it must admitted that There that scribe by legislation their activity within Ulids XXX Draught Ale. COTTON only to the proceeding of a Court of Record, as certain limits, etc. The luit movements in the the audience were many of the leading citizens of DUCK, In5 mr NOTHING CHARGED FOR LOOKINO JCt it directed in section 1. contest Imve been an aaMrc I row Jewish ladies the town and their wives and daughters. The Noh. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10. Ravens, Drills, Ac. first act of the play was listened to with the most BOXES BLUE MOTTLED SOAP The 3d and 4th sections apply likewise. The to the Empress Augusta and riots in the streets FOR SALE ! 5th section, premising that the Marshal and his by Christian mobs. serious attention, and when the curtain fell not a Annealed GaW'd Bnekets, 10, 11, 12 13 & llin., HEMP CANVAS, wed to hazard single person went out for cloves. The manager AT DKSIKAKI.K KKNllJETVCK officers are up the and expense of A An red , rami VKRV, Defense or Red Hair. admirer of Merchant Navy, all numbers; Long Flax, all numbers-- i n .ludil Stri-tt- adjoining ih pciou now in ai2Ldirerta&c:F was delighted, and remarked to the leading actor Best Square & Arch Fire Bricks, I action n claims made to goods and chattels in r hair, who has it himself, glorifies that style thus: that be had never seen as intelligent an audience Parslin Yards, Hemp Twine, Cotton Twine. couri-- of erection by the Hon. S. O. Wilder. The lot contains execution and otherwise, further enacts, relative hroughout creation nature appears to delight Whipping Twine, Sail Needles. Ruping Needles, about one acre, with a large frontnge on Judil Street, ami is to eucti claims agaiimt the Marshal or officers, in the whole course of his lite. The second act Bbls. Cement (White's,) Packing Needles, Beeswax, Sailors' Palms, ell (itemed wilh Kruit and Ornamental Hiade Jreea. HEA ' in red. It predominates in the pleasure ol Portland Sailmakers' Sea in ins Palms, Satlmakers' Ropinir Palms. VIKW. UNSIJRl'ASSKD. Gorerninent Water is about to be BOOK AND was received with the same quiet and attention, Bit-tin- JOB what is lound in sections 5, C, 7, 8, 9 and 10. the imagination, for whatever is beautiful. Sail Hooks, Galvanized Iron Clews. Galvanized Thimbles. laid on There is on the lot a dwelling House, containing i; and there was even a look of painful anxiety in liiiinir-roor- a s; two-stor- y Section 5 speaks of executions issued by the agreeable, or sublime piartakes of red. The rain- OOO Brass Thimbles, Open Thimbles, Thimbles lor Wire Rope. Room, and four a of Kingdom, says the or any the Taces of several of the men in the audience. Tons Uost Sister Hooks and Thimble., Flags. Kitchtn, with servants' rooms above; Bath House. Carriage Courts the Court Out-hoon-e. Si run- PRINTING ESTABLISHMENT bow, the rose, and the charming lip and check of Sir Joseph began to feel annoyed at the solemnity Anchors from 40 lbs. Io 2400 lbs. Chains from t in. to 1J in. House and other Also, a ream of Wstes Judge thereof may un ap plication of such officer beauty s self, the sun, the source of heat and Duffryn Welsh Steam Coal, Capstans. Windlass Gear, Brass Boat Com passes, ning through lhe lot. Title perfect. If not disposed of by ot audience, and asked the manager if the Powell, Brass Ship Compasses, Tell Tale Compasses, next, will be offered public auction. For par- cite parries by rule, order or summons, and exer- all as is also fire, the mighty the November it at No. 10 Merchant Htrctt light, are red; the people took him for an undertaker and believed Ritchies' Spirit Compasses, No. 1; ticulars. swl y to