Congressional Record-Senate .. 2959
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1908. CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 2949 :By 1\Ir. SHEPPARD : Petition of citizens · ot Texas, for res The message also announced that tile House had disagreed toration to the coins of the motto "In God we trust"-to the to_the amendments of the- Senate to the bill (IL R. 152l9) mak Committee on Coinage, Weights, and Measures. ing appropriations for the current and contingent e:x:p€nses of By Mr. SIMS : Petition oi voter.s of Eighth Congressional the Indian Department, for fulfilling treaty stipulations with ·District of Tennessee, for a parcels-post law-to the Committee various Indian tribes, and for other purposes, for the fiscal year on the Post-Office and Post-Roads. ending J nne 30, 1909; asks a conference with the s~na te on Also, petition of' me1'chants of Atwood, Tenn., against a the- disagreeing votes of the two Houses thereon, and had ap parcels-post law-to the Committee on the Post-Office and Post pointed Mr. SHERMAN, :Mr. MARSHALL, and :Mr. STEPHENS. of Roads. Texas managers at the conference on the part of the House. By Mr. VREELAND: Petition of B. F. Greenman, against The- mesSage further tran mitted to the Senate resolutions amendment of section 3893. of Revised Statutes (S.' 1518, Pen of the House on the death of Hon. REDFIELD PROCTOR, late a rose bill)-to the Committee on the Judiciary. Senator from the State of Vermont. By Mr. WARD: Pape1· to accompany bill for r·elief of Frank The message also announced that the Speaker of the House 1\I. Gre s-to- the Committee on Invalid Pensions. had appointed Mr. HAsKINs, :Mr. FosTER of Vermont, 1\!r. Also, petitfon of Hightstown (N. J.) Grange, No. 96, Patrons PARKER of New Jersey, Mr. LlTTr.EF:IELD, Mr. LAMB, and l\fr. of Husbandry, for national highway commission-to the Com SLAYDEN members of the committee on the part of the House . mittee on Agriculture. to attend the funeral of the late Senator. A1 o, petition of W. R. Van Nartinck, for H. R. 11562, for ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. repayment of collateral inheritance to Stevens Institute of Technology, of Hoboken, N. J.-to the Committee on Ways and The messa~ ruther announced that the Speaker of the House Means. had signed the following enrolled bills, and they were thereupon signed by the Vice-President: S. 4376. An act granting pensions and increase of pensions to SENATE. certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain widows of such soldiers and sailors ; FRIDAY, March 6, 1908. S. 5ll0. An act granting pensions and increase-of pensions to certain soldiers and sailors of the civil war and certain widows Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD E. HALE. and dependent children of such soldiers and sailors; The Jomnal of yesterday's proceedings was read and ap- S,, 5255. An act granting pensions and increase of pens-ion to proved. ce-rtain soldiers· and sailors of the Regular Army and Na'\"y, and DEATH OF THE KING AND THE CROWN PRINCE OF PORTUGAL. certain soldiers and sailors of wars other than the ctvil war, and The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- to widows and dependent relatives of such soldiers. and sailors; tion from the Secretary of State, transmitting a cop-y of a dis- H. R. 3923. An act to fix the limitation applicable in certain patch from the- American minister at Lisbon, stating that he had ca~~it. 6195. An act to authorize A. J. Smith and his associ been requested by the Portuguese minister of foreign affairs to · ates to erect a dam across the Choctawhatchee Rive1·, Dale convey to Congress sincere acknowledgments of the resolutions County, Ala.; and of condolence :passed by the United States Senate and.the House - An act to authorize the Idaho and Northwestern of Representativ-es- in view of the assassination of the King and Railway Company to construct a bridge ac:ross the Spokane Crown Prince of Portugal, which, with the accompanying paper, River near the city of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho. was referred to the Committee on Foreign Relations and ordered to be printed. PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. LANDS IN UONTA.NA AND IDAHO. The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a petition of the Illinois The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica- Coal Operators' Association, praying for the establishment of tion ·from the. ecretary of the Interior, transmitting, in re- a bureau of mining, which was referred to the Committee on spouse to a resolution: of the 28th ultimo, certain information Mines and Mining. relative- to the numb-er ot acres of land examined and classified He also presented resolutions ad(}pted by the· Washington in the