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FREEDOM OF INFORMATION AND PRIVACY ACTS SUBJECT: FRANK SINATRA Los Angeles file:100-41413 Section: 1 FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTIGATION THE BEST COPY OBTAINABLE IS INCLUDED IN THE REPRODUCTION OF THESE DOCUMENTS. PAGES INCLUDED THAT ARE BLURRED, LIGHT, 0R OTHERWISE DIFFICULT TO;_ -1 READJ5.-._....L 4.4.1 4_;...&.__41.-JARR TI-IR.l_l_...I.,.l_.J RESULT OF THE CONDITION OF THE ORIGINAL DOCUMENT. NO BETTER COPY CAN BE REPRODUCED. Freedom of Information and Privacy Acts Release of Subject: Frank Sinatra File #: LA 100-41413 Section 1 u 1-AL Q 1111' 0 9 or 1* Q ~Up-Q. Federal Bureau of Investigation :2 :,>_-_;_~ -u-;- _' - e._ an "92 Pv R '> " FD-192 an -- A * <7-1'?-52> In , _.,1_- '5";-; ;_- 1,-I . $1 -Zw ""* -3 I :%=i-">i,-~-§I..,- mmnonx or PROPERTY wqunmn AS EVIDHIGE |. _- , _. i --_,,~<}_§'_. ' _- --1. ,5! _ -. -, . ! - ,. "t__,j_:'.,_ __ _ 92 - .;.: ';a§19_~:hl?-¥Z§3-a- 1 a - ~ = . 1 Lea ggelea Field Dieim -. .,%'!,:. 4 . LEI" / JP." -92'-".1-~.'_§_];d"i:'§_"-..-; 3:»: -' - - "- March $5, 1256 mt, -$»§3*'-.,~_;-. 7 -- - .- '- '~.'--"'--95,-Q->..'. ..4~. ,_4_. , =;~ ~'? ',- . -.__. *" _ .,__,: L: -. _ I .4 i ~k'é35"*$-.--"'92_921:§§'.:i-;F92 1lIbP&d§1Ihint¬fi ,5 §?JE§'_'¢Q%!'?";§1»?_.;' fl? Gaga ' . 2 ____,,- ___.';.A_*i.__,_I¬, *-- '--:1; ,' ____L;:-_T_i "_, - ,-; _A, I .1-.4._. - r w 'r. I d? r . : FRAHCI33QL§ERT SIHATRA,aka., J ".,_ A -H- '-. ; » .»_*s:' - - -y, '. 1. .. n . a _ . , I .! --__ '_ FRAHKSINA1BA' Ae- w _. _ _ -f.-=1.-i__:_.;:,!__'_ . .. _ SEOURITY MATTER-C {- '. _1 - _ .- . V - . »,1' . .. .- » FRAUD AGAINST THE GOVERNMHT 3-1.0-S6 Smitoe Fi-cln ihich Property Acquired: Purchased at Newstand - Tth 8: ,_Los Angeles _Loeatim-at Bulky Exhibit: Bulky exhibit room _ Reason tar Retention of Property and Reference, indefinitely retained Efrain Made to Dispose of Sane: %s**... ...ptia-a at Prcpu"-t.y er %i.oit aid Submiied by SA Identity of Agent Sulnitting Same: 1. "Confidential " Magazine, issue 1,10 i 7 0% J4 %*ét9 v%Up . 7 3&2§%3naéegwmi I /60 __ 4//4//J _ 55g,g|-|ED lND£A _ Tv. R I 5 I52-Q5 _7 _ cu. -- ---_ - I16111 F116 ii: loo _ 1B1 92 ,, ;92;m,_p-92.;I'92P"-92"92*' ___ l/é!92L|. .-I /"-I .-r_- ?__. _ .,+,._...-H...__ _. ...-.. , .. U... _... ..._ _.. ..92... _... .....-..».-_.....,.._....~_.,...-.~....92...1~..........-92-....,..,..-»._..._.... ~. _,...,.-_.. ~- H.-... A .~ _... .mH-mmm~M"@__mn STAHDARD FORMNO. 64 -5*, 0]jZiC6t$M6MW4d%m- UNITEDSTATES GOVERNMENT V? T0 = S.-l_»I',L08 Angeles DATE: February 27, 1952 1'/'1»X/,{§,1fR0192-I. i.'1i"¬C§0T_,_1'BI -92-. _ ¢-¢?j.¢l9!,3 i IN 92 ! 92 _ If / i - - . sunJ1zc'r=" e:?A.w.¢f,.- 1;-11mi"..-|.Jl M5,.92t- __ / - " _ -'- - .../ . V F03 .331TIUN C'0I=CE.1FEI:I£v'|1 I1VT.E.RNAL SEUURITY! 1'V /_.., __ I r if 4, kw , J J A » if"I- 92 /01! _v' .1._ __,_ ,,,. -I5.-" I J /x P A_ , Attachedis a ¢?/'-phot 2*- .9.fa ~- > if h'21-9;a;~».+_,~/ communication ' 3"... dated February 7, 1952, from New York City» 5% This letter is not being ackn e no return address was furnished by correspondent. Copies of this letter have been made available to the Bureau of Narcotics, Washington, D. U. P -- - - J4} .a=:ca.cnmerrn9292 cc - New Fork Attachment! #.?/dds! I ALL INFOHIATIOH0011141139 D:;1£-'"fE"' BY sszrz 92 b'+¢ OPCA-ll! {ll-3-Mil XXXXXX XXXXXX FEDERAL BUREAU OF INVESTiGATION XXXXXX FOIPA . DELETED PAGE INFORMATION SHEET Page s! withheld entirely at this location in the le. One or more of the following statements,where indicated explain this deletion. El Deletions were made pursuant to the exemptionsindicated below with no segregable material available for release to you. Section 552 Section 5522 El b! 1! U b!! A! U d!! El b!! U b!! B! U i!! [J b!! U b!! C! U k!! U b!! D! U <!! U b!! E! U k!! U b!! F! U !<!! U b!! U b!! U k!! U b!! U b! 9! U 09! U b!! U l<!! El Information pertainedonly to a third party with no referenceto the subject ofyour requestor the subject ofyour request is listed in the title only. El Documents originated withanother Govemmentagency ies!. Thesedocuments werereferred tothat agencyes! for review and direct responseto you. Pages containinformation furnishedby another Government agency ies!.You willbe advisedby the FBI as to the releasability of this information followingour consultationwith theother agencyes!. Page s! withheld inasmuch as a nal release determination has not been made. You willbe advised as to the disposition at a later date. J; Pages werenot considered for release as they are duplicativeof M. - 8 32_._I_i-- L]3 _ _ Page s! withheldfor the following reason s!: g H W _ _ lffhe followingnumberto be used is reference for these pages: regarding .. |OO+ "1l..l1J.