CECIL BROWN. cise lor his protection and relief all or nny of the autocrat ol the universe. The most brilliant Crates Assorted Crockeryware, " ' " " No. 2; iu9 tf Kaahumanu Street. powers and authoriti- - fore that is. they were attending a blanked funeral. At the Cases Galv'd Corrugated Sheet Iron, 6, 7 and 8ft.; " " " No. 3; '' ' la Acknowledged to Pomes the Assort- given flowers, the most delicious fruits, the orange, the Best White Lead and Zinc Paint, Lt cow p i a party to be or defendant, pro- end of the act there was the same absence of any Sheathing Felt, Yellow Metal, Sheet Lead. Fog Horns, apple, and the peach, are red. Through the ani apparent thirst among the young men that had Lilly Irons, Grains, Cork Fenders, Holy Stones, ment of Book and ceed to trial oo one or more feigned imues, or mal kingdom red predominates, as in the king ol Capstan Bars, Handspikes. Mast Hoops, Lead Figures, ! been noticed alter the firsr act, and the actors be- IIROHST. Brooms, IO Lbs. to Ton direct Ruch issues to be tried, determine the But go : the Corn Brooms, Hickory Brooms, Ratan Cocoanut do. tlic beasts, the lion. further Adam, gun to gloomy doubts as to whether Assorted BAR Pump Leather, Rigging Leather, t.alvamzed Boat Nails, merits of claims in a summary manner, and make The entertain Black Annealed Fence Wire, 4, 5, 6 and 7; JOB PRINTING TYPE. .1 I first of mankind, was red. greatest of was in The play came to Galvanised Scupper Nails, Galvanized Cut Nails, such rales and orders as to costs and all other Grecians, Vulcan, were beer attainable Lynn. Pots, Galvanised Kettles, tc, Galvanized ftweed Iron Tacks, Composition Nails, COALS! COALS! COALS! Jupiter, Apollo and as Pipe from I to 2in., Of any Other Office in the Stuulioith Inland. matter a may appear to be just and reasonable. was an end and the curtain fell amid a silence of Black Iron Cut Nails, 3d to 60d; Finish Nails, Iron Tacks, crimson, damson, whose strength gigantic, the grave. The orchestra rose and departed, but K. S. Hudson Extract of Soap, Copper Tacks, flat heads; Copper Tacks, round heads; Section 6th provides that tt e Court or Judge from his red hair, and des Wrought Boat Spikes, Handled Axes, Wood Saws, Planters will Take Notice. AND 18 derived his power the audience sat still. The manager came to the may exercise these powers though the titles of of on the Hand Saws, Claw Hatchets, Shingling Hatchets, tiny of the empire Alliens depended the red was over, Hammers, Screw Wrenches. Top Mauls, Steamboat Agents will Take Notice. the claimants have not a common origin but are Elizabeth had red footlights and announced that the play Well Adapted to the Superior Printing hair of Nissus. Queen hair; and as the announcement had no apparent effect, Also to Arrive Caulking Mallets, Caulking Irons, Hawsing Irons, Take Notice. adverse to or independent of one another. so bad spencer and on a new pea re. Linton is liawsing Beetles. Jack Planes, Smooth Planes, Bitts, Families will OF , 7 gives a begged to be informed whether the opera house Bitt Stocks, Rules, Nail Gimlets, Spike Gimlets, Section the Court or Judge, when the anotlser instance of the proof of my proposition. NORHAM BIT i was a deaf and dumb asylum or whether he him- PER BARK CASTLE. Handled Brad Awls, Screw Drivers. Cold Chisels, 1IST RKCEIVED AND FOR SALE claim under a bill of sale, chattel mortgage or Also Deloe, the author of that world-renowne- d Chain Punches, Copper Punches, Marlin Spikes, the t'ndersitrtied at the Lowest Rates 2,2Jt TOSS self bad suddenly become stark mad. It was of Wellington ANY other i1:. io order the sale of the whole or part 'Robinson