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STANDARD SOUTHERN THE ATLANTA CONSTITUTION NEWSPAPER Pally and Somd*?. carrier delivery, IS ceoti weekly, Vol. XLVI.—No. 328. VTLANTA, GA., SATURDAY MOBNING, MAY 9, 1914. —FOURTEEN PAGES. eoplea en ttoe atreet» and at aewMtand** C e*at*. CONLEY CONFESSION They Will Help Furnish the Music During Shrine ATLANTA DRESSED WITNESS IS CALLED N SHRINE COLORS BY FOR BIG FESTIVAL Annie Maud Career Due for} 3,000 Nobles Due to Reach a Long and Severe Grilling Atlanta Oasis Today After Befpre Judge Ben Hill To- Long Tramp Across Hot day. Sands of the Desert. WILL ^SK EXPLANATION LOW RATES IN EFFECT OF THE CONLEY LETTERS ON ALL THE RAILROADS Solicitor General Dorsey Six Thousand Visitors Ex- Asks Delay in Hearing of pected in Atlanta for Con- Petition to Set Aside the vention Before the Sunday Frank Verdict. Rush Begins. Solicitor Dorsey will spring another sensation in the Frank case this morn- ing when he orders Annie Maud Carter At Ian tans-got their first glimpse of before Judge Ben pill at 11 o'clock for the splendor and brilliance of Five a rigid examination in reference to her testimon:'^o the effect that Jim Con- Points, \y,ith its decorations for ley cor Bed to- her the murder of Shriners' weok completed, for a brief Mary' I" • ks.n. while last night. The gigantic star She'', Ibe^'interrogated in the court suspended in. midair at the junction room the fourth floor of the Throw- of Peach tree, Edgcwood, Decatur er buildings Mr. Dorsey will demand a complete explanation of her evidence and Marietta streets, and its wires of and will Insist upon learning the electric lights leading in every di- source of the letters purported to be rection to the buildings around, from Conley. were lighted up for-several hours in Annie Maud Carter is one of the star witnesses for the defense in its flght the early part of the evening. Tt to gain a new trial. The -Jim Conley made a dazzling sight, such as Five letters in possession of Frank's counsel Points has never before seen in all purport to have been sent to her from its checkered history. Con.ley, and were given by her to the defense. The streets'beneath this brilliant Shortly after making her affidavits display surged with people. The to the defense, she was sent frdm At- lanta, on the .advice of Detective Wil- vanguard of the Shriners had al- J. Burns. Burns declared on the ready begun to swell the crowds in stand that 'he had suggested the downtown section. People that Frank's lawyers send heY away In order to keop her from the detectives, stood around by hundreds and - who, he feared, would intimidate her. watched the fascinating electric ' Woman In Broneht Back. display. The illumination was kept Burns stated that she had .been sent -to New Orleans. During- the re-trial on till about 9 o'clock, when it sud- hearing, Judge Hill Issued an' order In- denly shut oft" and Five Points be^ structing the defense to return the woman to the jurisdiction of his court, came its natural self again. flaying? that otherwise he would de- cline to consider any of her evidence or any evidence in which 'She -was In- Atlanta today is the mecca of more volved. than 3,000 Shriners—heralds of the ad- She -w'as brought back to Atlanta vance guard of the caravans that aro Thursday and put In the hands of the trudging across the hot sands of the Sheriff, j She was already under bond of $300 awaiting new triSl proceedings desert to the Georgia oasis. • in a case on which she had been sen1- Almost every train entering the Im- tenced to a term in prison. At the or- perial City carries delegates to tint der of Judge Hill, her bond was raised •conclave. Potentate Forrest Adair, o£ to J3.000- Roasting Match Between Taarab Temple, estimated "Wednesday She stated in her affidavit that Con- More Troops fa Mexico; that there would be fully 16,000 visit- ley was in love with her and that she f ors in Atlanta before Sunday night. had talked with him frequently. She says that he confessed the" murder of Tom'Watson and 'Bill'Harris Atlanta has the "Shrine spirit." Al- Mary Phagan, and that he went in'to most every building In the city is dec- complete detail of the crime. This, orated with the colors of the imperial she swore, occurred' while she and Con- Situation Takes Warlike Aspect council. The streets are crowded with ic y were in prison, and on bccasions Raises Leading Politicians visitors who'are coming to enjoy this when she would visit Conley in his big 'occasion with the Shriners. cell. I Low' Kates In Effect. The "Love Notes." GEN. HUERTA WOULD SEE CITY On Friday the low rates promulgated The "love notes" which were pro- to please you, would have been an af- BT John Corrl&an* Jr. IN ASHES BEFORE HE»D QVIT Forces May Be Increased by the Southeastern Passenger asso- duced by the defense, and which are "Washington, D. C-, May S.