The Navy Vol 64 Part 1 2002
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Goodbye the RAN 'Destroyer', A tribute to HMAS BRISBANE and the DDGs JANUARY - MAS VOLUME 64 NO. I $5.45 (including GST) The Magazine of the Navy League of Australia rw r Maritime Contribution to o Joint Operations, RJS style I dm ISSN 13t?e b531 Australia's Leading Naval Magazine Si nee 1938 I hi Knyal Malaivan Sai> Ml. I I kll .il anchor .n Ihi Royal Malaysian \a»y's Koit* ill tannkawi us pari of the diftnti expo limn. I hi KMN tan ixpetl In take advantage of I hi upgrades Ihi RN is dninu to Ihi MT1K.II launched Va \Nolf US installed MI LITIS class Isec Hash I ruffle Ihisrdilinni. Illrian Morrison. Warships i\ marine < urps Museum lull. The Royal Malnvsiun Navy Cofvellc LAKSAMANA at anchor at the Kojal Malaysian Nasy's Review al I anykani as pan of the defense expo I.una. Tins little ship carries an impressive armament consisting of Oomal anujhip mi«sil«v Aspidr anti-aircraft missiles, two triple ASW torpedo lubes. *Jf>\m twin mount and a Super Rapid 7bmm pin. Monijon. Wjrxliips a Krine (>ng>» Museum Inn. 9 THE NAVY I lit I r;iiMH ol \iistr;ili;i FEDERAL COUNCIL Patnm in (tiief: His Excellency, The (kwmr (ieneral. Volume 64 No. 1 President: (malum M H^ns. RH) \ kv-Pre»dn*s: RADM AJ Rotation. At). DSC. RAN (Rid) ktm Bud. CURE HJ P Adams. AM. RAN (Rull I AW H A Ji«.-phv. AM. RAN iRidi Contents Hon. Secretary: Ray Cortwy. PO Box VW. Mi Wa\erlev. Vn 3149 Tck-phonc: (03)9888 1977. Fax: (09) WXX 1083 (iOODBYE THE RAN 'DESTROYER', NEW StHTII WALES IHVISKKS Patnm: Ikt Excclk-ivv.'lhcCkncnkt New South Wales A TRIBUTE TO HMAS BRISBANE I'resident: K () Altai. AO. RFD. RD Him. Secretary: J CJ JeppLsc-aOAM. RH) GPO Box 1719.Syttay.NSW 1011 AND THE IMMis Ictephone: 1(12)9132 2144. l ax (02)9112 8383. By Raveena Carroll. VADM David Shackleton. \ KTDK1A DIVISION Patnm: His Exedfcncy. The Ckiscnx* of Victoria. RAN. and CAPT Peter Jones. RAN Page 3 President: I M W'.lkinv RH) thai. Secretary: Ray CM. R> Box 1303. Box Hill. Vk AI2X THE CRESWELI. ORATION Telephone: Kit) mi 6237. Fax: (09)98844482. I JIUII rptl I<0 I^Xusnet.awluui By CDRK Jim Dickson RAN (Rtd) Page 12 Membership Secretary: IjCDR Tom Kilhun. MBI, RFD. VRI) Telephone: (03)95609927, R) Box I KM B<ix Hill VIC M2X MARITIME CONTRIBUTION TO JOINT QUEENSLAND DIVISION Patnm: His liurllency. The Ckntnxw of Queensland OPERATIONS. RN STYLE President: I M Frascr. OAM By lain Ballantyne Page 24 Hon. Secretary: Vlnan PO Box I34(12. Gaigc Street l\w Sh^v Bnsbune. Qkl 4(1)3 Telephone (07) 3263 1319 AUSTRALIA'S MARITIME DOCTRINE Stale Branches: < aim.: AC'unaixvn. R) Box l(«W. ( aims, ykl 4X7(1. PART 3 Page 29 Telephone: (07)4054 1195 Tmmflr: I McDixigall. POBox l47K.TiMnsville.Qkl4810. Telephone: (07)4772 45X8 Mackav: K Millwanl. Pt) Box 5527. Qkl 4741 Regular Features Telephone: <07)4942 2965 Hundaberg: 11 itw. It) Box 5141. Bundatx-rj: Wtsi. (Jkl4670 From the Crow's Nest Page 2 Telephone (0714151 2210. Southport: 1 V Root. R) Box 946. Sixain, gkl 4215 Icktt«»r (07) 5532 2447 Flash Traffic Page 14 MHTH AtSTRAIJAN Dl\ LSION Patnm: His Excellency. Tht* Cknemor of Sixth Australia. Observations Page 23 President: Alan Pleskett. KID 15 Skx-ps Hill Dmv. ftaioramaSA5<MI. League Policy Statement Page 36 Hon. Secretary: Miss J li Gill. OR) Box 1529. Adelaide. SA 5001 Tckrphime: KM) 82726435 (Hi TASMANUN DIVISION The opinions or assertions expressed in THE NAVY are those of Patnm: His Excellency. The Gowcmor of Tasmania. President: Mis J.M. Cix^er. 42 Aim Riad. laumvstim. Tas 71V) the authors and not neeessaril) those of (he federal Council of the Telephone and Pax: (03) 6344 1531 Navy League of Australia, the Kditor of THE NAVY, the KAN Him. Secretary: Mr K Hunt V, Stralun RixxJ. 1 junookm. Tas. 7150 Tckplxne: (03)6U4 1191. or the Department of Defence. The Uilor welcomes correspondence, Stale Branches: photographs and contributions and will assume that h> making IjiuncrMim: Mr A. I.anham. 67 Hanfonk Street. laun.eMim.Tas 7150 Tckptxmc: (03) 6.VI4 3245. submissions, contributors agree that all material may be used t hersioor: Mr D. Cunningham. PO. Box 93. Ulrer4imr.T» 7315 free of charge, edited and amended at the Editor's discretion. Telephone: (03)6425 2IM Devonpnrl: Mr P O'lxjay. 11 Tasman Place. IX-vimput Tas 7310. No pari of this publication ma> be reproduced without the Tek-plxav.-: (03)6424 5064. permission of the Kditor. Bum*: Mr G Davis. 40 Chcny Street. Bumic. Tas 7320. Tcfcphtme 1(13)6431 401V WESTERN Al'STRAIJAN DIVISION Front cover: The sun sets on HMAS BRISBANE and wiih it. the end of Patnm: His Exocllencv. The (knemor of Wcvicm AuMralia an era for the RAN (John Monimcri President: Ail Hewitt. JP Hon. Secretary: Mrs G Hcwra. It I jw ler Rixxt. Anadak-. W A 6156 Telephone: (08)93303600. The Navy Stale Branches: Cmddtim: Mis (' Junes. 