'l& A ’s

AIRLINER c a r r ie s e l e v e n t o d e a t h i n b a y WHITE SAILS IN THE SUNSET” ~RACING TO NASSAU

This mm. Identified By pollen M ja m n O. McDonald, allaa M. A. Poet, an ta-tonvUt. wan aalaad at Seattle. Wulb, and Mid for r u m * tlonlng about thn kidnaping and murder of Charlea Mattaen, 10, ad Taccma. Ons officer described Me White M ill lugging at the meats . . White tamps breaking on the tea's owe!It . . . Keen-eyed crews maneuvering for advantage . . . arrest at ’ het" ( Atoecletod A M And te 1* trim :*cft sailed out of Miami, Pie* In tho fourth annual race to Naessu. The tamaraman flew lew In an airplane and took this P betel strlkint picture of the start. (Asses I abed Press Photo)



i V* I f

Mrs. Maude La Near. 19. and her two-year-old daughter Donna am •hewn In a nulling homo at Carson City. Nov, after thslr rescue frees Mi n . wmw g , , ^ a snow-bound outamobll* In which they spent nine days. Hunters f * - \ It's Mirdl drat u. , ii in New Oilsanel tt*«oiy a mn.ai.iie l.gueu in t.iu lun„ "ui.oioc.'* sno paraoo ars searching the detetatr, tnow-covcrcd plains for Sort La Near, (left) tries to con. nos the girl he deserves a hits for his clfsrto to amuse. At right this little the woman's huohand. who set out In quest of help hut fatted te „ ___ ■ f Deed Of play end pageantry—finally site down and gaee ta strep while awaiting the Mfcdt Drag | eoturn. |A:::c atrd Prtto Photo) (Associated Press Photos* - • — —>»— 1 >.i

AT EUCHARISTIC CONGRESS FOUR DIE IN MYSTERIOUS BREAK-UP OF PLANE One of tho most Important oluoo In It • cloying of Miry Kllon Babcock, pretty 11-yoar-old blonde. In B lonely Hold on tho outskirts of Buffalo. N. V , was this bloody knife which was found under hoe body, the (tad boon (tabbed nine times. Her pet dof to shown (rl|M) hooping • pathetic vigil at tho homo of the a


Pour persons wore hurtled to death when or. airplane apparently fell to p tees ntar Loulsburg. N. C , ant • 'ottered wreckage over IS seres ef farm land. The bodies of Arthur Conn, Dsnlsl L. Breen end Choi M. Bote, oil of Akron. Ohio, foil In front of a farm heuso several hundred yards from tho main pMe of v.retkago shown above. The bedy of Miss Carolina Donley of Miami. Fla, was found seme d)ptanse M B the ether* (Associated Prase Phots) WINDSOR NEAR TEARS IN GREETING SISTER

Dennis Cardinal Doughorty. papal delegate to the luehartetle Cempress In Manila, la shewn (loftl Imparting the papal bleealng at one of tha services during the five-day celebration. This pleturo woo speeded from the Philippines ta the United States by airmail. (Associates Press Phalo)

American male womrn's n «ir Wind op facte, from which the The Duke of WksJsor. formerly King Kdward of (treat Britain, era* rcpsrtod on Urn verge of ia becoming Increasingly p.pulir Duke of Windsor gut hie name, tears and unable to tptwk for n snoment when be grweied hit sitter, the IVinctee Royal Mar/ and hn» in Creai Btiiain. an! Import* of has been the home ef Cngiieh busbard. the Karl ef Harewood, at the railway station ia Vienna. Thia ra-llopheto shews them women's gown*, shoe*, handbags h’ngs since tk, Norman cooquete leaving the station. Windier le at the right (A»*oocm.td Pres* Phu'.u) and ecceoaurtee ate rising ttoadi/. |i the eltremh century. TT. T ••/ . 1 •’’* * ~ . r i " H \ iV^'V* f t ? --*----v^7',*>L** Jf-ft* >V f-t'.f*TvrT~"'r ------'^ ^ ^ T ^ ^ ,^ 7 ,7>7-r«^,4Ht!UJ- V 1 " * • » * * ’* * l -i ■ *t » '* * * { • ' r .* 1' * #’

