396 THE AMERICAN GOLFER BY LOCHINVAR Mr. Harold Ridgely, of Bowen home with a total of 628 points, which High School, of Chicago, retained the was 41 less than the score made by the western interscholastic golf champion- Intercollegiate four, which piled up a ship by defeating Mr. Walter Crow- total of 669, and took second place. dus, of Hyde Park High School, 9 The collegiate team was a "merger" up and 7 to play, in the thirty-six composed of two Yale, one Princeton hole final at the Ridgemoor Golf Club. and one Illinois player. The Wiscon- sin State team which included Mr. Olympic Cup Competition. E. P. Allis, III, the Badger champion, WINNERS OF ANNUAL COMPETITION. and Mr. Gordon Yule, champion of 1905—At Chicago—Western Pa 655 Yale, took third place with a total of 1906—At St. Louis—Western G. A 635 680, and the Kentucky team was next 1907—At Cleveland—Metropolitan G. A. 641 with a grand aggregate of 730. 632 1908—At Rock Island—Western G. A... Owing to the withdrawal of Mr. 1909—At Chicago—Western G. A 623 1910—At Minneapolis—Western G. A.. 615 John R. Lemist, the Trans-Mississippi 1911—At Detroit—Western G. A . 60. 6 team was unable to finish. Mr. Lem- 1912—At Chicago—Western G. A 629 ist, who was paired with Mr. W. K. 1913—At Chicago—Western G. A 628 Wood, had a lot of trouble at the 14th It begins to look as if the other hole. teams will have to add crowbars to The field was the smallest in the their kits if they want to lift the Olym- history of the event and the result pic cup. When the competition is was a foregone conclusion for the staged ahead of the national amateur W. G. A. team which now has won the championship there is some semblance cup six times in succession. The of a real contest but so far when it course was in great shape and under has been put on ahead of the western benign weather conditions the major- championship the result has been a ity of the scores were a trifle on the foregone conclusion for the Western high side. Golf Association team. Several of the holes have been It has been suggested that the com- lengthened and the course now is petition be limited to teams from state 6,283 yards in length with a par of 37 associations, but under present con- out and 38 for the home journey. The ditions this would make little differ- yardage is as follows: ence as the western team has invari- Out—306 498 315 330 382 483 138 490 109 ably been chosen from Illinois players. In —296 434 350 461 157 297 512 175 550 In the ninth annual competition held Mr. Warren K. Wood, who is al- at the Homewood Country Club, most invincible on his home course Flossmoor, Ill., on July 19, the well led the field with a total of 150, Mr. balanced quartet representing the Charles Evans, Jr., being second with Western Golf association breezed 150. THE AMERICAN GOLFER 397 Mr. Howard B. Lee, of Detroit, team were: the Rev. Paul R. Talbot, was third with 156. Mr. Wood in Kansas City, 84-86—170; Mr. J. D. the morning set a competitive record Cady, Rock Island, 85-85—170; Mr. for the remodeled course and had he W. Middleton, Rock Island, 90-86— not missed a five-foot putt on the 176. home green he would have had a 71. ° ° ° Mr. Ned Allis, of Milwaukee, after a Mr. Roland Harrison, of the Hyper- poor round in the morning had a 77 ion Field Club, of Des Moines, won in the afternoon, after being penalized the thirteenth annual championship of a stroke when his approach hit his the Iowa State association, defeating- caddie at the flag. Mr. Ralph Rider, of the same club, 2 Mr. Wood: up and 1 to play in the 36 holes final Out— 4 5 4 4 4 4 3 5 2—35 at the Des Moines Golf and Country In — 4 4 4 4 3 5 4 3 6—37—72 Club on July 12. Par: The new champion who began play- Out— 4 5 4 4 4 5 3 5 3—37 In — 4 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 5—38—75 ing the game seven years ago, when Mr. Evans: in high school, has by persistent effort Out— 4 6 4 4 4 5 3 5 4—39 In — 4 4 4 4 3 4 5 3 6—37—76 Mr. Lee: Out— 4 5 5 4 4 4 3 5 3—37 In — 4 6 4 4 4 4 5 4 6—40—77 Mr. Allis: Out— 4 5 4 5 4 5 4 5 3—39 In — 3 5 4 5 3 4 5 3 6—38—77 Summary: WESTERN G. A. (628). A.M. P.M. Tot. C. Evans, Jr., Chicago 76 78 154 K. P. Edwards, Chicago 82 78 160 W. K. Wood, Chicago 72 78 150 W. I. Howland, Jr., Chicago. 