
V - ? the PAcirio (Ummcrcial the PAoino JbbtHisfr 1C (Kflmnurcial ibbcrliscr IB PUBLISHED PCBL18HKD AT Kvory Satiu-da- v Morninir, Honolulu, llawAiiati Ilaint. BY J. HJJLACK. r 1 IlntoM of Aciror1llni;. Cl? mmt I lam Hbrrlylla.. WU.OO a Year. I A. , A a A A a . a j)a Aw f )i'r tnaurrl in II.IM) ! Mwalha. ,VParril tTi. 1 w 1 m tni Sm. m. 13 b. Farelis tbrlpHiM.fr .. i V rw r. 6 Liner, (tmif itiirh).. $1 lx Him 1 4 UO, t 00 I0 09 1 .. r "S? (ot.e Nt mi 4 4 uo OO O0 The ''e- Ii Ljn, mrh'. isi I 12 wiiTfiioo pe furwrdI lo to; part of ... l.im-ii-. T lh t periimn if" 1 24 (tao inchfs) i i) 4 'U 0 Iki fro 10 l0 Ik oo L'nitl st.ve. i. annan. ir .' r:D is r SK (thrr do 3 on 6 0 T C4i 10 (0 14 00' S whn:f i i l I' - Ait ttrinf ir Lid. 00 lh4 f.f,- Lima. (fur lo ). W) 10 1 ixl 10 00 IS 00, ary prt of Car p w.i - tl- - !.- demandedrrr at ' I fa 00 Uuarirr A 10 10 Uo 14 OO 1 00 IvJ 00 40 00 !! m oin . !irh vri- - ItJtm t r-- on news- l olunin.... paper. rtrd Thirl Cc umn. ... 00 12 lO 1 Oo Tl 00 S 00 vO 00 Half Column T ALwar II 00 i 00 4 00 SO 00' oo1 00 P.tiblb is Anvavra. W hoi ColUBIB I 00 30 00 44 00 ;& 00 100 OO 140 tjrir Cmmamcwiuoi'oirTi'' frcn all parts nt the Pacific will 04 alvay. very IT Adrvrtiarr Midim In thr Kaaiera I'nltxl fitalra, raa I r PrMi r- -l lin in any rt of the United States, can pay fur tbeir canlt toy rnrlair( (;rreblarka or l'nUi WatM th amount of suNseriptioo dues for this paper in Puata Mmp ftr auch amount aa lb wtab le pa as4 their merle a p'Wtare stamps. card will ! ioMtlrd a rt tlioTf tabk. fur the liirt paid lor. tST Businraa Carda. whm ratraio rem a Ttaa, are PLAIN AMU FiNCY alltvri licouni from tKrw rat a, abtrh are rbr traMient aJvertiaementa whm pai4 or rhartxl qaanerly. Stogie of the Advhtimi, ( vhee) DOOK AND JOB PRINTING rtue . To Crali cbarg4 . a Fiftea CeaUi bjr th IMLu. rr BiLun4D-- cr.-isie- and addh.i VOL. XXIV-N- O. 2S. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, JANUARY 10, 1S80. NO. 1232. lo CAKD3 print.! ia theriTixi.hihrt tyl of the art. WHOLE 3iUtrtisfjnriils. The Ship Lonj Due. Sttsintss Carts. insurance oriis. Tn'r KAZlocf with tronbleJ eye Arrnoa the othd tlo; J. M. WHITNEY, M. D., D. D. S. A. W. PEIRCE & CO., T. J. BAKER. F. A. SCHAEFER, THE BRITISH AND FOREIGN Ton nay yrni'rr kln f.r ahip IkKNTA I' OFFICE. FORT STREET. CHANDLERS AND COMMISSION AKCIIITECT and BUILDER A GENT Bremen Baard of l adrrwrilrr.. MARINE INSURANCE COMP'Y, WILDER wr-k- corn--- r & Now niany htng W Hotel, in Brrwer'a Nea Block. d2J 79 SHIP Importers of General Merchandise. 