Crusoe. Laluyette had red IN' Flat Files, Half Round Files. Saw Files, Grindsti nes, the celebrated Mine POSTERS OF SIZE! story, then that Esquire Standish beckoned him to bis DUE DECEMBER, Grindstone Fixtures, Brass Screws, Iron Screws, on such terms as be may think fit as to the pay- ; s w,n Arte-mu- s hair liontiparte hair ol this color. side explained the audience would glad- Hasps and Staples, Coper Wire, Brass Padlocks, ! ment of the whole or part of the secured debt. has red ; so have have Red and that Iron Padlocks. Composition Port Hinges, pairs; DEPARTURE BAY COAL kithkr'in Ward hair the ly retire if any way could be devised of separating ! Section 8 refers to the rule or order from a Indians, or else why so named." FROM GLASGOW Composition Strap Hinges, pairs; Superior to all Soft Coal now in nse, fur Fleam and Family of Record " as the order previously spoken them from tbeir 6eats. No less than eight gallons Galv. Iron Row Locks, Galv. Iron Belaying Pins purpose, and worth $1.6 per ton, more than Wallsend Coal Court Locust Belaying Pins, Hickory Belaying Pins, Lizards, in the San Francisco market. For family use it is highly PLAIN Oil FANCY COLORS. Two Conundrums. A young lady when riding of turpentine were bought of Mr. Brewster that Bags, Rice Bags, Twine, Mast-hea- of, and empowers the Court or Judge, when the Sugar Fair Leaders, Parrel Trucks, d Trucks, prized, being so clean and free from dust, burns to a white asb. amount involved is small, at the request of either froia ber father's country seat to a neighboring night, and used in detaching the ladies from the Serving Mallets. Serving Boards. Chain Hooks. ALU O , village, met a young man on foot, who was carry seats, to which the undried varnish had glued Burlaps, Bagging, Liquors, Hay Hooks, Galv. Boat Hooks. Galv. Jib Hanks. ALSO, TO ARRIVE, party to determine the same in a summary man- Wood Jib Hanks. Wood Pumps for Water Casks. Labels, l)ed. ing a jug. She at once reined in tier horse, and tbem. When the ladies had all disappeared, the &c. Screw Anchor Shackles, Chain Shackles, ner, with full authority as to term, costs and Galvanized Sheet Iron and Coal, &c, Galv. 2,500 Tons Best Quality Wallaend Coal. Sermons, rules. asked him what be had in the jug. Looking up male part of the audience, with many irreverent Anchor Shackles, Ship Scrapers. Rigging Screws, other All Goods will be Wrist Shackles, Patent Links, Oars, from 6 to 22 feet; For Sale In lots to suit I'urchssera, 1 with a comical leer, he simply winked one eye exclamations and cries of anguish, tore itself the above Tax Lists, !,Leases, The 9th section provides that when it is a Deck Buckets. and smacked his lips, to indicate that it contain- loose and went home through the back streets. Sculls, queftioo of law only, the Judge may order a AT LOWEST KATES. Shop Bills, Circalars, ' ed something good. The young lady supposing The opcra house bas remained closed ever since ! BLOCKS, THE special case to be stated for the opinion of the SOLD at REDUCED PRICES 2240 Pounds to tke Ton. Court, which shall proceed thereon as be meant alcohol, immediately began to talk the opening night, and it is the belief of Lynn Catalogues, Transfers Supreme TO MEET TIMK3, BT Blocks, common; nlStf AL.L.EN Ai ROBIXSOX. upon a submission. temperance, but her auditor requested the privi- that Mr. Brewster, who mixed the varnish, and THE Metalline Blocks, patent; one found in his shop 11 o'clock Blocks, iron strap, patent; Blocks, mpe xtrap, patent; Section 10 provides for the two courses before lege of first asking her just question. was subsequently at nl5 G. V. MAKFARLiXE & CO. Blocks, rope strap, common; Snatch Blocks, NEWS PA PERN, UILLsUK ADS, V 7 in to first the trial on an action or issue bat is it sho asked. at night, ready to sell turpentine quantities Blocks, wide score lor main sheet; ! Ball Cards. given, viz., for Sheaves, Lbs. to Ton - Court or secondly It is this," he replied; "why is my jug suit purchasers, deliberately brought about the Blocks, lignum vita;, jib sheet; Patent S340 the ordered by the Judge, and the 44 Common Sheaves, Dead Eyes. Hearts, Bulls Eyes. summary decision of the Court or Judge without like your side-sadd- le ?" catastrophe that broke up the pinafore" season Concert Bills, Blank Note. such trial, that both shall be final. And section She could not tell. at Lynn." PAINTS, OILS, ETC. Rcadi NoLirss, Bill Lading, proceedings ' It is because it holds a gal-on- ," said he. CALIFOKLVIA NOTICE T0PLANTERS! 11, referring to both the under the School Reports. Prioes Correal 'I? sec- 'What trifling!" exclaimed the indignant The shrinking of the water in Tulare lake, SPKRM OIL. first four sections of the Act and those under f. continued: has uncovered a prehistoric settlement, Raw Oil, Boiled Oil, Kerosene Oil, Business. mat- young lady, and then Cal., - i .: tions 5 to 10, provides that all rules, orders, Oil, China Nut On. Laid Oil, AS A MEM HER man, do you not stone buildings, traces of canals once bordered Furniture Whale fllUE i:.MERSINED, Surveying Farty, ters and decisions to be made in interpleader oung perceive Woodward's S:gnal Oil, Tar oil, 1 of the Staff of the Hawaiian Government Visiting, one more question," interrupted ryr with planted trees, and other evidences of occu- Bright Varnish. Black Varnish. having carefully examined personally most parts of the sever- proceedings under this Act shall be entered of Just now respectfully offers his auditor, and then I am done. hy is my pation by an unknown race, being clearly defined S. Turpentine, Coal Tar. l atent Iiryer, Red Lead, al Islands of this Kingdom, services u record in the Supreme Court. jug White Lead, Black Paint, Green Paint, Red Paint, to Sugar Planters and others who may require Invitation and like the assembly-roo- m of a female seminary at as the water subsides. .Metallic, Now the words "court or judge " of themselves jlauufactiiring' Yellow Paint, Blue Paint. dry; Lamp Black, Wedding Cards. -- 1 import a court oi record or a judge thereof, but, roll call?" Chrome Y'ellow, Chrome "ireen, Prussian Blue, Jiivilw:iy!s, TramAVfiyss, if 1 am sure I don't know, petulantly replied Burnt Umber, Chinese Vermillion. Copper I'aint. when taken in connection with the express men- " ! and other modes of transport, as a purchasing Ministerial Reports, Pamphlets, Books a of record" in the 1st and 8th the young lady. .A. MISCELLANEOUS, Agent or Advising Engineer. tion of "court is said L He proceeds direct hy this steam-- r to Boston, If. 9. A., and cloee inter connection of all parts of " Well, it's because it full o' lasses," rem: OJV Company, Potash, Concentrated Lye. Sal Sola. Glue, Putty, Chalk, sections, the having every facility for so doing, will furnish, on application, Tax Bills, Lectures, Boods, Briefs. absence of any expression to the incorrigible auditor. Black Lead, for sheaves; Tar. Pitch, Rosin, Oakum, the Act, and the V CO., Mops, Pai Brushes, Round Paint Brushes, The fair lacturer touched her spirited horse BOLL.US SAN FRANCISCO. Pitch Flat it of for Iron - "show that the jurisdiction is intended to be con- Varnish Brushes, Whitewash Brushes, Marking Brushes, Tlans, Specifications and Estimates Concert Tickets, Festival Tickets. in- with her whip, and