4998 the London Gazette, September 16, 1890
4998 THE LONDON GAZETTE, SEPTEMBER 16, 1890. The Prince of Wales's (North Staffordshire Half-Pay, Major William E. Houison-Craufurd, Regiment), Lieutenant Harry S. Prickard has from Princess Louise's (Argyll and Suther- been seconded for service with the Indian Staff land Highlanders), to be Lieutenant-Colonel. Corps. Dated 5th August, 1890. Dated 17th September, 1890. Army Service Corps, Captain Cavendish "Walter MEMORANDUM. Gartside Tipping, to be Adjufant, vice Captain Lieutenant-Colonel Eichard ; E. E. Martin, H. P. Tate, who has resigned that appointment. C.M.G., 6th Dragoons, to be Colonel. Dated Dated 9th September, 1890. 13th September, 1890. Second Lieutenant Alfred Eichard Lane Hayward INDIAN STAFF COEPS. to be Lieutenant, to complete establishment. Lieutenant-General Eeginald Quintin Main- Dated 22nd August, 1890. waring, Madras, has been transferred to the Un- Staff, General G. J., Viscount Wolseley, K.P.? employed Supernumerary List. Dated 20th G.C.B., G.C.M.G., now Adjutant-General to August, 1890. the Forces, to be a General on the Staff to Major-General James Burn, Bengal, to be Lieu- Command the Forces in Ireland, vice General tenant-General. Dated 20th August, 1890. His Serene Highness Prince W. A. E. of Saxe- Colonel Thomas Norris Baker, Bengal, to be Weimar, G.C.B., Colonel 1st. Life Guards, Major-General. Dated 20th August, 1890. whose period of service in that appointment is about to expire. Dated 1st October, 1890. The undermentioned Major-Generals, Bengal, to Major-General Sir Redvers H. Buller, V.C., be Lieutenant-Generals on the Unemployed K.C.B., K.C.M.G.,now Quartermaster-General Supernumerary List.
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