ACES C f CLLJIBS 7M AXMohtiah, En Français “La Fontaine and His Fables" wàs the topic for the French Club meet* Vol. XLI READING, PENNSYLVANIA, MARCH 27, 1945 No. 20 Albrighting, heldCollege last Wednesday Gingrich night inLibrary Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library the Music Studio. Betty Bradley gave a short talk about the life and works of La Fontaine. The club also | No More Pencil», j Dominos, “ Y”s Observe Holy Week /listened to a recording several of his fables, which Prof Elsie ] No More Books j Garlach preceded with a short sum. | One more day to go and then I With Plays, Three Worship Services mary in English. j comes the main attraction o f | The following fables were sum­ I the week—five whole days o f j marized and read in French: “La f vacation, featuring a dearth of I Two Easter Plays Prof Smith to Give AlbrightMort etCollege La Bûcheron,” Gingrich presented byLibrary I term papers, exams, and classes. [ Albright College Gingrich Library Albright College Gingrich Library Rachael Willauer; “ La Reynard et j Yep, Easter recess is a little f Given: Sunday Night Easter Communion Les Raisins,” by Shirley Sperans; | early this year, but the weather | Playing to a full house, the Dom­ Dr. F. Wilbur Gingrich will speak “ La Jeune Veuve,” by Lura Hev- I Is warm, the flowers are bloom- j ino Club presented their traditional tonight on “The Word of Reconcilia­ erly; “La Lpifiere et Le Pot Ou I ing, the birds are winging, and i Easter production in the College tion” at the second in a series of Lait,” by Marian Barger, and “Le Chapel last Sunday evening, March | spring fever is as rampant as ! Holy Week services to be held in Pot de Terre et Le Pot de Fer,“ by I the squirrels. But before you I 25, at 9:00 p. m. The plays given the College Chapel at 7:30 p. m. Jean Jaglom. The club then sang | go home to mother, don’t for- j were “The Terrible Meek” and “The some French songs. | get: Tomorrow is the last day j Crown of Thoms.” Professor Ruth Janet Luckenbaugh and Cecil Pot- (* for the Red Cross drive. Get j C. Shaffer directed the presentation. tieger will lead the devotional Albright CollegeLittle Acorns Gingrich Libraryyour individual and group con- I AlbrightIn “The Crown College of Thorns” Gingrich the Library period.Albright College Gingrich Library I tributions in to Professor Elsie I drama centers around Miriam, Last night’s service was based on A faculty discussion panel on the I Garlach. Then, too, remember i played by Betty Jacobs, and Jude, Dumbarton Oaks Peace Conference the topic, “Atonement.” Dr. Gerrit I that the War Bond drive is t Lloyd Schwartz, and their decision Memming brought the message and will be a feature of the Interna­ | coming up after vacation. Tuck i to follow Christ. Their action is tional Relations Club meeting to Rachael Willauer and Marian Barger ! a note in your suitcase, remind- f opposed by their father, Mordecai led the worship service. be held Thursday, April 5, at 8 § ing you to tell your parents | of the Sanhedrin, Forrest Dunkle- The series will close with a Holy p. m. in the Lower Social Room. I about it. Off we go—from | berger, and by Sergius, Miriam’s Communion service in the College Those participating in the panel i March 28 to April 3, forget al- j lover, Herbert Sigley. Chapel tomorrow morning, March will be: Dr. Milton W. Hamilton, | most everything, and have fun. | Conspiring to kill Jesus, Mordecai 28, ta 6:30 a. m. “The Cove­ advisor for the club, Dr. F. Wilbur and Sergius send Miriam to gather nant of the New Testament” will Gingrich, professor of Greek; Dr. Albright College Gingrich Library Albrightthorns to be Collegeused as a crown Gingrich in Library beAlbright the theme of CollegeProfessor Lewis Gingrich E. Library John B. Douds, professor of Eng­ the mockery of the Christ. Her Smith’s message. Mary Jane Weber lish, and Norman C. Brillhart, of Albrightians Get brother, Jude, sees her and takes and Robert Schneider are in charge the Reading High School faculty. her to meet Jesus. In the final Ann deFarges of the service. The meeting will be open to all Al- scene, Jude tells her that their cruci­ A Fireside Worship Service, held brightians. Easter Greetings fied Christ has arisen from the in the Lower Social Room last dead. Miriam tells her lover Ser­ Over 400 Lions in the Ranks re. Parents to be Guest Tuesday evening, had as its theme, gius that she will not marry him, Classy Stuff ceived an Easter greeting from Al­ “The Tragedy of the Cross.” and that she has become a follower Through readings, poems, music, and Jack Heath’s orchestra will play bright in the form of a blotter. The of Christ. The play ends as Jude Of Student Council