Mr. Harold Ridgely, of Bowen home with a total of 628 points, which High School, of , retained the was 41 less than the score made by the western interscholastic golf champion- Intercollegiate four, which piled up a ship by defeating Mr. Walter Crow- total of 669, and took second place. dus, of Hyde Park High School, 9 The collegiate team was a "merger" up and 7 to play, in the thirty-six composed of two Yale, one Princeton hole final at the Ridgemoor Golf Club. and one player. The Wiscon- sin State team which included Mr. Olympic Cup Competition. E. P. Allis, III, the Badger champion, WINNERS OF ANNUAL COMPETITION. and Mr. Gordon Yule, champion of 1905—At Chicago—Western Pa 655 Yale, took third place with a total of 1906—At St. Louis—Western G. A 635 680, and the Kentucky team was next 1907—At Cleveland—Metropolitan G. A. 641 with a grand aggregate of 730. 632 1908—At Rock Island—Western G. A... Owing to the withdrawal of Mr. 1909—At Chicago—Western G. A 623 1910—At —Western G. A.. . 615 John R. Lemist, the Trans-Mississippi 1911—At —Western G. A . . . . . 60. 6 team was unable to finish. Mr. Lem- 1912—At Chicago—Western G. A 629 ist, who was paired with Mr. W. K. 1913—At Chicago—Western G. A 628 Wood, had a lot of trouble at the 14th It begins to look as if the other hole. teams will have to add crowbars to The field was the smallest in the their kits if they want to lift the Olym- history of the event and the result pic cup. When the competition is was a foregone conclusion for the staged ahead of the national amateur W. G. A. team which now has won the championship there is some semblance cup six times in succession. The of a real contest but so far when it course was in great shape and under has been put on ahead of the western benign weather conditions the major- championship the result has been a ity of the scores were a trifle on the foregone conclusion for the Western high side. Golf Association team. Several of the holes have been It has been suggested that the com- lengthened and the course now is petition be limited to teams from state 6,283 yards in length with a par of 37 associations, but under present con- out and 38 for the home journey. The ditions this would make little differ- yardage is as follows: ence as the western team has invari- Out—306 498 315 330 382 483 138 490 109 ably been chosen from Illinois players. In —296 434 350 461 157 297 512 175 550 In the ninth annual competition held Mr. Warren K. Wood, who is al- at the Homewood Country Club, most invincible on his home course Flossmoor, Ill., on July 19, the well led the field with a total of 150, Mr. balanced quartet representing the Charles Evans, Jr., being second with Western Golf association breezed 150. THE AMERICAN GOLFER 397

Mr. Howard B. Lee, of Detroit, team were: the Rev. Paul R. Talbot, was third with 156. Mr. Wood in Kansas City, 84-86—170; Mr. J. D. the morning set a competitive record Cady, Rock Island, 85-85—170; Mr. for the remodeled course and had he W. Middleton, Rock Island, 90-86— not missed a five-foot putt on the 176. home green he would have had a 71. ° ° ° Mr. Ned Allis, of , after a Mr. Roland Harrison, of the Hyper- poor round in the morning had a 77 ion Field Club, of Des Moines, won in the afternoon, after being penalized the thirteenth annual championship of a stroke when his approach hit his the Iowa State association, defeating- caddie at the flag. Mr. Ralph Rider, of the same club, 2 Mr. Wood: up and 1 to play in the 36 holes final Out— 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 2—35 at the Des Moines Golf and Country In — 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 6—37—72 Club on July 12. Par: The new champion who began play- Out— 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 3—37 In — 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 5—38—75 ing the game seven years ago, when Mr. Evans: in high school, has by persistent effort Out— 4 6 4 4 4 5 3 5 4—39 In — 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 3 6—37—76 Mr. Lee: Out— 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 3—37 In — 4 6 4 4 4 4 5 4 6—40—77 Mr. Allis: Out— 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 3—39 In — 3 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 6—38—77

Summary: WESTERN G. A. (628). A.M. P.M. Tot. C. Evans, Jr., Chicago 76 78 154 K. P. Edwards, Chicago 82 78 160 W. K. Wood, Chicago 72 78 150 W. I. Howland, Jr., Chicago. 80 84 164 INTERCOLLEGIATE G. A. (669). D. B. Douglas, Princeton.. .. 83 91 174 H. B. Lee, Yale 77 79 156 R. B. Scribner, Yale 85 87 172 M. Kehlor, Illinois 81 86 167 WISCONSIN G. A. (680). C. C. Allen, Kenosha 83 85 168 R. Cavanagh, Kenosha 90 85 175 E. P. Allis, Milwaukee 86 77 163 G. Yule, Kenosha 86 88 174 KENTUCKY G. A. (730). P. Anderson, Lexington 92 95 187 H. Heyburn, Louisville 93 88 181 J. Marshall, Jr., Louisville... 82 94 176 J. Heyburn, Louisville 95 91 186 John R. Lemist of the Trans-Mis- sissippi team withdrew during the Mrs. C. E. Raymond, of the Hinsdale Golf Club, President of the Women's Western Golf afternoon play. Other scores on the Association. 398THE AMERICAN GOLFER

Mr. Bartlett's opening round and the par of the course are as follows: Mr. Bartlett: Out—3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 6—38 In —4 4 4 5 4 6 3 4 4—38—76 Par: Out—4 5 3 4 3 4 5 4 5—37 In —4 4 3 6 4 4 4 3 4—36—73 In the second half of the round Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Harri- son each had cards of 78. The only surprise of note in the first match round was the defeat of Mr. Warren Dickinson, champion in 1902 and 1903, by Dr. E. E. Dorr, of the Waveland Club, who won 2 and 1. Master Newman Dorr, the Waveland youngster, gave Mr. Harrison a hard battle, the coming champion being down in the early stages, but catching the boy nearing the finish, his win at the last hole enabled him to finish 2