Mart F n U i AM VvgwtaMn I h m D | Matter Arm la

#mtfarftAN INM M niDBIT DAILY NKW8PAPEK ferali*9

YOUJMi x x n BAWfODD, rtO W PA , 8ATVKPAY, YEBUUAJIT 13. 1937 E sUMM m A la 1908 DUNNE BABY KIDNAP PLOT BARE Railroads Refuse CHINA EMPLOYS DEATH TO PURGE NATION OF DOPE Two Quins Said Freight Reduction To Be Object Of For_Citrus F ruit Canadian Threai Wife Of Constsblt ,T,fr.v.n™J»»ior Seminole County Says Husky-Voksd Don i ‘Glad Rags’ Man Informed Her * RNToMinmDnnuuew T*Be Of Snatch Plans For Exposition Blow b Struck I1" S t— M eet 2 Extra Guards To Stole Crops Many Local Booths Are Dispatched To lie Displayed - - Fifty Percent Slteh tiona At lAkeland At Orlando Fair ‘Foreijcn-L ookInf* Men Alleged Cod- Asked By Industry Directors of the Son* u( ih« Lr- Ncminile County wn* putting on To Market Crops (ion Drum and Bugle Corps Mart if* best dre*» today i(l exhibit til Kpirators In Idea rd a movement lest night to whip iho IT'iurnl Florida Ksposkto.i opening in Otlundo Monday and WASHINGTON. Feb. 13. the outfit into such condition TORONTO. Feb, 13.— — (AIM—The Annocktlon of that it will be able to participate running through Saturday. (AIM—Government proteet* IuxmI di-piny* nro being nr- American Rallrondn today dc- in th« State Legion contention at ramretl by varum* group* md nri* of {’ttnmtft’a fnmoun Dt* ,nl*d tho Florida citrus Indua- lakeland in May. nil nre i ndcr the direction of th ttnnp i|tiintupleti« tixksv MW ( try’s plea for cmorjrency re­ Because tho Sanford Legit n Seminole t'ouniy I’haialivr duction in the irrapefruit l'uet ha* tho Ur (cat proportionate uf chnrifwt the pnwincld p»* Commerce. freight rates. I number of member*, it ha* re- : lire with n atftinir of every I'ridaldy the lnrge*t nml mo-t O fficials here said .the do- ,h* nvi“ ,lo“ '» Hltrcit of a alory that “two extensive Imoih will lie that show­ cbion was reached «t a meet- »« 'h« *-embly ing (hi* section'* vegetable*. fort’lifn tiHiKing'’ nien weru In f of eastern, western until whrj live Conmnttre poiiponcif ' last the art di«play m ho sent *t think the tale a hoax. Ilowwar. refuting the petition, including night a dlscuadon of propo*cd fi the Central Florida Fxporiiion two extra guard* were di*patched the railroad** hravy emergency i nanclal aid for the drum and bu in rir1*ndo next week, radiir to the Callamler nursery, brine- expenditure* taunt'd by the IIU- gle unit. It will be brought up simiiin W 1*110 unniiunrrd to­ lug to fiv* tho men who walk • liaaippi aad Ohio Valley flood*. Monday night In the regular Le- Striving to rid the country of drug peddler* ami their milliun* of victim*, Chine*.' official* have decreed public execution of nil day. She will di*|day ahoot wary heat about th* eight-feat The citru* Induxtry and Florida gion lemon. caught aelling or using narcotic*. These picture*. Ju*t arrlvnl in t he Uniyctl S:ntc*. tell a vivid »tury of the gruesome campaign, No. half n d oxen picture*. rteet fence which guard* th* Bi­ m „ytat* officiaU, declaring aa tmer- Mr. Hero aald Indication* were 1—Horrified women watching the drath march of a convicted peddle r. No. 2—A stoical addict nn.l seller calmly await* Id* turn with ll* girl*. #* feacy (listed. a*had a temporary ouuida help" would be the rxecjtloncT. Na. 3— An offender dice by a bullet in the back o f-kl* head. No. 4—The boily'U dragged away like that of some About 75 in Dvldunl sperlet * amt “ W. think It extraordinary," rodoction af BO percent In grape- furthcoming la providing funda dead animal. No. h—With little rrremony, it t* dumped into a rude coffin for hurbil. (Associated l*ir»* I'hutust Varieties ate la-iitg placed by t 'mile laid the attarnry general, Mlkak •v fruit freight rates. They aald un­ for musical Inetrumcnt* and uni ty Agent C. It. tlawsun to exploit two mrn planning such a *-y furme. lee* the relief wsa granted much the versatility of the soil. would dlacuna |t publicly, of the bumper crop would rot *>n The Friday drill wa* attended Ml** Josephine Boyd. ton. Coun­ ever, we era taking no rhanroe." tree*. t; by T. E. rilmpaon, president Elk Official U Tourist Reception Will Higgins Asserts ty homo demonstration ngent, i* Th* story of the kidnap ple^ oil Uniting a booth of many prod- the Seminole County Chamber of reputedly hatched on a Toronto- ■-*) net* from the home kitchen. I Commerce, and Joseph L- Maren- [ «» Buffalo bus, first wna told lit Greeted By 175 Attract Throng Tonight $1,500 Is Ready the sltelvrs will he dtlU (Brn trite, chairman of the Chamber' i «n ammiyntou* telephone rail ta WPA W ill Finish serve*, marmalade*, cam., o veg- Publicity Committee. Doth were the wife of nn Etobkok* towa- 2 Road Projects impressed with the progrei* made On Local Viiit Proarram Is Revised For Woman's Club For Diamond Use eiuhles, spiced anil canned meat*. ■ hip constable. The Krltilnule I'hspier of Fu­ by the Junior Legionnaire* A husky-voiced naan informal Event; Four To Be In Ite- ture Farmer* of America hove re­ Within Fortnight Mr, Hero raid he hoped to have the cnn*tahl«'« wifa he ravsa- City Allocates S u in moved their meat exhibit front I the unit In *h*pe to make it* first Wall Commendit San ______ceivinjf Line dropped on two swarthy bus pea* the Tampa Fair ami will di*play WPA operation* on the San-'. •“«■* appearance wl.hut (bur To Insure ( ’oniplc- seuger* who talked of "XnaUh- ford Organization It in ttilsndi. Ilviedo Future Farm­ Avenue and Paole Road '*''*}* Tw(, hundred invitation* had log" two Of th* little girl* and er* are a»*hnlng. prof. Alex It. project* era slated for completion * " • h“ orJercl new On Healthy St ite been sent out today for the tour tion Of Clubhouse multeieil confidently "srrrythiig Johnson, Semlmde FFA advisor, seat week, W. 8. Earle, work e** It* I'm , TSrret Arpkalt for surfacing the thor­ th* nv*t practice irsston rriday...... < handier of Commetce official*, avnllslde to e Xprdllr WOlk Oil the ‘ .V oughfare! la due to arrire Mon­, An caper, drum ami bu,U * ? ' n‘« ht tro,w‘W ^ CITY NEWS BRIEFS ttmler who*e *pon<"r*hlp the func­ club hnu*e at Mimicipul Athletic ■ ST! , struct or, Frank llu n y of Daytuna1 fa* tlubhousa to welcome W. A day, he aald. If weather cornll-1 , . - , tion I* operate), made • public an- Field so that the prttjeet titighi • J in 11*11 of We»t Palm Beach, dri- h,, ciiinpleteil hefote Ms i h 1. Uona do not Interfere. It will be I U*4f h* *» amlattn* loc.l men Th# Sanford Municipal AiaocI** eottneenum that all winter tmtr- School OH icials Reporting Board (grand and rolteil befor* Friday.1 the youngster*. irtet deputy mraiwl cxal'rd rut 1*1* in Hanford who hail nm re* when n hoxeludl ttaining Florida Ea*t, on the occasional «iun will meet at 1(1 A. M. Monday Mr. Earle *ald mail Improve- t i ; a m c \ • trive weald. Indicating that it ihould be •/ wl11 m*ke effnne to completely viewed th* history of F.lkdom tiations for placing Hanford on an ber in the rerrptkiti. Inst year when the laHikoiits. seheduled to train he-e, suddenly •School's loots.' in, the possibilities riculuia report released today ■-AuMcely completed within 10 dayi. ,n*l "Port on all old • lnc# It was established, ami he airmail route. | 2— flrrcting, T. K. Himpsan, ot visiul educatloti. through th,. Associated Press. Inclement weather ha* delayed n* ‘* aerbtanc* application* before *«t forth th* gwal* apd achieve­ ! I t'* mbs'r of Cimimrrco president. |shifted their camp f« llaytmta oppraUon* on the Paola Road M ,r- **• **ra. J- K Bulge. County ment* of th* body. . xnford Lrgionnairrs will as-J |— Gryeting, Mayor Kdwnrd Ih-ach beentise local faeilitie- Super our Intent ,i lotwlun . aid Ill the same statement was the were lurking film* on the sllhject* of geography informcHon that the Californl* project. director, raid today. | Among the **v«n visiting ex temble x| ■ |*. J|. Monday In !