The Last Prophecy: an Abridgment of Elliott's Horae Apocalypticae

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The Last Prophecy: an Abridgment of Elliott's Horae Apocalypticae The Last Prophecy: An Abridg‐ ment of El liott’s Ho rae Apoc a lyp ti‐ cae. An In tro duc tion to Church His tory. 1 Also Avail able from Luther an Li The Great Ex o dus Or The Time Of The End by James Aitkin Wylie. The Key to the Apoc a lypse by Henry Grat tan Guin ness. His tory Un veil ing Prophecy by Henry Grat tan Guin ness. Ro man ism and the Ref or ma tion by Henry Grat tan Guin ness. 2 About The Lutheran Li brary The Lutheran Li brary is a non-profit pub lisher of good Chris tian books. All are avail able in a va ri ety of for mats for use by any one for free or at very lit tle cost. There are never any li cens- ing fees. We are Bible be liev ing Chris tians who sub scribe whole heart edly to the Augs burg Con fes- sion as an ac cu rate sum mary of Scrip ture, the chief ar ti cle of which is Jus ti fi ca tion by Faith. Our pur pose is to make avail able solid and en cour ag ing ma te rial to strengthen be liev ers in Christ. Prayers are re quested for the next gen er a tion, that the Lord will plant in them a love of the truth, such that the hard-learned lessons of the past will not be forgot ten. Please let oth ers know of these books and this com pletely vol un teer en deavor. May God bless you and keep you, help you, de fend you, and lead you to know the depths of His kind ness and love. 3 The Last Prophecy An Abridg ment of El liott’s Ho rae Apoc a lyp ti cae. An In tro duc tory Guide to Church His tory by Ed ward Bishop El liott Lon don JAMES NIS BET & CO. © 1884 / 2020 (CC BY 4.0) Luther an Li 4 Ded i ca tion To James Bate man, Esq., M.A., F.R.S., etc. A friend long es teemed and loved by The Au thor of The Ho rae Apoc a lyp ti cae This Abridg ment of his larger Work Is in scribed, As a trib ute of sin cere re gard by H. E. E. 5 Con tents Also Avail able from Luther an Li About The Lutheran Li brary Ded i ca tion Con tents Pref ace by Lutheran Li brar ian A Note about Ty pos [Ty po graph i cal Er rors] Pref ace. Rec om menda tory No tice By The Au thor Of The “Ho rae Apoc a lyp ti cae.” 1. Rev. 1, 2, 3. St. John in Pat mos. View of the In fant Church, A.D. 96. — The Seven Churches of Asia Mi nor. 2. Rev. 4, 5. View of Scenery As It Ap peared to St. John. 1 3. Rev. 6:1, 2. The First Seal. Pros per ity and Tri umph of the Ro man Em pire in the Era Next Fol low- ing Af ter the Vi sions in Pat mos, Nerve to Com modus. A.D. 96-185.1 4. Rev. 6:3-8. Sec ond, Third, and Fourth Seals. Op pres sion Of The Em pire, Mil i tary And Civil, And By God’s Four Sore Judg ments. Com modus to Dio cle tian, A.D. 180 — 284. 5. Rev. 6:9-11. The Fifth Seal. Last Pa gan Per se cu tion Of The Church, Dio cle tian. A.D. 303-311.1 6. Rev. 6:12-17. The Sixth Seal. Dis so lu tion Of The Pa gan Fir ma ment — Con stan tine Es tab lishes Chris tian ity.1 7. Rev. 7:1-8. The Seal ing Vi sion. An Elec tion. The Faith ful Dis tin guished Amidst In creas ing Apos tasy, A.D. 300-400.1 8. Rev. 7:9-17. The Palm-Bear ing Vi sion. The Fi nal Sal va tion Of The Elect. The Doc trines Of Au gus tine. Fourth Cen tury.1 9. Rev. 8:1-5. The Sev enth Seal. The In cense Vi sion. 6 Saint-Wor ship Be gun, A.D. 324-395.1 10. Rev. 8:6-12. The First Four Trum pets. Ir rup tion Of The Goths, Etc., A.D. 395-565.1 11. Rev. 8:13. Fore warn ings Of Com ing Woe. A.D. 565-612.1 12. Rev. 9:1-11. The Fifth Trum pet. Mo hammed And The Sara cens, A.D. 612-755.1 I. The Coun try and Peo ple. II. The Abyss. III. “Hurt not the grass or trees…” IV. “A Star”. 