Fall 2013, Vol 11, No. 3
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2013 TD Conference a Success he 21st Annual Trans- Outstanding Local Coordinating Board of portation Disadvan- the Year: Miami-Dade County Metropolitan Ttaged Best Practices Planning Organization and Training Workshop was held at the Designated Offi cial Planning Agency of the Ocean Center and the Hilton Daytona Year: Lake-Sumter Metropolitan Planning Beach Ocean Resort in Daytona Beach, Organization Florida on August 6 and 7, 2013, and was a huge success! Rural CTC of the Year Award: Citrus County Transit Conference attendees participated in sev- eral informative breakout and general sessions Urban CTC of the Year Award: Hillsborough throughout the two day event. The traditional dis- County Sunshine Line play of products and services by the transit indus- Sheila Winitzer Shining Star of the Year try vendors provided conference attendees with the Award: Jim Van Pelt latest in equipment, technology and services. William G. & Budd Bell Lifetime Achievement The highlight of the conference was the annual Award: Cathy Brown Awards Banquet. The 2013 award winners included: The 2013 Annual TD Conference proved to Legislator of the Year: Doug Conkey, Clay County be fun, informative, and educational. Thanks Commissioner to all the attendees, speakers, exhibitors, and Legislator of the Year: Donna Fiala, Collier County staff for making this year’s event a success! Commissioner For more information regarding the Commis- Volunteer of the Year Award: Mary Link-Bennett, sion for the Transportation Disadvantaged Lake County LCB please contact Steven Holmes, CTD Direc- tor at (850) 410-5700 or steven.holmes@dot. Innovation of the Year Award: Jacksonville Trans- state.fl .us portation Authority Operator of the Year Award: MMG Trans- portation Inc. Dispatcher/Scheduler of the Year Award: StarMetro Call Center Driver of the Year Award: Stewart Wood, Votran Driver of the Year Award: Patricia 2013 TD Conference Award Recipients Adams, Manatee County Area Transit Florida RTAP Plays Active Role in 2013 TD Conference o maximize the program outreach, the Florida • Florida RTAP sponsored RTAP program leveraged the annual TD workshop associated costs for speak- Tto help inform and educate Florida’s rural transit ers from the Community professionals through its sponsorship of several of the key- Transportation Associa- note and breakout sessions, including: tion of America and Easter Seals Project Action. • Florida RTAP Roundtable breakout session was held to inform conference attendees of the RTAP efforts and • Meredith Highsmith from to solicit input for future outreach and training efforts. Texas A&M was sponsored by Florida RTAP for her two presentations on “Devel- • The National RTAP training module on “Customer oping Relative Performance Measures for Mobility Driven Service” was highlighted in the RTAP Round- Management” and “Communicating the Value of Ser- table session, providing attendees with an example of vices You Provide.” no cost training resources available to all Florida tran- sit operators. PrMPT Program Overview he Preventative Maintenance Planning Training Other program resources include the Paratransit Mainte- and Technical Assistance program (PrMPT) was nance Consortium which offers a forum for technicians, Testablished by FDOT to assist transit agencies maintenance managers and program directors to dis- with their preventive maintenance programs. The goal is to cuss and provide resolution to current or potential main- provide technical assistance to enhance the safety and effi - tenance issues. In addition, the Paratransit Maintenance ciency of maintenance programs and to provide resources Forum online provides a resource for maintenance manag- to transportation service providers that assist with mainte- ers around the state to network with others about current nance oversight. maintenance practices and offer resolution to vehicle and mainte- The PrMPT program provides nance technical issues. The Para- maintenance reviews in which transit Maintenance Forum can be transit agency maintenance pro- accessed at http://forum.prmpt.org. grams are assessed to ensure compliance with Rule 14-90. These services are provided at NO Maintenance reviews examine the COST to the agency. All work is agency’s maintenance procedures and practices to deter- performed on site at the agency’s convenience in the order mine if additional technical resources can be provided that that requests are received. will enhance program oversight and effi ciency. The PrMPT For more information about the Preventative Maintenance program provides assistance with developing or custom- Planning, Training & Technical Assistance Program visit izing transit agency maintenance plans to refl ect the spe- our website at www.PrMPT.org. cifi c maintenance policies, procedures and practices at each agency. An online maintenance database has been created to assist agencies with tracking and monitoring mainte- nance activities. Please direct all questions or comments to: OUR MISSION RTAP BULLETIN The Florida RTAP provides training, con- tinuing education, and technical