SENATE. }Farch 13
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1908. CONGRESSION A1 RECORD- SENATE .. 3249 SEN.A TEo N. Y., remonstrating against the ratification of the pending treaty of arbitration between the United States and Great FRIDAY, 111 arch 13, 1908. Britain, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Rela tions. Prayer by the Chaplain, Rev. EDWARD ·E. HALE. He also presented a petition of the Woman's Home Missionary The Secretary proceeded to read the Journal of yesterday's Society, Pittsburg Presbytery, of Pittsburg, Pa., praying for the proceedings, when, on request of l\Ir. GALLINGER, and by. unani-. enactment of legislation to prohibit the importation, manufac mous consent, the further reading was dispensed with. ture, and sale of opium within the jurisdiction of the United The VICE-PRESIDENT. The Journal stands approved. States, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. USELESS PAPERS IN THE EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENTS. 1\Ir. GALLINGER presented petitions of sundry citizens of The VICE-PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a communica East Rochester and South Acworth, in the State of New Hamp tion from the Secretary of the Treasury, transmitting, pursuant shire, of Sparta, 1\lich., and Washington, D. C., praying for ~ to law, schedules of papers, documents, etc., on --the files of the enactment of legislation to prohibit the manufacture and sale ot Department which are not needed in the transaction of the intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia, which were re public business and have no permanent value or historical inter- ferred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. est, which was read. · He also presented memorials of sundry citizens of Portland, The VICE-PRESIDENT. The communication will be re· 1\fe., Richmond, Va., Jackson, 1\Iiss., Ohio City, Ohio, and of ferred to the Joint Committee on the Destruction of Useless Orlando, Fla., remonstrating against the enactment of legisla Papers in the Executive Departments. The Chair appoints the tion to protect the first day of the week as a day of rest in the Senator from Texas [1\lr. BAILEY] and the Senator from New District of Columbia, which were referred to the Committee on Hampshire [Mr. GALLINGER] as members of the committee on the District of Columbia. the part of the Senate, and directs the Secretary to duly notify He also presented a petition of the Northeast Washington the House of Representatives thereof. Citizens' Association, of the District of Columbia, praying for ENROLLED BILLS SIGNED. the enactment of legislation requiring all new school buildings A message from the House of Representatives by 1\Ir. C. R. in the District of Columbia to be fireproof, which was referred to the Committee on the District of Columbia. McKENNEY, its enrolling clerk, announced that the Speaker of 1\lr. FRAZIER presented a petition of local union No. 24, the House had signed the following enrolled bills, and they International Typographical Union, of Jackson, Tenn., praying were thereupon signed by the Vice-President: for the repeal of the duty on white, paper, wood pulp, and the S. 1931. An act to grant certain land, part of the Fort Nio materials used in the manufa:cture thereof, which was referred brara Military Reservation, Nebr., to the village of Valentine to tile Committee on Finance. for a site for a reservoir or tank to hold water to supply the He also presented a petition of sundry citizens of Scotts Hill, public of said village; Tenn.,· praying for the passage of the so-called " parcels-post s. 2048. An act to provide additional station grounds and terminal facilities for the Arizona and California Railway bill," and also for the establishment of postal savings banks, Company in the Colorado River Indian Resermtion, Ariz. T.; which was referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post H. n. 2915. An act for the relief of John P. Hunter; Roads. H. R. 12803. An act allowing Chandler Bassett to perfect final He also presented sundry affidavits to accompany the bill proof in his homestead entry; ( S. 4765) for the relief of the trustees of Mount Olivet Meth H. R.14043. An act to provide for the extension of time odist Episcopal Church South, at Nolensville, Tenn., which were within which homestead entrymen may establish their residence referred to the Committee on Claims. upon certain lands within the limits of the Huntley irrigation He also presented a paper to accompany the bill (S. 2319) for project, in the county of Yellowstone, in the State of Montana; the relief of 1\lrs. Corrinne Lawrence, of Nashville, Tenn., which H. R. 16073. An act to authorize the town of Edgecomb, Lin was referred to the Committee on Claims. coln County, 1\Ie., to maintain a bridge across tide waters; He also presented an affidavit to accompany the bill (S. 4460) H. R.16746. An act to authorize T. H. Friel or assigns to for the relief of the deacons of the Missionary Baptist Church construct