fUroAT, IDUICR S. IM f AttttfafBfor Eontttui S m Q t

« hi tka greater part at tha alnoa- plant erected qn the town owned eould be aaaOy aeeured fo r the build- for tea shop waa baoauaa rssidaate THE WEATHER DORCAS SOCIETY PLANS houaa. The repairs that wars made property at the bead of Newrman lag. of tee neighborhood eomplalaad tba AVERAGE DAH.T CfBCEEATION Fnreeaat af D. S. W'mther ABOUT TOWN FEW DEDUCTIONS D E U Y IN OPENING to tee huUdlaga after tha hurricane atreet, being part of tee Center The reason behind the dedston noise from tbe power saws wrould fw tiM Moata o f Febraary, ItSS a dofM hy boys working under Springe Woods park, wbera timber not to uaa the Chestnut street alto prove distracting. A SPRING STYLE SHOW tes NTA projects and that during ConUnoooa rain tonight nnS tHm- r CNb No. I wn tMt hold MADE IN TAXES NEW NYA PROJECT tea past year, urban cro^ were bs- 6.210 ttin g I^F ralh Say, wanner tenlght, eoMer Mea- ■lotting tontibt ot tho T. The Ing piantod and being harvaated Member of tho Aodlt TCfolor dote io tbo oocoad Friday <«y. Date 8«t Fw Mmrck 10 At teat tha greater part of tha wrork Bareaa of CIrenlatlaaa •a Cho month. Tho aoUeo waa an was dona by.boys working under MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VIU.AGE CHARM ORor of tte publicity chairman. EnAnocl Lnthcran Church; I^A prnjaets. Wa Hire No Efed Da 25 To Have 20 Models. ReefaRi Of NdglibmrM la a raault o f tbs work ddna lYWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Ifr. and Mra. T. IMorard Br»anan by tea boys new land wraa opened (ItearifteS ASvarttalBg oa P l«a IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1989 haoa moved from Hudaoo atreet VOL. L v n i., NO. 131 NiD Rate Recommended Dorcas society mambera made Object T f Noise Of Power not only In Manchester, but also In tehana they have lived more than a Glastonhuiy and In Bolton and teo New Spring Coats danan yearo, to their nrw houae at anal arrangements at thair meeting work of taWng oara of tea sludge n Waahlngton atreet, built by Con- By The Selectmen. Wednesday, at Emanuel Lutheran S iw i h Proposed Shop. at tha Altar bads and turning tee Bahy Dies After Brutal Beatings trmctor Harry Rylander. tlr. Broa- church, for tha spring atyla show w soO In that section Into soil Bon la a comroerrlal travrirr and it has raaulted In 14 acres of corn What a different feeling it gives coR ia the Btate. they are sponsoring, March 10 at being grown, wraa wrork of boys. POPE PIUS BEGINS The final figures of the Manchei- Tha opening of tha wood turning ROOSEVELT SAYS U. S. the church, through the kindness of you to see s beautiful display of ter grand Hat aa left by the aaaea- shop, a nawr NTA projset ochad- The oOlee of tea WPA on Nya Oronp 1 of the Memorial Hoepital the Wllroae Dress Bhop. and Eirl street was erected by tes new light colored coats for the new Auxiliary, Mra. Jamea M. 3hearer, aore, leas dediicUons by tha board Mra. Harold Burr who wrltea the uled for next weak In tba Aaroo WPA wrorkera from hurricane fall­ lender, meet Monday afternoon of relief, now amount to 138.0611,1140. Herald "Bargain Hound" column Johnson building on Chestnut street en timber, taking tha oinca out of Spring season. ROUTINE OF WORK ■t S o'clock at the Clinic hiilldlnft on The deductions made by the board will call attention to the latest has been detayM, It waa announced tec LIncittn achooL If tea Middle Rayitea atreet. today hy John B. Farley, local su­ turnpike location la not approved WILL NOT BE PASSIVE of relief was the least made In re­ style details, clever new acressory Ideas, and fabrics spotlighted for pervisor. there la soma talk of having the Smart tweeds and solid colors in cent yeara and It will have no bear­ The shop, which wraa to hava bean Orford Pariah Chapter, D.A.R., ing on the racommaodations to be spring and summer wear, aa the fitted and swagger models in beige hold Ita March meeting yesterday models appear. Tha latter will be equipped with the necessary ma­ LEFT IN SUSPENSE made by tbe selectmen as to the tax chinery and small tools for a llrat afternoon at the South Methodlat rate to be laid at the adjourned towm choeen from the Dorcas and Ladles' blue, rose, grey, navy and brown. church, with Mia. J. H. Keith, Misa Aid society members and will num­ class shop, was to occupy one of tee meeting next wreek. The rate to be ENOIj’OH m in is t e r s ON RELIGIOUS B A m E rear aectlona of the building wrhere KUa and Mloa Flora Stanley aa recommended wrill be 28 mills and ber 20 or more. Refreshments and hoateaaea. Mra. Sidney Minor of a social time will fnllnw the style la now located the Toy Lending Day Taken Up WiA Confer* j TO PERFORM MARRIAGE on this rata there will be rained. If show. Center. JAFFE'S New London, state chiUrman of the all Is collected, fMl,T2lAB. rm CA GO MAN IMITATCN work among the children. si»ke, and The ebangee In the building, eueh Vancouver. Wash.. March 4.— Past records have shown that not Mrs. Esthar Mathiaaoo and Mra. (A P )—Albert King and Gene­ HERALD CO-Mlt; FIOI RB Tells Congrett NatHm Will the majority of the members prea- Alma Catperson, co-chairmen, are oe laying of now floore end shoring JEWELRY STORE ^ s n e e s With Members Of more than 90 per cent of this tax Is to get It Into proper condition, was t o vieve Suram went to the First HOUSE SPEED oot gave a abort talk on current collected within the given period so being assisted by a large commit­ $ 1 0 - 9 8 n n Congregational church parson­ , March 4.— (API — ovonta. A social hour followed dur­ tee. Mlaa Inaa Olaon and MIsa to have been done by boys betwreea Seek Every PeaceM there must be taken Into considera­ the ages of 18 and 28. The rough ^% ierarchy; Fewer Read- age to be married. Peileatrlona gaped aa Joiieph Al- ing which tea waa aervcd. tion what can be collected In back Ebbs Anderaon, report an excellent A Christian Church minister gori bolated himaelf 30 feet In a advance sale of tickets, and desire timber was to have been fumlebed ON ARMY BILL taxes to balance tha budget. It la by the towm and It was expected resd hla church's service. An painter'a scaffold to a newly- Means” To Keep Chnrck Mias Virginia Nelson, daughter of ths opinion of the selectmen that membera to make returns to them jnstments Are InrolYed. Episcopal minister read his painted advertlaing algn. Wednesday evening of next week. that they wrould get the work under Mra. Ruth Nelson of UO Summit part of the taxes uncollected Is owed way Monday. But tee decMon, ritual. Presbyterian vows pre­ ftoon they roared with laugh­ atreet la home after completing an by people who will not pay or can­ made by the owmert of tee property, $ 2 2 - 7 5 ceded tee Congregational ring RAISES HOPES ter aa he Hard a few deft atrokee And Personal Freedom eight montha' dietetic course at not pay. It will be neceesary to not to allow tee building for auch Vatican City. March 4.—(API — ceremony. An English Lutheran to give the girl In the atgn a Hartford hoapital. collect $100,000 In bark taxes to REGISTERED OPTICIAN minister blessed them. BOAT W COMMISSION use, has mode necessary other plana. Pope Plus XII aesumed the regular if hondaume von dyke beard and Afire; Denoonces Despot­ take care of the towu's flnanclal In Hold. Cob fere neet GLASSES FITTED The couple had Intemipted a , muatache. come this coming year. The town routine of administering tee multi­ clergymen's party. Administration Leaders Be- Potrona of St. James's Bingo are This morning Mr. Farley waa In PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The two policemen summoned roqucated to note tonight's an- year ends on August 18. FOR TRADE ON RIVER conference with George H. Waddell, ple affalra of the Holy R om ania -«( Broken LanUaa Beptanad by the ilgn painters were wott­ ic Form Of G ovenm eit Bouncement about the Bingo which There has already been collected town agent, and It wraa deckled teat church today. ing for him when he came down. $08,000 In back taxes, meaning that Geve Bin FiH Pass Senate is correct. land near the town’e almhouse We have a aslBettan af the newest Tho day waa taken up with con- For not realatlng tet ImpulM there must be collected the remain­ might be used. The building could Two-year-old Marion Wolf (above) died yesterday after lying unconscious and partly paralysed ing $38,000 between now and August Williain Fitsgerald Sendn Hio ferencee with members of the hier­ five days In a Sunbury, Pa., hoapltel, after being beaten meny limes nnd hrnmli d. Police said the Algori face* charges of malicious Washington. March 4—,(A P ) — Mlaa Lydia Houston of Foochow, be built by WPA workers from lum­ archy as His Hollnesa delved Into BONNET FOREIGN Soon Despite Furious De­ mUchlef, disorderly conduct and 18. Tax Collector Nelson feels that Firol Cargo Of Seanon To OsmpHmeatery Adjnstmsnte. as.saults had been admitted by Paul W. Barrlck, 22. Jealous suitor o( the hsby's mother, Helen Wolf. President Roosevelt serv^ notlqb CMna, srlll be the speaker Sunday ber sawed from hurricane fallen problems left In euspense during tee Intoxication. avonlng at the aecond of the Lenten this can be done. There are twro ac­ IdNig Inland. timber. The boys who will be em­ Barrick was held on charges of beating to death tha little girl, on;; iiinlly an ‘incubator baby." today that tee United fitetee would counts owed the towm that If paid Holy ^ e 's three-week interregnum. bate Upon Measure There -44 Institute sertea at Center church. ployed tmder the NYA could assist 26-Piecc SHvcrware Seta The change of regime involved not be passive and silent about the would take care of nearly all of this In this wrork. POUCY STARTS Her topic will be "War In China." amount. $12.00 fewer readjustments than usual, persecution of religion toi lands Orton Beach sdtl be leader and WIlUara L. FItxgsrald today put Oaned Out of Way. The selectmen will do something Into commlaaton hla 110 foot boat however, because Plus XII had been where democracy had been enuffed Mm. Bart P. Shaw of Ektat Center It has been said In some quarters Bay On the Badget Plan bis prodecessor'e closest collaborator Washington, March 4.— (A P )— about these accounts this year aa when he left Hartford at noon for a that building the shop on Middle F R E N J HGHT STATE’S PART out. atreet. vocalist. Mlaa Marion Wash­ the small taxpayer, who paya hla trip down the river for Greenport, At Jaffe's and because, during tee interval aft­ GANDHI’S FAST JAPS TAKE LAST PORT The speed with which the House ap­ burn will aerve aa song leader, and turnpike east, may be aomewhat er tee death of PiUs XL tee for­ Instead, he told tee Oongraas aSd bills, are not going to stand by and L. 1., with a cargo for that place. out of the way for tha boys, but It NO EXTRA CHARGE proved tee $499,887,000 Army ap­ tba meeting win open at 7 o'clock. allow such large accounts to go un­ The river waa high this morning mer secretary of state was cam e^ , a host of repreeenteUvee ef for­ is pointed out that the NTA work lengo, or principal administrator n Q a ffe l ||| propriation bill heightened the hopes IN FIRST BODY eign powers, this nation would eeak collected. and the boat, which was tied up for that has been done In the past has The Cabinet IS UNDER WATCH Poatmaster Thomas J. Quiab Is loading Just north of the Valley rail­ church affairs. TO NORTH OF SHANGHAI of administration leaders today that "by every peaceful mear'e to help eoBlIiied to bla home with the grip. road station, was loaded during the AU cardinals Attend Maas T the program for Increased arm­ keep religious and personal freedom night and early this morning In or^ The ponUff celebrated mass In Flares b to Tbe Open As OF AUTHORTTY aments would sweep through tee IS RECOGNIZED alive. Mrs. Ehneat Bantly of Porter INCREASE IN RECEIFTS der to get a start down the river Slsttne chapel, and this was the Senate shortly despite tho furious Addraesing a lolht searion at the ■trsst who la vacationing at Miami, during daytlght. distinguishing mark of tee Vatican Report Capture Of Haichow, To Be Bride Today debate It has provoked tesre. Senate and House In commsmsra- activity for tee day. AU the 61 Florida, entertained at bridge re- When the boat pulled out Into the Mandel Accuses For«gn Without a record vote or a single Uon ot Congress 150 years ago, Mr. AT LOCAL POST OmCE cardinals attended, Sfianlej CaDs AtteatioB Of Roosevelt droounced the rotum to oantly In honor of a group ot Man- river this morning It waa carrying His Hollnesa reappointed tee Indiaii Leader’s Medical . At- Control Point Of Longhai amendment, the huge appropriation tee world In recent years "of forma chaater woman who are touring the 100 tons of fertiliser which la being aged Btimsignor Mella Dl 8ant-BIla Minister As 'D o-N otbinf was passed by the Houae yesterday. of government which for two-thous- Pantnaular state, namely Mrs. Greater By $693.00 Over Idiot shipped from Hartford to Long Is­ BINGO and DANCE aa papal chamberlain. Vatican d r- Senatorial disagreement over tee Hobsc T« Hiitoric Roles ond years have proved their tyranny land. This will be used In growing Harold Puter, Mra. Herman Montle, clea «x|>eetad aoon tee annount^ teodaDt Reporb IDs Vital’ Railroad; Massmg Troops Army expansion bill centered, mean and their InstablUty." Mra. William Crockett. Mra. Thomas Year, PoatmaNter Quioh An- potatoes and next summer when the while,. on whether 6,000 or 6,800 ment of hia choice for Paris, March 4— (A P I—An un­ Never Watch Apple>lsglj Smith and Mra. Robert Lathrop. notineea Today. poUtoea are harvested Mr. Fltx- planes should be set os a limit tor P h yd By CoMOCtiaR gerald's boat will be engaged In tak­ state. It waa believed widely teat dercover flght In the French cabinet ky Low; Mahatma De­ For New Yangtze Attacks The , with nmsy Army and Navy Club Luigi Cardinal Magllone, former the Air Corps. Thor# appeared little other democracies, would never ap* Receipts In the Manchester poat- ing them to different points In New over forel$[n policy was brought In­ oppositlnn to other ports of tela Tba boys’ and girls' choirs of the offlce for Fehniary were $093.48 England. The trip this morning will atmclo to Paris, aroutd be named. provlngly watch this return to Kmanuel Lutheran church will bold New Gloves The pontiff rewarded tee 120 to tee open by whet political sources meosare, previously passed by tee ResidenU I i hitial N eel greater than registered for Febru­ TOMORROW MGHT, 8:30 clares Fasting An “ A rt” sonal rule", ha declared, oonttsinsgi end at Greenport In time to start un­ Shanghai, March 4.— (AP)—The House, which authorises the Increas­ aa Important rehearsal tomorrow ary last year, according to the loading tomorrow and the boat will Sw te Guardi with double pay for d,:seribed today aa a “violent at­ "Where democracy Is snuffed ou$ Regular and Special Games! Sweepstake! ed Army outlays proposed by tee morning at t o'clock. The choirs monthly report of I’ost master be bock In Hartford Sunday noun. tho 18 days of the interregnum ho- tack" against Foreign Minister Japanese capture of Hotebow, the there, too, tbe right to worship < win sing at the evening service at 7 Thomas J. Qtilsh. for- Spring fore tbe papal conclave during which Rajkot. India, March 4.—(AP) — only port north ot Shanghai In president but leaves terir financing Washington, March 4.—(AP)—In In one's own way Is o'cloek Sunday night. Four trips will be made In seven DOOR PRIZE they ware responsible for his safety. Georges Bonnet by Colonial Minis­ to eeparote appropriation bUls. observance of the ISOte anniversary The receipts for February, this days between Hartford and Long Smart slip-on styles in featherweight The health minister of tee Bombay Chinese hands and control-point at or abrogated. Shall ws hy mir ' year, were te.920.$8 anil for Febru­ Music By His grant foUowud tee tradition ter Georges Mandel. "Nat Escitod And AtraM" of tea first catt for Congress to can- rivenaos, by our aUeaoe«by i Island while the shipment of 1200 Capesldns in wanted shades of Navy, for tee cardinal cam^ner.go. Presidency flew here today to watch the vital Lunghoi railroad between •L John's Drum and Bugle corjia ary last year, $0,232.00. tons la being made. Members of tee Senate CTolonlal Senator Borah (R-Idoho) told ro- vans. Representative Bhaaley, (D. the ettltudt'Of tea Levtta who i Witt rabearse aa usual tomorrow at Recelpla for the ttrsl two montha THE FIVE SYNCOPATORS Black, Japonica, White. i-raf erred PneelH Affalra Committee discloaed teat the hefjte of Mohandas K. Gandhi Suchow and tee Tellow Sea, was Bortere bs believed the Sesate oould hU akirto together and The VaOcan newspaper, Omerva- demonstrate to tha^sasUJfesL it ■ Goss.) eeltod to the attonUos ef the t p jn „ and In the evening at 7:30 of 1039 are more than 17 per cent Mandel Rod critlelBed iwvetaly Bon­ os tba ftmtt, Meatle tooderAMt em f mU-fwig- reported rwpo to^ay by a Japanese pitot House today tea htotoriqrotos ptay- os Bis othsc slda, lend tba moamily meeting of the pariah greater than for 103«, the report Admission 25c ton Romano, fnad “ ^H®*'*** net’s handling of tense retatbiw TndloM entered the m sm a af m scouttsg ptone. •not amflted andjgot a(n4ii:' >(__ ad hy residents of Oessaetleut ^ meat to thorls who tedM aommlttes win bs held. shows. 'With Japan and Italy over threats pMteat TeM awin to w R n T Tbe occupation brought to a eH- fixed the maximiun Air Oerps Both Cooneotiout Benstors at the rrilglMi o r deny HT Total receipts for the flrst two BSrsiSLSStfiStiS* to French colonial prestige in Asia wearing UtttoI Seektos « ^ streogtS atf fiJMO, aa approved by "The asswsr to that k U rt, Just $la95 pair lata popa mdro than a year ago. max tee lavadera’ mopping up eam- first Oongnss wsro present on A maatlag of tba team captains to months of the current year are $13, MAMMOTH and Norte Africa. pair of dieop horn-rimmed epecte- paign along tee railroad and enabled tea House. Mareh 4, 1789. They were WUltom as la the days ef tee flrst OaiisiSrii •aaraas for membera for Campbell 80210 and for last year, $11,262.24. Tba vatlcaa neww>«r Mandel indicated, committee etoo, slept peacefully throughout tea tee Japanese to exert Increased On tee other hand. Senator Lee 8. Johnaon snd Oliver EnaworUi. o f tbo United States It was 'Net* ’ day that Pins XI imake to a group night on a simple cot placed In tee (D., Okie.), supportlag tee Senate •Not for freedom at raMsHs Council K. of C„ living north of BINGO o f caidiaals about (kt “tltaleaa sad membera said, that be hod to take preaeure la a plnoer movement de­ It waa EUaworth. who on April fi, Middle turnpike, will be held In the exceptional measures to counter­ bi^ht moonlight outside hl8 huL signed to pacify northeastern Kiang- Military Committee’s amendmant to 1789, whan tea Ranste finally obtain­ alone does tele nation eestand by RenHIl Nt, James's Church W ashable berele work of our vary dear aacra- He apparently hoe suffered no 111 ef­ y psaeeful means, We hahovs Is K. of C, home this evening at 9 act what aras described as Bonnet’s BU provlnee. San Diego, Calif., March 4.— raise tee limit to fl.OOO. asid be be­ ed a quorum, notified ihe Houab of Repair Fund tary of atote" aad then added that 'do nothing” diplomkcy. fects thus for. lieved It would be good payehology, tea news lb tea first weiluMes the oUim freedeaM ef the bM sC o^dock. The team captains are PUBLIC RECORDS tlM date of his own death might not Tha Bombay stock exchange and Haichow to 978 air miles north of (API—Glamorous He ing to be loi'Hted-on CampneM roai wltnem his coronation,, ordered that between Cabinet supporters of Bon­ cllned. this afternoon In Colexleo, Calif., say high offlelsto ef tea gsssrnv blaaka and Inatructkm cards for has been ls.iued by the Building In­ COUGHS net's policy aad a group eomposed Hopes Ts Persaads Baler resulted In the killing o f 4,811 Markey disclosed today. aeoompanled eubmlsslon ot tha ad- 25 Games, and Fabric <%lneee, while 480 were taken mlntotratlon’a program, said that a Eltoworth, later ebtot jnsUea af ant. dlptosmtle reprsaanta&fss off t M r work and will arrange to cxm- spector to James Burns of 127 Fjist Un rw ») of Mandel: CUbpinebl, navy; Bor- Already In ineearioas health, tha "Yes, It’s true," Markey aald when foreign governmasts aad MSSMsm tact men IIvlDg to the north of the <( iirtaoner. Japanses leeses were said Smiate reduction In the mapeetlvo tea United fitates, waa ene ef the Middle turnpike. Cost Is estimateil p a i r dmat, interior, and Zay, education. Uttto, bald. M -year-old spiritual be was located at a hotel wh«ro ha three man who broiigRt outa resoln* o f Oongresi Hetaned to th eap ssth M turnpike who will attend an open at $3,,800. $1.00 C aii Bemmt laegoetaal ____ hy his flfte' hunger be 88 dead and 159 wounded. and tbe dark-haired European beau­ number of planes would dsmon- $5.00 Per Game Btrote a calm attitude toward da- tlon declaring tha uawllllngneee at the House tduuabsr, white ariSkss . ■Meting to be held during the week Trustee Deed Rmstnrs sold Mandel particulorty ■trik* to'penuade tee native ruler Drlvo Atoog Toagtae ty had stopped for a.fsw hours rest mors hoard It hy radto^ - ' vt o f March >0. According to a triisti'e deed re- HANDBAGS woe eoneerned with France's posi­ of Rafitot state. Thokore Sahsb Sbri Japanese mlUtery leaders were on their drive frost the SMVto capi­ fense that should be roltoeted In •nj COLDS GUARD ON SLAYER other parte of tee world. (t rwn> RsturntBg to tho eapital ‘ this eonleil toilay by Town flerk Hamuel $50. Door Prize tion In . Indo-Chlna and French Dharmendrnsbihji, to Introduce gov- reported to be planning to enlarge tal. / morning os tbs riath anniversary at J Tiirklngton, Beiilnh H. Hills, tnis- Top handle style Calf Grain in the new etnmentel reforms. Including a He aald the wedding would ettmax Desbtfsl naaaa Nasdei Tbe American Legion band will In 10 $.5.00 Kills! BomaMland. Hs aros sold to have their westward drive from Hankow Announcing that be would sup­ hla flrst lasugural, tho pnridest wgs bold Ita next rehearsal at the Ar­ tee under the will of the late Z. F. shade: "Fresh ^ rtK .” Tapestry Bags in contended teat Ponnet took Insffsc. ‘voice In tee government" for tea along tee north bonk of the Tsag a friendship of "about a year,” Mnee taanad and apparently roetad ftois mory on W^needay night at 7:30. mils, has conveyed to the Lomas OF BABY TIGRYER people of tee tiny western India tee river by striking at uncoo thiqr sict at a film party. port tbe movement to bold do(sn the Doors Open 7:00 P. M. smart all-over designs. tual action against what many plane limltatloB, Senator La FOItotto a Cbrtbbena enitoe that asabtod W|S AH membera are urged to attend. and Netticlon company, property Are Very Prevalent Frenchmen eo(aatder menacing geo- quered areas south of tbe stream. Markey was divorced In June, LAGUARDIA CALLS to watch the United States fleet bs- located on East Center street near tures by Japan In occupation ot Chl- QikOdhl ment m curt letter to Chinese advices sold tee invaders 1937, by Joan Bennett, youngest o f (Prog., W la), said be waa doubtful Mr. and Mra. W. Harry Rngland Manchester Green. Consideration la Admission 50c. Thakore Saheb demanding teat were massing troops for campaigns tbe Bennett sisters of the screen. In that tee Am y Meded even tea 6A00 Os Psge fWb) ee Hainan Island, which dominates approved hy tbe House. « of East Center street will leave Sun­ Indicated by atampn as $1,000. ■mier Ckarie T» Be IM a trade routes of Indo-Chluo, and reforms committee meet immedi­ against Nonchong and Oianfshg. addition to his production activi­ THE BUND COOTIES day morning for a vacation In St. e a c h ately and teat its recommendations tee capitals of Klongsi aad Hunan ties, be has kmg been a top-flight Senator Loflan (D., Ky.), declar­ Keep stocked up with $1.00 reported Itoltoa effort to boycott be Implemented a week after a de- ed, however, ho thought it would h4 Poteraburg, Florida. They will visit tee Somaliland port of DjibouU> prorinces, with four Japanese di­ writer. with Mr. England’s mother and ala- AiMMt “Jeeleit* Siilir clsian to taken. He alsp sold that visions assuming posttloas near Miss Lamarr waa brought to good bueineaa to obtain as many Benatore sold Mandel documented be would agree to revise tee list of America from Europe by Lewis B. planes aa possible with teq projected tcr. While there Mr. and Mrs. Eng­ bla dalms arlte correspondence he­ Tochow, 140 miles upriver from FLASHES! land plan to take a trip to Havana. these remedies namea ef cemmitteemen he had pro- Mayer and to under contract to approprlairlaUoo. 'Toleraitt” Meelilf hm Of Rirtlnr W OU. rn hto oIRce and tee foreign Hankow, to renew efforts to open a "We should get them as cheaply (L ots sttss af the AP #tos) They will make the trip by train. omid. way to Chaagsiia, 80 miles south ot M-O-M. BQIGO BINGO mialetiT. Mtoa ■uphtto N a y v . h b gnM nU as we can aad the Usm to do that u 35c Vaponib ...... 27c Drag Dept. ManM nported to the ooannlt- medleal attendant, declared Tochow and, Chinese say, strongly while tele program to la full swisg.' Cirafsit Hal; OratiM b EHJJBP m U U P . hewver, that as a remdt of fOrtifled. ALL JEWS BXSPONBIBLB ORANGE HALL — TOMORROW NJGHT AT 8:30 ■nnhucy, Po., SCord) 4.—4 AP)—A ettallty waa tow becauae of the he aald. Nsir Teek, Msseb 4—(AP) — COMUriTEES APPOINTED I M S t % A atrengthentng of defenses the cole- great atisla under which he Wmt of Hankow tes CUnese ro- ficnator Clark (D„ Mo.), told tbe p ros n w m s s s , S t. s Mgk aalmal Quinn's Cold Breakers • a s • s s # S*a”'g1T*sTa1 25c peOea gqoid was tightened today ported increasingly heavy lighting Free City of Donxlg, March 4.— Gtm Daralkj TkiftpiM 20 Games— 25 cents. ALL CASH PRIZES! Faths^ John’s ...... 0 4 C around a Jofl whers a 38-yaarri4d b ^ working recently. (AP)—A Senate ordinance today Isetnmtee, waa kfltod fsigy Is a former bridtyard worker Is held co aa Page IWa.) Before he started his feat G aad a stalemate In Japanese efforts (Ossttused tsi Page tWS) potsehsls taop frem M FOR HOSPITAL DANCE 100 HaUbut Liver O A to cross the Hon River. made all Jnra In the Free City 7 Special Games— 5 cents ■ gamf. Winners Get $5.00 Rexillana Couzh Syrup...... 60c diaigM of beating to death taro- advtaed hla followere. who sang jointly reaponaible for providing tee alrplsss at Ptoyff Bssssvt ■ Capmalas ...... OUC yaar-M Mariam Wolf, known as hymns with him, igalnst Imitating In Klaagsu province, aa tee Coast New Tork, March 4.—(AP) — Fettrrwms had tsfcss sff as a means to speed up Jewish emigra­ Civic leaden led by Mayor LoGuar- in Cash! $ Free Games! $1.00 7 0 ^ the •Toaebud haby.i ’ Um. ' north of Sbmighal. qnoteer Japa­ tion. Tba order' provided for Atee Oommittees for the annual spring Aa arrangAnente went, forward Arttol la FmtSqr nese army waa mopping up la qn dla defended America’s demoeratle 60c Alka-Scitacr...... 40c SqalbVa Cod Liver O il...... / U C PONDER WAR DEBT grouping of tee city's 6,000 3 NATIONAL CHIEFS liberties tost night at a "tolerance dance of the Memorial hospital atix- 1 Sweepstake! Door Prig* $5,001 for tee baby's burial, Oorp. Richard At a very early age I began fast­ area bounded by tee Tellow River, under a ‘‘joint UabUity" system by Gray of the state poUes said ha meeting" held In reply to the Wosh- IHaiy, March 14, at the Hutel Bond, 75c Bayer’s ing for sett-purtfleattoa." be said. Tellotw Sea, Grand Canal and Lung- which tee wealthier ones were call 60c Sal Hepatica...... 49c would plaoe p murder eharga againat "Aad In addition I have had tba ex- hoi railroad. Japanese naval officers lagton Birthday rally of tbe Oer- Hartford, have beer, completrtd and A spiria...... 3 U C BARTER PAYMENTS ed upon to assist tee emigration of ARRIVE AT MADRID mon-Amertean bund. Tbe stocky Come toHale*sFor Your Paul W. Barrlck. whom Gray de- pertanoe of prieeiem peace aad uu' warned third-power ohips to avoid tee poorer through financial sup­ Include the following local women: SSe Golgata’a Q Q aeribad os a -jealona” suitqr of tee emUng joy. Tbe weapon o f fastlag Uttto mayor, who tost month grant 10c Asperex Cough D rops...... 3 for 25c teat port of tbe coast because naval port. •d Um Bund permtsrion to hold Its Mrs. Charles J. Felber. general ehild’s taoOwr. can easily savour of violence unless opsntttons were possible there. They •9 MEN DISMISSED chairman; ticket committee. Mrs. The corporal quoted Barilek as used by one skilled in the art. rally on tee ground that an factions 600 Sheets Kleeaex, ^ C sold they would not be responsible n u t PUCES INCKEAKE were entitled to freedom of speech Hortfeed, March 4 — (A P ) — Paul Ferns, Mgs. Clarenre F. Bid- saying ha W t Mariam "at toast 80 U. S. CtMidert P b i T* Get claim to be auch an artlat.” Resell' UmTersky G tj, Ab* Eighty nMS who have I well; general committee, -Mrs. W S T. 37 Sncrcts...... „.ww.25c HOSIERY ttmes" and branded her wlte a for neutral oblpe la tea sons. and assembly, told a crowd of more 2 f o r ...... O j C On Sept. 96. 1932, be broke a fast ed on the meter veWok R. Tinker, Jr., Mrs. Stewart Dillon. stove-lid lifter "because I was jeal- Japanese military reports from Tokyo, March 4. — (AP) — SUk than 8,000 teat overflowed (tornegle Full fashioned, first quality hoMstF, ef six days and flve heura after the Bnehow sold teat Japanese olrcron tea lx the alato have Mra Mortimer Moriart^-. Mrs. F.d- Don’t Pay A Premium To BOe Coeoanat OtI * 2 0 g* ,e a s a f her father." Strategic War Materials British government approved a priceaon Urn Tedtohama market shot MHce Fraiee Cm Take Hall: wln C. Higgins, Mrs. D M.Caldwell. Pond's Tissues, 230'g______. . . 2 for 25c' Skaaipoo ...... New Spring shades. Vaesaaetoas Five Day* had bombed and sunk 900 junks car­ up 9S yen (tha yen eurrontly Is 97A "I believe In exposing tee eootlev aaaS aa of 8(aroh 1, Tka baby-kaltod Tlostbnd” hs- plan granting depremed plamee 148 rying Chinees soldiers acrom Lake osnte) today amid roporte of toi' rloxey. depxty Mrs. Walter GurnLBn, Mrs. Howard In provlndal Indton leglela to tbe sunlight, and we rccenUy had Boyd, Mrs. Howard J. Koy. Mra. Ringicas Chiffons anss she was so tiny at birth dtod Frem Defiagieat Debtors pending government ectlon to con' Seiii’t Capital A ij Th exhlMUon of Interoatlcnal eoo- nwtoe vchlclee. Halirer Oil Capsules, yesterday. She feiad been on turee; he eomptotod a Kbedutod trot speculetton. They have bees re F r ^ Carpenter, Mra. Robert sew- Carbon, Sticky Valves Et^. Semi Chiffons Uuee week hoagfr strike, aad add­ <« as rags nss.) 1100." Bsan. Mrs. John P. Cheney, Mrs. Parice-Daris, 50's . . rBTa'B s s• adoos live days, _ LoGuordla, a wmrUise filer, sold funds have aat beax 79e Candy Dept. Service Weight IHiUce declined to bring Barrlck ed 40 sihiutea. May 9P. ItSS, eii be- for reetlewearc af Bdsofi Bisllcy, Mrs. George Emerson. Washington, March 4.—(AP) — hsUf e f tbe lower cswtea, the ‘Mn- Avila. Spain. Mareh 4.