*•- Higgins. | and ..I lice went exhtbiud. Ho rmlt lose* from th* recent Paci­ Mr. Earle reported the Semi- Nr*- • " " " ‘•"‘‘wl that 15 i alird ruler* to apeak was Jmlge gion Hut on Ukeshore Houlevu d 4- Piano s.,h.. M.s.x Huphno No I|itrxli»n rKlsted ttnlav. fic Const freer,, was as follows: n*l# Cocnly WPA employed IT2 I’*''*0''* have ippll*,) for pension* Herbert B. Frederick of Hay for a regular sessiot*. Contman- Takach. Mayor Higgins said, that the ex pi ■ « l 4 per-onul opinion ihat sat.’iy and health ure topics that navel and misrrllaneous oranges. ------tkls week. 71 of which “ m* h,r' no< be* n Investigated. At I t„n. Beach, wK«.pUc«d the non... der Uoyd F. Boy la announced 5—Violin solo, the II. v. Martin rhihhouxr will he finished mid 41 present 6tl are receiving assistance 0f (mve Sholti In nomination today. Dram. ready for us* when the hail could be most e f f ieien ly taught -fi percent; Yulenria oranges, I Tbe (ounty’s maximum xi 70, I when the latter wa* riected grand player* arrive. throtigli motion pictures. percent; grapefruit, 45 perront fi— Reading, Miss Namy Itwset­ ■mnnd*. rtl) percent. _ . _ . The director said that |>«nmn*-„alted ruler of Elk.lom *t th- A group of teachers from the ter, Joe Engle, official of the Chit- lie said Mil loos types of pro jel l mil lipplirnIII. were shown. Th* Rnxril estimnmi that T*«- T o m '/ lnvestiga e.1 Could assist the Angelro convention last Oviedo School to,toy werr attend­ 7—Piano snlii, Mir* Sarah Mar­ tnrioogn outfit which will train On Maine udtl.ng that the imiiul ec-t of production nf grapefruit would ing the P. K. Young ilemonstia- garet Altman. here this spring, said hi* base, tho machili's is the iirmcipal re.x- roach H.7WVK10. Be Honored Monday, .S S B . 'f S a S . ’S S .- T ;. a tlnn school In Gainesville. The In­ It—Vocal solo and mutical rend­ bull school opening here March I fnr son tb u th,* majority of school., Arinina, the Hoard nalil, suf­ stitution demonstrate* the latest ing, Mr*. W. C. Fleming. would draw hundreds of iliwri'ijtid ser- hopeful*. have not ill Mailed visual itittca- fered heavily In the January u A w ^eeam .n whole* thelr pens'«?i"plkC2te.fcinhpleW ^ | 5S. *a.'tTu? Ed'o'Rouri'e wa. method* and theaeirx of handling it—Mlrimha tiiln, Mi.t Rom- wplcioi* of *h# bmi*| IW f •Hd funds for pension* U f , tjk heafle.l school children. <('••!i••-* n* tore*) The Chamber of Cmt.m*rrr tion course. freexr*. but added that It la tow Havana HarUiri t*ing applied by th* Ciyimy and , , . I no P its Tt**#t this afternoon pointed nut the JV'u Schirartl, u member nf a ar|y to form an accurate e»ti- CO Feb. IS, won. win b* the ob-! will cgntinu* to be until ib* k gi»-l Inwcrthwl can*. It* also re- publicity value of hringlor n local school futility, has been in " mle "I 'he damage. ceived *n honorary membership jact of brief ceremonies at th* aiure appropriate* allotment* this i Tax AHDetttMir IManw professional hn-ehall team here Gainesville the entire week suitly- nadahal] Monday afternoon at 4 of visual education, *1 for life in Ota Elkl. Overstreet Named To Vinit I’recinctn be showing th, Chntlnnneg'i Free ing the courses. I attack.___ jReport* Included on# from the District Chairman Presx nf recent Issues several liocal Scout Troop r. a Baiiard, chairman 0f oj AAA Representative' *:‘0,,ln' ■ pro,il To Accept Returns ll'sollssr* Its l*s*e Thrr«| or, aald all war v.uraa* are t p . r ___ o ______» _ _ V V>° * M th* Fraternity's part Of Victory Din ler Tu b c r cu losis Unit ,'eave" For wlnol“ •a pat lolly Invited to fur sponauring tho County Fair 'TCTZSZ. 1° Explain Surplus . Tax Assessor Sanford F. Duud- Thisty Boy Scout* In Troop I d that an Invitation ia amended her* last month. A second re­ Judge Ware KeportH Hoped To Be Opened O. Overstreet of Orlando pey inn unee.l ualay that he would left hire yesterday afternoon for •ha public. | Purchasing Program port stated that fU.70 wax eleor- ha* been appointed ftemoeratlc Vic­ visit 13 County precinct* nn Feb, Dlaporiition Of BoyH Before Summer Ends Camp Winona In Volusia Cnutuy ICMltasM WX Otax Taro*) tory Dinner chail nun nf th* dis­ Th* Federal Government's plan 23, 25 and 20 in receive tax re for a three day outing under tho trict In which Hanford lx located. to purchase surplua cabbage will turn*. Satisfactory illspoxition of four Mr*. Mary Pynchon, secretary direction nf Scoutmnxter lltrma* Future Farmers To It waa aancunced today from to explained Monday afternoon at National Gnardamen His schedule Is ax follows: yiiuihx, rhargetl with breaking anti and treasurer of the Flurhla Tu- Morris. • Broadcaat Tonl«bt 3 o'clock by an AAA representa­ Jacktotivlll*. Stand IaapcctioiiN F*b. 23—Osceola, 2:45 A. M. to entt ring local schools, wax to-1 bercttlosix and Health A'socla- Activities will include swimming, ll tive at the Court House, County Th* dinners *r* to be mwleled 10:45 A. M.; Geneva. II A. M. to ptirted imlay hy Judge R. W.1 lion, expressed a hojie hern yes- boating, arrhery, rook Inland rif­ ------— sion WDBO, Orta ado. 'agent C. R. Dawton said today. nfter th* Jackson Day dinner nfl 12 o'clock noon; Chuliima, I P, M. W*r* who declined t„ reveal the tenlny that the T il hospital near ling. Regular summer ramp sched­ *iH carry a broaileast All te!*ry growers la tho Ban- Local National Guardsmen will; Ittdrt, ami *r* being arranged to tn 2 P. M.; Oviedo. 2:15 |», M. to namra of the youngxerx. j (*11*0110 wnuM In- in position to ules are to be followed. Th* troop ^M nrriag members of th* Semi- ford vicinity ar* urged to attend stand inspection by Col. Crea of raise funda for defraying the 3 15 P. M. Th* jittlg* said three of the' o|i«n lltxtt mi l-summer, will return Monday. •ala Chapter of Future Farmers th» mtwtlag. sine* the time m*th-l •% ragtdir army hero Mornlav, Demoeralie IV ty campatgn ttebt. Feh. 25—Slav in. 3:45 A. M. to boyx had been rcturnnl to theic! Mr*, pynrhnn anti Dr. J. T. I*en-i a f America, Tho _ program ____ begin. . cd of purr Has* mr.y b* applied and Tutaday, whit# th* medics I While Sanford Is expcc'ad to Id:45 A. M.; GotrWI*. II A. M. parent* after several lecture*. A* toil, also of the ass.iclation, mm M t J B ■’clock aad last* half an later on to celery. I unit of tho miUHg wU) be In-1 stage one of th* *v*nt* no dofln- tn 12 oVIcick mum; frVrn /ark. I Sanford family took charge of the with member, of tho Seminole ^ |‘ Government he* authorhed boy. spec ted Tuesday by MaJ. Grwne, | It, plans hav* yet been mad*. P. M. to 2 P. M.; Forest City, 2:15 fourth who is oithout living par­ Couniy Tulierrulo.i, ami Health LOCAL WEATHKB1 Fmoiw Firmer* from Crvscvm lng up of surplus vegetable* of also of th* regular army. March 4 ia the date for tho fune- I’. M. k, 3:15 P. If. ent*. | Association to tii'cusx tentative Clty. DtLaad, Apopka. Oriadoaml certain kind* in an *ffoil la peg Th* rolonol hia staff plan'tion. els*wk*r*. Feb. 24— Altamonte Springs, Juilge Ware raid that a fifth plans far obtaining the periodic • will k* heard on the market price at an rotaklhkod elan to tab* Iwvowlery af, Number On, dinner will b* D 45 A. M. to 10:45 A. If.; l.ong- youth, alleged to have been with service of a traveling tubercu­ AflHrkte* af the ve­ minimum. property oa hor* which' belli at th* Mayflower Hotel In wood, II A. M. to 12 o'clock noon; the other four, probably will lie losis clinic. nd moaicll rrnrr- Tho program ta now kl Capt. Harold V n U t t n ; acting' Washington from which President U k * Mary, I P. M. to 2 P. M-; Po- taken lo Georgia ami placed in Thi Mont»uma Hotel wa. aw graperfruk aad b 04 gfeowt Roosevelt will addroaa th* got low. pJv. t:15 P. M. to 3:15 P. M.i Lak* tare of an uncle. Ilia patents scene cf th> lilrcussian* I t Frit* Uwn te |109 yog . 1:30 P. M. to 4.30 F. M. H I ‘ at noon.

