Name: Albert W. Bash House Year Built: 1908 Street and Number: 4238 12th Avenue NE Assessor's File No. 114200-1010 Legal Description: Lot 22, Block 10, Brooklyn Addition to Seattle, according to the plat recorded in Volume 7 of Plats, Page 32, Records of King County, Washington. Plat Name: Brooklyn Addition Block: 10 Lot: 22 Present Use: Rooming house Present Owner: Sharifah Sabah, Lina Baharain Original Owner: Albert W. Bash and family Original Use: Single family house, boarding house Architect: Unknown Builder: Unknown Submitted by: David Peterson / Historic Resource Consulting Date: January 25, 2019 301 Union Street #115 Seattle WA 98111 Ph: 206-376-7761 /
[email protected] Reviewed by: Date: (Historic Preservation Officer) Albert W. Bash house 4238 12th Avenue NE Seattle Landmarks Preservation Board January 25, 2019 (revised March 12, 2019) David Peterson historic resource consulting 301 Union Street #115 Seattle WA 98111 P:206-376-7761
[email protected] Albert W. Bash House - 4238 12th Avenue NE Seattle Landmark Nomination INDEX I. Introduction 3 II. Building information 3 III. Architectural description 4 A. Site and neighborhood context B. Building description C. Summary of primary alterations IV. Historical context 7 A. The development of the University District neighborhood B. Building owners and occupants C. The subject property as a rooming house a. Rooming house b. Filipino student house D. Filipino Americans in Seattle E. The American Foursquare house V. Bibliography and sources 21 VI. List of Figures 23 Illustrations 24-55 Site Plan / Survey Following Selected drawings Following David Peterson historic resource consulting – Seattle Landmark Nomination – Albert W.