—(AP) — be was not fearful of Nazism 'Mrs. William Qulsh. Mrs. Charles to an inquest last night. Sheriff Karl Tha artmtntotratleB to ecannlBg tba golniag controf in New Tork but lea, tea depsify Hearer explained teat “feeling toueSahtoe": he owtod m eight-day High oflleerB of tee Nationalist army Wlgrcn. Mra. Raymond Bowers. In The Operation Of Pnrteat Cod Liver Oil, full pint .. .79c poaMhOtty that war debtor satlona feat A 98. IPU. also Is cesmec- arrived today tai the UniVsrrity City "tee people of tee World cannot be Mrs. John F. Barry; Mrs. Harold AJ- . No Mend qstte ■My be wtUtag to reduee their dshte Tomatoes Have No Place sector where the 9fl-montlia-old safe os long as any country to coo- A eoroosr’s Jury reported tlm tioB with the untouehabto dam; ha NAMED SOVIET ENVOY voed, treasurer and Mrs. Charles Sahed Mixed Nuts to tbs ITMtod 8 ti^ throagb p ‘ tasted seven, days la August, 1P84. riege lines run through Madrid It- trolled by Trresponslble dictaton." Jcttiaaon. publicity. 50c listerine Ahtiaeptic...... ^,.«.,.w-.S9c b i ^ was 'kubjeot^ to conolderalHe payxMSt Is etrategi^irar mafert Calls for Hpnelal LaagnagC. WeeMsgtoa. March 4— (AP) —• $ 1 aOO— $ 1 a mistreatment" before being token to to axpiatewqurtos inflicted by hie self. It was announced they would CoBtaiaiag: 1 5 p r# Dr. Halbert Fele, economic In Chowder Epicures Say '■tart important work fbr Madrid’e Declaring teat tee language of Laxresce A. Steiahiudt, new m s - Your Car a hospital. The jurors sold tbs la- foHqwera pundit Lai Nate, Cashewn • PIAcrta • BraxHa • Pecnaa ,,sar to. the State Department, Orthodox Hindu toe der who had op- future." diplomacy oould be used only when 60c PMlUp'a Milk of Magnesia ^ S4c jarlea "must have been inflicted by a testStod before tbe Henee MlUtary Natlonaltote using kmd epeekere dealing with “genUemen," be added: beeneder te msksesslee UoW or blows fPom persona un pdeeA hl> campaigncMnpt against un- For that’s exactly wha^ you arc doing If the engfam Committee that ona foreign gaeem- Pcctland. Ms„ March 4— (AF)—f Tbs Masbsttaa wsa oenstnictsd told the Republlean treepe that *We must necessarily depart from to the Soviet sales. It was tostssS PUBLIC SETBACK kaaam to im.’’ mt to tentatively conmdertng Madrid would be Geaerallaelmo teat language and tell these dicta­ of your car is in such shape. These troubles exset their 3 9 c H>. Gordon 8 5 c p r . Three physlctans* reported visriMy Vesy Lew ■Rtmatoca tai clam cbowderT usdsr ttw watehful ays a t. Harry froM s reSobto aesres hero today. Masdicatcr Green School OTHER DRUG SPECIAIJ9 idtog strategle suppltas (materiato TuUy, PbOadelphla ic^urateur and Franetoeo Franco'h whenever be tors teat their ideas ore not wanted SlnsStaaeouely; It was essixsred antopey a h o s ^ (toath remilted from that caanot iw produced In tbs Pfayridana aald hla -vitality waa Never! in this coimtry and that their entrv toll of extrs gas snd oil to operate sad hamper the gen­ very low, hut the Nationalist lead- president ef the International gave tee order. by the State Depnrtmest teas Friday At 8 P. M. Prompt! 'h a mjury of tee brain, kidneys and united States aad are vitally seeded At toasL Uiat waa tbe opinion of Steward’s and Oatercr’s AaaoelatloD. . Republlean deserten poaelng in any port of tee Woetern .Hemi­ eral condition of the motor. 60c Ipana Tooth Paste ...... S9e Haadgaartm far G. E. AppHaaesa. Intoattnes.” in war-time) aa a payment ea Its would give his Ufa, lito tee Nationalist lines wore Ctosde O. Bowara. aoteaeMdar to S Cash Prina! AdaL 25c. p r . "which has no Insurance value," to diaUngulsbed board o f clam "Ifgh," aald Sleeper, after. <»u- sphere is vsrboten." Lion Brand 7 9 c Mather BrasM Dews In CM M. dxnrder gourroets vrbo aasembtod quoted os eaytng tha defense troops CotboUci Jewish and Protestant LET OUR MECHANICS PUT IT IN A-1 RUNNING The chlld’a mother, Helen Wolf, gat the iMCrms ha aald the nitor ttooriy lasting tha Manhattan, "tlila tat 35c Calox Tooth Paste ...... 24e 4 t«C G ia a B Stampa Ghraa W IU i Cash SiUam R e dM not mentlen the name o f here to judge tha marite ef old- to vegetable soup, not clam multlpljrtag nroeautleae In an leaders denounced tee Bund for tee ORDER FOR MORE MILEAGE AND LOWER htska doem In a jail cell at word of tha goeersniMit. R to reported ra- He roSMTked tliat effort to et^ rapid deeemperitlon of "un-American nature and utter­ "so Mot, bewsfsi protosgsd, css fashioned New Engtoad clam cbowdtr.** Mariam's death aad begg ed to be re- UaMy. bomeeer. that Belgium has chowder versus an aSSto, social ’'The tomato," TuUy replied with teelr reristonee. ances" of its recent mass meeting. OPERATING COSTS! AhaoEhent Cotton, full Ih, . . . . S9c M . K . M s p r . toaaad 'ho I can aee my bahy." tm conridertng sendhig radhim to (Hie British govenunent. wllleh ' The meeUng, sponsored by the UNHS POLISH CLAIMS FREE ParUi« far Bala’s aai Hoaaa’a 6 9 c as PSffs iws.) • climber, containing tomatoes, fine scant. Tends fis-vor to tee clam." Gray sold tee eronld be permitted thU country to m applied on bar known as ‘The Manhattan." tostiosi MondayMonaay roeogniaedrscognisen theuie Nation-i Oauncil against Intolerance In Bomb. Haroh A—(AP)—VIrMsIS FOR RENT I la Um Baar a f Um Stars. britwdm Is Ibnmte fiotm altote...... os the Iroial tutors ofo f Spain. S— 4— 5-Hureed Chiffons, 7-Tkrend Servka to attend tee funetiaL But Arthur U Race of Boston, America aa "New Tork’a answer to Osyds. odHsrtol ipikesims fas ted » WOBKDfa BHOP- 50e Jergen's Lotion . . ______89c * j Chargaa e f amault aad battery An tlSISilfCAUMD SUKXDBUVSUUI ATnOfTT Tbs eptcimw, hroded by Malays yesterday appomted Sir Maurice 9 Very raernor, Lewis O. Barrowa, grave­ vice prasktont ef the American Hotel the Bund," was guarded by 30 po­ Plmeiet rogtse. today aad a tte n d to klU wars plw witht t O r o a t _ . . Petereon. who hod served In Madrid: licemen. (Seventeen hundred effl- toad’s eeieatol lUtoie wlte thsss at agaiaat bar after the ehUd diad. Britain several years ay^. mmrntt, M. March 4— (A P )— ly ripped tha rival eeseocfkme yes­ Asaoclatlon osd ene ef the ebowdor aad Waoblngton, ae omhaaeador to terday and setomsly concurred that judges, observed that tbs Manhattan cera were wmigned to prevent vio­ Italy and Oeramny, aaaerttag IBsqd Depot Square Garage "She waa ertmlaally aegtlgeat for TM.IMsshsSf NsbIwrlI Um myabadeus Mioefhig of Mrm. Natlonallri Spain.) Eliasbsth fichrosder Hnmmel, 88- the tomato-tosi cteatiem had what should be .dgWhad "toeagto a la lence at tee Bund rally at Modtoon teles saBass DcSoto and Plymoath Salsa aad Scrvics not ispwUBg tee bniiae marks," With Oesgrsee sow debathig Bq'jare garden, which waS attended S«rTic« wM Gray. bffi to appreciate SlCOflOOjOOO over yesr old estrssgsd wtta of Edsrln it takes to Uekto the taster, claea." and that the clam was mars- ABOBARBiUKMIlD FEAMCB G. Hummel, a ss a wealthy tebsc- fieiss fisserriMs Brewing ly ea istriktor hi a good tomato by more than 30,000 petadoa.) Erasat Roy, Prsp. taift yesrs tor the purrimse * at Paris, Mareh 4. — (AP) — The grestes . Oaydsls T h e J W .H A L C CORF. stratafiie war swterlals, tt is eo eonqmsy aascsttve, was Hated qs The New Mglasd chowder. In sous. Bpanlaii Natlehaltot g overnmswt to­ TBSARinnr b a l a k c m 141 Na. Mala S t 811S B »7 MAIN SnUBBT today by pdtos. wbicb 'salt pork Is ds rigueur, was TuUy. and hto chef de eulrine. day ashed Froneh umroval of tha Gov.' iMhamn seat a meeeege Bevud tbto sfiTsfiisiist wusld from Albany aaying teat deq>ottom P H 0 N B 7 0 5 7 m a m c k i s t m C o m m . A —4A»>— wUBsfi to taka mmb predaets aa Un, B oy A . Martts. chM at Usiea the aupstvlrion ef LuUus fiavineur, ssdHngty conceded noeolaatlon ef Joes >Ula Laqueries. UdXkM iKin. dstecUees. aaM Mis. Bum* fitste Rep. qevelisd fitoepers, Jr„ ^ ca t and admitted that the New mayor of Bilbao, as Ks .first ambaa- would never prevail la the United laf tte Site.: o f tha Tnaaory aa States tf "we. as a aatkm. mlUtaat- S iA M L n A M : , Mdflittted !■ ft fltfttftflMft$ yedtut* at Rorfchuid.- -- whs fitod " a Mn is tha Engtond standby was supieme. ■ador to FSrie. 2S case a deal eottld s o t be ■t Overisofc tiu E il that s biil- [letature to it a clam could vote," crowed Tho semiiitlim. which was sx- 1/ safeguard those dvll. roHgloim to ‘Watty" cB fitof^ M trtttsmh, would elqeted X. V, N liANCHESn'ER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATtm UAY. MARCH 4.1939 P A G E T H E I P A G E T W O MANUnEVTER EVEmNG HERALO. MANCBESTEB. CONM. SATURDAY. MARCH 4, 198f

Wat4dy bhHight a graatar dagra* of Bbaity, piosparity and bapptnas# to our pao< WPA RECERTIHERS VISIT Chip Has a Chip Guarded After A R T IS n PROGRAM WAPPING le than are anjt^ed aaywbara .m m DR. GEORGE ALLEN W o m e n 's Press Club Pokes% HOUSE SPEED M M , W. W. OltANT BONNET FOREIGN CI th* world." STATES PART on His Shoulder Peter Delivered From Prison Kidnap Threat •MO, Maachastsr Oat What They Waat OUTLYING PROJECTS s t WELL RECEIVED Chief Justice Hughes, aald that PASSES SUDDENLY Fun At British Royalty ON ARMY BILL POUCY STARTS “what the people really want, thay CHURCHES IN FIRST BODY By WnXIAM E. GILROY, O.D. 4hla chains fall off, lad him from Mr. aad Mra. Alfred H. Stone of generally gat,” SarYeyinR Citizenship Qnalifl- Manchaatar, Naw Uampablra, apant Editor of Sclenoe the prison. They passed th* first Praising th* Amartean ayatam of cationa Of AU Ixtcal Work­ and- second guards, and came to the Waahington, March 4.— (A P ) —.^that makM aJMtlahar carelaas vMtt the night at the home or Mr. and matches." Thia crack referred te F R E N ^ FIGHT govsmaMnt for ita division of au­ ers At Thia Timt. . EMANUEL LUTHERAN. THE CENTER CHURCH The same Influences and forces Iron gate leading Into the city Th* Women’s National Press Cluh ' " ' RAISK HOPES Mra. Franklyn O. Welle* of Talcott- I S R E C m E D the burning of the executive maa- CoflDopolitaB Chb Members thority among the exseuUv#, legla- Dean Of RockyiDe Dentists Rev. K. E. Erickioa, Pastor. (Congregational) that sent Jesus to the Cross were which opened to them of Its own poked some gentle fun at the king vlU* -Thursday night, and called on laUv# and judicial dlvUlon#, the Rev. Wateon Woodruff, DJ), Sion In 1812. (Oantlaaed from Pago Oae.) frland* la Wapping on Friday, while (OonUnoed from Fag# Oao.) All of th* "WPA worker* who war* (OeaHauad fraas Fags'Oaa) Boon ra(uufest in the persecution of accord. Then the angel left Peter. and queen of Great Britain last eblaf juatlo# told hi# audlanca, in­ Sunday School and Bible clasaea His disciples in the early days of Hide Ptauie Secrets. ,, Delighted With Readings aarouU to Waterbury. Mr. and Mr* Dies At His Home; Fifty to be recertified were not examined night in a skit satirising their furth­ A Wbita Houae maid and butlar Senate yesterday he thought the 'niei were alert and "safe from aiir- cluding Presldant Roosevelt: at B:S0, 10:80 a. m.—Morning Worablp. the church. As in our own day He was somewhat dased from his Stone ar* former resident* of this * lf our check# and balances soma- when the period set for the checking tha United States to eamant an an- coming visit to tb* United States. •aw to It that the govemment’a psychology of fear had played an prise attack." tangllng alliance with foreign pow­ Mommg Worship at 10:48. Sermon by the minister. much of intolerance and persecu­ experience but, coming to himaelt, town, aad are still member* of tlmes prevent the speedy action ended Frld^z-nlght. In order to Sermon: Faith. The Music: Deviating from Its customary airplane secrets and tha two MUIon . And Impersonations. Important part In bringing about Wapping Oraag*. Uefense* Inadcquato Years In Practice. ers, tion Is associated with the person­ he realised the miraculous nature He added, nevertheless, they said, which Is thought desirable, thay get as many names aa poaalbla, The Emanuel CJhoIr will sing. Prelude: Come Unto M e ...... Liszt policy of kidding the first family of | doliar stabilisation fund were bidden the Munich conference in Europe The ‘^Jldtlmers" girls' basketball Ellfrarorth generally la credltad al ambition of individuals, or the of bis deliverance. He Imroedlatety last year. that French defenses In Bomalllend, also assure in the long run a more workers on the recertification. went Evening Service at 7:00. Anthem: O Master Let Me Walk sought the house of Mary, the America, the club turned Ita annutil i before the royal couple arrived. team will play th* Tom McAn atore deliberata judgment with being chiefly responsible for promotion ot some partisan Intei^ Mrs. Roosevelt headed a list Ha said Ool. Charles A.. Und- with vastly #up#rlor Itatlan fore#* into tha woods and to other projects , Sermon: Remember Me. With T h ee...... Speaks est, by appealing to popular preju­ mother of Mark who iKterwards dinner Into a burlesque of royalty. o t ■ Mm OmnvlU* M. Parker of Weet taam, from ' Maaeheatar, this eve- “ And what th* paopla raaUy want, (Spaeial to Tha Herald) drafting th* law which established The American scene wa* touchrt 400 distinguished women gueafo bsrgh had been permitted to fly acroa# th* bonier in Ethiopia, w#rt where men and woman were work­ our judicial ayatam. Appropriate music. Anthem: The Master of the Garden dices and bigotries, so. In the an­ was for a time the companion uf m Hartford, dallfbted the members of alag at Ut* Community House. they ganarally gat. With th* ulti­ RookvUIa, March 4—Dr Oaorge ing to make tha check. Over 100 only briefly. and made an off-the-racord apeefik. the CoomopoUtan club yeoterday af- over Oerman airplane factories and "pitifully Inadaquat#." OnM ot ConnecUeut’a first mem- "Hobby Nite” at Luther League • ...... Jordan cient day, religious persecution was Paul, and who was the suthor at Among the playars will b* Mrs. mata power of ehang* through W, Allan, dean of dantlsta bar*, died were checked during the day. Thera Tuoeday evening at 8:00. Leonard (Junior Choir) The satire, called “Our Town,” Other gueata Included Lady Linilafi*, -lemoori at the Y.M.C.A. with a pro­ had made a report to Prime Minis­ Even MM be apoka, another imail amendment In thair hantt, thiy ar* bera of tha House expressed a poli­ frequently found associated with our second Gospel. Mliian Wallas Daane, Mrs. Ellen F. dctachmant of troops wa# aaUtng were some men who were not work­ Johnson will apeak on "My Hobby " PosUude: Song of Joy .... Kem showed King George VI losing hi* wife of tha Brittah ambaaaddor W < gram of reading* and Impersona- ter Chamberlain of England which always able to obtain whatavar a suddenly at hla hem*, 56 Par» tical philosophy stUl followed large­ such sIms and purposes. Here he found the disciples gath­ the United States, and women lead­ "scared'’ Chamberlain Into arrang­ Sharp. Mil* Irene Btirklend, Miss from Marsellla for Somaliland to ing yesterday becaua* of Ulneaa and The hobbles of members and friends 9:30—The Church school The ruler In Pslestlne. who ered together In prayer. When the crown In a poker game to Jimmy Uona of unuaual Interest and appeal. Charlotte Foster and Miss .Mary prapondarant and abiding Mntimant atraat, at 10 o’clock thla morning. thay will be checked next week. ly by the parties of today. He <|B ' ers of politic*, arts, sciences, aporlA ing the Munich conference. reinforce aoms 8,000 man under dared "when you are In the t “ M'l he on display. Others willing 9:30—The Adult class. Bible study held his office and | not because he wl.shed to, or be­ ua. Just what happened when Pa­ unaxpactadly this morning, be our regular Lenten offering Foochow. China. Topic: War in DDRIMG HAUFAX BLAZE spreading flame* cut off escape. ^ ^ tertainer had previously sppeared tucky said he hoped th* SenaU nearly $800 a year, for a nurae In isting difficulties In Europe. Th* the judicial #y#t#m. A natlv* of Somars, this state, he The first members of the Ubnal' Democratic committee cause he was convinced of any ter's absence was discovered does before the club at the home of Mrs could conclude consideration of th# the achpola. Some advocate spend­ Boclallat National Council opened a Th# propoi^ followed th# court’s had Uvad moat of hla Ilf* in Vernon to arrive for the session on feting China. Leader: Orton Beach, Solo- »ecret«ry, counters charges of guilt, but because he did not wlab not appear, but Peter went on nls -ty authorization bill Monday. two-day dsbata on both lnt«mal nten "Quiet Hour" Wednesday ls‘ , Mrs. Earl P. Shaw. Song leader, Oliver Toop, just after Mra. Parker, ing a tiifl* more and having a pub­ action in invalidating several early and Rockville. H* bad pracUced I I BODIES ARE FOUND 4 were Benjamin HunUngton, Oelecey Allen, member of tha to displease those who favor and vay and probably was In biding, Halifax, Nova Scotia, March 4— 188 STILL MUSENO ,>i Expression Of Attitude lic nurae for the benefit of all towns­ and International affairs bar* to­ New Deal law# which drew down T:l(i to 8:00. Miss Marion Washburn. -*«orgla state legislature, that support he sought. than MIsa Ruth Adams, had gradu- dantlatry bar* for th* paM 80 years. than Trumbull and Jeronlah Wads­ "Come ye apart and rest a while. ’ undoubtedly carrying on his minis­ ■ated from Emercon CoUere of Ora- Representative Snyder (D., Pa.), people. day. upon It much administration eritl- The Week: Robert resigned as assistant ... (C^ansdlan Prats)—The desk clerk Osaka, Japan, March 4— (A P ) “ “ ^ e Hla wife, Mra. Eva Brodar Allen, worth. The next day Sherman and ' On Friday night a Spring Style try even in the midst of danger. G-men welk the campus of ex» tosy, Boaton. commented that House approval of It was reported that J. B. Shep­ clam, ■ubaaquantly, hoav#v#r, the IN PLANE’S WRECKAGE Jonathan Sturgaa arrived, Monday, 6:30—Chib Pack. Mr. lecretary of the treasury “ to Among the early martyrs was • • • elusive bsklna school in Boa> of th* Queen hotel. Clyde Macintosh, One hundred fifty-three aemes i, ■urvlvaa him. Show will be presented by th* WII- Lynn. Cubmaster. •• b a bouffant gown of black silk, the appropriation Mil yesterday ard of South Windsor, bad been lo trend of court opinion changed, most Funeral arrangamanta ar* Incom- Wadsworth was appointad to tha avert a national aeandal.” James, the brother of John; and It Is a miraculous story. Involving ton, guarding Co-ed Marie Lou> today esUmated 85 persona wera ■till are missing and preeumabty are provided "a Arm expression of later Naw Deal law# war# appiw ^, roae Dress Shop under the auspices Tuesday, 7:00—Choir rehearsal. ■with lace bertha. Mrs. Parker gave an automobile accident at Daytona ROOSEVET SAYS U. S. plat*. Nice, France, March 4— (A P ) — first Houae ooromittee formed after when Herod Agrippa. grandson of all the questionings and problems Ise Hulburd, above, daughter of klUed In the fir* that deatroyed th* dead In the ruins of a powder magk- a charming group of numbers e.ipec- America's attitude toward auch dic­ Beach, Florida. A telephone mrs- and th# Prealdent ha# b##n enabled of the Dorcas Society. A very Tuesday, 8:00 — F^feaaional Eleven bodies were reported found the Houae obtained a quorum on complete variety of spring apparel Herod the Great, saw tbat the that miraculous atories emphasise. a Chicago broker, after she was half-century old wood and stucco sloe which exploded In subuflwn tally.approprlata to the iprlng which tatorship as might attempt to dis­ aage from him said he had been In by death and ratlremenU to name April 1, Women. Speaker, Dr. Woodruff. Uonal meeting. Muriel Scranton, death of Jamea was pleasing to cer­ As I have repeatedly pointed out, HlrakaU Wednewlay. Forty-two •'*- three new court member#. A today in the burned wreckage of a will be displayed on models, and leader. threatened with kidnaping in structure ’Thursday. ell hope Is right at hand. The title.* turb the peace of the western hem­ a minor accident. In which the spare W IU NOT BE PASSIVE Topic, Lent. Hostesses, Mrs. Persis tain Jews, be threw Peter into pris­ however, miracles would be no letter signed. "The Rina.” Six unidentified bodies already bodies have been recovered. isphere." fourth vacancy la soon to b# filled. Carman commercial alrplana arhlch light refreshments will alao he Cragin, Miss Ruth Porter. 7:80 p. m.—Union Service at the were, "The Laughing Chorus,' tire on his car was ptilird off the UGUARDIA CALLS crashed near Roublllon, In the served. Tickets are now on sale on. It is under these circumstances miracles If they could be explained. "DaffyDown Dllly” , by A. A. Milne; Tba appropriation meaaure, larg­ back, by a truck, but that he was Hughe# declared that leglalaUon Wednesday, 2:30— Women's Guild. South Methodist Church with Rev. that our lesson opens. Their Interest for im today Is est Army aupply blU alnca 1922. ON REUGIOUS BATTLE pasaed In 1789 aatabllahlng tha judi­ French Alps near the Italian front­ DAW SPLIT BECOMES ' They are going fast, and must be Leader, Miss Emily House. Meet at Wallace speaking on "Th* Power ot "TB th* Spring", by .Tames WTilt- unhurt. ier. secured at once if you do not wish Herod was about to bring Peter In spiritual suggestiveness and cemb Reilly, and "The First Blue carrlea the flril fundi for th* pro­ cial s)ratem "made possible the ef­ Watkins Store. Speaker, Ernest Silence”. This is the first of the Church services tomorrow will be fective functioning of th# depart­ THE BUND COOTIES The cause of the accident and the to be dlaappolnted. forth, evidently writh the Intention teaching that ba* little to do with TOWN ADVERTISEMENT Bird.” Every one wai given with a posed 2300,000.000 Air Corps ex- as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 (Oonthmad from Page On*) Watkins. Hostesses, Mra. John Lenten aeries and all ar* cordially of according him the seme fate as ment of government which la de­ identity of the victims, one of whom FINAL AND OFnCIAl A misalonary program will be invited. any critical question Involved. The charm and delicacy that drew forth pension. It provides for purchsM a.m., which Is to be follov. I by the Pickles, Mrs. Richard Alton, Mra. % James— but that very night aa Pe­ real and essential fact Is that God of 784 war planes, reinforcement of signed to Mfeguard with judicial (OonUnoed from Page Oaa) was a woman, had not been eatab- pre(Mnted at Brotherhood on Tues­ Binest Bengston, Mrs. E. E. Chap­ Notes haarty applause. morning worship at 10:45. Rev. D. gage In mock attack and defense off lished. ter was sleeping between two sol­ does encompass His saints with TOWN OF MANCHESTER, JANUART 16. 1888 sea coast defense and the acqulal Impartiality and independence the Detroit, March 4 ^ (A P )—Th* day evening the I4th, If you are man, Mrs. W. W. Harris, Mrs Monday, 6:46 p. m.—Teachers of Her Impersonations V. Mclean, pastor, will preach the the Atlantic coast. Interest* of liberty." and personal libertlas guaranteed to interested In missions you'll enjoy diers. bound with chains and be­ "songs of deliverance," whether it For her second number. Mrs. Uon of aeml-automatlc rtflaa, anti The point where the wreckage spilt between followera of Homer Horace Raton, Mra. Leon F b ^ , Mra. the (3iurch school will meet at the EXPENDITURES second of the serlet of Mnten ser­ No Cxcuae Far Seottonallsm "But," ne continued, "in th* us by our form of govarnmant” waa found, partly covered by snow, the program. If you aren''t, you hind the closely guarded doors ot be In strange and miraculous ways, Parker presented the first set of tank guns, modernised flald artil­ mons on the theme, "The .Meaning In hla speech he called upon the Martin and followen of John U Joseph Tedford. CJhlldren car^ for church to attend the Training the prison, an angel came and stood or In the ordinary and understood great enterprise of making democ­ District Attornay Thomas b . la On tha route covered by a Oer­ should come that your Interest may Course in Hartford. October Fob. 37. 180a% " "Th* Barretts of WImpoIe Street", lery and mobile anti-aircraft guns of God In Our Human Experiences.'’ government to "act a* a whole" for Lewla became final and official to­ at the church. by him, aroused Peter and, as processes of Ufa. Expendlturaa Rovlaod The measure has yet to be conald racy workable, we are all partners. Dewey In another maasag* termed man commercial alrplana running be revived. ^ Wednesday, 2:00 p. m.—Meeting Botlmated in which she Impersonated Eliza­ In th* afternoon at three o'clock the good of th* country. And, with day aa Martin opened a convention Wednesday, 7:80, Men's Oub, for 1929 to 1-16-39 Estimate ered by th* Senate "On* member of our body politic the Bund members "dlsciplaa of between Germany and Lisbon, hla faction of the United Auto­ The Week. monthly meeting. Speaker, Captain of the L*dlea Aid Society at the ACCOUNT beth Barrett, her doctor, her maid, there Is to be a vesper service. another of his rsmlndars that thia cannot say to another—'1 have no ot I 138.009BO#-. and— her— lover, Ro>?rt Browning was not th* "horse and buggy aga” , bigotry” and said their rally had Portugal, through Nationalist Spain, mobile Workers union, claiming Choir rehearsals:. _ . Walter C. Sage, of Hartford. Topic: church. Elacb member Is requested Charities ...... I 100,000.00 $ 47JM)6.33 need of the*.' disgusted-"milllona of dtixens,” (German authorities disclosed lest "The Making of a Modem News­ to bring in her dollar and tell how emotional balcony scfne from Hlghwaye -General Maintenance 50.000. 00 36,080.43 80.000.00'^;" he said modem transportation and delagatas representing "an over­ Monday, 7:80—Beethoven. 8.000.00 . Sucoaaafnl Cooperation. An ovation greeted Dorothy Saturday that a German plane, ap­ Tuesday, 6:15—Chapel Choir. paper”. Illustrated. SoclabUlty, re she earned It. Hostesses, Mrs. H. D, "Romeo and Juliet” with Eva Le Snow and Ice ...... 8,000.00 3,178.36 slacar* and harmonious by the U ;'!P 0 P E PIUS BEGINS communication left "to no citizen an whelming majority” of th* union’s FAY REVUE MORE 843.0T 3JB00.00 - trayar, and the play reading was excuse for aeetlonallam, for delay In "We work In successful coopera­ Thompson, newspaper columnist parently a mlUUry craft, had been membership. Wednesday, 8:16— Emanuel (n>olr freshmento. The committee: Charles Chapman, Mrs. N. M. Marks, Mra. Oalllenne and Rlchaixl Waring aa Oiling , ...... 3.800.00 tion by being tnie, each department who was escorted from the Bund lost In the Mediterranean with 10 the tragic lovers. It serves to re­ CrmetCTee ...... 9.000. 00 8.067.10 9.OQ0M given with such charm and fidelity the execution of the public business Martin aald that more than 700 Thursday, 7:80—Q Qef. Eurr, Dr. D.C.Y. Moore. Harry Shipman. 880.000.00 GANDHI’S FAST to Ita own function, and all to the rally after she laughed at a speak­ persona aboard. The plane waa 7:30 p. m.—Choir rebearaal. mind again that Mlaa Le Galilenne Ekiucatlon ...... 300,000.00 164.084.40 to the author's meaning. If made a ROiniNE OF WORK or for a failure to maintain a full delegates were registered, repre­ Saturday, 9:00—Boyrs and girls, Maldment, Loula Mart*. Robert 6.870.86 D.ooo.oa understanding of the acceleration of spirit which pervades our In.etltu- er's remarks. She urged enactment marked D-Alus, Lufthansa, Ger­ Marcbam, David MeCtorob, Robert Friday, 7:30 p. m.—Social at the THAN VAUDEVILLE la one of the stage's loveliest Juliets, Street Lighting ...... 26.000. 00 profound Impraailon on the atidlenre., senting nearly 200 locals. Elach lo­ 88.000.00 16.508.10 88.000.00: who lived again In th* happenings ] the processes of civilization.” tlons—exalting the processes of rea- of laws to prevent "a systematic many's only commercial airllna, eald McComb, William McCormack, Vernon church sponsored by the and especially one of Ita moat effec­ Police ...... aon, seeking through the very lim­ cal had been iienred notice that at­ ' 8000.00 1,704.73 4,aooj» oa Wlmpol* atraat In London, one of LEFT IN SUSPENSE IS UNDER WATCH Mambars of Congress who had ex­ campaign against race and rellgir i the plan* waa not ita property.) tendance at tb* Martin convention ST. MART’S CHURCH. crhristle McCormick. WInthrop Ladles Aid Society, tive when she can, within a few sec­ Board of Health...... itations of power the promotion of 11,000.00 4,600.66 11,000;^ the uost beautiful lov* storlsa of pected him to refer directly to the adth tha Idea of depriving membara meant severance of relatlona with Rev. Janies Staoart Neill, Rector. Merriam, Alfred Mucklow, Hehry onds, transform an audience excited Parka and Tree W arden...... all tlm*. th# wis* us* of power, and finding of tbat race and nllglra of thair by variety Into on* tbat Is bushed Spraying ...... ' 400.00 admlnlatratlon'a currant diiv* to the parent organization, Miller, Herman Montle, Joaeph SOUTH METHODIST CHURCH Prognun So GeneroBS And 3.000. 00 76003 Loooaa Mrs. Parker for variety gave a (Onntinosd from Page Oao.) raasBur* and aneourags business the ultimate security of life, liberty constitutional right#." SAMUEL L H E K , UNION Motycka, Arthur Illlng, Carl Ny­ and respectful when suddenly faced Building Inspector...... OF AUTHORITY and the pursuit of happineaa, ani Th* faction of the onloil'kopport- Sunday, March 8th, 1939—Second Rev. Earl B. Story, D.D„ MIeleter 18.000. 00 17,014.03 1 7.0t4 Jt brief review of a few of Broadway's were disappointed. Rep. Bruce Barton, (R „ N, Y.), ed by the CIO, however, claimed man, Neno Osella, George Paric, with the sweet, fateful scene where State Tax ...... It should taka placs on the oiitsid* the promise of continued atabiiit> Bm)day in Lent, County Tax ...... 16.000.00 16A4TS theatrical hits which she baa leen balcony of Ht. Petsr’s. (Oaatinoad from Fag* One.) Without mentioning th* dlfllcul- Walter Damroseh, composer; Fan­ that only 37 locals of the tJAW stui 8:00 a. m.—Special Corporate John Pickles, Russell Pitkin, Wil­ Eitra?aj{uit No Indica­ Juliet is withheld by the bars of her 6.000 OO 8,086.70 BJOLTi ties ha has had with Congraas re­ and a rational progress. In the good FIRST SELECTMAN, DIES liam Pitkin, Harold Preston. 10:45 a.m.—Morning worship and MUItary Tax ...... this aaason. Including th* "Amerl- nie Hurat, Dovellat; Rabbi Stephen were lo j^ to Martin. Communion for the Confirmation aermon. Dr. Story will preach the balcony from the arms of her be­ 1 ,000.00 478.75 1,00040 caa Way", starring Frederic March From this same bali^ony h* biass­ cently, tha Prasidant raeallad that sense of the American people." «i« « « followed by breakfast in the Friday. 6;30—Troop 1 Girl ScoiiU. Garage ...... ed the crowds In 9t. Petsr's Squars dltaolv* the body.” Las* April he Possibly thinking of the altiiatlon 3, Wise, president of tb* American second of the series of sermons on loved. Election Bxpenaea ...... 4fi00.00 3,038.13 4.00040 aad kia wlf*, Florence Eldiidge, there had been eonatant friction be­ Parish Houae at 9:30 o'clock. Mias Emily Smith, captain. tion A rt Cair Be ReTired. 2.674.08 ,:,-,j,:.S#'7.r- " after hie election two daya ago. predicted, after an Illness of several in some other . countries, Hughes Jewish Congress,. and Lieut. Gov. Stafford Springs, March 4,— (A P ) "Life's Problems.” Subject;- "Light Fay baa really produced here a Administration ...... 7.800 00 ,0004a "Til* Primrose Path’’, Bernard months, that 'T am not likely to tween th* Cnntinantal Congraas and Charles PolctU were among others —Samuel L. Heck, 60, Brat aalact- 9:80 a. m.—Oiureh school. Men’s Friday, 6:30—Troop 7, Girl Scouto revue arlth far more elan and ex­ l.