i T

bp littb, m w facto heron ktorrail Um h | fitted, w it wwr*, for th* a**d* of anrthi older men amumlnf (tot the seen* ie the i In the poet, eeaee to explore or Innnlr* into the future." Whet the President hoe eahl h e n with preme Court Judfee m lfht juot ae raneonel •eld about members o f the R oom o f Boon the Senate, and jret Mr. RooetveK Kao adn for llmltiiiff the membership o f theee extra bodies to men under seventy. Her turn h i strict by law appointments In the various partpertinent* meats to youaperyounger men. A t least two membersi of hie own cabinet have died hi office from the "MfemMlm of

Ae a matter of fart, ace has veir ttttfe to dp with a man’s capacity to servo. History records mme younger VBB8BF0M TODAY men of great abilities, sueh ae Alexander the Great who A » 2RKTHRKN: finally, conquered most o f the known world and dlad by tha time I ST MW mind, having he was forty-two: Napoleon Bonaparte, who wee the most en e*e ef snot tor, In** powerful ruler In Europe at the age o f thirty, end who had b p W M . to court- completed his life’s work long before he died at f l t Raima l f t o w lit . at the sge of 52. And to bring our history np to dais, Adolf Hitler of Germany, too, io a young man. But there are plenty of llhistrations to prove the achievements of elderly men. Georges danmneeau who guided the destinies of France throughout the World War wsa 72 yean old at the First Battle of the Mamas. On the dwd f* going |o haw ■ other aide was Von Hindenburg, leader o f the Germans, 3ira rvrc% s t z j z j s r * " " * t .nmn. In thv mwntlmv to *km ito toon as sew cwn*il- ,1^ r, „ n , r ^ who had retlred^from the service past seventy before the thiag, a anmical tawa Is always to*.' tnurtsU aw passing war began, and who was again elected prarideat o f the iwri dws sot Interpret ito Con- they will tows Mw tatwd W U « you e*a a*» tow delight- a happy and frteadly town. T to w NICK’S •m through. German republic when he wna eighty-five. h‘ttin!id to*E !brr,do "• ***' - 1 to kSta- k nothing that brings ytopio ta- Liqaof Storg Michel Angelo wsa doing some o f hla heat painting gvttor Iflto a gwaml Intvwvt in Orno Has p*ni to Miami m « r j S w T g j"? jr * mtw 200 B. 1st SI. • tto rseir. In fact, he long after he was eighty. Disraeli, tha gn a t English HMile. I fool that I am qiw)t- Htateaman, was called hack Into power by Queen Victoria • T c" ,"m Coen, or pmk .to osi .S k g th, ~oslo to *to«- flad to state, and aba win to *“J want t» look over Ito bactod an In that automat, The Best In . attsailon down itow," at the age of 7o end for six years continued to guide the rw irLlfm ^bfTrtj *“ ttoluSThtw Set •that Saaford la ast, sad hu aot rientinien o f the British Empire throughout the period in I’kson for tto bat fow years, a LIQUORS • would ba a good lime to J S t i t T c t n Z km /to^Zuto ‘" f l^ * T Mr'lll* * T udfstwri Kick school tose, awl which England gained control o f the Burn Canal and the , amaleal tows. What h mow, It ■paatao of list rummer's k 2 5 * * *ri*. » h« k» hu way, will swto uw first tlm. w. tort tod an Transvaal in Africa. Gladstone, another great English a conn ihw has sytt twpoct for, w>witr> „ ma>r of tto will not to maakal la tto fotaw GINS toftVf Bolt iummrr bvgina gauowlt . . ______nwsy „ „ vsstsd end hlatarto ri«ht»., ^ hooU_ , k . ^ , nrnt% . untoM wo kavp ay tto good work ■ yM In tto fire. statesman was 77 when ho assumed the premiership of England for the third time and was M when ho wan the ttow w w t o all Junkets over H b» socewsorsaewaaor mlctoi______to «**t«Jn-.ta______(W# iUtvaa*wt. I that wo to w started wl'h thw r WINES irw n ty, ito propoul would to offlw by a wav# at wactiM . chlHrva. It b la ttow thlldron ■W a young roitplo parked In n| T to children at* wild with vn- wkM tM nttMft Bays h Ia ; • guch is sot uncommonly la pro* I that tto aim leal fotaw of Baa- WHISKIES •Tw a I be Lnkefrom Ouulewrd » u p * l « n for invlgovad'.g ito vukej wton y.^w totv** jthuissm over tto hand, and »««l * *ta**ni*

