It Could Prove Your Wisest Investment. It Takes a Long Time to Build a Maker's High Standards

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It Could Prove Your Wisest Investment. It Takes a Long Time to Build a Maker's High Standards It could prove your wisest investment. It takes a long time to build a maker's high standards. A lineup to With SEIKO Battery, that's reputation for dependable, quality grow with. something you can always count on. products and service. The top SEIKO Battery power cells work reliability ofSEIKO's long-life watch in virtually every brand watch just as batteries will reassure you and your well as they work in a SEIKO. So customers it was time well spent. while not every watch can be a There are dozens of different SEIKO, its battery can. SEIKO quality watch batteries in the SEIKO Make sure every moment of your BATTERY Battery lineup. All designed and time and your customers' time is produced to the leading watch- well-spent. Grow with the Leader VOLUME 11, NUMBER 8 AUGUST 1987 HOROLOGICAL Official Publication of the American Watchmakers Institute WILLIAM BIEDERMAN PRESIDENT'S MESSAGE 12 4 Recap on AW/ Board Meeting HENRY B. FRIED QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS 8 A Pendulum's Elliptical Motion JOE CROOKS BENCH TIPS 12 Locking the Lock Wheel AWi Annual ARCHIE B. PERKINS TECHNICALLY WATCHES 14 Antique Watch Restoration, Part XX Meeting FRED S. BURCKHARDT ROCK QUARRY 18 A Day in the Life . 24 STEVEN G. CONOVER CHIME AND STRIKE 20 Gilbert Strike TIMOTHY R. WHITE CLOCKS INSIDE AND OUT 28 A Practical Guide to the Brocot Escapement Brocot MARSHALL F. RICHMOND PICKLE BARREL 32 Basic Jewelry Repair (Lesson 11) Setting Up a Basic Jewelry Shop Escapement JAMES ADAMS NOVICE WATCHMAKER 35 Mainsprings and Motor Barrels Guide WES DOOR SHOPTALK 36 Pricing Quartz Repairs 28 THOMAS H. WHITE AFFILIATE CHAPTER COLUMN 38 Planning Means a Great Year DEPARTMENTS WATCHES INSIDE AND OUT AWi Bench Courses/6 40 ESA Quartz Movements-2 Piece Stems Bulletin Board/11 Readers Write/34 Association News/38 HOROLOGICAL TIMES (ISSN0145-9546) is published monthly and copyrighted by the American Book Review/43 Watchmakers Institute, 3700 Harrison Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211, for $40.00 per year ($4.50 New Products/News in the Trade/44 per copy in the United States and $50.00 per year; $5.50 per copy outside the U .S.). Second class Classified Ads/46 postage pa id at Cincinnati, Ohio. POSTMASTER : Send address changes to HOROLOGICAL TIMES, P.O. Box 11011, Cincinnati, Ohio 45211 . Advertisers' lndex/48 Dates to Remember/48 UP FRONT WILLIAM BIEDERMAN TO SERVE SECOND TERM AS PRESIDENT During the Annual Board of Directors Meeting, held June 27 & 28, 1987 in Cincinnati, Ohio, William Biederman of Sparta, Wisconsin was selected to serve a second term as President of the American Watchmakers Institute. See related story on page 24. ELM TRUST TRUSTEES HONOR HENRY B. FRIED AND ORVILLE R. HAGANS During a special meeting on June 27, 1987 the Trustees of the AWi Educational, Library & Museum Charitable Trust voted to honor Henry B. Fried and Orville R. Hagans for their many years of devoted service by naming the Trust's Library and Museum after them. See related story on page 27. DIRECTOR, OTTO BENESH, DIES IN FLORIDA Just two days after taking the oath of office to serve a three-year term as a Director of the American Watchmakers Institute, Otto Benesh suffered a massive heart attack while working in his clock shop in Cape Coral, Florida. As provided in the AWi Constitution, the candidate who finished next in the balloting, Buddy Carpenter, will complete Mr. Benesh's term as director. Mr. Benesh's family suggests that if desired memorials may be made to the newly founded AWi Foundation. See related item on page 13 of this issue. ETA INDUSTRIES AND SEIKO TIME TRAIN R.E.C. INSTRUCTORS Remy Waelchli and Donald Loke, representing ETA Industries, and Scott Chou, repre­ senting the Seiko Watch Company, presented an update in current technology for the watch repair instructors who are members of AWi's Research & Education Council. The annual in-service program for R.E.C. instructors was held at the Drawbridge Inn & Con­ vention Center, Cincinnati, Ohio in conjunction with the AWi annual meetings, June 23-25, 1987. See related item, page 25 of this issue. THEGOODNEWS&THEBADNEWS The Finance Committee's report and the Membership Committee's report to the annual Board of Directors meeting contained both good news and bad news. The bad news came from the Membership Committee which revealed that in spite of an aggressive member­ ship campaign during fiscal 1986-87, membership again declined during the year. How­ ever, the decline was not as severe as the ones experienced in t he two previous years. The Finance Committee reported that in spite of membership losses, the deficit AWi experi­ enced during the two previous years was