SAVCA Southern African Venture Capital and KPMG AND SAVCA Private Equity and Venture Capital Survey – 2003 KPMG CORPORATE FINANCE The GIBS & SAVCA Foundation Programme for Venture Capital and Private Equity. Consider it your first major investment. The Gordon Institute of Business Science, together with the Southern African Venture Capital and Private Equity Association, have partnered to create The Foundation Programme, a three day course from 1-3 June 2004. This programme will provide a strategic overview of the Venture Capital and Private Equity industry and processes, as well as a working knowledge of key analytical tools used by practitioners and insights into practical challenges and strategic opportunities in the industry. The 3-year partnership between GIBS and SAVCA will include the hosting of: G An annual 3-day Foundation Programme G An annual 1-day Advanced Programme G A number of GIBS Forum events highlighting topical industry issues which have an impact on practitioners. For more information on these programmes visit or to reserve your seat contact Maritsa Botha on 011 771 4317, or email at
[email protected]. But don’t wait too long. An investment this profitable doesn’t come around every day SAVCA sponsors KPMG and SAVCA Private Equity and Venture Capital Survey – 2003 KPMG and SAVCA 1 Contents Highlights 3 Glossary 4 Foreword 5 Sources Of Information 6 Introduction to Private Equity 7 Funds Under Management 9 Fund Raising Activity 13 Investment Activity 16 Exits 21 Performance 23 Black Economic Empowerment