Dr. A. K. West, of Oklahoma City, Winner of up. the Oklahoma State Championship. All of the leaders came through the raised himself to the front rank of second round with flying colors. Mr. Hawkeye golfers and his new found Bartlett, of Ottumwa, and Mr. Ken- honor is well deserved. During his neth Lindsay, of Cedar Rapids, were passage to the championship he de- the only two visiting players to sur- feated Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, Cedar vive, the other six being local men. Rapids, 6 and 5, and followed by de- Young Mr. Hubbell, the Des Moines throning Mr. William Sheehan, the high school player, eliminated Mr. 1912 champion, to the tune of 7 and 6. Bartlett in the best match of the third Then he crossed the final bunker by round. At no time was there more downing Mr. Rider, holder of the than 2 holes difference between the title in 1911. Mr. Rider was runner contestants. They finished the morn- up in the Trans-Mississippi tourna- ing round all square, each getting ment at St. Louis. cards of 80. In the afternoon they Mr. Arthur Bartlett, of the Ot- were all square at the 27th hole. Mr. tumwa Club, a young player who not Hubbell took the lead at the 32nd hole long ago graduated from the caddy and the next three were halved. He ranks, furnished the surprise of the won the final hole giving him a mar- qualifying round in which he led a gin of 2 up. His card was 40-38—78. field of 150 players with a total of Mr. Rider overwhelmed Mr. Martin 154, six strokes better than the card by a margin of 12 and 11. Mr. Martin of champion William Sheehan and had the best card of the tournament, eight better than the total made by getting 38-36—74, while in the after- Mr. Ralph Rider who had 162. noon he went out in 35. A notable THE AMERICAN GOLFER 399 feature was, that on the final hole Mr. the semi-final battle. Although the Rider laid his opponent a stymie, and champion had a card of 38-40—78, he as he finished his matches against Mr. was 4 down at the interval. Despite a McKee and Mr. Carr in a similar man- rainfall during the last nine holes Mr. ner it furnished a trinity of coinci- Harrison had a card of 37-37—74, dences. which is within 1 stroke of the course Champion Sheehan outplayed Dr. record. The champion was wild in the Dorr getting a card of 79 and leading afternoon and failed to win a hole on 5 up at the interval, winning eventu- the out round, Mr. Harrison taking ally, 8 and 7. Mr. Harrison was three. Mr. Sheehan won the 28th given a good argument by Mr. Ken- hole but was defeated on the 30th reth Lindsay in the morning round. green. Young Mr. Hubbell who was

AT THE WAVERLY COUNTRY CLUB PORTLAND, ORE. The eighteenth green in the Evans-Wood vs. Egan-Davis four-ball match. (Left to right) H. Chandler Egan, on the extreme left, H. B. Davis and Warren K. Wood. Evans gets a 4, winning the 36th hole and match, 1 up. but by the aid of a little luck he was runner up last year to Mr. Sheehan 3 up at intermission. Mr. Harrison was unable to get quite as far this holed his approach on the 17th green time, falling before the steady play of while on Number 10 he holed a 40- Mr. Ralph Rider, champion in 1909, foot putt and got a half. Mr. Harri- who defeated the youngster 4 and 2, son had a card of 79, Mr. Lindsay snuffing the last representative of the taking 82. In the afternoon Mr. Lind- Des Moines Golf and Country Club. say was unable to reduce the lead Mr. Rider with a card of 41-36— against him and was eliminated, 6 77, gained an advantage of 4 up at the and 5. end of the first 18 holes. Mr. Hub- Champion Sheehan by virtue of his bell's card was 43-40—83. At one three victories in the last four year stage in the afternoon Mr. Hubbell was a favorite over Mr. Harrison in was 7 down but at the 27th hole he 400THE AMERICAN GOLFER had regained four of them. Later The afternoon play was equally close, when Mr. Rider was dormie 6 his Mr. Harrison several times having a young opponent took three holes in a margin on 1 up only to have Mr. row, but on the next green the boy Rider get on even terms. took three putts and Rider took the On the 13th green Mr. Rider missed match, 4 and 2. a short putt and lost the hole, 4-3, and Mr. Rider won the first three holes this mistake cut quite a lot of figure of the final from Mr. Harrison and in his defeat. Mr. Harrison was the at the turn was 2 up, going out in 39 most favored by luck, winning three to 41 by his opponent. A stiff west of his holes on stymies. wind blew across the course and made The Hyperion team won the club trouble for both men. Mr. Harrison championship with a total of 661, the won the 10th hole but dropped the Des Moines Golf and Country Club 12th. Missed putts cost Mr. Rider being second with 675, and Cedar the 14th and 15th holes making the Rapids third with 707. The scores match all square. Mr. Rider took the of the winning teams were: Mr. Rider, 16th hole 4-5, but promptly dropped 162; Mr. Sheehan, 160; Mr. Harrison, this advantage, Mr. Harrison taking 163; Mr. Carr, 176. the next hole 3-4, the home hole was halved leaving the match all square. Ottumwa was voted the 1914 tour- nament and Mr. Dwight Baker of promised the golf- ers a far better course than the one over which they played in 1909. Officers were elected as follows: President, Mr. William O. Finkbine, Des Moines Golf and Country Club; Vice- President, Mr. George F. Kinney, Burlington; Secre- tary-Treasurer, Mr. C. F. Ranscher, Ottumwa; Direc- tors, Mr. W. E. Cornell, Wintersett; Mr. E. A. Durin, Cedar Rapids; Mr. W. R. Tyler, Sioux City; Mr. Fred Longley, Water- loo; Dr. E. E. Dorr, Des Moines. A new championship cup will be put in com- petition next year, the present one being some- what worn and battered.

