Tour of Utah hits Tooele County See A10 TOOELETRANSCRIPT SERVING TOOELE COUNTY BULLETIN SINCE 1894 THURSDAYTHURSDAY August 7,7, 20142014 Vol. 121 No. 20 $1.00 PEN STROKE ENDS OVERLAKE LAWSUIT Tooele City, developers reach out of court settlement that involves cash and water deal


by Tim Gillie opers from the city will be sub- STAFF WRITER tracted from the $20.7 million to make up the balance of the The 12-year-old legal battle payment. between Tooele City and the However, Tooele Associates developer of Overlake subdivi- may purchase additional water sion is over. from the city, which could shave The end of the protracted con- off millions of dollars from the flict came with the stroke of a final cash settlement. pen at 11 a.m. this morning. But After the Tooele City Council this time, not in a courtroom. approved the out of court settle- The new agreement between ment by resolution Wednesday both parties will require Tooele night, council members headed City to pay no more than $15.6 to the mayor’s office in City Hall million instead of the full $20.7 to formally sign the document. million that a jury awarded to Before noon today, Tooele Overlake’s developers, Tooele Associates representatives met Associates and Perry Homes. in Salt Lake City and added their FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO The $5.1 million reduction is signatures to the agreement, Tooele City Mayor Patrick Dunlavy (above) presents a resolution to the city council Wednesday to approve a lawsuit settlement with Tooele Associates, developer of not a direct savings to the city; Overlake. The settlement includes money and a deal in which the city will provide more water for Overlake from the city’s growing water system (upper right photo). water credits given to the devel- SEE LAWSUIT PAGE A12 ➤

Audit says county Late July budget is in recovery rainstorms by Tim Gillie STAFF WRITER Volunteer boards help water Tooele County’s financial health improved in 2013. also gave reports That’s the conclusion from an independent audit report for the shortage SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE year ending Dec. 31, 2013. on countyUV INDEXbudget The Sun Rise Set FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Friday 6:33 a.m. 8:36 p.m. “The changes made during Saturday 6:34 a.m. 8:35 p.m. the year, although hard, have by Tim Gillie by Emma Penrod Sunday 6:35 a.m. 8:34 p.m. Monday 6:36 a.m. 8:32 p.m. had an overall positive impact STAFF WRITER STAFF WRITER Tuesday 6:37 a.m. 8:31 p.m. on the financial position of the Wednesday 6:38 a.m. 8:30 p.m. county,” reads the report’s exec- The F Sa Tooele Su M County Tu W Th A series of storms at the end of July has Thursday 6:39 a.m. 8:28 p.m. The higher the UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set utive summary, which was pre- Commissionnumber, the greater not the onlyneed for eye heard and skin turned the area’s water outlook around Friday 6:49 p.m. 4:08 a.m. pared by Ulrich and Associates, from protection. its independent0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; audi- 6-7 High; 8-10 somewhat, exceeding the month’s nor- Saturday 7:38 p.m. 5:18 a.m. an Ogden-based accounting tor Tuesday,Very High; 11+ but Extreme also received mal precipitation total and cutting into Sunday 8:22 p.m. 6:31 a.m. Monday 9:02 p.m. 7:46 a.m. firm contracted by the county reports fromALMANAC its volunteer the year’s water deficit. Tuesday 9:40 p.m. 9:00 a.m. to perform the state mandated auditStatistics committee for the week ending and August budget 6. Tooele totaled 1.68 inches of precipi- Some sun, a t-storm Couple of Wednesday 10:16 p.m. 10:12 a.m. Partly sunny Sunshine Sunshine Partly sunny Mostly sunny Temperatures Thursday 10:53 p.m. 11:22 a.m. around in the p.m. annual audit. thunderstorms advisory board. tation for July, which is more than half The county’s 2013 year-end TheHigh/Low two past citizenweek finan- 92/59 an inch above the .92 inches typically Full Last New First Normal high/low past week 93/67 83 60 87 60 89 62 89 64 86 63general fund88 unassigned63 fund85 59 cial groupsAverage temp were past week created in 72.1 expected during the month. balance, the amount of funds OctoberNormal 2013average temp to past allow week the 79.6 According to weather data from Ned TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low Aug 10 Aug 17 Aug 25 Sep 2 available for use at the discre- county commission to tap Bevan, a cooperative weather observer Shown is Friday’s weather. tion of the county commis- into the expertise of local for the National Weather Service, Tooele Forecasts and graphics provided by Temperatures are Friday’s highs and Friday night’s sion, was up from $1,564,077 in can thank several significant storms that AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014 lows. SEE BUDGET PAGE A7 ➤ SEE AUDIT PAGE A7 ➤ COURTESY OF JOLIE GORDON SEE WATER PAGE A9 ➤ UTAH WEATHER July brought a significant amount of rain to Tooele Valley. Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Logan BULLETIN BOARD B6 Grouse 82/51 Wendover PrecipitationAIR QUALITY (in inches) INSIDE Creek 85/62 Knolls Clive WEATHER Lake Point Thursday CLASSIFIEDS C4 83/53 87/64 87/62 82/61 HOMETOWN B1 Ogden Stansbury Park Good Missionary with Exit 99 to play in 83/62 Erda 83/61 autism builds Fridays on Vine OBITUARIES A8 Vernal Grantsville 85/62 Pine Canyon Friday Salt Lake City 81/54 84/61 70/52 KID SCOOP B8 Tooele 84/61 Bauer others through concert series 83/60 Last Normal MonthGood Normal Year Normal SPORTS A10 82/59 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D Provo Roosevelt 83/60 service 84/54 See A5 83/58 See Stockton PollenSaturday Index Price complete 82/58 See B1 85/57 High Good Nephi forecast Rush Valley 83/54 82/57 Ophir Moderate on A9 73/54 Source:Low Delta Manti Absent 88/59 84/51 Green River Th F Sa Su M Tu W 91/60 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 85/58 86/55 Moab 83/59 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 94/60 Beaver 92/59 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Wednesday 84/53 Ibapah 81/55 24-hour 86/56 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 1.06 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 85/50 87/59 at Grantsville 1.40 -0.01 96/68 Kanab 89/55 Eureka 76/55 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 93.58 A2

A2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 School district to hold tax hearing for extra $1.1M revenue by Tim Gillie tions, the district is now in the There is a need for local gener- buildings, Rogers said. trict’s tax levy will be reduced, percent increase. STAFF WRITER position where it needs addition- ated capital revenue to replace a The capital reserve fund will so the net effect will be revenue The increase in property tax al revenue, according to Scott sharp reduction in state capital be used to reduce the amount neutral and not result in a tax revenue requires the school dis- The Tooele County School Rogers, Tooele County School revenue for the school district, the school district needs to bond increase, according to Rogers. trict to hold a truth in taxation District will hold a public hearing District superintendent. according to the plan. for when a new building is need- “In short, it will cost taxpayers hearing. next week to explain why it needs “We started this journey by In 2008 the state allocated ed, resulting in lower long term more in the long run if the board The hearing will give dis- an extra $1.1 million in property cutting expenses, not by raising $5.3 million to the Tooele County debt service, he added. does not follow through on these trict officials the opportunity tax revenue next year. taxes,” he said. “What we are pro- School District for capital Another piece of the long- two steps and/or the voters turn to explain their reason for the The school district has pro- posing is a flat levy rate with expenses. In 2013 the allocation range capital plan is a general down the bonds in November,” increase in revenue and hear posed to keep the district’s prop- earnings moved into a capital was $430,000. obligation bond issue that is he said. public comments. erty tax rate at the current level reserve fund for future facility Enrollment projections includ- scheduled for this fall’s general However, the decision to not The hearing will be held on of .009593 instead of lowering and building needs.” ed in the long-range plan means election. let the tax rate float down to the Aug. 12 at 7 p.m. in the Tooele it to the 2014 certified rate of Under Rogers’ leadership, the that expenses for property acqui- The new general obligation certified property tax rate means County School District Office at .009233. district trimmed 2013-14 general sition and new buildings are an bond, if approved by voters, will the owner of the average home in 92 S. Lodestone Way. The certified property tax rate fund expenses by $1.7 million. inevitable part of the district’s replace the school district’s high Tooele County will pay more in The last property tax increase is the rate that will yield the same The district’s move to keep the future, according to the plan. interest long-term debt with low property tax for schools in 2014. was in 2012 when the school amount of property tax revenue tax rate flat, despite a reduction Slowly building up a capital interest voter approved general The tax for the school district board adopted a tax rate that for the district in 2014 as it col- in the certified rate, is part of a reserve fund by small increases obligation bonds. paid by the owner of the average was 9.1 percent over the certi- lected in 2013, not including rev- 10-year long-range capital plan in property tax through a flat Once the new general obli- home in the county, valued at fied rate. enue from new growth. approved by the school board in tax rate is preferable to a larger, gation bonds are approved, the $170,000, will pay $897 in 2014 [email protected] After a year of budget reduc- March. voter-approved bond for new capital part of the school dis- instead of $863, $34 more or a 3.9 Hogan makes final War vets sought for horse therapy study

by Lisa Christensen scientific research on it, which studies, she said, especially with lot of people feel it’s pretty fun,” list for judge vacancy STAFF WRITER means we have a control group soldiers struggling with post- Sakaeda said. and assessment,” she said. traumatic stress syndrome. She added the 10-week study A Grantsville woman is look- “It makes it harder to get fund- “One of the biggest issues with would consist of exercises with by Lisa Christensen ing for war veterans to volunteer ing and it’s hard to get agencies PTSD is lack of trust, and the horses and short questionnaires STAFF WRITER for a study about the effects of to believe that it really works, second one is a lot of them just about vets’ levels of depression equine therapy. even though there are tons of want to stay isolated,” Sakaeda and anxiety, and if they are expe- Tooele County’s top law offi- Laurie Sakaeda, who runs a observational results,” Sakaeda said. “We’re asking them to go riencing flashbacks or night- cial might get a change of title: program in Grantsville called A added. “We’re just trying to get against two things that really mares. judge. Helping Hoof, is working with more scientific results on the work, to them, to protect them.” Participants must be veterans, Tooele County Attorney the University of Utah to con- data, specifically with the veter- This study, though, is designed but no diagnosis of PTSD or any Doug Hogan was named one duct a study about the effective- ans. There’s some research done to be relatively low stress, she other mental trauma is needed, of five finalists for Judge Terry ness of equine-assisted psycho- with kids and other groups, but said, and will be conducted at no she said. Christiansen, who is retiring therapy with veterans. not veterans.” cost to the volunteers. Interested persons can con- from his 3rd District Court judge- “There are people all over the Part of that lack of data could “Mostly, they’d get the benefit tact Sakaeda at 801-915-5019 or ship Oct. 1. country who are doing equine be due to the difficulty of get- of equine-assisted psychothera- by email at [email protected]. Monica Taylor, coordinator therapy, and there’s very little ting veterans to participate in py, using these exercises, and a [email protected] over judicial nominations for the Utah Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice, said 21 applicants applied for the posi- tion, which was whittled down to She said four other judicial five finalists through an applica- positions have also opened, with Amazon phone better for info than shopping tion review and interview pro- 10 total finalists between them. cess. The selection process typically ANAHEIM, Calif. (AP) — My or might not be correct. beyond shopping. Firefly not only identified it as takes four to six months. buying habits have yet to change But the bigger hurdle for me Firefly is useful for retrieving “Jessie,” it gave me the season The 3rd District Court covers in my nearly three weeks with is social. supplemental information, even and episode number, too. BUSINESS BRIEFS Salt Lake, Summit and Tooele Amazon’s shopping-centric Fire I imagine retail store clerks if its shopping tools aren’t essen- As an information compan- counties. phone. giving me suspicious glances as tial or unique. It currently works ion, Firefly needs more outside The Transcript-Bulletin welcomes Hogan said while he doesn’t Rather, I’ve found the phone’s I point the phone toward an item with Amazon’s IMDb movie and apps to link their databases to news items from the local business necessarily want to leave his Firefly scanning feature to be far for several seconds as it tries to television database, plus five Firefly. community of 150 words or less. current job, he applied for the more useful as an information- make a match. For that reason, apps from other companies. In addition, Firefly shouldn’t Businesses can send news of awards, vacancy in May because vacan- gathering tool. I didn’t try too hard at the Gap. More are coming. require you to point the camera promotions, internal milestones, cies don’t often occur and the The idea behind Firefly is a Besides, I wanted the shirts right A scan of a Lady Gaga album, at an item for several seconds at new business ventures, new odds of him being picked were smart one: Use it to keep track away, not in two days by mail. for instance, gave me not only times. It’s hard to stay discrete hires, relocations, partnerships, remote. digital and CD buying opportu- that way. Why can’t it simply snap major transactions and other of what you see and hear around No one has said anything to items to David Bern via email at “I don’t want people to think you, and then buy the things that me about my scanning, and it’s nities through Amazon, but also and store the photo before taking [email protected], via fax I don’t want to be the county interest you on Amazon. possible no one has even noticed. a Lady Gaga-inspired streaming its time analyzing it? at (435) 882-6123, or via regular mail attorney. I very much appreciate By holding the phone’s side But I’ve had to be discrete. For station on iHeartRadio and con- Doing that would also let you at P.O. Box 390, Tooele, UT 84074. the support people have given button and pointing the camera instance, at a Disney gift shop, I cert tickets through StubHub. make an identification later if me,” he said. “This is the kind of at a product label or bar code, refrained from scanning a spe- You can also use Firefly to scan you happen to be without an thing where sometimes peoples’ I’ve identified movie posters, cial Disney edition of the Rubik’s business cards, menus and other Internet connection when you names are sent up multiple times food products and books. I’ve Cube puzzle because a store items with texts or QR codes. scan the product. And the photo TOOELETRANSCRIPT and they’re never chosen.” also used the phone’s micro- employee was keeping watch Firefly pulls out phone numbers, would let you remember and ULLETIN In two weeks, Hogan — and phone to identify songs and tele- nearby. I went outside instead to Web addresses and other use- identify the item manually when B the other finalists — will inter- vision shows. type in a search. ful information you might need Firefly finds no match. ADMINISTRATION view with members of Gov. Gary Once an identification is This doesn’t mean your phone later. Once the technology gets bet- Scott C. Dunn Publisher Herbert’s staff, and will talk to made, it takes just a swipe from can’t be useful for shopping. It also uses voice-recognition ter, I can see Firefly becoming Joel J. Dunn Publisher Emeritus the governor the following week. the left and a few taps to buy While visiting Thailand last technology to identify songs, useful for learning more about OFFICE The finalist selected by Herbert the item through Amazon. The year, I was wavering on whether movies and TV shows. The hotel things around me. I don’t need Bruce Dunn Controller will also have to be confirmed in retailer already has your credit to buy an external storage drive lobby was playing a Disney to spend a dime on Amazon to Chris Evans Office Manager a Senate hearing. card and shipping address on at a discount mall. By typing in Channel show I didn’t know. do that. Vicki Higgins Customer Service The new judge will start either file. The phone comes with a free a Web search, I learned I could EDITORIAL Nov. 1 or Jan. 1; neither Hogan nor year of Amazon’s Prime member- get a better deal back home. So Taylor knew which date applied ship, so shipping is free and takes I waited. David Bern Editor Mark Watson Sports Editor to Christiansen’s position. Taylor just two days. A few weeks ago, I used a stan- Francie Aufdemorte Photo Editor said the start date will depend on Firefly, which is available only dard Web search to verify the Tavin Stucki Community News Editor which Senate hearing the candi- on the Fire phone, is more com- type of battery I needed on a Tim Gillie Staff Writer date is presented in. prehensive and reliable than any remote control before buying it Lisa Christensen Staff Writer Hogan said if he is picked and other scanner I’ve tried. It cor- at a drug store. Emma Penrod Staff Writer the start date is Nov. 1, his then- rectly identified a Disney toy spy- I didn’t need the Fire phone for ADVERTISING vacant current position will be glass and an upcoming Muppets any of that. Clayton Dunn Advertising Manager considered a vacancy of candi- movie. But it also makes its share I also don’t need it to check Keith Bird Advertising Sales dacy, and the local Republican of mistakes. prices online. Inc. Shane Bergen Advertising Sales party will select someone to run Even with Amazon’s huge has apps for iPhones, Android Kelly Chance Classified Advertising in his place. If the start date is Jan. database, Firefly often couldn’t and Windows phones. The LAYOUT & DESIGN 1 and he is selected, his position make a match, such as when I iPhone and Android versions let John Hamilton Creative Director will be considered a vacancy of went to a Gap store to buy gifts you scan product images just like Liz Arellano Graphic Artist office, and the party will choose for toddlers. In other cases, it Firefly, and all three let you scan ����������������� someone to serve in his stead gets the flavor or size wrong. bar codes. The feature isn’t called PRODUCTION until the next election. During a visit to the Disneyland Firefly and sometimes produces Perry Dunn Pre-press Manager Whether or not he is selected, theme parks this week, a bottle different results, but the concept ������������������������������� Darwin Cook Web Press Manager Hogan said the coming weeks of Nesquik chocolate milk got is similar. James Park Press Technician will be emotional. identified as Nesquik strawberry To appreciate the Fire phone Shawn Oviatt Pre-press Technician Scott Spence Insert Technician “I’ve got really mixed emotions. powder to add to milk. and Firefly, I need to think It’s a goal I’ve always thought I’ve Firefly works better when you SUBSCRIPTION RATES: always wanted, and it’s an honor scan a bar code rather than the � $1.00 per copy; $40 per year delivered by to even get an interview,” he said. product label, but even then, the carrier in Tooele, Grantsville, Erda, Stockton, Lake Point and Stansbury Park, Utah; $45 “But there are parts of my job bar code for the chocolate milk per year by mail in Tooele County, Utah; now that I really love and I’m got identified as Hercules action $77 per year by mail in the United States. hesitant to give up. figures. A single water bottle �� OFFICE HOURS: “You never know when there’s became a pack of eight. Monday-Thursday 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., going to be another vacancy,” he Without a precise match, it’s Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., closed Saturday and Sunday. added. “If you want to do it, the difficult to know whether what timing’s not always ideal. But if I you’re getting online is really bet- CLASSIFIEDS DEADLINE: 4:45 p.m. day prior to publication. tried to wait for the perfect time ter than what you’re seeing at the for me, odds are there wouldn’t retail store. It would have been A Full-Color PUBLIC NOTICES DEADLINE: 4 p.m. day prior to publication. be a vacancy. So when they open better to get several products up, you need to put in.” and sizes to choose from rather Activity Page COMMUNITY NEWS ITEMS, BULLETIN BOARD, ETC.: [email protected] something definitive that might 3 p.m. day prior to publication. Just for Kids! *No other offers apply. OBITUARY DEADLINE: Every Thursday in the 10 a.m. day of publication. Tooele Transcript-Bulletin 490 N. MAIN, TOOELE • 882-3608 Publication No. (USPS 6179-60) issued ��������������������� HOURS: Mon - Sat 10 am –10 pm Sunday 11 am – 10 pm twice a week at Tooele City, Utah. Periodicals Like us on TOOELE postage paid at Tooele, Utah. Published by TRANSCRIPT Facebook for the Transcript Bulletin Publishing Company, ������������������ ULLETIN exclusive 230 E. MAIN, GRANTSVILLE • 884-4408 Inc., 58 North Main Street, Tooele City, Utah. B weekly specials HOURS: Monday - Sunday 10 am – 10 pm Address all correspondence to P.O. Box 390, Tooele City, Utah 84074. Save Big Money Subscribe Today ��� ��� POSTMASTER: Every Week with Send change of address to: 882-0050 PO Box 390 Tooele, Utah 84074-0390 MAGAZINE 435-882-0050 Fax 435-882-6123 TOOELE’S NEW DISCOUNT THEATER! ALL email: [email protected] Subscribe Today! NIGHTLY 5:00 & 8:15 PG NIGHTLY 5:00 ONLY PG-13 NIGHTLY 8:15 PG-13 MOVIES or visit our web site extension at 58 N. Main Street SUNDAY 5:00 ONLY DARK SUNDAY $ 50 882-0050 Credit Cards How to Train The Amazing Accepted 1 Entire contents ©2014 Transcript Bulletin 882-2273 Your Dragon 2 Spiderman 2 Godzilla Publishing Company, Inc. All rights 111 N. Main, Tooele reserved. No part of this publication may be TOOELE reproduced in any form without the written TRANSCRIPT MOTOR VU STARTS FRIDAY- NIGHTLY 9:10 FM RADIO REQUIRED consent of the managing editor or publisher. BULLETIN EARTH TO ECHO & MALEFICENT (PG) Motor Vu Admission: Adults 12-62: $7.50 | Senior 62+: $5.50 | CHILD 3-11: $1.50 (CREDIT CARDS ACCEPTED) A3

THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN A3 FLICK PICKS Puff-piece Megan Fox totally ruined any hope I held for ‘TMNT’ couple of weeks ago, my utter lack of talent. Seriously, enough.” cousin and I were leav- she was Tara-Reid-in-Sharknado “Hey, Megan, right here, Aing a movie theater when bad. I’ve seen more convincing you’re watching Raphael be he saw side-by-side displays of performances in a bowl of soup. pummeled by Shredder, so can “Guardians of the Galaxy” and There were other offenses, you be worried? Fine, whatever, “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.” sure — a ridiculous line here, an just scream his name real quick awkward double-entendre there, and then you can go back to a strange and improbable end- looking seductive.” ing — but if I had to go with one At some point some action LisaLi Christensen thing that really killed it for me, happened and it was probably STAFF WRITER it would be Megan Fox. I mean, pretty cool, but being as Megan she’s never been an Oscar con- Fox was in, like, 90 percent of tender, but I don’t remember her the movie, it was really tough to being this bad before. take it seriously. “Hey, look at that,” he said. She was so bad I couldn’t con- Well, as seriously as anyone “The two worst movies of the centrate on the rest of the movie. can take the Ninja Turtles. summer, all in one place.” All she did was stand there with Then it turned out that this dumb, pouty look on her “Guardians of the Galaxy” was face. I kept imagining how it FLICK AT A GLANCE actually really good, and it must have been on set with the made me think there might be a poor director desperately trying Grade: C- chance for “TMNT” after all. to get her to emote. Rated: PG-13 Nope. “No, no, Megan, baby, you’re Time: 101 minutes Nope. in mortal danger, so why don’t Nope. you try looking scared — OK, Opens Friday COURTESY PARAMOUNT PICTURES So in this incarnation of the seductive, whatever, close Megan Fox stars as April O’Neil in “Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles” and is probably the worst part in any movie all year, in this 30-year-old franchise, Megan critic’s humble opinion. Fox stars as April O’Niel, a puff- piece broadcast journalist itch- where she learns the truth. Turtles to find and protect ture, but in all, they ended up ing for a real news story. Her The vigilantes are turtles April against the evil Shredder being a good version of “heroes Ages reporter instincts are terrible, who are also ninjas, mutants (Tohoru Masamune). in a half shell.” And anyone 5-12 but somehow she ends up wit- and teenagers. After meeting As a childhood fan of TMNT, worried about the rumors that Vacation nessing a robbery by the mys- Leonardo (voiced by Johnny I had three big concerns with the Turtles were from space terious and deadly Foot Clan, Knoxville), Michelangelo (Noel this movie: The Turtles looked a can relax — there was a brief which is thwarted by a mysteri- Fisher), Raphael (Alan Ritchson) little more mean and a little less allusion to some kind of extra- ous vigilante. and Donatello (Jeremy Howard), green than I remembered from terrestrial something in the When her boss (Whoopi April remembers her late father my childhood, Michael Bay was serum that mutated the turtles, School Goldberg) doesn’t believe her, once experimented on a set of producing it and Megan Fox, but it was pretty nominal. And April is determined to find proof turtles with those same names. whose only real talent appears Michael Bay was only produc- AUG 11-14 • 9:30am - Noon of the vigilante’s existence. This, She recruits her Channel 6 cam- to be looking supa hawt, was ing, not directing, so the explo- somehow, leads her to being eraman, Vernon Fenwick (Will cast as one of the strongest sions weren’t totally out of part of a group taken hostage by Arnett), to help investigate and female characters in the ’80s control. the Foot Clan, but the vigilante reaches out to her father’s old cartoon this side of She-Ra. But Megan Fox. Come learn about appears then, too. But there’s lab partner, Eric Sacks (William As it turned out, the Turtles I get that she’s an attrac- not just one — no, there’s two, Fichtner). Meanwhile, the were actually kind of cool. tive woman and all, but I don’t three... four! April follows the Turtles’ sensei, Splinter (voiced Their personalities were almost understand how that’s supposed Joshua and shadowy figures on top of a roof, by Tony Shalhoub), urges the stretched to the point of carica- to make up for her complete and the Big Wall Iraq airstrike kills 60 suspected militants Tooele Bible Baptist Church 286 N 7th St BAGHDAD (AP) — An Iraqi relatives after the airstrike. ress. Zafaraniyah, another police offi- army airstrike targeting the “The prison was partly dam- Few hours after the reported cer said. Call Jodie 435.840.1559 Islamic State group that’s seized aged in the airstrike,” he said. airstrike, Islamic State group mil- A medical official confirmed wide swaths of territory across He said he did not know if there itants broke into a nearby hospi- the number. All officials spoke on the country’s north killed some 60 were casualties. tal, ordered the morgue employ- condition of anonymity as they suspected militants Wednesday, Phone calls to Iraqi officials ees to stay in a separate room were not authorized to release state television reported. rang unanswered Wednesday. and put a number of corpses information. The report, which cited Sunni extremists from the al- inside a refrigerator, a medical The number of corpses found unnamed intelligence officials, Qaida-breakaway Islamic State official said on condition of ano- with gunshot wounds has been could not be independently veri- group seized Mosul, Iraq’s larg- nymity for his own safety. on rise recently in a grim remind- fied, nor did it say whether any est second-largest city, in a blitz At least four militants guarded er of the sectarian killing that civilians had been killed in the offensive in June that also cap- the morgue Wednesday after- engulfed Iraq in 2006 and 2007. strike on the northern city of tured large swaths of the coun- noon, not allowing employees or Then, both Shiite and Sunni Mosul. try’s north and west. The militant residents to approach, the offi- death squads roamed the streets The report said the strike freed onslaught has plunged Iraq into cial said. and raided homes to round up about 300 people held by the its worst crisis since the with- Also Wednesday, police dis- people. Authorities later found Islamic State group at a down- drawal of U.S. troops in 2011. covered eight bullet-riddled the victims’ corpses, often muti- town Mosul prison it had been The group since has imposed and handcuffed corpses around lated. using as a religious court and a self-styled caliphate in terri- Baghdad. detention center, without elabo- tory it controls in Iraq and Syria, Six of them were found in the rating. imposing their own harsh inter- town of Taji, about 20 kilometers A Mosul resident, speaking pretation of Islamic law. (12 miles) north of Baghdad, a on condition of anonymity fear- Iraqi government forces and police officer said. All were men NEWS TIPS: 882-0050 ing for his own safety, told The allied Sunni tribal militiamen between 25 to 35 years old. Associated Press over the phone have been struggling to dislodge Two other dead bodies, a TOOELETRANSCRIPT that families of the prisoners the militants from the area they man and woman, were found BULLETIN rushed to the site to help their captured with no apparent prog- in the southeastern district of PRIZES! GAMES! CRAFTS! SNACKS! twice yearly CLEARANCE SALE Real Deals 3 Days of Savings Thursday, Aug. 7th: 10 am - 6 pm 20% OFF Friday, Aug. 8th: 10 am - 6 pm Your Favorite Item Saturday, Aug. 9th: 10 am - 4 pm One Coupon Per Person • Valid With Coupon Only • Exp. 8/31/14 Receive an Additional Real Deals on Home Decor 10% OFF 30 West 100 South in Tooele One Clearance Item Marked 435-882-0200 20% to 75% Off One Coupon Per Person • Valid With Coupon Only • Valid Only 8/7/14, 8/8/14 & 8/9/14 Thursdays 10 am - 6 pm • Fridays & Saturdays 10 am - 4 pm A4

A4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 OUTDOOR ADVENTURE Night in the desert offers many surprises ne evening after work, I was cruising north Oon Skull Valley’s SR- 196 and noticed to my right a strange, lone tree. I have Tired of your old phone system? looked at this tree for sev- eral decades now, and always wondered why it stands alone against one of the most bleak deserts that can be imagined. Since I was camping in the Get new, state of the art Cisco phone desert that night and had lots system for when you switch of spare time, I decided to stop FREE and take a closer look. After your phone service to Simplii. parking my vehicle, I walked over to an old fence that pre- Call Rob 801.449.9830 vented me from getting all the way to the tree. Standing there in the twi-


Online Registration for K-1 2 begins on July 29th- (Online Registration is required of all Tooele County School District Students K-1 2).