80 84 164 INTERCOLLEGIATE G. A. (669). D. B. Douglas, Princeton.. .. 83 91 174 H. B. Lee, Yale 77 79 156 R. B. Scribner, Yale 85 87 172 M. Kehlor, Illinois 81 86 167 WISCONSIN G. A. (680). C. C. Allen, Kenosha 83 85 168 R. Cavanagh, Kenosha 90 85 175 E. P. Allis, Milwaukee 86 77 163 G. Yule, Kenosha 86 88 174 KENTUCKY G. A. (730). P. Anderson, Lexington 92 95 187 H. Heyburn, Louisville 93 88 181 J. Marshall, Jr., Louisville... 82 94 176 J. Heyburn, Louisville 95 91 186 John R. Lemist of the Trans-Mis- sissippi team withdrew during the Mrs. C. E. Raymond, of the Hinsdale Golf Club, President of the Women's Western Golf afternoon play. Other scores on the Association. 398THE AMERICAN GOLFER Mr. Bartlett's opening round and the par of the course are as follows: Mr. Bartlett: Out—3 4 4 4 4 4 5 4 6—38 In —4 4 4 5 4 6 3 4 4—38—76 Par: Out—4 5 3 4 3 4 5 4 5—37 In —4 4 3 6 4 4 4 3 4—36—73 In the second half of the round Mr. Bartlett, Mr. Sheehan and Mr. Harri- son each had cards of 78. The only surprise of note in the first match round was the defeat of Mr. Warren Dickinson, champion in 1902 and 1903, by Dr. E. E. Dorr, of the Waveland Club, who won 2 and 1. Master Newman Dorr, the Waveland youngster, gave Mr. Harrison a hard battle, the coming champion being down in the early stages, but catching the boy nearing the finish, his win at the last hole enabled him to finish 2 Dr. A. K. West, of Oklahoma City, Winner of up. the Oklahoma State Championship. All of the leaders came through the raised himself to the front rank of second round with flying colors. Mr. Hawkeye golfers and his new found Bartlett, of Ottumwa, and Mr. Ken- honor is well deserved. During his neth Lindsay, of Cedar Rapids, were passage to the championship he de- the only two visiting players to sur- feated Mr. Kenneth Lindsay, Cedar vive, the other six being local men. Rapids, 6 and 5, and followed by de- Young Mr. Hubbell, the Des Moines throning Mr. William Sheehan, the high school player, eliminated Mr. 1912 champion, to the tune of 7 and 6. Bartlett in the best match of the third Then he crossed the final bunker by round. At no time was there more downing Mr. Rider, holder of the than 2 holes difference between the title in 1911. Mr. Rider was runner contestants. They finished the morn- up in the Trans-Mississippi tourna- ing round all square, each getting ment at St. Louis. cards of 80. In the afternoon they Mr. Arthur Bartlett, of the Ot- were all square at the 27th hole. Mr. tumwa Club, a young player who not Hubbell took the lead at the 32nd hole long ago graduated from the caddy and the next three were halved. He ranks, furnished the surprise of the won the final hole giving him a mar- qualifying round in which he led a gin of 2 up. His card was 40-38—78. field of 150 players with a total of Mr. Rider overwhelmed Mr. Martin 154, six strokes better than the card by a margin of 12 and 11. Mr. Martin of champion William Sheehan and had the best card of the tournament, eight better than the total made by getting 38-36—74, while in the after- Mr. Ralph Rider who had 162. noon he went out in 35. A notable THE AMERICAN GOLFER 399 feature was, that on the final hole Mr. the semi-final battle. Although the Rider laid his opponent a stymie, and champion had a card of 38-40—78, he as he finished his matches against Mr. was 4 down at the interval. Despite a McKee and Mr. Carr in a similar man- rainfall during the last nine holes Mr. ner it furnished a trinity of coinci- Harrison had a card of 37-37—74, dences. which is within 1 stroke of the course Champion Sheehan outplayed Dr. record. The champion was wild in the Dorr getting a card of 79 and leading afternoon and failed to win a hole on 5 up at the interval, winning eventu- the out round, Mr.
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