assistance Center for Urban Transportation Research to those who provide or assist in the pro- Vol. 11 No. 3, Fall 2013 University of South Florida vision of public transportation services in 4202 East Fowler Avenue, CUT100 rural and small urban communities in order Tampa, FL 33620-5375 to promote the coordinated delivery of safe, The RTAP BULLETIN is produced by the (813) 974-3120, fax (813) 974-5168 effi cient, and effective transit services. USF Center for Urban Transportation email: [email protected] Research. website: www.fl oridartap.org Editor: Yolanda Moore Designer: Stephanie Lewis 2 SPOTLIGHT—Marilyn Russell, Executive Director ach SPOTLIGHT edition highlights one of our many providing a much needed service to those clients who have energetic Florida RTAP transit professionals and no other way to get to the doctor and life-essential services Eallows these individuals to introduce themselves in unless paratransit takes them. We do meet some very inter- their own words. In this issue, the SPOTLIGHT is on Mari- esting people also and we know that we are making a dif- lyn Russell the Executive Director for Calhoun County ference! Senior Citizens Assocation, Inc. I am very involved in the community in which I grew up. I I am the Executive Director for Cal- am a member of the Rotary Club, a member of the Hospital hhoun County Senior Citizens Associa- Board, a member of the Chamber of Commerce, and I am ttion, Inc. and Calhoun County Transit. also a licensed Travel Agent! I started the Travel Agency I was born in Blountstown, Florida... as part of my job at the Senior Center because of all of the aacross the street in a very small clinic budget cuts; this is the only way to keep our doors open! ffrom where I work at now. I gradu- The Calhoun County Senior Citizens Association, Inc. has aated from high school in 1976 in the to raise over $ 60,000 in order to match federal and state ttop 5 of my class. I took several col- grants… our Agency is a 501 C 3 private non-profi t. lege courses but did not obtain a degree. My experience I am married to a wonderful man of 33 years, John Rus- was obtained from hands-on training. I started my job in sell. We have 5 children, 11 grandchildren and 1 grandson June 1982 with the Senior Center, and then later started the arriving in October. My hobbies include cooking, sewing, Coordinated Transportation Program in July 1985 with just riding motorcycles, traveling and other things. I also drive a 2 vehicles. Over the years when the funding was ‘plentiful’ motor coach on the weekends because I enjoy meeting new the Agency had 24 vehicles to provide paratransit services. people, and as my husband says “This is how you can get Because of the budget cuts to date we have only 14 vehicles. your mad money!” The biggest surprise in paratransit is the different services that we now offer in this fi eld (i.e. stretcher, wheelchair). My childhood ambition was to be an Airline Stewardess. When paratransit fi rst started for years all we could provide My favorite book would be “The Notebook,” favorite color was ambulatory. Look at what almost 30 years has brought is blue, favorite candy would be “anything chocolate”. My – we are no longer in the good ole days! The personal ben- motto in life is “Always treat others just as you would like efi t of working with paratransit is that we know that we are to be treated!” Public Transit Professionals Converge on Tampa lose to 200 transit professionals gathered in Tampa The workshop sessions focused on topics such as transit at the USF Embassy Suites on June 18-19, 2013 for planning, operations, maintenance and marketing. Addi- Cthe 2013 FPTA/FDOT/CUTR Professional Devel- tionally, there were many other professional development opment Workshop. The workshop was jointly sponsored topics including, substance abuse management, customer by the Florida Public Transportation Association (FPTA), service, workplace generational issues and confl ict reso- Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT), and the lution, communication, as well as business and computer USF Center for Urban Transportation Research (CUTR). skills, just to name a few. The FDOT Florida Transit Safety Network (FTSN) held their inaugural meeting and dis- This statewide workshop offered a unique professional cussed pressing industry safety issues and ideas. Last but development opportunity for Florida's public transportation not least, the workshop featured a partnership with the supervisors, front-line employees, and other key staff in Florida Commission for the Transportation Disadvantaged operations, maintenance, marketing, planning and admin- who hosted two training sessions on mobility management istration. The one-stop workshop provided public transit and coordinated transportation. professionals with an excellent opportunity to learn from industry experts, attend professional development training, learn about research updates, and network with their peers. Workshop attendees participated in educational training classes and general session discussions that stimulated new ideas and identifi ed creative solutions to problem solving and strategic planning.