7M Axmohtiah, En Français “La Fontaine and His Fables" Wàs the Topic for the French Club Meet* Vol
ACES C f CLLJIBS 7M AXMohtiah, En Français “La Fontaine and His Fables" wàs the topic for the French Club meet* Vol. XLI READING, PENNSYLVANIA, MARCH 27, 1945 No. 20 Albrighting, heldCollege last Wednesday Gingrich night inLibrary Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library the Music Studio. Betty Bradley gave a short talk about the life and works of La Fontaine. The club also | No More Pencil», j Dominos, “ Y”s Observe Holy Week /listened to a recording several of his fables, which Prof Elsie ] No More Books j Garlach preceded with a short sum. | One more day to go and then I With Plays, Three Worship Services mary in English. j comes the main attraction o f | The following fables were sum I the week—five whole days o f j marized and read in French: “La f vacation, featuring a dearth of I Two Easter Plays Prof Smith to Give AlbrightMort etCollege La Bûcheron,” Gingrich presented byLibrary I term papers, exams, and classes. [ Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library Rachael Willauer; “ La Reynard et j Yep, Easter recess is a little f Given: Sunday Night Easter Communion Les Raisins,” by Shirley Sperans; | early this year, but the weather | Playing to a full house, the Dom Dr. F. Wilbur Gingrich will speak “ La Jeune Veuve,” by Lura Hev- I Is warm, the flowers are bloom- j ino Club presented their traditional tonight on “The Word of Reconcilia erly; “La Lpifiere et Le Pot Ou I ing, the birds are winging, and i Easter production in the College tion” at the second in a series of Lait,” by Marian Barger, and “Le Chapel last Sunday evening, March | spring fever is as rampant as ! Holy Week services to be held in Pot de Terre et Le Pot de Fer,“ by I the squirrels.
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