Alpbach Moments 2015 Dear Reader, 70 years ago, Otto Molden and Simon Moser can be found in the minds of those who take brought to life an idea which continues to thrill the lead in academia, politics, business, cul- people today. They founded the European ture and society, those who research, learn Forum Alpbach with the aim of increasing and teach, who decide, lead and create, who knowledge and prospects for a peaceful, demonstrate in theory and practice what a shared Europe. liveable future could look like. Book Recommendation: “Ein Fenster zur Welt”, Maria Wirth, Studienverlag 2015, 256 Pages, ISBN 978-3-7065-5481-7, Eur 34.90 (written in German) Now more than ever, we feel a strong sense of The European Forum Alpbach has a bond with Available in all good bookstores or by email to
[email protected] duty to fulfil this vision. That is why we create these people. Our aim is to bring them together, With her book “A Window into the World”, the historian Maria Wirth is bringing the first academic mono- inter- and transdisciplinary meeting spaces so that their abilities, their ideas and their sense graph about the European Forum Alpbach into the bookshops. You can download an English abstract at in and outside of Alpbach where ideas and of responsibility can have a greater impact. insights can unfold. We would like to thank all participants for their The passion for dialogue, the curiosity to think countless contributions which took us a step outside the box and the awareness of the bigger closer to these answers.