‘J03.95 8.000. 0 f To Be Invealeid On Balreny assorted: SUNDAY . MONDAY on Life's Hardest Problem.” The Advertising and Printing ...... 3.000. 00 SkaWs "Pgymallon," which la to be live very long—perhap* a year or a th* commander-tn-chlef of U)a E v o ­ who spoke or sent messages of man of tha Town of Union, died to­ Bthia “ 1“— Mlsa Jeasle Hewitt, captain. travagance than one would find in 18.800.00 9.779.74 1740041' rontlftcsl mSBB will ba celebrated lutionary armies and that inafflclen- "We protect tha fundamental n-uslc: Aeaeesmenta and Collecttona...... praduoad on the screen, and one or littia more." support. day at tha Johnson Memorial bO(^)t- i 10:45 a. m.—Holy Communion and Saturday, 9:30—Troop 26, Boy New York, March 4.— (A P ^ - the average vaudeville show, so 6.000. 00 3,487.19 8.ooaja first In St Peter's, according to cy was the rule during tha long right of minorities, in order to save THE NEW- Prelude, "Andante CanUblle”, WIdor Municipal and Ctourt BuUdlnga ... two others that appealed to her. Mlnlatera of hla congress party Kuhn Oeolines Invitation tal where h* underwent an operation Salmon. Sermon topic: "Prayer." Scouts, Mr. Irwin, scoutmaster. Since the historic Palace theater that it cannot be taken as a crite­ Memorial Day ...... 800.00 800.00. la raaponae to an encore the tradition. • Then “ *«u methe ropePop* wijiwdll b* drawn out war. Thar* was grave democratio government from de- 4:00 p. m,—Special preacher. Rev. Not** Anthem, "Aa Pants the Heart". , 80.00 appealed to Lord Linlithgow, vtoe- itroylng Itself by the exceaaea of Its Fritz Kuhn, bund leader, waa In- a week ago. fade< Into being merely a double rion one way or the other aa to Armistice Day ...... 1,800.00 raadar gave a highly humorou* 1 balcony on hla porUbis doubt whether indapendene* would George D. Wilcox, Rector of Grace Come to Church Every Sunday in ...... Spohr 9.000. 00 . 4.060.78 9.000. 00 roy and governor-general of India, own power. vltad to attend the ntaatlng but re- He waa bom In Button, U s m ., and Anthem, "The Lord Hath Com- feature movie houae there have whether vaudeville has a chance ot Misccllaneoua ...... poem arranged on th* order of "The I be Invested with the papal have^bean won at all, h* aald. had had lived in Union for the paat 42 CIRCLE O i t n ^ Stafford Springs, Lent. 18.300.00 8,103.48 1840040 to Intarven* In the political dlsnut*. not Great Britain bean eOnfrfmted 'The flrmast grotmd for confi­ tuaad. inanded'' ...... 2tendela«>hn staging a comeback. Garbage Collecttona ...... Old Oaken Bucket," but remlnleclng i _ Followera In Bombay called a years where he had been a member The Week. Children cared for during th* been many efforts to revive vaude­ ChUd Welfare ...... 3.000 00 a.0004Bi with other war* In Europe. dence In the future Is that mors "’Thos* people ar* nine-tenth* Poatiude, "Fugue lo D KUnor"...... ville on Broadway, that being rec- It la a good revue for It baa all about the "old-faehlon pocket, the ‘ b* rop* still was occupymg th* I thr*«-day voluntary period of Jewa and the others are commun- of th* Board of Selectmen for 14 BOSS versus SECRETARY! Mozylay—- Morning Worehlp Hour. Bond Paymenta ...... 143.000.00 48.00040 itt.ooo.oaj, obsolat* pocket, the triwlworthy! be used as papal sacra-, BxpoaltiM of R l^ ta than ever we realise that, while de­ 6:80 p. m.—Junior Choir reheara- Attend the Lenten Institute...... fluUivaii ognlzed as the first etep toward* of the dlsrimllar ingredlenta needed 83.000. 00 3041B.7j 81.0” “ “ mourning. mocracy must have Its /irganiMtIon itata," h* aald. "Thay won't allow years. In variety. Mlsa Le GalUeime's Juliet interest and Diaeount ...... pocket that hung In my gown." 1 of state. Ha'planned to move Moat of th* ipaaeh waa an exposi­ al. A Parish Supper on March 16. 9:80 a.m.—Church B^ool. (Jlaasea reviving the variety bllla In the 1.800.00 IX tion of th* rights and freadoma en­ and controls. Its vital breath la In­ me to talk anyway. Wa don’t - He la survived by four aiateni epH for aU. la a bri^ picture that makes one Dog Licenses...... >•••••••• Oivea Moaolofus I *be papal apartment next TUes- ' T ilS ab aa.—OMs' Friendly 8o- served by the King's Daughters. many bouses spread across thia aaasaaaaaaaa 19.000. 00 6408.11 10.( joyed under damoeratio govammant dividual liberty.'' consider, them worth while.” three brother*. The funeral will wish she would return in the wboJa Libraries *•**0*0 ojb ooeeoooooooo lUappaartng in an old-fashioned I be held Monday afternoon, ’ ■'' ' 10:48 a.m.—Church School Nurs­ country where the flve-a-day lada Town OOUfi •••■eaeoeeoeoaoooa 9,000.00 « SJ6LO0 &000.00 PONDER WAR DEBT and denied, tha President said, by A city inquiry into Bund tax pay­ 7:80 p. aa—Intarmedlata Choir ery, and la^ea once did their turns. play, and Miss Janla Is an escitlng 81.687.73 heoast and dolman, Mra Parker I Pop# Plus XII. whose modem other form*. Rttltof oaesoeeeeoooooao 13.800.00 I tendencies rival even those of hli ments, at which Kuhn was sub­ labaaiaaL BEOOND 4X)MOBBOATiONAL 6:00 p.m.—Intennedlata League. Now Frank Fay, suava and hu- mimic, as aba was when she last ap­ Recreation - ...... 18.000. 00 8,14849 gar* a monologu#, "Mra Dodd’* Tile United State* Constitution poenaed for testimony yssterday, Huabands,” which convulsed pradeceisor, ahavea himself with an Tnaaday. TH)0 p. m.—Boy Soouta. _ CHURCH Joan Todd, leader. Diaeuaslon led moroua aad bubbling with horse peared on Broadway la 1929 In aoma Old Ago Amirianoo ...... 31.300.00 BARTER PAYMENTS had proved. Mr. Roosevelt declarzKl, REREGISTRATION URGED will be resumed Monday. Wwhiesds3r— Ferria E. ReyaoMa, P1UL, Minister by Mias Hasel Drlggs. of the vaudevUla aketebee that she 60.000.00 34,09R83 th# audience. Then from humor to electric i-asor, his barber, Luigi that the American type of govern­ A B O U ^ W N play, ia here with a vaudeville pro­ Water Department ...... osooooeoa* pathoa, abowlng her veraaUllty. she Evangellstl. aald today. S:00 p. m.—Olrli* Friendly Can- 6:00 p.ni. — Senior Eparorth gram so generous and extravagant danced Into after her World War zoning ...... il... 280.00 164 66 ment could not long remain in the Lenten Communion aervioe at daya. ie,ooo!oo gav# ‘Th* Angslus" by Mr*. Elea­ "I did not belisv* It at first," said (Oaaltaosd rram Fag* One) hands of persons seeking paraonal TO CLEAR CAUCUS LISTS Daughters of Liberty, No. 128, L. (Udatea,. League. Mrs. Mlnetta Legg will that It isn't BO much a true indca- Four Acres ...... 16,000.00 nor H. Porter, author of "Poly- O. L. I„ will have a apeclal meeting ’ 4:00 p, m.—O, F. S, Candidates 10:46 conducted by the minister. uiscuas the topic: “What The tlon If vaudeville can be revived as EvangellstI, "but his emineno* show­ aggrandizement. NATIONAL CHIEFS Special music by the choir. 479,804.17 aaaa,” aad told the story which Is tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock in Laataa Berriee. (3iurch Expects of Her Young Peo­ It is an entertaining revue that ed me and aald 'Sea, my aon. It can on war debt [layments. Secretary of In tha hill of rights, he eontlnuad, Pratude: Largo—Bach. ple." 00,ttl.l9 full of tana* altuatlona, beautl^Uly ba dona'.*’ 11*1 a vast chasm between "our rep­ Orange hall to make plans for th* ' 7:80 p. m.—Lenten service. Rev. should be labelled aomethlng more Cash On Hand 8-14-39 ...... •aoo oaa aa Agriculture Wallace would be will­ Hartford, March 4.— (A P )— A VYank r . Gennan, D, D„ of Hiddle- Anthem: God Shall Wipe Away BELIEVE BUSINESS MAN aad ravareaUy. on to ita aplrltual Th# barber said th* Pontiff ai ing to axcl^ng* either cotton or resentative democracy and thos* suggestion that a general new re- ARRIVE AT M ADRD anniversary celebration. 7:80 p.m.—Evening service. The than vaudeville. toam. will preach. All Teara—Fields. second in the aerlra of Musical Fay is the type of master of TOTALS ...... ; ______81.090.600:00 8 834,430.36 81,13S4IMar eltraax. For an encore she gave secretary of etaU always was con­ wheat for 'J|trat«flc matariala, ac­ reversions to personal rule which ragistratloB In ConneeUciit would os,4aaj88 have characterized thee# recent nVnJAN SUFFERER Thunday, 6:80 p, m,—Girl Scouts Offertory duet: O Divine Re­ services for the Sunday evenings In ceremonies who gets bis best laughs Add Deficit of Operating for Tear 4-15-38 08,40684 "Khty,” a little Irlah poem, and In siderate and expected to get service cording to well Informed persons. produc* "true and honest" caucus Sunday, March 12th—4:00 p. m- deemer—Gounod—Mra. Cooley and (a la ’s BRUTAL SLAYER ntapona* lo continued calls, two He la said to believe the govern­ years." ■ lists was todsy before the special (Conttnoad frero Fags Oaa.) Lent. Mr. Cltfton C. Bralnerd, or­ in making fun of nis own outward­ St th* Vatican apartmsnit only whan .—^Th* retreat waa atie- •—Tb* Rev, Arnold Fenton, Rector Mlsa Berggren. ganist, wdU give a short organ re- IL149,U6.S4 |l,178.7M^y short numbers, "Pleseant Dreami" there were no other customers In th* ment could use the wheat of th* He compared the American right commtaalon named by Gov, Raymond ly dignified self, a ‘ technique that to trial by Jury with "som* pro­ paetad to fecalva tha French gov- eeaaful, not orderly. •g Christ Church, Anaonia,/ will Poatiude: March la B flat—Dun­ cltaL Ha wlU play: used-to keep himaelf or Lou flolts . t and "U ttl* Town. " At the close shop. V Surplus Commodities Corporation E. Baldwin to study a poaslble ra- can. Oklahoma City, March 4— (A P )— HECIMP TO ■» ■ cesses of trial and punishment which visioh of th* election laws. emmant’a prompt accaptanoe, fol­ Fifty drilling National Ouardamen yiaacli. “Lamantatloa" ...... Ouibnant or Eddie (Jantor running weak aft­ ah* was given s rising vote of "It was always like that. He wai for this purpose without further au­ Tha Sunday Schedais thank*. thorization'from Congreta, but that of late have re-Incarnated the 'jua- A display of hands by a majority lowed France's recogniUon of Oan- broke ranks, acramblad to frash (sir 'AUegro Sonata in D” .... Jordan er week at the Palace when that Officara aaaking tha brutal ala)rar of Oiriobor Fab. IT. low * always worried about my work and whan a tear gas candle was dis­ Everyman's class at 9:18. Rev. It was announced that at the next It would h*v# to get apeclal Con­ tlce' of the dark ages." of about 50 men and women at­ cral Franco's regime Monday and TAIiOOTTVIIXE f the Potioo 819.08 1400.00< Watkins will elng Irish songs, and debts At present, debt* must be England and practiced hla profaaalon for tha fan switch. Society, 7:00. Tlw Weali irodaat buff-brick borne In which tha cocoa a.o coco 1400.00 TO NORTH OF SHANGHAI paid In American dollar*. been ao widely exercised as now— Jlnunla FMIar gayat *It 10:46—Morning worship. Holy reign, but today ia different Just Board of Health ...... 800.00 333.00 0004H' P * tfy Larkin will present one freedom of th# press and freedom Ha advocated also among other before tha civil war In Madrid, arhara Paeka More Entertalnaaeitt Monday, 6:30 p.m.—Cub Pack. glil'a garrotad body waa found late . Paynnaato on Frinolpal* things a law giving tbs stat* or mu- Oemmunkm. 6:80 pjn.—Girl Soouta. 7:30 pjn. as Dai* Janla returns on thla pro­ BuUdtog Inspector ...... roooooooe 3.000. 00 90840 f.00040'< or two of her dancing pupil*. of religion. he waa actlv* in coaaarvaUv* pou- CONCERT ALLOWED. Valaa Thaa Maajr a MUHoa Monday at 6:30—Scout parents Tbursdsy. (CXwiMoned from Pag* On*.) Official* her* ar* non* too hope­ nlclpallUas th* aame control over > i 18:00—Sunday actaooi. Men's VoUay BaU. 7:80 p.m.—Offi­ gram to Bing about, tha good eld Election Expenses ...... 88.79 307*1 Speech Ooee Pneheehed Uc*. Dollar Calnaaair 4:00—Junior C. E. supper at the church. Entertain­ Ryan aald tha man had reated an 180.00 180.00 MAT VUrr AMERICA. ful that foreign dabtors are going oaucuaa* now exarelsad over elec­ cial Board. days aren’t here anymore, ao aha Mualeipal and (Court RuUngo...... Because of th* mUdnaas of our H* sarvad aa undarsaeratafjr of Washington, March 4.— (AB ) ‘ 6:80—T . P. S, C E, ment by.th* boys. Nelson A. Sly, sutomobUa anawaring tha .daaerip- MiseoUitncoqa ...... 700.00 839.00 70040 Hungtze, on th# westam border of fo com* forward voluntarily and of­ laws of libel and tiandar. h* said, tions with aspaclal regard to pra- Marian Andaraon, nagro eontralto, “I AM A Tuesday, 3:80 p.m.—W.C.T.U. Da- eapreaaaa the true explanaUoa that Klangsii fer strategic materials la lieu of the scribing datas and hours and th* •tat* in 1922 In tha govammant of . Worridp in company with ooa’a Scout eiMcutlva, , npraker Scouts what has happanad isn't j ^ tba ttoii o t a ear seen near tha gtrf'a Dog Lteenaea...... looopooaooooe 8.000. 00 8.000.00 BarUn, March 4.—(API —German freedom of speech. loh goe* iineheckad ' Antonio Maura undar tba monarohy. ha* raceivad approval lo sing in the and their parents tnvltad. partmeof Day Program. 7:00 p.m.— Shanghai Terrtirhun aroounta owned unless at th* same mathod of holding tham plus salac- CRIMINAL” aalfhbora ia a necessary maana of death of an entertaining mitilliim— Imma tha day aha waa klUad and bad Town Court ...... 8 .0 0 0 .0 0 144749 3.00040 flnaadai and business circles- said except by the good sens* of th* Undar tba republic ba e*mpalgn> Cant^vU high school auditorium on Tuesday at 7:00—Girl Scouts. Boy Scouts. 4:00 pjn.—Browniaa. Japanese naval, army and gan- tiro* this govarnmant agrees to ap­ American paopla. Uon of caucus offldala with JOHN CARROLL gsSgloaa living, a Cbitfch membera vaudeville—that aurvived ao many baan ariasing rinoa. Liquor Uoonoo F o e s ...... •otaoaoooe 30,000.00 13460.00 30,00040.;^ Dr. HJalmar Schaebt, former presi­ •d vigorouily against tha govam- Eaatar Sunday, Tba Board of Ed­ Tuesday at 8:00—Hen's Social 7:80 p.m.—Stanley Group. 7:80 400.00 9843 40040.;” dent the Ralcbsbank who w*aa re­ darms officlaJe called on oommand- ply Ihe materials on the principal "Any paraon la constitutionally Aould maka a special effort to'at- years. Vaudeville died because Ha said a pickup order had bean Four Aeraa L o t ...... ot ment and at tha outhraak of th* ucation of tha Diatriet of Columbia tend th* Communion service. club. / p.m.—OeeUlan Club. 8:00 p.m. broadcast for tha man. Zoning tf". —•,•. 1740 3840.), moved from th* post, waa expected era of th* United State*. British and (not on unpaid Interest) and also entitlsd to critlels* and call to ac­ Man's BoirUng Laagua. times are changing, because n_ agrees to reduce the total of the ob- civil war In 1988 hid for two months ravaraad a previous action yaatarday ICambers of the Friendly Ctroia Wednesday at 7:30—Mid-weak Accounts RoerivaMa...... 3,000.00 4464.04 0,00040;} to laav* soon on an extended vaca­ Italian defense forces of the Shang­ count the highest and tha lowest aad votad to auapand tha (rules gov­ NDWi “ BEY Wadnaaday, 7:80 p.m.—MIdwaak medluma auch as radio aad talking hai IntrrnallousI Settlement and re­ I ligation. \ DID YOU KNOW T H A T - In Bilbao, finally aacaplng through Win racall Childhood Daya at their Lenten aetrvioe. Hymn slngingi good plcturas mada thair appaaranca iVatar jJaparimont •oaooooao 0 0 ,0 0 0 .0 0 16463.68 6040000^ tion aad that ha likely would visit In tha land—save only In on* axoap- erning Washington’s white arid na­ “HERO o r THE BILLS” faUowahip, special tnuale and &bla Lantaii aarvtea. SON LUTHERAN Fodaral RoUof 70040 9.88 8040 ; th* Ualtad States. quested and received pledge* of co. I When th# United Sta^s suggested tlon. For ba It noted that the con­ Franca to Nationalist Sp(iln. maetkig Tuesday night at 7 o’clock. juat aa tolevlsicai and' othar n 04000*000 Although famed aa a mining gro Kchool ayatam to parmit tha Flamlag Fraatlata, Ifa. 9. Mlaa Esther Wrilas and Mias Batty (rtudy. Ktembera o t tha pariah Thursday, 2:00 p.m. — Asbury High aad Oaaper Stieeto Racraatlon '...... :... 8 4 0 0 .0 0 '1.706.16 840040.- operation designed to end terrorism ; to Great Britain In ^34 that war stitution ItMlf protects senators •tate, Colorado'! principal activl. After the nationalist conquest ot concert. mediums may be perfected tomor- I (tebts be paid In materia)#, Britain X«a will ba tha laadara; tba boataaa- urged to attend. Group. Rav. A F. B. Btochhelz, Pastor East Center Street ImproveaMntIm proverm ********** -9400.00 0.300.00 within the settlement. - Fifty-three and representatives and provldss ty I* agriculture, ' the Basque provtncea, he became Saturday, 6:48 p.m.—Choir ra- low. VaudevUla —Goopol mooting. Estimated—Property T a x ...... 887.191.55 90044149 W I O PY B U IIDIWC John Smith. Hartford Thaotogical Seminary, on fOUowad by Sanibr choir rriuwrasl the League of Nations t^ay. mtnoritUs" at work In th* Vnttad Barlla, Md.—John Bariayeom may. 7:80 Friday—Lenten aarvtoe. Senior Choir, Friday at 7:00 r , m. that la exqulalta. T:45 Tuesday— Prayer meeting. States. tha aubjaet 'The Filth by Whl^ TOTAL •*•••...... 21.095,650.00 31,133,825.13 The note was delivered by Hoo NINE PERSONS INDICTED The average yield of lint oottoa hava a new hurdia hara. County 2 p. m. today—Drum and Bugle the Intermediate Luther League will Than tha ahow Hfta to tha moving . T:48—Friday—BIhl* study. Cbl-Teal. head of th* Chin*## dele- 'There are evidences of certain lagialatora hava bean a^ad to pam tha Cburefa Uvka.” . Tba davotlon- corps rehearsal aad moathly DMat- meet. sinlatar Infiuancea and nalnorttle* per acre In th* United States waa •I aarelea from 8:U) to 8:80 eriU oa TAX RECEIPTS FATHER gatlorf, to the League accratarlat to 226,g pound* In 1988 compared a law requiring liquor drlakara to Ing. ~ ( be submitted to membara of th* FOR FAKING PASSPORTS now soaking to sap aad mins th* fOBowad by study eiaaaes on “The with 168.9 pound* in 1919. buy a 82 Ucenae. 7:80 tonight—^Monthly maatkig CHUBCH o r THE NAZABBNE Preparty Tax CtoUacted to Fab. 1,1939 ...... 8 83,119.58 3 63.11340 \lOHNS League and lU Far East advisory plUars of thla tempi* of fraadom,” Psychotog v o f Teaching” and “ Par- Property Tax CtoOectad. 9tb District...... 1,373.73 1.373.73 committee. th* House leader declared.. Uvlng,” eonduetod ot tha pariah bammittaa. Bev. E. O, Lmk. S S e r T MEDICINEpga^ o F succtss I Naw York, March 4.— (A P )—In- Laaa than eight per cant of 9,480 Property T6x CeUaetad, 3-3-8 Dlrirlcta...... 25.81 3541 It cited bombings between May Tea OeMrooa la Heapitallty. by Rav. idchart P. Carter of Suf- Property Tax CeUaetad, Interaat...... 6.576.94 6476J94 dlctmant of nine persona accused I f "Wa may bava baan too gsaar- •ugar can* firpoa In Loulaiana av- fiiM aad I t .-Stonley Kandig o f MANC AND VERNON Sufiday: * pr o ven ' 5. 193S, the date of pravlout similar araged more than 12 aera* of can* >roperty Tax CoUaeted. Lien CRargae...... 724.14 73444 T: charges, and Dec. 31, 1938. supplying faked paaaports to a ling ous lo our hoapitality to tham, W* Baitfbid, ra^actlvely. 8:80 a. m-—Bpoelal aimlcai o t tho Second Revival Sunday MRIT each In 1938. 1IdAtion 7 CeOaetod to Fab. 18,1939 - ... i...... 3,287.56 345743 The*oote said Chinea* autboriUaa of European spies reopened today may have been top tolerant of soma m m n Tha choir will hava thair rriiears- Church Blbla aebeoL Dr. G. B. WTU- th* myatarlou* Robtnaon-Rubana of tbelr recent mantfestatloiia of al Saturday at 6:80 p. m. Rev. W IH aa T. Wa Uamaon wUl addraaa the school found In a fallen Japan*** bomber Mrs. Eiriher WUUamaon, dirseter of Total CoUwffril to Fab. 18.1939 ...... 1 64.0n.7S 3 64477.70 wiitten Instructions to bomb caae, an enigma in intamationa] ■ubvoralva traaehary, Hahiy Cavendish, great Engliah ' Dr, C. B, WilHanuon Intrigu*. aetantist, dtacovarad that watar Is Sunday at Vsnion: musie ot Boaton Nasareao coOm o , UneoDactad Prepatty Tax to Balance Budget...... 822.213.n 835,36341 crowded business center* "W a hava sought wtlh rathar W in A M n g f U m CoRcngatlM A maeabr* not* waa i#nt by th* grim patlanca to respoct tha guar- exygaa ualtad artth hydixigan. H* BWBDI8H OOHOHEOATIONAl. 8:80 a. m.—Regular ■»«*"«og aw- win laador special alaglag. kba. Wmiamano arin b* present throogh- ....._...... 3 387,191.88 3 9004414# and charge that the ring—in at least two aatsa of fraadom of spaoch; but It alao u calabratad for hU axpari- a. K. Oraaa, MMUHr. vies with minister la chaig*. '4 RANGE cases obtained name* for fraudulent may baI only fair to admonuh all maat which datarmlaad th* daaalty Sunday at MaadMatarf oot the dny. t:S0 A. BU-qiRKh SdMol Bonr. GRAND LOrr AB COMPLETED BT BOARD OF passports from tombstones In Naw auch group* that they taka eouaaal of tha aarth. However, u. ba umwwr BriffU* MonMc WorMi^ 10:80 9:30 a. m.—Raguiar asarion of th* 20:48 a. m. — Moralng wocahtp 10:45 A. l^ io n d iw WorlUn. RELIEF ...... 835(6d8446.00 laaniad th* art of com School. and sermon tg Hov. VYUUamaod. and FUEL OILS Personal Notices York eemeterie*. Birth cartificataa of thair pnidenc* last by gatng on* npanlonahtp, Ooramanlon la eonnaettoo with 7:30 Ble—EYRiigMstk. A 38 MUI Tu t la ...... 2891.731.18 and prafarrad to b* *M with Ua this aerrloe. (Tha Swediah aarv lOrifi a. m.—Monitog worship asr. ringing la ^riiarg* o f Mrs. Bather of the dead persona were uaad to atap too far, it wiu b* too lau to oa- WiUiamaoa. , \ Mra. Eathar WUUaRwaa fai Charga a f Snedal Eat. 9044 paid by August 18,1939 ...... iioi i; - 1 i;\ i( i; cap* th* wrath and ladlgaatloa problams. ke win ba omitted.) vie* with Oommnnion-Madltattan an- 8 803449.04 I 803440.04 IN MEMORIAM provld* trash Idantltiae for th* at 8:80 p. Si.—Toung P a i^ 'a Hour. CoOeetad to Fab. 18. 1989 ...... hn*ff*d apia*. an raal Amarieaa*.'* Sunday Bebool I8:0a UUed “ Tha Blinalng of Mamory” . aad CoHirragatioHal 8iaciR& 64,»n.78 • 84477.70 I'llo M ,. '(I 1***--H*r*l8 M. Claatsaa—)ttt DaHnquant Tax to OoOaet ...... 19.664.73 684144T fciitiiiJ* mamory of my twin Topping th* list of sight man and Senator Pittman (D„ Nav.) St- BoffUah Bveatne aeiylee 7t80. foUowad by Saeramaat of tha Leftfa Sha W in Sgaak Ta S a T o b b c P e3 e At 0:30. CMmtDOABNOR Tnaaday evaUaf choir ralMami Suppar. Spaeial mnste: ctal I a"wc^onn iadictad yaatarday by a seribad th* dlfficultlaa which baaat 7:80 pL 2 667.19146 ruliy th* S m maating of rikiiriM ia 7:45. Praluda—“Ave Maria” ___ Flotow $ 00044liB>’ Fadaral grand Juiy war* Oooald U Paola, Kak.«—Maiy Ookar g— V/t Evoiyono is oosilnily tavUad. Nets: 'Hw ahawa igw aa de act taciiida the Operattog BOLAND Mbthlaa see taka away, Rownaon—also kaowB as Naw TOi* M irftk r*la£«V w « M has tna^ortattaii aplan- Antbam—” What A r* Thaa* That tha oOalal opMti^ data. M a r * 4. |**ChRrU^ Chan in Honohdu’^ 7:55. DaOett oC t i i ,609.34 for year oadtog Asgurt 15, Th* lov* a kaart Im14* Sear AruhW Rubana—ao4 hta wtfa, Ruth t f . She dravo bar atarly purehaaad Are Arrayed” ... Qnirdi Of Die Nazaraie on# maraarlas llagar avsry aay, only h haadfnl of marabar# Mthwad WHIi ilDW gT m iB Baturd^, March 1 1 th. th* Broth- Offertory—“ Adagfor* ...... OoiRtt OIL CO. 5•BfttmbrftBCo klM Btkr. Maria Rubana, who wa*# whiakad ear fN M ih * daalai^ atraight boma. thiengh 400 1 ^ Straat ^ aad a^juorum did act rsport oa- Than Mm fMmd a Tilagrim aa- wOl aNst I t th* church PoaUuda "Poatlada” . . . . lyW erg tte wwfc. SMR Reepaclftiny Oubmlttod, away from tbatr Moaoow hotal Mt* 7 4 B «’|lock. at T : « w & M IMT hr taatM MW IM had wm dee& ir ear IB I tb**, Wed,THE BKACHOMIBEir ------■ IttaoHMBUHidC - -j:" J ■ • ^ PIPAGE FOUE MANUMIJ^IBR EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER. CONN. BATURDAT. MARCH 4,198» MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1989

nrireh—that svan as ths dlctatora local boxtog card at tha Armory STAFFORD SPRINGS HUmripffltfr' say, Fsadam la tairindble. Dsmoe- araa 10,000. While We're Celebrating the Anniversary of Congress 80UTH COVENTRY WAPPING radaa eo ths other bknd, evsrj^ Wa eaimet baHava ' It, although ROCKVILLE W1LL1NGTON Cttftttng Brrftid whsrt appsar to ba slipping. tha totolhgaiioa eoBMa from a laad- LOOKING FORWARD NOKIH COVENTRY Actually this la not the case. tog aourM. Parhapa It la ■■ siror. News From Manchester’s Neighbors TOLLAND PUatJIIUKO BY TUN By Frsnklyn Waltman GOLUMBU PRINTINO COUPANT, INC. Actually It Is the other way around. Or parhapa a o n a b ^ is tiyliig to II BliMU StrMt M»a«kMt*r. Cobb. Only the totalltariane ara slipping, kid ua. Bvaa wa, anjiloua to boost Bscrstaiy at Oomnisrea Harry L < t$mr mml HBkh«b.~ " niUMAB PBRUUSON Hopkins, mast spproprtotoly chose] Although Mr. Hopktoe did nat ba­ 10. at eeven o'ii Frixldo, Gerald Ing out of town spent sn afternoon The regular monthly supper of tba IoppI mwb p«b> peraonalltlea" oven when tha pos­ <=kaatar. A aclactman's maetlng giving sonic kind of public party this week with her daughter. Mrs. 'mii«4 barain. We do not propoaa to indulge In tog srlll have on their InveMn fime, Svperbtendent An- Grace I. Sikes; program, Mrs. Leon of March: making but a good many like to Hodge. Wtlhur Porter. Kina Borsottl the Tolland Faderstod church Lsdlfa sessors are Insane foolc. The un­ In place of the next regular mect- and Mary Conlam had (>erfecl at­ Benjamin Miller and family. All rlthta •! rapttbliePtloBa •€ brings out an assrags of two, a auch crltleiam. Accepting the Bib and their undertakinga dbbkin, Mrs. Mary B. Hale, George To Present Operetta boll down their own syrup for table Aid aoctety wrill ba held st the fpclal dtapateho baralp ara alac ra- Ucnl toatruction that "Joy ahall oe In short, the New Deal, like the use. There Is nothing like It. mg to raise funds to help finance tendance, 3(lss Dorothy Walker was s church Friday eventog. March Ifi. ^AarraC usual, Ihe spectacular. Is what they town meeting about 100, btogoa up Peterson: speakers, Jarvis N. Clapp. The Gesanveretn EIntracht of a proposed trip to New York for to Heavan ovar one atonar that ra^ Treasury, has been on a "twenty- nonnees; Other City News First Selectman Edmund 11. Mor­ A re|Kirt frv>iii .Siivinga Bank of guest Ilf Rockville frl*nds' one day The supper wrill ba served st B want They get It as ths dictators' to 1,000, basketball around 1,000, H. L. Hayden and Henry Felber. Pawtucket. R, 1., will present the the public schovvl children. A school Fall aarrtea atfant af II. R A. Aarr- pantoth more than over ntoato and four hour basis"—and business can­ Kponror Contest ton was present Thursday evening Now I»ndon from September to De­ this week, o'clock. Mrs. Morion Baker sad "news" bureaus pour out tbeir mll- nrbUe a train going through the German op«'retta "Winzerllesel" this concert, which Is being rehearsed Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Chdrehes have «lM l»a ______nine Just parsons, which ahalT need not be run on that basis. An essay contest Is to be spon­ at a soil conservation meeting In cember 1938 shows that the White Mrs. Edith Simpson sre two of the lloB words a week of glory bunk. north and moblllBSs 300. Our ex­ no rapenUmes,” wa throw our hat It Is not so much what the : ^DCkvlIle, March 4—(Special) — evening at the’ Maple Grove club on Rockville. will take care of the greater part had as guests thli week several of committee. Mambar Amarteaa Ifavapapar P«b- sored by Rockville Lodge, No. 1389. of this project, but more Rmds are School ranks flrat In town in per­ Itabara Aaaoetatlon Because we are prone to sop up treme oongregsUonal attraction Into jjta air, rejoicing over the Hop- Deal has done but the mannii . Agnss H. Lazzerin. RJf., su- Franklin street. -Mrs. Charlea P. .Miner entertained centage of depositors which U tM)% thoir relatlvea from Hartford. B.P.O.B., on the subject. "What The Maple Grove society extends needed. Mrs. laittlc Wood was a guest kina 'apeach. which It haa done It that has] the Ladles’ Afternoon Bridge club and Gilead Hill second with 61% * FablUbara Rapraaantallvaa- Tba the blood and droos, or because we comes on July Fourth when up to atendent of the Rockville City America Means to Me." The senior, a special Invitation to people of Wednesday of Mrs. Jennie Bennett M k ad Oamman Sanan such a disturbing Influence. _ Junior, sophomore and freebman al her home Wednesday afternoon A national certificate giving cred­ of Its piiplla depoalting money. tJttllua Malbava Spaetal Avanar — Naw live In times In which ths srapbasis 10,000 people mossy oyer to the'old >ltal has Issued the February German descent to attend the ac­ it for a summer round-up wa-s of Msnchcater. ' Torb. Chieaco. Mtralt ar>A Boatop. Whatever may be tha Csmmerca ness men usually can adjust tham- freport which shows that 101 cases classes at the Rockville High School The usual two tables were In play. HIGHLAND Hebron Grange P, of M. No. I l l Is on gory action and Imminent golf lota to watch while ths fuses Secretary's motlvea and no mattei tivities at the club this evening to Mra. Alice Thompson. Mrs. Miner’s shown. This will be framed and Jesse Sands Is recovering from selves to any set of rulao—If they were treated Muring the past month, will enter the contest and there will will entertain the Pomona officers MBIIBKR ADDIT BURICAO OF what ha omitted to aay, hla Dea knnw the rules and feel they hear this operetta which will be mother, took the place of an absent preserved. several days' Illness of grip and la aftCULATtUNB death our whole outlook beoomao at nr# lit. Even slacUona are not com­ will the largest number lu many months be four grizes of 38.00 each. The at their regular meeting Ihiewlay Molnaa addraas eonatltutsd good not bs changed next BMntb. presented in German. member. The Misses Pendlton and Mrs. now able to be out. PARK Umrs lopaldod and unarelghted. Our parable to ftresrorks, for elections, There were 25 patients in the hos­ committee In -charge Includes Bern Following the presentation of the evening, March 7 at the Gilead The several children of Mr. and ANN BTRIUKLANU Tba HaralA RrlnMpt CoMpaar laa.. Sanaa. It haa bean so long ainca Mr. Hopkins evidenced sn appre- ard J. Ackerman. Michael J. Cos­ Mrs. Fred Harris of Amslon won Anne C. Gilbert entertained the an«W while, particularly every fotir to hold tha narrow arts of tyrants ed and that they may pay March 3 will give a 81. Patrick" card party Moauaa tbalr tetaraat r»> ■' ■ " By Pr*§l0m G r»t of confidence" and he recoignlsed the other key figures In the Hew Deal on “The 1989 General Assembly." dgarettes dowu as are motorists the grand list as of October 1, 1938 go without penalty. It has been ex­ Hartford Is confined to her room matter and thstr wUlqgMaa to ca- yMlw, at Presidential election time. hava not tha value to elvUIxsUon further fact that "laek of buatoeos appreciate the need for sueh ac­ Following tue business session sufficient to cover the budget. Pupils at the Hebron Green twro at the Hebron Town Hall, Friday along the highways. The large plained over and over again that evening March 17. Bridge, pto' with s grip cold. oporata wtth tha eoauelUiato to Wa have osen banging over ita that la to be found In one harvest- confidence is and has been a hard tion aa much ss Mr. Ho|dtlns appar­ and program there will be an en­ amount of timber still on the ground Srkoola To Reopen room school who had a percet at­ this can not be done. Some cor­ Measles and grip cokto sra con Washington- I t would be hard to stubborn