00., inf. Plans and speciOcatioos furnished at reasonable rates. XArsl Drnsta Board of I'nderwrilrra, . frl-rn- . for and Bomb Perry Well mt-t- I wait my lii Agenta Brand's Guns l.anees. baria' hit Pain Killer, fierce Magnetic xrusa, naiemen snipping Address. Post Office, Uonolala, U. I. ja3 80 AgealViraaa Hoard of Underwriter. ACCEPTS RISKS AT THE LOW ESI I. Ik, hrr tniiin f ar; n. S. GRINBAUH & CO., List, . Queen Htreet, Uonolala. (Ja3 bO) Claims against Insurance Companies within the jurisdiction ZVA RATES. The clauses in the Policies of this Company ars of the above Boards of Underwriters, will have to be certified sieciaiiy aavantageous. Unt. ah ! my l.a ilue V 1 1 A H. TRIPP, tiiku. II. DAtlKtt. J lru 1 MI'OKTEKS AND 0 1.KS I.K DEAlc P. to by the Agent to wake them SO Agent. ralid. jail) Importers T-t- and many, many M. IN GtNKKAL MKKC'H AN UIS K. E. P. ADAMS, Dealers in nJ9 .Makee's lilock, Quen Street. 79 and Harness I tty out AND ACC- - .Saddle Maker, IMoTjrT" THE NORTHERN ASSURANCE COMP'Y iwnt the lr viitnrr COMMISSION MERCHANT UUHKtK or 'In yiuth'a awert lii W TIONEER. Vorls. Issues lire and Life Polities . & Aokst CALA. FURNITURE M A NUF ACTING COMPANY t II rr boaitl rainbow lu-- M. S. GRINBAUM CO., Foi-- and Sxx.s Strooti LIBERAL TERMS. ALL - ja3 80 OF BAN Ili-- aaila wrre while aa ttuow. ANf M FRANCISCO. All his OaTrnrJ settled with promptitude. MOKWAKDIM. COM ISSIOJ- Arllelea la Line Maaafarlared with nol5 79 11. not flaw MERt'llANTi', ja3 80 Ill DA VIES, Agent. With from atrito xteru. I' WONG LEONG & CO. ealarss aid Dlapalrk. AO'l not aivt or atain. '14 CAUPUKMA 8TKKET, gAN FRANCISCO. TIIIRTV-IOIUT- II AW11L BKP0ET. BOSTON BOARD OF heriM-l- f mf Naaaau and Marine Streeta, UNDERWRITERS. She bore riht gallantly facilitira for and particular att.nl ion paid to Corner II. 1. Dealers in Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots ilecial & AND w the main. and fihoea, iials and Caps, Fancy Goods, etc. Have also Xractor BuiU ASSETS (Caah) 3 S.000,000 rililE UNDERSIGNED. AGENTS OF THE l"la OF ISL.A.NU M Boston Board of I nderwritera, notify Masters of Vessels Wall fr with niy Uo , C:o.NlN.MENTS I'ROUlt'E constantly on hand, Hawaiian Rice in quantities to suit. Also lht"! ry n29 79 China Choice Tea, China Seine Twine, China toil a tiandaer ANNUAL INCOME 8,000,000 and others that all bill, for Repairs on Vessels, and all bills Of which th'-r- waa uo la k. chiefs and saanea, etc. L. WAY, tor ueneral Average purposes, mast be approved by the Agent LaIe .,u fruit & ' of the Boston Underwriters, who must also be represented on I her trluK tue j.rr. E. 0. HALL SON, A gena--KaiI- ua Rice Plantation, Kiopa Bice Plantation, Shop Opposite Hopper's .ew Rice Mill. Orders Cash surplus 7,000,000 . an surveys, or bills will not he allowed. ha-k- A so I such BUILDIM MATBRIALS1 In lien, when ahe raiue IMPORTER NO DEALERS IV HARD- - and Palama Rice Plantation. aiu n1R70 P.nontlv to. nl 79 C. BREWER A CO., Agents. Cut I have waited Dow, my frit uJ. M. W AKK. Dry Mooda, Painta. Uiia. and Ueneral Merchant ltatal Corner Port and King 79 Ho many Wlnt-- r throiiKh, noli tt. JOHN H. PATY, I thick I acarce ahoaU know