All the News of WE DO BED BAKE and Surrounding Towns OUR PART Tola Fearlessly end Wllfioiit Blasi. Issued WeaUy, Entered &a Easoad-Class Matter at tho Post- Subscription Price: One Year 81.50 VOLUME LVI, NO. 15, office at Ked Bank, N, J,, under the Act of March 8, 1S7B. RED BANK, N. J., .WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 4, 1933. Six" Months £1.00. Slnslo Copy 4c. PAGES 1 TO 12. havo caused unemployment to bo less TAXPAYEK.S1 MEETING. of a serious _ problem in Atlantic Club I o Honor e lOKeopen township than at any other tlmo Assemblyman McCampbell to Speak alneo the depression. At Eatontown. Tho fumo of Laird's applejack ex- For New School Rumson Mayor Seabrlght Bank tended not only throughout New Jer- An important meeting of the Committee Chosen Friday Night Applejaclc is Again Being Made icy but to other states in the old pro- New Chamber of Commerce Voters at Meeting at Little Sijyer Eatontown Taxpayer's association Testimonial Dinner to be Ten* Plans Being Rushed to GeS Big at Laird's Distillery at Scobey- Volstead days. Robert Laird'o apple will be held on Thursday, October 5, —Bnnk Must ba Relieved of brandy wao generally reputed to be" Head Issues Statement to Approve Plan to Make Appli- at 8:00 P. M. at tho. borough hall. dered Van R. Halsey October Construction Job Under Way I Borough Obligations Before yilk—Permit Granted Last ono of tho choicest alcoholic bever- Members Concerning; Activi- cation to Federal Board- Assemblyman McCampbell will be 25 by Rumson Republicans—- Which Will Cost Over $800,- Plan Will bo Presented. Week by the Government. ages, Mr. Laird waa very proud of ties of Local Association. Council. Endorses Project. tho main speaker of the evening Senator Barbour Speaker. 000—To Employ 500 Men. this reputation and ho used every whllo President Ray H. Stilluian will A meeting; was hold JTrlday night A million gallons of applejack! means Known to the distillery art to "Progress through Co-operation" Is One hundred voters of Little Sil- preside. Clifford N. Cadman will act The Rumf-on Republican club will Colonel A. S. Cowan, commandant • at tho Scabrlght National bank to Pormleslon to manufacture this keep hte product up to jtlio highest tho caption of a very interesting let- ver at a public meeting in the echool- as secretary. All taxpayers of Eutdn- Lender a testimonial dinner to Mayor of the signal school at Fort Mon« dovlso waya and meana of having the quantity ot Monmouth county's moot standard. His nephews stato that ter which waa sent out last week by house last week unanimously ap- town are invited to this meeting Van R. Halsey Wednesday evening, mouth, makes tho fallowing an- Institution reopened Alston Book- famous alcoholic boverago hais been tho same methods which mado their William 'A. Miller, president of tho pioved a resolution to make appli- whether or not they are member;! of October 25, at Vivian Johnyon'a at nouncement of plans for tho utiliza- man of Eod Bank, couiwol for tho granted to Laird &. Company of Bco- unclo'it applejack so popular will be Red Bank Chamber of Commerce, to cation to tho Federal Works Board the association. Monmouth Beach. James C. Auch- tion of the appropriation of more bank, told of a conferenco with boyvllc. The permit wan Issued laot used by them. the members of that organization. to finance the building of a« new inclofia, president of the club, will be than $800,000 for construction pur- treasury ofnclala at Washington, at week by Commissioner Doran, Although Mr. Miller has been presi- Kehool. Under the plan the govern- tonstmaster and the gucist .'speaker posea at Port Monmouth. which !.o waa Informed that a plan through tho Philadelphia office, oi dent of tho Chamber of Commerce ment will grant thirty percent out- will be Unltnd States! Senator W. In an effort to provide early em- for reopening tho bank will bo prc- which Leo A. Crosson la auporvlsor. but a very short tlmo he has been right, nnd will lend tho balance. Re-elect Navesink Warren Barbour, who i3 a former ployment, tho customary thirty days oontod after tho bank has disposed It stipulates that tho applejack lg to ticans Peter J. Glsleson, president of tho announcement of worlc and advertis- of $50,000 In notes and tomporary bo used tov medical purposes. That school board, presided. Library Trustees ing for bids will be reduced to fifteen improvement certificates of tho Sea- In tho only legal way that a permit Plans for the proposed building days. bright borough. Tho treasury officials could be granted Inasmuch aa pro- have been approved by the school The first proposals will be on road held that tho amount of thoso obli- hibition In utlU tho law of the land, board. When the proposition was Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Mrs. James construction, tho bids lor which will gations was out of proportion to tho but It in anticipated that before tho East Keonsburg Political Club submitted to the voters two years May Duane, Andrew Robert' be opened Friday afternoon, October bank's doponlts. Mr. Bookman stat- "Jerooy Lightning" afc tho Laird plant Finds Way to Finance Pur- ago it was overwhelmingly defeated. son and Arthur Brower Chosen 13, at two o'clock, and work should ed that tho sum represented only Is ready for sale prohibition will chase of Ambulance—Show At that timo the estimated cost of bo started within ten daya thereaf- nlno-tcntlis of ono per cent of the havo been ended. Thirty-one Etatcn Again—Report of Librarian. ter. This project will be followed havo voted to wipe It out and only to BtyGiven November 11. the building was 5150,000, At last assessed valuation of tho borough week's meeting Ernegt Arend, archi- Four trustees of the Navesink li- within about fifteen dayn by the work and that there should bo no troublo flvo moro aro needed to send It to of buldling quartermaster warehouses), tho" cemetery. Thoro Is everything At a meeting of tho Seventh Dis- tect, stated the building could be brary association, whoso terms ex- soiling them to Individuals or invest- built today for $117,000. Attorney ilred this year, were re-elected at officers' quartern and band barracks. ment corporations. Ho said tho gov- to indicate that tho required flvo and trict Men's Republican club of Mld- Within thirty days thereafter a then some moro will havo voted to dletown township at Meal Beach, the General William A. Stevens explained the annual meeting last week. They ornment was eager to have all banka the procedure to obtain federal aid. aro Mrs. Joseph Johnson, Mrs, James blacksmith's. 3hop, bakery, garage, reopened, as it realizes that the end prohibition when tho general matter of a public ambulance was quartermaster and utilities building, election Is held Tuesday, November brought to tho attention of that body Severn! persons spoke in favor of May Duane, Andrew Robertson and longer banka aro closed tho slower Arthur Brower. Tho trustees will incinerator, fire and guard hoiWB will will bo tho roturn to good times. 7. » and a movement was started for the j tho new school. A letter was re- purchaeo of such a vehicle. meet Friday night, October 13, to be started. ceived from the Woman's club of Plans are being prepared rapidly Mr. Bookman suggested a cam-, Provided that this turns out to be Tho First Aid squad of East; Little Silver endorsing the project. A elect officers. The book committee tho case, about a month or so more will meet Tuesday afternoon, October for signal corps laboratories and palgn to'soil the notes in small de- Keansburg had started tho move- committee was appointed to make headquarters building, and It ia an- aftor November 7 will bo required to ment but found difficulty in raising any necessary changes to the build- 10. nominations. Assessor Walter J. make tho ealo of applejack legal as a ticipated that the announcement and Sweeney stated that a group of funds. Their efforts came to a stand- ing. The members are Mrs. William At the annual meeting Miss Hope advertising for bids for these projecta beverage. Laird & Company plan to still until tho matter was brought ] J. T. Getty, Mrs. Ralph Hadaway, bankers In Now York was interested be all set to put their product on the Turner, librarian, submitted her Re- will be mado early in December. All in buying tho notes and certificates, before tho Republican club by a com- Edwin Hobbs, Louis R. Buekbee, C. port for tho past year. Tho attend- bids will be announced by newspaper market shortly after that time, prob- mittee representing tho squad. They T, Lovcrinp;, Benjamin A. Shoemak- provided tho borough paid off tho ob- ably during tho Christmas season. In ance for books during tho year waa advertiolng and circular lettora to ail ligations at tho rate of $5,000 a year. had come, they explained? to tho Re- er, Russell OhI and Kenneth Walker. 8,028. The attendance for reading, contracting concerns in thi3 locality. talking with a Register reporter, rep- publican club as being the represent- Edward W. Wise, borough attorney, resentatives of tho company stated The committee met Sunday and children's plav hour, boys' gymnas- Definite preference in employment recommended tho appointment of ative civic body of' tho vicinity and decided that the new building should ium and girls' gymnasium classes that applo brandy requireB consider- hoped for asslstanco from that of labor will be given according to John P.
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