The London Gazette, Apkil 29, 1879
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3058 THE LONDON GAZETTE, APKIL 29, 1879. Medical Department, Surgeon-Major Alexander Lieutenant-Colonel Adolphus H. Stephens, half- Watt Beveridge, M.D., retires upon temporary pay, late Rifle Brigade, Aide-de-Camp to His half-pay. Dated 23rd March, 1879. Royal Highness the Field-Marshal Command- The undermentioned Surgeons to be Surgeons- ing-in-chief. Major. Dated 1st April, 1879. Major and Brevet Lieu tenant-Colonel Sydney Thomas O'Reilly. Crohan Millett, 23rd Foot. Edwin James Fairland. Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel John P. Robert Murphy. Carr Glyn, Rifle Brigade. Edmond Townsend, M.D. The undermentioned Warrant Officers of the James O'Reilly, M.B. Bengal Establishment to have honorary rank, an Thomas Sillery Cogan. follows:— James Francis Supple. To be Honorary Captains. Richard Colville Parkinson. Deputy Commissary and Honorary Lieutenant Joseph Henry Moore. John Ford. Dated 21st November, 1878. George Clerk Irving. Deputy Commissary and Honorary Lieutenant Thomas Campbell Tolmie. James Parker. Dated 21st November, 1878. Arthur Wellesley Roche. Deputy Commissary and Honorary Lieutenant John Randal Croker. John Baker. Dated 4th December, 1878. Jerome William Morgan. Thomas James Paul Holmes, M.B. To be Honorary Lieutenants. Army Hospital Corps, Captain of Orderlies Deputy Assistant-Commissary George B. Bleazby. Llewen Wallis retires upon temporary half-pay. Dated 18th July, 1878. Dated 30th April, 1879. Deputy Assistant - Commissary Thomas ^Gill. Lieutenant of Orderlies Francis Dancy Hamilton Dated 21st October, 1878. retires upon temporary half-pay. Dated 30th Deputy Assistant-Commissary William Devine. April, 1879. Dated 21st November, 1878. Deputy Assistant-Commissary Richard Monks. Veterinary Department, The undermentioned Dated 4th December, 1878. Veterinary - Surgeons on Probation to be Veterinary - Surgeons. Dated 5th October, MEMORANDA. 1878:— Major and Brevet Lieutenant-Colonel James Richard Head Ringe. George Hay-Boyd, half-pay, Unattached, retires Charles Edward Smith. from the Service, receiving the value of his Com- Gerald Herbert Fenton. mission. Dated 10th April, 1879. Robert Pringle. Honorary Major William George Remfry Herd, BREVET. late Captain, 95th Foot, is permitted to commute Lieutenant-Colonel and Brevet Colonel Alexander his pension. Dated 8th April, 1879. Abercrombie Nelson, C.B., half-pay, late Dep6t Battalion, to have the local rank of Major-General while in command of the troops War Office, 29th April, 1879. in the Guernsey and Alderney District. Dated MILITIA. 1st May, 1879. ARTILLERY. Lieutenant-Colonel Frederick Hay Swinfen, late Royal Cardigan, William Edward Picton Phillips, half-pay, late 5th Dragoon Guards, to have the Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 21st honorary rank of Colonel upon retirement from April, 1879. the Service. Dated 8ih March, 1879. Captain and Brevet Mnjor William O'Malley, 71st Donegal, Lieutenant James Fraser Murphy to be Foot, to have the honorary rank of Lieutenant- Captain, vice W. C. Cliffordrresigned. Dated Colonel, upon retirieg on a pension. Dated 30th 30th April, 1879. April, 1879. Royal Sussex, Captain and Honorary Major Captain Cecil Percival Stone, half-pay, late 16th James Hayes Sadler to be Major. Dated 30th Foot, to have the honorary rank of Major. April, 1879. Dated 30th April, 1879. Lieutenant Alfred Robert Margary to be Captain, Captain Henry Frederick Seagram, 23rd Foot, to vice, J. H. Sadler, promoted. Dated 30th have the honorary rank of Major, upon retiring April, 1879. on a pension. Dated 30th April, 1879. 1st or South Tipperary Artillery, Second Lieu- Paymaster and Honorary Major C- Sewell, half- tenant Frederick James Smith be pay, late 6th Dragoon Guards, to have the Lientenant. Dated 3'Oth April, 1879. honorary rank of Lieutenant-Colonel. Dated • ENGINEERS. 1st January, 1879. Paymaster and Honorary Captain Edward Henry Royal Monmouthshire, Lieutenant-Colonel and Honorary Colonel John Selwyn Payne resigns O'Dowd, Army Pay Department, to have the his Commission; also is permitted to retain his honorary rank of Major. Dated 18th Decem- rank, and to continue to wear the uniform of ber, 1878. the Regiment on his retirement. Dated 30th Quartermaster William Hart McHarg, North- April, 1879. ampton and Rutland Militia, to have the tem- porary rank of Quartermaster in the Army INFANTRY. whilst serving in the Militia. Dated 25th Bedford, Major George Toseland resigns bis Com- January, 1856. mission. Dated 16th April, 1879. Quartermaster John Fraser, Cavan Militia, to aptain and Honorary Major Alfred Hubert have the temporary rank of Quartermaster in Lucas to be Major, vice G. Toseland, resigned. the Army whilst serving in the Militia. Dated Dated 16th April, 1879. 2nd April, 1879. ecil Henry Polhill-Turner, Gent., to be Second The undermentioned Officers to be Colonels. Lieutenant. DateJ 30th April, 1879* Dated 1st Aprtt, 1879 :— 1st Royal Cheshire, Lyonel Plantagenet Tolle- Lieutenant-Colonel Duncan Macpberson, C.B., mache, Gent., to be Second Lieutenant. Dated 42nd Foot. 26th March, 1879..