focL and may be as real ently does. ochole, setback and whist will be brink, tooktag dosrn into It, so tong laden New Blngland bam. tertainment and refreshments. All from the hurricane makes the condi­ The public schools of the town of tendance record for the past month, rections may have to he made In the tinning their vlatto at many Tolland Thu third ptagrnm will ba n { find a time when there vas more a deterrent to restond bustoesa Nevertheless, ths turn toward members and friends are welcome grammar room, are: Robert Bruce played with prlaea for each. Re­ homes. tkBt the plaea Is baglniiliig to have Natlonallatlesliy incllnad peopla tions extremely hazardous this year. Vernon will reopen on Monday list before final settlement, how­ freshments will be served. ricala, with HwMord tatont. svldencs of bcwlldermeat ov> the health as any wa have to deal with." common sense, even though It does . at the meeting to learn more of On Dean's list Keefe, Sellg Lenefsky, Abraham Miss Shirley a o tif h hss spent lar fourth pcogmas eoaeaiha tba . thamealvas. those arho originally morning after being closed all of ever. Mr. Hills says. Mrs. Asa W. Ellla U vIliUng at • Btrt or fsadnaUan for a good agricultural problem than Just bow. As Hr. H^ktoa polhtad out, busi­ not bring forth Immediate fruit, wbat Is going on to the Legislature. Theodore Metcalf, son* of Dr. and the week for the annual February Garbich, Robert Horton. Michael Mrs, Charles C. Sellers and Mr*. school vacation period wtth bar dtaB-nad wU ba ah esari^'fll ; ness oonfldencs Is ''a stato of mind' the home of her daughter and fam> Briny of us—we'rs not at all sure balled the tyrants as liberators, ara haa not bssn taken a minute too Eleetod Prerident Mrs. Martin V. B. Metcalf of Grand vacation. Kulynych. Richard Lee, William Anne C. Gilbert motored to New grandparents and bar aunt nn< soma waU-khown fairy toto to wbhto Even from tha Dapartmaat of MEXICO SETTLED and "n psychological oondltioo soon. At isnst this much has been O'Donnell, Morris Kassman. Marian. ily, Mrs. Pearl Young In , ,tbnt we wouldn't about as soon tiring under the goad of Inaane doc­ ..griculturc, which has pursued Its In New York Jarvis N. Clapp baa been elected avenue Is again on the Dean's list Bnsketlinll Sunday London Friday on business. Mr. family to Newington and Naw Bri affecting our conduct and actions.' accomplished; an outatanding Naw Elizabeth. Evelyn and Caroline Bed- Now York. trines. crop control and soli conservation president of the Ellington Repubil at the Maasachusetts College of Sellers was at work as usual at the Uto. tA ri tha drop and sat wbatber It Things that are strange disturb Dealer at loot concedes that thars The Merider St. Stanlslaw’s nar, Esther Goldman, Helen Goncl. Donald Martin non of Mr. and program unfalteringly, there oome ON SUCCESSOR TO can Club with the other officers as Pharmacy. The youn^ man Is a Olln Library, Wesleyan University. Mr. and Mra. W. Hoyt Hajfdan spring, nHhangh p sits wM ba n IM S Uks It looks from a diataaes, IfaanwbUe, msn who love liberty confidence; those that are familiar has been a great deal of subatanoa basketball team will play the Rock­ Josephine Pomprowicz. Mrs. Toward Martin who Injured his entertained out of town frienfia random Intimations that confidence By OEOROE ROSS follows: vice president, Gordon L. Junior at the college, and has been Mlddletowm. out now ao that they may ba when you eventually gat there. V. B. B. R. aad>Maiy Uartto sings promote It. Thus he said It la not for most of tha criUclam that Koa ville Polish American Athletic Club Primary room: Gladys Hall, Lois knee sliding entered the Hartford Wednesday evening. ougbiy taamad. are quietly going about their work In ths success of this effort Is wav­ Dlmock, Leon Dobkin, C. A. Cordt- on the Dean's list on several occa­ on Sunday at Pulaski Hall on Vil­ New York-W ho said New York a f"M y Heart Belongs to Daddy" In surprlalng that business confldenc* been hurled at the New Dsal to re­ asn, George N. Brigham; secretary, Woodward. Emily Hewitt, Phylllt. hospital thla week for treatment Mlag HatUe Jewett waa a guest In fact, for iobm time now there while the foul g^sa of civlllsatlon'i ering. Three months ago ths de­ [ time with a slow atrip. It Is one PRES^ARDENAS sions. lage street The flrst game will World's Fair would struggle along has been badly shaken In recent cent years. .And that, my Mends, Mrs. Harold J. Patric: treasurer, Stone, a a r* Porter. Barbara Mit­ Mrs. Charles Ftoh and son Csivta of Mtoe Bertha Plaoe Wedneaday. a n sonri of us who hava bsen won* wintw bring to our doora the howl partment was dtscuaslng with aome without Sex? Wall, someone satii of the hits of New York. years. Is progress! Union Church Servtoes atari at three o'clock between the chell. Lillian Griffin. Betty Horton JUflT flOUMD enthusiasm a two-price system. The demenoe J. Rau. Sunday morning will be Com GILEAD were caUera at the home 'of her The Union Mteritoiery aoctoty at grilag If we haven't already land- of the wolves. Rvsntually, adthout It, or the rumor wouldn't have been I .And. no doubL the Spewacks Committees have been announced; Girls teams and the Boys game will Muriel Jones, Sarah Lenefsky. aunt Mra Martha Prink and cousin the Tolland church SMt for the aim was to arrange for lower-ln- I will bavs another show in tbs munlon service at the Union church Oxford. Engtond— «tr home on God' Imaattog to davota the mtoatonary tbai—•-*— ^ The plan boomeranged. The Idea gy of Parle or the Sketch-from- behind. They toll at their ahows Election; Conadered A d v ic e Itolosle, Wallace W. Bergb, Miss The second of a aeries of special 700.000,000. li’rey Hlfl Thursday. This la their munity HaU, Friday evening March hind foot yuan en r elnee the start of the part la the toppling of autocracy. horseback riding, may eauoa pro­ of a two-prtca aystam was saps- Ufa asas. several hours a day. Tha rsa( of By OR. FRANR MstiOV lapsus. M g Parade In Ibid. Tbs time wui fall aa naturally aa a clally alarming to merchants, who The Fair 1s having a beauty the Ums Bella gives to domestic FHondly To United States .. TTis bait tssstamat MMsa^liiaad Otrtalnly If utter eonfueloa of all change In jeason, and aa Irresist­ saw themselves competing with contest of all the prise femininity affairs. They quarrel, of course, for prolapsus which the patient may low-price Oovernment stores or In . The queen ss aay otbsr twain. PROLAPSUS OB PAULING OF tto slaments that might form tha ibly. s e e THE ORGANS use St home la exerclae. 7 ^ sx- something skin to them. Tba de­ doll of this contest la going to be­ ercloes taken on the Slanting Board iu X o f dvillaatlon Is a state of Sometime one lone man may, partment hushed official discussion come known aa Ths World's Fair Buffals Is Way Off. By WILUS THORNTON mSA Service Staff Writer SomeUmes the paUant to puzzled are especially beaeflcial. These par­ Qfcaoa, then we hare been If not through humble reasoning, decide of It Studies now are being pur­ est, Is to get a Job In the Aqua That other fooUlght fall wae taken iseently by a farce called ticular ones, if persisted to. wlU de­ In It at least pretty cloae to It dur- sued on a plan to permit low-cost cade out there at 3100 a week, la A t a tims when nobody In the by ths term prolapsus, and when velop the abdominal musclea and for himself that dlcUtorahlp has to wear a dre.aa of genuine gold "Off to Buffalo." AUan BoraU United Stataa would ba a plugged lag an this last quarter of a cen­ delivery to lower-income groups the physician who tiaa examined gradually ths stomach, Intesttoa and n A K lF O R D ^ S HARTFORP^S failed to glYe him the security, the without apparently to be exactly a cloth and la to become piiblicTzei wrote meet of It and ha happens nickel on who will be tha prest- tury. And concerning our political him sajrs that he la prolapaed the other parts are raised Into oudk a food, the opportunities and the dig­ Iwo-prlce syetem. T..at plan Is between here and Singapore. to be one of ths boys who put out denttol candidates la the IMO elec­ aetlvIUes Wa Beam to be right It so happens that your corre­ "Room Service," which eras one of tions, let alone on who will be patient may be very much in the position that they can function nity that bekm;; to man In life. One still In the hands of departmental normally. Leading Dept, Store Leading Pept* Store piumb In tha middle of the chaotic commlMeea. spondent Is to bo one of twelve the funniest ehows to strike Broa>l- elected, Mexico has already pretty dark. Prolapsus refers to a condi­ man may auddenly see Uirough the judges In a Jury which Is headm way in a long time. well settled on a successor to Prsal- tion developing when the stomach The great advantage to exerdotog on the Slanting Board to that the horrlbla sham of totallUrianlam. Committoea fltnmprd by Grover Whalen. His duties But you can't pull down . the deat Laxaro Cardsnas. or inteattoe haa sagged or fallen Wa have In Washington a queer Ont humble opinion may explode consist of surveying the best pul houee every time and "Off to Buf­ Becauas of the peculiar jMUtlcal below Its normal posttlon. feet aro higher than the head. Tlria Agriculture committers In House poaition srIU make the organa taka thing eallad the New Deal, whose the world of force. anil Senate an. baffletl. A special chrHude In the metropolis between falo" mutt have been conceived on setup to Mexico, nomination by tbs Prolapsus U quits common la an off-day. Not even Joe Cook approximately thstr normal plaoea, . theory Is that the way to bring Senate committee la conilucting row and mId-AprII, before he rast.^ Revolutionary Party of a candidate women, especlaUy after the sge of "Nothing Is so powerul In this the final ballot. droll and lovable os be Is up there practically assures his election. At 40 la reached. Of all the women ill as ths force of gravity will bdflg about prosperity Is to keep borrow- spiuimoillc hearings on the co.at-of- them where they belong. Bxsretoes world," said Victor Hugu, “n.s nn This Is ths first time your cor­ on the stage, could save It from least that has been true to tbs re­ enough to eeek an examination, the lag and spending money, with the proiluetlon proposal which origlnat- falling flat on Its face. taken In this poaitton wlU therefore Idea whose time has come." respondent has consented to serve cent past, and unless there la s great X-ray will possibly show that 90 perystual piling up of a bigger and eil among mUI-west farmers' aaao- A pity too, because "Off to Buf­ change. It will be true In 1940. strengthen the muscles to saactly clatlons. Probably there la more as an arbiter of beauty. He prized percent have prolapsus to aoms de- btgiwr Intcraat account And we Ms own pence of mind and cor­ falo" Is all about the present clr- Such Important elements of the gree. the right sray to bold ths organa support back of this plan than any cumstancei of former vaudeville Revolutionary Party hsve already normally. Bxsrclaas taken whfla hava another queer thing, In oppo­ NOT INTERESTED poreal well-being when he was In a severs cose tha stomach will one other before Congress, btit there asked before. But this one seems kings and queens. And there's a pledged themselves to the candidacy standing, srith the organs crosrdad sition to this New Deal, which hes la still far lesa than enough support mighty funny show la that theme of General Manuel Avila Camacho be several Inches lower than Rejection by the House of Repre­ to be an Important civic duty. normal, being affected to sueh aa down 1 ^ the basin of ths pMsla no theory.at all except that we to Insure passage. • • • that betting odds are very hastily to sre Inetfrotive In rsUevtog thla tdn- sentatives, on an unfavorabla com- Moat appalling to both sides ara extent that It la literally Impossible ought to stop Increasing the public Swan Lays an Egg. Oooey Feaia VWr. his favor for the 1940 campaign. bla. mlttes report, of the proposed hill hfurat recently compllad by tba Camacho, until very recent^ sec­ for It to loll any farther. The debt and which wishfully thinks Playmaklng. like a well-oiled The approaching World's Fair has I .rge totosttoe or colon, to one of The Slanting Board Bxerdata aia to penalize coercion of employes In­ Farm Security Administration. see-aaw, has Ita ups and downs and given Coney Island .eauas for eon- retory of war. Is 4S years old aad an of value to preventing prol^paua Ba that If are do atop borrowing and Those figures show that tha gov­ ardent sportsman, a skillful polo these severe cases. wUl ba so gnat- to contributing to community Broadway has Just seen dual ex­ earn. The eoncsaslonalrea at ly altered aa to position that it Is well as corireettog It I shall bs spending somehow taro and two ernment now has on hand |780,oil)0,. amples of that Coney tear lest ths Fair lura away player and a devoted horseman. He glad to send you aa artlcla or the chests and similar funds, was the has owned end ridden some of ths almost Impossible to Imagine It up win add up to eight and that every­ 000 worth of gooda, mostly cotton, 6ne la "Mlsg Swan Expects." a every habitue and transtedt The 8LANTINO k>ARD EXBRGI8BS logical result of lack of any support which it has accepted as security finest blooded horses ever to appear in Ka normal place, and various thing will be all right. comedy put out by Sam and Bel luminous aplendora at Luna Park together srith ap artlcla on Plt6- for ths measure, at the bearing od for farm loans. The Hoover farm la Spewack. Now a aouplc of sea­ will glow but faintly to cotoparison In Mexico City. parts srIU bs crowded togsthar to ths bottom o f tbs peivto. LAPSUS. Writs 4o ms to ears at Outside of these two schools of Thursday, from such oommunlUct board, looked upon by this adminis­ sons ago, ths Spswacks, one of with the Fair wiandirs and tha fito- finppreceed "Choreh RebcMao** this nssrspaper and enetoaa n torpi. MONDAY WILL superstition—they cannot truthful­ tration as an hysterical effort, had the few pairs of husband-and-wlfl ay man on Steepise&aas araara his Hls military career has b e ^ Prolapsus may exist Over long ps- and organleatlons as might have marked by a long series of snian nods s f UOM Id same psUeats srlth- ssif-addrtosed, stamped aavelofa. ly be called schools of thought for only 3460,000.000 outstanding In cnllnboratora who ever t achieved mouth agape theaa daya atore to been expecteit to Interest them­ such loans at Its peak. operatkms rather than by spectacu. out esuatog qpsctol symptoms. In nobody has thought out anything in aiiccess. produced the hilarious "Bov consteinatlon than in fim. QUESTIONS AND ANSWElkB selves In Its passage; pliia a rather Of Its oulstividing loans, the de­ Meets Girl" and had the town hold . The aldeshow barkers, the hot lar or large-scale . actions. He led other psMsats, various symptoms either direction—our statesmen ap­ the government forces against the may oocur, and they may b « serious surprising amount of protest partment has 3860.000,000 tied up In ing Its aides and aching ribs. dog vendors and midway entrepre­ (Poor AppeUte) pear incapable of any mental proc- 11,200,000 bales of cotton. These So. along with Miss Swan, much neurs are deeply iWoriiad. And Criiteros In Jalisco in 1928, and sup- enough to keep the patient com­ agednst the bill from other organl- prsassd the "church rsbcUlon." Hia Question: Mrs. C. H. srritaa: cssts at all. The result is what Pat government holdings represent vir­ was expected of their new effort. last week they seat smiasarlsa up­ plaining of poor health most of the jzatlons and InttreiU favorably dla- tually a full year's crop, The see-saw, however, xrits on the town to seek out a highly-gsared conduct of the operation, however, Urns. "When the appeUto la gout, wlut to Harrison fears - only Instead of its the most likely cause?" j posed toward community chest ac­ A major trouble with the ayatero downgrade this time. It didn't publle retoUons couaasUor srhu was regarded aa particularly hu. Aa a gtnsral rule. If aay oymp- mans. The same manner was ap­ Anssrer: Probably digssttva dia- being something to apprehend as tivities. haa been that It has pegged the rlick. In fact, It hardly made a would keep Oonsy to tba public toms develop at all, they will be Impending It is. something in the aound. eve. Personally, I faH that the parent when he directed the mili­ most likely to be aymptoma of In- orders are the prtoclp4U eauasa at price for world cotton, allowing tary operations which so quickly I The bill in qiirstloo wuuM. not foreign proiliictlnn to develop to an The Spewacks aro consoled by Coney folks ara oafs. Fair or no dlgesUoo and coaotlpatloa. The pa- poor appcUto. Hosrever, thla symp­ midst of which we are living. dispersed the potential rebellloa of tom Is also axperienced by tba pa- DAY hsve Interfered with sny legitimate extent that tV S. exports have "Leave Itjto Me," the gala musical Fair, that gaudy, garish, odoraua, ttont may say that hit foOd does DOLL A Chaos. Actual, pretent, wlth-us-to- Osn. Saturnlno Oedjifo to San Luis ‘ aaslstanoe by business and Industri- drnpiH-d 48 per rent below old lime ehow which also is theirs. This Is clattering atrip of nonaanoa along not digsat right, that it atays to the tlant srith Uver trouble, g ^ b la d ^ day chaos. the on* In which William Oaxtbn tha ocean front to a sight all vlaltoni PotosI last year. Inflammation, catarrh, appsndlelUs, , al houses to the aollcItatloD of com- normals. Recently the United fitatea Camacho, a tall and handaomc stomach Uks IsM, or that he doss The govenmient Is operating on and Victor Moore frolic about In the want to tea. not seem to ga^ the good from, hit etc., aad la aloo a marked symptom munity chest funds. It was direct- has been seealng an International man, was born In Teziutlan, Puebla, % no plan. Also the opposition Is op­ j marketing agreement for wheat and food. during tbs acute infectious illseaass. ; ed entirely against the employment May 1, 1898. He had to go to the Poor appetite U often ths result af erating on no plan. But there Is cotton, with little aucensa. .Now birth records when hla name was I f ccoaUpatlott la present, it wlU '■of pressure upon employee to In- there Is seHoiui talk of boldly enter­ changed at all. for wa know that usually bs of the stubborn variety over-estiag end the normal sppetits stlH with US an elementary force pressntod, for there was a rumor srlll return when the . psUent Iduce them to contribute. So that ing a dumping war imlnns an Inter­ children having ths sains horns, that hla father bad not bean born In and the patient wtU have a long his­ Inertia Despite chaos, despite the RAISING aad ths same parqata, and largely ■arvas more ■SMlhla hafalu of d B j Q those who appeared In opposition to national agreement ran be reached. Mextoo, orhlch would have ruled tory of rslytog upea p iu aad ram- fact that there Is no plan and no I That might knock the price down Identical experiences, seldom amteh edlea. i the measure seem to us to have ad­ Camacho toellgtbls under ths Uexl- 'purpose, the machine keep# on run­ a* low as live eents a pound, repre­ as far aa dispoaltlona go. enn constitution. Becauas of digestive dtoturbaneea, (I teas ai the Bhta)Shin) ' mitted tacitly, and rnther naively, A FAMILY Question;, Ruth H. aaks;'**Whbt ning, after a (a.«hion, because once senting a loas of three to seven By Olive Roberts Barton However, thia U aa aoemiragtog Csmachots political strength has the prolapsed jwtleat may bs very that that Is Just the kind of thing cents a pound on Government hold­ fact: that the younger our ehli- always been wltb the army, aad he much underweight. Ths muscles does ‘erythema* niesa?" upon a time It got a start and keeps j SMITH they sre engaged In—the employ- ings. as loans range from 8 to 12 Some children will work only if drea are trained to face small has gensratly bsen regiuded ara flabby and soft, sad the lower Answer: Rsdaeas of tha akto. on going from the original Impulse cents. John aad h ^ wltk tha woth. tha abdomaa protnidaa, Ths patient mriit of pressure. they sre Interested to their tasks. somewhat mors conssrvsUvs than and because It has no power to a-ora naturally they win take to Prssldettt Cardenao. may bs aapsrtsnclng various nerv­ fOnrito)* Others work If they know they stop Itself. We have no doubt whatever that Lee Haa flaggeatloa rsapoMthiUty later e«. As But hla active support to tl ous aymptoma which add to hla dto- Ottaatioa: Mr. H. J. iu totfriraa: wlUitn a reasonably abort tleie The latest cotton wheat remedy have to. The third class la made up grow older and atrongsr. tbalr eomtog campaign haa corns frc treia, and which hs cannot shake *Ta garlic of value to the led u d ig W e Are Not Listing A Single W ill Offer Values Greater In the midst of chsos perhaps Is advanced by Senator Lee of Okla­ of those rare eoula who work re­ dally rsapontoblUttoa abouM ba in­ Lombardo Toledano, ths radleal some such protection of employes off. Tbsre may ba aa aehs to the of .high blood prassure?’* we had better be devoutly thank­ homa. who has refined last year's gardless of Interest or compulsion. creased accordingly. leader of ths CTM or major labor or- tower back. Aaawar: Osrito has bssn usafl In ful for the existence pf this quality against gouging by the community McAdoo bill to win som- support In Study your chtICIren, parents, and Avoid Bxtraana ganixatlow, Almost oompistoly sllsat Prolapsus la ganermlly eanaed by ths past for ths purpose of rsdttc- of tnsrtla. chest promoters In this stato will Congress. Hts proposal Is a domes­ 1 think-you will notice ths dUfsr- thus far on tasuas, Camacho nac not mnaeutor waaknias, b a l^ produced tog ths blood prsssura and asaflw to snee In temperament. No two peo­ By this I do oot mean that chil­ rsvsaled hla stand, but ha haa bssn Item—But Come Early Prepared Than You Could Ever Expect! Anyhow a statesman who can't have to be provided—or that It will tic allotment achemc under which dren tokould drudge or to d*> beeduaa tha toaportaat muaelaa ever bs aomswhat affaetivs. However* I each fanner would be given a ple are the same when It comes to ffsneraltv friendly toward the the abdomen ara altowad to bcconia think up something more terrifying be provided. This measure was the privad of tha normal play sad find that other maaaa ara mesa i t - quota of the country's actual need. responsibility. United Statee. He Is a progTsaaivs flabby by Jack et axcrelaa. R to flaeUva to towering tbs praaauM. first one ever proposad In this state aettviUsa of aaob happv day, but admtolitrator, and to him to at­ to scare an American who haa For this part of his crop he would Then there are other ■ ways to merely that they caigiit to hava true that the patlcat may seem to The fruit Jules fast will nedompHah Used through the planless confu- to prevent arorkera from being get 31.28 a bushel for wheat and classify the worker. Some children, tributed much of the mechanisation be gstttog ptety at caaretos and to Buy the Most Outstanding Sorry, No C. O. D. Orders As enough thtoga to do to eotabttah of the Mextean army. / superior reanlta to the majortty a f bnowbeateo Into contributing to 30 cents a pound for oottoa For as well as adults, tackle a Job with work-habit, work-axpaetancy and atm it WlU aet ba of tha right ktod slOB of the last quarter century confidence. Maybe they wont do «t A a t i» sBocta have bssn mods ra- private charities to which they anythtog ha produced above this work-aoeaptoaca. Utora to a Mttla than to yelp that chaos Impends quota ha would get only the world very weU, again they may. But they aantly w organtoa an oppostUoo to might or might not be tatertoted. diffatanea hi tha meaning of tha tba Itavoluttonary Party. Laadaratn ought to conn up to this neck of price. are cbeerfuL Others worry them- thraa. Bargains of Your Lifetime. Quantities Are Strictly Limited the Woods sad borrow the glawac- It will not be tl|ie last, however, be­ Lee contends this would discour­ selves to death, lacking assurance, thla have baan largely "Md army" to spite of the feet that they may Ths important thing to to trnto men and eonsorvattvaa arbo btitova kus for a bogy. Who's afraid of cause the practice of t»«i plana It la getting attanUSB. uid rsairangs thstr attituds M Tka f f i ^ tbsy would aa —Al". - ft. K. ANIMtlBMIN. UUU^'TUE, Om totast and Mggast "mofsir or ■at, atUbliahad to ITM, aad "O o» Beat bet at prraant -la that Ooo- a jsn e ^ Ttatortaa o f tba dtotator- Mithtor anid hannisf ~ BMticiit'a Moat Valuad MawapaiMr" graaa, for lack of agraegMat on any 1 really do not oumh that a»- I4t lAHI C'ENTICR HTHKKI. to tba ilaMBitMUiiB of. tka low- now plan, will ttoiply entek np tba ffsa can ba praatBt farm ■ • lafa siiiM'a U7|iKj(|HU (T i 0 A „ - .



CAST OF CBABACTERS Susie’s spirits went Into reverse. gUSlE LAMBERT—She served The radiant aspect of things had waRlie and dreamed of being bean- changed overnight. Go to Rlvertowm A Pope MtoL and dig up her past for Dick's en­ Recovery D ia l TREMAINE — He Uked lightenment? Without a doubt it goatoa wafliea but he oouTOn't see waa the worst possible move &n« The WORLD This WEEK h Chosen could make. Not having been in Rally dSFF BOWMAN—Bis chief eon- Chicago during the ballyhoo ot RAINBOW hung «ver the eon wae to make Susie a beautiful Marker'! campaign, arriving at tne IDUSTBIAL PRODUCTION aa abe wanted to be. moment of her triumph, he waa In The News Of The Week As Reflected In Cartoons Vatickq as all 62 (jardinali Yesterday: Jeff cornea to \ialt haa not Increaaad thus far thli Government ofA the Romia Catholic church ignorance of her colorless back­ r / Rnale when she Is tU, and eomehow ground. It had been enough for him year as rapidly as it did last falL entered a solemh>^secret conclave ska feels a particular eomfort Ui "With tne emphasis shirt ad W ggnar's Haalfh Plan that she was the rage. Wednesday to Ole^Va new P e ^ htm. She forgeta Dick. At Rlvertown this would not be from reform to recovery, this ad­ New York’s Oermsn-born Sen They prayed for guidance to the Robert F. Wegner, who Introduced CHAPTER XXV the case. The progress of Susie, the ministration is now determined \ V Roly Ghost and heard a sermon in waffler, had no doubt been watched to promote that recovery with all the New Deers labor relations, so­ □ H ^ o w long tines you nad your which they were advised that the \5 teq u a re meal?" Jeff asked at, with conalderable Interest, possibly the visor and power at iu com­ cial security and housing laws, this new pontUTs greatest task will be amusement. No one knew better THIS IS WHAT mand,’’ Commerce Secretary Hop­ week suggested a national hsalth program such as President Roose­ to lead the world beck to “avengel- "About three months ago," she than Susie bow tboughtleesly un­ T e d * 4-WAY HEATING kins haa proclaimed. ical and Christian precepts.” laughed. kind students could be. OHNSON SELLS SERVICE MEANS: velt has urged. Citing the cost of She sat up In bed, propping her Z J C n E E WILLIS CO. SELLS And even though Treasury Sec­ medical care, he dubbed his plan And next day white smoke from "Been doing right by yourself s u p P M e s (1) TbUmnI Borvey el Homs. retary Morgcnthau hu warned more of a recovery than a reform the chimney over the conclave lately?" chin on both fists. Just about the We carry a oomplete Una (t) Speelflmtten ef MaterteH. that this year's budget will neces­ chapel eignifled the election of a ■hook her head. Her hair, not 'VMit effective way to rob SuasMe ($) OunnuiteaB Inetellatton. metaure. of glamor was to place her In Susie's ot BUILDERS NEEDS DUPONT PAINTS (4) Bkilled aelghbnrhMid Berries. sitate increasing the limit on the By emending existing laws, he new Pope, to be called Piua XII; into place, fluffed In a cloud Paints - Wallpapor public debt to $50,000,000,000, the her head. In the lamp light old niche. Well, she'd have to Ond Oat AU the Datatls In 0 « Ftw would provide federal aid to the an excuse for declining Dick's invi­ Advice on Inside ead out- “4-Way PoMtoc.* President has declared business states for (1) child and maternal It wai^ pure gold. side repairing gladly gtvea At this p u d eu lu time Ot ths need fear no new taxes. And Trea­ "You look tike a picked chicken tation. This solution was not at aU O. B. Willie A Son, Inc,, one of r m . care, (2) public health services, to her liking. The trip waa attractive the eldest eatabllshed flrine In this ear prwierty owur* are kwlrtng sury experts have been assigned to (3) hospltsls. (4) medical care pro- to me,” Jeff remarked, wanting to find ways to help business men by tell her bow lovely she waa in ner from so many angles. Johnson victolly, he* been etipplying the over thsir buildings end Uktog an G. A. CHAPPEI.L grams, and (5) disability insurance. First, it meant two days with Ptumblag, Huttog aw|/ simplifying corporation taxes. He emphasized that this would not green gown against tbs flowered needs of eontractort and bulldrrs, Inventory of ths nsesasery repairs Uutrtanl OMtrnetu Furthermore, the monopoly in­ dip cover. Things like that didn't Dick, the long drive and return in Paint' Company u well u the fuel needs of resi­ to get svsrythlng in good itulpe create a health Insurance system come easy to Jeff. "A lamb chop or hie car'. Second, It would be to the 418 No, Mela Rt. TM. 84M vestigating committee has an­ or increase federal payroll taxe.v It a n Mala flt. TaL 68M dents of this community for s num- for the coming ef Bpring, The nounced that it will propose no ad­ two would set you up.” manner of a triumphant return. It ber of years. housswivsa ere also lookming ovu ’ would cost $80,000,000 the first Going to the telephone be order­ held all the elements of the local- Standard toaket and brands ere • f:!