ELEMENTARY (New Students) Registration will be held on August 6th, 7th, and 8th from 9:00 am – 3:00 pm at all elementary schools, unless otherwise noted. ������������ ��������� � August 25th – Kindergarten Reception � August 26th – First day students in class ����� ����� ��������� � August 19th – 22nd – (Wednesday schedule all week – 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m.) � August 25th – Starts full day SECONDARY Registration dates and times are as follows: COURTESY OF JAROMY JESSOP ������ ���� ���� A lone cottonwood tree is illuminated in Skull Valley with the hues of the setting sun. August 6 2:30 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. August 7 8:00 a.m. – 12:30 p.m. Clarke N. Johnsen Jr. High August 8 & 9 (New Students) 8:00 a.m. – 2:30 p.m. “The day destroys the night, Grantsville Jr. High August 14 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. th Jaromy Jessop August 6 (8 Grade) 8:00 a.m. – 11:00 a.m. August 7 (7th Grade) 7:30 a.m. – 10:30 a.m. & 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. GUEST COLUMNIST night divides the day.” Tooele Jr. High (contact school for details) Blue Peak High August 6 & 7 10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m. —Jim Morrison August 6 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.11th & 12th graders August 7 4:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. 9th & 10th graders Dugway High August 8 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m. 7th & 8th graders light, I took a few notes. The me, this place was awesome. see the Simpson, Sheeprock, Grantsville High August 11 & 12 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. wind was still. Bird songs filled It stood as a sample of the old Onaqui, Stansbury and Cedar August 6 7:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. the air with chirps, whistles west, which was beautiful and Mountains. August 7 1:00 p.m.- 7:00 p.m. and clicks. There was the dangerous at the same time. Way up in the sky I noticed Stansbury High August 8 (New Students) 7:00 p.m.-1:00 p.m. August 5 & 7 7:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. occasional bawl from nearby After sundown it was time to a far off aircraft strobe, which August 6 1:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. cows and I heard an old hoot find a camp. I drove my vehicle caused me to look straight up August 11 (New Students) 10th Grade: 10:00 a.m. 9th Grade: 12:00 p.m. th th owl that was sitting in the tree. back out to the main highway at the stars — so many dia- Tooele High August 12 (New Students) 11 Grade: 9:00 a.m. 12 Grade: by appt. August 7 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. There usually is lots of noise and headed south a mile or monds in the sky. I wondered Wendover High August 8 9:00 a.m. – 3:30 p.m. in the desert just as the sun is two. There I found a small spur which ones were still there and going down. Maybe it’s the ani- dirt road that headed off into which ones were ghost light. mals’ way to celebrate another the valley. I had never checked So that’s how it was. I spent Immunizations: Seventh Grade Tdap Requirement– Utah Immunization Rule Effective July 1, 2011, students entering 7th grade must have a Tdap booster, regardless of interval since the last day of persecution from the it before, so I cruised down it the night with the back of my tetanus/diphtheria containing vaccine. Students MAY NOT be admitted on the first day of school unless they sun has ended. for a while to an area where the rig propped open, and the have received a dose of Tdap or have an exemption form. A school cannot admit students if they are missing I turned around from the sagebrush was nearly as tall desert and night sky on full the Tdap vaccine. Students must be in full compliance from the first day of entry into school. edge of the fence and admired as I was. There I made camp, display. And the best part: It the golden burn of the sunset which was simply throwing was for free. Anyone at anytime If you have any questions, please contact Jackie Gallegos, Administrative Secretary, on the Cedar Mountains rising a chair out and propping the or season can head out to the 435)833-1 900, Ext. 1104. out of the sagebrush ocean. back of my truck shell open so desert and enjoy the evening. Crickets chirped and a slight I could see the stars all night. Just be smart about it and take breeze started to stir after sun- By now it was around 11 a few safety precautions, such set. The desert air was filled p.m. and the sun was long as camping a bit off of the with the aroma of rabbit brush, gone. It is hard to describe the main road. Mormon Tea and sage. windless, pale, silvery calm of Back in the day, Porter The old fence post I was a warm summer night in the Rockwell advised to make leaning on must have been desert under a moon. As I sat camp and then break camp hewn out of native juniper long there taking it all in, a large and move several miles away ago. It was bleached on one pronghorn antelope walked to throw off anyone that might side by the sun but covered up the dirt road. All of the be coming after you. It’s not with orange lichens on the night noises had stopped. This real dangerous out in the des- other (northern) side. allowed me to hear the foot- ert, but it pays to have a wary Rabbits started acting crazy falls of the antelope coming eye. — running this way and that from a good distance. I wasn’t The area described is after sundown, and the bawl- sure what it was that I heard approximately 34 miles south ing and mooing of the cows approaching and was relieved of Interstate 80 in Skull Valley. picked up, too. It made me when I realized it was an ante- If areas are fenced, keep out wonder what the heck they’re lope. and respect private property. talking about. A crow pitched He had no idea I was only Otherwise, you should be on in with a relentless “Caw, caw.” 20 feet away from him. I could Bureau of Land Management The old cottonwood was pic- see his shiny black horns in or state lands. turesque as the last rays of sun the moonlight. He stopped lit the cliffs pink and purple nearly in front of me, scuffed Jessop grew up exploring the high up on Vickory Mountain his hooves, relieved himself, mountains and deserts of Utah. in the background. Again, I which I didn’t appreciate, and He has a bachelor’s degree in wondered, why was this tree then walked off into the desert. Geography from the University My Women’s Services. here? It didn’t make sense. But After the antelope left it was of Utah, and has traveled to all I realized I didn’t care and that once again completely silent. 50 states, U.S. Territories and I liked this place. Many would No crickets, birds, wind or a dozen foreign countries. He, disagree and be filled with only bugs made any noise — just his wife and daughter live in disgust as they walked through whispy clouds in the moon- Stansbury Park. Follow him on My Healthy Future the dry sagebrush skeletons, light sky. The moon shone Facebook (JD Jessop) for more tumbleweeds, snake holes, cow brightly over the low, sand hills hikes and travels. pies and prickly pear. But to of the valley. I could plainly Women’s and Maternity Care

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THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN A5 NEED CASH NOW? OUT & ABOUT We Want to Make You a Loan! $100-$3,000 TODAY! I’m now an undisciplined adult because I Noble Finance 435-843-1255 was shunned from video games as a kid

ast week, my brother came up to me holding some- Lthing behind his back. “How much do you love me?” he asked. D’LUX TAN

LisaLi Christensen STAFF WRITER & Body

“A regular amount?” I Therapy guessed. He gave me a look. “A lot?” I tried again. That must have done the trick, because he brought his HYDRATION STATION hands out, cradling something COLLAGEN BED • HYDRO MASSAGE reverently. MYSTIC SPRAY • RUVA • ULTRA RUVA When I looked at what it was, MEGA BEDS • TURBO S • HIGH PRESSURE I understood. It was a GameBoy Color. It even had a vintage cartridge for Keep that summer glow! Pokemon Blue. Sure, in the day and age of Don’t Miss These August Specials! smartphones and tablets, a GameBoy might not seem like ($150 *When you Purchase 3 mo’s of much, but in 1998, this thing the $50 any bed, 30 day pass: was the shiz. Brother and I both $50 VALUE) lusted after one, almost as much GET 1 MONTH as we wanted an N-64. ANY BED Our parents, however, had FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO ILLUSTRATION different ideas. Instead of video Staff writer Lisa Christensen gets a little too involved playing video games. Christensen believes it’s an over-compensation 30 DAY UNLIMITED PASS games, they gave us music les- from not having video games growing up when all the other kids did. sons and books, never even FREE suspecting how much they were access to them. hadn’t finished any of them. This be some areas of commonality. COLLAGEN BED alienating us from our peers. How I didn’t flunk out during failure ate at me until I finally Once, Penrod and I speculated 30 DAY UNLIMITED PASS $50 ($100 VALUE) While everyone else was talking that year I will never know. broke down and started track- on the quality of a game neither 1 BOTTLEor OF LOTION about DonkeyKong Country, we I won’t even tell you how ing down the games, and the one of us had played. And just were using words like “esoteric” much time I spent plopped in systems that played them, one this past Monday, Stucki and I BUY A 10 and “homunculus” in casual front of our bulky old TV, build- by one. agreed that playing four hours of PASS GET 5 FREE conversations. ing callouses on my thumbs Today, I am still slowly bat- video games a night is probably This pass doesn’t expire for one year!! It was awful. and, as my mother would say, tling my way through the quests unhealthy. FREE As we have gotten older, we turning my brain into pizza I started in college, and I’ve Discussions like that make me have tried to rectify this cultural sauce. The Legend of Zelda, found a few games she didn’t believe there is a chance, some- deficiency. Of the four kids in MarioKart, Plants vs. Zombies, have. I still have a ways to go, day, for me to assimilate into the my family, three of us are adults Animal Crossing — I played though. It’s hard to talk about culture of my generation. — and all three of us have pur- them all. p0wning noobs when everything Though, perhaps, not com- chased at least one video game At first, my novice efforts you play is at least a decade old. pletely — oftentimes I find 435.843.1169 • 134 W 1180 N • Ste 9 system. were clumsy and embarrassingly I feel the lag perhaps most myself playing a game with a Unfortunately, I’ve found that unintuitive, and, really, all I did acutely when talking with staff book open on my lap. Old habits not having games as a kid has was button-mash. Every five writer Emma Penrod or com- die hard. given me no sense of self-con- minutes I had to call my room- munity news editor Tavin Stucki, [email protected] Your Complete TOOELETRANSCRIPT trol as an adult. It’s like I wasn’t mate to ask what I should do both of whom boast gaming Local News Source. BULLETIN desensitized to the stimuli at a next or what something meant, resumes considerably more young enough age, and now it’s which, for some reason, she impressive than mine. They hard to pull myself away from found exasperating. But over the talk about their Calls of Duty the moving pixels. weeks and months, I gradually and Assassins Creeds and Halos For instance, I had a room- began to find my footing. like some people — my people, mate in college who brought I didn’t find it fast enough, I guess — might talk about with her an impressive collec- though. When the year ended Shakespeare or the national Go Back to school tion of systems and games and and she moved out, taking her debt. allowed the rest of us unfettered beautiful video games with her, I But there are beginning to with a good nights sleep in your dream bed...

COURTESY OF EXIT 99 Local band Exit 99 is a country-song cover band that mixes the new sounds of country music with old. The band’s music also has some classic rock influence. Local band Exit 99 to perform Friday at Tooele City Park Available • Queen or Full size (4 pcs set) $918 in 2 $ Colors! • Twin size (4 pcs set) 885 by Emma Penrod her parents. writing its own music, but is in STAFF WRITER “We vibe really well together, the early stages of recording a (4 pieces set includes: bed, nightstand, dresser & mirror) and we just have fun,” she said, CD of covers, Holste said. But This week’s Fridays on Vine adding that the band has taken until sales take off, they continue feature, local country band Exit advantage of their diverse musi- to rehearse in the evenings after Remember, our mattresses are locally manufactured 99, has been known to draw big cal experience to mix old country work. Holste, a Grantsville resi- crowds with its diverse line-up of hits with new favorites. “They’ve dent, is a local dental hygienist. and we will never be undersold! classic covers. introduced me to a lot of music Beacham works for the Tooele The band played one of the and people that I’ve never heard County School District and best-attended Fridays on Vine of, being so much older — music Slowik, also a Tooele resident, • Queen double sided pillow top set $499 concerts last year, said Chelci I never thought I would play or works for the University of Utah. Holste, the band’s lead singer, enjoy.” Gonzo, a third Tooele resident, $ and looks forward to an encore The band came together in does government work. Simon, • Twin (Images) pillow top set 250 performance. 2012 as the reincarnation of who is the odd man out as a “It was a lot of fun and we’re Oasis, another band that played resident of Alpine, owns his own excited to do it again,” she said. around Tooele in the 1990s. business and produces banners The band, which is comprised Holste said she had been sing- and signs. almost entirely of local musicians ing as a country soloist around Fridays on Vine concerts and is named for the I-80 exit to the area, and David Beacham, start every Friday at 7 p.m. in Tooele, plays a line-up of coun- now the lead guitarist for Exit 99, the Tooele City Park between try covers, sprinkled with some happened to overhear her at an Vine Street and the Pratt Aquatic classic rock. But the biggest dif- event and asked if she would like Center. Admission is free, but ference between Exit 99 and any to start a band with him. When seating is limited. Patrons are other garage band, Holste said, is she agreed, he started going over encouraged to bring their own their intimate knowledge of two some of his old contacts and lawn chairs or blankets. generations of country favorites. pulled in his former band mates [email protected] Holste, who just turned 30, is Tom Slowik, Bruce Simon, and by far the youngest member of Jimmy Gonzo to play bass gui- BUILDING 670 • UTAH INDUSTRIAL DEPOT the band. The other musicians tar and vocals, keyboards, and Subscribe Today are mostly in their mid-50s, she drums, respectively. said — almost old enough to be The band has yet to begin 882-0050 435.843.4265 A6

A6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 Get Your Local News Online

The Tooele Transcript-Bulletin’s offers many great Complete Local News Website! features, including: Check it out at:, • You can view every story from the printed newspaper in its, or entirety in either web format or PDF. • Search local events, get weather information, and local sales. • Access thousands of archived stories, columns, photos and more. TOOELE • Download or print digital copies of the newspaper. TRANSCRIPT • Be sure to tell all your friends about the Website. Have them use the promo code “free trial” for a free trial at checkout. For more BULLETIN info, call 435-882-0050 or visit A7


Audit county’s fund balance is 5 per- service expenses. cent of revenue while the maxi- While the auditors gave the continued from page A1 mum fund balance allowed by county a clean opinion on it state law is 50 percent of rev- financial statements, the audit 2012 to 2,649,397 at the end of enue, according to Ulrich. report did note a few areas for 2013, an increase of 69 percent, “You currently have a fund improvement. according to Mike Ulrich, who balance of around 11 to 12 per- The auditors called attention presented the audit findings to cent, which is at the lower end to the fact that the county did the county commission at their but still within the parameters,” not provide the required seven Tuesday night meeting. he said. day advance notice for the bud- However, only $158,000 of Ulrich noted that the county get adoption hearing for the that fund balance was in cash; was successful at reducing the 2013 budget. the remaining fund balance was balance of interfund loans to For the second year in a row, made up largely of receivables the Deseret Peak Complex fund. the lack of timely entering of to be collected by the end of The amount owed to other transactions into the account- February, according to Ulrich. funds by the Deseret Peak fund ing system caused some funds “If you want to keep it tight dropped from $6.5 million at to exceed their budget at year and not save for a rainy day, end of 2012 to $4.6 million at end, according to the audit then that’s good, because that’s end of 2013, according to the report. what you’re doing,” he said. “I audit report. Auditors also recommended would take a look at that.” While Deseret Peak Complex that procedures be adopted to

Ulrich suggested two or three continues to operate in the ensure proper monitoring of FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO months of operating expens- red, the amount of cash used federal alcohol and substance An audit report prepared by an Ogden-based accounting firm concluded Tooele County’s financial health improved for the es in cash as an appropriate for operating activities there abuse grant funds and the coun- year ending Dec. 31, 2013. reserve amount. dropped by 56 percent, from ty’s mental health grant. “You don’t have a lot of $1,499,329 in 2012 to $658,930 In addition to building the 2013, according to Ulrich. debt, down almost $2.5 million ing its obligations to pay their breathing room,” he said. in 2013. These figures do not fund balance, the county also “The county ended the year from last year,” he said. “The long term debt obligations.” The state minimum for the include depreciation or debt lowered its long term debt on with $36 million in long term county had no problems in mak- [email protected]

sion has accurate financial audits. Recorder Jerry Houghton; based municipal financial advi- and auditing financial state- Budget information. Among the budget commit- Wayne Anderton, the Utah sory and consulting firm; David ments with Ernst & Young; and continued from page A1 The volunteer audit commit- tee’s recommendations were: Public Employees Association Gibby, environmental manager Edwin van Stam, a CPA with tee also recommended that the Define an internal audit process chairman for the Tooele for U.S. Magnesium; and Toby five years of public accounting financial experts. county adopt a whistleblower in county code; conduct inter- County employees chapter; Lee, a senior financial specialist experience and three years of The audit committee policy that includes the protec- nal audits of all departments Rod Thompson, Tooele County for Fidelity Investments and a controller and CFO consulting reviewed the county’s financial tion of county employees from on a two-year cycle; include a Roads department director; former accounting manager for experience in private industry. statements, reports generated reprisal for reporting in good review of adherence to appli- and Dean Johnson, area presi- Anderson Lumber Company. Also appointed to the audit by the independent auditor, faith. They recommended that cable county codes and state dent and branch manager for The budget advisory board’s committee are Greg Bleazard, and met with Mike Ulrich, who the whistleblower system be statutes in the internal audit Zions Bank. duties include reviewing fis- a CPA with nearly a decade of represents the accounting firm overseen by the county com- process; review the effective- Other members of the bud- cal policies and procedures, experience in public account- that completed the indepen- mission and the clerk/auditor. ness of departmental policies get advisory board include; reviewing proposed depart- ing and three years of experi- dent audit, according to Edwin The committee also reported and procedures; and review Larry Shumway, former Utah mental budgets, and acting as a ence working for a city gov- Van Stam, a member of the vol- that the county needs to allo- employee training in financial State Superintendent of point of contact for citizen bud- unteer audit committee. cate monetary resources to policies during internal audits. Public Instruction and for- get and financial concerns. ernment; and John Adams, a The volunteer audit commit- ensure that the county has a The budget advisory board mer Superintendent of Tooele The audit committee mem- shareholder in the Logan-based tee recommended that mone- competent financial manager also called for “adequate County School District; Jake bers include: Brent Ray, who accounting firm of Cook Martin tary and human resources need to ensure reconciliations are resources to be appropriated by Jacobson, a certified public works as an audit senior for Poulson, P.C. to be allocated to the county’s completed and that day-to-day the county commission to facil- manager and a former small Deloitte & Touche; Ryan Liddell, The audit committee’s job tax collection software system, accounting is accurate. itate the completion of internal business owner and contrac- a certified public accountant is to help the commissioners and to ensure that all funds and The budget advisory board audit procedures.” tor; Cody Deeter, vice-president with eight years of account- review and interpret financial accounts are reconciled month- weighed in with a list of recom- The budget committee mem- of Lewis Young Robertson, and ing experience including five statements and audit reports. ly so that the county commis- mendations regarding internal bers include: Tooele County Burningham, a Salt Lake City- years in preparing, reviewing [email protected] Prison project helps inmates and dogs NEED CASH NOW? We Want to Make You a Loan! EAST LYME, Conn. (AP) — Liesenfelt said some of the Liesenfelt encouraged Tiffany “They see value and beauty in When Randi, an inmate at the dogs have been abused or to hold the leash close to her every dog,” he said, “and hope- $ $ York Correctional Institution, was neglected or never given the love body and gently tug him until fully they see it within them- 100- 3,000 TODAY! selected in April to participate in they deserve - something that he gets the cue that it’s time to selves as well.” Gentry Finance • 435-843-8680 The Red Dog Project, a program the inmates can relate to. get up. When Prince started to that gets rescue dogs ready for “We’re saving each other,” said walk, she told Tiffany to pick adoption, she wondered, “Am Tiffany, who is serving 41/2 years up the pace and make the stroll I emotionally ready? It’s a big for burglary. “It’s therapeutic for more enjoyable for him. Tiffany responsibility.” us. It’s rewarding to know we’re gives him treats after a success- Randi, who is serving 2-1/2 saving a life.” ful walk. years for criminal violation of Tiffany is working with Prince, Red Dog isn’t the only animal a restraining order, is a recov- a 1-year-old golden retriever program within the Department ering drug addict and says she mix. of Correction. Inmates also has been in abusive relation- York had previously host- participate in other animal res- ships most of her life. Because ed the National Education for cue programs, including the she had her own problems to Assistance Dog Services training Second Chance Large Animal deal with, she wondered if she program, and Warden Stephen Rehabilitation Facility, a collab- could she help a dog that had its Faucher was eager to bring a orative effort between the state own issues. dog program back. “The offend- Department of Agriculture and Randi soon discovered she ers feel good about themselves the DOC that rescues farm ani- could, and she learned more because they’re part of a program mals that have been taken from about herself in the process. that’s successful,” he said. “They their owners. “I learned how to be more want something to nurture. This Correction Officer Steve responsible,” said Randi, whose gives them the opportunity to Curran, dog program coordinator last name was withheld per give back.” for the department, said one of Department of Correction policy. Correction Officer Michael the men’s prisons, the Corrigan- “I learned to be accountable to DiLoreto, who is a Red Dog facil- Radgowski Correctional Center something. Just like me, all they ity coordinator, said the program in Uncasville, also has a grey- need is a little TLC.” can have up to 10 inmate han- hound socialization and adop- The Red Dog Project was dlers. Low-security level inmates tion program. introduced to the prison on Oct. must be free of any discipline Curran said DOC 31 and has since helped 40 dogs tickets to be considered for the Commissioner James Dzurenda find new homes. program. and his wife have rescued dogs Lorin Liesenfelt, founder of the Liesenfelt visits the prison at and are big supporters of the Dog Days rescue group, runs the least twice a week to check on program. He said the Red Dog organization’s Red Dog Project. the dogs’ progress. As she entered Project does not cost the state Dogs are pulled from shelters the corridor of Thompson Hall, any money, as all the expenses from within Connecticut as well the dogs could sense her. They are paid for by the organization. as Georgia, which has shelters began to wag their tails vigor- The Red Dog Project was with high euthanasia rates. She ously. named after a rescue pit bull mix teaches the inmates to handle Liesenfelt checked in with in Bridgeport who had parvovi- the dogs and get them ready for Correction Officer Eric Morin to rus, mange and other illnesses. adoption. see if there have been any issues The dog lost all of its fur, expos- “These dogs were literally with the dogs. He reported good ing its red skin. And from then hours from being euthanized,” news: Koko, a 1-year-old shep- on, any dog that needed a little said Liesenfelt. “The women here herd mix, is being more social more care has been deemed a are so patient and understand- and doesn’t appear as skittish. “Red Dog,” Liesenfelt said. ing. They want the dogs to suc- The group then walked down- Jennifer Potts, a York secretary ceed.” stairs to the solarium, where who knew Liesenfelt through her The inmates’ rooms are inmates sat in a semi-circle. rescue work, put Liesenfelt in equipped with baby gates and Liesenfelt taught the women touch with Curran. Both Curran dog crates for their compan- how to properly walk the dogs and Liesenfelt said the collabora- ions. Each week, the dog gets on a leash. She told one inmate tion has been a success. a new handler. The purpose for to walk faster as she noticed the “I never thought I’d say that doing that is twofold - it social- dog looking around and getting I’m excited to go to prison,” said izes the dog to different people bored. She told her to use the Liesenfelt. “It’s amazing to see and the inmates don’t get too command “Leave it” when she both the dogs and women come attached. The average stay for a noticed the dog beginning to out of their shells.” dog is four to six weeks. The dogs stray. DiLoreto said the offenders can are put up for adoption at an Tiffany and Prince are working participate in the program until event held once a month at the on walking together. Prince tends they’re released from prison. He Tractor Supply Co. store in Old to flop on the ground when he said he has seen positive changes Saybrook. doesn’t want to walk anymore. in the women’s behavior.



Subscribe Today! 58 N. Main St. 435-882-0050 A8 OBITUARY

A8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 OBITUARIES Mae Colleen Jeremy JaeDo Davis Laura “Jean”

Broadhead Caldwell Jeremy JaeDo Davis, 38, of Christensen Price Taylorsville, Utah, passed away Mother, grandma, aunt, friend, unexpectedly Aug. 3, 2014, compassionate, steadfast, kind, Mae Colleen Broadhead surrounded by his family at elect, fun, giving: Just words Caldwell Price, born on May Intermountain Medical Center really, until they are used to 28, 1951, returned to her Father in Murray, Utah. Jeremy was describe a person. Laura “Jean” in Heaven on Aug. 5, 2014. She born in Teague, South Korea, Christensen, born May 20, 1937, was preceded in death by her on Aug. 26, 1975. He graduat- in was a person that all of these husband Don Ray Caldwell, ed from Heidelberg American words describe. These and other her parents Wilbur and Hazel High School and continued on words touch the surface of a life Broadhead, her siblings Lorraine with his schooling at Brigham well lived in overwhelming ser- Wilkes, Elaine Reed and Wilbur Young University. Jeremy mar- vice to others. Surrounding her Broadhead. Survived by her ried Alissa Davis (Dix) on Jan. in passing is her eternal family sisters, Donna Davis and Janet 31, 2004. Jeremy is survived by on this and the other side of the Jensen; her children, Don, Jeff his wife Alissa Diane; son Tyson veil. On this side of the veil are provide for their family, such as and Idella Caldwell; her grand- JaeDo Davis; his parents Keith daughters Debbie Seddell (Terry) Walmart, the Utah State fair and children, Beckham, Cienna, sion was singing with and for L. Davis and Deborah F. Davis; USA in Manchester, England, in of Lake Point, Laurie Holland Hamilton Drug. At every place Gracie Mae, Shawn, Nicole, others, including her grandchil- his four sisters, Krysta L. Riley 1993. He enjoyed sports, working (Ron) of Magna and son Terry and within her sphere of influ- Samantha and Anthony. Jerry dren. She will be missed. We love and her husband Paul, Hilary A. on cars and spending time with (Debbie) of Tooele; 10 grand- ence, was an influence for good Price, whom she was married you mom. Services will be held Boyer and her husband Bryan, his family and friends — espe- kids, 10 great-grandkids and two in others lives. Now silenced on to for 20 years also survives her. at the Lake Point Chapel on Aug Alison R. Houpt, and Jillian R. cially his son Tyson. He served a great-great-grandkids. A few on Earth, she will be that silent-but- She loved her family, hunting, 9. Viewing at 10 a.m. and the Garcia and her husband Jared; mission for the Church of Jesus the other side, welcoming her sweet and tender feeling, help- fishing and camping. Her pas- funeral at 11 a.m. his grandmother M. Darlene Christ of Latter-day Saints in the home are her eternal sweetheart ing us to stay on the path till we Perkins; his many nieces and Dusseldorf, Germany, area and James O. Christensen, daughter meet again. Our family would nephews; and the rest of his rela- was an Eagle Scout. Jeremy was Tammy (Christensen) Brown, welcome all to come and share a tives and friends. Jeremy is pre- selfless, always putting the needs mother Bernice (Sessions) moment with us in remembering Over 40 ceded in death by his grandpar- of others before himself. He was Brown, sisters Joyce Lambros and a life well-lived in service. A view- Years ents Tom R. Perkins, Melvin W. a registered organ donor and his Sharon Barker, and numerous ing will be held Friday, Aug. 8, at Experience (Toy) Davis and Bertha J. Davis. organs will be used to give the other friends and family. Her joys the Valley View LDS Stake Center Jeremy was a great athlete in gift of life to many who will never included spending all the time at 332 E. 1000 North, in Tooele, high school and was a mem- meet him on this side of the veil. she could with her family, camp- from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, ber of his soccer, football and The time from 10-11 a.m. has ing, attending grandkids games Aug. 9, and an hour prior to the wrestling varsity teams. He was been set aside for visitation with and recitals, making and shar- funeral at 11 a.m. Internment will a European wrestling champion friends and family. The memo- ing her homemade fudge, pop- be at the Memorial Estates at his senior year and continued rial service will start at 11 a.m. on sicles, garage sales, roaming the 6500 S. Redwood Road in West DANCE his wrestling career as a member Friday, Aug. 8, 2014, at the 27th D.I., crocheting hats for cancer Jordan, Utah. A special thanks to of the Pre-Olympic U.S. Armed Ward Chapel, 180 S. Coleman patients and the children’s justice Harmony Hospice who helped Forces team representing the Street, Tooele, Utah. center. A member of the L.D.S. mom tremendously in her last church who enjoyed service in days. In remembrance of mom, the , her favorite calling please pay it forward and be kind ATTITUDE was compassionate service. Mom to all you come in contact with, worked at numerous places in share a smile and give to those BALLET • JAZZ • POINTE the quest to help her sweetheart in need. TECHNIQUE • COMPETITION TEAM REGISTER NOW!! Aspen trees disappearing in eastern Idaho Call: Chantel McInnes 882-0454 or IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — western United States. Eastern preserve the species. aspen: from 2005 to 2007, amid Pamela Giles 882-1728 on or email Groves of aspen — tall, skinny Idaho’s aspen community, once Since a number of species the worst drought in 109 years, trees with telltale white bark and estimated to cover 40 percent benefit from aspen, especially 338,000 acres of aspen perished [email protected] fluttering, glossy leaves — are of eastern Idaho’s forested areas, elk and deer, Eddingsaas said in Colorado. While the cause of unmistakable in eastern Idaho. has declined by an estimated 60 conservation is vital. Sudden Aspen Decline is still But look for the cone-shaped percent in the past 100 years, “They found that fawn and being researched, most evidence Call for registration tops of conifers living among the while Arizona has seen a 90 per- calves in those areas (with dense points toward drought. smaller aspen, and juniper trees cent decline during that time, aspen groves) are healthier,” he The Aspen Working Group creeping closer to the perimeter said Aren Eddingsaas, chairman said. “Because of the diversity spends most of its time working Monday Aug 11 • 6-9pm of the grove. It’s not an example of the science and technology that aspen provide, it’s just an to find ways to protect aspen. or leave a message anytime. of species diversity; it’s a death committee for the Eastern Idaho important community.” The BLM has been removing sentence. Aspen Working Group and a wild- While providing habitat and juniper and conifers in the Tex Aspen — the most wide- life biologist for the Shoshone- food for wildlife, they also have Creek Wildlife Management Area CLASSES BEGIN WEEK spread tree in North America Bannock Tribe. a relatively short lifespan (70 to east of Idaho Falls. OF SEPTEMBER 8TH — are disappearing across the “I would consider it a very 100 years). That allows them to Aspen are higher in fat than big issue,” said Ben Dyer, ecol- decompose and put nutrients many other plants, which make ogist for the Bureau of Land back into the forest floor more the aspen shoots a vital food Management. “It’s a keystone often than other trees. The mini- source for deer and elk in the species and vital to other plant, mal canopy of an aspen grove winter. Dyer said the Tex Creek animal and insect survival.” allows snow melt to drip into the area attracts about 6,000 deer A keystone species is one that groundwater rather than evapo- and elk in the winter months. has a “disproportionately large rate as it does on more dense The goal of the proj- Relax. effect on the communities in canopies, said Eddingsaas. ect is to not only be able to pro- which it occurs,” according to Experts agree that the decline vide the food source for game, Encyclopedia Britannica. “Such of aspen, locally and around the but have enough shoots in spring Let Your Home Work for You. species help to maintain local West, largely is the result of two to regenerate the groves in the biodiversity within a community things: lack of fire and encroach- area. either by controlling populations ment of conifers and juniper. Another way to help aspen of other species that would oth- Because the root system of thrive is through controlled erwise dominate the community aspens runs deeper below the burns to reduce the number of or by providing critical resources ground than most trees, aspens competing trees. But that prac- for a wide range of species.” can survive forest fires that com- tice can cause other problems. Terry Thomas, Idaho peting trees can’t. But as wildfire “People don’t like to see smoke, Department of Fish and Game fighting becomes more preva- they don’t like to see black on the regional habitat manager, said lent, aspen benefit less. hillside up from their property,” eastern Idaho is losing 5,000 “When you have juniper Thomas said. “We have a lot of acres of aspen each year. encroachment, they have a wide tools in the toolbox; it’s whether In order to combat that root system and take in a lot or not we get the opportunity to loss, Fish and Game, the U.S. more water and can choke out apply those tools.” Forest Service, Bureau of Land the aspen,” Dyer said. The task is not an easy one. Management, Idaho Department The trees also are suscepti- “Considering the loss, and the of Lands, Idaho Department of ble to “Sudden Aspen Decline” fact that we don’t have the bud- Parks and Recreation and Idaho — a condition that claims entire get to do as much as we like, State Department of Agriculture groves without conifer invasion. we’re not even close to keeping banded together in 2006 to form Thomas cites an example up with the loss of aspen on an the Eastern Idaho Aspen Working of this in a research paper he annual basis,” Eddingsaas said. Group. The group’s mission is to published on the decline of Woman cuts hair for 50 years AUBURN, Mich. (AP) — “I’ve clients are all ladies. were doing the home permanent never had a bad customer,” said Sczepanski attended the now kits, but I never did.” Ward liked Betty Sczepanski as she finished defunct Bay City Beauty College, how Sczepanski worked, and she If you are at least 62 years old and when you sell the home, move out up the styling on one of her most graduating in 1954. She point- has been a customer ever since. faithful clients. “Let’s see how ed to a black-and-white photo- Sczepanski worked in Midland own your own home, a reverse permanently, or pass away. Stipu- good you look.” She turned cus- graph on the wall of her shop until about 1966, when she decid- mortgage may be a useful fi nan- lations include maintaining prima- tomer Helen Ward in the beauty that shows her and several of her ed to strike out on her own. cial tool. Th ere’s no limitations to ry residence, keeping current on chair so they both could see the beauty school classmates. “She told me quietly that she finished product in the mirror. “Can you find me,” she asked was starting her own shop,” Ward how you use the money, so you can property taxes and insurance, and Sczepanski has been cutting with a laugh. “I’m the best look- said. “I followed her out here.” cover medical expenses, fund ed- making sure the house is properly and styling women’s hair since ing one.” Sczepanski graduated Sczepanski said when the ucation for your grandchildren, or maintained. Call us today to see if before 1960, and she has owned from the beauty school when she house was built, the beauty shop and operated her own shop, was 20 years old. was part of the design plan. any other reason. With a reverse you qualify. As part of the process, Betty’s Beauty Shop, since 1966. After graduation, she found These days, Ward makes the mortgage, you can access the equity you’ll then work with an indepen- And don’t even think about ask- herself working at various shops time to visit the Auburn shop in your home, without having dent reverse mortgage counselor, ing her what she and her cli- in the area. once a week. to make monthly mortgage pay- who can help you evaluate all the ents talk about in her one-room “I did some odd jobs here and “I come every week. Most beauty shop. there. I worked for Mr. and Mrs. women do if they don’t do it ments. Th e loan would come due risks and benefi ts. “We talk about everything,” James (in their shop) in Bay City. themselves,” Ward said of her Sczepanski told the Midland I started out as a shampoo girl,” visits. “I come for an hour, but Daily News while she put the Sczepanski said. “That’s how all sometimes it goes longer if we � No monthly mortgage payments required. finishing touches on Ward’s hair. the girls started.” After work- keep talking.” Loan is due when you move out 435.884.1400 “You wouldn’t want to hear it. ing at a few small beauty shops, Ward just turned 90, and she And that’s all I’m gonna tell you.” Sczepanski found work at The said her car recently had a birth- permanently, sell the home, or pass away. “Yes, everything,” Ward agreed, Town Beauty Shop in downtown day as well. �� Non-recourse: never owe more than what laughing. “Local news, the way Midland in 1960. “My car just turned 21,” Ward the world is now a days.” Around this time, she met said, and she still drives. the home is worth* Sczepanski cuts and colors Helen Ward of Midland, who Sczepanski works five days � Payment disbursement options based on hair, does permanents and sham- would become a lifelong cus- a week, and sometimes on poos and sets. tomer. Ward said a neighbor told Saturday. When asked why she your needs “I don’t do men’s hair though,” her of the new stylist in town, so hasn’t retired, her answer was 94 W Main, Grantsville Sczepanski said. “Maybe the Ward decided to drop in to get quick and to the point. women scare them away.” The her hair done. “What would I do if I retired? * If the heirs choose not to repay the loan and the home is foreclosed, they will not be liable for any defi ciency. stylist has cut plenty of men’s hair “I needed a permanent,” Ward Watch the grass grow?” she in her time, but these days, her said. “A lot of the girls at that time asked. A9