aain I Etvl3llslioci, 1030. M. PHILLIPS & Co., NOTARY THE LIVERPOOL & LONDON & GLOBE OF ALL KINDS; My hark and fairy rfw. FOR THE ISLANDPUBLICOF OADU. FIRST-CLAS- HORSE-SHOE- R general Agents. IMPORTERS AM) WHOL.ESAL.E O E S A nil yet our abipa may yet come in Shoes, liata, Men'f furoi.hinfr and COMMISSIONER OF DEEDS FOR TUB O. 37 X Wheo we rxjiet t thfin leaHt, fancy Qooda. (noli 79) No. 11 Kaahamann 8t.. Uonolala State of California and New York. C BERGER, Special Agent, O dS 79 . OFFICE WITH BISHOP Sc CO. ! Well laden with rartfo fine & INSURANCE COMPANY On which our aoula may feaxt; BEOWN CO., For the Hawaiian Islands. M "! D. BARING GOULD, NOR'WEST LUMBER v Trt ahonM thi y fall to r a. h in ltr re, PORTERS DEALERS IN ALES E. Unlimited Liability Stockholders I WINKd AND SPIRITS, AT WI1ULK8ALK. ENGINEER AND SURVEVOR, The only Company that issues of There ia a harlx.r where 9 Merchant Street, I n 1 79 Honolulu, II. I. CIVIL Contractors' Engineer, London and Booth West They may cant anchor yet, iuy friend, ern Railway, and late Division Engineer in Madeira and ASSETS, $26,740,105.70. A port aerene ami fair. A. S. C LEGHORN & Co., Mamore Railway, Sao Francisco, Tocaotius and Coade d'Ka Tontine Investment Policies, Comprising all the usual Stock Sizes Uailways, nraxil, Boatn America. LOSSES PROMPTLY ADJCSTFU, AND PAID AT ONCE it WM PORTERS AND WHOLESALE AND Surreys and Plana for Railways, Tramways, Ac. made. Being practically an Endowment Policy at the usual Lite Q25 79 JL rr B I S II OP & CO.. Agfals. VARIETY. RKTAIL UKALRRri IN Office oyer Dr. tstangenwakl a, cor. Fort and Merchant its. Kates. auiSU ly General Merchandise, d20 tf TRANSATLANTIC SCANTLING. A Bubdcriber to a southwestern paper died tlj, Cwnn Queen and Kaahamann Sti. TIMBER, PLANK, BOARDS, nl 79 ly Xanana St., anJ Corner Fort anil Hotel Si. 0. S. CUMMINGS.M.D.. FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY, leafing four jcara" eobscription aopaid. I 9 LLOYD MARINE GO. Tbe editor appeared at the grate and deposited AND HOMOEOPATHIC SWISS INS., of I lam Ijurtr. FENCING and PICKETS.' CHTJLAN & CO., SURGEON and residence, corner of Fort and Bare-- on the cutEo a paltn-Ie- af fan, a linen coat, and a tania streets, opposite the Port Street Church. no29T OF WINTERTIl I'R. Capital, Six Million Reichsmark. thermometer. W M PORT ERS OF AND DEA LERS IN M CHINA uouua And am Prepared to Cany on this Branch UNDERSIGNED ARE AUTHOR IZ ED OTJ : Of all kind of Dry Goods. Also, con E. WELLER, 1VIIE TO INSURE 'IMIE UNDERSIGNED HAVING BEEN ALSO HAND Now there abideth these thing", which crerj all descriptions, and la of my Business in a manner Satis- M. appointed Agents of the above Company are now ready to man can do better than any one else Poke a stantly oo hand, s inperior quality ot iiawauau nice.
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