*; the house and dscldtng on CD changes ditional anti-trust legislation dur­ year end more thereafter. glrl-makes-good complex. Lastly, I A ing this session of Congress. And ed dinner for them both, to be serv­ featured In all dapartmenta. Ex­ to be mads before Spring beuac- Republican Sen. Vandenberg ed In Susie's room. "Lamb chops attending the Delta Phi party as a cellent Mulpment la maintained and •it - cleenlng starts. leaders have indicated that the promptly announced his opposition conqueror would, after five years, the ptoduets so displayed to tocUl* One of the meet untvereal needs whole program for this session may ued over eharooel. baked pota- for reasons of economy end pointed ...... ; a, a green aalad Ixswl, Jasmine obliterate the s)lng of ignominy left t e ^ e making of your aelecUona. wtu be found to be patotliw, both be shortened considerably, to make out that Americana last year were i k S from her last entrance into fraternal LAWN intrUtors and buUdert have come Interior and exterior. ’The « - adjournment in June possible. tea." Then raisins hie eyebrows at healthier than ever before ■uela, watting for her nod. be added, society. eonstder the sarvlcu rendered by treme cold, enow and rains of the Henerabla Labor Peace? *>uttisrseotcb pte,” and Susies What to do—what to do—. If she MOWERS this well known firm almost invalua- V' winter may htve left your buildings Dtwty Convicts hKnet told Dick to a casual, off-hand way, ble. They een always depend on eedly tn need of a coat of good “Business mgn will not regain mouth watered. Now, before you need them, aa4 high quality, ceurteoui end efflctsnt paint. TbIe ehould not be oonaid- Jimmy Hines, 03, felt this week fiMfesr (e IIU y*w yorS Hfirrtr MIdtrman In th0 WathlHfftom f 09t Sutton to I 1 PhttoiotrMa tnontror The waiter puUcd a small table U she said, “Do you remember Busts before the euetomary test mtoato LOCAL AND LOMO OtBtAMOtt confldence,'' says Almon E. Roth, In the waffle shop? Well—I'm service, and prompt dellveriee. ered a luxury, to a u aeue, but a TBUCttlNa president of the San Francisco Em- as though he had been “kicked in *Spanklnf A Tender Spot’ ‘Nothing Succeeds Like Suceese’ Xeoka Like You’re To C le Ont, Bevatl* hefore the windows end spread it raeh begtne. Is ths mne to nrlag Conveniently loeated at 8 Mato real neceMlty. Tlw protaoUoa with e snowy cloth. Jell saetsd Suele," or “You didn’t think, when tn your lawn mowers, etc^ tor the Daily T im Tn aad Fraaii Ua*- ^oyers Council, “so long as there is the belly.” Thomas E. Dewey, 30, I used to serve you waffles, that s t m t they u k proapeotive builders usured by g ^ paint cannot ba eheuir. lurtford aM Now Taeto uncertainty and bad faith in the col- had convicted him of being a poli­ Rusie to a deep chair and placed a n sta eeosonal attention. te talk o u r thefr needs with teem, Chutes Laughton u "Otogfr TM". hiaihiiplliw. mutral and r^ ever-emphaaised. Hewevu, prop- euahion behind her back. Bne eould some day Pd lose $0 pounds and ‘may can quote you figures end eta- mlttanoe-man—the hlggut headavlM of aa wand parodies to “Tlie iMtive-bargaining field . . . lack of tician who protected crooks. A son Spain learn to do my hair,-did you?" or 'tyy owners ehouldenouici rrw u llu iiu theine vastvan unity in labor’s ranks.’’ and grandson of Tammany captains, At Home Barer remember being eo oontented Ustics showing ths relettve msriU Beacbeomber" abowtog at the Rtate Tuesday aqd Wednesday. ffeiferraeu In the quality of paint Upcoming Quotes and happy. Houra with Dick were something like that, robbing tha in­ BRAITHVfAITE of different produote. the untrained mind, appearanoee FBRRBTT « QLENNIT And President Roosevelt recently himself a TamnMny leader for 26 Chleage'g Cendidetei France Triurtfa? cident of Importance, making Dick To fne. appealed to “dear Bill’’ Green and ears, Hines is to bo sentenced (Excerpts from speeches at edu­ emotional trtale, leaving her empty t t P m ^I S t m t Msaeu' suppllu. verioue typu of c ua be so misleading. The adriee iundey, March S Democrat# have renominated With a trembling hand, on a ehaet and disMtisfled. With Jeff It wee see It as the wonderful adventure It roofing meteriele, Norfolk petote, and euggestloM of a real >emM Ftou • Nlfhl Pbana a m “dear John” Lewis to seek “peace arch 13. As a first offender, he Leipzig fair (German trade cators’ mtetingt in Cleveland.) of paper from a achool notebook. "Cardinal Bnganto Pacalli had been. She wondered what would with honor’’—because ’tls right, may get from one to 27 years. Mayor Edward J. Kelly and Repub­ different. The answer being, of ere eerrled to alljMlors and Ui ehould be uught and beaded. barometer) opens. licans have nominated Dwight H. lea Maseryk, son of Czecho­ Manual Azana wrote out hla raalg- This was a surprise to manv eourse, that cbe did not love Jeff. happen. You are aura to find the right Edwin A. jobnsea, numagu «t possible, desirable and an “almost New York City Racket-Buster slovakia's founder: "I cannot nation from tha preeldanejr of the forecaatera, as was tha speed with After all, suste thought, there to suit your toOlvlduel needs. HDOL PRODUCTS SOLD necessary sten for the further de­ Dewey, with a record of Vi surres- Monday, March 0 Green for m*yor of Chicago. Kelly see one bright star of hope.” under Jeff’S raereUeaa ayes Busts the Johnson Paint Btore, loeated at Children's wtek begins. got more than half the total votes Wltlard E. Oiveaa, National Spenlih Republic. On March 1. which the balloting waa concluded. •te her dinner, even burying a pet was nothing to bo ashamed of in T ^ firm u enthusiuUo to theli let Mato atm t, earrtu a luge aad MOTOB AXO BLBOmiOAL velopment of the cooperation be­ slva convictions, want after Hines Madrid ofliclali announced that Not since 1023 had a Pope been S t butter to tha flaky depths of her making the most of one's ssif. Bhe prelu of KoppeFa Coke, and deoUn varied ateck ef nauSneUy knowq tween free men In a democratic last fall. The first trial was a mis­ Tuesday, March 7 cast In both psrtlas’ primaries. Education Association secretary: ite uu wiu save you money on your ■VRTBN OUWKDF Kelly used to swing a pickaxe. "When nearly a million pe* nmlch vealmUy located at the cotnef you In maktox your aalwtie^ a ^ «b4 hatteiy, atooBiiii The AFL-ClCquarrel dates back football. He was the U. S. district ■ertnma Rnasell, philosopher: Franco virtually “trlunfante” (tri­ LMt of the Cardinals to arrive this h u t is eontrellsd by draughts, ttoa Bdvswtu the of Tydol deotolOM.------'Tne hey ere partioulariv 1 Moscow. umphant), the two democracies had for the election was William Car­ When the table had bean removed for her weekly oU treai obam- flpruM and Bldridge stm ts. Be- pcoduete, a right kind of oU aad ■B and nzMy am * Un- to 1935. and previous efforts to4 Saturday, March 11 attorney who prosecuted A1 Capone. “I think Edison and Buroenk poo, wave, manlourq ^ d fecial, ths email amount of aA to be ra- anxleua to ehew you tbese products p e n u i aarv and Thoreau are something turned to him. Loyalist laaders wart dinal 0 ’(JonneH, Archbishop of ond they were eoiUy talking again MASONS' moved. eU ere futured etreaeed by tebttebed bare to buatoeu tor the gteau for every make of ear and mplato their merits and valtwa patch it up have failed. Fundamen­ UAW officers to try President Jell tojd her, with boyish ehynees, fluale had no to te n tl^ of slipping thlseompeny. As time gou on, test gauttM to Opero- tally it is a light over how to classify Burigli Alivo mere to be proud of than Sher­ assured “sympathetic considera­ Boston, who had misted two pre­ backward to the beauty race. p u t Svs years, Adaiy hu eare> avaUahie. A Thay atreu tM fast tbM tt p6or ttofto) $ 1 . 9 8 Homer Msrtin on impeeehrnent man and Grant, and therefore I tion” if they cnosa to flee to Xng- vious conclaves. how desperately lonely he was sinoe SUPPLIES more U(id more people ere using this fully studied the atode tha motor- meet the auda at high eoenemy to aalut aa M tiior h r ^ workers. would unite all who chargei. Cleveland. Trapped by a snowsltda while Xdns went away, hew the walls of AU day her mind hurried back fuel eppreOlattag• Ung the fact it can be pawered ears will s u n < do net think that the collecting land. Shipments of suppUee to them and forth oyoc^ttM problem. She tog public, Ha u e u m you, all aiae, el althar paint, waU pour, follow the same trade, regardless changing clothes in a bunkhouse, of children's minds around the via France were tabooed. And M au Migration! tha flat pressed in on him, how the ohuked downI uueUy. i . ______end the eheng_ a Dtejor naeeulty tor the eorrut tor lte«tf te tke^teaaure you u u almllu ttemt. Tho COLB MOTORS of what Industry employs them. a miner cut his way out with e flag is a food thing.” flUsnee amothared him. comprebende^xbat any small thing Tfllophont ^135 tog of a draft wUI bring forth heat operntta ot yoiir e u . te propw tire flam aaay d* Franco’s troops were poised to en­ Germans estimate 340,000 Jews might Up tee sealee and she trem­ to abundanee. You may totophene titot aheuld U hatajHad •l-BdOfaterai. TU.44IF CIO would uitlte all employes of pocketknife, then noticed he had neroM L. lekes. Interior sec­ ter Madrid. “And aha isn't eomtog beck,” be lubiteattoO...... t. 7 ^ he deu oot eoa- Adazu tovltu you to Rvm te M wewlBg qualittoa aad ^ each Industry, ragardleu of what People retary: ‘The kind of propagan­ have left tha Third Reich already ended wlBtodly. ”That’a the worst bled at the enormity of the etakas this firm at 81B9. hiez asrrteezorrwa etatlM ' tad laruuiats forgotten hie clothes end went back To wildly cbMrlng Burgos and that 500,000 more want to leave. lee ot happtness might lie sidu a pufimeteiy joh. iwilMd You may Utophono Ur. JobBton by trade they follow. after them. He survived—-but that da campaign which was success­ throngs, the newest, youngest, thing about i t 1 knew what it means tkrough iritIwBt gtrtng tka otten- tto yoimetf the tuhrte|tiag eymem sotUagtlBi. But ether grave dUlerenees have fully conducted last year against To hurry them up, Berlin’a police to be jesloue because Fm jaaloua of nax$ few hours. In her heart liBlBllai there. Me Mr iartlaulBity D.A.R. & Mrs. P.O.R. Bvelencha of ar.ow near Orphlr, the government reorganization smallest European dictator de­ now require that 100 be tagged' the trip to Rlvertown «toe tlon to detella, Dooeseary to protaot arisen, too—over the National La­ Washington’s big Constitution Utah, buried and killed three man. b ill. . . represents a force . . . clared he would not forget the aid the ChlM. You see Iktoa's the only your au from weu sud prematura wtteslMtto la Ble proba of the Whft Dost TOUR Rmr4 bor Relations law, for Instance. Three lives wss the toll, too, when every dgy to pack up, pay up and ssoiqan I over .loved-” the deciding factor. It eame down T. P. Holloroii^ B EA U n CULTURE deprsotetton- Mo atotoa if a mtte tlMteyrluMM mMI MWRltliRiM M Hall is owned by the Daughters of which cannot continue to op­ he had received from “beloved go within 14 days. This order ap- to this. Hours of etoee eompenion' ikm S S SRmm iv tklfl NKKDr ^ Sitters Sat Upon the American Revolution. Permis­ a river canyon -wall collapsed on erate successfully . . . without Italy” and “friendly Germany.” fluale. winttag to eomfort him, FUNERAL HUME mere thought and eara w u gtru larently greatly complicates the U rching for the right words, was atop with Dick wblob, aha $elt aura, to ehaagiag ths oO at teozi avory A worth whUe diwloy of dm A Thought A The NLRB this week lost three sion for Marian Anderson, cele­ men working a Big Bar, Calif., bringing our socml order to the Paris heard, however, that he had ntergovernmental Refugee Com­ would break down Be' reaarve claim which had yielded only $7.60 verge of dissolution." f; toterrupted by tha whirr t t the tele- A MODERN ART five hundred miieA Bteot zeeten OBd hattirtu le eerrled at thla eta NEW Supreme Court cases. One involved brated Negro contralto, to sing there asked Premier Mussolini to with­ mittee's task. phMO beO. agabwt the peeeihUlty of ebatteriiif would rezpeod by Hotss better itea. Tha Beads af aay otu u larpe worth of gold In three months. draw Italy’s blackshirts from Spain. hie toteraat by raoelleetlana of the awny trooi the buy thorough. One gensntlea p u an employer’s right to fire sit-down was refused recently. Although eager to be rid of Jews, Bhe welkel to the bed, graeeful serriee evu a loogu putod ef time. e u u truck kavo beak antleipated. ^ nd anoteer geaeratian h e a u n g . strikers. The court upheld that This week Mrs. Franklin D. And to British Prime Minister RelchsfuMrer Hitler wants his past, recoUecUens of tongue-tied inin. DIstliietive flervlee Mod- •arriu OB theu tteaw to alu avaU- Ifl bar aUnky gown, the cloud of hair Hm your ihtrror seemed to be a N u t to eraakeau ed, attentlaa t'se u rtk abldeth tor i _ PLANT right, declaring that to Justify Roosevelt resigned from “pn or­ Sparki* Goodby— Ho! Chamberlain, Franco wired word subjects to multiply, and on April 1 gtvtog her a ehlldlah look. Jett ■tupkUty and unlovely appearance. ern Faellltlee. should be given to g u r tUbriUtlOO, abla, aad tha eerreet iMteliatioa At last, when she waa dreaatog to IttUe unkind of teteT Haa the re­ I tiA seisure of a plant by employes ganization” beCBUse .she disap­ “Guess I will get my feet wet In Short... that he would deal justly with cbUdless German coudIm ’ income watched her through a h u e of flection of your hair, aeemed perhabe snd then to various other ports guaranteed. PLVMBINtt - tlNNIND AND “would be to put a premium on re­ Duyi« In \«u> I'orfc Rp$t proved its actions, and referred now. Ha!” the loyalists and brook no foreign taxes will go up 40%. ’’We shall use sigaret smoke. dine with Dick after which he would AMBULANCE SERVICE HBATINa OONTIUUT06M Born: A seventh child, a girl, to take bar to the broadeaettog station, a UtUe imtotoraattagt Do you e u Death hu aotMw tarilUa whItt sort to force.” ‘The Pay-Off Number’ questioners to the D.A.R. when With that farewell message, the Intervention incompatible with all our power,” Field Marshal Goer- “TeeT” aba said ea a eweetly DAY AND NIUHT straaka of nondewilpt^rolorr la life h u not sMdo ao. A faithful O otO w BaHwatoi The case was that of the Fansteel asked if that were the organizaton. radioman on a linking American Japan’s empress. Spain’s dignity. Ing has said, “to inerbase our pres­ iWng tafeetton. Atoiest tostently she decided upon a course. there a slightly tw&A ^ k that Christian Ufa to tele world to the Metallurgical Corporation of Chi­ this week he was being boomed for lugar boat "tied down" his key. Hie Declinedt U. S. highway deaths, Waving this telegram while un­ ent 80,000,000 population to 100,- her pale oheeka ware dyed with rose, (T» Be Oenttoned) 175 Cflntflr St Phono S060 mere your ueuaj freehneu rvMeybe best preparation tor Uie ne«L— JOHNSON A LlTTUfi cago. Police drove sit-downers out the Republican presidential nomi­ Rich Boy, Poor Papa ship had collided with a German in January, for the I5th consecutive der hot verbal fire in parliament, 000,000___Young men will stream flflferBiee edged her voice. r w heir h u hseome h s r ^ end O a HEATING NEW TyroB Bdwards. 188 O uter ML TM. MM of its plant with gas in 1937. A state nation in 1940. Gloria Vanderbilt and Brenda freighter carrying scrap iron to month. Chamberlain won a vote of confl­ in double and three-fold numbers T m perfect again.” she aistd. “It brittle from eh over Indulgenoa in Quotations-' court had ordered them to evacuate. I The Jury that heard him prose­ Frazier help their mothers finan­ Japan. For eight hours th( deserted Removed: Miami's mayor and dence, 344 to 137. into barracks. We intend to use takes morn than a ookl te get;Uttie the wrong kind of permanuts, or cute Hines in the retrial tins winter peihapa you have bam too soger to and SB of them later were sentenced cially. And now PeUr Seim, 14, ion radio’s hum could still be heard. two commissioners in a recall elec­ France's Former Rivals every one of them.” Rnseiiwe deem.” Bhe laughed exult- HEALTH PRESERVED APPROVED METHOD deliberated about seven hours, then tion. flatly at tha reply ever the wire. your search for just tha right thing A salM for contempt of court. The Supreme of Count Ludwig Salm and Milli- Meanwhile, in the foggy night, the , “The world did net wish to see II Duce, too, wants more people to put on your heir. Court refused to review their con­ found the defendant guilty of all 13 Germans rescued the American Estimated; By Japane. ‘ <.'IT1c1b1s, and he has beckoned Italians abroad She went ea, “Only Jeff. He drop- 8ed. ■ around Pert Wayu, lnd.->(AP)—Riehard •Tm o a BVBNBD charges in the indictment cent Rogers, divorcea, has been our truth, but we have Imposed If any of theu blemlahu axtet— wtaUag at T. Rtrosa, a u eonwttoi says ptoytng Iha U aelar ttmil^ viction for contempt. But it did up­ a.^ked to help finance his father. vessel’s crew. that another year of wai n China to return. Thousands of them re­ PWJ te and we had dtoner. When did ON NATIONAL SCALE than Miu Bernioa M. Juui, proprie­ •ta u oa w u Brzt osneatoed u hold NLRB's assertion that the Fan- it,” Franco elaborated. “And while rou get back?” dlamlrtng "only to a ewtog orehsi^ to tea Kerdew to to the f Peter inherited $2,850,000, but his will cost Tokyo $1,438,71U,U00. tha music sounds and the flag is sponded recently by returning to tor of tha Weldon B uuty Baton, lo- aa eooBomlsai, sots aad eeavanlut : Ob to tee mustoal protosston. steel company had broken the law Arms Argumant Italy from France. And almost . Jeff” with a verbal wave of the utod In tha Hotel Bheridan Build- (****WtoL< count-papa is broke. 1110 count as­ KonMS C ity indictm ents Soaked: Southwestern “dust hoisted, the malefaetora wander h ir’* COAL - COKE method of huttog, this fust 81AW4I u a mean of u ■ tn u . new 87, to w w u eoletat prior to the strike by refusing to Preparedness proposals inspired serts the Nazis took hit funds when Kansas Cltlans hadn't expected bowl” lands, by snow from 0 to 17 slmultaneoualy thousands of refu­ tog, urgu you te d ^ to at h u salon h u ooms to be uasd aura and more with PhUUp iouM ’e band. Ho oa^aln collectively. through the world like the eternal FeUowed aa interval of i ^ t Ut­ RANGE AND FUEL OILS and tot h u adriu yen o t mw math- elaime MS toat of boidtag a jwto this week's thunderous senatorial they took Austria, and ispatitiMlng much from a county grand Jury Inches'deep. Jew and no country will recalva gees from war started home to their ile uttoraneas, quaattoas and aa- Orer S3 MOlioBs Bang Spent to hooMe througiotit the eauntiy. ■The decision prompted UAW sit- oratory. Texea't Morris Sheppard for $30,000 a year from hie son. Exploded: An Osaka, Japan, mounteini in Spain from France. o u and atylu to eerraet tham. Hozu-makere ho.ve tMad, through e s e four toinutei to a world's neertU downers in a South Bend, Ind., air­ which Investigated crime for six them. No country loves them be> owsre, aeft laughter, toUmato ua- ProRipt DoUvortoo Kuptog abreast with the ttm u by "Yumpet players to danu baada declared, dictators’ hostility made weeks. But this week it returned 98 army arsmal, killing about 200, in­ cause they are the hordes of Com- Raished eeateacee, eeeenttog mur- roliig to New Torn ead Boetoa tor axpeftaaea. that eU gtou on etta LM’e aiBka It clear that, we atoOB craft plant to rise and walk out. more arms necessary. Michigan's Murder Mystery juring 550. For W«r$ To Como h New England Under At AD TUnofl temperatura throughout wa affttre are roqwrtd le do tee Impessibte, Forty-nine Pennsylvania miners, Indictments—and Charles Car- mixnlem. 'That Is the meaning of our aformatton about what la new to hands o f the'Weston HeaJapbtn M He speak.” be ealdi “to exeenttag Arthur Vandenberg maintained Anya Sosoyeva, 32, blonde Rus­ roUa, alleged gambling king, and DIedi'Prentiss B. Gilbert, U. S. victory.” The apparent Imminence of peace FtoaUy aha eaid, ‘7 may get to MANCHESTER tha lateet to hair atjdu, aad the bouee, eltmlnaUag cold hy aa opea dutorattea of our pol- high notes whieh a n net te U found who had been sitting underground Uncle Sam la not, and cannot be, sian dancer, once In Zlegfeld’i “Fol­ two county officials were among embassy charge d’affaires at Berlin; That—but not a Franco dictator­ In Spain haa brought no rest to mu- see your California to tha etoteg, Tke PWA Program.* newest eet a tlflc dieeevu t u tor uncomfortahle roemo. x IgMihat we wui pick our own ino’ to tee ordinary run of oornet or nearly a week, insisted the ruling “the world's policeman" Ken­ Hiroshi Seito, former Japanese em­ nitioiM makers. LUMBER e FUEL CO- feoie] work end the care of the With ed b s a ^ . the haueel^ didn’t apply to them. But they, too, lies,” was to have appeared last those named. ship—may have been what the XMek. rve had an offwr to sing with trumpet playm- 4 , good tn ^ tucky’s M. M. Logan deemed France week in a parody of “Idiot's De­ bassador to the U. S.; Nadejda Spanish Moroccan army garrison German Field Marshal Goering . Tbd Warfield's orebestin.” 5146 bands, Miu Jnul te to a poattten te u to aemirod of ^ t y ef heat ak A Owwito. ef IN peter m a (Sumo baShm ut ho buSt came out soon to go to court with and Englano as important as any Krupskaya, widow of Lenin. declared this week “the German air give you axput odvleo. all tlzMa, without ocoatowt teodlag, eC lita.’’______PtoesMag, Hi their grievances. light" at Los Angeles City College. Oddly Enough had in mind when it started the From where be eat Jeff eould Oonttoutag to help guard and pre- which la neeuiary with othu forma South American lend to the nation's On her way to the auditorium, she Wrecked: Two trains which col­ civil war by reb elli^ J u ^ 18,1936. force is. Jia terror of our enemies hoar a jubilant shout. It was Dick. A great many people are M O ItotnM . The Supreme Court, in another defense system. Idaho's William E The Philadelphia mint has re­ and we are determined to keep it serve the puhUe health on a nation­ to leani they eaa ebteto a ef bona heatlag. In odditta to tha DON’T BAT FOB FUN wss seized and beaten to death. As lided near Pasco, Wash., killing Gen. Jose Sanjurjo, who had led Wslktag to the wtodow be stared al scale, tha Federal Public Worta wave end ahampoo for only a oonventeau of ueiag od tn your case, ruled that men who strike in Borah dubbed the New Deal arms duced ite working force because it that way.” I oneeefngly at the ears, like atony nrantetd violation of a contract have severed clues to the mystery, police obtained is running ihort of money . . . two men, injuring two; a passenger a Monarchist upriaing in 1933, was Administration is eurrently devot at this eelen. The waring lo tta hoBM, tbara la alu tha matter of If you If haun a uy 8oolea.-^(AP)—Iteturnlng fnm program “just a lot of bluff and jit- a cpmb, a card, a glove and a c lu b - train in southern Wyoming, with expected to tako charge. But he Britain’s plans for a bigger army heeUes with brilliant eyes, iklm- uaad by Iflu Juui to of tha hlghut fuel oeate te bo oonaldarod. OU la relations with their boss. And in terism." And Mlnneiota's Ernest Heavy raliu reduced the water sent budget estimates for the com­ mtog back and forth on tha drive. tog more aid than In any o t tto h HIGH GRADE for the ‘ 8$ a two-year anteropologleal expedt- a third decision, the court set aside all blood-stained. supply in Mobila, Ala.—streams injuries to 22; a Boston trolley car. d i^ when his plane crashed u he prevloue programs to provldug Now quality, and you will And it to be a leu expenslva to buy than othu tlea te New Ouinee, Capt Ftod Lundeen declared the nation would in which six were killed, nearly 40 was flying back to Spain from txUe. ing Tear above the $S,000,(>00,000 Roalo b a te t told him of tha offer— tonic to tta whtoh dttea quickly and fuele aad tt g o u torthu. You wU| CroeUett explained tee oanntbato A iP H M T a labor board order. "stunned” If It knew what the Pals No Longer that feed the reaervoirs ro.se end mark for the first time since the tt meant aha would go away. England' communities with pure RINTIHC teavM the habr soft aad without These were NLRB’s first major became muddy. injured. Another air crash killed another water faeUlUea, adequate hoepltal find that aa surolyfuroiy ef< oU wUl ouOut te e n Mt humhn flesh to u tlsiy President had told senators. Charlie Mitchell confessed on Sentenced; Russian Radioman leader, Gen. Emilio Mola. Still World War. And Sir John Ander­ Ikes. an aqual zupm ef' othu fuels and tealr apprilte forenut, net beuuu reversals and the court's action en­ Before the Senate was a $3.')8,- Re heard her aay, T d love plante, and seeded aewer and eaw- Pennaaut . wavu, maouhly Wednesday, Now York police said, Voznesensky, to 30 years In prison, others—^Manuel HedlUa of the Fas­ son, minister of civilian defense, age dtaooal equipment. JOB AND COMMERCIAL you mstn wOl ulioalso Udaiad.'Ovu, tha__ wtoter Youth h u BOtktog to de with they ^£ot uy fun out of tea couraged congressional critics of the 000.000 army expansion act. SeheUstlc Socroey boasted that “drastic” measures XNek. I can think of nothing utead. are gtven la aceordaiwa w tu M ths, that ynutoU M 's htoedtelrsty bustoe board to press the campaign to ..that it was he who kidnaped the for sab o tag in g communications cists, Manuel Falconde of the Carl- This was shown to a ■ , ___ PRINTING gla«Mr to terope. ‘nw b m ma- ^I^^SHINGIES The House appropriations com­ young sori of his best friend, pros­ Harvard Scientist Percy W. during Sigismund Levaneffsky’s ists, Md Jose Maria Gil Robles of taken since last Septem'oer have put rather do. wtu I aae you in Bteto reguiatleae. n u s is tmportaat, tore, m men kaewiag. O m the amend the law. < ' mittee, meanwhile, approved a England’s civilian defense program aesantlmeT” Otavtoualy Ua Ue todM by I t Ifc Feeney, FWA and anyoM gMttag a permaaent OQ la year' hn I h e m the eeOar j u ■ 1. 'Xj perous George Katz, on Feb. 20. Bridgman has barred- totalitarian Arctic flight; four Russian officials, the 'ronservativc. Catholics—left .vsitog Bngtoeer inepector. wave at tha waMoc HURRI- Combating Uncertainty $499,857,930 army supply bill Charlif had served as intermediary countiiM’ scholars fpom his labora­ to 8 to 10 years, for fraudulently Spain while the war was on. two years ahead of schedule. The «M more than satlafaetory. She The total coat of PWA financed oleafl end tbecn to not the annoy- tB eito- CANR which includes money to start the |ovemment, he added, las obtained tuned from the telephone wrlth scar' will ba aura of gattlng the type of a a u of dust oo your furniture, Secretary Hopkins noted in his in trying to get the boy beck from tories. Ha'doesn’t ' ’want to teach prosecuting children as “counter enterprises to these three fields so wavo tbay rsolly'r went. “The Spring is Just expansion program. ,\nd the Senate them new ways to harden steel. France’s Helpers Now 80,000,000 gas masks for civilians let cheeka and star-flUed eyes. Important to the puUle health to whieh often ruulta, from huttog by DAMAGE REPAIHKD recent speech that utilities, rail­ the "kidnapers.” revolutionaries.” “That was Dlek.” she announoed COMMUNITY PRESS beat ' Dt to eepecteily nlea ether methede. OcoMdsclBg the roads and housing all offer “sub­ naval committee took up the ques­ Of those who, like Franco, have and haa ortered 1,400.000 “toy” New England la 8UA60,000, divld- tor I tor grey Imiioa an Around the Comer tion of strengthening , al­ boan in tha thick of the mess from masks for . babies and 1,300,000 tovtoe time-worn custom, dropping ed among 88 projeote under the A-B-Haknu AW. Ran advoatefu e f ea s e e stantial opportunities.” The rail­ "ilMsiy to her chair. $81 No. Mato BO. TaL V7T7 hoauwwner wtu he wlu to The 4ua you too, w u tlw PiM Nuw Ta Havu T o v O u Pal TUtog roads haven't been making enough' though the House last week voted, the bOftnnlng. the most noted are masks fOr older children. currant, fast-movtog PWA pro­ 205 to 168, against it. Palestine's Population Problem Juan Yague, who led the Moors in The Marqula of Zetland, British X gathered." answered Jett, gram alone. PrevlM ptograsu gate this matter end Ham the oeet h u e f * b flhape Per Bprtog aad money. The utilities have bean ac­ provided 306 similar projoeta boat- of toetelltng an ott bunar In We 4e werh freu *toallw la cused of making too much. Private Twelve lenetors proposed to the BuccMSful attack on Barcelona, leeretery of state for India, ap­ Boauau Drivlug emend the Conatitution to require and Quelpo de Llano, who distin­ pealed to Germany to bring “this moot wonderful thing, Jeff tag $4T,338,000 to this area. The mw. The eruukuu uaads Buahlug, attte” ead we de tl AlUHTI construction slumped woefully In Britain's Dilemma ^-4t’s Uke a novel. Dick’nsked me projeets under the pravtoue pro­ Chicago—(AP)—Attorney. J o u And JoInfOA od M CSti^ the depression but seems to be re­ a referendum prior to a dcclar.ation Since Palestine peace parleys 809394 410,000 ' 109.769 guished himself mainly by radio insane aimi race to an end.” ton etreet have the afl ehuoged, rudUtor eiu ued cut of an overseas war. Motlemt Join Cliritfiem oratory. to drive with tom to Rlvertown for grams arargdlvlded as toUowe: wa- JOB H. te g w u espreachtog bte ' ead a thereugh gria u jeh. viving. All three of these industries opened Feb. 7 in London, strife be­ 'Butch* It Doan a nmb danoe at hla fraternity house. tenrortm, flS, eeaUng 8fl.Tfl6,000; PRINTING w h u auddiBly M felt aa a m I mutoUrni In tkla ^ NU-HOME are directly affected by governmen­ tween the Holy Land's Arabs and Others to whom the war has Drtva up Tueadey and back Wed- sawaga dtspOeel, 88. n9,fl66,000; Craft oO buxBitA the Too Much Independence brought glory include Fidel Davila, Prince Fumitaka Konoye was Fee Every hto aadt. “Ba quiet Fm only |e t w IMPROVEMENT SERVICE tal policies. And this week Hop­ Jews has resulted in about ISO more aaeday la Ume tor ssy broadcast.” and hoopltala, 88, $1T,TM,000. to choke yon;'' a votee. ■uBoilon flMlhod od Adiuny Service- Paul Yeung, itg r ___ kins s advisory council was to meat When Jepen’i army begbn crawl­ casualties. who took Oen. Esailio Mdla’s place, Just “Butch” last year, at Prince­ Bhe waa more thrilled than the invt' Water Reebwrcee. X u feuad be A visit to tbelr ad iw u will eon- M Branfatd 8L TaL $BB$ and Don Jose Solchada y Zala, who ton, wh^re he admitted he flunked rince you that you asad om ef Station to consider again ihe relations be­ ing over Asia, Philippine enthusi­ Such terroriim la not all that has tation warranted. The devaatattog effects of etrsam 886, a wateb aad a Ifarjmrilta. Kaaa>-(AP)—Uar- Ou. gprau uud EldfMge Btneto Otoe. Bttg tween Washington and Wall Street. asm for complete independence of worried the British: Throughout bossed the Italians In the Catalan all hia major studies. But now he's “What’s so exacting about that?* poOottoB not ooly' tnvolve the pu)^ 4t4^||hdl^ Tfajf, theu Oil burners to yeur boiU. If cltanup. dean of a Japanese-sponsored col­ Be heetth but also ganw Ufa end you sch to eipeet the uRIwate from HtaO eoonto la hSptag Its tamer* Gerard Swope, General Electric the U. S. began to cool. Under the the Near East there are agUaWrs *It*a eimply dramaUc, that’s ell. WlUtoat retarn to tte hag haatoun ftom president, meanwhile, advocatMl 1935 independence act, they're to who want to reunite the world’s High peace-Unte posts are ex­ lege in ShanjduL His papa used to XMck took me to a rush party tn recreational feeUtUee. It was net SdilflMcfl your huttog plaitt. TIm u oO burn­ pected now to to to two poUttetana: be Japan's premltr. unttt tha aid offartd by PWA ba- ers a n net enpeaetna to ttiatan aad which Utop Tton n c u d hy dreaght taxation of employes as well aa em­ get complete freedom In 1940. Now Moslems, estimated to number hts freshman year. He wae a pledge la m e a t p ployers for unemployment insur­ they have visions of Japan pouncing Serrano Suner, 88, a lawyer and then ead be baa no idea that I caaoa avallahla that eomtounttl 1S5 SlKMCfl tha great tu « u ria g s whieh you 230,000.000, under a new ealiph or were able to bagtn proteetloa ot val­ win effect hy uMag oae of ' The eeu ance. and steps to stabilize employ­ on them the day after Old Glor>' is "pope.” Franco’s brother-in-law; and Fer­ ttw same g til Doesn't the eet-up S traot WHY HAVE BUL6ES? THIS ASSOCIATION HAS PLANS FOB nandas Cuatte, dark, fie^. Fascist uable water reeourcea, the wffl soca pay ter tto eapeau o t te- thay a n leaaad to ment. He put in a word, too, for hauled down. From the start, the London peace Quiz hare faaetoattog anglee?” pointed out. TflLStM etanaDea. « you eon nod purpeau. The budget-balancing, and declared: . The Senate territories committee palavers had appeared to be des­ party saerttory-tenaraL Again Jeff epolu dzyly. “I might Another eaglo c< tho a oad .Jehaaea for fiotlMr feaaa aO hut eoa or SAVING THAT SHOULD APPEAL TO “By your acts we shall know ye, is considering amending the act to tined to fail. Suner, a dapper little man who If you read T h e World This tomoet say nmahUe.” whieh hu ban generally laeegnla- ^ & to tweed tea] not your promises.” prolong preferential trade relations And to appease ’ the Arabs the drives his big Mercedes right into Week” regularly, you should be Ttwt’e what I mean" Buate ad only to reeeiit years, tha report PERSONS DESIRING TO SAVE."