24 Cunningham Sired. (icraUim. WA 6530. All letters and contributions to; Tcleplxmc: (08)9921 5772 I he Office of The Kditor Aliunv: I > Bray. I it 46 Frederick Street C iledhow. ™ Altxmy. WA 6330 THE NAVY Telephime: l(»l)9K4l 6.542 Navy League of Australia ETDERAI. ADVISORY CXH'Mll. GPO Box 1719 E Geoflicy Evans. OBE. VRI). rhaimun Sydney. NSW 1043 Neil Baml. Chanman Baml Pubhcatiims E-mail to: [email protected] Win Bobtho. AM. Admiral Michael W. HuKm.AC. RAN (Rid) All Subscriplinr. and Membership enquiries to: Vice ,\dnaral Duvid I each. AC CBE, LVO. RAN (Rkl) The Hon Secretary. I .u hLui Payne. OX) Australian Shipowners' AsMxiatxm Navy league of Australia. NSW Division Vkc Adnural Sir Richant Ptx-k. KBE, CB. DSC. RAN (Rtd) GPO Box 1719. John Strang. ("hainiun Strang: Ply lid Sydney. NSW. 1043 Advertising enquiries only to: Corporate Members Petet Jordan. Baird Publications The Australian Shipowners' Association Ph: (03) 9645 ()4I I. Fax: (03) 9645 0475 Hawker Dc Haviland Limited Deadline for next edition 5 February. 2002 Computer Science of Australia Ply Ltd Strang International Ply Ltd THE NAVY VOL 64 NO I I I ROM llll I ROW \s NI-..SI Coalition remains in office additional allowances and that the increased use of costly defence assets, e.g. keeping ships at sea for longer periods, Following the re-election of the Howard government in flying personnel and equipment hither and thither, involves November it could be assumed the Defence White Paper greater than normal or planned expenditure, it stands to released twelve months earlier - Defence 2000: Our Future reason budgets must be re-assessed. It will be interesting to Defence Fone - will continue to guide defence planners; see which department of state pays for the increased several events however, one quite unexpected, could alter activities of Australia's defence force. N priorities or vary the timing of approved projects. A continuing worry for the Defence Department - and LIYYYIJII C'lUYUII, Yky Adjjiknl DiiyJd JJuifkJylujj, liAi I, The unexpected event was the devastating attack by for Australia - fortunately recognised in the Defence While I si J J'J CAPT Juuyy, i<AivI terrorists on two well known symbols of American power Paper, are demographic changes forecast to reduce the size and influence the World Trade Centre in New York and of the age-group from which the ADF recruits its future the Pentagon in Washington. Linked, but only indirectly, sailors, soldiers and airmen. This is a problem not confined was the anticipated arrival of "boat people" off northern to Australia but extends to most Western countries that rely Australia seeking asylum and a government decision to on volunteers to man their defence forces. deny them entry. The decision, a surprise to most citizens It is possible, seemingly never-ending advances in but supported by a majority, was made prior to the terrorist technology will mean fewer and fewer personnel will be attacks. required: even so. unlike aircraft without pilots (UAVs) it The two events placed a considerable strain on the is hard to visualise ships without sailors - avoiding ADF. particularly on the Navy which became involved collisions in confined waters, being berthed and secured to with both local and overseas happenings within a short buoys etc. all by remote control. Virtually certain, the space of time: Navy was required to send its principle proportion of women in the defence force (at present about warships for policing duties in northern waters as well as 15%) will increase, no doubt to the regret of the more abroad to the Middle East. Accepting that ADF personnel "chivalrous" members of the community. serving afloat or on land in the Middle East were to receive By Geoffrey Evans THE NAVY LEAGUE OF AUSTRALIA - NOTICE OF MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN Out an Extraordinary General Meeting of The Navy League of Australia will be held at 7th Floor 175 Macquarie Street. Sydney, on Monday 4 February 2002 at 5.30 pm for the purpose of considering and if thought fit passing the following resolution as a special resolution: RESOLUTION: That the Articles of Association be amended by inserting the following new Article I93A. 193A Special Purpose Branches of the League Where m any particular city or town in Australia there is formed an association (whether incorporated or unincorporated) the principal purpose of which is the support of an Australian Navy Cadet Unit ("Unit") in that city or town, that association may apply to the Executive Committee of the Division responsible for the State or Territory in which the city or town is located (the "Responsible Executive Committee") for a special purpose accreditation ("Special Purpose Accreditaoon") as a Branch of the League and the following provisions shall apply: (a) the Responsible