State of Montana under and in conformity with the pro- Chapter~ American Institute of Architects, of Washington, D. C., vision of the act of Congress approved February 26, 1895, pro-- favoring the plans of the Park Commission in adhering to the Yiding for the examination and classification of certain mineral .original plan of L'Erifant as indorsed by Washington and land in the States of Montana and Idaho-, etc-., which was re- Jefferson and in extending its principles in their plans for the fened to the Committee on Public Lands and ordered to be Greater Washington, which were referred to the Committee on printed. the Distl'ict of Columbia. _ MESSAGE FROM THE HOUSE. He also presented a petition of the mayor and council of Brunswick,. Ga., p£aying that an annual appropriation be n1ade A message from the House of Representatives, by Mr. W. J. for the improvement of the rivers and harbors of the country, BROWNING, its Chief Clerk,. announced that the House had which was referred to the Committee on Commerce. pa sed the following bills: .Mr. PLATT presented a petition of the Central Fro ration S. 4351. An act for the- relief of the Alaska Pacific Railway of Lab-or, of Albany, N. Y., praying for the. enactment of legis- and Terminan Company; and la.tion providing for the construction of the proposed Bew S. 5155. An act authorizing the exchange of lands for the en- battle ships at Government navy-yards, which was referred to largement of maneuvering grounds. the Committee on Naval Affairs. The me-s~age also announced that the House had agreed to He also presented -a petition of sundry citizens of "'Wolcott, the amendments of the Senate to the following bills: N. Y., praying tor the- ratification of international arbitration H. n.. 598. An act granting an increase of pension to William treaties, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Re1a- Poor ; and tions. II. R..l3102. An act to authorize the county of Elmore, Ala., He also presented a petition of Local Union. No. 55, Inte·r&'t- to con truct a bridge across Coosa. River, Alab-ama. tiona! Typograp-hica1 Union, of Syracuse, N. Y., p-raying for the The message :further announced that the House had passed repeal of the duty on white paper, wood pulp, and the materials the- following bills and joint resolution, in which it requested used in the manufacture thereof. which was referred to the the concurrence of the Senate: Committee on Finance. H. R.15444. An act extending the time for the construction of :Mr. DICK. I present a petition from sundry telegraphers, the dam across Rainy River; citizens of Ohio, praying :for the enactment of legislation .plac- H. R. 15841. An act to amend section 4896 of the Revised ing the telegraph systems of the United States under the pro-- Statutes; • vision of certam bills which have been introduced in the Sen- H. n..16073. An act to authorize the town of Edgecomb, Lin- ate and House of Representatives. I ask that the petition ~ coin County, Me., to maintai.A a free bridge across tide waters; printed in the RECORD, omitting the names, and that it be re- H. R. 16740. An act to amend an act entitled ".An act to au- ferred to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. thorize the construction of a bridge across the Monongahela There being no objection, the petition wa referred to the River, in the State of Pennsylvania, by the Liberty Bridge Committee. on Interstate Commerce and ordered to be printed Company. approved March 2,- 1907; in the RECORD, omitting the names, as follows~ H. R. 16874. An act to amend section 13 of an act entitled To the Members of the Senate and H01t8e ot Representatives in (Jon- "An act to divide the State of Texas into four judici:fi dis- gress assembled: tricts," approved Mareh 11, 190-2; and We, the undersigned. respectfully petition Congress as follows: H. J. Res.l.01~ Joint resolution authorizing the Secretary ot 1. To- enact legislation placing the telegraph systems o! the l:Tnfted States under the provisions of an act whereby in any controversy War to secure a suitable design f or a s tatue o f the late Co mmo- threatening to interfere with or interrupt the telegraph service the dore John D. Sloat at Monterey, Cal. Federal Government shall cause an investigation to be made on request -2950 .~CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. 1\f.AROH 6, of either party to the controversy. President Roosevelt said, on this Sunday banking in post-offices in the handling of money orders subject, in his message to Congress : " The need for some provision for such investigation was forcibly illustrated during the past summer. A and registered letters, which were referred to the Committee strike of telegraph operators seriously interfered with telegraph com on Post-Offices and Post-Roads.