Gallery at the eighteenth green at the Waverly Country Club in ° ° ° the final of the 36 holes match between Evans and Wood vs. Egan and Davis. Summary: THE AMERICAN GOLFER 401

IOWA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. Des Moines Golf and Country Club. July 7-12. Medalist—Arthur Bartlett, Ottumwa, 154. 154 A. Bartlett, Ottumwa Bartlett 172 R. H. Finkbine, D.Moines G.C. 4 and 2 Bartlett 169 A. E. Durin, Cedar Rapids.. Durin 5 and 4 176 T. B. Cookerly, Jr., Hyperion 1 up Hubbell 164 J. W. Hubbell, D.Moines G.C. Hubbell 2 up 174 A. E. Burnett, Grand View.. 6 and 5 Hubbell 171 F. J. Koch, Hyperion Smith 6 and 5

176 M. N. Smith, Grand View... 1 up 4 an d 2

169 M. Martin, D. Moines G.C.C. Martin Ride r 175 J. Cummins, D.Moines G.C.C. 8 and 7 Martin 172 E. J. Carey, Cedar Rapids... Carey 1 up, 19 h. Rider 177 E. Ellis, Hyperion 7 and 6 12 and 11 170 W. Harper, DesMoines G.C.C. Carr 176 F. P. Carr, Hyperion 5 and 3 Rider 163 R. Rider, Hyperion Rider 4 and 3 172 H. McKee, Grand View 3 and 2 160 W. Sheehan, Hyperion Sheehan

173 C. Kubec, Waveland 6 and 5 Sheehan 2 an d 1 170 R. L. Read, D.Moines G.C.C. Read 2 and 1 Harriso n 176 W. H. Ammons, Hyperion... 2 and 1 Sheehan 166 Jas. Wallace, D.Moines G.C.C. Wallace 8 and 7 184 W. R. Bromlee, Burlington.. 3 and 2 Dorr 171 W. Dickinson, Hyperion Dorr 3 and 2 176 Dr. E. E. Dorr, Waveland.. 2 and 1

169 K. Lindsay, Cedar Rapids. . . . Lindsay 7 an d 6

175 C. H. Morton, D.Moines G.C. 5 and 4 Lindsay Harriso n 172 K. McDonald, Waveland.... Boardman 6 and 5 177 C.H.E.Boardman, Marshalltn. 6 and 5 171 C. S. Vorse, Hyperion Newburn Harrison 176 Don Newburn, Waveland. . . . 3 and 2 Harrison 6 and 5 163 R. Harrison, Hyperion Harrison 3 and 2 174 N. Dorr, Waveland 2 up

° ° ° Miss Jessie Jones, of the Sioux City The picturesque course and the well Country Club, established herself as known hospitality of the members of the leading woman player of Iowa by the Rock Island Arsenal golf club have defeating Mrs. W. F. Moore, of the always been a magnet for visiting Waveland Club, Des Moines, 8 and 6, players and the invitation tournament in the final match for the state title held July 9-12 attracted a field of over at the Des Moines Golf and Country a hundred players, a number coming Club. The play of Miss Jones was the from distant points. Chicago con- finest ever put up by a woman on a tributed three of the best of its young Des Moines course. She won six of players and the battle for the Colonel's the first nine holes, going out in 45. cup, the main trophy of the tourna- Miss Jones after the turn, took three ment, was between two of them, Mr. holes straight with fours. In the semi- Donald Edwards, of the Midlothian final rounds, Miss Jones defeated Miss Country Club, defeating Mr. William A. Hammer, of Grandview, 6 and 4, I. Howland, Jr., of the Glen View and Mrs. Moore defeated Mrs. George Club, 1 up in the 36 holes final. McMein by a similar margin. Miss There was a lot of speculation as Jones had low score of 48-47—95, in to the outcome of this match, but Mr. the qualifying round, Miss Hammer Edwards played so brilliantly in the finished second with a total of 101. morning he gained a lead of five holes. 402THE AMERICAN GOLFER