S>M tok Wiltoi I* ono « f th'~rrTTj-

Seminole County Dons tfLid RapT octal And Personal Activities F o r Expogition

Qttfltk# Pnrty Ii dm Club Hat* prepared a dlipljT of rare plant*, flower* and bull* which it expected to attract «•• • Social Calendar tolerable attention. Whit* eehool children of thlK County will not bo required *• attend cU iw t Monday, Suporla* tr»!rnt T. W. Lawton »»id, tha day heinir yi^n them to tUk expo Mon. N ftni achcol chlldrtW are to attend Saturday. Wednesday ha* been dc*Jgaa»ai ae Seminol* County Day at lb* Orlando function. r M0 bo roetewnd. pci gram *t tba WawMs’i ary floeioty of tba Matbod- Non-Intervention Mb v a t* held at tba In Spain Is Sougkf at l:M adoek. ClreiaNum- Spanirh non-intervention fTha were revived In Paris and t ef iht ______AT THE CHURCHES today as Insurgent commander* „ ______will ha haMifori, reported their troop* had fu fi** « dm xhareh asaei at |:M e’claca.1 — *f""'t»r. l P. M. Train a**n*r> CU m at th# annex. .another link in th* chain m Ibo Mbjact fee tha ihtrxowi will M m II if PhnwnHh » P. XI C irri* I. W. M. a ■steel which the three months a f ha "Tba Jaw." Mr*. Aanta Mart-'i?' ■Mt< with Mr*. Karl* Dunir. siege has drawn lighter around wether wtu b* t* ebarga at dm It e - E Ie c t e d P r e s id e n t lilt Mali Avenue. Wednesday. T 1# P. M. MU- Madrid. tt»ll SttflhlB. Tho French cabinet railed fa* n o Baakeame af tha Pint Bap- Thursday, T it* P. M Cknlr re- t:M r. H tierrul prompt move* to UoUt* th# dm Cbarch wtu meet at 3 SO Prarer Meellaf W H ttn la r, f:Sf -w’xkck fat the Beginner’s Depart Mr». R, M. Pipwortb, p m ideal Spanish civil war while Ih* In* • f tba Sanford Garden Club, op*n- tr. M. a . 1 * 4 sad tin Wetwe- •• wminiiMT rnrwrii ternnlionnl Committer In LoitdaM ■Mel nf the shank. Joee|>h K. A’tm.l w.irt «r eermon: “Rye* ti Tba In n ii MataJ u. A.'* ef Herman Echols who i* attend Wen del Jury Unable tba ftrs i Bapdri Cbartb will meet « ‘H*,*0**1 •W laatiot Mr*. J. r,*» t-#seurs meet at i II ‘tag school in OalanvUk is spend l,r SI. II l#,nl. J r . |.eaaui at tba cbarch at 1:45 P. M. Mr*. II. Colcloufk waa named Vic*. ing this weekend with hi* par To HU Affreememt I‘reside nt. and Mr*. J. 0. 8haraa! Ray Britt la counselor o f the ‘ant*. Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Echols, aternitn nnn n«tt«i wa* clcetcd to bold th* office af Magnolia Avenue. ixnt:r»x -rvnrtux N E W YORK. Feb. t3. - ( # f — Joint 8«crttar)r tod Treasurer. lla U e r — Chela Number Three ef lh#| iornwp sih ni The Jury trying Martin Schlommon P in t Baptist Church will vlait fh * annaal luncheon ef the Gar­ Mite Christine Slodenmir* end T he I> y , ami Hurry Weiss w;:h Ih* kid* A kaflpd it den Club waa hold at oa* o'clock MU* Mery Jen* Preston nre ex­ papin* nf Paul II. Wendel noti­ following the bull net * meeting. Irsfp l w ||h Months'* of lb* eirek era pected to arrive tonight from nast tmanne t* camel ■l«rnp||<*4n a fied Judge John J. Kitigerald to* asked to meet at the church at Mr*. Wallace Wright and Mr*. J. 8cbrtng, where they have been •ciatfis* «lsjr w%rnln ■lay It was unable to agree. ThK H. Cole lough, accompanied by Mrs. uVlorh. 1:00 o’clock to go In a body. working for an advertising agvn- Christie* Wiewee eervlee* nr* net* Kb .1 flbf r ||n| Judge set Mar. I for a retrial R. E. D*a* at th* piano, *ang •very Header merxtne •• th* rhairh Oold nn.1 Hetty *t Mast B*c*n4 Blreet at II. *0 fflnlon l le>e Anselre. , after telling Jurors he ihougM WTONESDAT “A Link White Hou**". Ralph will I.# n rhntde nf the lerturee. A short they could have reached a Vcf* N Woeun’s Club Annual Lunch- Wight read an original i>o*m“My Huhjert fur tomurronr te "HouI.* rri'trsm nf sreiintlan Thie eh aeth asalatalae n tree tnimlc w I In- alren st ra»-l, meet* dirt. sow nt ike chib at 1:00 o crock, Pavorke..... Tree", , and■ III, MrnLSI b* Diphn*s/xpnno Inc. «n.| Mr. and M n. Frank Weldon of Reading Keuas at the church where • peelel eervlree will |>e Tho third defendant, Murray Rcerrratlon* must bo mask by i Takerh gave itvrrxl piano selrc- Use Bible ea* all aatherlsej Ckrla* h-M f.r '••Mn# penpte nn.l .hit. Sanwood. N. J., Mr). Archie Ilea Oeleac* Uteratar* may *0 drrn. TI - tut,In |a rtinlUllv In- Dlrefetd, pleaded guilty yesterday Tuesday. Phone TO-1. I tknx. Clfrtl |n Betts and M n. J. N. Robson. Jr.. reed, bur re are* er purehaaed. Ope* attend. to the crime which delayed Hm of tho Woman’s Club will be. Mrs. Papwonh introduced M n. Taemar Bad Friday* from • I* * motored ta Silver Spring* and execution of the l.indhergh baby Th* Annual Bridge Lnncncon^ W. If. Button, of p|M Castle who Adtkn sa*k* Mad*e than wsedi akts Rep. William U. Rankk*sd *4, Ocila yesterday. kldnnprr three days last year. of th* Woman’s Cub will be held urged the Garden Club member* MAMA v" Akhama. (paahae *4 th* Hi m * *e R*pre**ntatlv«s, w*M kacksta** in o U U atst reaass awnl-v a<-hn«l, l> A »|.w. Wa*aiM(t*o tksoSrs to **nfr*lul*t* HI* daughtor Tallulah far her **<• Wrndel claimed he was abduct* at tho club olt 0 »V Avenue «» to try to s:tcr.J 1I 4 Ganii-n* club cm tu r n Il'M mrfiN H f f v|ra> J | ,\. ,M f l i p ‘" Mr. and Mn. II. O. Drake «>r Barmans* hi "Art!tried Olsry.” There wa* a big hug and a Ms* Ircm j «-l nml fnrerd lo sign a cenfe*- 1:00 o’clock. Reservation* mu*t| Convention in Pensacola March 30, (prssfeyltilaa Uvrersmsol) Uln I t r.n m ||| oh Columbus, G*-. announce the birth Marais* Werskla, I*:** A. tt lirfirr Daughter Tallulah a*k*d him hew ho llktd hsr «q sion that he kidnaped the Lind* be in by Tuesday. -Hootewcs will, 31 sad April 1. It was announced |» IS* listed Preso Ph*t*f of a daughter, Marjorie Marline, Ctrerch BckeoL•aoL iflN if# * A. ML lVo|»|r’K legion, t;| i |* In-rgh Iwliy. If,- testified he WM he Mrs. J. C. Bills, Jr, Mrs.: that thos* who attend the conven- ■tsalag BartUa•rvtsi, t111 :* r P. e M.is at tho Femald-Laughton Memori­ ------Ml*i*C*c,- I*, jut. j . M , m •»*•*■ W -nip IfiapIlNE, 7 |* If i brutally Ix-alrn. James Caates, Mrs. Mary U. lion will join a motorcade si Pen- al Hoepita) this morning. M n n1 I , ^ Id — Plano »olit, Mis.1 T.iknrh. at th* Methodist Orphanage in Ot iiii.ii, |,y vv. j Contests were enjoy#-! ihrough Park, Mrs. W. II. Sutton ami M n. JRNOVAM'S w r r * K * * K fl It —Games dinctr» CO MINUTES OF SUSPENSE] I it 4 •*|le»y *• • ml Ward of Pin* Castle, Mn. R. J. Ing. The pnskknt, Randall Auiufay awarded in D>. Trarey and Mrs. ll.igwvll, Chamber si*, retnry. Holly, Mlaa Daphne Ttkech, Mrs. .. •'•’ Worth l . ' isurs til— I ni I || 13— Announremeri'u. Prkst, presided over th* business i i i ,,p llg Tl,* ,r *n'1 *,u,,r i m J mi- ■: • ii11. p i— i.i. ni Kordyr# Kutsrll. D. L. Thrasher, Mrs. R. A. New- 31 Where to meeting and tba Rev. C. J. Ty­ Ws<.n-».iir: lllkls study and -'"isi-lllnr fjite in ths cvrning refreshmenn Refreshments will I.,. served st man and Ralph Wight. Jr. AUo Watch Tnw*r. 1:1* p ||. (l l’r j r » r III— Una. \V«lnrsi|nr. T 1« ler acted Toast Master. »#r# servnl to ih# following: llr. the conclusion of tlie evening's Mn. P. 8. Roy. M n. R.R . D*a«, Th* them* of tho evening pro­ Flawy-a*mar raram Tin- publln It rtiftllsllr InvIUil Elisabeth Tracey, Miss rharlotto activities. Mn. K. I Hoy, M n Harry Heenn, Tks IUv. W. P. Urnoka, •» 11 r t« • I Ihrnw h»r*lr»a. gram wa* “Possibilities” and th* Smith, Mrs E. S. McCall. Mrs. W. In th* receiving line nre t,, le DINE M n. Hal Wight, Mrs. Ralph teat wa* “I can do all thing* ■uadsy Itrhoot, t i l A. M. I.- Roche, Misi Olive I.eZi-iie, Mrs. Mrs. Philip*, Mr. Simpson, Mn. Wight. Mrs. H. B. Pope, M n. An­ CAUumuAtiAMie rnrnm through Christ which strength- Wnrskl*. 