South Atlantic Prep Boxing Tournament to Be Held March 5
T^.ji*Cui^~- ALUMNI ALUMNI EDITION EDITION Vol. 20 Staunton Military Academy, Kables, Virginia, Friday, February 26, 1937 No. 9 South Atlantic Prep A GROUP FROM THE GRADUATING CLASS OF S. M. A. IN 1896 Colonel Middour Attends Parents Day Is Set Boxing Tournament To Educational Conference For Monday After Be Held March 5 and 6 Colonel Emory J. Middour, Super- Easter, March 29 intendent, is attending the twelfth annual conference of the Secondary 38 Entries Have Already Been Education Board held at the Commo- Parade, Reception, Dinner, Received; Others are dore Hotel, New York City, today Dance are Scheduled Expected and tomorrow. This conference from for Occasion year to year solicits the interest and The annual South Atlantic Prepar- representation of the better known Monday, March 29, has been set as atory School Boxing Tournament will Eastern preparatory schools. In the the date of "Parents' Day" at Staun- be held at the Staunton Military- conference for this week the subjects ton for this year. In his general let- Academy on March 5th and 6th. The of the Secondary School program, its ter to parents, printed in another col- bouts will begin on Friday evening at administration, its religious educa- umn of this paper, the Superintend- 7:30, at which time the preliminaries tion and its general management, in- ent issues an invitation to all parente will be held. The semi-finals will he cluding both the senior and junior of cadets in the corps to spend Easter held Saturday afternoon beginning at schools, will be made subjects of with their sons and remain over for 2:30, and the finals will begin at study.
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