SUN AND MOON SEVEN-DAY FORECAST FOR TOOELE UV INDEX The Sun Rise Set FRIDAY SATURDAY SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY Friday 6:33 a.m. 8:36 p.m. Saturday 6:34 a.m. 8:35 p.m. Sunday 6:35 a.m. 8:34 p.m. Monday 6:36 a.m. 8:32 p.m. Tuesday 6:37 a.m. 8:31 p.m. Wednesday 6:38 a.m. 8:30 p.m. F Sa Su M Tu W Th Thursday 6:39 a.m. 8:28 p.m. The higher the UV Index™ The Moon Rise Set number, the greater the need for eye and skin Friday 6:49 p.m. 4:08 a.m. protection. 0-2 Low; 3-5 Moderate; 6-7 High; 8-10 Saturday 7:38 p.m. 5:18 a.m. Very High; 11+ Extreme Sunday 8:22 p.m. 6:31 a.m. Monday 9:02 p.m. 7:46 a.m. ALMANAC Tuesday 9:40 p.m. 9:00 a.m. Statistics for the week ending August 6. Some sun, a t-storm Couple of Wednesday 10:16 p.m. 10:12 a.m. Partly sunny Sunshine Sunshine Partly sunny Mostly sunny Temperatures Thursday 10:53 p.m. 11:22 a.m. around in the p.m. thunderstorms High/Low past week 92/59 Full Last New First Normal high/low past week 93/67 83 60 87 60 89 62 89 64 86 63 88 63 85 59 Average temp past week 72.1 Normal average temp past week 79.6 TOOELE COUNTY WEATHER Daily Temperatures High Low Aug 10 Aug 17 Aug 25 Sep 2 Shown is Friday’s weather. Forecasts and graphics provided by Temperatures are Friday’s highs and Friday night’s AccuWeather, Inc. ©2014 lows.

UTAH WEATHER Thu Fri Sat Sun Mon Tue Wed Logan Grouse 82/51 Wendover Precipitation (in inches) Creek 85/62 Knolls Clive Lake Point 83/53 87/64 87/62 82/61 Ogden Stansbury Park 83/62 Erda 83/61 Vernal Grantsville 85/62 Pine Canyon Salt Lake City 81/54 84/61 70/52 Tooele 84/61 Bauer 83/60 Last Normal Month Normal Year Normal 82/59 Tooele Week for week to date M-T-D to date Y-T-D Provo Roosevelt 83/60 84/54 83/58 Stockton Pollen Index Price 82/58 85/57 High Nephi Rush Valley 83/54 82/57 Ophir Moderate 73/54 Low Delta Manti Absent 88/59 84/51 Green River Th F Sa Su M Tu W 91/60 Dugway Source: Intermountain Allergy & Asthma Richfield Gold Hill 85/58 86/55 Moab 83/59 RIVERS AND LAKES Hanksville 94/60 Beaver 92/59 Vernon In feet as of 7 a.m. Wednesday 84/53 Ibapah 81/55 24-hour 86/56 Stage Change Vernon Creek at Vernon 1.06 none Cedar City Blanding South Willow Creek St. George 85/50 87/59 at Grantsville 1.40 -0.01 96/68 Kanab 89/55 Eureka 76/55 Great Salt Lake Elevation at Saltair Boat Harbor 93.58

water year. This year’s total pre- Precipitation is expected to Weather Service continues to South America. Water cipitation now stands at 14.06 return to normal through mid- project above-average rainfall July temperatures remained continued from page A1 inches, just 2.07 inches below August, and the U.S. Drought in September and October, on roughly normal, with an average the normal 16.13 inches that the Monitor, a cooperative effort of account of abnormalities in the high of 92 degrees, compared to MYGA AUNNUITY dropped 1.27 inches of rainfall. area historically accumulates by the US Department of Agriculture Pacific Ocean that suggest an El a normal 91.7, and an average Tooele received almost an inch this time of year. At the end of and the National Oceanic and Nino could develop this fall. low of 65 degrees, compared to a of rain on July 29 alone. last month, Tooele was 2.83 inch- Atmospheric Administration, has The last statement issued by normal 65.6. 3.65% The storms helped Tooele es below normal. projected drought conditions to NOAA predicted a 70–80 percent The 2013-14 water year meet or exceed normal monthly However, climate predic- become increasingly severe over chance of an El Nino this year, will conclude on Sept. 30. GUARANTEED precipitation expectations since tions from the National Weather the next month. which causes a temperature Measurements for the 2014-15 February. They also helped Service don’t expect the streak of The long-term forecast is shift that brings warm water and water year will begin on Oct. 1. 10 YEARS Tooele partially catch up on the lucky storms to continue. more optimistic. The National increased rainfall to North and [email protected] Okla. brothers continue family hosiery business OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — Mark history degree from Dartmouth David travels frequently. He put it ahead of its competitors. McCubbin also has to meet and David McCubbin not only University. David graduated in makes trips to Europe and Asia Now, most of their competitors the needs of several customers in had big shoes to fill when they 1980 from Washington and Lee throughout the year, as well as do as well. It is cheaper to pro- various ways, he said. Inspiring Healthy Lives took over the family business, but University with a degree in politi- around the country. duce hosiery in China because of “Every customer wants what also had large socks. cal science. They received degrees “American Airlines loves me,” the cheap labor. When it comes they want, often in different Mark is the chairman of in fields that interested them, he said jokingly. to socks, he estimates that only a ways,” Mark said. “One of the McCubbin Hosiery Inc., and his though they knew it was a pos- Although the company focuses few specialty brands are actually challenges is balancing the needs brother, David, is the president. sibility they would take over the on women and children, David made in the U.S. of the customers.” The company makes socks, tights family business. said by 2015 customers can expect One of the biggest challenges The brothers are fortunate, and shoes for women and chil- “I decided to study what I to see more products for adults. is making sure the product gets David said. They get to work dren. It makes products for sev- enjoy, even if it didn’t have any- The company has grown 10 to the customers on time, Mark together and around wonderful eral brands, such as Stride Rite thing directly to do with what I to 20 percent each year over the said. employees. and Keds. The warehouse and do,” Mark said. last several years, David said. He “Our product is literally on the “I have no complaints,” David Look for it every month in your distribution center is at 5310 N. Both, however, entered the expects about 20-percent growth other side of the world,” he said. said. “I’m very blessed.” Tooele Transcript Bulletin Fifth St. family business once they fin- next year. The brothers are the third gen- ished college. In 2011, the company sold $30 eration of McCubbins in the busi- Just four years after Mark grad- million in products. By the end ness. Their grandfather, Chester uated and two years after David of its fiscal year, Mark said he McCubbin, started the company did, their grandmother passed expects it will sell $70 million. in 1952. Their father, Richard away, and the brothers realized The growth is due to great inves- McCubbin, also worked at the they were in charge. It was over- tors and great products, David company until he left in 1967 to whelming at first to realize they said. The brands are strong and N E W O W N E R teach history at Casady School. had so much to learn, David said. people trust them. The compa- That’s when their grandmother, With the help of the employees, nies they sell to are also a Margaret McCubbin, took over the company thrived. reason for McCubbin’s strength. the business. At the time, the company had Clients include Sam’s Club and We are your One Stop The brothers worked for the only about 18 full-time employ- Costco, as well as retailers like company during summers while ees. Today, the company has Nordstrom and Dillard’s. they were in college. They started about 100, with most of them The company produces its in the warehouse and eventually being in Oklahoma City. A few are products in Asia, especially Disaster Clean-up Shop sold socks. in New York and Chicago, and one China, David said. The company Mark graduated in 1978 with a stays in China, David said. went offshore in the 1990s, which Services Include: Full Document View Denver •Fire Damage Cleanup •Smoke Damage Cleanup offers to take in border children •Water Damage DENVER (AP) — Denver is also are applying for grants. The blind eye to children in need — no •Flood Damage offering to take care of some of grants are from a pool of $300 matter where they come from — if •Residential & the immigrant children who have million available through the called upon to help,” Hancock said flooded across the border in recent U.S. Department of Health & in statement. Commercial Drying months. Human Services’ Office of Refugee The statement also included The city announced Tuesday Resettlement to provide residential endorsements of the plan from •Trauma •PackOut that it has submitted an applica- services to unaccompanied minors U.S. Rep. Diana DeGette, several •Hazmat •Mold tion for a $12 million federal grant in the country illegally. city council members and former over three years to provide hous- Maryland Gov. Martin O’Malley, University of Denver Chancellor •Janitorial •Board-Up ing, counseling and other services meanwhile, is encouraging organi- Dan Ritchie. to 60 children at a time. If the offer zations to apply. The city would work with its •Floorcare •Carpet Cleaning is accepted, the children would Not everyone is on board with public hospital, Denver Health, live for about a month on aver- Colorado’s course of action. and Lutheran Family Services to •Construction Cleaning age in an underused family shelter “It’s my tax dollars, and I have a take care of the children. Officials called the Family Crisis Center. problem with my tax dollars being •Sewage Backup stressed that no city tax dollars “During that time we would spent to support any kind of illegal would be used. provide several services: medical, activity,” said Regina Thompson, counseling, legal, acculturation president of Colorado Tea Party A Grand Junction-based private services for them. Educational ser- Patriots. “It’s more compassionate agency, Ariel Clinical Services, that vices, so schooling as well,” Denver to send these children back to par- places troubled children in fos- Human Services Executive Director ents.” ter homes also is applying to put Penny May said. In a statement, Denver Mayor some of the immigrant children in Other organizations would help Michael Hancock said helping homes in the Denver area. reunite the children with family some of the more than 57,000 chil- At least 220 children from the who might be living in the United dren at the border, most of them border already have been sent to 278 North Main Street, States. The total number of chil- from El Salvador, Honduras and Colorado to live with relatives and dren who would come through the Guatemala, is the right thing to do. other sponsors, according to the shelter hasn’t been determined. “Denver is a welcoming, compas- Department of Health and Human Tooele • 435-840-1885 Other cities, including St. Louis, sionate city, and we will not turn a Services. A10 SPORTS


SPORTS WRAP Pro motocross event The best motocross racers in the Dutchman sprints to victory in Stage 3 world, including Ryan Dungey, James Stewart, Justin Barcia and Eli Tomac, will be at Miller Slovenia’s Kocjan retains yellow jersey as overall leader at Tour of Utah Motorsports Park on Saturday, Aug. 23, as the Lucas Oil Pro Motocross by Mark Watson Championship Series returns to Utah for a second-consecutive SPORTS EDITOR year. This year’s Zions Bank Utah National, Round 12 of the Lucas The 113- to 118-mile distance Oil Pro Motocross Championship fits just right for Moreno Hofland will be the motocross season fina- and his Belkin Pro Cycling team. le, with all of the top motocross The Dutchman scored his teams and riders scrambling for second stage win of the week last-chance championship points Wednesday in the 118.3-mile and glory on the series’ most Stage 3 of the Tour of Utah. More unique motocross track, located than half of Wednesday’s mile- in the infield of the state-of-the-art age extended on U-36 from the Miller Motorsports Park facility. Juab County line through Tooele County along the historic Pony Bowling league Express route to the finish at A new season of bowling is about Miller Motorsports Park. Racers to begin at All Star Lanes in sprinted to the finish line after Tooele. Bowlers are needed for the covering three laps on the 2.2- Tuesday Morning Bowling Belles. mile east track at MMP. Hofland’s The Bowling Belles will begin league play on Tuesday, Aug. 26, time was 4 hours, 29 minutes and at 9:15 a.m. This is a ladies handi- 41 seconds. cap league. For more information Stage 3 started in Lehi at IM call Nina Park at 435-837-2290. Flash Technologies, headed south A meeting will be held at the bowl- along the west shore of Utah ing alley at 10 a.m. on Tuesday, Lake, turned west through Eureka Aug. 19. and headed back north on U-36 through Tooele County. Donovan scores winner Hofland also won Stage 1 on In the end, Landon Donovan got Monday which covered 113.5 the last laugh. The 14-time MLS miles with most of the mileage All-Star came back to haunt the through scenic Iron County with club that jettisoned him after just a the start and finish in Cedar few months of a failed 2009 loan City. Part of the Stage 1 route appearance with the game-winning skirted Cedar Breaks National goal Wednesday for a 2-1 win Monument. over Bayern Munich in the 2014 FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Michael Schär of BMC Racing AT&T MLS All-Star Game. The 70th- minute strike came after Bayern’s Belkin-Pro Cycling’s Moreno Hofland (Netherlands) crosses the finish line on the race track at Miller Motorsports Park capturing the Stage 3 Tour of Utah win. Hofland SEE TOUR MEN PAGE A11 ➤ Robert Lewandowski and All-Star earned his first-place win with a time of 4 hours, 29 minutes and 41 seconds. The stage covered 118.3 miles. Bradley Wright-Phillips traded goals on opposite ends of halftime, high- lighting a match in which MLS gave the German giants all that they could handle — and more — on a warm evening at Providence Park Utah’s Nalder wins Most Aggressive Rider in Portland. Donovan, who came on in the 47th minute for another member of MLS royalty in Thierry Racer from Indianapolis wins first Tour of Utah Women’s Edition Henry, got behind the defense on a long feed from hometown star Diego Valeri from the right wing, by Mark Watson shucked Bayern defender Rafinha SPORTS EDITOR as he tried to recover, and slotted past the man considered to be Professional cyclist Breanne the finest goalkeeper in the world Nalder fought back tears after in Manuel Neuer. Donovan was the first Tour of Utah Women’s subbed off a minute later to a Edition ended Wednesday after- resounding ovation. noon at Miller Motorsports Park. Bees lose to Fresno “This is really emotional for An unearned run in the eighth inning me. Our team wanted to make propelled the Fresno Grizzlies to a a statement today, and later on 6-5 win over the Salt Lake Bees (today) I’m riding in the memo- on Tuesday night in Fresno. Salt rial race for Chase (Pinkham) on Lake trailed 5-4 when Taylorsville the west track,” Nalder said. High School product John Buck Nalder, of Salt Lake City, was homered to center in the sixth to named Most Aggressive Rider in tie the game. With one out in the the women’s edition race. She eighth, Fresno catcher Guillermo races for DNA Cycling powered Quiroz doubled down the left field by F4. line. After Bees’ reliever Michael Nalder broke away from the Brady (0-2) walked Adam Duvall, pack midway through the 15-lap a ground out by Jarrett Parker circuit and made other teams moved the runners to second and chase her while members of her third. Chris Dominguez hit a ground own team conserved energy. She ball towards first baseman Ryan led the race by about one kilome- Wheeler, who slipped going towards ter for two laps on the 2.2-mile the ball, lost his balance and had east track at MMP. the ball glance off his glove for an “We wanted to attack non- error as Quiroz crossed the plate stop, so when I got the nod it was FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO with the eventual winning run. The time to go out and go as hard as Women racers negotiate at turn on the east track at Miller Motorsports Park. The 15-lap Tour of Utah Women’s Edition was held for the first time on Wednesday. Bees will host El Paso in a five- I could. It took a lot of effort to game series starting tonight. go out there an put yourself in sional cyclist from Salt Lake City final laps on the 2.2-mile east Anne Perry went out next and Guru Cycles powered by Haute Jazz preseason set the hurt locker and force other who died April 14 at age 23 of track. led. Our sprinters are Tina Pic Wheels Racing. Third-place went Tickets for the 2014 Utah Jazz pre- teams to chase and work hard. an accidental overdose on pain “It was hard out there and and Chantel Olsen.” to Meredith Miller, of Fort Collins, season will go on sale this week. Our sprinters were able to sit in medication, according to new really windy, but the course was United Healthcare’s Coryn Colorado of Pepper Palace Pro Fans may purchase tickets online the draft and conserve energy,” reports. He had been plagued smooth so it made for a lot of Rivera, Indianapolis, won the Cycling. at, in-person at the Nalder said. with pain after being hit by a dynamics,” Nalder said. “I’m Tour of Utah Women’s Edition Rivera said her team’s plan EnergySolutions Arena box office DNA Cycling powered by F4’s car while training in Canada in more of an endurance racer and with a time of 1 hour, 16 minutes worked perfectly on Wednesday. or by phone at (801) 355-SEAT. Tina Pic was able to sprint to 2008. Several local Utah cyclists a hill climber, so when it was and 20 seconds against a field of “We had to ride the front a Jazz fans will get to see Head the line for fifth place in a close competed in the Chase Pinkham time for me to go out and lead 64 competitors. little bit to keep the speed up in Coach Quin Snyder and the team finish. Criterium after Stage 3 of The it took a lot out of me. After I Second place was clinched in Salt Lake City when Utah opens Pinkham was a top profes- Tour of Utah ended with three led for two laps, my teammate by Mandy Heintz of Houston, of SEE TOUR WOMEN PAGE A11 ➤ the preseason at home against the Portland Trail Blazers on Oct. 7. The Jazz will be back home to play the Los Angeles Clippers on FROM THE SIDELINES Oct. 13 before heading out on a four-game road trip. The team will close out the preseason at home on Oct. 24, hosting the Phoenix Suns. This year’s schedule marks The top six reasons summer needs to just stop the fourth time in five years that arlier this week when I weekend’s boating trip to Bear ence: Each winter he gets a new American soccer fans the Jazz will host three preseason wrote summer is ending, Lake or the bug bites I thought golf accessory for Christmas, OK, I’m not talking about the games at EnergySolutions Arena in I didn’t realize how true it gave me blood poisoning this whether it’s a season pass, new actual soccer fans who actually Salt Lake City. E Tavin Stucki was. Thinking about it, I’ve also week, but is there anyone in the iron, alumni golf balls, what- follow the team they actually COMMUNITYCOMMU NEWS EDITOR Jazz holding anthem auditions realised how desperate the local world who loves these things? It’s ever — even if it’s a self-given care about all the time. I’m talk- The Utah Jazz are holding auditions sports world needs summer to pretty hard to overexpose your present. He waits all through ing about the fans who bought for national anthem singers for the end. Not to say this summer skin to the sun or bugs when the February for a chance to get on American soccer jerseys during 2014-15 NBA season. Auditions hasn’t been great for the sports lists to keep from going bored or weather cools off and you have the course, and once he does, he the World Cup without even will be held Friday, Oct. 10 at world, but it’s just time for fall to insane. to wear a hoodie during the day. realizes how long it’s been since knowing who Bob Bradley is. Let EnergySolutions Arena from 9 a.m. be spoken of in the present tense he’s hit a golf ball or how the me be clear, I like soccer and I until 1 p.m. on a first-come, first- as opposed to the future tense. Football Blogs new driver exposes a flaw in his like the idea of Americans liking serve basis. The audition is open As such, I’ve put together a This has been on my mind for A couple friends of mine run technique. Each week he works soccer, but let’s add a little con- to the general public, for individu- list of reasons I’m excited for the a while now. I know we had the a well-written and hillarious-at- to improve his game, which he sistency, huh? I’d be pleasantly als and very small groups. If you change in season. In no particu- Hall of Fame game already, but times blog during the summer. does, but he can’t seem to string surprised if most of these once- cannot make the live audition, a lar order — except for the first- does that really count? Is that While I very much enjoy their that perfectly consistent round in-four-years fanatics could tell recorded CD version of you singing mentioned item — I give you the real football? I’m not so sure, reading, I feel a little awful inside together. His top score improves me what team, or even what the anthem may me mailed to: top six reasons fall needs to be but I do know the actual regular at the realization that not only by a stroke or two over last sum- league, Clint Dempsey plays for Utah Jazz National Anthem here now: season of football leauges are do I have more than enough mer, and the season ends with and in. Auditions starting in the next few weeks, time to read their description of way too many curse words, bug C/O Meikle LaHue I’m making a list and I couldn’t be more happy what a Disney princess mixed 301 W. South Temple bites and sunglasses tanlines. Tavin Stucki is a recent jour- Salt Lake City, UT 84101 The only reason this is men- — both from a professional and martial arts tournament might Let’s just say it’s time for me to nalism graduate of Utah State All participants in the audition will tioned first in the list is the mere fan standpoint. be like, but I’m enjoying it. be done with the sport. Well, University who hasn’t found be notified by e-mail whether they fact of, well, the list’s existence. I almost: I’ll give it a few more a sport he doesn’t like. To talk have been invited to perform the can’t wait for the next few weeks Sunburns and bug bites Golfing weeks because I know I’ll miss it Aggie football or for tips on his national anthem. For questions, when football coverage monop- OK, I’m sure this has every- Wait, golf is on this list? when the snow starts. next outdoor adventure in Tooele contact LaHue at 801-325-2553. olizes my writing and I don’t thing to do with the sunburn I’m Hear me out, let me describe County, hit him up on Twitter: have time to make up ridiculous currently experiencing from last the typical man’s golf experi- @TooeleTAVscript. A11

THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN A11 Sinus Infection? Allergies?

three days of the tour by finishing winds made the stage much more Carpenter, who finished in the Voice Disorders? Tour Men sixth in Wednesday’s stage. Kocjan difficult than it looked at first, so bunch sprint on Stage 3, earned continued from page A10 continues to hold a two-second we just stayed at the front. I just the Subaru Best Young Rider David K. Palmer M.D. lead over Schär (Switzerland) stayed all the time at the front of award jersey. He also claimed the and an eight-second margin over the peloton and just controlled Ski Utah King of the Mountain Nancy J. Stevenson P.A.-C Team won Stage 2 which cov- Serghei Tvetcov (Romania) of Jelly the pace,” Kocjan said at the post- award jersey, winning maximum (over 10 years of ears, nose and throat experience) ered 130.7 miles and started in Belly presented by Maxxis. race press conference at MMP. points on the category 4 King Panguitch and ended in Torrey. The Tour of Utah includes “Tomorrow’s stage for sure is very of the Mountain of the day at Ear, Nose & Throat Finishing second in Stage 3 seven stages with the final stage difficult. The pure climbers will Eureka. Head & Neck Surgery was Andrea Palini (Italy) of Team starting and ending in Park City probably show their legs. We will The Tour of Utah includes a Allergy & Sinus Lampre-Merida, who was third on Sunday. Stage 7 covers 78 see how it goes.” few notable professional racers Voice Disorders on Stage 1 in Cedar City. Eric miles winding through Summit Stage 4 covers 104.7 miles and including Jens Voight of Germany, Young (USA) of Optum presented and Wasatch counties. starts in Ogden with a finish at Cadel Evans of Australia and Ivan by Kelly Benefit Strategies fin- Kocjan finished second in both Powder Mountain with three laps Basso of Italy. Call 882-6448 to make an appointment ished third. Both Palini and Young Stage 1 and Stage 2. around Pine View Reservoir. Voight has worn the yellow had the same time as Hofland. “The guys were awesome Moving into the fourth spot jersey twice during the Tour de 1929 N. Aaron Dr. • Ste. #I • Tooele Overall race leader Jure Kocjan today. They led on the front of the overall is 22-year-old American France, though he has never chal- (Slovenia) of Team Smartstop peloton from the start (in Lehi) Robin Carpenter of the Hincapie lenged for the overall champion- retained the yellow jersey after and they worked hard. The cross- Sportswear Development Team. ship. He is known for his propen- sity to attack. Evans won 2011 Tour de France and placed seventh in the men’s Join the Club! cross country mountain bike race at the 200i Summer Olympics in Tooele Club Sydney. 438 W 400 N Annual Basso is a two-time winner Tooele of the Tour of Italy in 2006 and Teen Center Membership 102 N 7th St. 2010. Boys & Girls The Tour of Utah returns Club Tooele, UT 84074 $10$ to Ogden for a sixth time on 435.843.5719 Thursday for the start of Stage 4 . The start of the 104.7-mile Homework Help | Computers | Games | Arts | and More! stage will take place on Historic 25th Street in downtown Ogden at 11:10 a.m. and travels through Afterschoolol the North Ogden Divide for the programs forfor first of two ascents. The first big shakeup in the overall standings Youth andd Teens could happen on the slopes of the When School first mountain top finish of the ages 6 - 18.8. is week with the climb to Powder The Club is In! Mountain Ski Resort. This new Out addition to the Tour ascends more than 3,000 feet in just six miles. [email protected] Birch Family Pharmacy �������������������������������������������� • Bio-Identical hormones • Pain gels • Numbing lollipops • Custom flavoring • Acne FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO • Thyroid Belkin-Pro Cycling’s Moreno Hofland (Netherlands) winds down on the track after capturing the Stage 3 Tour of Utah through Tooele County, which ended with three laps on the Miller Motorsports race track. • Sugar-free • Dye-free • Morning sickness • Veterinary Tour Women We offer hormone testing & consultation for men and women. continued from page A10 WE ARE A COMPOUNDING PHARMACY!

