DUBLIN SCHOOL • WINTER 2013 ISSUE EDWARD F. WHITNEY H ’91 August 9, 1914 – May 6, 2012 Lifetime Trustee, Ned Whitney H ’91, died on May 6, 2012, at the age of 96. Ned had been a longtime supporter of Dublin School. He was especially tireless as head of our trustee buildings and grounds committee. Passionate about athletics and the importance it has in a child’s development, Ned was instrumental in the construction of the Whitney Gymnasium. A resident of Dublin, New Hampshire for over 60 years, he served as selectman for many years and was active in the life of the town. A gentle, kind and generous man, he will be forever missed. DUBLIN SCHOOL BOaRD Of Trustees 2012 - 2013 President, Peter Imhoff P’13 Dublin, NH Co-Vice President, Michael J. Mullins ’93 Boston, MA Co-Vice President, L. Phillips Runyon III P ’88, ’92 Peterborough, NH Treasurer, George B. Foote, Jr. Dublin, NH Secretary, Sharron Smith P ’92 Hinsdale, NH William A. Barker P ’85, Dublin, NH Bradford D. Bates, (ex-officio), Head of School, Dublin, NH WINTER 2013 Robert C. English ’86, Washington, DC Patricia Fletcher H ’05, Worcester, MA TaBLE Of CONTENTS Joseph C. Gibson P ’12, Waterford, VA Message from the Head of School ............................................2 David E. Howe H ’95, Marlborough, NH Gillespie Hall Dedication .............................................................4 Michelle Lange P ’14 (ex-officio) Parents’ Association, Nelson, NH Inaugural Year of the Dublin School Putnam Art Gallery ......10 Jason D. Potts ’96, Boston, MA Dublin School Graduation Class of 2012 .................................14 Brett S. Smith ’88, New York, NY Dublin School 2012 Academic Awards ...................................17 William C.
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