Kampong Thum, and surroundings ENERGY PROGRAMME A network of entrepreneurs to facilitate universal access to improved energy solutions To set up a franchised distribution network in 2014, Entrepreneurs du Monde is seeking €150.000

MISSION COUNTRY FACTS Meeting energy needs...... Thanks to an innovative ■ 15 million inhabitants In Cambodia, 75% of all households partnership Ranked 137/187 on the HDI are not connected to the electrical The project links Entrepreneurs du ■ grid and 95% remain dependent on Monde and Chamroeun with NRG Cambodia ■ Only 25% of households are connected to the electrical grid traditional woodfuel for cooking. The Solutions, a Cambodian social enter- ■ 95% of the population depends on rural and suburban populations resort prise that distributes and installs quality woodfuel for cooking to rudimentary cooking and lighting solar energy solutions such as lighting equipment – cheap to buy, but limited and TV kits. *HDI : Human Development Index in energy efficiency. The project implements a distribution Entrepreneurs du Monde has been network of micro-franchised retailers active in Cambodia since 2006, when by recruiting, training and supporting it created Chamroeun, a microfinance them throughout the cycle of their Kampong Thum institution that has since become in- operations. These retailers spearhead dependent. In working with the mi- promotion and sales whilst network cro-entrepreneurs and vulnerable technicians coordinate technical sup- Phnom Penh households that are Chamroeun’s ben- port for customers. Loan products are eficiaries, Entrepreneurs du Monde has offered to families wishing to purchase observed how poor energy access can the clean energy solutions and to mi- destabilize families and endanger the cro-entrepreneurs wanting to join the environment. It therefore launched an distribution network. initiative to facilitate universal access to cleaner and more economical energy.

2013 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS Needs-based analysis Development of suitable loans SOVANNARA PHA In 2013, Entrepreneurs du Monde car- To complement these efforts, HEAD OF DISTRIBUTION ried out a detailed study of the energy Entrepreneurs du Monde and Committed to improving the living conditions of ru- needs for 500 of Chamroeun’s borrow- Chamroeun introduced three energy ral populations in Cambodia, Sovannara has been ers. This survey included quantitative loan products to meet the needs of us- involved in the renewable energy sector since his questionnaires, ethnographic inter- ers and retailers. first job. For six years, he sold and installed photo- views and discussion groups. voltaic systems. In 2012 he joined NRG Solutions as head of distribution. Today, he oversees their Product selection technical and commercial team in his home Next, it evaluated local and interna- province of Kampong Thom. With valuable mar- tional products able to meet these ket knowledge and excellent interpersonal skills, Sovannara coordinates the development of the needs (photovoltaics, improved cook- network, oversees distribution up to the very last ing and efficient refrigeration) through mile and supervises the quality of customer rela- technical testing and a pilote for use in tions. Using tested and proven methods, he trains the field. and coaches franchised micro-entrepreneurs. ENERGY PROGRAMME CAMBODIA

2013 SIGNIFICANT EVENTS marketing campaign. The first borrowers have already provided positive feedback FOCUS Creation of a three-pronged about their satisfaction with the solar lan- partnership tern product. A BENEFICIARY’S JOURNEY Entrepreneurs du Monde identified NRG Solutions as the local partner enterprise Choice of to help set up a network of franchised products dealers capable of delivering reliable and During his visit affordable solutions with high-quality ser- to a point-of-sale vice. The three partners signed an agree- within the distri- ment to move forward with a pilot phase bution network, and to finalise the business plan. An en- a user is advised ergy loan offering was introduced in early on the prod- 2014 and was supported by an innovative ucts that best meet his needs. He can choose among several OBJECTIVES products in each category of solutions – solar Enhancing the offerings lanterns, solar lighting kits, solar TV kits and im- In addition to recently-added solar proved cooking stoves. TV kits, available products will be ex- panded to include solutions for re- Loan frigeration, irrigation and cooking. All application products are chosen for their energy If the client efficiency and their quality. They are does not have tested in the laboratory and then in the the means to field by families before being added to fully pay for a Completing the pilot phase the catalogue. Products with satisfac- loan-eligible A six-month pilot phase started in tion rates of more than 75% in these product, an ap- March 2014 in the Kampong Thom tests then become eligible for financial pointment with province, where the first energy loan support via energy loans. a Chamroeun loan officer is arranged at his was issued and the first support store home or place of work. During this visit, the established. agent evaluates the client’s repayment capacity and verifies that he meets the eligibility crite- Setting up the distribution network ria of the loan. If all required information can be Entrepreneurs du Monde and NRG gathered, a decision is made by Chamroeun the Solutions created a new entity and spe- same evening. cific brand name for the distribution network. The objectives are to achieve Acquisition and the following by the end 2014: training • 2 provinces covered The following day, • 10 franchised dealers the borrower • 500 energy solutions sold is invited to the • 200 loans disbursed Chamroeun branch for the FUNDING NEEDS disbursement of In 2013, the programme was support- the design of the loan products for loan as a voucher. ed by the Climate Finance Innovation dealers and users and the launch of This voucher can then be exchanged at the Facility (CFIF) of the United Nations the pilot phase were all made possible. point-of-sale where the application has been Environment Programme (UNEP) and Entrepreneurs du Monde is seeking registered. The client also receives free training Don Boule de Neige, and it was sup- new funding to continue the devel- on installation and use of the product. plemented by in-kind contributions opment of the project. EDF HELP has via Chamroeun and NRG Solutions. been the first to commit to supporting Use and fol- Because of this support, the distribu- the programme in 2014. low-up service tion network, the feasibility studies, The clients can choose a quality energy PARTNERS Financial partners Operational partners solution and receive other benefits from the partnership. The savings facilitate the refund of the loan. In case there are any problem, clients benefit from CONTACTS ENERGY PROGRAMME CAMBODIA Entrepreneurs du Monde technical support and customer service for products that are guaranteed for two years. Programme Manager: Philippe Baudez Enery programmes Manager > [email protected] > [email protected] > www.entrepreneursdumonde.org/energie