AAIIRRPPOOSSTT JJOOUURRNNAALL The Official Publication of the American Air Mail Society January 2015 Volume 86, No. 1 Whole No. 1015 January’s Featured Article — When “Fam-1P8ag”e 1i3 s Not Enough Zeppelins & Aerophilately Ask for our Free Price List of Worldwide Flight covers and stamps. The following is a small sampling – full list on Website! United States 1934 Catapult 557, 698 (2) catapult to Berlin then forwarded Bremen to Aden! . $750.00 1938 C23c ultramarine and carmine, with PF Cert. Rare!. $2,750.00 Germany / Luxembourg Bremen Catapult (K59 LX $1500) . $1,000.00 Saar 1953(May 3) 1st Balloon Post of Saar, "Henri Dunant" of the Haagsche Balloon Club in Holland. FDC, special cancel, addressed to NY. VF card with Scott B95. $45.00 Senegal 1933 6th South America Flight sent to Brazil S.229Aa . $1,850.00 Somali Coast 1933 4th South America Flight sent to Brazil S.223 . $1,850.00 Spanish Andorra 1930 Pan Am flight s.64XVa signed . $2,000.00 Sweden 1919 S.19I "Bodensee" card on board with Zeppelin message with certificate. $3,750.00 Switzerland 1930 (May 29) Catapult cover, legal sized, to Boston. 2¢ US Bremen postal stationery with 3¢ violet Tell's son large block of 32 + 2 others. Sent from Basel. 18 mailed. K255 SZ cv . $500.00 Tanganyika 1934 10th South America Flight via London and sent to Brazil S.280Aa . $1,500.00 Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc. PO Box 3077T, Middletown NY 10940 Email:
[email protected] — http://www.hgitner.com JANUARY 2015 PAGE 1 In This Issue of the Airpost Journal — ARTICLES — Letters to When “FAM-18” is Not Enough ....................................................................