was soon out of hearing of INFORM THEIR FRIENDS Pencil Brushes, Siove Brushes, Shoe Brushes, ferred on police or district magistrates, my they have MANUFACTURERS AND IMPORTERS Bridges, Iron Houses, RailvTajs with Bridge Excursion Tickets, docs to those the rude young man. WOILU public generally, that Dost Brushes, Handled Tar Brushes, Flue Brushes, Steamboat Tickets, ference is that this act not apply Seam Brushes, Scrub Brushes. Sash Tools, Fire-pro- of OP Stock or Description. officers. It could only be supposed to do so, as We find tho following very singular paragraph Removed to their New Store, Log Books, for 120, 240 and 360 days; G:asses, and Rollins ill Deposit Checks, Shipping Receipts, but, the word ceurt is used in in the Detroit Free Press : Professor Lovering, Patent Logs, Steel Shovels. Scoop shovels. Rubber Oilers, v beic "courts," Which ha just beeo completed, ituated at the Old Stand, Brass Oilers, Lamp Feeders. Lanterns, Side Lights, tin; Also. Machinery of Every Description Insurance Policies, Certificates of Deposit, connection which is inconsistent of Harvard college, declares that all structures, making large addition A.JL3 this statute in a Si Queen Street, where they hae been rECKITTIOrs Side Lights, brass; Fresnal Signal Lights, zinc; Manufacture of Sugar and Cleaning and Preparing Rice have definite note of of Chandlery, Ship and flantation Stores, OF lor the Certificates of Block, Bills of Exchaogt with the court of a district or police justice ; for large or small, a vibration. to their stock ship Fresnal Signal Lights, brass; Cabin Lamps, the He tells a story of a fiddler who came along when which make their assortment large and Taried. Lamp Wick, balls; Flat Wicks. dz.; Lamp Burners, fr Urket'Address In Boston, LINCOLN CABOT, instance in the 4tb section when it is provided Will be happy to bare a call from their patrons, and they Waste, lbs.; Bath Brick, Tags o svery style. Cole-broo- ke Lamp Chimneys, Cotton Civil Engineer, Room 6, No. 131 Ievonshire Street. in- the workmen were erecting the bridge at be spared to to their that if upon application to a judge in the first will assure them that no pains will attend Brown Soap, Salt Water Soap, Cups and Saucers, P. 8 Inquiries addressed to C. T. Colick, in Honolulu. wi3 Dale the first iron bridge ever built and wants in a satisfactory manner. FUR1TURE Tumblers, Knives and Forks. Spoons, Chopping Knives, vajU Apothecaries' Labels, Orders of Kxercises, stance, or in any later stage, he shall think it an as- HOnOLD receive prompt attention. tf be said be could fiddle it down. He played away We have now in Stock: Cordage, hemp and Manila, Chopping Trays, Sieves, Coffee Mills, Dust Pans, more fit for the decision of the court, it shall sortment of sixes; Cotton Puck. Flax Canvas, Hemp CanTas, Wash Basins, Mincing Knives. Blubber Forks, Boat Boards Rewards of Merit, Letter Headings, key note be made sway , 7 8 Sail Twine, 3 and 5 a lawful for him to refer the matter to the court, until having struck the it Cotton Sail Twine, 6, and ply, Flax Boat Timbers, Boat Knees, Boat Nails, all sizes; THE proceed as matter so violently that the workmen stopped him. ply; Blocks. Oars. Shieves. Hooks and Thimbles, c , fcc, all PARTIES IN HONOLULU, Mast Hinges, Steering Braces, etc. . Dry Ooods Tags. Note Headings, and the court shall then ir the or which will be sold at Bed Rock Prices. machinery of one of the Lowell mills is ' bad originally commenced by a rule ofCourt instead When the Honolulu, Sot. 23d, 187S. jslT9 or other parts of the Islands, Whaleboats, Whale Irons, Whale Lances, Lecture Tickets, Bank Notice of the