Birch Family Pharmacy the last two kilometers, so we ran through our riders pretty quickly. TOOELE GRANTSVILLE STANSBURY Alison (Powers) pulled through 493 N. Main St. 213 E. Main St. 6727 N. Hwy 36 as usual, did an awesome lead 882.7775 884.9990 882.8880 out, delivering me to the line. Luckily I didn’t run into any bad luck today so it went perfectly to plan,” said Rivera, who owns 58 national championships in her stellar career. [email protected]

A Full-Color Thank Activity Page Just for Kids! Every Thursday in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin

TOOELETRANSCRIPT You BULLETIN FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Breanna Nalder races in yesterday’s Tour of Utah Women’s Edition on the race track Subscribe Today at Miller Motorsports Park. Nalder took home the jersey for most aggressive rider. 882-0050 Town of Stockton would like to thank all of our volunteers who The History of Tooele County helped during the fi re crisis n September 1846 the Donner-Reed Party, while trying a shortcut to and to all who made donations ICalifornia, passed through the what would become Tooele County and nearly perished in the Great Salt Lake Desert. Three years later, a handful of Mormon pioneer families left Salt Lake Valley and built of water and food, they were a meager encampment in Settlement Canyon above today’s Tooele City. Soon, others followed, and a community emerged on the edge of the Great Basin frontier that was populated by individualistic and energetic settlers who managed to thrive in an environment fraught greatly appreciated. with hardship. Their story, and many others, are found inside this History of Utah’s Tooele County. Learn about how the pioneers ingeniously built their lives in the wilderness; the wild mining days in Ophir, Mercur Mayor Mark Whitney and Jacob City; the Pony Express Trail; the glorious beaches and resorts along the southern shore of the Great Salt Lake, and more. Kendall Thomas- Council Member Get Your Copy Today at the Tooele Dave Durtschi- Council Member Transcript-Bulletin Mary Edwards- Council Member • Nearly 500 pages • Large 8.5 x 11 size pages TOOELETRANSCRIPT George Carter- Council Member • Hardcover with dust jacket • More than 500 photos BULLETIN • More than 700 pioneer $3995 58 N. Main • Tooele biographies Mon.-Thurs. 8 to 6 • Fri. 8 to 5 • Closed Sat. and Sun. A12

�������������������� A12 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014

��������������������������������������� The settlement averts a Sept. The agreement includes other Tooele City claiming the city had ��������������� Lawsuit 4 Utah Supreme Court appear- concessions by both parties to violated the development agree- � continued from page A1 ance during which both parties settle disputes stemming from ment for Overlake. ��� ���� ���� ���� ��� ��������� ��� �������������� ��� ����� were scheduled to again pick up the original development agree- Hall alleged that Tooele City ������� �������� ������� ��� ����� ���������� ���� ���� ending all lawsuits between the the battle in court with oral argu- ment for Overlake. misapplied public improvement ����������� ����� ��������� �������� ������������ ������ ���� city and Overlake developers. ments for an appeal of the $20.7 The settlement will allow ordinances; required public “We believe this settlement will million final judgment entered by the development of Overlake improvements in Overlake to meet ������������������������������������������������������������� allow our city to move forward the 3rd District Court. to resume and add up to 4,800 standards not required of other �������������� and will close a difficult chapter According to the settlement, homes to Tooele City. developers; created an arbitrary ��������������������������������� in our history,” said Brad Pratt, while neither party admits fault, “It has always been our pri- punch list of items that needed Tooele City council chairman. “It liability, or wrongdoing, both par- mary objective in this dispute to to be fixed for public improve- ���������������������������������� addresses the jury’s verdict in a ties accept that the total amount find a way to develop Overlake,” ments to be considered complete; � way that minimizes its impact on of the claim against Tooele City said Bill Perry of Perry Homes. slowed down or refused to make ������������������������������������������������������������ the citizens of Tooele.” by Tooele Associates, including “We believe that this settlement final inspections; and refused to �������� ��������� ������� �������� ����������� ��������� Tooele City officials are confi- accumulated interest, to be $21 will allow us now to do so and we recognize prior admissions that ���������������������������� �������� ������������� ����� ��� dent that they will be able to meet million. believe that both parties will ben- some public improvements were ����������������������������������������������������������� the financial obligations of the The developers agreed to credit efit from the future development complete. agreement without raising taxes the city with the value of 1,805- of the Overlake property.” In 2004 Tooele City filed a coun- ������������������������������������������ � or reducing city services. acre-feet of municipal water at Tooele City agreed to accept all tersuit against Tooele Associates “At this time it is not our intent, $3,750 per acre-foot, for a total of current public improvements in for violations of the Overlake ��������������� nor our plan in the future, to raise $6.8 million. Overlake and to complete, at the development agreement. taxes or cut services as a result of The $3,750 per acre-foot value city’s expense, improvements to The case went to jury trial in this settlement,” said Tooele City for water was agreed upon by both 400 West and other curb, gutter 3rd District Court in June 2009. ������������� Mayor Patrick Dunlavy. parties because that is the price and sidewalks in the subdivision. The jury found that both Tooele City has already cut a Tooele Associates would have Tooele City also agreed to Tooele City and Tooele Associates ���������������������������������� check for the initial $2 million paid for water if they had been promptly review and approve violated the development agree- ������������������������� payment to Overlake develop- required to purchase the water updated plans for the next phase ment and awarded a net judg- ������������������� ers using fund balance, or rainy back in 2002 before the lawsuit of Overlake and the golf course ment of $20.7 million in damages day funds, accumulated in the started, according to Dunlavy. plat. to Tooele Associates. �������������������� capital projects fund, according The $13.6 million that remains “I especially look forward to In 2010, 3rd District Court � � to Dunlavy. after subtracting the value of the developing the Overlake golf Judge Randall Skanchy, who pre- water rights transfer, and the ini- course community, including sided over the jury trial, declared tial payment, will be paid by the an improved entrance and a full a mistrial, citing irreconcilable city in nine annual payments of service clubhouse,” said Drew conflicts in the jury’s verdict. Tooele Valley Rotary Club presents it’s 9th Annual approximately $1.5 million per Hall, managing partner of Tooele Hall appealed the mistrial rul- year. The payments include inter- Associates. ing. The Utah Court of Appeals est at 2.15 percent annually. Existing zoning, design stan- reversed the mistrial ruling in ������������������ However, the agreement gives dards, and amenities will remain August 2012 and sent the case the city the option of paying the in place in Overlake, according to back to Skanchy for final judg- last two annual payments with Tooele City Attorney Roger Baker. ment. ���������������� additional water rights, in lieu of “It is important for the exist- Tooele City asked the Utah cash, at $3,750 per acre-foot. ing residents of Overlake to know Supreme Court to review the The last two annual payments that the quality of their commu- Court of Appeals decision to Friday, August 22, 2014 � total $2.8 million, according to nity will not change,” he said. overturn the mistrial ruling in the payment schedule included The developers agree to pay September 2012. Two months Oquirrh Hills Golf Course in the agreement. for a third-party firm to complete later the high court announced The agreement also gives the inspections of public improve- it would not review the Court of A fundraising event to provide funding for Tooele Valley Rotary developers the option, until Dec. ments and to pay all other appli- Appeals’ decision. 31, 2029, to purchase up to an cable impact and development In October 2013, prior to enter- Community Projects including: additional 1,495 acre-feet of water fees. ing his final judgment in favor of Dictionaries for all 3rd graders in Canyon Clean-Up rights certificates at $3,750 per All undeveloped areas, out- Tooele Associates for $20.7 mil- acre-foot. If the developers pur- side of existing subdivisions of lion plus post-judgment interest, TCSD Park Projects chase the entire 1,495 acre-feet Overlake, will be withdrawn from Skanchy denied several motions Back to School Community Closet Homeless sack lunches of water, they will pay Tooele City the North Tooele City Special filed by Tooele City, including a $5.6 million. Service District, according to the request to set aside or modify the If the city opts to make the last agreement. jury verdict and a request for a ���������������������������������������������������������� two payments with water rights, Future disputes between new trial. and the developers exercise their Tooele City and Overlake devel- Tooele City officials announced ��������������������������������������������������������� full option to purchase additional opers will be resolved by neutral their intention to appeal the final water, the net cash payments to experts. The agreement describes judgment to the state Supreme ���������������������������������������������������������� the developers made by Tooele protocol for conflict resolution Court in December 2013. City would be $9.2 million instead between the parties. Tooele Associates’ attorneys ������������� of $15.6 million. The origins of Overlake filed a cross-appeal that asked the To register or for more details The agreement contains lan- dates back to 1995 when Hall court to require Tooele City to pay contact: guage that restricts the water approached Tooele City officials an additional $9.2 million in legal Nancy Thompson 435-249-1154 ���������� rights that Overlake developers with an idea for a master planned fees and pre-judgment interest. obtain from Tooele City to use in community northwest of the city Both parties were scheduled to $400 incudes 1 team, the Overlake subdivision. proper. make oral arguments before the dinner,����������� 4 glow balls, 4 drink coupons, mulligan bag, hole sponsorship “My fear was if we had just paid Tooele City negotiated a Supreme Court in September. the developers the $20.7 million development agreement that “I’ve always said we will do $350 includes 1 team, that the money would have left was signed in 1997, and the city what’s in the best interest of the dinner,�������� 4 glow balls, 4 drink coupons, mulligan bag our community,” Pratt said. “Now annexed roughly 2,000 acres citizens of Tooele City,” Dunlavy part of our payment, the water of property owned by Tooele said. “This settlement accom- $300 includes 1 team, dinner, 4 glow balls and 4 drink rights, will stay in our community Associates and combined it with plishes that objective. I am grate- coupons and help build the community. another parcel nearing 1,000 ful that Mr. Hall and Mr. Perry Overlake will be developed. We acres that was already in the city were willing to continue to nego- Glow ball Sponsor: $350 Hole Sponsor: $75 will get more homes and more limits. This became the subdivi- tiate with the city towards this Drink Cart Sponsor: $100 people, which will increase the sion known as Overlake. end.” Dinner Sponsor: $500 economic opportunities in our In 2002 Hall filed several law- [email protected] Contest Hole Sponsor $100 plus prize community.” suits in 3rd District Court against Individual Player: $75 B8B8


Unless otherwise requested, community news items such as weddings, missionaries, birthdays, babies and The Bulletin • Bulletin Board Board must be submitted by 3 p.m. the day prior to the desired publication date. To place a community news item or for more • Weddings, Missionaries, Birthdays information contact the Community News Editor at 882-0050 or [email protected]. Items more than one month old Hometown will not be considered for publication.




Then he walks to the bus station and rides home. This might sound pretty ordi- nary, but for DJ, who has autism, it is quite a feat. “It’s not so hard,” DJ said mod- estly. DJ is currently serving a service mission for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints and, due to bus schedules, walks just under a mile from the bus drop off to the Bishops’ Storehouse. And he has only gotten lost once. DJ, whose given name is Duwaine, has high-function autism and faces lots of challeng- es, said his mother, Nancy Droz. DJ was born with several chal- lenges due to a complicated preg- nancy. DJ is the son of Nancy’s ex-husband. She got custody of him as an infant and later adopted him. His adoptive father died sev- eral years ago. He has a lot of social challenges because of his autism, Nancy said, but has progressed more than she hoped. “He finished high school with a 3.6 grade point average, which I thought he would never do,” she said. “And now he wants to go to college. When he was first born, they said he would not be able to do any of that.” DJ did have some help from aides to finish school, but he has also learned how to handle other situations. For example, last year he earned his Eagle Scout award. “For his project he painted the Tooele County Animal Shelter,” Nancy said. “That involved getting the material, organizing volunteers and getting everything done.” For him it was really hard, because DJ has an aversion to get- ting dirty. He was also helped by some dedicated and loving scout lead- ers. Another example of his progress is found in his ability to help oth- ers. DJ loves to babysit his nephew, Jaxson. “He makes up songs for him and is so patient and loving with him,” Nancy said. “I really never thought he would do that with a baby.” On his mission, DJ works to keep the Central Bishops’ Storehouse clean. This is the facility that stores and delivers food and household items to the other storehouses in


DJ Droz is a Tooele resident on a service mission: He travels to Salt Lake City’s Utah Bishops’ Central Storehouse to help The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- day Saints. Droz loves building things out of Legos, including the Transformer shown above that he built from a Lego cas- sette player. B2

B2 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 CRITTER CHATTER White-lined sphinx moths are HeatingHeating and CCoolingooling $ often mistaken for hummingbirds 10OFF A/C or ecause of their abilities to fly backwards, sideways, Furnace tune up Band hover, the white-lined Addie Lindsay sphinx moth is nicknamed a GUEST COLUMNIST Use the right amount of power and “hummingbird” moth, not only keep your energy bills down. for its similar capabilities as the birds, but also for its size. These moths can range up to 2 inches boscis intended for reaching in length, with a wingspan that flowers, the white-lined sphinx Install a NEW can exceed up to 5 inches. moth maintains its flight while Somehow managing to it feeds on nectar. These moths Air Conditioner exhibit the color combina- are commonly seen hovering $ tions of white and brown, the from flower to flower in North for as low as 34 A MONTH white-lined sphinx moth pos- American gardens and yards. with a 10 year warranty! sesses a strikingly attractive White-lined sphinx moths wing-pattern that is shown off prefer flowers with a tubular on its excessively large wings. shape, and can be seen seek- However, in order to see their ing them day or night. These 435-843-4482 wing markings, they must be moths are harmless and cannot resting, not flying. It estimated inflict bites or stings to humans. these moths can beat their However, in Utah, when they are wings up to 85 times per second caterpillars, they are a pest by and fly up to the speeds of 10 devouring grapes and tomatoes. TOOELE mph. TRANSCRIPT White-lined sphinx moths Taylor Lindsay, age 17, is deceive enough from their size a writer and photographer BULLETIN and flying patterns, they mimic of wildlife creatures big and COURTESY OF ADDIE T. LINDSAY hummingbirds in the way they small. She can be contacted at Found in a Tooele county yard, a white-lined sphinx moth rests on Lindsay’s hand eat as well. With a long pro- [email protected]. as it is photographed. It eventually flew away and was never harmed. PHOTO OF THE MONTH COMMUNITY NEWS

July 2014 Winner: Vernon Roundup 4-H live- their animal projects, and are Livingston, with their 4-H record and the importance of record stock club learning compassion carries over books that won them each num- keeping. 4-H teaches pledging Jolie Gordon A livestock 4-H club was into love for their calf, pig or ber 1 in the county judging; all your head to clearer thinking, formed in 2010 in Vernon. lamb. Their excitement is conta- 4-H members are expected to your hands to larger service, Through the four years this club gious, and serves as the basis for keep thorough records on their your heart to greater loyalty and has been organized, the youth a future in agriculture, helping projects, knowing how much your health to better living; for have learned livestock hus- feed a nation. Pictured are Dylan they have spent buying, feeding, your club, your community, your bandry, careful management of Livingston, Jase Livingston, and health care for their animal. country and your world. resources, economy, breeding Kalynn Livingston and RJ They learn finances, budgeting, and raising of livestock, to name a few. The future of agricul- ture lies in education of today’s youth, keeping their interest and teaching them the importance of agriculture in America. Milk doesn’t come from a carton; since it is produced by a cow, there are many factors that lay between the cow and the con- sumer, and 4-H youth help teach that fact. Learning about life and death, responsibility, work and dependability, accountabil- Your photo could be next! ity to themselves and their ani- Submit your photo to: mal, and good record keeping [email protected] are fundamentals in 4-H live- stock raising. These youth have passion, joy and enthusiasm for

STOCKTON COURTESY OF PATSY HOLDEN Since its founding in 2010, the Vernon 4-H club has taught many about the importance and future of agriculture. From left: Dylan Livingston, Jase Livingston, Kalynn Livingston and RJ Livingston — all siblings in the Vernon 4-H club.

Little Miss Grantsville DAYS announced Twenty-three girls participated in the 2014 Little Miss Grantsville Pageant held at the GHS audito- SATURDAY • AUGUST 9 rium. Each girl was judged on a personal introduction, talent, Alex Baker Memorial Park party dress presentation and an on-stage question. Jr. Little Miss Grantsville was chosen Celebration Schedule: from girls in first through third grades, and was Jessica Shepard. Sr. Little Miss Grantsville was • 7:45am Flag Ceremony chosen from girls in fourth through sixth grades and was • 8am-9am Breakfast Sammy Hansen. For her tal- Proceeds go to the stockton volunteer fi re dept. ent, Jessica danced to “Thriller.” Her attendants were: Addison • 10am Parade Butler, who performed a piano solo entitled “A Star Spangled COURTESY OF JAN BAIRD Salute;” Madison Eggett, who The Little Miss Grantsville Jr. royalty from left: Addison Butler, Breanne Eggett, • 10am-6pm Activities performed a monologue entitled Jessica Shepard, Maggie Lawton and Madison Eggett. “Maddie’s Kitchen;” Breanne at the park Eggett, who performed a vocal solo entitled “In Summer;” and • 5pm-6pm Bingo Maggie Lawton, who performed a piano solo entitled “The Itsy Bitsy Spider Dance.” For her tal- Schedule is subject to change ent, Sammy danced to “Love is a Crime” for her talent. Her first without notice, fee may be charged attendant was Hilda Penney, who performed a vocal solo entitled to participate in some activities. “Navy Blue.” CamRee Iverson, second attendent, played a med- ley of her favorite songs on the Vendor Booths piano. Bounce House Dunk Tank • Water Slide If it happens here, Entertainment read about it here. TOOELETRANSCRIPT COURTESY OF JAN BAIRD The Little Miss Grantsville Sr. royalty from left: Hilda Penney, Sammy Hansen and BULLETIN CamRee Iverson. Subscribe Today • 882-0050 B3B3

THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN B3 GARDEN SPOT Why not plant veggies for a tasty fall harvest treat?

t a common misperception low moisture and a low organic- dates for planting this time of could be earlier. This is another crops actually have varying that vegetable growing is matter percentage in your grow- year? A general rule of thumb is reason the best candidates for a degrees of cold hardiness and Ionly for early spring plant- Jay Cooper ing bed, you will experience only all the same “hardy” vegetables mid-summer planting are hardy are categorized as “semi-hardy” ing and harvest in the summer. moderate success. This is where that you can plant in very early crops that don’t mind those and “hardy.” Spinach, peas, rad- CORRESPONDENT The reality is that pretty much our friends mulch and compost spring. The USU Extension early frosts. ishes, lettuce, beets and Swiss any veggie that can be planted come in. Service recommends crops such Not only do some of these chard are semi-hardy and will in very early spring can also If you are direct sowing using as peas, radishes, lettuce, spin- crops do fine with frost, they be damaged when temperatures be planted now for fall har- strong encouragement to be out seeds (carrots must be done this ach, carrots, beets, Swiss chard, generally respond positively to dip to the mid-to-high twenties. vest. And, as it gets later, there in the garden without the sun way), lightly mulch the soil after turnips, kohlrabi, cabbage, it. While they have their reason Hardy crops, such as cabbage, are even more food crops that beating down on you. planting and keep it consis- broccoli, kale and cauliflower for a change in their plant tis- kale, broccoli, carrots, turnips can be planted to overwinter Right now, you can either tently moist. Again, shade goes for mid-summer planting. They sues when the temperatures and cauliflower will not experi- for growth in early spring and direct sow, or cultivate starts a long way until the sun softens also point out it’s highly unlikely drop, we literally reap the ben- ence damage until temperatures harvest in early summer. Those indoors under grow lights and a bit. You can even cover your you’ll find seeds or seedlings at efit. Someone recently told me drop to the low twenties. So, fall-planted crops are the sub- transplant them outdoors. Either seed row with wet burlap and nursery centers for these crops that their favorite vegetable is you’ll need to time your plant- ject of another column in the is fine. There are a few simple check for germination regularly. in the middle of the summer, so mid-summer planted parsnips. ings to have the plant matured near future. Today, let’s focus on things to keep in mind for your Once the plants appear, remove you’ll need to plan ahead and That’s because those frosts and harvested by the time the crops you can be planting now fall garden that will help assure the burlap, and lightly mulch stock up in the early spring, or cause the plant to sweeten up thermometer drops to levels that in early August. your success. While we are used around your baby plants. With use the second half of a seed the roots. The plant is doing this will damage your plants. When we hit mid-summer, to having warm soil or warm- all the rain we’ve had recently, packet from your early spring to over-winter and continue its There’s something very satis- the heat can drive even the most ing mats that result in very fast you’re probably cutting your planting. life cycle the following spring. fying about getting more out of stalwart gardener indoors, and germination times for seeds, lawn quite often. These clip- If you have something you For our purpose, the plant is your garden each year by plant- diminish enthusiasm for time in high temps can work against pings are terrific mulch for pro- want to attempt to harvest from best harvested at the peak of ing more than once. If you’ve your yardscape. For those that us when planting cool weather tecting your tender your plants. a mid-summer planting, the its sugar content and fresh- not done this before, why not will push through this struggle, crops. Soil that is warmer than If you are planting seedlings, first thing to check is the “days ness. Others I know remark how make this the year to begin this you will be richly rewarded 85 degrees is likely to slow down cover the soil around the plants to harvest” listing on the seed wonderful their fall harvested great harvest extender? with a very flavorful harvest germination times for our cool with mulch, water generously packet. Today is Aug. 7. The first spinach tastes, again because of just before you put your garden weather friends. To assure soil and consider putting up some average day of frost in Tooele increased “brightness” in flavor. Jay Cooper can be contacted plots to bed for the winter. The temperature is below 85 degrees, shade cloth over your planting is about Oct. 15. That’s roughly If hard frosts do set in while at [email protected], or fact that it still light enough to the soil must be keep cool with until sun angle gets lower and 70 days away — or 10 weeks. your crop is maturing, you can you can visit his website at dirt- see outdoors until 9 p.m., and adequate moisture. If your seed the plants are not being stressed Yes, it’s an average, meaning the give them frost protection by for videos and that the temperature typically bed is allowed to dry out, or if by so much direct sunlight. first day of a hard frost could be covering them until you fin- articles on gardening, shop skills, drops as dusk nears, should be a your soil crusts over because of What are some great candi- later, but on the other hand it ish your harvest. Cool weather culinary arts and landscaping. FINANCIAL FOCUS Are you a baby boomer? Don’t let retirement plans go bust f you’re a baby boomer, still have time to take measures work, the more you can contrib- accounts to potentially grow. Start thinking now about ways you’re at the point in life such as boosting your 401(k) ute to your IRA and your 401(k) (Once you turn 70, you will need you can help yourself achieve Iwhere, if you haven’t actu- Tye Hoffmann and IRA contributions, reducing or other employers-sponsored to generally start taking with- the retirement lifestyle you’ve ally entered retirement, you’re at your debts and positioning your account. drawals from a traditional IRA pictured. You may want to con- GUEST COLUMNIST least approaching the outskirts. portfolio to provide you with a You may be able to delay tak- and a 401(k) or similar plan, but sult with a professional financial But if you’re like many of your reasonable amount of growth ing Social Security. You can start you don’t face this requirement advisor who can suggest the fellow boomers, you may be potential. taking Social Security as early as with a Roth 401(k) account). strategies and techniques most experiencing more than a little retirement, and 50 percent have But even if you are pretty age 62, but your benefits will be As an alternative to delaying appropriate for your situation. trepidation over your financial little confidence that they will close to retirement, or at least permanently reduced unless you your retirement — or possibly as In any case, with some careful prospects as a retiree. That’s ever be able to retire, according close to the point where you ini- wait until your Full Retirement an additional step you can take planning, you can be a boomer why it’s so important for you to to a recent AARP survey. Other tially expected to retire, you can Age (FRA), which will likely be along with a delay — you may whose retirement plans don’t go determine what steps to take to surveys show a similarly bleak act to better your outcome. For 66 or 67. Your payments can be able to adjust your invest- bust. help improve your chances of outlook among the baby boom one thing, you could re-evaluate increase if you delay taking ment mix to provide you with enjoying a comfortable retire- generation. your planned date of retirement. your benefits beyond your Full the combination of growth and Tye Hoffmann is a finan- ment. Fortunately, when it comes If you really don’t mind your job Retirement Age, up to age 70. income that can help carry you cial adviser for Edward Jones Just how worried are baby to building resources for retire- and could extend your working You may be able to delay through your retirement years. Investments located at 974 N. boomers about their future? ment, you have options. Of life for even a couple of years, tapping into your retirement You can also be strategic about Main Street in Tooele. He can Consider these numbers: course, if you’re in one of the you could help yourself enor- vehicles. The longer you wait which investments you start tak- be reached via email at Tye. Seventy-two percent of non- younger age cohorts of the baby mously in at least three ways: until you begin withdrawals ing withdrawals from, possibly [email protected]. retired boomers think they will boom generation, your pos- You’ll add on to your retire- from your IRA and 401(k), the allowing your portfolio to grow probably be forced to delay sibilities are greater — you may ment accounts. The longer you more time you are giving these more than you had envisioned. WEDDINGS Christensen/Kitchen Bigelow/Bullough Bryan/Bentley

Kenneth and Sharie Mr. and Mrs. Cory Bigelow are Rhonda and Scott Bryan are Christensen of Tooele, Utah, pleased to announce the mar- delighted to announce the mar- and Gary and Celeste Kitchen of riage of their daughter McKaylee riage of their daughter, Veronica Santa Rosa, California, announce to Logan Brad Bullough, son of Noelle, to Colbey Royce Bentley, the upcoming marriage of their Mr. and Mrs. Brad Bullough on son of Tami Trapier and Brad children, Shellie and Josh, on Friday, Aug. 8, 2014, in the Salt Bentley, on Friday, Aug. 8, in the Friday, Aug. 8, in the Salt Lake Lake Temple. A reception will be Salt Lake Temple. A reception will LDS Temple. After serving a full- held that evening in their honor be held in their honor that eve- time mission for The Church of in Price, Utah. An open house ning at the LDS Cedarview build- Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints will be held Friday, Aug. 16, 2014, ing, located at 691 E. Cedarview in Cleveland, Ohio, Josh enrolled from 6-8 p.m. at the Tooele Valley Street, Tooele. Veronica gradu- at Utah Valley University in Orem, View Stake Center, 332 E. 1000 ated from Stansbury High School Utah. Shellie attends Brigham North. in 2013. Colbey graduated from Young University in Provo, Utah. Shellie Christensen and Josh Kitchen North Sanpete High School in McKaylee Bigelow and Logan Brad She also attended a semester 2010 and served an LDS mis- Bullough abroad in Romania. Shellie and tion disorders and accounting. sion in Raleigh, North Carolina. Veronica Noelle Bryan and Colbey Josh will make their first home Best wishes to the new couple as Veronica and Colbey will make Royce Bentley together in Provo while continu- they begin their new journey. their home in Ephraim while ing their studies in communica- they continue their education this fall. MISSIONARIES Sister Megan Elder Cory Lorenzo Jullian Hammond McKendrick Schrubb

Sister Megan Hammond has Elder Cory McKendrick Lorenzo Jullian Schrubb has recently returned home from has recently returned home been called to serve as a mission- serving a mission for The Church after serving a mission for The ary for The Church of Jesus Christ of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Church of Jesus Christ of Latter- of Latter-day Saints in the Tulsa, Saints in the islands of Hawaii. day Saints. He served in the Oklahoma Mission. He is the son Sister Hammond will be speak- Washington Federal Way mis- of Jeremy and Paulette of Tooele, ing in the Tooele 14th Ward on sion. Elder McKendrick will be Utah, grandson of Danny and Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, at 9 a.m., speaking on Sunday, Aug. 10 in Bella Kinder of Tooele, Utah, and located at 192 W. 200 South, the Middle Canyon Ward, 777 Leo and Lyn Schrubb of Rapid Tooele. A luncheon will follow at Skyline Drive at 1 p.m. City, South Dakota. His farewell the Hammond home, at 327 S. will be Sunday, Aug. 10, 2014, at 400 West, Tooele. 9 a.m. in the Tooele 27th Ward, 180 S. Coleman. He will enter the Provo MTC on Aug. 13, 2014.