—(Special.) front to every loyal democrat in Geo* alleged to he from. Conley, have been gla. EMERY ATOCKS Vera Cruzz. May 8.—Mexicans ar- Sufficiently for Expedition ciation went. Into effect, and during declared by handwriting experts to be Director of the Census "William J. Har- "You refer in your letter rul- riving here today from Mexico City the afternoon and night the crowds in ing as chairman of the state conven- in Conley's hand. They are unprint- ris, candidate for governor of (Georgia, say that General Huerta shows no the hotels and on the streets began tu tion, which nominated Hon. J. J>. Price 1 to Mexico City if Huerta able messages. Detective Burns said ihas sent a red-hot letter ,to . Thomas for commissioner of agriculture. I -do Intention of abandoning the presi- thicken. Low rates are in effect from on the stand that the letters had been E. Watson, of Thomson, Ga., rep-lying not read your'paper, but I am informed dency of Mexico. The president, they that you have at numerous timea made ANTI-TRUST LAW Regime Collapses. every village and hamlet in the United secured by, C- "W. Burke, the Inves- to one received from Watson, acknowl- assert, is popularly credited with 1 such statements.' There was not a fair- States and in Canada. tigator for Frank's defense. edging receipt of Mr. Harris' circular having made the statement, that he minded man present at the convention In and about the Shrine headquar- Mr. Dorsey w'ill demand today that letter sent to several thousand Geor- who will say I ruled unjustly. Except would see the capital in ashes before she, explain in full how she came in for my ruling which forced the dele- He Declares That the Clay- ters there is activity- Potentate Adair possession of these letters, and all cir- gians in making soundings fox ihis con-, he would quit. ARMISTICE NOT BROKEN, templated candidacy. gates on the first ballot to vote the The American forces at Vera Cruz made the announcement that before cumstances of the confession she lays Instructions of their county, Mr, Price ton Bill Might Result in noon on Saturday all the arrangements at Conley's door. She will also be Chairman Harris sent- to Georgia as would have been nominated on the first are violating the armistice by land- SAYS REPLY OF BRYAN asked to explain the two conflicting many fcs fifteen thousand letters, cov- ballot. As ^chairman I ruled Justly to Ing more troops, ordnance and sup- for welcoming the visitors will be com- all. but 1 did use my influence to de- Great Harm to Business plete- "The. Welcomers," a committee affidavits she made — one to Chief ering every county in the state, and feat Mr. J. J. Brown,- the candidate plies, according to Mexican papers Lanford and the other to the defense. among them it seems that one was in- supported by you and the ' fertilizer Interests. under the domination of Huerta. headed by Noble TV. A. Fuller,, was or- Jim Conley denies the woman's advertently sent to Hon. Thomas K. trust. ganized Friday morning. Noble Fuller story. Affidavits will likely he pre- WatsOn, who replied to Mr. Harris as "While a member of the legislature Governors Asked if Nation- will be in charge of the committee at sented from him during the woman's a measure of mine was enacted into the terminal station, and Noble Lee examination this morning. follows: law which required all bags of fertiliz- James M. Emery, chief counsel of 'Mr. William J. Harris. Dear Sir: ers to show, not only the analysis, but >the National Association of Manufac- al Guards Are in Fit Condi- Hagan will be in charge at the union Will Ask for Continuance. i the number of pounds of other material station. The committee is having tele- Solicitor 'Dorsey Friday asked Your letter to me received. While ] "worthless as fertilizer," and made it an turers, in his address before the Geor- tion to Proceed at Once to somewhat surprised, I did not faint. , gia cotton manufacturers yesterday on phones installed at both stations, and Judge Ben Hill to grant a continuance offense to use cinders, sand, or other Is erecting booths for the registra- into next week of the John L. Tye "Yes, run, by- all means. Hold the deleterious matter in the manufacture "Legislation and Business" assailed VETERANS INDORSE of fertilizers.