^ Republicans have argued thafthe for 13 years after ,1^^^- Filipino British were reported willing this 1919- the capitol when it rains, la abla to answer these questions: threw back her bead, looking past said, is the naoeoetty tor ooopera- JMf with dream-weighted eyte. It Is pMUUied to lean a emergency i>owers with which Con- agents favor the Idea but fret about week to end their mandate over expocted to be Franco’s proper. L When did the Chinese New s tiOQ towvTty OOBUBUBlttMIt ea hemu whieb through n e is Crmed the President to com­ other alleged injustices in the act. Palestine, see Jewish immigration YaarbeginT Tha easy oompsnlonahlp was ehetewMBt o t piaOntloa to om a m puld to ubout U yauA bat the depression are the cause of After Chairman Tydings told restricted lenceforth, and help Bolglum's TreublM 3. Did Tammany Leader Hines •ans.'After a while Jeff took hla is almost bound to affset eandttteae Tel. No COIFFUHE DEMGinNG AND much budness uncertainty. And teetUy in Ua own defense? departure, atandtim-t the doer be to the a m aaxt door. The gen­ Rilty Chovroltt ft Otoe h u tor auto aufi them to get rid of their ’'false psy- make the Holy Lend aa indepead- Oisputea over Belgium’s policy 8. Has ah American ever vot­ this week congressmen studied ihe chology,” President Manuel Quezon ent Arab state like Irag and Xiypt. asid. T h a t’s s w a about the Cau- eral apread of'such hapeovaata ta one esutruUy le u tod a tm toward Spain and tha kppotataiant ed bemre tn a panel election? f ontla attar. Why dldat you ten me mads poaalbls by PWA actlvlttes h u Tour Bpoaeot Conet' HAIR8TTLE c r e a t io n with auwB dewu puyuMuh administration’s power to revalue hurriedly assured the committee Jews protested that tnia would be of a war-time pro-Oerman to the 4. Why did Cnamberlabi re­ Co. the dollar end use the $2,000,000,- by radiogram, Monday, of the Phil­ 1937-- about It?” hupUy enablad aO eommunttlu to aad Brantere wi|! ;effae- a betrayal pf their right to e na­ Flemish Academy led to the fall of cently refuse to call a disarma­ “( » . there’s bsaa half a doaaa take part to iategrated puhUe hulth •• IPiRb at. M. flfl14—* l As taught hy SfOaa. Alhart 4a Parto light hen Ittotoreetoiaetufttogueuriug usewtoi oMeblur u uei 000 profit which resulted from de­ ippine peoples' ‘‘etemsl gratitude” tional home. The Pelaetiae Jewish Prtmiar Paul Hanrl Spaak’a gov- ment conference? ^ thraly comet aaF Mgtnro * In our galea. AD operntera havu had petvato gage loua or buytug u heuw etoy U ear edbe aad e b b b am valuation of the dollar in 1934 to for benefits received from the U. S. E In what League of Nations offtta. rm Intoraated In this ana ba- pUnnlhg. aecorttag te tha auivay. aery totoruieWsu , ^ Assembly authoriaed its national anunent on Feb. i. Tha king than causa won. Just bacausa— flbt C ult beeanu every asetioB, stabilise international finance. council to call a general strike, if turned to a former premier, Henri activities will the U. S. cooperate ll u y Cflifl TraM la far t m y Uaa Ib dettgaad, eat Secretary Morgenthau said that House Reverses Itself more? ttoilMd s&d IftiinbM oopsdously. necessary. A secret broadcasting Eack fifwt*10% Black figiwts^Jews Wkka figerti^Noii-JctM Jaspar—who declined and died a “I ssa.” Jeff wmtt away and Sums COURT ABAIHMnrBD ItSt Chtvrolflto Mate Sftoa* Bad BMdfl $ 0 BOIvu yiyour the treasury doM not intend to Refused originally by the House, station urged Jews to resort to force. few dgys later. And finally, Feh. 81. Each question cotuUs 30. each The M andiestrr Bidldfaiff sad L ota nengedunge tnethe aoUtrsdoUtr'e value again ua-un- then granted by tlM Senate and ap­ half of a koo-port gnaation, 10; hoitfly BoOoad kla goliig. PntUaghia WhiOaad, Walu ■— |1TJ00,000 appropri- aieefi to thsM qnoittona loert to want to te n n tiaiiln g to tha deoetsti MB to bo ObOB^OMd tOR h^sJtdOh R^tunBf Sa/oTh i L i public would not approve lelefatten tkey do to any otker eouatrir. TWs c k ^ baead oil IMtod Palasttae Ap- Um b y d f^ bjr ffifftPt tilArtts m d the text of this poge teat weak. Ttoi B te . umoMrniiMmmmmfT tosmam aUoaforTvAdatuwaevotedWM- of the Holy Lead Jewa to the status paal reports, akoioa koia tfis percaiitope fcee rlMii i d tke'eztom to' **Vil^*mkteg .to,-toe mofatog nwday by the Heuae—1S4 to 175. at a peqpaMbt alaacUy. ■W 'X. UANCHEaTER EVENING HERALD, BIANCHESTER. CONN. SATURDAY, MARCH 4.198t TAQE EIGHT MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN. SATURDAY. MARCH 4,198» p a g b h d h

the British ArnsrlcBii AustlUiy. KM Circle Sunday and Monday what a bowler abe tal I f Bee-el rides INDIANA MAN HELD you too much about the bowluig, , \ V - TENSHUN- Jeems, refer him to his score and let DAUY RADIO PROGRAMS me u il you that his tall waa sure dragging when ot waa oved.' The IN WOMAN’S DEAIH NAUGY OR NEW BRITAIN LIKELY M. H. S. RIVAL Veteraps ought to fire him and sign BUDDIES up Nan tn his place. Starting Wednesday nlghl March . ,V.. - 12:30 Farm and Horn* Hour; 3:80 8lh the drum corps rehearsals will Badly Bndsed Body Found Stephens CMIIege program; S be held at the Armory on Wednes­ Rochester civic orchestra; 4 Feast days In the future. The corps Is get­ K *' ■' WDRC of Esther. Tonight's Games Decide Andm on ro»« looks. I wBtrhed him with hanging ting ready for a busy spring and On Blood-Stained Bed In Soma Monday short wave*: DJD Eint Wins From Sharkey On Decision m Uarttoni, Vtmm. I I V.F.W. hrad and s- 4:15— WIdener CThallenge Cup recital. POUSH-AMERKS TACKLE notrtiow up. He L d his msual ex- K--lhei. J am fa lly glad. Kor a long bere and all who are Interested In G iaiO KAYOES CONWAY Michigan City, Ind., March 4.— Joining this Interesting organization 4:45—Natl.'Indoor Tennl* C%am- euae. stretch and Fllbee were there time I have noticed ^ "u.' V a (A P I—Flfty-year-oW Frank Freyer plonshlps t to ■tout tor their 1/eglon team and getting too small for hie heath should get In touch with the mana­ Volley Ball League Lead 5:00—What Price America—U. 8. Favorites Gain Victory ^ nolnters We fooled these Anyway we had ■ g«>d lime. At ger Harold S. Olda and he will be was held here today on'an open LEAGUE LEADERS HERE gataom e pointers. « e r^^^ ^ parting, we left the Hon.e with the glad to sign them up. Dept, of Interior WITH ROUNDHOUSE BLOW charge. Police (Thief Julian Warner two fellowH iw wc 5:30— Jack Marahard'a Orchestra words of Should Old Acquaintance There are only two more weeks to said, after the badly-bruised, nude WTIC Ib flret plaoa with taralve w tos.day, March 18, to eoropeta tn tha WMt H a w 88-88 aad Haw Laadoa 6:00—Ebbo Reporter oamle* •--- EtK fralismsmar a* 9Ka bm _ * * ^ l^ j'r s u d d e n our 'l^-wTe'rs are Be Korgut and "Come Again " rlng- go before our March dance at the body of Miss Dorothy Boeher, 30, Travelsrs Bmodcaatlag I and only one loss, the Morlarty 8tb four-state tourney st the Cam­ Bulkelay teioeked Warren Rardteg A* the lights of Ralnimw Ballroom In Bolton so get formerly of Chicago, waa found on 6':0S— Leighton Noble's Orchestra Brothers’ volley ball team travsto to den YMCA. Teams entered In this Thompsoifille SL AiMberts Torrington Also Possibility getUng more mquee.s c ltv 'tU w ’ Hnrttord, Oonn. THE SECOND STANZA of Biliteeport out of tto ramtiig near we could nut your parties together and make your 6:30— Saturday Night Swing Club •vsnt )isll from Washington, D. C„ 5 than they can handle. Ne^Jburs^ . a blood-stained bed In Freyer's S0,WM W. 1049 R. U IK' Brockton, Moss., this afternoon to Local Sport 47-88 to two conteato pisyad te M ter. a happy bunch reservations. Don Rushlow wjll fur­ home, three and a half miles east of 7:00— American* At Work play three mstahs* la tha New Eng­ Rlthmood, Vs., Wilmington, Del., Haven. / day they take on the tboae poor Innocent *oula were, who 7:30— Joe E. Brown, Glll-Demllng, Eastern Standmrd Ttme Visit EistSide Rec To­ As Opponent For Clarke- Tavern team. One of the pro- nish the music for dancing this this city. land League. The Manchester array Wllkse Bane, Ps., North Phllsdel- Weaver of Hartford larrupsd tha reside away up at the Green. We month which means complete satis­ Wsmer and State Detective Art Harry Sosnick's Orcb. to slated to oppoas Woonsoeksi pkla. Pa., Germantown. Pa, Harris­ NSW H a w Oonunarotals 47«98 te • prietors of thia Tavern and a how ler are hoping that when the summer faction. Don't forget to call Henry Keller said they arrested Freyer 8:00— Johnny Preaents Saturday, March 4. Local Middleweight Champ Errokton aad Sdmervtlle to that or­ burg, P a , sad Camden., s lineup Chatter men; W earer, Bnlkeley Middletowa, scena at onathOr oqaa- .-on the team, 1* a brother of our has pas.sed and all their crops are Court Standings morrow To Bid For VHnl Weir or Harry Roth for your favor 8:30— Profeasor ()ulz P M< der and must win alt Its mstchsa to that to sure to provide a severe test paratlvely easy victory for New - President Helen Gustafson So I safely stored and while the ravages after finding bloodstains on hts lie table before It la gone. clothing and tn his automobile, park­ 9:00— Honolulu Bound—PWI Baker 6:00—Cosmopolitan RhythnU .order to remain In ths pace-setting for Manchester. Last year shout this time we had Britain over WUby of Waterbary, wouldn't he surprised to see Helen of winter keep them Isolated from 9:30—"Plain Talk" Rev. Oiarles On Fnrioiu Attack In of Local Leagues And Bassick Wia Openers 38-29. and all the Gustafson family root­ STRETCH. Andy Derlne, Ruth Donnallyi Joy Hodgas and William Oargan ed 50 feet from the rear of the 6:15—Youth Meets Govemn role. The New England League stand' State Loop V ictorf, Girb occasion to comment that the Con- the rest of civilization we msy visit featured In ths cast of Universal's "Personal aecretary.” The com­ Graves ing for the tavern team. You old bouse. 6:00—News and Weather. Brlatol, only a match behind to tog le oe follow*; neqUeut InterscbolssUc Athletic them again and enjoy their ho* panion fsatiir* is ‘1 Am a Criminal” starring John Carroll. 9:45—Organ silhouettea — Vincent RET SENIOR LEAGUE time baseball fans msy still remem­ Amertean lisgtaa Aaxiltary. Struck Bead On Sale 6:15— Democratic program, ^ h i r d To Outpoint WiDy second pisca. goes to Naugatuck to W L Pet. (Conference "moves In mysterious pitallty. And so until that time Sargent P. L Pot. In Preliminary. h Class A Tonmey/ ber the Gustafson family sitting un Freyer, Warner said, told autbori- 6:80—WrightvUle (Tlarion. play Pawtucket aad Torringtoo and Moaebester ...... 1 2 I 423 way*. Its wondsie to perform” . . . cornea, may 1 say "thank* for every DtIworth-ComeM Unit will hold 10:00— Your Hit Parade Poliah-Amertcana ...... 8 1 .067 the bench rooting at the old West tiea ths woman had been living with 6:45— Medical Talk. to favored to swesp Its matchss, Bristol ...... ___ 11 2 446 sno after looking over the method HGERS, PRATES thing, and good luck" their regular meeting next Mon­ 10:45—Capitol Opinion* Foe; Both Boys Floored Green ...... 3 X .667 Sides ball games years ago. They My old pal Bee-Be reminded me anything eaeept to annoy tha boys him two years. He maintained, War­ 7:00—Variety program with Red rosktog It neessssry for Morisrtys flemervlUe ...... ___ t 3 .750 o f pairing entries In the atste cage day evening at the State Armory 11:00— Easo Reporter Foley. Kentucky bom *lnger. Center Billiards ...... 1 1 .5UU The PoHsh-AmerteanS entertain Manchester High Is llltelY to won more games rooting than the i very much of our president a* he In front. ner added, he and Miss Bosner came to do the ssms. The league sasson Naugatuck ...... ___ 8 4 .666 tourneys now in progress we con at 8 o'clock. AH members are re­ 11:05— Ozzle Nelson'* Pagsnl Barbers ...... 1 1 JM)0 greeted me up at the Home with, There was no Infantry in front of Overnight News to the house Intoxicated Thursday 7:30— bet’s Go to Work. closes next week with matches st Woonsocket .... ___ 8 6 .671 the St. Adelbert’s o f Thompoonville only reiterate that description of launch defense of its state bas­ players on the field. quested to be present as there are 11:30— CJharlea Baum'* Orchestra 8:00—Tommy Riggs, Betty Lou, In Slugging Exchange. West Sides ...... 0 3 .000 REMAIN UNBEATEN Then the following week we be- "my friend.” Bee-el tried to razs the machine guna In Bols de la Relne night, and that she struck her head Bristol sad Worcestsr, Manchester Worcester ...... ___ 5 8 .384 st the East Bide Reo tomorrow a ft­ th* powera-thst-be tn the CLAC ketball title at New Haven several amendments to the county 12:00— EJIck Stabile's Orchestra Larry Clinton’s Orcheatra. Games scheduled next Tuesday \ Ueve the British War boys and girls the boy about hi* drinking root beer In May 1918. except when patrols playing st ths former place. Torrington ...... 4 9 .807 hy-lsw* to be preaeoted. Of Connecticut on a safe In a fall In hla kitchen. 8:30— Fred Waring and hi* Penn­ night East Side Rec: Center Bil­ ernoon. The local hotmtors will be next Wednesday against one ' have asked for a return match. but let me say there's no one ro4>llng The Junior Girls of the Unit met were out. Machine gunr broke up a A.M. Moriartys make their annual to' Brockton ...... ___ 4 9 407 Later. Warner quoted Freyer as say­ 12:30— W^yne King's Orchestra sylvanians. In the star bout of a nearly per­ liards va. West Sides, Psganl’* Bar­ seeking their eighth Polish Loigue of three old liYus— Nauga­ Well. Just to be sociable, we have that boy See-bee. last Wednesday svening at the boms hostile attack at dawn on May 10 vasion o f Csradea, N. J., on SatuT' Pawtucket ...... a 10 .166 By AW80CTATBD PBEBB ing, she went to bed. Police were 9:00— Vox Pop. fect card at the state armoiy last ber* vs. Green, P A ’s Idle. win In seventeen starts and their We’re not going to quarrel about promised fo go easy on them next Old man grip ha* been playing of Klslne Krob and all worked on with a 45 minute continuous fire. tuck, New Britain or Torring- CoitInM DdidlMk h Y h- notified of her death by Freyer yes­ Totnorrow*s P rograni 9:30— Hartford Fireside Melodle* nineteenth to thirty gsmes. the preliminary pairings . . . we’ll match. Then the following week havoc this past week with many of articles to be sent to the Newington Yours truly served bis turn as look­ night Eddie Elm, atate amateur mid­ accept them as tbs fortunes ot the ton— depending on the out­ out high up In a tall tree In that terday. A.M. —Moehe Pamnov, conduc­ Need Win Te Leto we expect to Ungle with the Bon- our members and a few of them are Home for Crippled Children at Ras . New Haven—(AP) — Yale an- Keller said he traced a trail ot dleweight champion and Manche*- TUESDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE TbompeonvUle st present leads draw, svsn though they sesm a bit come of the. two games sehed- confined at their homes. We sure sector. In a sweet little scrap at noiuced receipt of R224.000 from the 9:00— Sunday Song Sarvtc* tor, Joyce Allmand and Lar­ W. L Pet. tenMdnti LeigM At Aml bowlers and when the Legion ter time. 'They have planned to blood from the automobile. Into the ry Huard, vocalists. • ter’* boxing idol, won decisively over the league with s briUlant racord too pat for that . . . but ws can uled tonight't^ completo the hope they will be fully reeovered Xlvray-Marvolsln on June 16, there Rockfeller Foundation Including 9:30— News, weather High Hatters ...... 10 .833 Snlahes up their league. Stretch and hold two meetings a month, one a kitchen, on steps leaidlng to the sec­ 10:00— NBC Symphony Orchestra, hard-hitting Young Sharkey, o f WII- t of fourteen wins against tero de­ and do And fault with tbs sst-up for Elbee gave us hall a pnimlae for a soon. business meeUng and the other so­ was no Infantry in front of us and 135,000 for construction of an addi­ 9:45— Rhythms and Melodies East S id e s ...... 9 8 .750 Class A playdownB, in which one platoon of machine gunners ond floor. In the bathroom and In a Arturo Toscanini, conductor. Nate Mann Beats Knox; feats and needs this win to remain tto tourasy proper nsxt wssk to all Siicyei AItt Trinik. Don't forget our monthly meeting cial. The aoclal meeting will be tional laboratory building at the 10:00— CThurch of the A ir llmantlc In three rounds of toe to 'fmugatu^. New Britain, Hart- match. W’e will be right after Carl spare room upstairs. 11:80— News and Weather. Meteors ...... 7 5 .583 tn ths load. Brlatol with twelve vle- three classes . . . It sssms to us next Wednesday evening In the held March ISth at the home of the piled up 200 shock troopers In no anthropoid station In Orange Park, 10:30— Aubade for Strings toe slugging. In ths other bout of Wild C a U ...... * • •. • 5 7 .417 Prleaa for this match. man's land and only lost one gun There were "several large bruls- 11:46— Lou Breeae’a Orchestra. tories against two defeats and New that the CIAC Is convtocsd that only I 'ord Weaver, Bridgeport Bas- Thuraday night after the bowling Array and Navy club. Our Com­ leader, Mrs. Grace Pitkin, Sterling Fla. 11:00— The 314th Young Folks Pro­ local InUrsst Kid Olglio knocked out All-Star* ...... S 8 .383 when the French fell back on the ea” on the woman's back and abdo­ 12:00— Cailek Webb’s Orcheatra. Britain with eleven triumphs and the sentl-flnsl and Anal gams* pres­ aick and New London Bulkelay Tto T. M. C A, Intomadtela match the Britishers came up to the mander Is hoping for a full attend­ Place. 'Diey are also planning to gram with "Daddy" Otuch Joe Conway, of Holyoke tn one 11 .033 left and the Infantry on the right Middletown— (A P ) Mrs. Anna men, Keller added. 12:30—Eddie Rogers’ Orchestra. Comets ...... 1 only two losssa are right behind to ent any attraction for tto public Ltosue’s thiea-wayy deMDoek tm Home and wanted to throw daiis ance as plans must he made for the have another dance about March 12:00 Noon— Sunday Serenade minute and 30 aecoada of the second Armstrong Risks Title emerged victorloua last night. Walstcd, 83, of Windsor died In a Games scheduled next Tuesday second and third place respectively, . and to order to make tto Okie- M M I| 4 rOlWHl iMSOfS WM New England Council meeting which leaving both flanks open. Fortunate­ P.M. 12:55— News. Ctorksessn Ftoy Ms. T dadto against our boys. But someone 17th and the younger girls of the hospital here of Injuries suffered In round. night at Bast Bids Rec: Wild Cste and s lots at this stage a t the race tog games sure box-office tto OLAC will be held In Manchester Sunday, ly, the Infantry counter-attacked on 12:15—Golden Melodies 1:00— SIlenL In the main go. Elm welghsd 1<.1 ManebeStor, aaedsd tato tto toor> Sf twfrtoate Da teat night aa Ote started the muslcbox did the danc­ group are planning tn ^ v e s play, a fall downstairs at the home of her ve. East Bides, High Hatters vs. v/ould hurt ths flatoto ehsaoM of has trlsd to arrangs nuittors so that TTgara dropped Center ipriaga tefea April Pth \indcr the gtildsnce of Miss Francee the right and recaptured our lost 12:30— Last Minute New* Flashes, to Sharkey’s 155. Elm to blonds, nay proper as tto result of Its top ing began and the dart game was daughter In that community. PRODUCE RARE STUNTS Tomorrow’* Program. (?omet*, Meteors Vs. All-Stsrs. capturing the lesgus diadem con­ tbs four surviving teams will bs plaeawilli a dsoMva W -U tri­ We extend our. sympiithy to t>>m- Wallett. gun And black troops, with tattooed Weather Sharkey dark. To make more ap­ rankuf to tto Odro A Nsts aad Its forgotten. Well, maybe It was bet­ New Haven—The Enfleid Rifle Club A. M. Hamden Heary Earns Dech Sports Roundup siderably. However, the vlaitora ths ones that are regardsd os ths umph n M koto tto flrat half steunpa rade and Mrs. Thomas Kane whose Due to lllneaa no notes were In the faces, from Algeria closed the gap 12:45— Salt Lake City Tabernacle parent the contrast, Elm la o f the I oosquest of tto stats aad Nsw Eag- ter that way. Jeems—If you still re­ daughter Elorenee had to umlergo on the left. In the St. MIchlel drive won opening night shoot honors at 8:45—New* and Weather. THURSDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE have more than on even chance of best drawing cards . . . laad eamploiubipt last ysSr, will umSefsatod. T to PIratae otoa terng paper last week but we cannot let IN FEATURE ‘TAIL S P ir Choir and Organ VAfigy type and hla opponent the in theta Ihtrd a tre W * wte t o n ea rii member the dart match last winter. an operation Thursday. Miss Kane there was only a skirmish line of In­ the tenth annual three-day state 9:00—^Tura Back the Clock. stocky and Sharkey la a left-hander. W. L. Pet, B r EDDIE BBIETZ topping the PA'e for they already i Its sampalgn against tto toapi The driveway to the Home may the membership supper pass by 1:00— Church of the Air sion In Tongh Ten-Ronnd- out VatiMn, A M A w ^ Dm M la reatlng comfortably In the Man without some praise to the co-chair­ fantry .In front of us and we with­ championship rifle tournament. The 9:15—Tom Terri**. Both Boyt Flooiad Royal Blues...... IS 0 1.000 NSW York, March 4.—(AP) — boid a 37 to 84 daclaton ever tto T to setup this year Is tto sama as 's naked Ks. 7 after the pro- be flnUhed this weekend. Tnick 1:30— On Wings of Bong 9:30—Melody Moment*. sMas Maotod M H te rM w tha aOMP cheater Memorial hoapital. men Mr*. Agnes Hess and Mrs. held fire for fear of hitting our own leaders gathered 933 points. They came out fighting tn tha first Maroons ...... 9 4 .692 Rumor fo u n ^ : Vsa Mungo will locals. Foasttog o f forinar Bpriag- last yaar and It hasn’t Improtrsd r UnUnary gnmM fOr tto Mbar sa w load after truck load of gravel has 1:45— Radio Voice o t Religion— «a .4 T - U . < We also extend our aympathy to Marjorie Bradley and the wonder­ men. Those 104th boys were doing Danbury— (A P ) —Bocslled Repub- Alice Faye, Constance Bennett 10:00—Radio Pulpit. round. Eddia appeared narveus. his Shamrocks ...... 9 4 .692 er; Bonin D n w t With abOw up to norlda to a day or so fleld High schools sad Hartford with age . . . No. t meets N*. 7, pUoas era oomplatod. JMft wWak been dumped Into the drive. llean organization forces hailed as Rev. Thomaa L. Glynn 10:30—Mualc and American Youth. aad a (toy or so later will sign with Trade luminaries, thSy have s tost, A. Vteatk, A. ZannlHa qai bl Mrs. Robert Blnks who Is now con­ ful committee that assisted them. a good Job September 12 and 13. At And Nancy Kelly Starred In 3:00—American* All—Immigrant* usual coodltlott at tbs start of a Speedboys...... 6 7 .462 No. 3 meets No. 8, No. 8 SMSts No. Dtry will oeenpy that spoi ds- A t the meeUng Tuesday night, we fined at the Memorial Hoepital after a victory in the city nomination of 11:09—Miurtcal Interlude. the Dodgers. A day or so later he well bslanoed aggregation that wtll teRshn f tetow d ter the V n s A We had a variety of baked dishes, Ormont Farms up beyond Verdun State Oirering. AU fight. As the local boy gains wper- Falcon* ...... 6 7 ;462 8 and No. 4 nesM No. 8 . . . ni ande ed the ^ nMoii Md MMlMr dew Ofiwiv baUsva there wlU be a demonstra­ undergoing an operation Tuesday. there was no Infantry In front of us Charles M. Hatch for mayor In the ll:05-:-Jullo Marttoea Oyanguran. Comiskey; Negro Champ tttSy go to the Pbile for Hugh Mul- provide the PA’s with plenty of this arrangement tbs strongest 'airflald and Krldgaport Oantral' salads and dessert. Nine Gold Star 3:30— Words a-tthout mualo guitarist. ' lence he is losing much of the wild- Cougar* ...... 8 10 481 tion of wresUlog holds and police We pray for her complete recovery Mothers were present and we were except at one point In the woods. election March 27. ' ness that chafaetorlsed hla snrly Mohawk* ...... 8 10 481 esby, (Judge Landis may decide competition. The Amerks will eer- teams ara mssttog tto waiJisst Torrlagtaa gstow that wtn ba defense tricks. This should be worth soon. Mrs. Kinks Is a hard work­ 3:00— Phllharmonie Bjrmphony So­ 11:16—Chimney House. to U to a hand to the oasei...... uinly tore to to at their best if ^ a t tto Naw M aw Arena to- well pleased that so many were The open ravines on both flanks Hartford —(A P I — The Public Featuring some of the most spec­ ciety of N. Y.—J. Barbirolli bouts. Sharkey seemed to have Heighto ...... 8 10 .381 Faces Bob Pacho h Cnba toanm, at toast on paptr . . . tbs aastng. Yours truly saw the two ing member of the Mons-Yprea Aux were guarded by machine guns at 11:30—Tapestry of Melody. Whlsser White spiked the one that they expect to oorm through with a iL able to attend. They each received Utilities Commission granted s per­ tacular fiying ever seen on the Conductor thrown caution to the wind and de­ Games schedulsd next Thuredsy fairest sad most lo g l^ mstbod. It tiq jb rth a combatants In practice and It was lllary. night. manent certificate, to the Connecti­ 13:00—Music for Modem*. tto aloofnasa of tto toffs at Hox- stunning upset over the favorites. Bristol aad Osatral anrviva a small gift. Our department screen, and telling for the first time 5:00— St. Louis Bluea pended on a wild swing to gain him night st East 81de Rec, marking ssems to us, would to to sand No. Tba tbon I good. Brnddei. It Is coming near to And now for the atory of the big While the Marines were guarding cut Lighting and Railway Company P. M. ford has him down and that he'll A Spleadid A m y UMM MSMte llABrtMilil'S ttftt president, Mrs. Nellie Graham: de­ the«story of women of the sky, 5:30— Ben Bemie and all tha Lad* the verdict Aa a result be missed close of league season: Royal Blues 1 sgatost No. 6, No. 3 against No. dectioB time and you should get bowling match—"we lost," thJ scenery in Heaven, We were find­ to operate buses In Bridgeport over 13:30—Oypay Mood*. New York, March 4.—(AP)— » seek solace In the pro football and This will be the eeventh game eppoasm wtn ba MauMtMk, tto partment secretary-treasurer. Mr*. ’Tall Spin”, 20th Ontury-Fox pro­ with Lew Lehr repeatedly. Elm contented himself V*. Speedboys, Shamrocks vs. 8. No. a sgstoat No. 7 and No.- 4 arouad to pick good men to run the Jeems. ing out about Hell. However, when the loop formed by Boston svenue, 1 3 :46—Near* and Weather. Natlc Mann can land hla right a another $15,000 contrsct....Davey played between these teams and against No. 8 . . . team that whljyMd^^^OerltaMSR te Cecily Kelly: Mrs. Alice Riling- duction whldh comes Sunday to the 6:00— The-Slisfr Theater —Guest 1:00—Irene Wicker’s Musical Play. '. wito keeping his chin protected by a Heights, Maroons va. Falcons, Cou­ 0— WhltiNF, I f srgantaaUon. I woofl, department membership It comes to a showdown we all take Boston terrace, BIrdsey street and O’Briai, who swore bs wouldn’t, ’hits ths locals bold a flea to ons Um of 1— Oaatan. K . State theater. Is reported to be Star* 1 :30—Salute to the NaUon* to tha „ terolght le ft ’The round ended even gars V*. Mohawks. little oftoaer and mere accurately, ' Hartford District Commander chairman: Mrs. Marion Bill, County off niir hats to the doughboy and Palisade avenue. will tuni pro If the club that hires edgs to tto serlM. It won’t to sur­ t lo ti to tb t lOOtli tWlM M l fmmws ' ■ o . . British War Velhrans .Auxiliary nmashlng romantic melodrama of 6:30—Gateway To Hollywood— New York World’s Fair. With nq real blowe struck. that eemehaek he’s trying may W * raaltoa, o f eouraa. that N *. T, Stephen Oooke baa been admitted to Americanism chairman were pres­ that's why we In Manchester always Hartford— (A P ) —^^Attomey Gen­ adventure. . |n tlM ssoond, Eddls opsnsd up. In him will ^tch to a xhOst writer. prising to ssa TtompseavUls oa top to tto finals at tto stat* oeopt aad I •••••% ' On Friday night. February 24, the Jesse L. Lasky and Quest 3 :00—Sunday Dinner at Aunt mean eomethtog. Rue de Bocko: Promoter Har­ say, can upset No. I, the gano of the Newington Hospital and our Auxiliary and post were special ent and all spoke. The entertain­ think of a Company and Its broth eral Francis A. PallottI In an opin- Alice 6'aye, Constance Bennett '8 wild sxehangs of haymakers to MONDAY JUNIOR LEAGUE whan the flasi erhlstls b lo m For tto aaml-Anato at tto Now Bngtond I ••••«• 7:00—The People Platform Fannsr**. This Issgus has oompletod Its sea­ The husky New Haven, Oosm., man Taylor Is telling 'em down In they really have a brilliant quintet basketball being m uaoartata aa It, play. N t o p t uck Past Commander "Cap" Peterwin giirats of the V. F. W. at their home ment consisted of piano selections era. tret's not forget It was none lo.i drafted by Assistant Attorney and Nancy Kelly are starred In the . Elm’s corner, Sharkey went down U, but It nevertheleM holds trus that 1—^msas, s••• who Is Senior Vice Commamler will 7:30— Screen Guild- 3:80—ConnecUcut Hall of Fam* son at thq West Bids Roe with CUf' belter who has been trying to re­ PblUy they have a 75 per cent that has swept through the tough- van opposttwa by ■tondord aZ Dm at the Green Everyone reported by Rlesnorc Woo Trixie, who files because she needs 10:30— Kaltenbom Oommanta anne aad ehoulders. It was Shar- W. L P ol against Buddy Knox o f Dayton, 0 „ hleek-offs and other tatrleats 10:46— CMpltol Opinions 4:00—Vivian Della Chlesa at Madison Square Garden last flghtere for Chleege and D etroit.. , . maneuvers o f tto game sad work­ toea Monctootor'o I M te* w fll bs n ••••• # out o f boys and the Interest Uie taken seriously 111 on Thursday and at the mesting as Marjorie Bradlev Heaven, rate cnpitala. my frand. the money and because It's danger 4:15—Hendrik Van Loon. k ty s round. Eagles ...... 8 0 1.000 Tommy Farr personally made his boya are taking In the work. The wtsh her a speedy recovery. Also or Agnes Hess will have them there. And that goes for the last word In she's after. Constance Bennett 11:00— News, Weather gJIoM BEfEEfIC nlghL ing as n unit all five men aro po­ W e suppose we ought to to all in New Britate High, tto 1 sai that 0—Mes, Ig SSS-PPPPPP 9 4:80—The Shadow. SL John’sa , , , * , , , , , , , 3 1 ,087 match with Red Burman jn London tential scoring throats whaasvtr favor of tto tourney pairings as fross Dm P-OssOs, Iff b^ra will elect their offlcera this af­ our nienilier Mrs. Julia Kinks, who There are still several dues to be that sentence, too. By the way, was SEAUNG SHIP SAFELY play* Gerry, society playglrl who 11:15—Oszle Nelson'* Orchestra , mat was barasrk as bs caus out Texacoa...... 