CELEBRATING AMERICA’S LOVE OF FOOD Find it every month in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin



Stone Soup by Jan Eliot Adam@Home by Rob Harrell

Heart of the City by Mark Tatulli The Fusco Brothers by J.C. Duffy

Pooch Café by Paul Gilligan The Duplex by Glenn McCoy

LIO by Mark Tatulli Fred Basset by Alex Graham

Cornered by Baldwin In the Bleachers by Steve Moore

Tank McNamara by Bill Hinds & Jeff Millar

Baldo by Hector Cantu & Carlos Castellanos

Universal Crossword Horoscope by Eugenia Last Edited by Timothy E. Parker August 4, 2014 ARIES (March 21-April 19): ACROSS 44 Mortal 9 More 36 Cousin Explore new avenues. Sign up for 1 Not now or danger than hate of a networking events that will help the future 46 Appliance 10 Small zebra broaden your outlook regarding future trends. ★★★ 5 Tolkien with paving 37 Gumshoe Thatababy by Paul Trapp villains blades stone 39 Send out TAURUS (April 20-May 20): 9 Tea- 47 Violent 11 Recipe matter Frustration will set in if you try to producing storm directive 40 Dell, do the impossible. Treat others state in 53 Birds of a 12 Malaria poetically with respect and make sure you India region symptom 44 Revere get the same in return. ★★★ 14 Creative 58 Helper, 13 Pinochle in history GEMINI (May 21-June 20): input essentially combo 45 Cluster A surprise will make your day. 15 Not a 59 Like some 18 Poetic of nine Engage in activities and events happy fate suburban time after 46 Diamond that you find mentally stimulat- roads dusk side 16 Neutral ing. Contributions that will lead shade 62 Bring 19 Feeling 48 Daisy ___ 17 Very to mind happy of to a better future should be your pleasing 63 Saharalike appreciation Dogpatch focus. ★★★ 20 Arm 64 Masseuse’s 23 Turkish 49 Blame CANCER (June 21-July 22): counter- supplies commander for, as a Make a few changes that will parts of 65 Palindrom- (Var.) crime make your life easier. Don’t wait fibulae ist’s principle 24 Give 50 Murphy until you are forced to do some- 21 Parceled 66 Long-gone money, who thing. Take control and make the out bird and expect played experience one of joy. ★★★★★ 22 Continuing 67 Twiggy it back Klumps LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): You indefinitely digs 27 Absolute 51 Unloads will face opposition. Make sure 25 Van Gogh 28 Kind of 52 Secret you fully understand what’s lost one DOWN computer encounter expected of you before you jump 26 Primitive 1 Excite, 29 Stirring 53 Lookout, into a situation that will influence solo perhaps percussion as interest how or where you live. ★★ instrument perfor- 54 On the or curiosity VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): 28 Filly, 2 Grown up mance qui ___ after 3 View from 30 It’s (watchful) You will learn a lot if you lis- maturing the Left overhead 55 Macintosh ten and observe. Let what you 32 Collapsible Bank 31 Honer’s screen experience guide you in a direc- topper 4 Golden target symbol tion that will help you advance. 37 Ready for Horde 32 Withdraws 56 Bag- ★★★★ a break member (with shaped LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): 38 Good time 5 ___ man “out”) fish trap Don’t make decisions based on for a walk out 33 Land map 57 Promi- what others want. Step back, hand-in- 6 Sturgeon part nent ’70s look at the big picture and follow hand product 34 Hard to hairstyle through with the plans that will 41 Chats 7 Carbonated hang on to 60 Get ___ ensure that you get what you 42 Become beverage 35 Tool for of (discard) want. ★★★ deciduous Words of very thin 8 Grin 61 SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): 43 Lid lump foliage commitment bearer Refrain from taking anything for granted. Disappointment will pre- SWEET! By Henry Quarters vail if you don’t take care of your physical, financial or emotional needs. ★★★ SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Put all your efforts into being your best. Financial gains can be made if you invest in personal change. Making a residential move will be beneficial in the end. ★★★ CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): A chance to get closer to someone you love is apparent, but don’t mix business with plea- sure. Don’t be daunted if some- one makes a last-minute change. ★★★★ AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Don’t let your emotions lead you in the wrong direction. Fight back with honesty and integri- ty if someone uses emotional blackmail. Focus on positive relationships. ★★ PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Follow through with your plans. Put your money into something that will help you develop your skills and control your future. Love is on the rise and personal plans can be made. ★★★★★


THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN B5 MICROSOFT TECH GURU BOOKWORM Troubleshooting your ‘Last Chain on Billie: How One Extraordinary Elephant PC wireless network Escaped the Big Top’ lthough there can be Wireless Networks,” without the very technical issues that comma and quotes. Now, in the his book is so graphic Massachusetts. Experts now Amay cause your wireless Scott Lindsay search results, click “Manage and searing, it will forever know that severing the mother- Internet to malfunction, there Wireless Networks.” In the box change the way you view baby attachments of certain GUEST COLUMNIST T are also some easy remedies that opens, you will see all the elephants in captivity. Carol animals too soon — especially that you can apply before wireless network profiles your Bradley, an award-winning jour- sensitive creatures such as resorting to advanced trouble- computer has connected to and nalist who has written exten- elephants —- can cause incal- shooting measures. on your computer. saved. Highlight each one and sively about animals and animal culable psychological damage. This reminds me of a story Another method you can then at the top, click “Remove.” rights, tells the story of Billie, an This is what happened to Billie, about my mother when I was use to establish a connection, Confirm you want to remove elephant captured in Asia and and why most of her life she was growing up. She was more pas- is to release and then renew the profile. Do this for each one brought to America to perform labeled as a problem elephant. try minded than mechanicall - your IP address. For Windows until all profiles are removed. in circuses. How Billie survived Traveling in trucks, chained minded, and one day she called 7 users, click your “Start” but- In Windows 8 and 8.1, open and was saved from a life of and barely able to move, and me on the phone to tell me that ton, click “All Programs,” click the charm bar on the right and abuse is an inspiring true story performing surrounded by harsh the transmission in her car had “Accessories” and then in click “Settings” and then click of resilience and hope. lights and blaring music was gone out while she was driving the menu, click “Command “Change PC Settings.” Now, Instead of spending her life Billie’s nightmarish life. to work. I told her I would take Prompt.” If you are using on the left click “Network.” surrounded by family and free The chains eventually were a look at it. After inspecting her Windows 8 or 8.1, go to your Under “WiFi” on the right, click to wander the jungles of Asia, removed when she became part car, I found there were actually “Start” screen and then go to “Manage known networks.” Billie was captured, fenced in, of the largest elephant rescue some rocks that had lodged “All apps” and scroll to the right A list of networks will appear. had all four legs shackled and in American history. Billie now inside the brake dust cover and and click “Command Prompt.” Click each one and then click likely was beaten into submis- lives out her life in Tennessee, was making terrible scratching A small box will open with the “Remove” button. You sion. Captured elephants also “Last Chain on Billie: How One free to roam through open noises. We laughed about that a black background and you can remove all networks that routinely are starved and some- Extraordinary Elephant Escaped meadows at a sanctuary for per- for a long time, but there is a will see something similar to: appear in this list. times kept awake for several the Big Top” forming elephants and with the point. When troubleshooting “C:\Users\(name of your com- Once you have removed all days — anything to break the by Carol Bradley comfort of being part of a herd. anything, including computers, puter)>.” Your cursor will be the networks, reboot your com- animal’s spirit. Reviewed by Larry Cox This remarkable book is dif- always start with the easiest blinking at the end of this line. puter and then connect to your The isolation, the food ficult and, yes, painful to read, solutions first instead of the Type this exactly, including wireless network. deprivation, the cruelty are all in the United States in 1966 at but necessary if we hope to most complicated. the space: “ipconfig /release” Keep in mind, after this pro- used to make creatures such as age 4, a purchase of the small improve the lot of performing In many cases, rebooting (without quotes). You will see cedure, when you go to con- Billie “trainable.” She arrived Southwick’s zoo in Mendon, animals in this country. your network will solve your information scroll by. When it is nect to any wireless networks, connection issues. Unplug your done, type this at the end of the you will need to re-enter the DSL or Cable modem, unplug line that appears, including the password and henceforth, it your wireless router and shut space: “ipconfig /renew” (with- will begin remembering them POETRY down your computer. Leave out quotes). Again, you will see again. them all off for about five min- lines of information scroll by. utes. This allows your modem Reboot your computer and try For 14 years, Scott Lindsay and router to dump its memory your connection again. has helped tens of thousands of ‘One Light to Another’ of prior connection informa- Lastly, I occasionally encoun- people better their skills, pub- tion. Now, plug in your DSL or ter where a computer has so lishing more than 250 articles onathan Greene, who lives, publisher of Poetry Cable modem first, then after many different wireless settings about Microsoft software, the in Kentucky, is a master of Ted Kooser magazine. It is also supported by the connection lights are all on, stored, it becomes necessary computer and the Internet. You the short poem, but while the Department of English at the J U.S. POET LAUREATE, plug in your wireless router, if it to delete them. In Windows 7, can reach Scott for comments or he prunes them down to their University of Nebraska-Lincoln. 2004-2006 is a separate component. Wait click the “Start” button, then in questions at ScottLindsay@Live. essentials he never cuts out the Poem copyright ©2013 by for it to light up and then turn the search box, type: “Manage com. wonder and delight. Here’s a Jonathan Greene, from his most good example from his most recent book of poems, Seeking recent book. Can you feel the of the flashlight. Light: New & Selected Later APPLE TECH GURU exclamation point that’s sug- Poems, Broadstone Books, 2013. gested at the end? You can’t see The flashlight Poem reprinted by permission of it, but it’s there. takes us to matches Jonathan Greene and the pub- and candles, the oil lamp. lisher. Introduction copyright © One Light to Another 2014 by The Poetry Foundation. Sharing your Mac’s folders Now we’re back, The introduction’s author, Ted The storm revisiting Kooser, served as United States turns off the 19th century. Poet Laureate Consultant in the lights. Poetry to the Library of Congress and files is easy to set up American Life in Poetry is from 2004-2006. We do not The lightning made possible by The Poetry accept unsolicited manuscripts. hen customizing files. After you checkmark the lights the whereabouts Foundation (www.poetryfoun- your Mac’s sharing box, another box will open Wfeatures, you can Scott Lindsay where you can checkmark spe- give total or limited control GUEST COLUMNIST cific control you want to allow to specific or all users that or disallow other users. If the are located on your network. box doesn’t open automatically, Sharing folders, files and even click the “Options” button to your Mac’s desktop with other If you checkmark “File the bottom-right. users can be convenient and Sharing,” other users on your You can also share Apple timesaving. network will have access to Events with other users on your Select the Apple menu at your Mac’s folders and files. network by check marking the the top-left and then click Below, you can have more con- box. “System Preferences.” In the trol over your folders and files Internet Sharing allows other Banners System Preferences box, select by allowing other users to be users to access the Internet “Sharing.” able to “Read” them only, or if through your Mac. After Yard Signs, Vehicle Magnets, At the top of the Sharing box, you want other users to be able enabling this feature, select you’ll notice that there is a spe- to make changes, select “Read how you want other users to cific name for your Mac. You’ll and Write.” connect whether using your need this name to connect If you have a printer installed “Wi-Fi,” “Ethernet,” “FireWire” Window Stickers, and More! your other computers. You can on your Mac and you want or “Bluetooth” connections. also click “Edit” and change the other users to have access to And finally, if you have blue- name of your Mac. use it, select “Printer Sharing.” tooth devices connected to To the left, there is a list of You can also make changes your Mac, by placing a check- services that you can designate to your printing preferences mark in “Bluetooth Sharing,” to share with others that are by selecting “Open Printers & you will allow other users to connected to your network. Scanners Preferences” button. have access to these devices. The first one, DVD or CD To allow remote access to Select other activities that users Sharing, when you checkmark your Mac, checkmark the box. are allowed to do by making the box on the left, in the mid- Other users on your network your preferences in the drop- dle it will indicate, “DVD or CD will need to enter the spe- down menus in the middle Sharing” is “On.” For more con- cific name of your Mac located section. trol, you can also checkmark under “Remote Login: On.” Once you have made your the box below so that you are Again, you can also limit which choices, close all boxes. asked before allowing others to users on your network that has use your Mac’s DVD drive. access to your Mac by desig- For 14 years, Scott Lindsay Next, Screen Sharing, allows nating it below. has helped tens of thousands of other users to access your com- When you allow remote people better their skills, pub- puter’s screen meaning, any- access to your Mac, you can lishing more than 250 articles thing you have open on your also checkmark “Remote about the computer and the Mac, they will be privy to view. Management” to have greater Internet. You can reach Scott You can also designate specific control over what other users for comments or questions at users access below. can do with your folders and [email protected].

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room all evening. Parent info sessions Word can transform your life and provide study and Sunday School at 4:15 p.m. Tooele held in the scholar gym. you with the answers for questions and Vacation bible school July 28 to Aug. 1 for problems you may be struggling to from 9-11:30 a.m. for ages 3-12, al are UILC open house Chinese immersion at overcome. Come join us this Sunday welcome. The Utah Independent Living Center’s Northlake morning for our 10 a.m. worship service Tooele Satellite Office invites you to Northlake Elementary is excited to offer where we will assemble in praise, share New Life Christian Fellowship an open house Wednesday, Aug. 13 Mandarin Chinese as part of the Dual testimonies and explore worship in ways We invite you to worship and serve from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 42 S. Main Language Immersion Program. Currently that strive to highlight the greatness of Jesus with us. Our clothing closet and Street in Tooele. Refreshments will be we have openings on a first-come, first- God. After our morning praise and wor- food pantry is open from noon to 3 provided. Come learn about independent served basis. Don’t miss out on this ship time we enter into a one-hour Bible p.m. every Tuesday to Thursday at 411 living skills classes, advocacy, peer sup- amazing opportunity to have your stu- Study at 11 a.m. Attend with us Sunday E. Utah Ave. Programs for kids, teens, port, community integration and more. dent speak a fluent second language. mornings at 635 N. Main St., (Phil’s women and men are also available For information, call 843-7353 or visit Research is clear on the benefits of Glass), or call 435-578-8022 for more every week. Sunday services are in the speaking a second language. Please information. Stansbury High School café at 10 a.m. contact Bryce or Jen at 435-833-1940 and at our Tooele building at 9 a.m., 11 Red Cross blood drive or stop by the school for details. First Baptist Church a.m. and 1:30 p.m. Come join us. Find Aug. 8, 10:30 a.m. to 2:30 p.m., What does Jesus say about everyday out more by calling 843-7430 or visiting Denny’s restaurant, 925 N. Main. Aug. Saint Marguerite school situations? That’s what we’ll learn in a 12, 2:30-6:30 p.m., Tooele City Library, New and improved: St. Marguerite series through the Gospels in a chrono- 128 W. Vine Street. Aug. 14, 10 a.m. to Catholic School is implementing a logical order of Jesus’ life. Join us in Tooele Christian Fellowship 2 p.m., Wells Fargo Bank, 204 N. Main, renewed Middle School program for learning and in worship of the Lord, and Sunday School 9:45 a.m., Worship Tooele — We are also looking for bone 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade students. It is serve him by serving those around us. Service 11 a.m. Services are held at 40 marrow donors on Aug. 14. customized to meet the special emo- Sunday Bible study: 9:45 a.m. Worship: N. Main, former Stowes Family Music tional, social and intellectual needs of 11 a.m. Tooele First Baptist — 580 S. building. For more information, call 435- Tooele City Library Christian adolescent youth. Includes Main St.; 882-2048 224-3392 or www.tooelechristianfellow- 1,000-minute readers party 10-11:30 first-rate academics, career-vocation Parking and entrance in back a.m., Aug. 15 at Pratt Aquatic Center. oriented electives, Spanish, art and United Methodist Church of building. More summer info available at the music. Enrolling now for the 2014-2015 Tooele United Methodist Church ser- library. School Year. Classes start August 11. vices are held on Sundays at 11 a.m. (435)882-0081. Please check our website, tooelecumc. Charity org, or call Tooele UMC’s office at 882- Grantsville Excelsior Academy tours 1349 or Pastor Debi’s cell at 801-651- Tooele Children’s Justice Curious about charter schools? Want to 2557 for more info. We are located at Center Red Cross blood drive know more about Excelsior Academy? 78 E. Utah Ave. in Tooele. Tooele Children’s Justice Center is in Aug. 8, 2-7 p.m., Grantsville State Tours are held each Wednesday need of CD-Rs, DVDs and soda. We Center, 550 E. Durfee St. at 8:30 a.m. School tours cover a Church of Christ appreciate all donations. For inquiries or Church of Christ meets at 430 W. Utah range of topics such as the Excelsior drop-off call 435-843-3440. 25 S. 100 Concerts at the farm Ave. Bible class, Sunday at 10 a.m. FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Academy Philosophy and Vision, Direct East, Tooele. Enjoy “Concerts at the Farm” on the Instruction, CHAMPS and the character and worship from 11 a.m. to noon. first and third Saturdays of the month, Girl Scout Troop 2339 pose with Billy the Blood Drop at their blood drive for their Bronze Award project. development program. There is also Wednesday Bible class at 7 p.m. We United Methodist Church The drive was a huge success, collecting 57 units. Front row from left: Megan McClatchey, Shannon Griffin, 7 p.m. at Clark Historic Farm, 378 W. an opportunity to observe the school’s seek to be the Lord’s church estab- Tooele United Methodist church offers a Clark. Aug. 16: Summer’s End with unique group settings. Come and tour lished about 33 AD. Jesus is our only free dinner every Wednesday starting at Casey Putnam, Amy Putnam, Alaura Chance, Kat Darling, Erryn Shuemaker, CJ Shuemaker and Billy the Grantsville Teen Performers. Bring a the building and have any questions head of the church, headquarters are 4 p.m. All are welcome. Blood Drop. Back row from left: Becky Darling, Kara Shuemaker and Julia Jensen. chair or blanket. Free admission and answered. Everyone is welcome, 124 E. heaven. Come and grow with us. Call concessions available. Erda Way, Erda. 882-3062. 882-4642. The Tooele Valley Resource TOPS is open to all men, women, teens AA. FA is a fellowship of individuals who and Railroading in Tooele is $20, and Celebration Hall flea Market Cornerstone Baptist Center and preteens. There are now two TOPS through shared experiences and mutual The Tooele Valley Resource Center is we also have eight note cards depicting Every Saturday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Passion for God, compassion for people chapters in Tooele to accommodate your support are recovering from the disease Tooele Family Center currently in need of donations. Please four different pioneer buildings for $4. until September on the corner of Church at 276 E. 500 North in Tooele, phone: schedule. UT 330 Tooele meets Tuesday of food addiction. Meetings are held consider donating items such as deodor- These will make great gifts for your fam- Street and Main in Grantsville. Anyone is 882-6263. Come as you are this at Cornerstone Baptist Church, 276 E. every Thursday at 6 p.m. at the Pioneer Story and craft hour ant, chapstick, lotion, diapers, formula, ily and friends. invited to come sell whatever they want, Sunday, where you can hear a message 500 North. Weigh in from 5:30-6 p.m., Museum, 47 East Vine Street, Tooele, Join us every Monday at 10 a.m. at toilet paper, shampoo, conditioner, provided they obtain a $5 business from the Bible and meet new friends. Seeking Historical Items meeting at 6 p.m. Call Mary Lou at 830- Utah. Enter at back entrance on north the Tooele Family Center as we enjoy combs and brushes. Cash is also 1150 for information. UT 365 Tooele side of building. For more information licesense from the city that is good for a Service times: Bible study (for all ages) Tooele County Historical Society would the adventures of books and make fun welcomed. Those who receive services meets Saturday at 9 a.m. at the Bit n contact Millicent at 435-882-7094 or month of Saturdays and pay a $10 fee 9:45 a.m.; morning worship 11 a.m.; like members of the community who crafts. For more info, call 833-1978 ext. include individuals or families in crisis, Spur Clubhouse, 240 W. 500 North. Carolyn at 435-882-0805. to Celebration Hall, though the latter fee evening worship 6 p.m.; WiseGuys chil- have any family or personal histories, 2127 or ext. 2010. We’re located at the homeless and families at risk of This chapter will meet occasionally at a isn’t due until you sell something. For dren’s program 6 p.m. Nursery provided photographs, books, brochures, DVDs, 301 W. Vine St., Bldg. #11 (right behind becoming homeless. Located 23 S. private residence, so call ahead for the more information, please call 801-250- for all services, and children’s church VHS tapes, or newspaper articles that Tooele High School). Main Street, 843-9945. exact location. Call Lisa at 882-1442 for Seniors 6602 and leave a message. during morning worship. WiseGuys you would like to donate to our orga- information. Also see the TOPS website Program during evening worship. nization to please call us. We are also Preschool hour Food Pantry at Medical equipment needed Family History Center looking for books, newspaper articles, Greet your ancestors free at the Every Tuesday at 10 a.m. the Tooele Mountain of Faith Lutheran The First Baptist Church in Tooele is Tooele and Grantsville Senior Centers Family Center has a fun activity hour offering an emergency food pantry to photos, brochures or any history that Grantsville Family History Center, 117 We’re a healthy, growing congregation Tooele Gem and Mineral are in need of donated medical equip- of learning, singing and creating. This meet the needs of our community. The pertains to the Tooele County area. If E. Cherry St. All are welcome with who welcomes newcomers and reaches Society ment to be used for seniors in need. Ready, Set, School! preschool class is for food pantry is available for emergency you would like to donate them to our consultants there to assist you. Open out to those in need. Join us for worship Tooele Gem and Mineral Society nor- New or gently used items needed are all children up to 5 years of age. Please needs. Hours of operation are Saturdays organization, or if you would let us make Mondays noon to 4 p.m., and Tuesday Sunday mornings at 10 a.m., 560 S. mally meets the second Tuesday of the wheelchairs, walkers, canes or other come and enjoy the fun. For more info, from 10 a.m. to noon. We are located at a copy for the Tooele County Historical through Thursday noon to 4 p.m. and 7 Main, Tooele. We treat the word of God month, however there is NOT a regular items that may be useful to our seniors. call 833-1978 ext. 2127 or ext. 2010. 580 S. Main Street. For information call Society, please call Alice Dale at 435- to 9 p.m. with respect without taking ourselves too meeting in August. Our steak fry/grab Contact Debbie Winn at the Tooele cen- We’re located at 301 W. Vine St., Bldg. 882-2048. 882-1612. seriously. Check us out on Facebook by bag fill will be Aug. 23 at 2 p.m., please ter, 435 843-4103, or Dan Lawrence, #11 (right behind Tooele High School). 435-843-4753, at the Grantsville center. searching for Mountain of Faith Lutheran The Tooele Food Bank call for location. Come learn about Stansbury Park rocks, minerals and ways to craft with Church. Please join us for meaningful The Tooele Food Bank is seeking dona- Groups and events them and enjoy field trips for rock col- Tooele Senior Center Gardening worship that is also casual and relaxed. tions to increase inventory. Summer is Red Cross blood drive lecting. Membership is $10 per year. The senior center is for the enjoyment of For more information, call 882-7291. around the corner making it difficult for Encompass Home Health & Aug. 13, 2:30-7:30 p.m., Stansbury Our “Festival of the Old West” Rock all seniors 55 and older. New and excit- 2015 Garden Tour Applications more families to provide healthy meals. Park South Stake Center, 240 St. Barnabas’ Episcopal Hospice Show and Mountain Man Rendezvous ing activities include bridge, pinochle, Packaged meals like hamburger helper, Interlochen Lane. and Nominations Weekly service of word, prayer and sac- Encompass Home Health & Hospice is Sept. 26-28. Visit us on Facebook bingo, exercise program three times mac and cheese, tuna, canned fruits and The Master Gardeners are accepting rament followed by fellowship. Sunday invites you to attend a bereavement or Contact info: a week, line dancing, wood carving, vegetables, flour, sugar, salt, ketchup, Stansbury Days Car Show applications and nominations for the mornings at 10 a.m. St. Barnabas’ support group starting Friday, Aug. 8. It 435-882-5752, email TooeleGemAndMin Wii games, watercolor class, movies mustard, mayo, bottled water and juice The 6th-annual Stansbury Days Car 2015 Spring Garden Tour that will be Episcopal Church, 1784 N. Aaron will be held weekly from 2-3 p.m. in the [email protected]. and health classes. Meals on Wheels boxes are accepted. Cash donations are Show benefiting the Guide Dogs of held on Saturday, June 13, 2015. If Drive, Tooele. Phone: 882-4721. Email: board room at Mountain West Medical available for homebound. Lunch served also greatly appreciated. Located at 38 America will take place Aug. 16. you have a great yard you’d like to be [email protected]. Web at Center. It is open to the public and free Sons of Utah Pioneers weekdays for age 60 and above, sug- S. Main Street, 882-0355. Registrations starts at 8:30 a.m., considered for the Tour, or know some- You are of charge. For more information, please The goals of the Sons of Utah Pioneers gested donation of $3, $5 for under age call 801-747-5500. 60. The center also provides transpor- the show starts at 10 a.m. and 33 one that does, contact Jay Cooper at God’s beloved child, beautifully created DAV Chapter 20 Settlement Canyon Chapter is to keep awards will be presented at 3 p.m. [email protected] or 435-830-1447. our pioneer heritage alive. We do this tation to the store or doctor visits for in God’s own image. Whatever your his- Volunteer Drivers Needed: The DAV is Cost is $20 for pre-registration, $25 Rush Valley Stockton Camp through histories, stories, artifacts, residents in the Tooele and Grantsville tory, wherever you are in life’s journey, looking for three volunteer drivers. No on the day of the show. The first 100 Plant Diagnostic Clinic fundraiser monuments, museums, service and areas. Call 435-843-2110 for more the Episcopal Church welcomes you. DAV membership is required. Will need registered receive a T-shirt and dash From now through September, the Vendors and crafters are wanted for scholarships. Much of this labor of love information. a VA physical. Call Jim Yale at 435-849- plaque. For more information call USU Extension and the Tooele Master Spanish services a fund raiser Sept. 13, 2014, at the is found in the Tooele Pioneer Museum 0521 or 882-7626. Or call Les Peterson 435-841-0713 or 801-245-0252, or Gardeners conduct a free Plant Pest La Iglesia Biblica Bautista de Tooele le Stockton town hall parking lot from 10 at 47 E. Vine in Tooele, as well as vari- at 435-830-7812. email [email protected] or Diagnostic Clinic every Wednesday from invita a sus servicios en espanol Jueves a.m. to 5 p.m. Booth rental is $20. ous statues and monuments around the Class reunions [email protected]. 3-6 p.m. at the USU Extension Office, 6 p.m., Domingos 2 p.m. We invite you Proceeds will be used to purchase a county. The Tooele Pioneer cemetery, 151 N. Main Street, in Tooele. Bring in to their Spanish services on Thursday Eagles display case for the Daughters of Utah at the mouth of Settlement Canyon, is Grantsville 1964 your horticulture samples for diagnosis at 6 p.m. and Sunday at 2 p.m. Come Pioneers. For info: Lela Anderson 435- another of our projects. We are always The Class of ’64 summer reunion will Erda be at 5 p.m., Saturday, Aug. 23. at the and get your questions answered. to know a church that focused in the Eagle Steak Night 882-8785. To reserve a booth: Nadine looking for artifacts and histories, word of God rather than the emotions. West including yearbooks, as a loan or gift to home of Gary Fawson at 187 Waterhole Erda Days Aug. 15: Two-piece halibut dinner $9, Way. A main course will be provided, TATC God loves you and he wants to reveal three-piece $11. be displayed for everyone’s benefit at Erda Days Aug. 8-9 at Warr Memorial himself to you. Located at 276 E. 500 Benson Gristmill Farmers the Tooele Pioneer Museum. If you are please bring a salad or dessert. Contact Park. Dinner at 6:30 p.m. Cost is $7 for North, Tooele. Call 840-5036, rides Car wash Market interested in the values of honoring past Glenn for more information, 884-3745. everyone 16 and older on Friday night. Heavy Duty Diesel provided. The Eagles will have a car wash on Benson Gristmill Farmers Market, and future pioneers and in visiting their Tooele 1974 Parade at 10 a.m. Ballpark activities The Heavy Duty Diesel Technician pro- 325 State Road 138, Stansbury Park, historical settings and learning more Sunday, Aug. 10 at 9 a.m. Come have THS Class of 1974 40-year reunion: begin at noon Saturday. Entrance fee gram is now accepting new students. St. Marguerite Saturdays beginning July 12th through about those who settled and shaped breakfast and get your car washed. Sept. 6 at Tooele High School from 3-6 is $1 per person. Erda Burger, T-shirt Utah wage for entry level technicians St. Marguerite Catholic Community wel- October at 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. SNAP EBT Utah, attend our business and educa- Come after noon and have a barbecued p.m. Hawaiian theme, dress festive. raffle and silent auction. Vender booths, is $14.46-$18.85 per hour. Enroll comes you to worship with us. Our lit- accepted. tion meeting the first Thursday of each hamburger or brat with chips for $5. Hawaiian dinner and entertainment kickball games at 1 p.m. Bingo at 2 today and start right away. Call Student urgy schedule is as follows: Celebration month. A pot-luck dinner followed by Each wash is $5 or $10 for trucks, provided $40 per person. Contact p.m. Raffle drawing at 4 p.m. Hope to Services at 435-248-1800 for more of the Eucharist summer schedule: Masons various presentations starts promptly at vacuuming is $2. All proceeds go to the Randy Stevens at 801-471-3643 or see you there at Warr Memorial Park. information. Saturday Vigil 5 p.m., Sunday 8:30 Masons meeting second Friday at 6:30 p.m. in the Tooele Senior Citizens Needy Kid’s Xmas Fund. [email protected]. THS a.m. (Spanish), 10:30 a.m. Mon-Fri: 9 7 p.m. with dinner at 6 p.m., 22 Center at 53 E. Vine. Call Gene White Scholarship fundraiser Class Reunion 74 on Facebook look for Erda Days Parade a.m. Office hours 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sunday breakfasts Settlement Canyon, Tooele. Breakfast at 435-882-0805 for additional informa- Tooele Applied Technology College’s the buffalo in the cafeteria. Come join your neighbors and the Erda Mon-Fri. Closed Tues. (435) 882-3860. Breakfast will be served 9 a.m. until on the second Saturday, 9 a.m., Jim’s tion. Community as we have fun and cel- Scholarship fundraiser the Annual ATV Elementary & Jr. High- (435) 882-0081. noon on Aug. 10. The cost is $7 for Cafe. For more information or a ride, Tooele 1974 ebrate Erda’s great heritage at the Erda Roundup has been rescheduled for Call 435-882-3860. St. Marguerite call Blair 801-554-0527. Mood disorder support group adults and $3 for kids 11-years and Tooele High School Class of 1974 is Days Parade on Aug. 9. There will be Sept. 20, 2014. Mark your calendars Catholic Elementary School can be Do you or someone you love have a under. The special is $5 and bad beer is holding a 40-year reunion on Saturday, prizes given to all participants. Lineup and join us for this exciting ride. reached at 435-882-0081. We are Ophir Historical District mood disorder? NAMI-Tooele affiliation available. Public invited. Sept. 6, 2014. There will also be a begins at 9 a.m., with judging starting located on the corner of Seventh Street The Ophir Historical District will be open offers help, hope and healing. Please friday-evening event Sept. 5: A gathering at 9:30 a.m., and the parade starting and Vine Street. Past presidents party Saturdays through Sept. 20 (weather join us for support group sessions every Education at the home of a classmate’s private at 10 a.m. All walkers, bike riders and The Auxiliary will have a party in honor permitting). Hours are 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Wednesday at 4:30 p.m. at the New residence. Call Dan Shields at 435- small motorized vehicles will line up Brit-Ammi Kahal of PMP Kathy Wamsley on Aug. 11. For information, call (435)849-0254 or Reflection Clubhouse on 900 South in Hunter education courses 764-3444 for more information and on the south end of Liddell Lane. The Covenant People Assembly are teach- There will be a short meeting at 7 p.m. (435)830-2120. Tooele. For more info, contact Kelly at The DWR is offering hunter education for the address. The class will meet at horses will line up at the north end of ing the Hebrew roots of the Christian with the party to follow. A light lunch 841-9903. courses Aug. 12, 14, 19, 20, 21. All the Miller Motorsports Park on Sept. 6 Liddell Lane. All trucks, floats and larger faith. Visitors welcome on Saturdays at will be served. All members are invited Boys and Girls Clubs of Tooele classes are 6-9 p.m., range times are Summer Club, ages 6-12, begins June 9 for dinner, music and dancing to a live entries will line up on Erda Way at the 1 p.m., 37 S. Main Street, Tooele. Call to attend. PFCCA corner of Liddell Lane heading west. TBA. Note: State law requires students 843-5444 for more information. and runs through Aug. 15, 8:30 a.m. to The Professional Family Child Care band, and reuniting and reminisching at Everyone is welcome and encouraged to attend all sessions of class. All stu- Past presidents dinner 6 p.m. Cost is $375 for summer ($125 Association of Utah will be holding Legends Hall. The Friday event is free of to participate. No preregistration is dents must purchase a hunter education Bible Baptist Church PMP Kathy Wamsley will host the din- due upon registration). Space is limited. Chapter Meetings in Tooele the fourth charge, but you are asked to bring your required. Call Nancy Folta at 435-882- voucher for $10 from a license agent or Vacation Bible School for ages 5-12: ner at Casa Del Rey in Grantsville on Interested? Call 843-5719. Tuesday of each month from 7-9 p.m. own adult beverage if you so desire. vender before attending a class. Bring Aug. 11-14 from 9:30 a.m. to noon at Bottled water and soft drinks will be pro- 5530 or Samantha Barton at 435-882- Aug. 20 at 7 p.m. All PPs are invited Stansbury Riders This support group/training meeting 3817 with any questions. the voucher to the first class and give to Tooele Bible Baptist Church, 286 N. 7th to attend. is open to all childcare providers in vided. The main event Saturday is $65 The Stansbury Riders are looking for the instructor. Classes are at the Tooele Street. Come and learn about Joshua Stockton, Tooele, Erda, Stansbury, per person or $120 per couple. Call Dan new youth and adult members. The Erda Days 5k County Health Building, 151 N. Main and the big wall. Prizes, games, crafts, Eagles car show Grantsville and Lake Point. For more infor- Shields for information on the menu youth ages are 6 to 15 and will do The Erda Days 5K and kids 1K will Street. For more info, call Gene at 882- snack. Call Jodie for more information The Eagles will have a car show at mation, call Kathy Witt, 435-830-9614. or to RSVP. We’re hoping for our best be held Saturday, Aug. 9 at 7 a.m. 4767 or Bryan at 882-6795. at 840-1559. the lodge parking lot Aug. 16 at noon. sign ups for both adult and youth at reunion ever after 40 years and have Registration will be from 6:30-7 a.m. The folks at Bible Baptist Church would Hamburgers, hot dogs, chips and drinks 6 p.m. on Monday or Wednesday at Family Support Center been unable to get correct addresses and is free. The races begin and end Network meetings like to invite you to some old fashioned will be sold. All vehicles are welcome the Grantsville arena located behind The Family Support Center is a non- for some classmates, please spread the at the Blake and Maren Beazer home Looking to obtain or improve your church services with singing from the to participate — cars, truck and motor- City Hall in Grantsville, Utah. The adult profit agency providing services in Salt word to those you know who graduated (4336 Liddell Lane) in Erda. Medals will employment? Come join the Tooele old fashioned hymns and messages cycles. Bring your motor vehicle down ages are 15 and up. Youth practice will Lake and Tooele County. Free 12-week in 1974. be awarded in every age group, so start Networking Group and learn job seeking from the old fashioned KJV Bible. Some and have a little fun. be begin Mondays and Wednesday at in-home parenting skills program. training now. All runners are welcome techniques, how to market yourself, get things should never change. Sunday 6:30 p.m. Practice will also be held at Families with children birth to 17 will Class of 1979 Reunion — you don’t need to live in Erda to support and actually search job leads. Service times: Sunday School, 10 a.m.; the Grantsville arena. Must have own receive instruction during an 80-minute The plans for the 35-year reunion have participate. Call (435) 833-9865 with Every Thursday at 7 p.m. at the Tooele gospel hour, 11 a.m.; Bible study, 12:30 Moose Lodge horse in order to participate. For more weekly visit to gain the tools they need been revised. Social at the Moose any questions. LDS Employment Resource Center locat- p.m.; Wednesday evening services, information please contact Chevelle to strengthen their family. Topics dis- Lodge on Firday, Aug. 8, will be held as ed next to . Everyone 6 p.m. Contact Pastor Jeff Sinner at Meals at the lodge Anderson 435-841-2851. cussed include communication, conflict planned. Golf at Overlake Golf Course is welcome. 840-2152. Friday and Saturday night dinners will resolution, attachment and bonding, on Saturday, Aug. 9, at 10:30 a.m. Lake Point Tooele Valley Family History will go on as planned also. We have Online courses be served from 5-9 p.m. Friday night establishing rules and routines as well Mountain View Baptist Church dinners include clam chowder or home- Center as managing stress. Please contact added a picnin social at Settler’s Park, Online courses in Network+ and Lake Point Days 5K We would like to invite you to discover made chili, and/or fish baskets (halibut, Research your ancestors free with Rachel at (801) 955-9110 ext. 107 for 520 West, just off Main Street behind Security+ IT are designed for the IT pro- The Lake Point Days 5K, un-timed what God’s plan and purpose is for shrimp or chicken strips). Saturday trained FamilySearch volunteers at the more information. You can also visit LaFrontera, from noon until 4 p.m. on fessional seeking to upgrade their skills walk, and kid’s mile will be Aug. 23. your life. The Bible contains all of the night dinners include 16-oz ribeye or Tooele Valley Family History Center, Saturday. Bring a picninc and your fami- and knowledge of networking and secu- Everyone is welcome. Registration is answers for life’s questions. Come T-bone steak with choice of baked 751 N. 520 East, Tooele. Phone 435- lies. The dinner at the high school is rity, and prepares you for the CompTIA only $7 before Aug. 8 and includes and join us this Sunday for our adult potato or fries, salad and roll; halibut 882-1396. Hours of operation: Tuesday Tooele Family Al-Anon cancelled. The dance at the Bit N’ Spur Network+ and Security+ exams. Call the a T-shirt. Contact Gwen Ruebush for Bible study and graded Sunday School or salmon steak with choice of baked through Friday, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Wednesdays at 11am at 77 West 400 clubhouse, 230 W. 500 North, featuring TATC at 248-1800 for more information more information at 801-250-6830 or which starts at 9:45 a.m. Our worship potato or fries, salad and roll, or jumbo Tuesday and Thursday evenings 7-9 p.m. North. For questions or more informa- Erick Erickson and the Old man Garage or to enroll. [email protected]. service begins at 11 a.m. We also have shrimp with choice of baked potato or Wednesday evenings by appointment tion, please call Allene at (435)830- Band will still be held. The band will Adult education a Bible study time each Sunday at 6 fries, salad and roll. All meals are for only. Special classes offered regularly. 0465 or Elizabeth at (435)884-0825 or play from 8 p.m. to midnight. If you did p.m. We meet on Wednesdays at 7 Call the center for more information. (435)241-9200. not prepay, or if you are an alumni from Get your high school diploma this year. a reasonable price. No orders taken Schools p.m. for prayer time. Bring your needs Wednesdays at 5 p.m. at Alano Club (by another class, you will be charged a All classes required for a high school after 8:45 p.m. Daily lunch specials and let us pray together for God’s help. Recovery International White’s Trailer Court), 1120 Utah Ave., cover charge. All 1979 class members diploma, adult basic education, GED are available at the lodge from 11 a.m. Tooele Jr High Mountain View Baptist Church meets at We have a very structured group that Sundays at 5 p.m. at Mountain of Faith are invited to attend an and all of these preparation and English as a second For members and their guests only. TJHS Registration for parents of all 7th the Eastgate Plaza in Grantsville, Suite follows a format of four basic steps: Lutheran Church. Call Gesele with ques- activities even if you did not sign up. For language are available. Register now After buying 10 meals either Friday or and 8th grade students: Online registra- 2C. Join us. Saturday night, you get a free one. report an upset, describe thoughts, tions, 435-224-4015. more information, contact Lisa Hardy at tion is open to register and pay fees. In- to graduate — just $50 per semester. impulses, feelings and sensations. If 882-1442. house registration will take place Aug. Located at 211 Tooele Blvd., call 833- Stansbury Park Baptist Church Special events: you can’t change a situation, you can Food Addicts in Recovery 8750. Adult education classes are for 6-7. If you have just moved into the Please join us each Sunday morning at ID/UT Moose Association Convention, change your attitude toward it. Life students 18 and over. Anonymous TJHS boundaries, please call 833-1921 10 a.m. for Worship Services and Bible Aug. 21-24. can be distressing, but not dangerous. Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous after Aug. 4 to start the registration pro- ESOL Study at the Stansbury Park Clubhouse Patriot’s Moose Golf Scramble, Sunday Recovery is helpful for handling addic- is a program based on the 12 steps of (next to the SP Swimming Pool). For tions, fears, anxiety, anger, loneliness, cess. The first TJHS Community Council ESOL conversational classes are Sept. 7 at 8 a.m., shotgun at Oquirrh details, please call us at 830-1868 or worries and any challenge. Try it for Meeting will be held Aug. 21 at 6:30 held Tuesdays and Thursdays. ESOL Hills. Call for details and to sign up. go to six weeks. For more information, call p.m. All parents are invited and encour- students may also come anytime the Bulletin Board Policy MaryAnn 884-0215. aged to attend. center is open for individualized study. If you would like to announce an upcoming event, contact the Transcript-Bulletin First Lutheran Church Tooele County at 882-0050, fax to 882-6123 or email to [email protected]. “The Registration is $50 per semester. Call First Lutheran Church, on the corner of Scholar Academy Take Off Pounds Sensibly Bulletin Board” is for special community events, charitable organizations, civic 833-8750 for more information. 7th and Birch, would like to invite you Historical Society Give yourself the gift of health and Come see the new Scholar Academy clubs, non-profit organizations, etc. For-profit businesses should contact the to hear of God’s grace and the love of wellness. Resolve to lose those extra at the open house from 6-8 p.m. Aug. advertising department. Please limit your notice to 60 words or less. The Tooele Christ, who died to forgive you of your Historical Society Books pounds. TOPS can help you achieve your 13. The community is invited to tour Churches Transcript-Bulletin cannot guarantee your announcement will be printed. To sins and attain salvation on your behalf. Tooele County Historical Society’s books goals and support you in your journey. the building at 6:30 and 7:30 p.m. PTO guarantee your announcement please call the advertising department at 882- Worship at 10 a.m., Sunday School will be available to purchase at our We provide accountability through week- will have activity, uniform, yearbook and Berean Full Gospel Church 0050. Information must be delivered no later than 3 p.m. the day prior to the committee info available in the lunch- at 11:15 a.m., on the second sunday meeting. The History of Tooele County ly weigh-ins and support and encourage- We invite you to discover how God’s desired publication date. of the month, worship at 3 p.m. Bible Volume II is $30, The Mining, Smelting, ment in a non-judgmental environment. KID SCOOP B7