His short play was almost perfect and Major's Cup—Mr. C. L. Nelson, St. he equaled the par of the course with Louis, defeated Mr. T. W. Carter, Jr., St. a card of 74, Mr. Howland taking 78. Louis, 5 and 4. Mr. Howland picked up in the after- Beaten Eight—Mr. C. Stanley, Indianap- noon round, but Mr. Edwards was olis, defeated Dr. H. C. Sumney, Omaha, 4 and 3. finally dormie 3 and although the Glen View player took the 34th and 35th Captain's Cup—Mr. T. B. Davis, Omaha, holes he had to be content with a half defeated Mr. Hugo Schmidt, Davenport, 2 and 1. on the home green. Mr. Howland in the semi-final Beaten Eight—Mr. W. C. Muller, Daven- port, defeated Dr. L. Ostrom, Moline, 2 round, which was at 36 holes, disposed and 1. of the other half of the Edwards fam- Lieutenant's Cup—Mr. H. A. Ainsworth, ily, defeating Mr. Kenneth P. Ed- Moline, defeated Mr. L. C. Arp, Moline, wards, 2 and 1, in the best match of 3 and 2. the day. Mr. Howland gained a lead Beaten Eight—Dr. A. F. Henning, Chi- of 3 in the morning round and had a cago, defeated Mr. J. H. Barnard, Moline, card of 77, Mr. Edwards made a game 5 and 3. fight in the afternoon and after being Colonel's Cup Consolation—Mr. J. N. 4 down he won the next three holes, Tait, Chicago, defeated Mr. Paul R. Talbot, putting him 1 down and 2 to go. Mr. Jefferson City, 5 and 4. Howland won the short "circus" hole, Among those who took part in the 3 to 4, giving him the verdict. They event were: Mr. Frank L. Woodward played the bye hole, Mr. Howland and Mr. John R. Lemist, of ; getting a medal card of 74. Donald Mr. John C. Fennell, of Kansas City, Edwards outplayed Mr. Leon Mitchell, former President of the trans-Missis- 7 and 6, in the other semi-final. sippi Golf Assn.; Mr. J. O. Hinkley, The three Chicago players had a close race for the qualifying medal, former President of the Midlothian Mr. Kenneth P. Edwards winning Country Club; Mr. Tom Carter, of from his brother and Mr. Howland by St. Louis and Mr. Charles E. Willard, 1 shot, his card being 76. secretary of the Western Golf Asso- Winners in the other flights were as ciation. follows: Summary: ROCK ISLAND ARSENAL G. C. Invitation Tournament. Played at Rock Island, Ill., July 9-12. Medalist—Kenneth P. Edwards, Midlothian, 76. 76 K. P. Edwards, Midlothian... Edwards 81 P. R. Talbot, Jefferson City.. 3 and 2 Edwards 79 J. D. Cady, Rock Island Cady 4 and 3 82 C. Dexter, , Tex 3 and 2 Howland 83 W. D. Middleton, Rock Island Middleton 2 and 1 80 E. C. Crossett, Rock Island.. 3 and 2 Howland 77 W. I. Howland, Jr. Glen View Howland 81 R. S. Hosford, Rock Island... 3 and 2 D. Edwards 77 D. Edwards, Midlothian Edwards 1 up 84 J. L. Carleton, Glen Echo.... 3 and 1 Edwards 82 E. C. Mueller, Davenport.... Mueller 5 and 4 79 J. P. Magee, Omaha C. C.... 1 up, 20 h. Edwards 81 G. D. French, Rock Island... French 7 and 6 83 W. J. Feron, Chicago G. C.. 5 and 4 Mitchell 82 Lcon Mitchel, Rock Island.. Mitchell 3 and 1 78 T. N. Tait, South Shore 1 up, 20 h. THE AMERICAN GOLFER 403 Led by Mrs. William A. Alexander the best individual score, her record with a score of 5 up, the Exmoor of 8 up on the long course being Country Club, of Chicago, won the an- remarkable. Par for the course is nual competition for the Higgins' tro- 100 and she had a medal card of 88. phy, played for July 1, by clubs of the ° ° ° Women's Western Golf Assn. The On July 15 over 500 players took Highland Park players who were sec- part in the competitive events on five ond last year, finished first, with a Chicago courses. The annual invita- fine score of 8 up on par. tion tournament at the Skokie Coun- A question was raised as to the eligi- try Club drew 225 players, while the bility of Mrs. women's open Frank G. Jones to tournament at the play on the team, Beverly Country as she also is a Club had 138 start- member of the ers. Twenty-eight Memphis Country engineers compet- Club and there is a ed in a tournament rule which prohib- at Homewood, its a player from while forty mem- receiving credit bers of the Ridge from more than Country Club took one club. As Mrs. part in a "rail Jones played for bird" event which Exmoor in the tro- started at 4 a. m. phy competition In addition to these last year and no the Hamilton Club objections were held a golf tourna- lodged, the com- ment at Evanston mittee of the W. in which nearly W. G. A. ruled 100 members com- that the Exmoor peted. This is a Club score would mid-week record stand, but that for the Chicago Mrs. Jones would district. have to relinquish ° ° ° any credit she had John M. Simpson, of the Galesburg Country Club, champion of Central Illinois, aged 16. for matches played Mrs. W. with the Memphis Club. Anderson, of the Hinsdale Golf The , of Chi- Club, of Chicago, won the invitation cago, which won in 1910, was second tournament of the Tuscumbia Golf 3 up and the Country Club, Green Lake, Wis., defeating Club, which was first in 1911, finished Miss Louise Fergus, of Glen View, third, 2 up. Mrs. Lawrence Mills, 1 up in the final. Mrs. A. Heaning, former Western champion, was 4 up, of the Wheaton Golf Club, won the and Mrs. Frank Jones, former south- second flight from Mrs. John Worley, ern champion, was 2 up. of Hinsdale, 2 and 1. Mrs. J. G. Latimer, of the Home- ° ° ° wood Country Club, of Chicago, had Mr. John Simpson, of Galesburg, 404THE AMERICAN GOLFER won the amateur championship of City, 7 and 6, and Miss Pearce de- Central Illinois by defeating Mr. feated Mrs. George S. Haskell of the Charles L. Weems, of Quincy, 11 and home club, 3 and 2. 9 in the final match of the tourna- ° ° ° ment held at Galesburg in July under After a lapse of a year the Skokie the auspices of the Central Assn. of Country Club renewed its annual in- Country Clubs of Illinois. Mr. Simp- vitation age limit tournament, the son, who is sixteen years of age, ap- miss having been occasioned by the pears to be a player of great promise. burning of the club house. The tour- Mr. Bert Brooks, of Galesburg, nament always has been the most took the Na Muckle Doon cup by de- popular of its kind and this time a feating Mr. Jay Kent, of Champaign, record breaking field of 225 players- 4 and 3. all over 30 years of age got into the The Galesburg team, consisting of fray. For the first time in the his- Messrs. Simpson, Jarl, Bunker, Craig, tory of the event the Skokie cup was Switzer and Miller won by a home- walked away with player, Dr. Lee K the team match Stewart taking Mr. against bogey, be- Leon A. Wolters ing 51 up at the into camp in the- end of the 36 holes final match, 7 and of play. The other 5, at 36 holes. The teams finished as big doctor played follows: Peoria, 3 consistently and as down, Springfield, Wolters was off 3 down, Danville, 7 on his short game down, Blooming- the Skokie man ton, 14 down, had a lead of 2 up Champaign, 10 at the end of the down, Quincy 26 morning play. On down, Decatur, 93 the first six holes down. in the afternoon round the doctor ° ° ° played par golf and Mrs. F. S. Col- Finalists in Western Intercollegiate championship led 6 up, never be- at the Calumet Country Club, Chicago. (On burn, of the Glen left) James Cummins, of the University of ing in danger. Wisconsin and Des Moines Country Club View club, took the (runner-up). (On right) C. F. Grimes, Uni- Walter E. Egan, versity of Chicago (winner). first flight honors of the Exmoor in the Women's Western Golf Asso- Country Club, former western cham- ciation four-day tournament at the pion, had low score in the quali- Beverly Country Club by defeating fying round, his card of 79 be- Miss Ernestine Pearce, 3 and 2, in ing 3 over par. Mr. Egan was the final battle. Mrs. Colburn had generally picked to win in spite of the low score of 91, the field of 138 being fact that he has had but little match a record breaker for a women's event practice this year. He won his first in Chicago. match from Mr. W. F. Workman, of In the semi-final round Mrs. Col- Springfield, Ill., but in the second burn won from Miss Carrie Lee, of round was unexpectedly eliminated by the Evanston Golf Club of Kansas Mr. William H. Bennett, one of the THE AMERICAN GOLFER 405