pictures, the tragedy of the cross in for the Freshman-Sophomore Dance, In conjunction with the corona­ Albright College Gingrich Librarygreeting, sent out by the Al­ Albrightand Miriam are College waiting to tellGingrich their Library theAlbright first century, College for the ages, Gingrich and Library April 21, at the Woman’s Club, ac­ tion of the May Queen to be held on brightians in Service Committee father, an opponent of the Christ, in the twentieth century, was point­ cording to an announcement made Saturday, May 12, Student Council of their decision. at a meeting of the Sophomore went to 231 former Albrightians will sponsor Parents’ Weekend, ed out. The service was led by Class, Thursday, March 15. Plans now in service in the States and “The Terrible Meek” takes place with a special program on May 12 members of the worship committees at the foot of the cross at the time Of the combined “Y”s. were also made for collecting 200 overseas to total 431. and 13. To make plans for the of Jesus' crucifixion. Mary, por­ Next week’s program will con­ money for the Red Cross. Sopho­ In addition to the greeting, the weekend, Student Council presi­ mores may contribute their money trayed by Marie Bonner, is bitter dent, Paul Deysher, appointed a sist of an all-student discussion of servicemen also received from the because the work of her son, Jesus, the advisability of bringing a Jap- to Newell Wert, president, Marian committee of eight members, headed is a failure. However, the Roman i anese-American student to campus. Fiedler, secretary, or John Spind- committee changes in address since by Ann deFarges, chairman. captain, Jack Shafer, recognizes Agnes Snyder has recently been ler, treasurer. the list compiled by the committee At its meeting last Thursday, Albright College Gingrich Library AlbrightJesus as the ChristCollege and tells Gingrich Mary Library madeAlbright chairman Collegeof the records Gingrich com­ Library in September. Student Council voted to have the that it is the terrible meek who committee for Parents’ Weekend mittee o f the Y. W. C. A., which Mae Jean Picking, chairman of Whole Pints win out eventually and that in her consist of eight members, two from was formerly headed by Betty Anne Phi Beta Mu’s collective patriot­ the committee, was aided in the son’s kingdom here will be no pain the dorm and daywomen, dorm and Lutz Friedericks. ism took 17 of the sorority sisters work by the following: Ann de- or suffering. When the Roman sol­ daymen respectively. Working John Spindler was student leader to Red Cross Headquarters yester­ Farges, Felice Epstein, Janet Luck- dier, Herbert Hyman, calls the cap­ with Miss deFarges will be: Jeanne •of Sunday morning’s Bible Class. tain to another execution, the latter •Prof Lewis E. Smith spoke on “The day to contribute to the blood bank. enbaugh, Shirley Rekoon committee Miller, dorm women; Marybeth The women went in groups be­ refuses to continue his policy of Schofer, Margaret Hendricks, day- Triumphant Entry.” Ruth Ritzman members, and Arlene Heckman of tween 4 and 5 p. m. to give their killing. As the captain and Mary women; Newell Wert and William had charge of vespers last Sunday the Office of Public Relations. afternoon at 4 p. m. in Sylvan pints of blood. gain hope, the scene grows lighter Beal, dorm men; and Herbert Hy­ AlbrightNot Collegehaving eaten Gingrich for the whole Library Contents of the greeting are found Albrightand dawn comes College with the end Gingrich of the man, LibraryBohdan Procko, day men. Chapel.Albright College Gingrich Library (Continued on page 3) on Page 2 of this issue. play. Thinking the present setup for Margaret Hohl will be the speaker election of May Queen and court to at tomorrow’s midday devotions. be inadequate, Student Council Jack Shafer presided today. Themes passed a new voting procedure for in keeping with Holy Week are be­ LIONS IN THE RANKS queen and court. According to the ing used. The devotions are being (Continued on page 2) held in Sylvan Chapel at 1 p. m. Dear Gang, Book. About the only thing I’ll Hosp. Corps School; 14 NTC Bain- Here we go for another week. have to learn is how to give mor­ bridge, Md. The mail pile certainly isn’t very phine injection.” “Doc” was in the JOHN T. SOJA A /S is now at Spring Again, Birds on the Wing Again high. How about sending in some First Aid class here at Albright and Nav. Tra Sch. (P18); Nav. Tra. Albrightmail? College Gingrich Libraryhe said that our course and the AlbrightCtr. Bainbridge, College Md. John, Gingrich now LibrarySure Signs— Softball,Albright Forsythia, College Blankets Gingrich Library Navy book agree very closely.
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