© 2014 by Vicki Whiting, Editor Jeff Schinkel, Graphics Vol. 30, No. 34

With a friend, take turns doing each of the activities below. How long can you hold a serious expression without Did you know that it takes more muscles to frown that it does to smile? laughing as your friend does So, smile and the whole world smiles with you! one of these? Then switch and see if they can keep from smiling or laughing as you pperformerform the activityactivity.. These jokes are from all over Doctors even tell us that laughter can help sick people the world and the answer to heal more quickly. All in all, a smile is very powerful. each joke is the same thing. Can you guess what it is?

What is a small, white chest that all know how to open and nobody knows how to close? Cut out the word balloons below and paste them in the correct order on the comic strip above.

What is more useful when it is broken?

In a pot there are

Standards Link: Health: Identify activities and actions that promote or enhance emotional health. two kinds of food. What is an entire little What is it? house without a door?

There are jokes from all over the world. What can you learn about people by reading their jokes? Draw your own comic I have built my house In a bowl of china fixed, strip using this joke from Martinique. without any door. two liquids with colors What is it? unmixed. What is it?

Have you figured out the answer? If not, color all the boxes with odd numbers. Read the letters that are left and you will know the answer.

2 7 9 6 5 8 4 32 AHTNWEGPGG

Standards Link: Social Science: How many Compare life in different places smiles can and recognize that some aspects of cultures are similar. you find on this page?

Superlative Fun How many silly Look through the things can you newspaper for three circle in this happy pictures. picture? Label one “Happy,” one “Happier,” and one “Happiest.” Repeat this game with other words.

Standards Link: Vocabulary Development: Understand comparative and superlative Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. case.

Find the words in the puzzle. Then StaStandardsndards LiLink:nknk:n PhyPhysicalysicical EduEducation:ccation: Why does a crane raise one leg when he OPEN UnderUnderstandstand the health benebenefitsfits ofof stands in the water? look for each word in this week’s phyphysicalsical exercise. CRANE Kid Scoop stories and activities. Put the words in the right order to discover SMILE the answer to this joke from Poland. W O D O O F E R A W LAUGHTER Y C P T V L D A C V FOOD L O Q E I A O E R N JOKES This week’s word: WORLD K R M M N U Y L A R SUPERLATIVE QUICKLY C D S P S G L P N A The adjective superlative means of the highest quality, GUESS I E A S Z H L O E E the very best. ORDER U R E W C T I E N L Star Wars won awards PEOPLE for its superlative and Q U J O K E S P U U creative special effects. SILLY G B F D L R O W F Q Try to use the word FUN superlative in a sentence LEARN Standards Link: Letter sequencing. Recognized identical today when talking with your Standards Link: Reading Comprehension: Follow simple written directions. words. Skim and scan reading. Recall spelling patterns. friends and family members.

Good News/Bad News In today’s paper, categorize stories as either “good news” or “bad news.” Explain why you think newspapers print “bad” news at times. You start to peel a banana to Are there some stories that are bad news to put on your morning cereal and some and good to other people? it suddenly begins to talk!

Standards Link: Writing Applications: Write formal letters; write letters. last and first the between ‘mile’ a is there because ‘Smiles,’ ANSWER: Write about what happens next. persuasive compositions that state a position or proposal. B8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014

A Full-Color Activity Page Just for Kids! Every Thursday in the Tooele Transcript-Bulletin



TOOELETRANSCRIPT If it happens here, read about it here. BULLETIN

FRANCIE AUFDEMORTE/TTB PHOTO Above, left: DJ Droz sweeps during his service mission at the Utah Bishops’ Central Storehouse. Droz’s one-year term will fin- ish this September. Above: Droz works on a Transformer he designed from a Lego cassette player. Below: Droz holds a Lego recycling truck he built. Droz said he hopes to work in designing for Lego and blend the line with another favorite of his: Transformers.

CENTER OF ORTHOPEDIC AND REHABILITATION EXCELLENCE (CORE) WEST VALLEY CAMPUS, formerly AOS, provides complete orthopedic care. The experienced physicians on our staff have helped thousands of individuals overcome and recover from serious physical impairments and injuries using minimally invasive procedures and advanced surgical and joint replacement techniques. Our team works in partnership with each patient to ensure the best treatment and quickest recovery possible.



Storehouse, or maybe doing the week,” he said. Spirit other assignments someplace What does he plan to do after else.” continued from page B1 his mission? He once went to the Heritage “We will see when we get to State Park to pull weeds. that point,” he said. Utah, and humanitarian aide Another time some missionar- Nancy said he applied for projects worldwide. ies went to rearrange furniture a scholarship from Berrick “I like the part that I am help- at the Ronald McDonald House Mercur and was awarded ing people,” he said. and he was in charge of the $1,000 to be used at any college His duties include sweeping missionaries who were left at he chooses. the building, cleaning out the the storehouse. freezers and mopping. Some DJ has recently been called He is thinking about Salt days he said he gets to use the as an assistant district leader. Lake Community College for scrubber to keep the floors “That means I am in charge his general education classes clean. when the district leader is and then to finish a degree in “It rubs the floors,” he said. gone,” DJ said. “And sometimes graphic design someplace else. Northpointe Medical Park | Bldg. B | 2356 N. 400 East, Ste. 201 | Tooele, UT 84074 There are about 30 mission- I make assignments.” Even on a mission, DJ has aries in this mission. They are In the evening he likes to his two great loves: Legos and In association with supervised by couple mission- hang out and help his mother. Transformers. aries. He was called to his mission He received Benny’s space- “Sometimes you get a special on Sept. 9, 2013. Service mis- ship from the Lego Movie for assignment that you don’t know sions generally work for one his birthday. about until they assign them,” year. “It only took a couple of DJ added. “It usually means you “I could be released on Sept. hours, following the directions, do service at another Bishops’ 9, but I will wait until the end of to put it together,” he said. And he likes not having to follow the directions all the time. “I just like to think about designs I could do next,” he said. “And I can see how to inte- grate the piece together.” He loves building other Lego designs too. He once built a Lego cassette player into a Transformer, com- bining his two loves into one, Nancy said. The only problem he said, is he doesn’t have many basic Lego pieces to work with. DJ can talk about Transformers for hours. Nancy said he has over 150 Transformers. He has Decepticons downstairs and the Autobots upstairs. “If they were together they would fight,” he said. For Christmas, DJ received a 2-foot tall Transformer, a 30th LIFE IS SHORT ENOUGH. Anniversary Metroplex. Nancy said he plays with them all the time. “I just like them all,” DJ said. THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN C1 YOUR OTHER 8 HOURS How to use a Nevada asset protection trust to safeguard your assets

by Robert Pagliarini so the settlor can’t change or But technically, yes, DAPTs are ated in the client’s best interests the trust settlor and creator) are dence that indicates that the TRIBUNE CONTENT AGENCY modify them. What we’re talk- irrevocable. Let’s also be clear and desires. So again, there are also a beneficiary. transfer of property to the DAPT ing about here is that the trust that even if the trust is irrevo- certain powers that the trust set- ROBERT: If for whatever rea- was made with the intent to hin- re you interested in creator is a beneficiary and has cable, the settlor can still retain tlor can retain; the settlor can son I get sued and the lawsuit der, delay, or defraud. There are protecting your assets? a vested interested in protecting broad powers and broad control, also rely on other trusted par- is for $20 million, how does this many different badges of fraud AI recently interviewed his or her assets. including to veto a distribution ties, such as the trust protector, particular trust protect me? that we can get into. They gener- Provident Trust Group’s Neil ROBERT: That’s what makes from the trust and to hold a to make sure that the settlor’s NEIL: To begin with, we have ally range from the settlor trans- Schoenblum, a Senior Trust this particular trust so excit- special lifetime or testamen- intents are effectuated. to look at the statute of limita- ferring all or substantially all of Officer based in Nevada, on the ing. Let’s say (for example) I tary power of appointment. ROBERT: I’ve always thought tions for the seasoning period his or her assets to the DAPT; or, value of Nevada Asset Protection am worth $20 million and I’m Additionally, the settlor may of the trust protector as almost under Nevada law, which is two before the transfer, the settlor Trusts to protect assets. Read an nervous. I want to protect these serve as a cotrustee, while also a guardian angel of the trust , years. During this two year sea- had been sued or threatened excerpt from our conversation assets; I’ve worked hard for retaining the power to direct making sure things are being soning period, before the assets with suit or recently had become below. them. Tell me about the DAPT. trust investments, remove and done correctly and no one’s tak- officially become protected, divorced; or that the settlor was ROBERT PAGLIARINI: Can I create the domestic asset pro- replace a trustee, and execute ing advantage of the situation. Nevada statute still provides that insolvent shortly after the trans- you describe what a domestic tection trust. I’m the grantor; other managerial powers. Now, Okay, let’s get back to my $20 the creditor needs to prove by fer into trust. asset protection trust is? I’ve created it. I re-title the assets we have to make sure that dis- million that I’ve now put into clear and convincing evidence That’s the general nature of NEIL SCHOENBLUM: A so now they’re titled in the name tributions from the asset protec- this trust. It’s in Nevada, and for that the transfer of property what we’re dealing with here. domestic asset protection trust of the domestic asset protection tion trust are not mandatory, this purpose, Provident Trust to the DAPT was fraudulent or To protect yourself, DAPT plan- (often called DAPTs, or just trust, and it’s irrevocable, which that they’re discretionary. is the co-trustee, and I’m a co- violates a legal obligation owed ning should be done before any APTs) allows the settlor (the means I can’t change my mind You also usually have a trust trustee as well. I’m also the ben- to the creditor under a contract storm clouds have gathered — trust creator or grantor) to be a after I’ve done this. Is that cor- protector, which is an impor- eficiary, correct? or a court order. This is a chal- when the skies are completely discretionary beneficiary of the rect? tant concept. Basically, it’s an NEIL: That’s correct. lenging burden of proof to the clear. trust, while at the same time NEIL: Yes, that’s correct. It individual that the creator trusts Additionally the beneficiaries creditor. ROBERT: Right, okay. So assuring protection of trust depends on how the trust instru- who floats above and watches could be your spouse and your If there’s a challenge, the to summarize, I have my $20 assets from claims of the credi- ment is drafted, as there often is over everything, making sure descendants (your heirs). But judge will look at what’s referred tors. These trusts are irrevocable, a limited right of amendment. that everything’s being effectu- yes, the concept is that you (as to as badges of fraud - any evi- SEE ASSETS PAGE C4 ➤


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ACROSS 32 Suffix with dull or drunk candy 83 Riddle, part 5 16 Wore away 72 Submits (to) Sudoku Puzzle #2735-M 1 “Got it!” 33 On the whole 61 Commotion 90 Purveyed 17 Including everything 73 Modest “Methinks,” 4 Defraud 34 Riddle, part 2 64 Bicker 91 Swerve 18 One way to fall in love online 1 2 3 8 Ice hockey footwear 43 Diamond legend Mel 67 Uno plus uno 92 Go via ship 20 “In the red,” for one 77 Authorization 14 “L’—!” (toast in Hebrew) 44 Factual 68 Riddle, part 4 93 “First Blood” director 27 Pooch’s foot 78 Sunglasses 4 2 5 6 7 19 Trusts in 45 “XXX’s and —” (Trisha 72 Bargain basement con- Kotcheff 28 First-aid expert, briefly 80 “Inc.” kin 21 1960s-’70s Ford model Yearwood country hit) tainer 94 End of the riddle 29 Overhead bin user, e.g. 81 “— -Ca-Dabra” (1974 8 1 6 tune) 22 Giant in life insurance 46 French female friend 74 “— La Vida Loca” (1999 100 Helix shape 30 Prefix for “different” hit song) 82 Join securely 23 Believability 50 Riddle, part 3 104 52, to Cato 31 Inherited via the moth- 9 3 5 1 75 Fighting fish 84 T-X link 24 “Gone” star Seyfried 57 Clapton and Carmen 105 Termite lookalikes er’s side 76 They’re in some pods 85 French “the” 5 4 25 Step 58 — a scratch (no dam- 106 Riddle’s answer 35 Gambling parlors, for age) 79 Frittata, e.g. short 86 The “D” of ETD: Abbr. 26 Start of a riddle 115 Rushed, as to attack 59 Due 81 Sheltered from the wind 36 Celibate brother 87 Suffix of nationalities 7 2 8 6 29 Doofus: Var. 116 J. Paul Getty or J.R. 60 Chocolate-and-caramel 82 Celtic tongue Ewing 37 Celibate sister 88 Scot’s “not” 6 5 2 117 Sparkling 38 Velvet or Hallow ender 89 Carrere of “Jury Duty” 121 Cold — (very unfriendly) 39 Actor Culkin 94 French port 5 7 8 4 1 122 Discomfort 40 “Kitchy —!” 95 Manning the quarter- 123 Where folks in lounge 41 URL ender back 3 4 9 chairs might get 42 AOL or Juno 96 Satisfy © 2009 Hometown Content splashed Medium 46 Passing vote 97 Michael formerly of 124 Geek Squad guys, say Disney 47 Language of medieval 125 One flinging something literature 98 Hoopster Smits or comic Sudoku Puzzle #2735-D Mayall 126 It follows that 48 Enthusiastic about 99 Goes the distance 127 Psychic’s gift 49 Head swellers 1 2 3 4 100 Fat-shunning Jack 51 Study of wealth: Abbr. 101 Lunar stage 2 5 6 DOWN 52 Bankrupted company of 1 Circle portion 2001 102 Of a charged particle 7 4 2 2 That lady’s 53 “Phooey!” 103 Arrive at 3 Pub beer 54 Fit for the skillet 107 Cross off 5 3 1 4 Steak, say 55 Armstrong of jazz trum- 108 El — (kind of current) 5 Fails to be pet 109 Makeup of Polynésie 4 2 6 — Ness monster 56 Mad as — hen 110 Dec. holiday 7 Leg joint 61 — -Lay 111 Scruff 8 9 6 8 Like clear night skies 62 Tyler of films 112 Aide of Frankenstein 9 — dragon (giant lizard) 63 9mm gun 113 Drano target 6 1 7 10 Oman man 64 One- — (short show) 114 Prefix with byte or gram 3 4 2 11 Editor Brown 65 Fink 118 Sports draw 12 Outer limits 66 H.S. transcript no. 119 Harris and Wood 5 4 8 9 69 Baldwin of “The Aviator” 120 Sales agent, informally 13 Long bath © 2009 Hometown Content Difficult 14 Diversion for Fluffy 70 Trickle 15 Spices’ kin 71 Imitated Answers on C4 Answers on C4