a dam across Mulberry Fork of the Black Warrio1; at Franklin, Tenn., which was referred to the Committee on Claims. River; and He also presented sundry affidavits to accompany the bill (S. H. R.16749. An act to amend an act entitled "An act to au thorize the construction of a bridge across the Monongahela 5785) granting a pension to Willis J . Freeman, which were re-· ferred to the Committee on Pensions. River in the State of Pennsylvania by the Liberty Bridge Com 1\Ir. DEPEW presented petitions of sundry citizens of Dexter, pany," approved l\farch 2, 1907. West Henrietta, Camden, Westville, Minisink, Stony Ford, and PETITIONS AND MEMORIALS. Newark, all in the State of New York, praying for the enact The VICE-PRESIDENT presented a memoriai of the Emmet ment of legislation to establish a rural parcels post, which Clnb, of Indianapolis, Ind., and a memorial of the Emmet As were referred to the Committee on Post-Offices and Post-Roads. sociates, of Lynn, 1\Iass., remonstrating against the ratification He also presented a petition of the John K. Neal Republican of the pending treatY of arbitration between the United States Club, of Kings County, N. Y., praying for the enactment of leg and Great Britain, which were referred to the Committee on islation providing for the construction of at least one of the Foreign Relations. proposed new battle ships at the New York Navy-Yard, which Mr. CULLOM presented a memorial of O'Connell Club, of was referred to the Committee on Naval Affairs. Cleveland, Ohio, remonstrating against the ratification of the He also presented a memorial of the Independent Tobacco pending treaty of arbitration between the United States and Manufacturers' Association of the United States, remonstrating Great Britain, which was referred to the Committee on Foreign against the enactment of legislation to permit the sale of leaf Relations. tobacco for consumption without the payment of the revenue 1\Ir. PLATT presented a memorial of the Merchants' Ex tax, which was referred to the Committee on Finance. change, of Olean, N. Y., remonstrating against the passage of He also presented a petition of Local Division No. 202, the so-called "Aldrich emergency currency bill," which was or Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers of the Sta te of New dered to lie on the table. York, praying for the passage of the so-called "Rodenberg anti He also presented the petition of William J. Carle, of New injunction bill," which was referred to the Committee on the York City, N. Y., praying for the passage of the so-called "Kit Judiciary. tredge copyright bill," which was referred to the Committee on He also presented a petition of the American Directory Pub Patents. lishers' Association, of New York City, N. Y., praying for the He also presented a memorial of Local Union No. 478, Na passage of the so-called "Kittredge copyright bill," which was tional Bartenders' Union, of Plattsburg, N. Y., remonstrating referred to the Committee on Patents. against the enactment of legislation to prohibit 1:he manufacture He also presented a petition of Local Division- No. 292, and sale of intoxicating liquors in the District of Columbia, Brotherhood of Locomotive Engineers, of Middletown, N. Y., which was referred to the Committee on the District of Co· praying for the adoption of an amendment to the present inter lumbia. state-commerce law relating to free passes, which was referred He also presented a memorial of the Memorial and Executive to the Committee on Interstate Commerce. Committee, Department of New York, Grand Army of the Re 1\lr. HOPKINS presented a petition of Local Union No. 111, public, of Buffalo, N. Y ., remonstrating against the enactment International Printing~ Pressmen and Assistants' Union, of of legislation to abolish certain pension agencies throughout the Joliet, Til., praying for the repeal of the duty on white paper, country, which was referred to the Committee on Pensions. wood pulp, and the materials used in the manufacture thereof, He also presented a memorial of sundry citizens of Albany, which was referred to the Committee on Finance: XLII--204 3250 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE. }fARCH 13, Mr. ELKINS presented sundry affidavits to accompany the BILLS INTRODUCED. bill {S. 3565) granting an increase of pension to George W. Mr. McLAURIN introduced a bill (S. 6099) for the reliP.f of Parsons, which were referred to the Committee on Pensions. the estate of R. H. Hoffman, which was read twice by its title 1\11·. LO:OGE presented a petition of the. State Institute of and referred to the Committee on Claims. Technology, Society of Arts, of Massachusetts, praying for the Mr. T.ALIAFERRO introduced a bill (S. 6100) authorizing and enactment of legislation providing for the conservation of the directiJlg the Adjutant-General of the United States Army to national forests, which was referred to the Committee on For furnish to the adjutant-general of the State of Florida copies est Reservation and the Protection of Game.