pioneers of the Skokie club. With engraved on the cup in addition to Mr. Egan out of the way it looked getting the gold medal. Mr. McEl- as if Mr. George M. McConnell, who wee won the low gross prize with rates next to Mr. Charles Evans, Jr., rounds of 77 and 79, his handicap of at the Edgewater club, might win, 6 giving him a net of 150. but he was beaten by Mr. Wolters in SUMMARY OF CUP FINALS. the semi-final round. Deerpath Cup—R. H. McElwee defeated W. R. Kirk, 11 and 9. Finals for the other trophies re- Solace Cup—Thomas Pomeroy won from J. D. sulted as follows: Hubbard, who defaulted on account of illness. Bobolink Cup—John Stuart, Skokie, defeated Tyro Cup—C. W. Andrews defeated C. B. Pike, A. G. Bennett, Skokie, 3 and 2. 3 and 1. Elm Cup—H. C. Simons, La Grange, defeated Consolations—First Flight—Col. Carbough de- B. N. Anderson, La Grange, 3 and 2. feated E. S. Moore, 4 and 3. Oriole Cup—P. , Skokie, defeated Second Flight—R. D. Hill defeated C. G. King, R. Sherman, Skokie, 4 and 3. 8 and 6. Willow Cup—R. E. Daniels, Midlothian, defeated Third Flight—G. Farwell defeated E. L. Baker, W. M. Plant, Exmoor, 3 and 2. 4 and 3. Meadow Lark Cup—R. L. Roberts, Skokie, de- Leading scores: feated F. S. Smith, Saginaw, 1 up. Player A.M. P.M. Gr. Hp. Net Hickory Cup—F. B. Farnsworth, Evanston, de- T. Pomerov 78 88 166 20 146 feated T. B. Brown, Exmoor, 6 and 5. W. C. Winter 78 83 161 12 149 Whipporwill Cup—J. M. Sheldon, Skokie, de- R. H. McElwee 77 79 156 6 150 feated W. Beaver, Edgewater, 5 and 4. W. C. Taylor 82 81 163 12 151 Oak Cup—A. G. Fitch, Beverly, defeated R. T. G. McLoughlin 88 92 180 12 168 Larrabee, Calumet, 9 and 7. C. W. Andrews 94 98 192 40 152 Heron Cup—Grant Ridgeway, Skokie, defeated K. Clow 85 82 167 14 153 A. W. Shaw, Skokie, 6 and 5. D. R. Forgan 80 82 162 8 154 Poplar Cup—Nicholas Roberts, Skokie, defeated A. A. Sprague, 2d 94 96 190 36 154 A. E. Dennis, Skokie, 2 and 1. ° ° ° Swallow Cup—George McDonald, Homewood, defeated C. G. Alexander, Exmoor, 5 and 4. Mr. David R. Forgan, who, four- Dubbs Cup—W. D. Kirk, Skokie, defeated C. H. Herman, Edgewater, 9 and 8. teen years ago won the first amateur ° ° ° championship of the western golf asso- ciation, led a large field of forty play- Mr. Harvey McElwee after a some- ers in the annual competition for the what shaky display in the qualifying John H. Hamline Memorial trophy at round won the members tournament the on July 4. The staged by the Onwentsia club in place thirty-six hole contest constitutes the of the usual invitation tournament. club championship. Mr. Forgan had Mr. Walter R. Kirk, who was in the scores of 84 and 81, his total of 165 other half of the draw for the Deer- being one stroke better than that made path cup, was unable to give the vet- by Mr. Wayne Chatfield-Taylor, who eran anything like an argument and had a card of 79-87—166. Mr. Wayne was beaten 11 and 9. Chatfield-Taylor turned in the win- Mr. Wallace C. Winter, the former ning score for the cup presented by Yale football player, proved a sur- Mr. W. A. Alexander and Mr. Tho- prise. Not only did he lead in the mas Taylor, Jr., his score being 70 qualifying round, but went through to net. the semi-final in which Mr. McElwee had to play at top speed to defeat ° ° ° him. On the final day there was a Visiting golfers were so hospitably thirty-six holes handicap for the On- entertained by the members of the wentsia cup second. Mr. Thomas Midlothian Country Club of Chicago Pomeroy, with a card of 166-20—146, in the invitation tournament that they had low net, and will have his name made a clean sweep of the prizes. 406THE AMERICAN GOLFER