eliminated during fiscal 1986-87. NEW PROGRAM ADVANCES THE WATCHMAKER'S IMAGE A new careers film entitled "Careers in Microtechnology" has been completed in co­ operation with Gerald Jaeger and the Milwaukee Area Technical College, Milwaukee, Wisconsin. This is a fast-paced slide/tape presentation which features young successful people who are pursuing facinating and rewarding careers as a result of their training in watch repair. Everyone says, "Let's raise the image the public has of the watchmaker." This program will do just that if members will take it upon themselves to show it to ser­ vice clubs, church groups, and most important, school career days programs. The pro­ gram can be borrowed from AWi Central for five days; three weeks advanced notice is requested. ON THE FRONT: This month's front cover depicts Emerald Bay, Lake Tahoe, in Nevada. It was photographed by Archie B. Perkins. ·'·fl Du~ I axe I and Replacemen't Guide l B-<0 IOtr29; Af,NA BUL s.., ••.,,, ,.. ov .. llC Atotll JIB • 228 ... ~N6, .. 7 ~'+' W"'\0 ~"" 17 SAS.1 1dt• :n Jl7 S R ~~ @i+~!+- l))) n ,~ lt>t. SP.40 ~ !; 7 "} 14b SA4\ WS4 61\&I Gl l ~19 'J •I WS1 SlioWS GS WS IO SR43S :GS1l ~ ~)()!:; / Sth,91 / o ...... ~ BaUIN'y ~ <>O!I ~ ,,. J S R4 1 WSA SR41S GS3 ., OO J .",:o ., Slf> ~" · 515 SRA£ G\3 ' SR43 s ·o SR43 t:,12 ' ~ Maxell's new and improved Battery Sizer has been updated to fit all your battery referencing needs. Now it's even easier to cut through the cross-reference clutter with this indispensible and innovative tool?' It's instant. And it's infallible. Forget about searching through stacks of cross-referencing charts. All you have to do is insert the old battery to immediately know the proper replacement. The new and improved Maxell Battery Sizer is yours free when you place an order of 100 Maxell watch batteries from a participating distributor. And to make your job even easier, Maxell batteries come to you in color-coded, cross­ referenced packaging. Stock up now! Offer expires September 30, 1987. Call 201-641-8600, Maxell Battery Division, for the name of your nearest participating distributor. *For silver oxide and alkaline micro cells . Maxell Corporation of America, 60 Oxford Drive, Moonachie, NJ 07074 maxelt •• William Biederman .· .. · ~ " Recap on AWi Board Meeting he annual Board of Directors meeting is now history mendations to the AWi Board of Directors by midday. The and I believe it was one of the most productive delegates selected Thomas H. White of Phoenix, Arizona to meetings held in recent years. The delegates to the serve as the chapter chairman and director for fiscal 1987- Affiliate Chapter meeting completed their work in record 1988. Glenn D. Gardner of Madison, Wisconsin was named time this year and developed a number of constructive recom­ vice chairman of the chapters. The retiring chapter chairman mendations for the Board of Directors to consider, most of and director was David H. Fryday. which were approved by the Board. The in-service training During the annual Board of Directors meeting a three­ session for instructors of the Research and Education Council year plan which is designed to improve the financial stability schools provided the instructors with the latest technical of the Institute, make the Institute more responsive to the information from Switzerland and Japan. needs of the members, and to provide additional services During the business meeting held by the REC in­ exclusively for the membership was adopted. The plan in­ structors, Dwight Tubb, an instructor at Paris Junior College volves four distinct phases, each of which will be implemented in Paris, Texas, was selected to serve as REC chairman and independently from the other. In future articles I will discuss director. Jim Lubic, instructor at the Ohio Valley Watch­ this three-year plan more in detail as we move to implement making Institute in Cincinnati, Ohio, was selected as vice each of the four proposals. chairman and Wesley Van Avery, instructor at the Emily At the banquet, held Saturday evening, June 27 , Griffith Opportunity School in Denver, Colorado, was elected 1987, newly elected directors: Otto Benesh, Henry Frystak, secretary. We are looking forward to working with these Ewell D. Hartman, Ben Matz and Robert A. Nelson took the officers to make 1987-1988 an outstanding year for the REC. oath of office as did Affiliate Chapter Director Thomas H. Prior to the REC annual meeting, Don Loke and White and REC Director Dwight Tubb. Honor awards chair­ Remy Waelchli, representing ETA Industries, presented a man Howard L. Opp also presented plaques to these retiring two-day technical session for the school instructors. This directors: James Adams, William T. Clary, Joe Crooks, Henry was followed by a half-day technical session presented by B. Fried, David H. Fryday, and Howard L. Opp. Scott Chou of the Seiko Time Corporation.
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