fUroAT, IDUICR S. IM f AttttfafBfor Eontttui S m Q t « hi tka greater part at tha alnoa- plant erected qn the town owned eould be aaaOy aeeured fo r the build- for tea shop waa baoauaa rssidaate THE WEATHER DORCAS SOCIETY PLANS houaa. The repairs that wars made property at the bead of Newrman lag. of tee neighborhood eomplalaad tba AVERAGE DAH.T CfBCEEATION Fnreeaat af D. S. W'mther ABOUT TOWN FEW DEDUCTIONS D E U Y IN OPENING to tee huUdlaga after tha hurricane atreet, being part of tee Center The reason behind the dedston noise from tbe power saws wrould fw tiM Moata o f Febraary, ItSS a dofM hy boys working under Springe Woods park, wbera timber not to uaa the Chestnut street alto prove distracting. A SPRING STYLE SHOW tes NTA projects and that during ConUnoooa rain tonight nnS tHm- r CNb No. I wn tMt hold MADE IN TAXES NEW NYA PROJECT tea past year, urban cro^ were bs- 6.210 ttin g I^F ralh Say, wanner tenlght, eoMer Mea- ■lotting tontibt ot tho T. The Ing piantod and being harvaated Member of tho Aodlt TCfolor dote io tbo oocoad Friday <«y. Date 8«t Fw Mmrck 10 At teat tha greater part of tha wrork Bareaa of CIrenlatlaaa •a Cho month. Tho aoUeo waa an was dona by.boys working under MANCHESTER - A CITY OF VIU.AGE CHARM ORor of tte publicity chairman. EnAnocl Lnthcran Church; I^A prnjaets. Wa Hire No Efed Da 25 To Have 20 Models. ReefaRi Of NdglibmrM la a raault o f tbs work ddna lYWELVE PAGES) PRICE THREE CENTS Ifr. and Mra. T. IMorard Br»anan by tea boys new land wraa opened (ItearifteS ASvarttalBg oa P l«a IS) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, MARCH 4, 1989 haoa moved from Hudaoo atreet VOL. L v n i., NO. 131 NiD Rate Recommended Dorcas society mambera made Object T f Noise Of Power not only In Manchester, but also In tehana they have lived more than a Glastonhuiy and In Bolton and teo New Spring Coats danan yearo, to their nrw houae at anal arrangements at thair meeting work of taWng oara of tea sludge n Waahlngton atreet, built by Con- By The Selectmen. Wednesday, at Emanuel Lutheran S iw i h Proposed Shop. at tha Altar bads and turning tee Bahy Dies After Brutal Beatings trmctor Harry Rylander. tlr. Broa- church, for tha spring atyla show w soO In that section Into soil Bon la a comroerrlal travrirr and it has raaulted In 14 acres of corn What a different feeling it gives coR ia the Btate. they are sponsoring, March 10 at being grown, wraa wrork of boys. POPE PIUS BEGINS The final figures of the Manchei- Tha opening of tha wood turning ROOSEVELT SAYS U. S. the church, through the kindness of you to see s beautiful display of ter grand Hat aa left by the aaaea- shop, a nawr NTA projset ochad- The oOlee of tea WPA on Nya Oronp 1 of the Memorial Hoepital the Wllroae Dress Bhop. and Eirl street was erected by tes new light colored coats for the new Auxiliary, Mra. Jamea M. 3hearer, aore, leas dediicUons by tha board Mra. Harold Burr who wrltea the uled for next weak In tba Aaroo WPA wrorkera from hurricane fall­ lender, meet Monday afternoon of relief, now amount to 138.0611,1140. Herald "Bargain Hound" column Johnson building on Chestnut street en timber, taking tha oinca out of Spring season. ROUTINE OF WORK ■t S o'clock at the Clinic hiilldlnft on The deductions made by the board will call attention to the latest has been detayM, It waa announced tec LIncittn achooL If tea Middle Rayitea atreet. today hy John B. Farley, local su­ turnpike location la not approved WILL NOT BE PASSIVE of relief was the least made In re­ style details, clever new acressory Ideas, and fabrics spotlighted for pervisor. there la soma talk of having the Smart tweeds and solid colors in cent yeara and It will have no bear­ The shop, which wraa to hava bean Orford Pariah Chapter, D.A.R., ing on the racommaodations to be spring and summer wear, aa the fitted and swagger models in beige hold Ita March meeting yesterday models appear. Tha latter will be equipped with the necessary ma­ LEFT IN SUSPENSE made by tbe selectmen as to the tax chinery and small tools for a llrat afternoon at the South Methodlat rate to be laid at the adjourned towm choeen from the Dorcas and Ladles' blue, rose, grey, navy and brown. church, with Mia. J. H. Keith, Misa Aid society members and will num­ class shop, was to occupy one of tee meeting next wreek. The rate to be ENOIj’OH m in is t e r s ON RELIGIOUS B A m E rear aectlona of the building wrhere KUa and Mloa Flora Stanley aa recommended wrill be 28 mills and ber 20 or more. Refreshments and hoateaaea. Mra. Sidney Minor of a social time will fnllnw the style la now located the Toy Lending Day Taken Up WiA Confer* j TO PERFORM MARRIAGE on this rata there will be rained. If show. Center. JAFFE'S New London, state chiUrman of the all Is collected, fMl,T2lAB. rm CA GO MAN IMITATCN work among the children. si»ke, and The ebangee In the building, eueh Vancouver. Wash.. March 4.