13. Rev. 9:12-19. The Sixth Trum pet. The Turco-Mus lims, A.D. 10631 14. Rev. 9:20-21. The Un re pen tant State of West ern Chris ten dom. A.D. 1057-1500.1 15. Rev. 10:1-3. In ter ven tion Of The Covenant An gel. The Epoch Of An tichrist’s Tri umph, A.D. 1513.1 16. Rev. 10:1-4. In ter ven tion Of The Covenant An gel. The Epoch Of The Ref or ma tion. Dis cov ery Of Christ The Saviour. Dis cov ery Of An tichrist The Usurper, A.D. 1513 — 1521.1 17. Rev. 10:5-7. The An gel’s Oath. Chrono log i cal No tice Of The Ref or ma tion.1 18. Rev. 10:8-11 And 11:1-2. The Covenant An gel’s Com mis sion. Ref or ma tion Of The Min istry And Of The Church.1 19. Rev. 11:2-6. Ret ro spec tive View Of The Two Wit nesses. Early His tory Of The East ern And West ern Lines. A.D. 600-10001 I. The Ear lier West ern Wit nesses. Ii. The Ear lier East ern Wit nesses. 20. Rev. 11:3-6. Ret ro spec tive View Of The Two Wit nesses. Mid dle Age His tory Of The Joint Lines, A.D. 1000-1200.1 21. Rev. 11:7-12. Ret ro spec tive View Of The Two Wit nesses. Pa pal War Against Them. Their Death And Res ur rec tion. A.D. 1163- 1530.1 22. Rev. 11:12-14. As cent Of The Wit nesses. Great Earth quake. Po lit i cal Es tab lish ment Of The Ref or ma tion. Sep a ra tion From The Pa- pacy. A.D. 1552-1790.1 I. The Wit nesses’ As cen sion To Heaven. 7 II. The Earth quake 23. The British Church Amongst The Wit nesses. 24. Rev. 12:1-17. The Great Red Dragon. Sup ple men tal His tory Of The Ad ver saries Of The Church. Sa tanic Agency of Pa gan Rome.1 25. Rev. 13 And 17. The Beast From The Sea, Etc. The Lamb-like Beast. The Im age Of The Beast. Sup ple men tal His tory Of The Ad ver saries Of The Church Con tin ued. The Pa pacy. The Pa pal Hi er ar chy The Pa pal Coun cils.1 26. Rev. 14:1-20. The Song Of The 144,000. Sup ple men tal His tory Of The True, As Dis tin guished From The Nom i- nal, Re formed Church.1 27. Rev. 15 And 16:1-12. The Sev enth Trum pet. The Vials. Era Of The French Rev o lu tion, A.D. 1789-1830.1 28. Rev. 11:15, 19 And 16:6, 7. The Tem ple Opened. The An gel With The Ev er last ing Gospel. Re li gious Re vival. The Era Of Evan gelic Mis sions, A.D. 1789-1852.1 29. Rev. 16:13, 14. The Three Frogs. The Spir its Of In fi del Law less ness, Of Pop ery, And Of Priestly Trac- tar i an ism, A.D. 1830-1852.1 30. Rev. 17-22. Con clud ing Vi sions. The Fu ture — our Duty. Ap pen dix I. Post script to Pref ace of Fifth Edi tion of the “Ho rae Apoc a lyp ti cae;” on the Pope’s own pub lished Tes ti mony to the Fact of the com pleted Ex pi ra tion in 1867 of the 1260 Pre dicted Years of Pa pal Spir i tual Dom i nancy in the King doms of West ern Chris ten dom. II. The fol low ing pa per by Mr. Bate man, afford ing a very strik ing post hu mous cor rob o ra tion of the truth of Mr. El liott’s sys tem, ap peared (in the Rock, Jan u ary 7, 1876) within six months of Mr. E.’s death: — Copy right No tice How Can You Find Peace With God? Bene dic tion Ba sic Bib li cal Chris tian ity | Books to Down load Es sen tial The ol ogy | Books to Down load De vo tional Clas sics | Books to Down load 8 Pref ace by Lutheran Li brar ian In re pub lish ing this book, we seek to in tro duce this au thor to a new gen- er a tion of those seek ing au then tic spir i tu al ity. ED WARD BISHOP EL LIOTT (1793-1875) "grad u ated from Cam bridge in 1816 and he served in var i ous po si tions as a min is ter for the Church of Eng- land.
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