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SPRINKLER SYSTEM SPECIALISTS Licensed KEEP ‘Em INSTALLATIONS, REPAIRS & REDESIGNS & Insured TOP QUALITY PARTS & SERVICE ★ YARD CARE OuT! SYSTEM TUNE-UPS We make it easy. Call or stop in and save today! 801-347-4659 Locally Licensed & Insured SENIOR DISCOUNTS! LOW PRICES • SAME DAY SERVICE 843-0206 THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN C3 Make pounded pansy pouches don’t know a young child booth created by craft studio on a cutting board or a flat piece who doesn’t love a hammer. Heartfelt, at our local weekend of wood. Carefully set a fresh IWatch when kids grab one farmer’s market. Pounding natu- pansy bloom in the middle of tightly in both small hands, lift ral designs of violet pansies onto the fabric — front side down it high and pound. Thud! They fabric was the first step. Then and stem side up. Cover it see it do something. It might the children learned to hand- with a sheet of wax paper, and be only a nick on a board, or, if sew pouches with simple stitch- hammer over the wax-paper- lucky, they’ll hit a nail square es after the pounding. Even covered flower until its color has on. Throughout the action, it’s some pre-schoolers could sew been absorbed into the fabric. a thrilling feeling of control and handily with adult assistance. Remove the wax paper and an introduction to the adult ered flower on fabric, they magi- Here’s how: pansy to reveal the natural, col- world. cally see the bloom’s natural 1. Cut two pieces of plain orful floral design. Hammers can be the perfect colors and shapes appear before white cotton or muslin fabric 2 3. It’s time to sew the two tool for kids to make imprints of their eyes. 3/4 inch wide by 3 inches long fabric pieces together to form fragile flowers, too. When they No wonder families recently with pinking shears. the neck pouch. Thread a large tap, tap, tap a wax-paper-cov- filled the benches at a craft 2. Put one of the fabric pieces needle with a 30-inch length of embroidery floss. Stack the fabric pieces with the floral print on top and, beginning at the top right corner, sew the sides and bottom together with a running stitch. Guide your child’s hands when needed. When complete, remove the needle and knot the end of the floss to the starting corner of the pouch. Place the pouch around your child’s neck and put a coin or treasure inside. For more ideas about crafting with natural materials: www. • • • Warren Beatty Donna Erickson’s award- winning series “Donna’s Day” arren Beatty has com- had a mini “Facts of Life” reunion is airing on public television pleted filming his first in the Hallmark Channel’s film nationwide. To find more of her Wmovie since 2001. “For Better or Worse.” It aired creative family recipes and activ- Beatty wrote, directed and stars July 19, but check your local list- ities, visit as the eccentric, reclusive mil- ings; it will air again. Whelchel and link to the NEW Donna’s lionaire Howard Hughes, with was last in “A Medea Christmas” Day Facebook fan page. Her lat- Beatty’s wife, Annette Bening, with Tyler Perry and Larry the est book is “Donna Erickson’s playing Hughes’ wife. Also in the Cable Guy. Fields was last seen Fabulous Funstuff for Families.” cast are Lily Collins, Matthew with Cameron Diaz and Jennifer Broderick, Alec Baldwin and Lopez in “What to Expect When © 2014 Donna Erickson Martin Sheen. Beatty’s last film You’re Expecting.” Distributed by King Features Synd. was “Town and Country,” with an “Facts of Life” castmate Nancy equally impressive cast: Diane McKeon co-starred in the 2011 Keaton, Goldie Hawn, Garry Hallmark Channel film “Love Shandling, Jenna Elfman and Begins,” while Mindy Cohen Charlton Heston. Unfortunately appeared in an episode of “Hot it cost $90 million to produce but in Cleveland” in 2011 and on only made $10.5 million. “The Middle” last May. Charlotte Beatty won an Oscar and a Rae (now 88 years young) Stretching helps ease back pain Golden Globe award for direct- was last seen in the thriller ing “Reds” (1981), which cost $32 “Love, Sick Love” with come- DEAR DR. ROACH: My wife tion this type of therapy in your highly lethal, because by the million and earned $50 million dian Jim Gaffigan in April 2013. suffered from spinal stenosis. column sometime. It worked time symptoms show up, the (a good sum for that time). In Mackenzie Astin (son of Patty She had a cortisone shot, which miracles for us at virtually no cancer usually is advanced. addition, “Dick Tracy” cost $46 Duke and John Astin) was last in helped for 90 days. She had cost. — R.M. Also because of its rarity, million and earned $163 million, 2012’s “Hell and Mr. Fudge,” with regular physical therapy meet- ANSWER: Spinal stenosis screening for the cancer in a and “Bugsy” cost $30 million and John Wesley Shipp and “Y&R’s” ings. She was in constant pain, is caused by pressure on the general population won’t be took in $50 million. The as-yet- Eileen Davidson. but insisted on playing tennis nerves at the level of the spinal effective. However, for people at untitled Hughes biopic, expected Oh yes, there also was a prom- (against her doctor’s wishes). column. Physical therapy is one high risk, such as those with PSC to open in May 2015, cost a mod- ising young newcomer on the Then, we happened to vaca- effective treatment, and one I or a history of liver parasites, at est $26.7 million to make. show from 1985-87. I once did tion for a month in Florida, and always recommend prior to con- least one study has shown that • • • an at-home shooting with him in one of the offered activities was sidering surgery. I thank you for screening with a blood test (CA The next rising star is Nicholas his tiny apartment in Hollywood, a “stretch” workout. She insisted taking the time to point out that 19-9, CEA) or by endoscopy can Hoult. You may have seen him before he went on to do “ER” that she wanted to try it. After gentle stretching can help, prob- be effective. It would be reason- recently with Elle Fanning in and became the multiple Oscar- the very first time she thought ably by opening up the spaces in the Navy in Vietnam. The prob- able to speak with the expert “The Young Ones,” or as Hank winning George Clooney. He’s she felt a little better. She went between the vertebrae to allow able cause of his cancer was taking care of this problem, usu- McCoy/Beast in “X Men: Days one actor who learned “The Facts to several of the sessions, and the nerve more room. from a parasite, a river fluke, ally a gastroenterologist, about of Future Past.” His next films of Life” and put them to good finally asked the trainer what The booklet on back prob- which is common to that region. screening. are “Dark Places” with Charlize use, both on and off the screen! she could buy to keep it up at lems gives an outline of some The diagnosis came way too late • • • Theron, Christina Hendricks and • • • home. causes of and treatments for the to save his life. How can veter- Dr. Roach regrets that he is Chloe Grace Moretz, out Sept. “Brooklyn Nine-Nine” star The trainer suggested a more-common back maladies. ans be tested or diagnosed early unable to answer individual let- 1; “Mad Max: Fury Road,” with Terry Crews is taking over the stretching DVD. It takes about Readers can order a copy by enough for a possible successful ters, but will incorporate them Tom Ford, Charlize Theron and hosting chores of the syndicated an hour to complete, and she writing: Dr. Roach — No. 303W, cure? Are there any current tests in the column whenever pos- Riley Keough (Elvis Presley’s “Who Wants to be a Millionaire” now does it three times a week. Box 536475, Orlando, FL 32853- available? — J.A.E. sible. Readers may email ques- granddaughter), out May 2015; from Cedric the Entertainer. The She plays hard tennis five days a 6475. Enclose a check or money ANSWER: I am sorry to tions to ToYourGoodHealth@ and the British crime thriller “Kill former NFL star and Old Spice week, hasn’t complained about order for $4.75 U.S./$6 Canada hear about your relative. To view and Your Friends.” Hoult currently is pitchman will have to be quick pain since 2010, and hasn’t with the recipient’s printed Cholangiocarcinoma is cancer order health pamphlets, visit shooting “Autobahn” with Oscar on his feet to top Cedric. Insiders needed any physical therapy, name and address. Please allow of the bile duct, a rare cancer., or write winners Anthony Hopkins and say he’ll “crews” through the job either. I continue to be amazed. four weeks for delivery. Liver flukes are a risk factor, and to P.O. Box 536475, Orlando, FL Ben Kingsley. and become a millionaire quick- Certainly this kind of therapy • • • so is a condition called primary 32853-6475. • • • er than the contestants. can’t hurt anyone, since you do DEAR DR. ROACH: We recent- sclerosing cholangitis, a condi- Lisa Whelchel and Kim Fields © 2014 King Features Synd., Inc. it only to your personal comfort ly lost a dear relative to cholan- tion associated with ulcerative © 2014 North America Synd., Inc. levels. Perhaps you might men- giocarcinoma. He had served in colitis. The cancer is rare but All Rights Reserved

say that of all teenagers who loyalty to the Union, Emily Rivne, Ukraine. wear braces, at least 60 per- Helm was granted amnesty. • The original Mickey and cent have matched the rubber • John Lennon appeared on the Minnie Mouse were voiced bands on their brackets to first cover of Rolling Stone by Wayne Allwine and Russi their outfits. magazine. Taylor. The human pair also • Mary Todd Lincoln’s half-sis- • Do you go to action movies were married in real life. ter, Emily Todd, was married by Samantha Weaver just to see the car chases? • If you’re like 37 percent of to Confederate Gen. Benjamin Here’s a real-life doozy for you: Americans, you feel a sense of • It was French philosopher Helm. When her husband died In 2002, after a bank robbery satisfaction when you finish Jean-Paul Sartre who made the in 1863, Emily crossed Union in Wrestedt, Germany, the vacuuming. If you’re like the following sage observation: lines to visit her sister in the culprits led law-enforcement rest of us, you just hope the “Three o’clock is always too White House. Newspapers in officials on a 620-mile chase kids wait a few hours before late or too early for anything the North created a furor over through several countries. spilling cereal on the carpet you want to do.” incident, speculating that the After two days, the criminals again. general’s widow could be a • Those who study such things were finally apprehended in © 2014 North America Synd., Inc. spy. After taking an oath of C4 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 Latest versions of Europe’s top selling Volkswagen Golf and GTI

ore than 100 years ago Mark Twain said, “Golf Mis a good walk spoiled.” While he was probably talking about the game with the little dimpled ball, he could have just as easily been talking about Volkswagen’s seventh generation Golf – it’s more fun to drive the new Golf than try to find the little dimpled ball. Europe’s top selling model, the Golf, has a remarkable his- tory, with more than 30 million sold worldwide since it originally by Barbara & Bill Scha er went on sale in Europe in 1974. It debuted in the U.S. in 1975 as the and includes a 3D-look display. Rabbit and was even built in the This display also has a proximity U.S. for 10 years. sensor function, which senses The latest Golf rides on when a hand is nearby and auto- Volkswagen’s new MQB modular matically switches its display to a platform, which is becoming the more finger-friendly layout. The basis for many other models in Media Device Interface with iPod the German carmakers lineup. and iPhone® connectivity is now The new architecture allows for housed in the center stack, while a more “cab-backward” design, more traditional media such as which creates a more upscale CDs and SD cards can be inserted look. However, no one is going to into slots in the large glovebox. have trouble identifying the Golf, Larger, lighter and more effi- because the basic design hasn’t cient, the new Golf comes to changed much, even though it’s America in two variations, with all new. two engine choices, two transmis- The upscale evolution moves sions and three trim levels — the inside, too with a slightly larger TDI diesel engine is only avail- and a bit more luxurious cabin. able in the four-door versions, Cargo space is also a bit larger. however. With 16.5 cubic feet of space Arriving at Volkswagen dealer- below the cargo shelf, or 22.8 ships now the new Golf TSI has like the proverbial hotcakes. The cubic feet stacked to the roof, dropped the 2.5-liter gasoline Golf TDI® is a 150-hp 2.0-liter the Golf boasts more room than engine that was the base engine direct-injection four-cylinder with all the mid-size sedans. Plus, for many years, in favor of the a six-speed manual transmission because it’s a hatchback, the rear company’s new 170-hp, 1.8-liter or a six-speed DSG® dual-clutch seat back can be folded and the turbocharged direct-injection automatic. Zero to 60 mph time is capacity gets ‘wagonish’ with four-cylinder engine with a estimated at 7.5 seconds and EPA 52.7 cubic feet – think room for a standard five-speed manual fuel economy is listed at 31/42 bicycle or a really big dog. transmission or optional six- mpg. With my wife, Barbara, driv- Ergonomic control placement speed automatic. Volkswagen ing I’ll bet we’d see 45 mpg plus. is excellent with simple, well- estimates a 0 to 60 mph time for The 2014 Golf TDI tied for marked controls conveniently the TSI at 8.6 seconds, but it felt first in the annual Consumer located. Texters, or others who a bit quicker to me. It reminded Reports Compact: Hatchbacks/ type with their thumbs, will love me of the larger turbocharged Wagons ratings and the TSI was all 14 control buttons mounted four-cylinder engines used in the ranked second with both getting a on the 3 o’clock and 9 o’clock previous generation Golf. Fuel “Recommended” rating. I expect spoke positions of the steering economy is expected to be about the 2015 model should do equally wheel. 20 percent better than the old well. A larger 5.8-inch infotainment five-cylinder at 26 mpg city and Both of the Golf models I screen is mounted high on the 37 mpg highway with the manual drove at the California introduc- center console, but I’d like to see transmission and 26/36 mpg for tion felt solid and very well bal- it even higher and a little bigger, the automatic. anced. Performance levels were too. It still requires taking your Volkswagen has been a leader very good and of course the fuel eyes off the road to see and oper- in diesel technology in the U.S. efficiency, especially the TDI, ate. The navigation system gets since 1977. The recent clean die- should put them at the top of the its information from an SD card sel models have been selling them category.

Volkswagen is introducing by 10 and add a torque- sensing Generation 7 with a special electronically-controlled limited- Launch Edition of the two-door slip differential and larger brakes. manual. Priced at $18,815 includ- I’ll report on the GTI later in the ing the destination charge, it model year. includes and extensive equip- Volkswagen e-Golf - ment offering. The TSI is avail- Volkswagen’s first fully electric able in three other trim levels, S, vehicle, the e-Golf is due out in SE and SEL with prices ranging the fourth quarter of 2014 and from $19,815 from the S two-door I had a preview of great things manual (the automatic is $1,100 to come on a short drive. Part extra) to $27,815 for the very well- of Volkswagen’s Think Blue® equipped SEL four-door with program, the electric Golf is fun automatic transmission. The TDI to drive and features some new four-door trim levels are offered electric vehicle technologies like at $23,915, $27,415 and $29,915 driver selectable regenerative respectively. braking and an 80 percent bat- one reported case post hoc of a the beneficiaries, will make an or else it could be viewed as The new Volkswagen Golf is a tery charge within 30 minutes. Assets DAPT being pierced or busted official formal request for a dis- fraud - that you’re trying to hide notable upgrade for an already They also plan to have a Roadside Continued from page C1 after the seasoning period. tribution. The trust company’s everything. It’s not a live-out impressive car. It gives owners Assistance Plan that’s designed ROBERT: That’s really what committee will meet, will look trust. Basically you’re putting the feeling of an upscale German to take the anxiety out of “range million and I put it in a DAPT. makes these trusts so interest- at the particular need, and also, these assets away, allowing them model, at a down to earth price. anxiety”. For instance, if the cus- I’m not currently going to get ing, exciting and popular. Once while the distributions can’t be to season in case of any future Volkswagen GTI - I also had an tomer runs out of charge and is divorced, there’s not a pending you overcome that two year mandatory, also have to look at losses. opportunity to spend some time within 100 miles of their home, lawsuit and the skies are clear. mark, these assets really, truly the actual trust agreement lan- ROBERT: What happens when in the awesome new GTI. It’s the Volkswagen’s Roadside Assistance After the two year seasoning are protected. guage to see the actual standard I — the grantor, the person who iconic performance version of the provider will deliver the car to a period has passed, what are the Now can you tell me about for distribution. Is it fully discre- created this trust — pass away? Golf and the car that started the nearby and convenient source protections that are afforded to how DAPTs function — not in tionary to the trust company, or NEIL: These trusts, as we dis- hot hatch movement. With 210 for charging and will even pay for me by having a DAPT? regard to protecting assets, but trustee, to make distributions or, cussed, are already irrevocable. horsepower from a turbocharged the customer to take a taxi home NEIL: Looking at the statute just on a day-to-day basis. I’ve for example, is there some sort What would happen is that you 2.0-liter direct injection four- or to work if they decide not to for the state of Nevada, Chapter taken my $20 million and I’ve of HEMS standard? have to look at the terms (the cylinder engine the GTI is capable travel with the car. I’ll have more 166 says very clearly that after put it in this trust. If I want to go ROBERT: At what asset level language) of the trust agree- of a 5.7 second 0 to 60 mph time. on that later, too. this two year seasoning period on a trip, can I take money out? would you say setting this up ment. Most of the trusts that we Later in the model year there will the DAPT cannot be pierced If I want to buy a new home, can makes sense? If someone has see are what’s called dynastic be an optional performance pack- S2661 © Copyright 2014 or busted. I should note that, I do that? How much flexibility a million dollars, is it worth trusts or dynasty trusts. They age that will bump the horses by Auto Digest unlike the flat two-year period and control do I have over this? it at that point? Two million? are generally set up to last for for future creditors, pre-existing NEIL: A domestic asset pro- $500,000? Where do you gener- a period of 365 years or longer, creditors must commence an tection trust should be viewed ally see the minimum asset size allowing asset protection for Super Crossword & Suduko Puzzle Answers action to challenge the transfer more as a savings account, to set these up? generations to come. Generally from page C2 within the later of two years meaning you’re not living out NEIL: Generally speaking, speaking, when the settlor pass- from the date of transfer of the of it. As I had stated, the set- I think that the starting point es away the trust should con- Sudoku Solution #2735-M 7 1 6 4 2 8 9 5 3 assets or six months after the tlor can’t receive mandatory which makes a lot of sense is a tinue to provide asset protection 4 2 5 3 6 9 1 7 8 creditor discovers or reason- distributions. They have to be million dollars. I’ve come across for the other beneficiaries listed 9 3 8 1 5 7 4 2 6 ably should have discovered the discretionary. So the usual setup APTs or DAPTs with less, in the in the trust. 8 9 4 7 3 6 5 1 2 transfer. However, this potential is that you’ll have the settlor as a range of $300,000, $400,000 or 5 6 3 9 1 2 7 8 4 discovery extension for pre- beneficiary; likely you’ll have the $500,000. It’s a case-by-case Robert Pagliarini is a CBS 1 7 2 5 8 4 3 6 9 existing creditors can effectively settlor’s spouse and the settlor’s matter, but generally the sweet MoneyWatch columnist and the 6 4 1 8 9 5 2 3 7 be limited since, under Nevada descendants also as beneficia- spot is one million dollars. A lot author of “The Other 8 Hours: 2 5 9 6 7 3 8 4 1 3 8 7 2 4 1 6 9 5 law, a creditor is deemed to have ries. Then often you’ll have the of times, we’re seeing them in Maximize Your Free Time to © 2009 Hometown Content discovered a transfer at the time independent Nevada trustee in the range of three to five million. Create New Wealth & Purpose” Sudoku Solution #2735-D a public record is made of the charge of the administrative, But let’s also be clear that we’ve and the national best-seller “The 9 6 1 2 3 5 8 4 7 transfer including, without limi- back office, day-to-day func- seen them in multi, multi, multi- Six Day Financial Makeover.” 4 8 2 7 1 9 5 3 6 tation, for example, the record- tions, including managing the million dollar cases. Visit 5 7 3 4 8 6 1 9 2 7 2 6 9 5 4 3 8 1 ing of the conveyance of real distributions. ROBERT: And you wouldn’t 1 4 5 8 7 3 6 2 9 property or the filing of a financ- The trust company most likely want 100 percent of your assets © 2014 CBS Interactive Inc. 8 3 9 1 6 2 7 5 4 ing statement. The Nevada has a trust committee, so some- in this trust? Distributed by Tribune Content 6 9 8 3 2 1 4 7 5 statute was enacted in 1999, body, whether it be the settlor, NEIL: You wouldn’t even want Agency, LLC. 3 1 4 5 9 7 2 6 8 and in nearly 15 years there isn’t whether it be another one of a majority of assets in the trust, 2 5 7 6 4 8 9 1 3 © 2009 Hometown Content THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN C5