— Past records have shown that not Mrs. Esthar Mathiaaoo and Mra. (A P )—Albert King and Gene­ HERALD CO-Mlt; FIOI RB Tells Congrett NatHm Will the majority of the members prea- Alma Catperson, co-chairmen, are oe laying of now floore end shoring JEWELRY STORE ^ s n e e s With Members Of more than 90 per cent of this tax Is to get It Into proper condition, was t o vieve Suram went to the First HOUSE SPEED oot gave a abort talk on current collected within the given period so being assisted by a large commit­ $ 1 0 - 9 8 n n Congregational church parson­ Chicago, March 4.— (API — ovonta. A social hour followed dur­ tee. Mlaa Inaa Olaon and MIsa to have been done by boys betwreea Seek Every PeaceM there must be taken Into considera­ the ages of 18 and 28. The rough ^% ierarchy; Fewer Read- age to be married. Peileatrlona gaped aa Joiieph Al- ing which tea waa aervcd. tion what can be collected In back Ebbs Anderaon, report an excellent A Christian Church minister gori bolated himaelf 30 feet In a advance sale of tickets, and desire timber was to have been fumlebed ON ARMY BILL taxes to balance tha budget. It la by the towm and It was expected resd hla church's service. An painter'a scaffold to a newly- Means” To Keep Chnrck Mias Virginia Nelson, daughter of ths opinion of the selectmen that membera to make returns to them jnstments Are InrolYed. Episcopal minister read his painted advertlaing algn. Wednesday evening of next week. that they wrould get the work under Mra. Ruth Nelson of UO Summit part of the taxes uncollected Is owed way Monday. But tee decMon, ritual. Presbyterian vows pre­ ftoon they roared with laugh­ atreet la home after completing an by people who will not pay or can­ made by the owmert of tee property, $ 2 2 - 7 5 ceded tee Congregational ring RAISES HOPES ter aa he Hard a few deft atrokee And Personal Freedom eight montha' dietetic course at not pay. It will be neceesary to not to allow tee building for auch Vatican City. March 4.—(API — ceremony. An English Lutheran to give the girl In the atgn a Hartford hoapital. collect $100,000 In bark taxes to REGISTERED OPTICIAN minister blessed them. BOAT W COMMISSION use, has mode necessary other plana. Pope Plus XII aesumed the regular if hondaume von dyke beard and Afire; Denoonces Despot­ take care of the towu's flnanclal In Hold. Cob fere neet GLASSES FITTED The couple had Intemipted a , muatache. come this coming year. The town routine of administering tee multi­ clergymen's party. Administration Leaders Be- Potrona of St. James's Bingo are This morning Mr. Farley waa In PRESCRIPTIONS FILLED The two policemen summoned roqucated to note tonight's an- year ends on August 18. FOR TRADE ON RIVER conference with George H. Waddell, ple affalra of the Holy R om ania -«( Broken LanUaa Beptanad by the ilgn painters were wott­ ic Form Of G ovenm eit Bouncement about the Bingo which There has already been collected town agent, and It wraa deckled teat church today. ing for him when he came down. $08,000 In back taxes, meaning that Geve Bin FiH Pass Senate is correct. land near the town’e almhouse We have a aslBettan af the newest Tho day waa taken up with con- For not realatlng tet ImpulM there must be collected the remain­ might be used. The building could Two-year-old Marion Wolf (above) died yesterday after lying unconscious and partly paralysed ing $38,000 between now and August Williain Fitsgerald Sendn Hio ferencee with members of the hier­ five days In a Sunbury, Pa., hoapltel, after being beaten meny limes nnd hrnmli d. Police said the Algori face* charges of malicious Washington. March 4—,(A P ) — Mlaa Lydia Houston of Foochow, be built by WPA workers from lum­ archy as His Hollnesa delved Into BONNET FOREIGN Soon Despite Furious De­ mUchlef, disorderly conduct and 18. Tax Collector Nelson feels that Firol Cargo Of Seanon To OsmpHmeatery Adjnstmsnte.
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