Mr. Joseph C. LeDuc, of the Calumet The middle west tourist golfers Country Club out putted Mr. Thomas competed in an event at the Kansas Handley, of the Highlands Golf Club City Country Club, on June 29, this be- of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and took ing their last engagement, although the first flight final by a margin of a few of the players subsequently vis- 3 and 2. ited Omaha. Mr. D. Edward Saw- It was a tropically hot day and Mr. yer, of Chicago, led the field with a Handley was unable to do his best. total of 149 and won the silver loving He led in the qualifying round with cup presented by the dub. a card of 81, the players having to Leading Scores: combat a high wind. Mr. Handley D. E. Sawyer, Chicago...... 71 78 149 defeated Mr. C. C. Ingraham, of Mid- H. G. Legg, Minneapolis 73 77 150 lothian, 3 and 2, and in the semi- W. K. Wood, Chicago 75 75 150

The sixteenth putting-green of the Saginaw Country Club, where the Michigan State Championship was played. final he downed Mr. James O. Hink- F. Hale, Chicago 75 78 153 ley by a margin of one hole. Mr. Phil Stanton, Grand Rapids.. 81 76 157 LeDuc by some remarkable putting Chick Evans, Chicago 78 79 157 E. Armstrong, Los Angeles... 75 83 158 defeated Mr. J. P. Gardner, 2 and 1. H. Lee, Detroit 79 79 158 Dr. W. E. Code, of Westward Ho R. C.Thorne, Kansas City.... 79 79 158 won the Willow Brook cup by defeat- C. R. James, Kansas City 79 80 159 ing Mr. G. A. Gilmore, of Exmoor, R. W. Hodge, Kansas City.... 78 82 160 C. Devol, Chicago 6 and 5. 80 80 160 J. A. Roberts, Kansas City... 82 83 165 Mr. Charles W. Booth, of Calumet, E. R. Morrison, Kansas City.. 82 84 166 won the Pioneer from Dr. G. A. Duf- ° ° ° fy of the Beverly Country Club, 2 Champion William H. Diddel, of and 1. Indianapolis, did not defend the In- THE AMERICAN GOLFER 407 diana State title in the fourteenth an- approach while Mr. Wilbur over ran nual tournament held at the Delaware the cup, the former winning 4-5 and Country Club, of Muncie, Ind., July taking the match. 14 to 19. His successor is Mr. Rob- Mr. Swezey won the first four holes ert L. Resener, of the Riverside Club of his match against Mr. Baxter, but of Indianapolis, who was runner-up the Scotchman cut down this lead to last year to Mr. Diddel. The new one hole at the end of the morning champion won a clean-cut victory over round and from that point on the Mr. Burr Swezey, of Marion, the for- match was closely fought. mer State champion, by a margin of Mr. Bert Wilbur, of Highland, won 7 and 6. After the first few holes Mr. the qualification medal with a card of Resener played consistent golf and 38-40—78, Mr. Burr Swezey finish- held the upper hand most of the way. ing second with 40-39—79. He made the first round of the nine Out of a field of 71 starters every holes course in 35, his opponent tak- card was handed in, causing William ing 5 more. On the second round he Still, the Indianapolis professional, scored 36 to 39 by Mr. Swezey. The who supervised the tournament, to Indianapolis player was 6 up at the remark he had never seen such a interval. thing happen before. Cards: The Riverside Club, which had the Mr. Resener: Out—4 3 4 4 3 4 4 5 4—35 assistance of Mr. William Diddel, won In —5 3 5 3 4 3 6 2 5—36—71 the team event with a score of 659. Mr. Swezey: The champion scored 157, Mr. Ed- Out—5 3 5 4 5 5 5 4 4—40 ward Zimmer getting 166, Mr. Robert In —5 3 6 4 4 4 5 4 4—39—79 Resener 164, and Mr. Frank Avers Mr. Resener in the afternoon played 172. The Highland Club of Indianap- the first round in 38, Mr. Swezey tak- olis took second place with a total of ing one more. At the 27th hole he 682, the Marion Golf Club finishing still was 6 up and by winning two of third with 688. Seven other teams the next three holes he took the title. competed. This rather one-sided contest was a A feature of the tournament was disappointment after the two finely the showing of the younger players. fought battles in the penultimate Among these were Robert Shideler, round in which Mr. Swezey defeated of Marion; Bennett Heath and Archie Mr. David Baxter, the veteran Sampson, of the Delaware Country Scotchman of the Highland Club, 1 Club. up in 36 holes, and Mr. Resener took the hardest fought match of the meet On the third day of the tournament from Mr. Bert Wilbur, 1 up in 37 the course was deluged and it was nec- holes. In the latter match Mr. Wil- essary to abandon three of the holes, bur gained the lead of 5 holes in the and the players went three times morning round, but Mr. Resener by around the improvised six-hole course, a game display in the afternoon re- which was 900 yards longer than the duced his opponent's lead to dormie 2. double round of the course would Mr. Resener won the next two holes, have been under normal conditions. taking the last with a fine 4. At the Winners in the minor flights were extra hole Mr. Resener made a good as follows: 408THE AMERICAN GOLFER