11:10 A IK •'•Prtrir I ’dih A u m ie mi.| |r.1 II, l>. Hague. Mrs. J. O. (Julnnel- Pearl llansell, general ihnirman in Sanford drew Carraway. Mrs. W. A. Plus, VIlFfl. enath ms.” Phil. 4: 13. Rvsatn* Worship. M t P. H. ty. Mr*. H. I). M. Arthor. Mrs Wal- nf tho Welcome to Snnfor l Cuin . Mrs. Clyde Ramsey, M n C. B. w *dn*s.t«r Worship. 1 i t y, m Tin- Ho t. J .ih ii iiTtn.tnl ii.,..I, Th* complete program was at )|ihlil#r ter II liarh, Mrs. J. N. Giilnn. ntltlie. and Mayor Higgins. Kinley, Mr*. K. D. Rhlnehart, B*r»k*n«s for Ik* karO of follow*: 4’Ntirrh H«*h4M»l. I '• no (% \| Mr*. U G. Ilunttr, Mr*. Kohnt Tonight's reception Is the Grit M n. Jo* Corlry, Mr*. R. W. Ware. JlttrnlnR Wornhl|». It Ho J|. Invocation—W. F. Dtinkl* A-nnuH ley iti** imrIhf C'lhb, Mr*. I« 8. Crawley, Mrs. E. of this kind hen-, and rtliaoiher of- Mrs. S. C. Dickerson, Mrs. W. 11. rwi'Mi M o r u n o Instrumental Solo— Vclva Boat- l hriRll.tii |: ii<|* i % nr Nod-tv. 7 It- K Dutton. Jr., Mrs. Fordyrc Hue. ficiuls uro Imping to make tho Arnold, Jr., Mr*. II B Covington Fifth asd llollr. P- M kamp,____ Daytona Beach____ Tks Itsv. W. I. Ksrrs, pastor. sell, and Mrs A. C. Mrlteynolds. event an anneal function. and Mr*. J. W. Coaa of Oviedo, Pp»«fci*r. A 'lilrri Nrekr Reading—Gertruda Iwc. Bciuon mOT h I. « fh - PFikl.r. WwelnrmJrir. 7 IH _ ACOtUMMAkKTVMI Mr*. Endor Curlett . Mr*. J. C. Spring* Buadar Seko*l. IS os A. Bill, and gueat, Mrs. Haskins, Harmonica Solo—Randall vorsktp. and Mr*. J. M. Dulrk of Geneva. Priest. t ,u t y S t v niiAT m m «v i ni uni CITY BRIEFS Higgins Asserts —AND—* Sanford uf Hies lllbln Turner, New Smyrna. t m r cm am ur aim X« Kirill 41 1 I i \ M ||. Wheel John T. Hendry of Perry and Mn. L, I. Frailer. Mn. E. & Mixed Quartet— Living for Jtius, Kim Avs. s*.| si . 4Jrn.-r.ll Htlpt. Miss Verdin M. Kipp of Kanf'ild Stows, Mrs. Julius Dlngfsldrr, Tks l«sv. J U llsiuillnw, 1*|, I »»e-1 kd«le t| It, II,. inurnlllf «Vrtr«l|l|4 For Diamond Use Benson Spring* Uvsrsss f, I* thetas. were li-.en-ed to Wfd yesieiday, Mr*. J. M. MeCasklll, Mn. C. R. w ill I*#* ||lf* retftiUr rliure-ii Address— the Rev. E. Norton. Ousdar Shhul, I* t* a. M. Frtifrrwnrd* wiih ieii.ni* from «:i lecords in the l'nun House show. rtwallaued r n w raw. Oa*. Mason, M n. A. W. Epps, Mr*. F. • liorrh Ai‘11% Ii I#!. pictures of Sanford, Parlor, Vcro UsLch. FdOkA c c i s i s a r Saiy* Moss'* and guest Mr*. Jo- Ik** II T i will It..|i| iiq r»nu* fin# of th,, photographs was RESTAURANT Those atlcmlin* from Sanford _ FHSt ststarvs III BriKwI.lU ill ft JO I*. J| Jrh* will of llolM-rta K. Stone sephin* Coffin of JackaonvUlj, Kkrllll.lC geil hirer «| 7 ]q |* \| w»re: Mr*. W. P. Chapman, Mrs. Witmer was filed for prohate to­ snapped by a photographer stand- Mn. Ilsnry Wight, Mn. L. E. Bunder arhool, Hun.l-, in j|_ • I'h llip |M«liir a|>e ik Illy* oil Hid *"g In Ih,. grandstand of the bill T. K. Wilson. Mia* Nelli j Wit P tM -k ls g Huadar. II A. M Kiilyjwrf ” 1 M*| |: Af It ••III T rill l h r day In the office of County Judge Spencer, M n. C. B. Wlsteup, M n. Titilh ** park and brings out the ball did- llama, MUa Edna- Stl'ch, Mks T..1' r.' * ' "“■Mar. * !’- M R. W. Ware. An inventory of W. P. Fiel*. Mn. J. O. Huff, J r-mrhlsg. aundar. I |* m I'rnjrwr »rrh l.r <>n \Vf.|hpkI i $ inond to cnnsideruldi- udvanl igv. Donna Morgan. Miss Martha riby fllmr. property U nm available at ptet- Mn. If. C, Washburn, Mr* H*nry F.*5 !W " “ tetmtor. I A second pic tuts* js thr.t nf in­ Wright, Mis* flslc-t Rhocmakrr, • h*»ir rrhrurftil Thnr«>liy p« •- ent. McLaulln, Jr. M i»* Iren* Hmton, no.ft 41 7 li# I* terior shots of th# Mayfair Ho­ Miss Paulino Dale, Mis* Kilo a c k d k i;.m m o n i) h e r ia u Mn. F. E. Boli. M n. J. M. Brady, c m k j u t l e t e t e tel oiler,. Ih# f 'hdttunnnga trim Stitch. Mlaa Mary Went, Mm The weadter: Partly tluudy to­ Mn. 8. O. Chase, Mrs a. G. Hsr- Tho i ii^i.iir.i. %nii> u. « in m i n will inak# Pa heudipiarlers dur­ Inc* William*, Mis* Mary Wy«tl rh«rWM. « » » K..TTS- llram. 1'i.ri.Ff r.ei U AifiuiF him. Jril night ami Sunday, continued mild. ring of Washington, J>. C., Mrs. Hlrkrl ing Ih# training season. Ratliff. Mi** Mabel Chapman, Extreme Northwest Florida: Ptnli- B. M. Yeung of Phiadslpbia, Mr*. r . K« ! " ln* p ,t ,,r s-tmoo, m i ll.ri ||-v. J..hr» It ll•M.t, MIhIa - GABLES- MUa 8aId** Williams, Mias lltl-n le r. ably occasional rains tonight and Sanford Doudney, M n. A. B. 1‘liurrh Mk li.kol. If o i A U Chapman, Mis* Emily Priest and F.nrp yaetiiTgeiis* rsts-u Sunday, slightly warmer tonight. Lovrjoy, M n. L. I. Loucks, Mr*. Morhliift WoroHIl*. II on A II- DRINK RUMS DRY I’Al.K GINGF.lt AI.E AND Meals af MU* Clayda Forguaoa. Alto t»r. K. It. H t u i " - . M " 0 * " " “ Hrrmon t»y tho |»*«tor Georg* McCall, M n. R. O. Meri­ Sunday Mth-nl. y:« A. M i hrlalltkii lii.Jedrt.r, 7 10 Hally Rand, of fan and bubble UPPER 10 TRUK FRUIT I.IMF. MICKEY TO COUNTERACT wether. M n. J. T. Newby, M n. Walter Hand, Rabtrt 8totnofl. ••fYlCrt, II flo A M Atolrry Snake H|M>«l|rir Edward Wilson, Wilbur Duncan, ClrlalUft KfeUavor. I m p y Hiit-UVali K-rvlrr, \\’».| n#«.l4 jr. dance fame, and her en'ire troop ACID, ALKALI YOl'It SYSTEM II. M. Papwonh, Mr*. J. G. P*t- KvftAlAA Awrvlr-, 7 1# p. V ' LAM VntWBAR-B-QUE Randnil Priori, Braxton Huntley, 1 I I I*. XI of touring girls will b# guests at NKHI MALTED CHOCOLATE tenon, M n. G. E. Rollins, M n 8. Kanlando Spring* Monday after­ O. Khinkolscr, Mrs. Kata Dutton of Roderick Adams, Fred Stitch rn NEHI ROOT M U WUbur TUUo. noon a. 3 P. M , the management ROYAI. CROWN COLA Philadrlphia, Mrs. l a Southward. nf the ammement establishment Mr*. W. M. Scott, Mis* Noaa Wyl -jmto th...... NKHI T R U E FRUIT ORANGE *111 mi!**1** . ? •"*•»» w rhurtift MMn*|«jr Ma im * al I 411 there announced today. ly and M n. A. J. Pvt* no a. Th* Girl Scouts of Troop Num win siny « ( night a M TREAT YOUKKII.F TO TUP UFJiT b*r Owo met at th* Girl Scout Sterilised Ba.Tlea Litll* Hou** Friday afUrmsui Sunday's tides, Tidal Station, N E lll MOTTLING CO. C. K McKKE-Ow*** I «5SK,,V.,to Pf uh...... Ocean Pier, Daytona lletrh; low, at 3:41 o’clock. Tha Scouts ['"'I.'-™ *'-'", r".' a u Lf*;,a, J,'' v worked on their signaling rode ckurtk tie Into I Koeliansl, j ] , 4:03 A. M. and 1:37 I'. M.J high, B *L. Perkins A M. Hatutil.i, ilis* lor rlillilren al and mod* Mid houses. Refresh­ rsmetil 7 lu I- it OMUIBCT MRTB WEAR Ilnlc CnmaiuBliia m ml s#rt*'>a. > »• A. it rull'iwt-l kv Instru#- ment* war* served and lap* were 11 00 A. M. llua. *"lnlsl • His A U fh lllp e __ suag at th* clot* of tho canting. l>nt#a Harvle**: I^tlt#rt |l#Vrill"ns «n W-'.lnesksy U>'t-e«.,sv. 1-|* | H I.Haney tn P. M if#k'a <‘l«k Floreheim $8.75 np rndsv: .:l. p M |-,sv#r FKKF msrtHUWlOT CM* i p v r / noonc* th* maniago of th-rlr m-slltatlon. U k i Monro#. #1* daughter, MarJorU. to Edward C I'CARBO T A Y L O R eoxnRKRATMOAL rtMIRIM Tk* lt«v. J W. Ivsp. ***# Cowan, J r, m Thursday, Ftb. ( "n o Perk Avsnu* sail lr -1 Bund*r kehiml II M A. H. Friendly |5JM) I’reacklBw II ** A. 11. 1937, al Basils. After Slr#*t. Tk# R#v. i. II#rsent Hoot, min- V. I*, il. H 4 >• P. short wedding trip th* couple lst#r. Preaching l it F. | Fortune $4J0 will ho ot homo t* ihtig friends rh'irrh Bekotd. .:• « A. M U"tnlns wurahlp. II S* A. 01. at Sit Celery Avenue. B#rmua hr Ik* pastor, SHOES ^rkrlslto* Ksgssvur AncUly. 11# 1“ TON TRUCK P. M Jss# 0** 11, ptTsMal. FOR SALE Sunday Monday rt*»T urrewin rgrirg Goad ^ V ou *# P#wpt*‘s Vsap#r, ( J* r. V ary C koop CowditkMi A Mt atltrk, I#a4*r. Kvealag Wureklp. T ld P. M. J # * -A. ;T» I ■zhij ------a ...... r iX .S l J U * . m . m