order of a judge. One may ask what mean-in- " running at a certain rate of speed, the building Ne Plus Ultra Spring Bed such a rrovision could have if "judge" here will shake so as to empty a pail of water. It has DESIRING FURNITURE ! AGENTS FOB, Bills of Fare, Show Card ! meant a district or police justice, and what court to run faster or slower than the vibratory note of Brand's Bomb Guns, Brand's Bomb Lances, Alps CAN HAVE THKIB Magnetic Truss. would be intended. the mill. The muleteers oi the tie up the Perry Davis' Pain Killer, Pierce's Scboii Records, Check Boohs, 4 bells of tbeir animals, as they have learned that the Civil Code, " Of Island til o s Beef, Pork. Bread, Crackers, Preserved Meats, Fruits, Wood Cats. Block Lists, Chapter XV of tinkle may bring down an avalanche. Glass- Jrv Orders Filled at Lowest Rates . not of record," uniformily employs the the HAY, BRAN, OATS, &c. Courts es can be broken by the human voice ; and an or- Queen Street, CALIFORNIA Magazines, Way Bills, r or district justice or the said By application to Mr. E. P. ADAMS. ja!8'79 iustice touches the key note of the edifice bas our Descriptive Catalogue with Prices. not designate them, after the gan if it who has Envelopes, Billets, justice, and does to shake from top to bottom. ; court or a judge. been known it "caption, as a Some persons have on this principle explained the stii 1ST ! " There is Always Two Sides to a Story," But besides the clear import of the terms, it is 1ST BfA-- 33 ample Materials of Newest Styles subject matter that this story of the falling walls of Jericho at the blast 0 rOR ALL THAT THE UNDERSIGN ED With iM evident from the Perhaps too, it will account for At Store of L. W. HOPP, King St., Id PREPARED TO GO TO be given to magis- of ram&horns. BUT DOLLARS FAST PRESSES, AND GOOD WORKMEN, jurisdiction is not intended to unaccounted fall of two iron rail- ONLY FIFTEEN to the otherwise o ! trates The power to order in parties, direct ten days. rolling the Bedroom ANY PART OP THE ISLANDS The of fc. Sets ... I such and road bridges the past y .e " Black Walnut We giving saiisfactionto our Talronn r;,T,,t iwues. to make rules may have coincided accidental- - p o So Cheap that all can hare it, and yet 8eldomfailin of trains over them -- Sideboards, and sfate special cases for the judgment shak- c5 S S 5 c Black Walnut orders ly with the vibratory note of the bridge and Black Walnut bining Chairs, PHOTOGRftPHICVIEWS OR PORTRAITS, NO. 16 MERCHANT STREET. Supreme Court, ana geucmu o ; theory Oak Cane Seat Dining Chairs, the :,k.Ta a nAj now- - en it or swayed it to pieces although the Style, to Order, BEST IN THE MARKET inmmurT r- - off Cedar Bedroom Sets, In First Class THE Iarze discretionary, quiwu - rthat an the St. Charles bridze the train ran - Pine to courta of in- Bureaus, tc, sc,&c. t conferred, is never given more At any yy-- Try "one. and ll not satisfactory, money will be refund ers here and broke it down is far plausible. It k o TT Sc OREGON, FAMILY, PIC PORK, r rosoualsle prices.the time ed. On exhibition and for sale by DILLINGHAM CO. sug- : Cash or Draft on Honolulu at the rate thia property of matter is exceedingly TERMS , Agents. ar Ik.- -. 7f tinns2 and 10 could not E. P ADAMS, Agent for Haw'n Is. Negative are taken. Order promptly attended to. ... K 50 KEGS, RECEIVED PER. J. A,v ie.J."";" gestive and possibly covers points not otherwise B. FARRAR. FALKINBCRG. For safe by f,d21) B0LL8 ft Co., , be " or of the manufacturer, F. J. to justicea without what might nlfnm ja!3 79 Ie221y H. L. CHASE. mhl arrlT dWt tinn ind the arrumer. explainable. V termed an stmiiuJ.t, ,