$ -1,3... _.._ . __.. --i-_ _.. XX r. 92 x Deleted Page s! X ° X No Duplication Fee X X for this page X XXXXXX XXXXXXX XXXXXX FOR|92»l_T1C'5l1 "E ' ' 92' 1 " Oice Memorandum TO FROM : SUBJECT: 7-O~8 TO D STATES GOVERNMENT "yr" . 1". Q5.-u_ : FILE 5* DATE: MARCH1, 1955 FILE REVIEW& SUMMARYCLEHK ' T-G-BTGI1 SUMMARYON FRALIKSINYTRA, MEMOFrancis . aka .1" Sineira, Aloert .., .. rramcieoiqatra-..¥... »I Following referencesbelieved to be identical with FRANK SINATRA,subject T-O-3703 file 100-hll113* ' ' Teletype fromSAC, LAto Directordated 6/ll:/hhre: BEAM.Teletype re kidnapping threats received by FRANKSINATRA. HalterWinchells column appearingin LA Herald Express,6/13/hh carriedfollowing The F. received snatch threats -which is why they beg '- editors not to request pix of their baby. FRANK SIHATRAcontacted 1--1 instant date and denied that he had knowledge of receipt of any r _ kidnapping_or extortion threats. Advised that he would notify this office immediately in the event of receipt of such kidnapping threat considering such a procedure to be for his best interests and ;. 1-1.,_ protection. Walter Winchell not interviewed cone. his -source oi 3-_~ , 1 E9 information. No further action being taken by this office. .~|-I! 0- I 1--"-. , . '.v._-_: re,-.,;_ E"-1 E! .1-1; .1 f/ _r fa? at l2~O-922/922A serial 922A - Memo from 1; ector to sic, LA dated 9/7/51 re: FRANK SINATHA, etal Research. Memo sets out Enclosed are photostatic copies of two communications dated B/28, and Bfj/51, from an anonymous source. Copies being furnished to Narcotics Bureau at Washington, D. C. and the Legat at Havana, Cuba. Serial 922 - Photostatic copy of letter dated 8/28/51 to Director signed "Justifiably puzzled citizen". Letter as follows: "A large aggregation of people are puzzled about something, which has been recently called to the public's attention through an article in the August edition of the American Mercury' magazine. This article pertains to gangsters in the night clubs and other media of entertainment and it specifically mentions FRANK SIHATRA as having aided gangsters and narcotic traders. It also mentions that your T-men were present in Havana when SINATRA made the plans trip with th Fischetti brothers, andithat he carried the-suitcase supposedly containing the money for Luciano. From the article, the data for which was taken from the Treasury Department records, you will find that SINATRA is the close friend of Moretti, the Fischettis, Capone, Adonis cousin to Moretti, and Luciano. There is much campaigning on the part of the Government, the press, and the radio, all of whom have been carrying extensive articles and programs in an effort to rid the country of this demoralizing situation, drug addiction, particularly among the youth of the natior SINATRA is supposedly the symbol of the underprivileged youth of America. That is the saddest mistake ever. He is synonymous withh everything undersirable and from which youth should be protected and I hope you will concur that he is not the type of personality to have in the entertainment field and.before the youngsters who emulate his pattern and feel it's perfectly all right to achieve a success that way. People now feel that SINATRA should be forced to withdraw from the amusement world. Reader's Digest, of September, carries two excellent articles; one on drug addiction among the young and one on Lucky Luciano. The press and other publications and the radio are hammering at this outrageous and scandalous condition existing among the young. Why is SINATRA permitted to continue when he is a friend of these very criminals? What we would like to knw right not is why was not SINATRA picked up in Havana when he arrived with the Fischettis? The T-men were on the scene for the express purpose of meeting that plane inasmuch as they had information with regard to the trip. Suppose through lack of evidence your men were not able to arrest SINATRA, but don't you arrest suspects, more particularly in such a serious matter? It is a knwn fact that entertainers are 'used' for such purposes, but when a particular entertainer is a 92 cowrmuazn on 1=ucQ3.