3 3 JMO Mann’s timing was off at times 11:30—Archie Bleyer** Orchestra 6 :00—Uncle Exra’a Sunday A fter­ end Joe Gould la worrying about they can grab bold o f tto bait. long as Manotoatar la rntad No. 1 IMS tountoy wHh a ternoon. at the present time. Is confined at paid and It la greatly desired th.-it that a dirtv crack about the "fight- takes up IT.ytng becaiine she finds noon to Rosedale. tot tba third. Bis right was cocked RockvUle ...... 3 3 400 but he finally began to oonnact with bis 86 par esnt out of Tommy’s the Hospital. W# hope fier stay will these be paid as soon as possible Inge.sf outfit In the AEF7 W ell the sky'* the place to hide from 12:00—Wayne King's Orchestra Joe the kUI aa be im Jkbhed Shar­ Their SUto are Just aa Strong aa and Mould stand a hatter ahaass vistoryry Into tho tto opanteg rteaSSffSw assaaueuee E The tickets for the Joint annual 5:30—SpeUIng Bee— Paul Wing, Highland Farh ...... 3 3 .800 bis right aad won tbs tost fivs sh lire... .Don't to surprised If El rtvola tetmsriy erot soch other at fematlMtfttMt JIM baiuiuet are on the market. The be very short. We would also like to hear from have a huddle with Pearson tin this ANCHORED IN HARBOR love. Nancy Kelly is Lola, who A.M. key all around the ring. Five righto some o f tto regulars and all In all sgatost No. 7 thsa No. 8 . . . how­ ^lU ng Master. Bolton ...... 0 4 .000 rounds to earn the decision to a Oalento shows up on the Valles they appear to be the best team ever, we kicked about It wbsa Man- least onoe during tto ir regular (Ma­ K S f K w i MtktMh-ijmme atolaidon Is 75 cents per person. On Thursday night) Hie Units some of the leaders In the various one, buddy.) flies because It brings her closer to 12 ;3(1—Harry Owen’* Orcheatra 6:00—OithoUc Hour. to the Jaw, almost to suceeselon, had OamM schedulsd next Thursday tough ten-round scrap. A couple of hour any week now. from the V F. W sndluir B, W. groups. Just what they are planning her husband, to whom flying means the WUUmantle boy groggy but he that bos played on any loeal court ohestsr waa one of tto ’Tambar’ aad sons but sports rsistloBs b s tw w Ths menu will consist roast tur­ 6:80—New* end Weather. night st YMCA: RocIcvUIf} vs. Bol­ rights In the seventh and ninth hurt FlorUla flashes: (4iarlis Orlmm thim itttn n tto schools were osvsnd flvo years key and fixing*. The date la March Vets and Auxiliary had their first to do so as to raise some motley for Halifax. Nova Scotia. March 4.— so much. was tought aad refused to go down. ws’re klefctog about it now, both to 6:45—FltttTerette*. ton, Eagles va. Tsxaooa, 8L Johns Buddy. Mann weighed 191 8-4 sM who’ll brqsdebst ths Cub gsmas. Is Tha Amertu, wbila thay bava Dm tatorast o f fa ir play and Mr •gA Ps IS. tiowllng nialrti. Both Host and Aux­ the Unit. W> still have n few more (Canadian Press)—The 67-year-old In addition to the stars, "Tail 7:00—Jack Benny and Mary U v- He k q it swinging wUdly and at the Knox a pound less. plektag the Reds....Joe MoCarthy i f PPBZPP iliary of the Kritlsh Units were assessments to pay. PREDICTS GREAT P U C E sealing ship Ranger waa anchored Spin" features a fine supporting vs. Highland Park. In ordsr to eoto' fared none too brtlUantly to tto tto ssk* ef eonslstency .... Th en Is o rornoto posalMllty tost A bUBlnose pro{KiaUlon has cut togstone with Phil HarriF end was alasost helpissa to hla own PPZPZ safely today In outer Trepaasey har­ ptoU tks sebtduls aa soon as p6sM- The emallest crowd ec the siSies has shed S3 pounds, hut n6t from Polish Laagus, are out to upset the TbrriRriOR WlU to the sato tost If 1 my column short this week but 1 beaten. We congratiillntc both the cast headed by Joan Davis, Oiarlea Orcheatra. edam . Another mlnuto and he at the Oarden, 8443, turneS out tor worrying uout tto NsUensi If PPZPP _ Veta teams and shall ^I'e say, the YDVA bor after a three-day battle with Farrell, Jane Wyman, Kane Rich­ wouM have bean knocked cut but hie, games w ill alse bs Jilsyad Sat­ "dope bucket" and damonstrata T to stnagast argunMnt ogalaat OVPOMA IfMObMtMr AMt ‘I will be back next week with more. IN HISTORY FOR FDR RADIO 7:80—Band Wagon wKh Orehse urday night storting next week wttn the bout, Mann’s fifth straight vic­ Laagus... .Jimmy Double-X has s 9 PPBffPpp 4 best team alwaj-s wink R was an Spring (a Just around the comer heavy seas that flooded her engine mond, Wally Vernon, Joan Valerie that they still have something on S y but this poirlag osa o ^ to BEE-EL trE; the bell saved him. The referee lift­ fresh cold and Beantown is praying tto ton-plsyer limit, which has toaa .. IV RPPPPPZ evening well spent and a line ei-owd but there are plenty of our comrades and threatened to swamp her. and Edward Norris. Rey Del Ruth ..... Day the following seheduls; Bsgtos vs. tory. The gate was $11,007.87. the ball. When the locals are able •JtabUsiMd for. tto New « »g | f—i brought sbout tt both Ttoringtoa 8:00—Don Ameche, Edgar Bergen ed Eddie’s arm and this Urns there it doesn’t herald a return of that 6 -T u tU A K ppprpppta S 4 W'as there to cheer their favorites. Tha Ranger was towed to port late directed the film with Dairy F. Za- St. Johns, Highland Pork vs. Rock- i^atrtOk Edward Oomickey, the to have their team at full strength oad FslrflsM ora tto winners to­ who are finding the going a bit Meadvllle. Pa., March 4— (A P ) — and Cbarlla McCarthy. were no boos but a mighty cheer. old sinus trouble....Psnnsnt talk tounuunent by the New BngteiMl Anderaon-Hbea Auxiliary, V. F. W. The next bowling match will take yesterday by another sealer, the nuck In charge of pr^uction. vUe, Texscos vs. Bolton. young cloutor from Pateraon, N. J„ and ore working on all oyltoMra nlghL I f Fatiflrid nnd Control win, rough Just now. Ed Frazier has Norman Thomas predicted here that 8:00—Manhattan Merry-Go-Round In tbs GlgUo bout, tba fans svl- among the Reds at Tamps is strict­ AseoeUUon at flecondary flcbeol T-Tsti^ ‘z^ 5 There was s very goths rulss... .flenor Ro­ Frtndpala, Is tto t tto nils to to at the meeting last Tuesday cve- at the West Side ReiTCatlon. aboard the leaking vessel. producer. winning 11 four-rounders, ton by baat and Sunday's gam* Rieuld stoslsr WlU atlU to dnusB ogatast BIssell 1* recovering from pneu­ rated six years ago today— “ will go iar Music. local boy la a mtaiature Tony Oal- . Y INTBEanCDIATB LEAGUE berto Ortts, the Senstors' Cuban d in et conflict to tto baste aim of P. ■- F. T. ‘ . Bing. After the buslne.ss ae.xston, Om "Huddy News*' pals. "See- monia. Jeff Blanchard has been sick The steamship Newfoundland had though tha coronaUoo o f Pop* Plu* knockouts, Comiskey waa held to a provs to to top* to hoskatball play aeboolboy sports, namely, to provide Nsw Britain. T to Ctorkesaen arot down In history as one of our great taken off 18 member* of the 150-man 10:00—^The Circle. onto Inasmuch as he depends on pitcher, has an English voesbulsry 8—J, Tyter, if ..•••• P Pw P refreshments were aerved in the Hee", "SIretch" and ^'Bee-el" were hut hot too 111 to keep him from X n take* place la tha Vatican kt wild svrtags to win his boiito- Ot six-round draw by Gene Bonin ot aa both teams w ill to shooting ths sthletlc seUvlty for as many boys Torrington to ths IfM toutiMy and 0 Z l ^ i f ...... t 8-8 P "new dinner hsll" by Mrs. Ruth est presidents If he gets out of office crew but heavy weather praventsd 8WE.ARS LOT.ALTY TO BRITAIN. U ;00_N 'ew * and Weather. consisting of “yes," "no," "hokay" seored a 38-88 uproL there, and asking for our comrade adding s new member t" oiir chap­ a Ume corresponding to tha early 11:15—-Johnny Messner’s Oiehes- ■clsnee hla knowlsdge to nli:_He was Tigers ...... •••8 0 1. New Haven. Comiskey floored Bonin "tolM it essy.” Bo he’s got works to ttoir sflOrt to to tto tm» as poesibla . , . O-LsOlupals, 9 ... P P-P iff Beckwith. Mrs. Alice Virginia and "Jeems" Guess It wlas the Dart before be gets iia Into war." transfer of any others. 'Those re­ for s count at three to the third toan Sunday. T to flatots nasd this ter this week, fiamanlhy had Intes­ Ttiomas. national chairmen of the maining aboard the Ranger balled morning hours In this country, all tm. matched against Joe (Tonway,' 'o f Pirates ...... 8 0 1. hlmaslf engaged to s eebool tostcher. t r sfls Utotte Tnsstey M r^ Anna Barron . I..eague that kept hipi away We tinal trouble and had to be pushed Singapore, March 4.— (A P ) — round, hut he didn't seem to know wto badly for tto Isogno ttti* to at Socialist party and three times hla ceaselessly to keep the ship afloat. networks will broadcaot the evenL ll:8 ()—C3iarlle Barnett’s Orchestra. Holyoke. Both weigbad 147... Center Springs...... 3 1 Tittle Tattle: Aa Ohio SUto it beeomeo T to pairings ter tto Dde round o f IwiiifflilMlls W •••••# V a 9 t The Auxiliary will sponsor a lood hope to see them all again at our home by Commander Allen from the Swearing loyalty to Great Britain, stato whito tto FA 's wtob to fU n party's candidate for President, said The Ranger wtll be taken to St. The date la March 13. 13:00—Omy Gordon’s Orchestra. Koya Oa Boaadboase Suicides 1' 3 > Just what to 96 wbR) Oena got up freshman footballer etoa ruahed to toreugh overwhelming desin for tto Cu m R event hgve all b w com- S' Murphy, k r ...... I *4 sale Saturday, March 11. at 10 next match We'll reserve plaees V F.W. club U^e other night and the 52-year-old, tennis-playing Sui- aad bemui to connect With a looptijs this vletory to Itoprova ttoir ISogw be believed Mr. Roosevelt's foreign John's for repairs and probably will tai Abdul Axlz was InstaUed today The chains will ramata on tha air 13:80—Fletcher Henderson’* Or> . -A t the Btarthoth boya came to- Vernon •••0 3 hespital with appeadioitls. His Vletory, to create rules and rsi, g ito d and Mastesstm Tiflds priM o'clock In the J. W. Hale atorr. The for them as srnrekeepCnT hasn't been reglstsred yet. which rscord and to regain soma o f tto m policy svas "too peraonsllzed.” add­ not engage In sealing this 3rear. on the thron* of Perak, in Kula all night If aacaasaiy. A * now ehaatm. * gather In a dtoeb. They wrestled Eagles a, , , V, •,•••• .0 1 ligb L Pat’s own favorite weapon. first caner was head Ooaoli Fraacla ttons deeigaed to limit ooaipMtara Ud off ttoto . fifth tounay io—Tbtais ...... is 1 . M ' j / following ladle* were asked to help means I walk again. until broken by the referee. In this prestige they to v * tost as a rssult ing: Kangsan, the royal town m that planned. It I* tha tataatloa not to 13:88—N«w*. Hawks. . 2.....,'...... 0 8 flchmldt who brought flowers—aad to any brnneb o f tatorselioloBtle ^riim.qext ’Itoedfly, sftsfBooe Poors st hsIfDiito: 14-18, ftesMA erlth the sale: Mrs. LUlian Llndere. Soma years ago I had to walk in at tbSr Ipoor shewtny tto toagus. NsfsNit: " "Although It has some good NEWSPAPERWOMAN DIES wealthy Un producing Malay stats. sign oS at tha uanal hour next 1:00—BUcst. round it was a case of the lofial b ^ Thaaebsdids st M xt week’s play, CUBAN FYYLE f ig h t . ^ a book at nlay diagrams... .They sport, then stolsUo acDrity falls to Yai* Univarrity aimtest Naw Brtt- chslrman. Ruth Beckwith. Jane . troerican Lieglon spile of enlisting In Ui* cavalry, but points. On tbs whole the President The installaUon of the new ruler Saturday night, but to coatlaoe maktoR «Ud. aKtogs.ond missing by on Monday aad Friday nights, la Havaas, Haroh .4— (A;F)—For a n demanding aa sat-off betwasn fulfill Its proper functlCR ond should ^ Triida, on old rival with whom Fertln, Maud Leggett, Anna Barron. Foi s number of weeks this col­ the Infantry had to have some help a mQa and Conway defending bim- tba flist time etooe 1818, when Big ThonmaenvOto w U IteSrt a t wttb stoWteiJ to tever of sa ^ tetia- the ishSMrltoS split o w this osa- Catherine Evans Florence ivierson seems to want too much power." Genoa, Italy, March 4.— (A P ) — was conducted with Oriental pag­ with added special programa, to not mrsUaMs as tbs to a ra Is bstog Elawr Layden add Jtotaqr Fwes who umn has been announcing the com­ or the war might have been lost. Edna Mary HoWell Rupnlk, Ameri oeU with U tt Jato because o f his Jees WlUard hnocked out Jack Miller, LigRUto, Jactus, FOtoryio ral program .... sea la two gsoMS. Other B gaatos aad Gertrude Buclianan In on Interview and later tn ad- eantry and waa proclaimed by Sir eluding concert mtiaic and other resrrsngsd. Ths F sglss havd red 0 dsad boat to oonsaoutlee baa- L ing of Professor Schenker to our Our mud-csked doughboy comrade, can newspaperwoman and lecturer, GABLE MAY BE FREED . auparier iaateb Near the cod of the Johnson iq 36 rounds under a broil- quato attewtod flnriag tto w tator.. aad Knurs with AadTOtowski, Zer- ssad Branford, ctotepUa tto past 0— A. Zenmltte, f t . Members, some one of the ladles dresaing a forum last night 'thomas Bhenton Thomaa, governor of Sing­ features, uaUl th* ceramonto* atart piled tor I* adwlstlsii, whiah RRVaa 1- J.Zumlrierid.lf February meeting and 'now that he Bee-et, like all the rest o f us, saw died Friday at her villa after an apore, Britain’s key naval, mlUtary r q ^ OigUo want down but not It necessary to ehangt ths sehadtito. tag sun at tba Oriental Park rate 'Tto SSn Fraactoeo fit r has written oasa, Novak and Oumntok rtedy to Ws an top|w to say ttot Frlblt- two years, agiUnat Wsihsirsaud st srill be giving you a ring asking \-ou said ths Praaldent svould not b* ra- about 3:30 a.m„ which I* 8:30 Rome open any raguton should they fsl- 0—B. WltrsMsU, tf has tjeeh here we can iay "we told only that part of Ui* wai directly In elected to a third term. tUneoe of eeveral montha. and air base In the East Indies. Ume. ' from a pimch. I t wae more from the track aad woa the world heavy A l Sharp, golf export o f the Chat' n M. Bollqr o f Manebsotor 8:18 o'clock TuMday, Lymaa HsB of for a pie. cake or home made bread, front of him and doesn't rOmemher FROM WIFE TUESDAY tor. Tto PA’s will start off sritta 8—W. Psnhark, K you so." Profes.»or Siihenker was Asked If he would be a candidate Tha length o f the broadcast ha* moOMBtuia o f one o f hts arlld swing*. erelght ehunplonshlp. Cuba wlU sea tanooga nmaa tor tto handicap o f bolda to tola vtSerpOlnt . . , Wolltogford sgatost Bast Hartford doughnuts, beans or something in that machine guns wer* used tor tbstr regular Unetm aad OostM fb k X ^T S*»Ae yteesk. s .... • the speaker at our meeting last for the presidency again, Thomas not been Indicated,, but . It probably Hs was up to 8 second and at the a world tlUa Bgnc tonlghL(ODignz. avery golfer to Tsaa-O-Sae. You I mad* that plate te his oanusl o t 8 o'clock and Wtodsor against food. MofidaJ- night and all tlioae who bell both w an wreeUtog to the mid- Hatrieaaa H«uHairy Armstnag of hoakt fssto that Id s ctoigas or^ ■oymour to tto algbtoSp at 8:16 Z-M. Ruhoeha.s . . . 8 0-0 said emphatically, **no." wtll run several hours. La* Vega*. Nev., March 4.—(A P) ton 'mb. a l reports, potattag qpt that’ “aatra- . _ Katksvssh. fff. 0 _ _ The Hartlord County iioiimll will were not there mlsaed a rare treat . die o f tha r t ^ . SAM SNEAD MINER Lea Angtees to nntttog Ms wtetor- S p % OOektaU: E l Chleo raady tor tto eltol oaga lUL A baa- o’riock. ficynwur drisata I Plato' *ff be held In Manchester, Sunday al- —By next ’Tuesday, Clark Oable, eurriculor oettvtuss functlan as 8 -4 }. ByehotakL iff . 1 0-p | Onei member made the remark that C b o w » oema out Jabbing to the weight crowB,B, tto leas vshiahto Of (wtoehU to tto darby wtator booh nar crowd to ea p tettoa s this game training for worthy uro of Mauts, vUlc. 85-M, to a playoff for tto tamoon March 12. in the V.F.W. On th* Saturday night list: the Idol o f many' a feminine film the two to holds, on tto WtU prove to to tto highligbt ganw 1—Z. (Ubart, Ig -V- 8 1*8 * "he could listen fo him all night' Gives Mentol DAILY PATTERN -l^lk*:-W JZ-NBC A Sen. Chart** fan. may be frea to marry bkmda sMoad. Tbs loeal lad continued hla fhvorito) win to broaaed ovar a to dsveioping wortowhilo hsolto oad aightb berth In tto 'tourney. , post rooms. Florence Peterson wtll sgtenst Aottor Los Aagalss/dtl- at tto Ztato PaHsb League sched- Five games were pUyed in tto which seemed to he not only his FIND INCENDIARY BOMBS L McNaty aad Rap, Joseph W. Oarple Lombard, screen actres* aad ” hit and totoq toctlea. Conway, for- OFLDKSnATOFF baM aflia tor tto flnt Uraa bsforo ebsraetor totots, oad la provtdtog i ^ T o t a i s ...... J . . i i T i i i z have charge of the refreshmept# to3>t lita datonao for a aacoBd aad that sen, Bobby Pacho. T to hem Is UdlinM At ula. (gaaa C-D preUntlRariM at Weaver opinion but the opinion of sll those for Theft By CAROL DAT Martin; WEAF-NBC 9:45, Wm. hlS/tomost constant companion at RMOM for tto prirtiesi oppllrotten OSstor I Plans are being made fr»r a Joint present Maybe we ran have him protod fatal Olglio found tha opaa- isdulsd fbr 18 Nohdi aad loeal Zd flsRth, form I d tha prsgnltaaiy tto FA giria Higb'e gym to Hartford lostoalght banquet of the post and Auxiliary. Randolph Hearst on "A I ^ a for pteture colony affairs for the past of wortto oebool oad ooaatefl " with us again some time In the fu­ IN DEPARTMENT STORE You U love this frock because it’s thrM yeETS. mg with hla roundhouat right aad flgM sapssto tou N It Is Hhaly to ______Titor. who baa to win ha iiik h t th& fifth League rittosnshl^ la ao other way i wlUi tto faUowiag raculta: Fsrai- 0—StrattoR, I f < March 16. Mrs. Sophie Anderson is Proqierity’’; WABOCBS 10:45, ■L Petowharg. Fla,. 8 lii«i 4. — go tto whit ajaeogh Avatotraag M wto te sewtoan gaasM at tto so- togtoa dWMtod fitoPloA 61-36; ture. There was an initiation of new pretty, it’e practical oqd It’s a ptln' Gov. J. W. Brickar at Ohio on "An' Mrs. Maria Gable, 49-y*ar-eld wifa Otoway dioppad ooM la eae Rfmrte baiflllag p n a i rolatkma tor tto ttoy bs Justifled" . . . 8— Buetor, tf . ‘ chairman from the .Auxiliary. Mere ces*. And It wtU probably be tha and t u ity aeeeada o f the round. The (A F )-^ fonrVoot patt for a hMto 1 iiiti wiiReiliig tovortte. D eflgtei, MR bosa mada bustooM panaaaf t t o g L AdaHiart teastaa Tbomaston oHinlnMed Nsthaa Hale, member* at this meeting also the \tioadea. M uch 4— (A P )— Two nivar*ary o f COagraa*.” of th* actor, 11 year* her Junior, on 8 Osar, e • • a p s • • a about our nanquet next meeting. moot popular prtnesa* rinca Uttia Monday ariO complete the required local'hOKsr reoRved a treatoadous two oa ths 88th hela garo lla a n d a ’ Itoeho to a pretty t « ^ oastoro* of tto BrooUyB-owned Thla should prqva to bo aaothar 46-83; TerryvIUe ousted Platafisld, 3—Conn, e At this time we have several ceremonies being conducted by Past bomb* were found today WEAF-NBC—7:80 Santa Anita Bare toaa bsatM oOto saongh, Tto New Baglsad Sssssisttaa. by remmander* Knapp, Kennedy. Jen- Snow White. 43 dairs o f residence In this southern hand as ha ellmhed out e f tha ring. Basnmy Saaad o f White M ph n r ff.. Affc„ ehib....DriUsh fast gasM. Tto prattaiteary wUI 48-81; Salisbury nipped Danbury 3—Kennedy, rg members on the ah k list. We wish beOpath two o f the largest depart- Handicap (also CBS pad MBS at but bars hard to floar sad |m h arol its setloiL IMS sotabUriMd a bed ney. Bronke, and Mahoney with the It ’* delightfully almple, young, Nevada d ty which lures tho** j -^Jlto reaulto o f tha bouts follow: footban yiiiyero an tbreatontog to start at 840 p. r l to to foUowod snsnipis tost may wsU Iqnd to Trade, 88-81; and Berlin trouneed 3— Borst, them all a speedy reeover\. maat storaa la Birmingham oa po- 7 ); 8 Tommy Riggs, 8:80 Pennsyi- Dprthgs, W. V a„ flrte ptoea atoaqr ■I ■nooBM ov* owes xMntwn ■oaron,A aron , e45-17. o -ii. • f • able assistance of our preaent Com­ ellm-walsted and flaring. ■ Anybody tog quick divorce, aad wOl —^Mehbv EUto, 148. New BriUaL strito If their pay lo it raised fraae teUMdIatoly by tha mate attrae- flsgroat ama sad atemso te i 0— Server,r. Ig Uea. b*C*B 90 InUnatve aearcb for 'Mis. vantana (Ftoale); 9 Vox Pop; 10 oa a kacekout to tha saoMM to tha 88400 ZL F st si te w t « t « > Oaiela dM tt seoew l yssw bgo. Ms 88 to 48 hMto per week..., EUaworth High at fioutb 8ei Wtod- mander. tarroilata. between sUea 12 and n can wear IC-4A track moet Me to obtain a decree Im* boy othlotio indsavsta, toot _ _ British War Veterans it gracefully. It button* up th* There were Indleatloiu, iH E iad ever, J ^ Qeas, 149, Wnitweii', golf tounamsaL I leehsd roiy gMd hi trotaWg s6r, coacto d by Hugh OrOraor, amtoe U —Totals ...... I 1 .1 1 U Monday night was also' the date A n w pareat attempt to bomb a WABC-CBS—7:30 Joa E. Brown; woU MU tto true tetsot aad opirit Its first C-B start at 8:)' 80 o'eloek rhe Mons-Ypre Post and Auxil­ of our bowling teams latest match front to the chin. The plain neck' that the would not appear 'Tfe; Billy Sk i * ^ 188, RoekirUle. wea Saaad aad H aaiy Fleted o f Hai^ sf totersebolsstle sports . . . tto fleer* st hsIftlmS: 17-8. TlipHS. iary were the guests for the second roUlOM Midge In London and three 8:80 Prof. Qulx; 9 Phil Baker; 10 oote r A ffOod this afternoon agninst Newington and they won two out of three. :T} line and oleeves that puff at the Judge William E Orr befotp Tues­ dfclelen over Chick Barrla, 188, New shay. Pa„ with dTs were all aqparo Assoetotloa bos b w rsalas te Its RefereM: MIkotelt—LnsflO. time this year of the Anderson- ■iMultonyua firea at Birmingham Hit Parade. , at the and ef tbs flnt 18 bolss of iMataiowbl nnd Tourtelotto InoM Utcbfleid at While winning thiee straight Is al shoulders and narrow In to the arm, day. ' ' Britato; Hearr Davis, 184, New duty to tom to tto duty to the pub- Bhea post and Auxiliary at the V. F. olao were reported. WJZ-NBC-T Mauaga of Israel; BriUaL wen dedaioD over Bobby their playoff, and asMn additienal :anry wtegtod m a r U S 8:46 otcUek, tbaro gemro compict ways better they have to slip once The police oougbt a country . are flniahed with crisp pleated frills Green May Acquire Lead He, to Its duto to upheld raertacasa- 8:30 Brant House; 9 Bam dance; 10 to Feeboto 148. _ tto pUydowM to tUs cUm wltb W. Home last Friday evening. This or lace ruffle*. Jofaaaoa, 188, Holyoke; Reary hotoa wera wqalrod tor a dsrtsloa. get-together given in honor of the In a while. The team* now tied lor bouae wtaert they believed suspect­ NBC Symphony. Tbsy had flaktesd tha ngotottea 86 OBbalB __ 18 R»> Srip tto eneepDoa e f one ganw next Last Night *s Fights Make thl* right now ot flat crepe, Reevaa, 118. South Wtodeor. wen r British War Veterans wu* very second place tilth high hopes for the ed Iitfh Republican Army extrem- Sunday brings: TWO KILLED IN CRASH ctoion over Vito Falartto, 117, beiaa trial at 807. abto mdst par. paeted to paskpaskTteptete Monday to dsetds tto winner of much enjoyed by all who attended. lead Soon. 'The next date la Monday, leta had aataUlBhed headquarter* thin wool or silk prinL Wear a fril­ WEAF-NBC—U:80 ptoi. Chicago ThoapoMvUle; Irlati John Mock. I t marbad tha tooith ttoM to aa Its 18.060 In Rec Circuit Tuesday eighth plaoe. By AfiZOCUAfP PSaZZ We are very sorry that more of March 6th and this time their op­ and an areenal. ly petucoat with It, or sew In petu- Roundtable, "Outlook for Europe,'' 160, fuckvUto, won on a knockout to n sa y yean axtra play has bsMi Bse- 880.000 New York—Natle Mnaa, 181IL our roeroPers could not t>e present, ponents will be the number one team coat ruffles. The skirt is extm-flar- Dr. Bene* aad Others; Id O (also NEAR SPRINGFIEU) eaaaiy to dstonntos the wtonst of bava bi MR tataoMto of beteer FAVOMTEfi TRIUMFN TO cmCCK JAPANESE the aecotid round over Charlie ToBy, HOCKEY New Havefl, outpstotod Zuddy but owing to many other activities from Wethersfield, This Is the team ed for the purpoee. Wear it this CBS and M ^ > : World's Fair aaluU 154, Hartford; Don Lyons, 181, ♦ihro tMOsmBiinL 8400 at tto iva abuadyanlaoab T to New Haven, March 4.—(XP) — Knou. 180%, OaytoR. O , (1 4 ); Pad and sicknesses a gtxxl many were which Is leading the leasee and as auramer In-gotton. * from Yugoslavia; 8:30 Symphony The vIetocT was worth 1700 to T to tom s to Maadiestor'Btostor'B slnTsn toxt week’s gamro wttb tto Bast Ive blgbly ' rated qutotoU that Manila, March 4.— IAPJ — The Holyoke, won' deetolon over Bud Comlriugr. I9g%. PalMuoR, N . 1 , forced to miss this big treat. the match will be at Murphy's a]' Pattern 8481 Is designed tor elae* club of Philadelphia; 6 Unda Eva; Bpringfleld, Maso., March 4,— Oerinley, 184, WUUasatle; Sonay toad. Altooagh Ptoard rossivsd ploOe JlSMIjr haahatlRll Isaguae—CSlfferds’ bi tto 8ldM UlMhf to M M t toil mlUlAflk hnidUfi tto qualifying round tests SDd OwM Boote, 189%. NSW H o w . ■ PMUppInc government wae reported (AP)—Edward HltkosU 34. at only 8480 for aoeoad ptato. It beoat- porition te the Wild (tots, who have Jotoad tto seedsd defending eham. The Brltlahers srem to be very leys In Manchester, we ought to 13, 14, 16. 18, 30 and 40. SUe 14 ra- 7 Jack Benny; 8 Charlie MoCartliy; PhllUpa, 180, HOiyoke, eroa o a . a ebele* e f Cttboa boatog eSIeiala for Monday Junior League and tto diew. (8): Patsy P s i i ^ 198%. popular up at the Green tor one of have some rooters out to give the today to be planning stepa to check quircf 41-3 yards of 39-inch SprtogSeld, and Anna DCkuska, 17, sd bto wtontags tor o a past two refaree aqd bedb manageni agraed DOM lamovtag atoadily. 8L Paul 8 Tulsa 8 plen, Mancheeter, today to tto ClaM Japaaeoe Infiltration to the lalanda 10 The Orcle. Uhhalrol knockout to Um 8rst round Oevelsad outpalatad Our T)nrori% the largest crowds seen in a long fellows encouragement. Come out terial with abort sleeve*. With long WABC-CBS—3 Amerlcaito at Chloopea FaBo. ware klilad Uxtoy over Harp Towaay, 167, Hartford; wasks to 884l0. Tap pttos la ths Royal Blun to tto Thuraday Junior IT f an over but tto ahoutteg la ■LLouto 8 Kansas C3ty 4 A tatorscholaetle boeketboll cham- Tba Manila Bulletin said th* De­ S10400 Crososiit O ty oaaa at Naw Laagus—but tto ottor four drctilto tournainant which wUI to 184. PbllsdsliAls.' (10)1 Jim Itobte- time waa on hand to greet them. and let the team know you are back ■leeves, 4 3-4 yards; 1 1-3 yard* Mayor LaOuardto guaat; 8 N. Y. wImb tha aatomobll*i to which they Lou BaniW a, 184, ’WflUinaatic woo tto Tburadsy laop n d next wash's WEEK-END SCNEBULB soo. 806%. Phuadslphte, outpotetofi We all felt very happy at the pleas­ of them partment of Finance was consider ware riding failed to nagottato a Oriaaaa broa|M btai 88i000i M d last go aaerrOy on eocli week te alp aad curing ganMO wOl find tto Royal daeldad' next week. mg aarloualy a proposal to dose the niching for neck and aleeve*. Philharmonic; 7 P a c e ’s Platform. so knockout to second tound e w BOl Boyd, 161. r ■ - ant atmosphere which prevailed. Thurailay. night was the great The new SPRING AND SUMMER curve near the Sprtogfleld airport. weak at Thoaiasvflla bis Irst taek races ttot aaom UkMy to lanve ^ to romate unbrotan Upoeto were marked by their ab> port ot Davao, oq Mindanao Island, "Neutndlty Law "; 7:30 Screes Tony fkae, 180, New Britofa. bRWRht I7W. eusee to last nlgbt’e pisytag e f tto (10). We enjoyed the entertainment and ni^ht for bowling this week. A l the PATTERN BOOK, 32 pagea of at- OuUd; 8 This I* New York; 9 Sun­ Tha nawea of Arthur Chaurto. 38. tha flaal outeenM tn dmbt right up thq leeedtojmk whlla tto CMeoge st Toronto tbs dancing very much and was go­ and pooelbly other ports. Alleged I wttsef tlMi to tbs aoRng wuek a. p)ay. tea and Marmtea seam like­ ------" II III qosUfyiiigiinstctos to New Raven, ClilraffR-ftoRs I 1 ^ West Side Rec. the much heralded aaniggling ot menehandl*e aad ho- tracUve design* for •vary atoe and day Evening Hour; 10:45 R4^ Han- ot SpringSald, and Otga.RadmiUi; 9MD9 99lMlBl9d ing to say "the eats", but Bee-el. liv­ 17. Chtoopaa Falls, tojurad aqrW Coni OaUsa, Fia, Marsh A — tto ir Mancheeter Oroen gets a cbaima ly to wind up tto campaign la Nsw Haven st I Brldgsport and Iflddletcwn. matchea between the VFW and the fiaaila Into the Islands waa cited as • vary oeearion. t* now raady. Proto- Uton FIrii oa *Ara wa ot T to remotolng two bertha wtU to u T P e s ite , BL. ( 8). ing up to the reputatloo of Billet 60, British American veterans and ths onoly to tba crash, ware placed cR (AF)—Diek Mats aat Ky LaffMe Mrs. Henry PIcaifl to ta to over iMilRrrtmi o f tto Rec p t e Da. CtovoUnd at had mopped up most of the beans the principal reason. graphs show dreaaea mada from Bttndly Into WarT WRESTLING ■enlor league TtoSuy aigbt te aritled tonight when two oonteoto T M b . 18% auxUlsines of these organizations thesa pattern* being worn; a faatura WJZ-NBC—8 Magic Kay; 50p*m tha Hangar Hat'ot Marcy hoqjtui. i win ba top sisdsd s MIhibI r dttoad- Is " Tto TMCU.t llC A ■anlor and Intonnd- Fravtdanoa at Hsrohiy before anyone was aware they were hig thalr totiritojlsBSI toariM meeting tto Pagaal Darbaro te tto dUto Lasgun bass shangod to o ■ynMuo* at FIttthiiigh aro played to New Haven. Roger took place and It waa a tough night RABBI WISE SAILS you win onjoy. Let tha churning AudlUaii*; 8 Naw frtasda at matle LudUiro Rigb of Fslifield meets being served. fo r the BriUabers. El-bee and 1 turn Baat fltda Rae algh toM whOa Omi- tsrtes-usri&y ashoRrie Sf slay In or­ flUNDAT (U). By special request 1 was asked, to dealgn* in thl* new book help you eoaeert; 7 Talk. A. J. Altoasyar; BOTH WIN IN SUIT — Osofga ter Billiards aaaam flkriy to tta tto Bristol te the flnt game aad Tor- ed out to act as scorekeepera, London. March 4.— (A P )—RabM der to btteg tha msMR t o n sIom NatUnal laagus tell the story of the Irishman who in your sewing. One pattern and tha 7:80 Seth Parker; 8 ClevelaBd or- 08, Austnlti, throw Vie Christy, i f PA'S ter aacendj^ ^baatli« befora Mootnsl at rtogton aad Bridgeport Central suggested by Bcc-el and agreed to Stephen Wise, United State* dele­ ‘ Pueblo, Oolo., March 4y—(AJ>i— Philadaipbia— —SN Etoc Tto Naugatuck leogn* itvsis. dash te r -ed the first shot and I gladly ac­ new Spring and - Summei' Pattern dieatra; 8 Hollywood PlayhouM: 10 03. BflalateL OsIK, 88:18. I . thiea attalght yaan hafin ths Msls- Temple forward wto aiand to .81 tto lowly West Bagtas a n rimwtel the way to too Datralt at Nm rYbrk Amaricana cepted this opportunity .to enlighten •by Jsema, but I guest they don'' gate to the deadlocked P*l»*ntt* Book—)5 cents. Pattom or ChaOTto. T m > mm snad aach other to oM rict BuEslA M. T ,—W ladM nr :iZ|OR) f *««■« ssatand ths 1888 tto algbtCap. , trust us. *rahtetjge«A^*e^M t M fig^lR Tto Barton * ad tto Oroen to Zsntor ctaeult d m i thrss straight Naw Yqto ItoaganM Boston some ot the folks who wars anxious “ It must hava baea a -tmiMna peaco eenferanee, sallad today ter fttoof 15 WOR-M B S -8 oou ta ad both won. T1ia>Juay aiwaM- .Tslun, 880, M a iA , throw OhaRo tltlA w e n n a lta i aroaad. Tto eioMit tktag to ou upost last New T otk aboard tha Queen Maf n t tha Hubiard- arias but anything ' to bear the story. Jeems didn't show up, which waa tloB ot aantal and physteal dis> For a PATTERN of this attiae- “War Ratotasdna.” . tag A. T . Otdanar 18480 Ratoogoo J’MalKMiy, 888. INteBO. «8:4T. aigbt was tto 86-38 aooro ganw la Just as well as thlnga turned ouL Ibar* were no *tgn* of a break to M atnagth, an wash ns ttoy msri atTSTStow**" Bridgeport betw w Baarisk of tbot Bec-el tried bis best to get his ■ >ong Period.* Tbatfli ttva modd send ISc In COIN, your Mowtoy expartoUase: froBi John Oillay for tho-daoth ot But I can Imaglse sriiat^wiU be tn tfia deadlock among Jew*. Arabs aad teringfloid at Fwiritenti etty. regardsd by many as a tevop- nose m once in awhile but the boy the why EDen Banaatt, unlvar- NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE NUM­ WEAF-NBC—1;80 p js . WonM OrdaMtto ocn, RayoMad. 18. to aa mjkMSSsM^ja m tu Tha taagna te a the column this week from the Britain over how and by whom Pal- m srtt'' I su Ustaf- Fteahurkh st qssiisnd tto to ertn this yaar’o riMamlonahto. couldn't get to first baae. A t ths aity grpdaata In dental hygicna. BER and SIZE to T 8 B HERALU U d mmrn; *48 Ma Pwl^: 8 ’tmclreetHte<>*>- R a w «R - fM r . ! aaly two tear aoaclnsion ot my story 1 waa Green. I haven’t met Jeem. yet but ««tiaa would be govern^ aad tt « at lytneusa and a stabborn Utomterfi iv a . u tB riiMody_at Chicago* JbriM**d roo*t aon-Mtirii J« TODArs PATTERN BUREAU. US Sclasto to tha SUM. W AB (S«*S- ■M# OR rmte tete '"Datiuit triteu' for tttalar hcR- atesaUB that gaoM a i . i'a-ith a round of a|n>lauaa ^ h ile my I did hsva the pleasure o f meeting I a xp to^ bar thatt U an aato- SEVEN1M AVBNITE, NB^ YORK. 1 Yha OoMbaig *; 8 Cttrlia aMtogrt; Mpegaa ter r U a K Mi ncftvatf leave the lemalfitag tafonnal Te^ hut thN at SL Paul Mrs. Taggatt, who U tha -Mag- o (l aioliaa for CM M • n tbliT. to oMcntleo gicRBg. N. Y. *# 0 8 u r a - Patel '-''F,- -ll s . % r S T : (