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*DRYWALL and all Con- PROFESSIONAL HONEY DO!S Profes- GRANTSVILLE, 332 TOOELE, 306 W 400 S, ADVANCED Learning DOLLAR CUTS now hir- Jensen Orthodontics is PAINTING Pampered Pet Resort struction Services. Pro- done for the sional. Need new Park St, Saturday, Saturday, 10am-3pm. Quality pet care for Preschool now taking ing full and part- time li- looking for a part-time fessional Quality. De- best price in town! doors, windows or re- 8am-2pm. Air hockey Open house. Close To over 30 years. applications fo r censed stylists. $50 orthodontic assistant. pendable. References Call Jeremy (435)849- placement glass? Re- table, kitchen table, My Heart, Jamberry, Dog & Cat boarding 2014-15 school year. Signing Bonus. Closed Our excellent orthodon- available. Free esti- 5334 modeling, basements, sofa sleeper, youth mo- LuLaRoe. Great new 435-884-3374 3yrs teaching experi- Sundays. Contact tist creates a positive mates. Jobs big & finish work, painting torcross gear, baby products and special ence and CNA certified. Missy or Shirley at work environment for small! Tooele. FUN PIANO LESSONS! window cleaning, sprin- swing and exersaucer, deals! $65/mo 4-5yr olds; (435) 843-1890. staff and an enjoyable (801)660-9152 Spots available for half klers, swamp coolers. over the range micro- AMERICAN ESKIMO 10 $55/mo 3yr olds. Call experience for patients. hour lessons Great deals on water wave, recumbant exer- TOOELE, 393 S 980 W, year old female, beauti- Jodee McNut t FACTORY LABOR. One year minimum $40/month starting in heaters! Call now for cize bike, Stampin-Up Friday, Saturday, Sun- ful, white dog needs a (801)669-3222 Melissa Temporary employment dental experience re- ALTERATIONS September. Call now to special rates on base- stamp sets, and much day, 8am-4pm. Clothes, home. Please call Albrecht (435)249-1339 available through Janu- quired for this position. reserve your spot! ment finishing! Will beat more. tools, toys, washer, (435)882-2667 ary. These are Factory Job will pay well for and AWARD Bethany (435)882-3482 AMC Javelin 69, and competitors prices. We DAISY BEAR Preschool Labor/ Production posi- skilled employee. WINNING much more. RUSH LAKE HANDYMAN. Tree trim- accept credit cards. GRANTSVILLE, 3796 N now accepting enroll- tions. We will train. We Please fax or e-mail re- Sun Valley Drive, Sat- KENNELS. TAILORING ming, sprinklers, yard (801)706-5339 TOOELE, 417 S 1230 E, ment for new students. are located on the Utah sumes to (435)882- urday, August 9, Dog & Cat boarding, work. Snow Removal. Saturday, 7am-noon. Openings are available. Industrial Depot. $9/hr, 8954 or email Karen at RAIN GUTTERS, seam- 8am-3pm. Something obedience training. by Residential and busi- This is the one you 25 years experience. 7:45am-4:15pm. Over- info@drjensenortho. less, aluminum, all col- for everyone. Saddles, Call (435)882-5266 ness. Call Jimmy at don t want to miss! Call Ms. Karen Rounds time available. 20 posi- com ors, licensed and in- tack, clothing, including ! KATHY (435)241-8153 Early birds welcome. (435)882-5231 tions available. Apply sured, free estimates. some contractor materi- in person and ready MASSAGE THERAPIST (435)249-5060 (435)841-4001 Nice stuff. JONES als & electrical items. KATHY WITT!S Pre- to work. No phone for Professional office. HOME REPAIRS expert. 30hr/ Week Preferably TREE WORK. Free esti- TOOELE, 492 Gordon school has openings calls please. Midwest Door knobs, base- HAVING A GARAGE Livestock familiar with chiroprac- mates! Local company. Circle, Friday August for Summer daycare Canvas, 230 South boards, mouldings, dry- SALE? Advertise it in tic. Please e-mail re- 882-6605 Licensed & insured. 8th and Saturday and upcoming Fall Garnet, Tooele, UT. wall repairs, textures, the classifieds. Call sume to dana@tvspi- Bucket truck, Crane August 9th, 9am-2pm. STRAW bales. New preschool classes. EOE. caulking, weatherproof- 882-0050 or call service, Stump re- New golf balls, shoes supply. $5/ bale you Located in Tooele. ABRAHAM!S LAWN & ing, framing, home up- (435)833-9200 ask for moval, mulch. 801-633- and equipment, miscel- pick up. $7/bale Deliv- (435)830-9614 FLYERSMILES.COM is Tree Service. Mowing, dating and renovations STANSBURY, 59 W Dana. 6685 laneous items. e r e d . G a r t h looking for full time in- tree removal, yard and much more.Small Nautical Drive, Satur- day, 8am-noon. Multi (435)837-2246 NEW BEGINNINGS side sales reps to work clean up, bark, laying jobs okay. Call Shane VOICE LESSONS. All TOOELE, 822 Cedar- family. Clothes, toys, (435)830-2309 PRESCHOOL in our Tooele office 50 sod, trimming, weeds, (435)840-0344 ages. No experience view Circle, Saturday, now books, brand new S Main St, (417)691- handyman. Free esti- required. Learn proper 9am-noon. Moving enrolling for the school supplies , 4277 jreidling@ Clean Out mates. (435)849-2867 PRIVATE TUTORING. techniques, will work sale! Sporting 2014-15 school year.! smoker, filing cabinet, LONGER CLASSES firstclassdiscountair. I am a certified with all styles of sing- Goods ELECTRICIAN/ HANDY- maternity, bearded TOOELE, 894 N 1480 E, NOW AVAILABLE. com Your Attic! teacher with 20yrs ex- ing. (435)850-0590 ! MAN residential/ com- perience. All ages/ dragon. Saturday, 8am-1pm. Summer & Fall SELLING YOUR moun- SEEKING DIRECT care mercial electrical in- subjects. Call Angela Three family sale. Lots tain bike? Advertise it in Classes. !Instructors: TOOELETRANSCRIPT STANSBURY, 6149 Staff for a disabled stalls & repairs, remod- (435)882-2733 of good stuff! Large en- the classifieds. Call Crystal Lawrence, BULLETIN Miscellaneous Schooner Lane, Satur- adult in Grantsville. eling, painting, plumb- (435)496-0590 tertainment center, 882-0050 www.tooele Heather Lawrence, day, 8am-2pm. Mercury Training will be pro- ing! Dale 435-843-7693 crafts, yarn, fabric, Brooke Castagno.! 882-0050 NEED A PAINTER? Lo- trolling motor air com- vided. Call Robyn 801-865-1878 Li- ALCOHOLICS ANONY- frames, lots of toys, Call now at (435) censed, insured.! Major cal professional painter pressor, tools, complete bike, kids picnic table SELL YOUR CAR or 882-0209 to reserve (801)918-1162 for more GREAT prices Li- MOUS Meeting Daily. salt water aquarium information. credit cards accepted! Noon and 8:00pm. (new), quilt stands, boat in the classifieds. your child's place. censed Serving Tooele with live stock and books, paints, clothes- Call 882-0050 or visit Over 20 years of ex- HAVING A yard sale? & SL areas Call for 1120 West Utah Ave, many other misc. Oasis Alano Club. Next kids & ladies plus sizes, www.tooeletranscript. perience! Advertise in the Tran- free estimate JJ things. (801)750-6588 some things new, misc. com or e-mail your ad script (801)631-5757 to White!s trailer court. (860)798-2139 to tbp@tooeletran- SMALL DAYCARE lov- STOCKTON, 124 N DEADLINES FOR clas- ing home. 25yrs experi- ANTIQUE VANITY with Sheridan, Saturday, sifieds ads are Monday The Kirk ence. By West Elemen- Quiet, Quality apartments in a inlaid front, antique 8am-3pm. Antiques, and Wednesdays by BECOME A SUB- SCRIBER. 882-0050 tary (approx 400 restored historic structure dresser with mirror, free artwork, collectibles, 4:45 p.m. South). Great prices. standing darkwood mir- furniture, appliances, AffordAble residentiAl Community Debbie (801)604-0918 The Best Places at the Best Prices ror, many dolls- buy misc. Watch for signs. • Room/Bath $500 one or all. Tooele Gateway Apartments SELLING YOUR • 1 Bdrm or Studio $600 mo. Completely Furnished (435)882-2938 TOOELE, 164 W 100 S, Saturday, 9am. Some- HOME? Advertise it in • 2 Bdrm $700Weekly & Monthly Rates DIAMONDS don't pay thing for everyone. 2 AND 3bdrm apartments behind the classifieds. Call All amenities included. Pet friendly. LDS standards, retail! Large selection, Tools, electronics, 882-0050 or visit 57 fencedWest yard, Vine laundry • Tooeleand large public• 882-1372 areas. high quality. Bridal sets, decorations, clothes, Super Wal-Mart. Swimming pool, www.tooeletran 57 West Vine • Tooele • 882-1372 wedding bands. Every- and more fun stuff! Now Accepting Applications thing wholesale! Rocky hot tub, exercise room, playground, Now Renting Mtn. Diamond Co. TOOELE, 234 Birch, Fri- full clubhouse. IncomeIncome Restrictions Restrictions ApplyApply S.L.C. 1-800-396-6948 day & Saturday, 9am-2pm. Books, ExclusivelyRental assistance for Seniors may be DO YOU Love Pam- household items, Tooele Gateway Apartments pered Chef? Are you clothes including baby (435)843-4400 available.Pet Friendly Call for details curious about Pam- & plus size, movies, fur- For Sale pered Chef? Inter- niture, holiday. Beauty in Rush Valley w/ 2nd Home & Land! Call for435.843.0717 details ested in attending a TDD 800.735.2900 Pampered Chef cook- 435.843.0717 ing show? Would you SECOND HOME: like to host a cooking, Service with a Smile! • 2 Bdrm, 2 Bath catalog or Facebook show? Would you like • Rambler a career or to earn Sandra Larsen • Great shape extra income as a • Options Pampered Chef con- sultant? Contact me REAL ESTATE at (435)830-8784 or chefamy@ For All Your Real Estate Needs! 2 Homes! CORRECTIONS OFFICER or visit my website at Tooele County Sheriff’s Offi ce 435.224.9186 Starting Salary: $16.91 per hour biz/afeinauer 50 CLUBHOUSE DR • STANSBURY 6830 N BIGELOW DR • STANSBURY Status: Full-time with Benefi ts METAL SHELVING Closing Date: August 14, 2014 at 6:00 p.m. w/brackets, slat board shelving w/brackets, New Tooele County is currently accepting applications to glass shelves, security Listing establish a roster for a Corrections Offi cer I with the mirrors. Please call if Tooele County Sheriff’s Department; all applicants interested (435)840- ONLY $210,000 ONLY $179,000 must attach test scores or verifi cation of completing 4631 Beautiful condo on the golf course. This Granite counter tops, Tile fl ooring in kitchen, baths condo is like new. Clean! Plantation shutters. and laundry. Stainless steelappliances! Fridge the Written Entry Test required by the Utah P.O.S.T SELL YOUR computer in Skylight in kitchen for lots of natural light. included! LARGE crawl space for storage. HOA Academy. Certifi ed Peace Offi cer or Corrections the classifieds. Call Covered patio with access from 2 bedrooms. takes care of landscaping and maintenance. MAIN HOME: Offi cer must also attach a copy of the certifi cation 882-0050 or visit 5 Bdrms • 4 Baths • Quality • Comfort! with their employment application. www.tooeletranscript. 853 W 660 SOUTH • TOOELE 78 BOOTH • GRANTSVILLE com A P.O.S.T. standards physical agility test (vertical leap, push-ups, sit-ups, and 1 ½ mile run) will be Furniture & 302 NORTH 100 EAST • TOOELE administered at the Tooele County Detention Center Appliances 1960 South Main, Tooele, UT 84074 on August 16, ONLY $165,000 ONLY $193,000 2014 at 7:00 a.m. (You will not be re-notifi ed of this BEAUTIFUL Allen Organ Perfect starter home with room to Darling rambler!! Central air. Main fl oor laundry. 5 bdrms, testing date). Applicants who do not take the test (foot pedal included) 2 baths. Laminate & tile fl ooring. Lots of decorative will be disqualifi ed from further consideration. from the old Erda grow in basement. Central air. woodwork (crown molding, bead board etc) LARGE 3 bedrooms on main. Chapel. $300 obo. kitchen island and lots of cabinets and counter space. POSITION DUTIES: Will maintain the security (435)882-1230 or of the Tooele County Detention Facility and will (435)843-7576 374 BEVAN WAY • TOOELE 391 NORTH MAIN • TOOELE uphold order and insure prisoner welfare. KENMORE Electric MINIMUM QUALIFICATIONS: Stove, flat top, self $ • Graduation from high school or GED; 2 years of cleaning oven, time 119,000 responsible work experience bake. Asking $250. $ $ • Must have the ability to be qualifi ed in the use of (435)843-5233 ONLY 225,000 ONLY 99,900 • Fully Fenced Large kitchen with lots of counter space and cabinets. Well maintained home w/new roof, new windows, new fi rearms in order to serve in a bailiff or NORTH VALLEY Appli- Large living room and large family room with bathroom, new kitchen counter. Hardwood fl oors, concrete • Detached Garage transportation of prisoner position ance. Washers/ dryers fi replace. Beautiful landscaping with an extra large patio. Full basement w/one bedroom & lots of storage. deck for bbq’s andentertaining! LOTS of R.V. Parking! w/ Storage • Must successfully pass a comprehensive refrigerators, freezers, Nice backyard w/fruit trees. All appliances included! stoves, dishwashers. • Central AC Unit background investigation, drug testing and a LAND 1113 S 1050 WEST • TOOELE psychological evaluation as a condition of hire $149-$399. Complete 693 E OAKRIDGE DR $92,000. • Newer Furnace • 21 years of age at the time of hire. repair service. Satis- faction guaranteed. Beautiful lot on East bench! • A citizen of the United States; a resident of the Parts for all brands. Gift 4000 N SR 36 Corner of SR36 & Erda State of Utah cards w/purchases over Way. Apx. 35.11 acres of vacant land w/9.66 • Must possess and maintain a valid Utah Drivers $199. (435)830-3225. Under acres zoned CG (Commercial) & the remaining ONLY $208,000 License; No disqualifying criminal history; No (435)843-9154 acrege of 25.45 acres is zoned RR-5. (Residen- DUI convictions in the past two years. tial on 5 acre lots.) Still timeContract to pick colors! Stucco, stone, carpet, • Full-time position/ Must work rotating shifts to ROPER Elecric Dryer tile,cabinets, paint, fi xtures! Taxes unkown. Great fl oor $55; Square kitchen ta- plan. 120 sq ft cold storage. Garden tub in master/tile include weekends and holidays. 408 N 250 W $45,000. 1.25 ac in surround.LOTS ofUPGRADES! ble, wood & tile, $30. Tooele City! Call after 6pm. For any of your 260 W 400 N $40,000. Corner Lot. 533 S CANYON WAY • TOOELE For more complete job description or an (435)882-1828 on-line application please visit 300 W 400 N 1.25 ac on corner lot, real estate Garage, Yard Tooele City Under needs, call Applications must be submitted to the Sales 1173 CHURCH Rush Valley. $32,500 Tooele County Human Resource Offi ce, 2947 W RUIZ Prime building lot! ONLY $165,000 Shane Bergen Rm 308, 47 South Main Street Tooele TOOELE, 178 E Vine St Stockton. $64,900 Contract or email application and resume to attention (Canyon Cove Apart- Fresh new paint & carpet. New furnace and central Tita Adams @ [email protected] ments), Friday and Sat- 1048 N DOUGLAS LN Beautiful 5+ air. New electrical panel. Jetted tub in basement. EEO Employer urday, 8am. Multi family acre piece in Vernon Utah. $67,410 Nice back yard w/covered patio. Brand new blinds. 435-840-0344 yard sale. NOTICE OF TRUS- TEE'S SALE The following described real property will be sold at public auction to the highest bidder, purchase price payable in lawful money of the United States of America at the time of sale, at the main entrance of the Tooele County Courthouse, a/k/a the Third Judicial District Court, 74 South 100 East, Tooele, Utah, on Tuesday, September 2, 2014, at the hour of 9:00 a.m. of that day for the purpose of foreclos- ing a deed of trust origi- nally executed by Bron- son Hunter, in favor of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., as nominee for First Horizon Home Loans, a division of First Tennes- see Bank N.A., its suc- cessors and assigns, covering real property lo- cated at approximately 242 East Heldelberg Place, Stansbury Park, Tooele County, Utah, and more particularly de- scribed as: LOT 98, THE VILLAGE AT COUNTRY CROSS- ING NEIGHBROHOOD PHASE 2A, PLAT 2, (A RESUBDIVISION OF PHASE 2A, COUNTRY CROSSING NEIGH- BORHOOD AMENDED, PHASE 2 AMENDED), ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE TOOELE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. MORE CORRECTLY DESCRIBED AS: LOT 98, THE VILLAGE AT COUNTRY CROSS- ING NEIGHBORHOOD PHASE 2A, PLAT 3, (A RESUBDIVISION OF PHASE 2A, COUNTRY CROSSING NEIGH- BORHOOD AMENDED, PHASE 2 AMENDED), ACCORDING TO THE OFFICIAL PLAT THEREOF ON FILE AND OF RECORD IN THE TOOELE COUNTY RECORDER'S OFFICE. 14-063-0-0098 The current beneficiary of the trust deed is JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, and the record owner of the property as of the re- cording of the notice of default is Bronson Hunter. The trustee's sale of the aforede- scribed real property will be made without war- ranty as to title, posses- sion, or encumbrances. Bidders must be pre- BOARD OF EDUCA- pared to tender a cash- TION MEETING and ier's check in the amount TRUTH IN TAXATION of $20,000.00 at the HEARING sale. The balance of the Tooele County School purchase price must be District paid by cashier's check 92 South Lodestone or wire transfer received Way Tooele, Utah by 12:00 noon the fol- 84074 lowing business day. AGENDA The trustee reserves the Tuesday, August 12, right to void the effect of 2014 the trustee's sale after 1. Executive Session, the sale based upon in- 6:00 p.m. (Closed to the formation unknown to Public) the trustee at the time of 1.1 Personnel / Negotia- the sale, such as a bank- tions / Property / Litiga- ruptcy filing, a loan rein- tion statement, or an agree- 2. Business Meeting, ment between the trustor 7:00 p.m. (Start of Public and beneficiary to post- Meeting) pone or cancel the sale. 2.1 Welcome and Roll If so voided, the only re- Call course of the highest 2.2 Pledge of Allegiance bidder is to receive a full 3. Recognition / Good refund of the money paid News to the trustee. THIS IS 3.1 RecognitionTHURSDAY Contin- AN ATTEMPT August 7,TO 2014 COL- C6 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN ues in September LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- 4. Truth in Taxation FORMATION OB- Hearing TAINED WILL BE USED Help Wanted Wanted Trucks Apartments Homes for Homes for Homes 4.1Public Presentation Notices FORPublic THAT PURPOSE.Notices for Rent Rent Rent 4.2 Meetings Patron Comments DATEDTrustees this 22nd day of (Individuals will receive July, 2014 GRANTSVILLE, 2 units Sheet Metal Fab Worker WANTED: Scrap metal. 1964 INTERNATIONAL WHY RENT When You SELLER WILL Finance HOME BUILT FOR three minutes for com- Marlon L. Bates, suc- available now. 1bdrm, Entry level position to Appliances, lawn mow- 4 door pickup. Runs Can Buy? Zero down Cheaper than Rent!! FAMILY AND ENTER- ment) cessor trustee 1bth 650sqft duplex assist skilled laborers in ers, garbage disposals, and drives great. Looks & Low Income pro- (435)277-0889 TAINMENT. 5bdrm, 3 4.3 Board Action Scalley Reading Bates unit. $490/mo , a metal shop. !Must be etc. Will pick up free. very good. V8, 4spd. grams, 1st time & Sin- (New Number) full bath Rambler. 5. Consent Items Hansen & Rasmussen, $250/dep. Small pets Tim/ Cindy Toone Equity RE 18 years old, able to lift Call Rick a t Solid truck. $1200. gle parent programs, 100% finished. Extra Lg 5.1 Approval of Minutes P.C. up to 40 lbs. regularly (801)599-5634 (435)849-6384 with extra deposit. family room w/full wet 5.2 Expenditure Report 15 West South Temple, Berna Sloan (435) SELLERS: Make $10- and 80 lbs. occasion- (801)673-6337 bar plus a 30ft. vinly 5.3 Revenue Report Ste. 600 840-5029 Group 1 15K above market ally. !Good memoriza- deck that you can walk 5.4 Disbursements Salt Lake City, Utah Recreational Apartments value on your home! tion skills needed with LARGE 1BDRM 1bth 3BDRM 1.5BTH condo, out from master bdrm. 5.5 Personnel Decisions 84101 Vehicles for Rent Serious inquiries only. 435-849-8880 ability to learn quickly. Tooele, single garage, Tim/ Cindy Toone Equity RE or sun room .Has!lots of 6. Information / Discus- Telephone: (801) EOE Drug Free with w/d hookups, a/c, $795/mo. www. storage throughout. sion Items 531-7870 great benefits. Please 1999 PALOMINO 1BDRM, utilities, a/c, w/d $500/dep, $585/mo. No STOCKTON, 3BDRM, Backyard fully fenced 6.1 Suspended Due to Business Hours: 9:00 send resume to: Bronco B800 pop up included, no smoking, pets, No Smoking. Equity RE (801)842- 2bth, w/d, $900/mo, with gate to children's Truth in Taxation Hear- a.m. to 5:00 p.m. [email protected] or truck camper 6!9” floor drinking, drugs, pets, (435)830-6518 9631 1st, last month!s plus park. Home is within ing Trustee No. 51121-523 stop by Harris Air Sys- length $4000. 1yr renewable lease re- security deposit. Call walking distance of 7. Action Items (Published in the Tran- LARGE 2BDRM 1.5bth, tems 272 N. Broadway (602)826-9471 quried. Background, 3BDRM 2BTH 1200sqft (435)640-7579 schools. This home is 7.1 Annual Review of script Bulletin July 31, w/d hookups, garbage Tooele for a job appli- credit check. $685/mo in Stockton. $850/mo, perfect for a family that Memorandums of Under- August 7 & 14, 2014) disposal, storage shed, cation. No phone calls $500/dep. $500/dep. (435)830- TOOELE 3BDRM 2bth is ready to move-in. No standing for School Re- private patio, covered please. Autos (435)840-4253 4391 (435)882-7068 newer home, fenced need!to finish uncom- source Officers parking. No smoking. yard, double garage, pleted rooms. Already 7.2 Annual Review of Public Notices 2BDRM 1bth, quiet. No Abolutely no pets. 3BDRM 2BTH, carport, (801)842-9631 guar- done! MUST SEE! Policy 5043, Clubs and Water User 1990 ASTROVAN, runs pets, no smoking, 1yr $650/mo, $500/dep. gas paid, $900/mo Eq- Sales Price recently re- Organizations in Secon- Wanted but needs work. $900 lease, air, w/d hookups, (435)241-9118 $300/dep. uity RE duced. Great buy at dary Schools Deadline for public no- OBO. (435)882-2938 storage shed, carport, (435)843-1185 tices is 4 p.m. the day SETTLEMENT CAN- TOOELE, 2bdrm 1bth $277,900. Call today 7.3 New Policy Section water, sewer, garbage (801)330-0910 prior to publication. I AM paying more for CASH Paid To You for YON APARTMENTS cottage. Hookups, 205-994-0886 5000, Student and Staff included. For further in- Public notices submit- your junk cars and your unwanted or bro- Deposit moves you in 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile swamp, fenced, $795. Memorials, 1st Reading formation please call ted past the deadline trucks. I will come to ken down car, truck or with a 12mo lease. home for rent, no smok- 136 North 4th Street 7.4 New Policy Section (435)882-4986 will not be accepted. you and tow it away. SUV. Free towing. Lost (435)882-6112 ing/ pets. 882-1550 (Front) Mobile Homes 6000, Parent/Legal UPAXLP (435)224-2064 title? We can help. Call 2BDRM 1BTH, remod- Davidson Realty Inc Guardian Rights, 1st 5BDRM 2BTH split level (801)347-2428 eled, govt. subsidized. TOOELE, 3BDRM, 2bth (801)466-5078 Reading NOTICE TO WATER PAYING UP TO $1000 home! located in 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile Playground, carport downstairs duplex, spa- 8. Adjourn (10:00 p.m. USERS for your unwanted car Tooele. Contact JP at home for rent, no smok- SELL YOUR CAR or ,free cable. $500/dep. cious bright clean, ac/ Curfew) truck or van, running or (602)320-4253 for de- TOOELE, 2bdrm 1bth ing/ pets. 882-1550 The applications below boat in the classifieds. 211 S. Hale, Grants- heater, w/d hookups, (Published in the Tran- not. Lost title? We can tails.! home for rent. 2 car were filed with the Divi- Call 882-0050 or visit ville. Call Chris carport, storage, pets 3BDRM, 2BTH mobile script Bulletin August 7, help! It!s worth your carport w/additional sion of Water Rights in www.tooeletranscript. (435)843-8247 Equal negotiable. No smok- home for rent, no smok- 2014) t i m e ! C a l l BEAUTIFUL Tooele parking in back. No Tooele County. com Housing Opp. ing. $815/mo . ing/ pets. 882-1550 (801)688-9053 Townhome 3bdrm smoking/ pets. Refer- These are informal pro- (435)830-6994 1.5bth 88 W 1970 N ceedings per Rule SELLING YOUR moun- FURNISHED 1bdrm, ences required. FOR SALE By Owner Public Notices BECOME A SUB- tain bike? www.tooele end unit with large $900/mo $500/dep R655-6-2. nicely furnished, laun- manicured yard “A must 14x70 single wide mo- Trustees Protests concerning an SCRIBER. 882-0050 dry on site, carport, Homes for (435)830-5429 bile home, 3bdrm, 1bth, Rent see” Call 801-627-1132 Deadline for public no- application must be credit/ background $15,000 obo. 24hr no- legibly written or typed, check required, $585 ERDA RAMBLER, 1 tice. (435)882-3055 tices is 4 p.m. the day 2BDRM, nice yard, TOOELE, 4BDRM, prior to publication. contain the name and THE MARKET IS Vine Street Courtyard, acre, horse property, 2.5bth, beautiful fenced (435)496-3322 mailing address of the 34 W Vine St, Tooele, clean, family, one child, 4bdrm, 3bth, w/d, 2 car Public notices submit- no smoking, parties. yard, 2 single garages, FREE!! We will move ted past the deadline protesting party, 801-205-3883 garage. No smoking. 2400sqft living, STATE THE APPLICA- $440/mo, $350/dep. 34! $800/dep, $1275/mo. your home for free to will not be accepted. MY LISTINGS BECOME A SUB- $1095/mo. guardright- TION NUMBER PRO- flatbed trailer, $750. (435)830-8622 our beautiful community UPAXLP NEAR GONE… SCRIBER. 882-0050 (435)841-9329 Equity RE in Grantsville Village TESTED, CITE REA- FULLY FURNISHED (801)842-9631 MHP. 653 East Main, NOTICE OF TRUS- SONS FOR THE PRO- TEST, and REQUEST A Give me a call if YOU want to MOVE on! 3bdrm 1bth includes TOOELE, 5BDRM, 2bth Lot 9, Grantsville, UT. TEE'S SALE utilities & trash, no pets, C a l l A l e x The following described HEARING, if desired. rambler, fenced yard, Also, A $15 FEE MUST no smoking. Yard care Brand New carpet (435)224-4804 real property will be sold Andrea Cahoon provided. $1350/mo. at public auction to the BE INCLUDED FOR H F $1095/mo guardright- EACH APPLICATION $500/dep. Owner/ highest bidder, purchase A House SOLD Name! Equity RE PROTESTED. Protests Agent. (435)882-6744 (801)842-9631 Office Space price payable in lawful (801)554-9118 money of the United must be filed with the Di- S States of America at the vision of Water Rights, 435 850.8167 HOMES available to pur- PO Box 146300, Salt $ Homes FOR LEASE Office/ time of sale, at the main 239,900 chase for LOW IN- Business Space entrance of the Tooele Lake City, UT 84114- [email protected] COME buyers with Utilities included. 54 County Courthouse, 6300, or by hand deliv- good credit.! Berna South Main (plus oth- a/k/a the Third Judicial ery to a Division office Sloan (435)840-5029 $$SAVE MONEY during normal business Search Bank & HUD ers). 1mo free. District Court, 74 South Group 1 Real Estate. (602)826-9471 100 East, Tooele, Utah, hours ON OR BEFORE 454 E Brigham St homes www.Tooele AUGUST 27, 2014. Stansbury Park HORSE PROPERTY on Tuesday, September $ OFFICE OR retail space, Please visit http://wa- 174,900 home for rent, 5bdrm, Berna Sloan (435) 2, 2014, at the hour of Beautiful 3 bdrm 2 ½ bath condo with 26 W Vine Street, good 9:00 a.m. of that day for or call Undergorgeous upgrades & 2 car garage. 2bth, large detached 840-5029 Group 1 parking, prox 600sqft, (801)538-7240 for addi- Cherry cabinets & fl ooring, granite garage. 412 E 500 N, the purpose of foreclos- counter tops & much more! Let some- 1035 PAULOS BLVD • TOOELE BEAUTIFUL BRAND $450! 801-205-3883 tional information. Contract! Tooele, $1350/mo. ing a deed of trust origi- one else do the maintenance for you! New Home. NEW APPLICATION(S) (435)840-2773 $198,000 nally executed by Bron- Gorgeous Home 2bdrm, 2bth, 2800sqft, son Hunter, in favor of 15-5261 (A80078): 418 S. 800 East 5 bedroom, 3 bath, 3120 sq . Large home for rent in many upgrades. A must Lots & Land Mortgage Electronic Christian and Hollie Tooele Stansbury Park. 5bdrm, Christiansen propose(s) $ see! 1032 South 1050 Registration Systems, 199,900 3bth for $1600/mo in- West. Call Eli Inc., as nominee for First using 4.73 ac-ft. from 4 bdrm 3 bath home on a large 0.30 WOULD LIKE To Sell groundwater (Vernon) acre lot w/views all around! Great cludes lawn care. No (435)850-9973 Burial plots, Grantsville Horizon Home Loans, a SE location with lots of RV parking. N  W Pets. No smoking. Call division of First Tennes- for IRRIGATION. Fenced yard and very clean! City Cemetery. $260 435-840-3779 205-994-0886 for more SELLING YOUR see Bank N.A., its suc- Kent L. Jones, P.E. HOME? Advertise it in each. Call Allan or STATE ENGINEER information.! Madge (435)884-3225 cessors and assigns, the classifieds. Call covering real property lo- (Published in the Tran- 8 COMMERCIAL PROPERTIES AVAILABLE E  S   HAVING A yard sale? 882-0050 or visit IN COUNTY CALL FOR DETAILS! cated at approximately script Bulletin July 31 & 435-830-9733 Advertise in the Tran- www.tooeletran 242 East Heldelberg August 7, 2014) script Water Shares Place, Stansbury Park, Tooele County, Utah, Public Notices GRANTSVILLE Irrigation and more particularly de- Miscellaneous shares wanted, $3600. scribed as: Paying quickly by LOT 98, THE VILLAGE Deadline for public no- casheirs check. Call Mi- AT COUNTRY CROSS- tices is 4 p.m. the day 5 Acre Spring Canyon Estates chael at (801)870-8085 ING NEIGHBROHOOD prior to publication. PHASE 2A, PLAT 2, (A Public notices submit- Public Notices RESUBDIVISION OF ted past the deadline Are you ready to build your dream Home on 5 acres? Meetings PHASE 2A, COUNTRY will not be accepted. CROSSING NEIGH- UPAXLP BORHOOD AMENDED, Pine Canyon Road Deadline for public no- PHASE 2 AMENDED), ADVERTISEMENT FOR Come take a look at Spring tices is 4 p.m. the day ACCORDING TO THE BIDS 119 prior to publication. O FFICIAL PLA T The Stansbury Service 117 Public notices submit- THEREOF ON FILE Agency is accepting bids 101 ted past the deadline Canyon Estates. AND OF RECORD IN for the removal and will not be accepted. THE TOOELE COUNTY stump grinding of 160 UPAXLP RECORDER'S OFFICE. trees currently located 118 NOTICE OF PUBLIC MORE CORRECTLY on both sides of, and in 103 15 beautiful 5 acre HEARING DESCRIBED AS: the center strip of, 102 104 The Tooele County LOT 98, THE VILLAGE Stansbury Parkway and 116 Commission will conduct AT COUNTRY CROSS- next to the community lots with amazing a public hearing in Room ING NEIGHBORHOOD pool. Sealed bids are 120 321 of the Tooele PHASE 2A, PLAT 3, (A being accepted until 4:00 County Building at 47 RESUBDIVISION OF pm on August 22, 2014 105 views still available South Main Street, PHASE 2A, COUNTRY at the Service Agency 115 Tooele, Utah, on August CROSSING NEIGH- office at #1 Country 121 19, 2014, at 7:00 p.m., to BORHOOD AMENDED, Club, Stansbury Park, 122 starting at ... consider mid-year PHASE 2 AMENDED), Utah 84074. The bid budget adjustments ACCORDING TO THE opening will be at 3:00 114 127 which, if approved, will O FFICIAL PLA T pm on August 25, 2014 123 106 result in an increase to THEREOF ON FILE at the Service Agency the 2014 budget. All in- AND OF RECORD IN office. Contractors de-

Droubay Road $ terested persons shall THE TOOELE COUNTY siring to bid must be li- have an opportunity to RECORDER'S OFFICE. c ensed, insured, 126 99,000 be heard for or against 14-063-0-0098 bonded, and able to sub- 125 The current beneficiary 112 124 the estimates of revenue mit references. A project 113 107 and expenditures and of the trust deed is walk through will be con- Use your own builder performance data or any JPMorgan Chase Bank, ducted on August 13, item in any fund. National Association, 2014 at 9:00 am at the DATED this 7th day of and the record owner of Service Agency office. A or one of ours. August 2014. the property as of the re- complete scope of work 111 110 BY ORDER OF THE cording of the notice of may be obtained by con- 108 TOOELE COUNTY default is Bronson tacting the Service 109 COMMISSION: Hunter. The trustee's Agency, #435-882-6188 MARILYN K. GIL- sale of the aforede- or email servicea- LETTE, County Clerk scribed real property will gency@stansburypark. (Published in the Tran- be made without war- org. script Bulletin August 7, ranty as to title, posses- (Published in the Tran- 2014) sion, or encumbrances. script Bulletin August 7, Bidders must be pre- 12, 14, 19 & 21, 2014) BOARD OF EDUCA- pared to tender a cash- TION MEETING and ier's check in the amount PUBLIC NOTICE TRUTH IN TAXATION of $20,000.00 at the Tooele County is accept- HEARING sale. The balance of the ing Request for Propos- Tooele County School purchase price must be als for a Feasibility Study District paid by cashier's check for the Proposed Incor- 92 South Lodestone or wire transfer received poration of Stansbury Way Tooele, Utah by 12:00 noon the fol- Park. For more informa- 84074 lowing business day. tion, please go to the AGENDA The trustee reserves the Tooele County website Tuesday, August 12, right to void the effect of at 2014 the trustee's sale after 1. Executive Session, the sale based upon in- sibilityStudyStansbury 6:00 p.m. (Closed to the formation unknown to Park.pdf. Public) the trustee at the time of For any questions 1.1 Personnel / Negotia- the sale, such as a bank- please call Marilyn K. tions / Property / Litiga- ruptcy filing, a loan rein- Gillette, Tooele County tion statement, or an agree- Clerk at 435-843-3148. 2. Business Meeting, ment between the trustor (Published in the Tran- 7:00 p.m. (Start of Public and beneficiary to post- script Bulletin July 29, Call Laramie Dunn Meeting) pone or cancel the sale. August 5 & 7, 2014) 2.1 Welcome and Roll If so voided, the only re- WANT TO get the latest Call LaramieTooele County’sDunn for Real ALL Estate Specialist Call course of the highest local news? Subscribe 2.2 Pledge of Allegiance bidder is to receive a full to the Transcript Bulle- 3. Recognition / Good refund of the money paid tin. your Real Estate needs News to the trustee. THIS IS 3.1 Recognition Contin- AN ATTEMPT TO COL- SELL YOUR CAR or 435-224-4000 ues in September LECT A DEBT. ANY IN- boat in the classifieds. 4. Truth in Taxation F ORMATION OB- Call 882-0050 or visit Hearing TAINED WILL BE USED www.tooeletranscript. 4.1 Presentation FOR THAT PURPOSE. com or e-mail your ad 4.2 Patron Comments DATED this 22nd day of to tbp@tooeletran- (Individuals will receive July, 2014 three minutes for com- Marlon L. Bates, suc- ment) cessor trustee 4.3 Board Action Scalley Reading Bates 5. Consent Items Hansen & Rasmussen, 5.1 Approval of Minutes P.C. 5.2 Expenditure Report 15 West South Temple, 5.3 Revenue Report Ste. 600 5.4 Disbursements Salt Lake City, Utah 5.5 Personnel Decisions 84101 6. Information / Discus- Telephone: (801) sion Items 531-7870 6.1 Suspended Due to Business Hours: 9:00 Truth in Taxation Hear- a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ing Trustee No. 51121-523 7. Action Items (Published in the Tran- 7.1 Annual Review of script Bulletin July 31, Memorandums of Under- August 7 & 14, 2014) standing for School Re- source Officers 7.2 Annual Review of Policy 5043, Clubs and Organizations in Secon- dary Schools 7.3 New Policy Section 5000, Student and Staff Memorials, 1st Reading 7.4 New Policy Section 6000, Parent/Legal Guardian Rights, 1st Reading 8. Adjourn (10:00 p.m. Curfew) (Published in the Tran- script Bulletin August 7, 2014) THURSDAY August 7, 2014 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN C7

Public Notices Miscellaneous

NOTICE OF AUCTION Date of Sale: Saturday, August 23, 2014. Time: 10:00 AM. Beehive Storage, 1498 North Main St, Tooele, Utah. 435-882-3088 This notice of auction is being given pursuant to 38-8-1 et al, Utah Code You Have Fascinating Annotated. UNIT #393 Richard Ar- ellano. Generator, pi- ano, dresser, chair, end tables, shelves , couches, pictures, com- puter (FULL). UNIT #430 Richard Del- gado. Power washer, Neighbors! Read Their engine, tools, car parts, toys, shelves, misc. items, TransA m VIN#GIFTA7F4GL18358 (FULL) UNIT #216A Carl Ris- beck. Dresser, beds, camping equipment, Stories in Every Issue! misc. furniture, table, misc. boxes. (Published in the Tran- script Bulletin August 7, 2014) NOTICE OF AUCTION GRAND STORAGE Notice is hereby given of auction at Grand Stor- age on August 23, 2014, 10:00am. To settle delin- quent accounts in accor- dance with section 38-8-4 of the Utah code. Units are: #E39 Lynn Geister #313W Davis Horrocks #RV04 Raul Vargas; Ve- hicle 1963 Cadillac #RV27 Lynn Geister; Military Trailer #E39 Lynn Geister #19 Charles Hager #21 Aaron Hyde #38 Brandon Fuller #50 Danny Sanders #52 Travice Pitcher #57 LouAnn Curtis #66 Melody Combs #86 Karen Martinez #90 Steve Gingiss #100 Nels Beveridge #103 Sondra Castagno #106 Scott Luttrell #142 Todd Thayne #232 Angela Quintana #281 Daniel Gavin #321 Johnny P. Galle- gos #344 Mikali Harris This action is an attempt to cllect delinquent rents. As annotated by Storage Lien law 38-8-4. All arti- cles stored by a rental agreement, and chages not having been paid for 30 days, will be sold or otherwise disposed of to pay charges. Auction is subject to cancellation in the event of settlement of debt between owners and tenants of Grand Storage LLC. (Published in the Tran- script Bulletin August 7 & 12, 2014) PUBLIC NOTICE On behalf of The State of Utah and Utah State University Tooele, Gra- moll Construction (CM/ GC) is requesting pricing for the USU Tooele Sci- ence and Technology Building to be located at 345 Tooele Blvd. Plans and specifications for Bid Package #3 Revised will be available July 25, 2014 at 10:00 AM !!for your review and can be found at www .!or in their office at 175 W. 1100 N. NSL 84054. The following is a summary of the work we are cur- rently requesting pricing for:!Site concrete, pre-cast concrete, As- phalt paving, Concrete paving, Stainless steel stair railings with glazing, Rough Carpentry, Mill- work, Epoxy tops, Fume hoods, Cadaver tables, Damp-proofing, Water- repellants, Roofing, Insu- lation, Air & Moisture Barriers, Exterior Siding, EIFS, Flashings, Seal- ants, Fire-stopping, !Doors, Door Frames & Hardware, Storefront, Curtain wall, Glazing, Metal panels, Cold Formed Framing, Dry- wall, Ceramic Tile, Acoustic ceilings, Ce- ramic tile, Porcelain tile, VCT, Carpet, Resilient base, Polished concrete, Interior and Exterior Paint, Specialties, Eleva- tors, Specialties, !Toilet Partitions, Lab Equip- ment, Fire Suppression, Mechanical, Plumbing, TOOELE HVAC and !Electrical. NOTE: the Structural RANSCRIPT steel, Structural con- T crete, Site excavation and joist and deck have been previously bid. The last day for questions is!August 8,2014 at 12:00 PM!with bids due ULLETIN on!August 14,2014 at B 2:00 PM.!All questions and bids are to be di- rected to Gary Hansen at Gramoll Construction. He can be reached at 801-949-2304 (M) 801-295-2341 (O) We’re Your Hometown! 801-295-2356 (F) or [email protected]. (Published in the Tran- script Bulletin July 29, 31, August 5, 7, 12 & 14, 2014) SUBSCRIBE TODAY 882-0050 C8 TOOELE TRANSCRIPT-BULLETIN THURSDAY August 7, 2014 In-Depth Features on Family Values for Every Faith Now included with Your Subscription Now our subscribers get the Deseret News National Edition including the LDS Church News. These products offer coverage of Faith and Family Values for our unique audience of multi-faith readers!

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