KjrHM * CAWWAPV lhr.o*h‘ Irf* kM M ri h < h i i f n » A !». 1V

hu>k with wail* Wily. * * • « * M a dal >1 day of March IH t tw. ike M il (•mar oil HolMaln. I<*f I" I CMMtatM < fttod■ aval an row m tan .ad will' l*»l * + » * * w akore t Milled eanao aad Mar •art. 1-yaar o il J ir «r . [•■•• with dark lac*. aaatwd »*w a Tke kanforW JlrMl.1 la h-eeh* l-yoar old J*f**7 beltar, all- M ooted aa lha nen»|»ayef Id •■I Unit, M tM ii llllvtr kief tbla o rte r ah*'- i>*' imb­ » * “r - r 7 m ii.uuia, hloeh ibed far foar *wo—•—-*■—• week*. Elk Official fa aaf wall* body «»* »■ Wltaaaa a I*. mfltxiwve. O erh lira, named Jan*. r tald Clrralt Court *-wt the of- I< in r old Jersey. tawa e«l- rial aaal lhere if. / » 'ho Wife Greeted By 175 •r. block ewlteh, named R#«- *y ad i.iw ry A fi ';-: Ititr Ok. 1* IW t'ftvW . lu-maalb, old lloUlala. epot- - oterk On Local Visit ltd body, black and wklto, ■ y i A. M. W RKKk. « . . . > » . a “ S^ionth/ JK"j*roe*, brown •4 by tM Pm ldn'.’a Birthday - tri.dT,;r,..«..a ,b u «k Ball on Inn. 30 to bo arat to "A a Otar. Blfbl", N u ey Bynl t h o Elk-op*rated Ihny-Anna "JKLJSffiSk — •*■*»•} 5 Ws-'S Yao ara hereby ordered aad re- Turner—rt' 7 Jane—Ulraion. Crippled Child rea’t Homo la weired to bo aad appear oaaw the Mult, or I Lit black l «wm«d Heat day pf March A. O. ltlT, “Hand Onan M u ", M. E. t,aln- .wns,*:rnrfenwmtk, £»r onto **eia a eaatttad *4-m to Ike' bill of complaint filed iMb—Natali* True. ^Tl^m onlka old cow. black and dreak A. M M AM A* aad------— acilaat row tw tha rirrwlt Coen "M M ", & R. ford—Char lotto m boloney W. R. DuProa and Jl. while, w llb while lea*. Oh io - •KAMA* H i wlfa,' wkooa roej- »" w-mle-le I’nentr. NtalO ad deaee la At. Joha-eHU. Raw tM V VWiUo. u, '.AU.AO. fSU'.VfUCOa A. Hayaoa, trot* accepted |a Iho ■”


The ara,aamrat of |K« m M acrtbod pr»e»f tr la tlM Ct«M # sronarty andor lb* uM rarUH* tfoatlnnlo, Plata of flw ltt, I H rat. ueaed n < In the turn* of h»v >. of NWI* efN W It.ia d c h a m k h » . ru rrr .R . iion a , T..»n .M * if • aeati Vllta nM "Mlflrsta .Hall W liana. It Kaat. If acrra M f rrtlaameg securitisa la law, tha; or laaa. .xmftr frtrrIM ih.rrla will ba Tb. aaoraamoat of tba a tala la lha blabrat bh.d»r at «ka property aadar tba u l4 raatl raart-houaa door na the Oral rata Is.uag aaa la Iba aarat Moialaf In lha month of M.rrK cAlinii; & klAt'.Tl.N. » l t . whlrh la Iba lit Aaf al t.al.»a paid rarliflrala .ball \larrb. If ST. rrdrrmrd arnirdlna la a f i ' P a lif Ihla Ith t.ay of grbruary. prnnartr d'arrlbad lhar.la will l»IT...... ,M,“ •" ,h* hlahral blddar at UarMR aad «Wap*nUarlaa mrai O. r. IIMINDOK. raarl-bnara door on Iba fl p a t tbps M aapaatally alfaatlra al Clark of rirrull Coari of u,.n.u.v in tha nrnalb at Mfl Baialnola County, Ktarlda. IfJT. whlrh la Iba lal dap. " t S f 1,Mol'abral cardal (lhal li IBSAU ______March. I»ST. balpa fa raMaaa laaar of iba or­ lanni ar tm n iTiat ran ,hu 4,h lUr “f al nia»» faarltaaal palaa at man m i iw » a * • u p HicnlftKM Nolle. la barvbr Ibat ik tlrault Caort oliaaHoa with a beaaflclal plant rim u m a t i i .u a k i i u i t £ > • - . county, p G J talfU t. Bat babll-fanalaa. am .•ART, baldar of t-t of Tam Catli* aifutliaabk fa lakt) la pradtiy M- Ml. la.uatl thr Tib day l,,AW -

both u Ui-Nollc. la karabr . TilTilt! H UOAIIItll'IAlin "or f lun-ren ^;, IStaTRCCTIui*kmlnulr. Klorlda. »‘,r b"ldar ‘ “ L C" ? of f * V T CW ^ .•arllllcala N o .. “ !• «b m l. M l t.j ,.f Aaaual. A. » , , , r f

tor at tha aga af II, defends tha recent wedding •* aiaa-jraar-aM Eaaka Wlaalaad ta 25-yrer-old Charlie Johns a tar BnsadvUle, Ton a. " If aha llkrs him w«n tnough, I think lt‘a all right,* quoth Mask who la shown with tor hutbnnd, Orville Bohannon, B , at ttolr cabin to lha Oraal Smoky Mountain, nrar Gatltnburg. Trnn. (As- torla tad Praia Fhata) ... swung# LAiai'Ani, llffa ALKX RtlOSKKATp J alonmmu J .oi. a _ i ■ • ia a. _