President's Cup—F. Lesh, Delaware, de- At the annual meeting, Dr. N. W. feated W. Nunssbaum, 1 up. Hiatt, of the Marion Country Club, Directors' Cup—C. H. Schafer, River- side, defeated Bennett Heath, Delaware. was elected president and Mr. Fred Committee Cup—Harry James, Delaware, C. Schmidt, of Indianapolis, secretary defeated T. Wilson, Logansport, 10 and 8. and treasurer. The 1914 tournament 40 holes. will be held at the Marion C. C. Secretary's Cup—Neil Loomis, Marion, defeated R. P. Johnson, Delaware, 1 up in Summary:

INDIANA STATE CHAMPIONSHIP. Delaware Country Club, Muncie, Ind., July 14-19. Medalist—B. Wilbur, Highland, 78.

78 H. Wilbur, Highland Wilbur 87 W. Nussbaum, Riverside 5 and 4 Wilbur 85 J. O. Willson, Marion Wilson 6 and 5 90 Dr. Martin, Delaware by default Wilbur 84 G. Redwine, Riverside Redwine 2 up 89 A. L. Johnson, Delaware 6 and 5 Redwine 86 F. B. Jones, Delaware Bancker 90 W. B. Bancker, Indianapolis. 1 up 81 R. L. Resener, Indianapolis.. Resener 88 F. Sweetser, Marion 5 and 4 Resener 1 up , 37 h . 86 C. McElwain, Highland McElwain 2 up Resene r 90 C. Baldwin, Delaware 1 up Resener 84 Dr. J. W. Stewart, Logansport Keyes 5 and 4 89 W. J. Keyes, Terre Haute.... by default Keyes 86 C. F. Shaffer, Riverside Shaffer 1 up 90 B. C. Stevenson, Highland... 4 and 3 79 Burr Swezey, Marion Swezey 88 A. A. Protzman, Delaware... 6 and 5 Swezey 7 an d 6 85 B. Heath, Delaware Heath 6 and 5 R . Resene r 90 R. C. Trimble, Riverside.... 3 and 2 Swezey 84 F. Ayres, Riverside Ayres 7 and 8 89 J. J. Mossier, Riverside 1 Up Ayres 86 B. F. Meixwell, Highland.... McNeely 6 and 5 94 F. McNeely, Riverside 6 and 4 82 R. Shideler, Marion Shideler 92 G. Coon, Delaware 5 and 4 Shideler 1 u p 109 A. Sampson, Delaware Sampson 4 and 2 Sweze y 90 J. McNaughton, Delaware.... 1 up Baxter J. E. Johnson, Delaware Johnson 5 and 4 89 F. Lesh, Delaware 7 and 6 Baxter 86 D. Baxter, Highland Baxter 4 and 2 91 J. H. Trimble, Riverside 4 and 3