B(H ITS AND HER BUDDIF:S She Ain't Talking By MARXIST" .*1 \T '.V. THiw vMk* H A N D Y r X I WOYTA S O fR A V ; BUY CLASSIFIED - ,v a s i\\ r— WV<£.' I T iS « S G i l O SENSE and NONSENSE V\\*» iO B O lO w t 7 ^ TORRIB with not a car In sight did you' "DEFEAT ISNT BITTER IF ever try to back out from the curb YOU DON'T SWALLOW IT." without at least one whizzing by? 1 Modern He— Let'e get married. Field Artillery, ataUoned at Fort Jubb— H-h-how m-m-much It It wouldn't be much trouble. You LUST AND FUIIND 1 ANNUUNCEMENTS REPAIRING 23 APARTMENTS, FLATS. know my father Is a mlnlitor. TENEMENTS 6;i Sam Houston, baa' fumlabad another Minis, RACKEICERS that old car? £oiT^-OERMAN"'poiier^og] An- i W ILL THE PERSON who witnes­ ROOriNU A aiULNIi Esumataa Training Camp baseball candidate it hopes will equal Used Car Dealer-^Make me Modern She— It's OK by me. We CUNNINGHAM FACES might try It anyway. My dad's a to name of R*x. Finder re­ sed accident Christmas oiomlnc, freely given Workmaiismp guaran­ 22-30 BIRCH ST„ 8, 4 and 6 room the fame of that other alumnus, offer? on Silver Lane Road, Involvlag WEST SIDE WnMERS Jubb—l-I-I-I'Il g-g-g-glve y- you lawyer, you know. turn to C. H. Wickbem. Telephone teed. Time payments irrangea apartments, heated, rent reaaon­ Notes IMzzy Dean. The rookie Is Cornelius ’ I •■>936. Reward. car barking from driveway pleaae Painting and carpentry. A A. Lhon able. Also store (30. M. Paraona, (Conny) Engllab, 22, six feet one LASH AT TWIhMILE f-f-f— U?ed Car Dealer (Impatiently I A WOMAN'S IDEA OF PACK­ write Box J, Herald. Inc.. 81 Wells straeL Phone 4H6U. 34 Stata street, Hartford. 2-3416. By ASSOCIATED PRESS inch tall and welgjiing 162 pounds. ING A TRAVELLING BAG IS TO LOST—20 Ft)OT fuel hone, white He's a right-hander and already has Waddell'a Mulea won a 89 to S3 I'll take It, Forty dollars: frith brass nozzle. Finder please call 19.37 PONTIAC SEDAN, 1888 Pon­ FOR RENT—THREE OR four room Hot Springa, Ark.—OSIctally the Jubb—G-g-g-good. I-I waa PUT IN JUST ENOUGH THINGS New York Giants have Just been impreased Fred Sheltenback, the St. decision over Qlenneya last night at SO TH AT NOBODY CAN CLOSE •148. tiac sedan, 1836 Chevrolet sedan, PRIVATE INSTRUCTION 28 apartment, furnished or unfumlih- Loula Browns' pitching coach. trying t-to a-s-say f-f-f-flfty. 193S Chevrolet sedan, lBSi> Pontiac ed. Call Centennial 4131. "boiling out" here and move on to the West Side Rec In a hard fought Noted Rnmiers Clash In Spe­ IT. PRIVATE INSTRUCTION In snare Baton Rouge, La., today to begm battle. Wesley Shorts was high coarh. 1932 Chevrolet sedan, 1934 Bradenton, FIa —A fter studying The Secretary of Commerce wants | ANNOUNCEMENTS Ford pickup. Cole Motors—6403. drumming. E.. S. Taggart, 464^ spring training, but you'd never scorer for the Mules and the ma­ Maudle — Wa* he on hU knea* Washington street, Hartford. Tele HOUSES FOR RENT •.5 the matter for four days, Casey jority of the Olenney players scored cial Race At IC4-A I ViBlnesa leaden to take their i when he proposed to you last night? know It to see them on the loeal Stengel believes be baa solved a ! off the brakes and park them on I u MANCHESTER CONVALESCFINT phone 7-4366. ball field. The batterymen have been quite heavily for their team. Oracle— No, I was on them. SEVERAL MODERN SIX ROOM third of the six biggest problems ccelerator—which really seema Toonerville Folks By Fontaine Fox HooM for aged, chronic and con- AIITOMUBILES FUR SALE 4 playing practice gamea all week; Ben's Racketeers took the Heights fVlaeeaata. lira. Mary Olblln, 29 single houses, also two family nata facing hla Boston Been. Al Slmmona' At Garden Tonight Tba the thing to do when motoring | Carl Hubbell even tried a few screw- Into camp 38 to 24 with Hennle up bill If one has any gasoline In his Cottage street. HELP WANTED— In excellent locatlona. Apply Ed­ hitting baa won him favor for the Frey taking scoring honors for the FIGHT FIRE WITH BEER FOR SA LE - 19.33 FORD deluxe FEMALE 35 ward J. HoU. Telephone Manches­ balla yesterday and Harry Qumbert left field assignment and Eddie Mil­ tank. OUR BOARDING HOUSE waa hurling so hard Manager Bill r coupe. Call 4898. ter 4642 or 3026. ler, a Kansas City recruit, seems a New York, March 4.— (A P ) — Vienna.— (A P )—When fir* broke WOMEN EARN 818.00 Dozen .Sew­ Terry had to slovr him down. taking similar honors for the cinch for shortstop. This leaves two Heights. Asa Bushnell, commissioner t)X eari- . Jones was demonstpatlng to hla out In e brewery at Naabeek, fire* 1938 OLDSMOBILK coach. 1938 ing Dresses. Everything furnlshM. men found the water hydrants froaen W H B M -T H B y o e r r VBH, HB LOOKBO Manchester ou^eld and two Infield posts open. Box scores: em Intercollegiate athletics, put] friend the speed of his new car when Nash, 1932 Ford 4 cylinder, 1932 Mateiiala cut, trimmings and In­ WANTED TO RENT 68 Clearwater, FIa —Leo purocher it'nflkeniy slowed down, came to a and put out the blaae with beer. WIND YOU Wh® ALMOST AS BAI> Waddea's Mulea (88) bis four-star doubleheader to Evening Herald Plymouth 4 cylinder. All care In ex structions. Bxperlance imnecessary. hasn't named the Brooklyn second New BraunfeU, Te*.—Surveying P cq^^Bto standstill, and refused to AS you PO, MA30Pe Write, Quality Dreas, Cliurch An­ WANTED TO RENT-Sm all fur­ B F T at Madison Square Garden^ 'PBBUN' SEE-Oy TH' cellent condition. Messier Naah, lu baeeman yet, but already baa de­ the raqgy candidates for the Phila­ 1 A. Brimley, rf ...... 4 0 8 Henderaon Road. 7268. nex. P. O. Box 248, N. Y. nished house, from $16 to (26. In­ cided he'll bat second behind Tuck eighteenth annual Intercollegiate A. FrlMd—I thought you said this BOYS WRS TTRETTV AN' THEY ONLY CLASSIFIED quire at 46 Strickland street. delphia Phils' pitching staff. Mana­ 0 W. Bantly, rf ...... 2 0 4 A. A. A. Indoor track championships Stainback. Then come Gene Moore, ger Doc Prothro beamed, "1 aure 0 Solomonson, If ...... 4 0 8 waa a faat car? W O K fL W O , S O W B. (S iv e MiAA A w e e k ' ADVERTISEMENTS smd a special twn-mlle race pitting Jones—So it i*. Vary faat. • STORIES Babe Phelps, Dolph Camllll, Ernie like the big fellowA There is a 2 Shorts, c ...... ____ 5 0 10 a a o r b , t o pmeW'-*-* HEATING—PLUMniNr— HELP WANTED—MALE 3S Koy, Cookie Lavagetto, Duroeber Don Lash, the Indoor record-holder, Friend—Well, hadn't we bettor O O M X OVBJRTO CHE.EIR Oo«ot ftU avarioge wtirda ta a llaa. HOUSES FOR SALE 72 psychology to It." Hla mainstaya— 0 P. Waddell, rg ...... 1 0 2 against Glenn Cunningham, the IT'D SUPS BE A toftlala. aurabara and abbravlatlona ROOFING 17 w a n t e d —DRIVER SALESMAN and the pitcher. “And If the pitcher Paaaeau, Mutcahy, HoIUngsworUi, get Out and tee what it ts fast to ? IN STAMPS M 9u up--«>yaj UMOw fMb aauQt aa a word and aompound LOT BARGAIN — 14 LOTS on 0 Angelo, I g ---- ...... 8 1 7 world's best at one mile. worda aa two word# Minimum eoai la with knowledge of The Beverage can hit," Leo adds. "I'll bat ninth." and Butcher—all tower well over Besides giving track fans a chance avp sPoocaLB h i c k b o CiDRRUdATBO BLOW priaa of ibroa llnaa PLITMBING HEATING and tin buslnras. Muet be married. Apply Broad and Strickland streets. All six feet. Pete SIvesa can barely scoot 8 Bent axles and mls-allgnment illf- for (1200. Comer lot at Branford 19 1 39 to see Just how well Cunningham TM' BUCKET AJOO TO THE OWLS LIb# raloa par day for traoalani nlng. Now Is Ihe time to replace In writing. Box X, Herald. St. Petersburg, Fla.—A lot ot under a atx-foot four-inch bar. Oteoneya (88) flcultiea In an automobile often can a4a and Durkin streets with single can go at twice hla natural distance worn out Rutters and conductor young pitchers probably wrould be P B F T Bushnell appears to have made a be attribuetd directly to a driver's | RLFFERTV IS SO c l u b t d l o s e •Ilorttva Horvb IT, m f pipe. Pldward Tanner, 61 Laurel garage 1300. Corner lot Autumn carelessness In Jamming the wheels Cast* Charge willing to trade places with Marius Pasadena—The drills of the Chi­ 2 T. Wilson, rf ...... 2 0 4 smart move In another dilrection. L O W T W B V t o o k • OOBoaoutlvo Uayo ,.| 1 oiai • ota street. Telephone 6747. SITUATIONS WANTED— and Wdgefleld (tl (400. Other bar­ Russo, who's getting « trial with cago White Sox resemble practice 2 Fogarty, If ...... 3 1 7 Ordinarily the I. C. 4A meet does against the curb when parking. • Opepaceilva Oayo ..I • ora ii ota MALE 39 gains In various sections of Man the New York Yanks. Manager Joe for a crosB country team. It's all be­ 1 F, Wilson, e ...... 3 1 T no better than a 10,000 attendance. HI6A O U T O P t C^y ...... I 11 etai II oia Chester. William Cusick, phone Three fellows went Into a cock- AIJ ardart for trrogular lna»rtiona CARPENTER WORK 60c hour or McCarthy says be may carry eleven cause Manager Jimmy Dykea hopes 0 Aceto, r g ...... 8 1 7 But Bushnell figures the extra lure, TH' aOW IN Wfll bo ebargad al tba on# llpit rata MOVING—TRUCKING 3465. of the Cunnlngham-Lash duel will tall bar: contract. Houses built at large sav­ moundsmen this season. About aix to build up the lega at hia players. 0 Butler, I g ...... 4 0 8 A h o s p i t a l Ipaelal ratoa foi long term avary .STORAGE 20 of the veterans In the camp appear Outfieldera Gerald Walker and Kip rope In a few thousand added cus­ Bartender—What will you have? day advaniainy glvan odub ra«4uaat ings. Mortgagea available. Write FOR SALE—LEASE OR RENT sure of their Jobs and even If Wes Radcllff were due today, with short­ 3 IS 3 33 tomers, who will keep coming back First—I'U take a Ckica-Cola. BCOCTBR Ada ordorad bafora tna third or nfib CALVIN C. TAGGART.—Moving Box F, Herald. modern brick houae. 8 rooms, oil Bartender (to second)—And you? Agf will ba ohargad only far the ao« and trucking. .39 Woaar« heat, electric stove, fireproof boiler competition and that old college try. Second—Make mine a lamonadt. A Modem Vatican f Telephone 636,6. room with sprinkler heads, 2 car two or three places remain open. day. AL abgrglikg di tba rata aarned but And outside of Lefty Gomes, Russo Bea*a Rariketef* i (88) Though only four men are run­ Bartender (to the third)— Well, Greets New Pope M AllewgBao ar rafunda eon ba mada ARTICLES FOR SALE 45 garage finished, heated and with ning In the two-mile and some 800 what are you drinking? M gla tfM# gdo ateppad aftar tba AUSTIN A. CHAMBERS r/hen you sprinkler heads, basement play, la the only left h’ander In camp. S t Petersburg, Fla— Manager B F T f i t ! lay. FOR SALE -TRAILER, 12 ft long, Fogarty, r f ...... 4 0 8 are competing in the college cham- Third—Oh, Fm not drinking, Tm •pHE mantle of centurje* lay over want the beat In Local and Long room with fireplace. Must be seen Ray Blades could very well get In­ Ka forblda*’ ! dtaplay Itnaa not sleeping quarters for two. Will Frey, If ...... 8 0 12 pionshlpa, it's safer to make a pre­ driving the car. the Vatican in Rome when the adld Distance Mnvini!. Oslly Express to be appreciated. Telephone 3360, Orlando. Fla.—The Washington to vaudeville aa a Juggler the way Hartford. Manchrnter, Korkville. sacrifice. Price »65. Phone 3498. Senators' pitchers, who've been he's shuffling hla St. Louis Cardi­ BeUls, c ...... 3 2 8 diction about the latter. It la that late Pius X I was elevated to lead­ Tbo Marald wilt not ba raspohaibl# Manchester, Conn. Columbia won't be able to retain ipr Boro than ona Incorraet tnaartion Phone 6260.—68 Hollister street. working a month, are so far ahead nals Infield. Johnny Mize la set it M. Wetoe, rg ...... 4 0 8 "AN UNDERTAKER'S TRAF­ ership over 400,000,000 Catholics the team title It has won the last in 1922. But a vastly different •d gay advartlaamant ordared for FOR S A L E - OFF South Main of the batten that the firat time first, but the other posts all are open Toman, If ...... 1 0 2 FIC RECIFE "—Here are the in­ M ra tbaa oao tima FIIEI AND FEED 49 A two years, but that another local gredients that go into It: Vatican, a superb blending ot the Tbo iBadoorfoBt omiooioa or moor* street, 7 room house, can use for the bans were lifted on speed and and Blades used three different com­ 18 2 88 college, probably Manhattan, will "Take one natural bom (ool, two ancient and the modem greets the rpat poblleallon of advortlaltig will ba PAINTING—PAPERING 21 FOR SALE—ONE load nice cow two apartments, siinporch, atcam curves. It looked like the squad was binations today. win. rpatlAod only by oaneollailnn of tba all Jitterbugs. The sin gin g didn't Helghta (24) or three big drinks of bad liquor, new pontiff. For the first Urns in PAINTING AND decorating, all hay. Telephone 4,338. 485 Hartford heat, automatic hot water, garage, Though the customer* probably •bar^ Biada fat tba aarvloa raodarad worry Manager Bimky ■ Harris, B F T took fool In liquor, place In motor history the supreme head of the All advarttoaroanta must oonform work guaranteed 1st class work. Road. large garden. Price (4,800. Write Lake Charles, La.—Connie Mack will be surpriaed If either Cunning­ church will take command of a though. He said the situation would Horvath, r f ...... 0 0 0 car and let go. After due time re­ M atyla, aopy and typography wlib Best material. Joseph Murawikl, Box W, Herald. is alternating Joe Gantenbein and ham or Laah doeenit turn up the move fool from wreckage, place In thoroughly modernized papal rpiPUiloaa anforcad by tba pabMab* FOR SALE—SEASONED HAKU change next week. Dario L o d lg i^ at third base In the Haberen, r f ...... 0 0 0 winner at two mllea, la time clo*a * tbay raaarva tba right 122 Chestnut street. Call 7003. wood, for furnace, 84.60 load. Tele­ Vancour, I f ...... 2 0 4 black, satin-lined box and gani*b state. •itt. raviaa ar raJooi any enpy ooa Philadelphia Athletics training aea- to the Hooaler'a record of 8:58, with flowers." This is because the late Plus iddarad abi loetlonaDlg phone 8628. B. Olgllo. Sarasota, Fla.—Although appear­ Blons. with Bill Werber one of five McGuire, I f ...... 2 1 3 there’s no niarantee of that hap­ Mohr, c ...... 4 0 8 And such a recipe ie served daily effected that transformation, OLMIlfO HOURb—ClaasiOad PROFESSIONAL Sport Chatter ing to put plenty of zip Into the first holdouts still absent. pening. Also in the race are Greg on the highways' menu of unpalat- bringing it about gradually even 8a ba pabllahed asms dav must be re- pitches he has attempted since last Moron, rg ...... 0 0 0 Rice of Notre Dame and Tommy ae4vsd by l l s'eloek soon: 8alurdaye SERVICES 22 GARDEN—FARM- Lajeskl. r g ...... 8 1 7 Mda stories. to the day of hi* death. 8o the *4:M. fall, the veteran Bob Grove ot the San Bernardino, Calif.— James Deckard of Bloomington. Ind., th* new pontiff will ride to his pepel DAIRY PRODUCTS 50 It look.s like we've underestimat­ Boston Red Sox claimed he was GREEN LODGE HOME—Chronic, EstradA 19-year-oId Indian from the only men to beat Laah at hla ape- HEAD IT OR NOT— epartmenU In elevators, he will TELEPHONE YOUR convalescent and aged people. Ap­ ed the strength of Hartford Weaver merely trying for control. "You've Mission tribe, will be given a tryout 11 2 24 dalty this winter. FOR SALE—100 BUSHEL Green Score at half 28-6, Racketeers. A t least 16 different metals tutor view the precious tfaaooaa ot ply at 612 Bast Middle Turnpike or Mountain potatoes No. 1, hand If Its decisive 47-22 victory over gotta have that from the start, or with the Pittsburgh Pirates next Cunningham, who has run every* Raphael end MIchelaiMelo In new WANT ADS Jifew Haven Commercl.il In the Claas Referee, E. Blssell. Into the chaaela and power plant of telephone 6986. Borted 8.6c bushel. Herliert McIn­ you haven't got anything," he ex- Friday. He played ahortatop and thing from 440 yard* to a mile and caps, either directly or In alloys. beauty under softly tinted electric A4s ass acbeptsd ovsi tbs telsabsss A playdowns at Middletown Inst a half in record or near-record ttme, at the CBAHOB RATK glvea abeva tosh, 1633 Tolland Turnpike, Buck- (dalncd. "This Is where these young second base for San Jacinto. Bat­ lights, he will dispatch official night Is any Indication...... other­ (Cllnws should work on their control ha* had only a week to prepare for ■a a asavanleaee ts sdssrtlaaca, ant land. terymen arrived yesterday to get WH 06S RNO CRINQ The young man had run out of calls by telephone and he will Iba CASH RATS* stlU be beespied aa REPAIRING 2H wise. our choices came through —right here In training camp." the Pirates' training underway. this race, hla first In major com­ carry hi* messages direct to a triumphant... .It seems sure that petition at the dlatanca. Lash baa gasoline on the outskirts of a small TOLL PATMENT It a«>d al ibe biul- Portland, Ora.— (A P ) — A Port­ waiting world by radio. No other Mas stnaa aa n bstors tbs ssvsnib ROOFING A SPECIALTY Also eld­ Manchester's first rival will he announced be I* more taitereeted la town. Ha saw • small boy eoralng SC C^KC HY SMITH All Hands On Deck ______By JOHN C, TRRUT • m tallowlaa ths Arsi InssrUua si HOUSEHOLD G(N)DS 51 Avalon, Calif.—It's reunion time Lakeland, Fla. —The splendid land housewife reeponded aevei down the road carrying a big tin Pope enjoyed these achievements ing carpentry and manoi. work. either Naugatuck or New Britain for the Chicago Cubs, The second the try he’ll moke for a new world aaah bd subrwlbs tbs CHaKiiK and If Bristol and Central win to physical condition of Tommy tlmee to the knocks of a tlmM man can; of a modem time upon taking 0ur THE PANIpUa SSOFFKy MMQRn HATB WIU ba eullsctsd No rssponsi- Reaaonable. Time payments ar- See the "Hollywood" squad was due today and the ached' Bridges, nsteran rtght-handea pitch­ mark on the Dartmouth track night aa we predicted then It'll be aho thought waa a peddler. She March 18. Young Man (yelling)—Say, boy, I office. SMCJLAS PiMh. fwnuurrs HAsnt^ bWtT tar sn*rs la tsispnonsd ads ranked. W. Vanrour, 66 Wells 81. 3 BEAUTIFUL ROOMS OF NEW I l l s for the batterymen waa cut short er, has cheered Manager Del Baker slammed the door, finally called po­ But the lAt* Plus was careful t o , Will ba aaaawid sad ibslr aeesraev Phone 3335. FURNITURE FOR ONLY (198 naiigy---- Going back to the Intercollegiataa ' hope that's gasoline you have in peWM A COIWWSOHWSV""*______aaasot bs rusranissd for a welcoming at the dock. The of the Detroit Tigers. Lsut season lice. A patrolman a rriv ^ Joined in Monhattan'a poaitlon os team fa- that can! preserve the ancient beauty of the (18 months to pay; first workout for the new arrivals a chipped elbow minimized Bridges' the knocking, shouted: "Lady, you Vatican while carrying out Its Here la truly an MceOent value. Something like two-thirds of vorttaa reata on Ita marvelous dia- Boy—Wall, 1 hope It ain’t. It INDEX OF will be a batting drill tomorrow. effectiveness. Baker plans to carry better listen to this guy!" "Bhtcuoe," tributlon of power at 800 and 1,000 would taaU torribfy on Mother’* modernisation. Th* eolorful Swiss Everything Included in this 3 room Manchester's entire population Jam­ ventured the timid man, "your house guards, tor instanee. still parade, CLASSIFICATIONS med Its way Into the State Armory 10 to 11 pitchers from among the yards and one mils and two mllee. pancakaa / outfit la ns modern aa TODAY. You New Orleans—Hampered by cold 17 he summoned to camp. la on fire." 73ie three collaborated In the earn* ogcle** ceremonies and JaV*•*«*••••«•••••• A get everything complete for the for the Rod Men's amateur boxing Its crack two-mil* relay team, and and rainy weather all week, Mana­ extinguishing a chimney blaze. Artie Byrnes, likely five-pointer In ZoodI*—Bpouter **y* *11 th* pro­ trappings of the ohurch are icni- _m I ■ —ata a a#aaaaa«aaaaaaaaa E home: a complete Living Room, bouts lAst night. If the report of our pulously obtervad, th* deathless asMf lagSa aM«sp,.a«aaaaaaaaaaaaa C ger Oscar VItt Bought today to moke Tampa, Fla.—Billy Myers, who the high Juhip. Chief rivals for posed ways to Increas* the purchas­ Bedroom aryl Kitchen Outfit, rugs, morning contemporary Is taken at AUSTRALIAN PAPER beauty of SL Peter's stands ss Paalba ...... a EMERGENCY Ita face value. . . .attendance w.is a final sIze-up of the Cleveland In­ heard the anvil chorus many times the Jaspers should be New York U. ing power of the mssse* are all so $ 1 Tksaka e••••••••••• radio and other articles to furnlsn dians' rookies before the arrival of In Cincinnati last year, la working clriking as it was In the beginning. e Maawriaa . given as 16.000 fans, which sure which got ten point* for their place much fooUshhess. the home. A few Items which we do the regulars tomorrow. 4wsy Mack, hard in the Reds' camp to cut down Bumie, Tasmania—(A P )—A pulp In the National A. A. U. meet; Ford- Kulper—Is he an authority on So the new Pop* will come into *«•••••••••• must have tested the Armory's ca­ an extraordinary city, as modem I aadPsaad not Include are merchandise which pacity of some 2,500 to capacity . a Cleveland boy who won the North­ hla strikeout average and tighten up and paper plant here has turned out ham, which ha* th* 800 and 1,000 purchasing power? AaaOaEaa^aentS aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa we do not sell, euch as Venetian ern Leacue batting title last year. on hla fielding. Part of hla campaign what are said to be the first papers favorite* In We* Wallace and Frank Zoodle—No, but be la ac authority at Its radio and telegraph, aa an­ Pasfoaala ...... t actually, the number present was cient at ita hallowed library hous­ CALLS hlliuts, hedspreaila, pillow casea, etc. around 1,000.... Is one VItt regards highly. la to pull the ball to right field for In the world to be commercially Slater; Harvard, Princeton and Ck>r- on fooliahpesa. Aafbasbiiss Come In tmlay and look It over. singles Instead of drawing a bead manufactured from eucalyptus wood nell, of the "Ivy League,” and Pitts­ ing million* ot muaty maniuerlpU. ABteawbllaa ter Sals ...... t An airplane view of Vatican City AatOBoMIss Cot Bsdtianzs ..... t ALBERT'S FURNITURE CO. San Antonio, Tex.—The Twelfth on the left field fence. pulp. burgh and Penn Stato. THERE ARE TWO SIDES TO Ante Aaasssoriss—^Irss ...... a Open Wed. St Sat Eves.-Waterbury OREECK RQUBLCHEH RUMOR MOST QUES'HONS, AND NO is shown above, one of two velues Aata •apalilBCaa.Psiotlns ...... 1 OF DEAL ON CORROMIR iisued by th* papal aUt* in 1933. Aata Eebabla ...... f-A POLICE BOTTOM. (Capyritht. 1131, NEA 8*rvte*. Ine.) Aatoa—Ehla ay Tmek ...... t HOUSEHOLD G(NIDS 51 AatOb—Pat UIrs ...... a Athena. Greece. — (A P I—Greece Oeragse—Aairvles—Siorsss ...... la 4343 FOR SALE—GREEN and cream has no Intention of giving Bulgaria Metorevelss—Bicysiss . ...aaa II a corridor along the Creco-Turklsh B' FREC KLES AND HIS FRIENDS By Blosser WASHINGTON TUBBS By C'rane OUT OUR WAY By WilHims Wsnisd Av*es—Motorcyelss ...« II enameled combination cotU and • HOLD EVERYTHING FUPPER FANNY By Sylvia gas range, with oil burner. In­ frontier as a commercial outlet to Easlasaa asd Prefseeteeal asrvlrss ths Aegean Sea. *aNs*uratstasaM,aa v.p.Maaa.fsv.1 Mftves xHotnkwaairvouwus* GOSM, YH « Ift AWFUL! BOSS ? VOU T WHY, RlBHT NOW VOU Baalasaa Asrvicss OSsiod .... II FIRE quire 148 Blaaell street Reports Uita Greece had agreed SPtAKTD) XRTtW MClNfD m , VOU eOLLBCTIN* THE MONEY CAN’T BOSS VOURBBLP T9 RWVOUR Bouasbeld Bsrvisss Offsrsd ....II-A 1 RBSHMT 'TOUR IMI AiAHJ. ■alldlBE—OoBiraetlBd ...... i« FOR SALD—3 PIECE living room to such a concession under pressure lUVM A F T n VQU « m f P 6 R M V J O M - v WON’T UTT PBSTB-T9 PUT MONCV IN THS Piarlits—Narssrlss ...... || 5432 from "a great power"—presumably . IMPUCATI016 / AS LOMS M VAA.VftlMMMNRPV Paasral Otrsetsrs ...... ii suite. In good condition. Will sell 8W IN6 MUSIC B m b t o u c h a C B N T - 0ANK-T9 RCBIST BANANA BBUIB NOR'ITI Germany—were spiked by General AS you SFUjNOW tikk MS ■aatlns—Plumbtea—RooSna ... M reasonable. Call 104 Spruce street, Metaxaa, "dictator" premier, In a re­ CHILOS / m u m i l i a t i f / m e w it h —TO BBT UR MORNINBB OR ANV- iBBBmBBB II evenings. kIVt. Mlltlaary—Ursssmsiilns ...... II it cent speech here. THE X WORK FER THINB BLSft....TH i BOM iB ’niB Movlna—Trsekina—BtorsaePaklle Paesengtr _ .... M 4321 Metaxaa said Greece was strong­ O U S T i o MAKC M i RAV HALP OP VOU THAT MAKJI Tainting—PaPaessnasr perlDs Bsrvise ...... te-A MACHINERY AND ly opposed to such a policy, which T h s w o r t h l b s * h a l f w o r t h FrofsaslossliPsrlDs ...... II SOUTH would drive % wedge between Turkey //A A 6BVn BOV/ VLL B § ------asrrlcse ...... n TINHi} 52 OLAO W H iN TM OP AOS fOMiTMIN^v«THt ^ a a lrlst ...... ii and Greece, now linked by, the Bal­ '/ A Tellorlaa—DysUm-^lsanlat ... l« TRACTORS AND IMPLEMENTS. kan Entente. A N ’ C A N MV, OWN BOBS PART OR Tollsl Ooode snda^rstss.^ ...... Ik Wanted—Business Rsrele^ .^AMBULANCE Dublin Tractor Company, Provi­ PO BSf BSsesllssal dence Rq., WUllmanUA m s CONSCIENCE REACHES i s m s f i m . Oearsss sue cisssss ...... it (DOUGAN) EVEN HIS PEG LEO PULMOTOff ON K vals laet met Ions ...... li IT nein* ...... II- a MUSICAL INijlTRUMENI^ 53 Muslsal—Orsmsile ...... |, 5630 Moscow. — (A P ) — Religion la Wantsd-Insirndions ...... M FOR SALE — UPR^HT PIANO, frowned. on in the U.S.8.R., but a riaaibiplfll (IIOI.I.OKAN) good condition. '■ reaaonable. Call lively conscience still wins admlra- Mads—Stocks—Morlyssss ..... II Uoa now and then. Newspapers re­ Easlasss Opportuniil.s ...... If at S3 Hackmatack ItreeL Moasy to Lnao u 3060 cently reported with aatisfactlon the case ot a Jeweler who stumped Hola ooe SItoiltoao (QUISH) Into, a police station, removed hla sip Wsntod—Fsmsls ...... |4 WANTED—TO BUY 58 B S A . . _ _ Ssla Waaiod-Mals ...... || wooidan leg and poured from Its hol­ Salosmsn Wsnisd ...... IS-A 4340 TURN SALEABLE Junk Into cash low Interior a flood ofUlamonds and > MM toeAi m ■olp Wsnisd—Msio sf Fsmsls.. 11 this Spring. Remember—Wm. Os- other gema, appropriated many PMOoev/ 1 W HJ. ______» U Q .1 D B t P e Agsnts Wsnisd ...... h -a trlnsky, 182 Blssell street, Tel. years ago while he waa working as IN cAB.Tb eo MID Ywer. BIIUBtloQS Wsnisd—Pemsls .... II QUIT BEATIM* • H G W YOU ■ wis/%11 H01BWOT— iltasttsas Wsnisd—Msis ...... iv HOSPITAL 6879. Leading Junk dealer. an appndaer. AROUND , -— X VtilU. WB'U. BB INStDC 30MT «RTM MM. OMMOMMStOU Bmplnymeni Asenclss U " I olMddnt bear the ohame of 4 TU e b u s h / S H O W *«OU. L O re N lN d I I T * 6 0 T ^ — — IJts atoeb—Pets-..rsaaltST— VskKIss hiding treasure stolen from the So­ Oogs—Birds—Psid ...... ti 5131 BOARDERS WANTED 59-A viet Govemment,'' he explained. YOU CANT IF IT IS TWE BffrreR m eooo- Uvs Stock —VsMclss ...... 47 -SW 1N3 iLAST thins We MWHr LIKB Poaliry and Surpllsa ...... 41 WANTED—CHILDREN to board, a i r AND 1 OO/ Wsnibd— Peis— Poultry—Stnek 44 th licensed private homA Pbooa MONGOLIA GETS RAILWAY KNOW Poe Ssl^aisrolUsesaa Artididi For Sals ...... ,| WATER DEPT. Hartford 8-0662. IT/ • ■aata and kaessssrlaa ...... is Hoooow.—-4 AP) — Outer Mongo­ Balldlna Hstsruis ...... HIT lia’* fln t railway has begun haul- DJamoads—Wsiebss—JswsIVF .. It 3077 APARTMENTS, FLATS. Ihg freight. It is a narrow-gauge ) Haatrlcal AFpIlaneab—Radio .. 4k line, 25 miles long, connecting Pm I aad Fo^ ...... df-A (After 5 P. M.) TENEMENTS CS Oardda—Farm— tMry Predadta M Ulan-Bator with the Nalaikha coal BsaMkeld OooAi ...... n FOR RENT—FIVE room tenemant nilnao. The Sovletized People's Re­ •Tin in an awflil hiuny. Fan—can I ptaetiae the piece wMJi HaaMaary aad Toola ...... It 7868 with oU ImprovementA AvaUabls public declared a national holiday MMlaal fndtraiaaata ...... 11 now. Apply 4 Rogera Place. the day It opened operations. He’s the moat effldent Biui the company has fomid yeti" all the rests In it tomorrow?’* O f f l w ^ Stora EdBlpmaM .... Ii EsasM at Ika Staraa ...... It MANCHESTER waartas Aaaaral—Para ...... IT j r « . v o u M M 5 WATER CO. MYRA NORTH, SPECIAL NURSE D < ^ Tries to Help By THOMPSON AND ('OLL ♦THE'^ObCTOPC ...IL-JL- WltAoui Board ...... || saSan Wantod ...... i i -a ALLETOOR Ganffwmy By HAMLH^ saUF Beard. Baaarta ...... a« 5974 lUla—Baataairaau ...... ij lALMT URSA AND t h in k I L u t ip -t o e u p t o OUBSSWE'RS ALLiCrTO AN01HEREU.ee m u a u v K A -] ta a n ! •UT MOWTB WB TuintBpjpwhRi aslai Wnoaia ■ Board ...... IT I THAT QMU4 M NJ COLATTING WILL AMNOUNCe IT WILL BB mN/] Eaal Batata Fas Boat ,THE UNEN BOOHA AND j SCRAM, U R S A - 7S GRAND MORE. UCTEfl,00UlJT.'l r r a M t ’ C M t BE CARE­ -lOUR. FIRST NUMBCRs MY RlNNATlON"> GONNA MAHSOAL (Y)«N THrtOfTTBB. CoMPUTTE-' OtlKR-m OSC PRETTV (MtEEM L IT 'EM t r a c k ] ita. Plata. Taaomoata .. 41 IF MYRA IN N ESO nABLe -SECURI­ lU. GOUP^O GET J UeLP¥OUf\ FUL. FEODOR / WHAT WILL i— BUT X A M •OKT GO VMTHOUr OBCtDBS TO SMM boaaticaa tor Baal ... 44 GAS CO. LV ME&" BONOS‘DADDY THERS TIES AIN'T A BAD HAUL 'DOuyS THINGS honey. . / IMVRe LSAY1N (» A N O A R O a UNOWA MMTBR. — -... Par Beat ...... Ik LECTCD AND BOUSHTj C IT B1 ? /GOIN0 lb OO IT tj^ TH IS ibarbaa Po» Baai ...... o Aff THAT-ACT t h a t FACKEDj^g'^ RLSASaJ (.JUST THE SAME/ yysucr THBMf lUiiaar Haaiaa Par Raat . . . _ 11 TIRING OR (O R 6 C ijM L t U 6 B ' 5075 PLAVBsIG M rTuaaB-Poiwttti . HBXaooM, T H M rs MUMDQEOS] — aai Balldlas *ar data ... li OOCLVDARUM OFTwsMHene/ saaa Ptasaft? ta» Sala...... la aad Laad (ar Bala ...... 11 I e l e c t r ic CO. IMhNOEQS — tor gala ...... m s... II ’ THaOUOM ' Car Sala ...... I| t h e WIDE art Praaany (ar Bkla ...... U grkaa 4ae sala ...... esm ... 44 5181 HAU. AND ' Mteta (ar_BsihaaM ..... 44 PEEPS 1 .....aoMM 44 SOWN INTO THE s..e...M.m 48 Evgning Hgrald UEEAS3Y 5121 im iTkMiklH.