° ° ° Mr. E. M. Byers, of the Allegheny previous mark being 73, by Mr. Bole. Country Club, won the invitation tour- Mr. G. L. Fordyce, of Youngstown, nament of the Mayfield Country Club defeated Mr. C. C. Bolton, Jr., of the of Cleveland. In the final he defeated home club, 3 and 2 in the consolation Mr. M. C. King, of the home club, event. The second flight final fell to 7 and 6. Mr. Byers won the qualifi- Mr. D. F. Hurd of Euclid, who won cation round with a card of 79-75— from Mr. C. H. Porter, Mayfield, 154, which was one better than that 2 up. made by Mr. Joseph K. Bole, of the Mr. Guy A. Miller, once a star home club. These players met in the pitcher on the University of Michigan second round of the tournament, Mr. nine, is the new champion of Detroit Byers winning 2 and 1, and setting by virtue of his victory over Mr. a new course record of 72, the best Lewis Bredin in the deciding match THE AMERICAN GOLFER409 for the title at the Bloomfield Hills The Mansfield Country Club golf- Country Club., Mr. Bredin had a lead ers won their team match against Can- of 4 holes at the, luncheon interval, ton, Ohio, by a score of 31 to 16. but the veteran improved in the after- ° ° ° noon and squared the match on the Omaha Country Club - golfers de- 13th green. Mr. V. D. Cliff annexed feated the Field Club team, 25 to 18, the consolation cup by defeating Mr. in a match at-the Field Club. A. J. Hood, 2 up. ° ° ° The team match was won by the In a well-fought match Mr. C. F. Detroit Country Club with a total of Mosher downed Mr. DeWitt Balch, 337. 3 and 2, in the final for the champion- ° ° ° ship of the Golf Club. Prescott S. Bush, the big seventeen- Mayor Hunt escaped from the City year-old player, won the holiday tour- Hall long enough to defeat Mr. E. W. nament at the Arlington Country Club Irwin, 3 and 2, in a consolation flight. of Columbus, defeating Mr. Frank E. ° ° ° Griffiths, one of the best veteran play- There is a strong possibility that the ers of the Buckeye State. Mr. Bush, Evanston Golf Club of Chicago will who was runner-up in the State tour- abandon its site at the end of the pres- nament last year, will enter Yale in the ent season. The ground is leased fall and should prove a big factor in from several different owners, some of the intercollegiate contests. whom have declined to renew. Among ° ° ° them is the owner of the tract on Fourteen players from the Saginaw which the club-house and other build- Country Club defeated the Bay City ings stand and under the terms of the team, 26 to 11, over the Saginaw lease these buildings revert to the course on which the Michigan State owner. A number of the members championship is to be played. have joined the new Westmoreland ° ° ° Club and the chances are against the old organization trying to continue. Mr. Ned Allis last month set a new record of 74 for the Milwaukee Coun- ° ° ° try Club course. His card was as The Plainfield Country Club, located follows : nine miles from Grand Rapids, opened Out—3 5 5 4 5 3 5 3 4—37 its new house last month. It is one of In —4 5 4 3 2 5 5 6 2—37—74 the finest in the State and will com- ° ° ° pare well with any in the country. Thirty-two players qualified in the The cost was $70,000. The club- midsummer tournament at the Detroit house is located in a commpnding po- Golf Club, Mr. F. F. Wormley and sition and a good view of the eighteen Mr. H. H. Odell tying with net scores holes golf course can be had from the of 77. veranda. The club maintains its own ° ° ° light and water plants. Judge W. O. Henderson, former ° ° ° director of the Western Golf Associa- In the second match of the Tri-City tion, won the one-club event at the League, played at the Cincinnati Golf Arlington Country Club, Columbus, Club, the home team was victorious Ohio. ever the visitors' from the 'Louisville 410THE AMERICAN GOLFER and Lexington Country Clubs. The feating Miss Dunning, 2 and 1. In Ohioans had a total of 31, Louisville the second flight, Miss Reid had a making 22 and Lexington 13. John margin of 3 and 2 in the final. Marshall, Jr., took two points from ° ° ° Mr. Brad Eldridge, the Cincinnati A curious situation arose during the player, who holds the championship of final play for the Omaha champion- Kentucky. ship. The first leg was played on the ° ° ° Happy Hollow course, the second at Mr. Ilef Felix annexed the cham- the Omaha Country Club and the third pionship of the Topeka Country Club at the Field Club. Mr. Sam Reynolds, by defeating Mr. Allen McNeal, 1 up Mr. John Redick and Mr. Jerome in 36 holes. Mr. Felix set a new ama- Magee were competing in the event, teur record for the course, his card playing together. In driving from the being 39-36—75. This score was second tee Mr. Redick lost his ball. made in the semi-final. Professional He dropped another over his shoulder Bob Peebles a few days after this and played his third. Mr. Redick made the course in 67. His card was failed to go back to the tee as he as follows: should have done and under the rules Out—5 3 4 6 3 3 3 4 3—34 is disqualified. For failure to report In —5 3 3 4 4 4 4 2 4—33—67 this non-observance of the rules Mr. ° ° ° Reynolds is also disqualified. But In the first of the matches to decide Mr. Redick is a member of the City the women's team championship of Tournament Committee, and Mr. Chicago the North Side twelve fin- Reynolds complained to him at the ished 45 up at the Exmoor Country time of the breach of the rules, which Club. The South Side team finished Mr. Reynolds claims constitutes a re- 3 up while the West Side players were port. The tangle has been submitted 48 down. to the U. S. Golf Association for a ° ° ° ruling. Mr. Reynolds on the final day First flight honors of the holiday drew even with Mr. Redick, each hav- tournament held at the Del Monte ing grand totals of 493. Should both course, California, went to Mr. George of them be disqualified, the city title Nickel, of the Golf and would revert to Mr. Blaine Young, Country Club, who defeated Mr. F. who had a total of 496. H. Edwards, of Los Angeles, 2 and 1, ° ° ° in the morning round and in the final Mr. George M. Coon is the prose- disposed of Mr. O. W. Jones, of To- cuting attorney of Grant County, and ledo, Ohio, by a similar margin. Mr. played in the Indiana State tourna- Chapin Tubbs won the beaten eight ment at Muncie. He won the vice- in the first flight, defeating Dr. C. H. president's cup from President John- Walter, 2 up. Mr. F. E. Miller, of son, of the Delaware Country Club. the Skokie Club of Chicago, who had An Indiana paper tells the story as to concede Mr. H. Martin three follows: strokes, defeated the home player, 5 and 4. Some golfers achieve fame and others have fame thrust upon them, and Mr. Mrs. William West won the first George M. Coon, the Marion golfer, is a flight in the women's tournament, de- member of the last class. A record of THE AMERICAN GOLFER 411 two shots for the baby hole is something the cow, whoever she is, for helping me," that is not easily equalled, so to turn the remarked Mr. Coon in telling the other play is quite an honor. As George and golfers of the nature story. other golfers who were following him in ° ° ° the Coon-Jonson match for the vice-presi- dent's cup tell the story, it is just like this: As we go to press, the Western George was driving from the teeing place amateur championship, which is being of the baby hole, yesterday morning, and played at Homewood, has reached the he drove out of bounds over the fence to semi-final stage. The semi-finalists the right of the green. A big mooly cow are: Mr. Ned Allis, Milwaukee; Mr. of the red-hair variety was standing near the fence, evidently watching the game, and Robert A. Gardner, Hinsdale; Mr. the ball struck the bovine on the nose and Warren K. Wood, Homewood, and rebounded into bounds and landed about Mr. J. C. Le Duc, Calumet. eight inches from the hole on the green. Mr.Allis put Mr. Charles Evans, Of course with the next shot Mr. Coon Jr., the title holder, out in the pen- placed the ball in the cup. "I never could have accomplished the feat had it not been ultimate round by 4 up and 3 to play. for the accommodating bovine that prob- A full account of the meeting will ably now carries a sore nose, and I thank be given in our next issue.