7ZL » m "■ • " • a t aawwar 111! e«s* In from or the Court lloys# Ann Faith Favored To Win door in Ik. n iy of tbraford. floe- *•*•••■ Ike l«aal kuura r. Monday, lurch I. Ill, all that rarlala tract of laad li awrtew ar tm n triM raw Feature Race A t Longwood Coaaly. PlurMa, da- t a v imr.n •crIM ne follows: brr.br given. ih«. . . t T l i i . V c'ralral Park .RKETJ!?" °*I »• NT m i in a t ••••rdlat to tba |dat iharaof IIPIU II, Ovlr.li., K h, holder of Wild Paanr, Chance Billy Deck And Laeky record ad la put tlooh *. rat Crrtlflr.tr No. liai. |..,ln| ;Tw» Saafordites Charlie ExpectedTo Side Form Winning paaa I t of Ik. Publlt llacurda ka Tib day of July, a n i . l Coualr. V'lorMa. Off T« C apitol Finish InTheMoney Daily Double Combine JAMKa o. Hi IA IION. j n , brabaa JlTi.ma.t, appllrallon mr for a lot l!?. W Ih.rron. Hold « . R PlailBACK, *taMM rrllflrnl. amhraraa ih. folK.olna Altar aar far Plalatllf. Irarrlbrd proprny i„ lh, Ta Saak Airmail I Ana faith la .ypcclrd lo run >f Hrmlnnl., Kl.t, „f pi.,,1^*. > true to fotm whan .ha flit ' n g ^ ^ m •: tk » ihr othrr XKH Ilf MW*4 of Ni:%. Mrf. • inn I*. Ttiwn«hl|i 31 Htuilh. I the ricr lUnnr 31 Kail, in Arreo. Ixmrwood trark pnnrram tonlcht, Th» neoeoantenl of Ihr maM ftfop* I ^ t h r Panny My uitilrr llir "rtlil rerllflruto |i r-b In Hip imiiip »»f I*. •> (irnrral Sahara arc alio rated XIITClIF.I.Ik hl«hly. I'iiIim rerllflnato elinll l»- •tlrwm*41 itrt'ttft|iru in |.tn lit** hr maaaa af laflylagtwo 1 Hard riding gmaollne Jockira Billy Horthim ami W. I. W am •r*»f*#il|r itsarrlM Ihrrmin twill • hare ynthrml In Tampa for lha among thoie fnrnrrd for Iho •Ii| lh*» ItlhUMi ••Mtlpf a* I He* ■ rutitU4 rtiuwto ut Ih* Own*. Mirl'hituw# iliMtr on Ihr flral M«*w* Toadgto iha lacs I csgars travel 1MCA auto racing datak .chut- ilslly double combine while »<>me » nf Hrmlnulf Oi»MUiy# o In llir monllt *»f ainfrh. IUti infuitl. “ •* -JB fxH fi ia Par — Bsach where they will; , ule«l fer Sunday afternoon orrr faror the l!or»ham hound lied up Mth In Itto |«l <• a y of aiwrch. l nt ituy »»f Murrhf IIITa IM face Baca ta their horns conn ' the Plant field courra llrre are with Block favorite, 1T f.»'ili « f ■u*h ui»i»»uru— la a corneat which b scheduled ta | Mini lllU all* It) of I’rlifMfy, l»r » punfmo will h« iS tlfM i l l of Jit crack pilot, who nre ,, elf. ml >»u. begta at I AO a'dock. tuning up for Iho events, rrem i,r mu, c iu ik . i i u . i. k Ximn l>ar (I r IIKIlNIHiN. In furlhrr i»nl*rM ihul Pm Sknfordkn bold a M-Uda- ! top to bottom they nro—0 »car Kk.r. Traill. I>lrrrt«r. SUrrk*. t*l«*iK of rirrull ••oMrl «»f -•xr.ll »•• itUblUM • r i i»_n „ . , . K»i* 1*11.1, la»l. Jlnt - MlolUolta ♦oA.-il), FltofiUao for four r«tiiwrillvi wsuhu clslaa aver their opponents of >»- , Coleman, Dalla.; Uuldy and |. J. HK«i>Nl»-.ij Uik Ptr.i ii.ir ..f HKahlal hr HulfnH llrrulif. » right, rvgVtarad when the Bars , Callaway, Miami; Larry Itockrtl, "*'!» >wuN»). «»r irrm unn i*«u fvlllallwh***! lu Hunfllfllr played to n am Jan. IP. The victory ' - | r, * .’ t Tlu»r*e Ihra^ot. Djilfr t^irrful. till* * * • '• r ‘ ** . . - • IJhJUMla wi«*u; 1m»u (•rtfa'll. Miami; j 1> rT«>iphnni. Alfiiil» I.im Ii ( ll.i Kifp, I.«tt t uni u: •— a- t %\ nr.r.n in iwtil i»ri|rriHl llilu ilth IMF j Aft Challender, Uavcnporl, lowa.J ‘'-■•'r' Pkf. Udk.plr’. look, l*r«l. ia.br . a i r , aiaas. XotUr U Hrrrlth Nlvrn. • !»••• l\ % MfWllullTi:u. tioltlrr »c 4 »*f nuu-iry, I > IT. ,1 Thera will ba al lent 20 "tar . ’ Vlltuii— Puiuntt; l U d Half Till III*—Koi or It r: I'm. ft» I'rvllflt All- No. 13. |••aunt til* . driven in the competition., of-|ol Imlty Imablrf—niark Pavnnta. 1.0. br Htik* II.«« Kin. Ilor.huin •Ih lluy of Annual, A. l». ten Ma a . »» w arn i f k lal. . . . I lUrmon Warrior, tv. I. tv.. Iliir- ll.wl PA Mir lo m > offlt-at Amt H i s Drpulr C I 11 **>■______irun. Ilu.tr fbarrhllL JI.r.k.tl'« l'.«l III,hop nitiU oppllrnllou for u U » itrr«l l " - ' -- • "I tkiiihk 1‘urwfHHl, Hfrr l Slt|w. • lir ItNiml I hr mm. H«h| rrrtlfl* ' CIvsretlM rum# Inin niim TII-l.li mile: Itlp IS.! Ktd'IITII—»-l# miles I , '**r»t,e» came into popularity ^ And* lt.».r, llawk.ya Chief. l i tlr rmliriirrn I lie fi.i|.»t% |»i»f t|r* during the Crimean war when! rtt.« it»r ti.hout. ty Adam, u-.d If. MOV tl.ll I MO I If fir, r K1.* h CITY BRIEFS soldier, rollml ihcir .mokes In '•" *• •*'«»- K« " ,u 1.0. kv Al ••VM M or «rri.ir«Tti>h run csnrtdae paper, mil. lu-dlratl.m. J..r v i a m s ii —______Hina. Dutch ll.fn.r, tUhsra Pta.I. Notlra I. h,rabr Sl»rn. tb.t li g. MoWIIUHVMIk hold.r -f «k •• Kails have founded a "univerrl* 11 nlXTII— Futurity: luilyvourn.v, T .s IVrllftral. N» I. Irauatl Hi' liop day « f July. A l» •»*•• *'mi' A special meeting of tha local •* of our forcei" In Berlin, All K »«. uiahi m.ik. My.tk iMd. fllug turn# In my offl«(«* uml hu* ood man's ClrtU will K hr Id Le^''"« "f 'he srmy sn.lnivy.nl Sla! * 4 .ZV wmh. HIXTII-^ Futurity; firm*. Jn 1-V Hllrh Krirnfl lU.lU & »*U t m«4u appIlfMlIfin f«r u im • P. M. Monday In Woodman's **r foTcea are g'ven oy mitimry h k v k n t ii - » - i« m u -: li«rhv *41 rful MAl.| I IB 3.** In Ini laBiMXe Ihrrrnn. H.ihl 10 • hai» Truffl<* a s« rul« #rnl»r«rr« lh# rnllunluu *|- all to coatlnua plans for the m,n cl'ltens of the reich. .-i_T_ w.m, n .u. ey w en cleaned with pipe uurnn. Hwugavr ||||», Mlll»r Iwail. clay. C ia ts ifie d Advertisements L ump's Drag Store

UAVE YOUM WATCH re p a in t by oaa wba really knows how. EXPERT fLOOi: sanding, paint­ Fallow The Dags Al Laagwaad VALENTINE SPECIAL! Briggs, Jaowlar, »l»gnolle Avr. ing and decors ing. Boa P-11 rata Hortld. Wkito Tkvy Last! MEN! MET VICOK AT ONCE!______NEW (ttirea Tonic Tablets coo- | L > 3 m h M NIINNALLVS HEARTS aln raw oyster Invigoraies sn

EUR RENT: five i bungalow, tig P Tu M ikf Your GalMfiav More Festhre! Phone 104 ar R } J Coleman. aney’s Drugs REBUILT 2-ton Dodgs truck with ■wlary body, ready lo bsnL PrWo, I7M. Vobuill Chev- WANTED TO RENT building for rolot track, * fiery body, 14 U retail flora In good business Real A Bane, food Car Dvalera, section of Ranfortl, minimum 35 AN Star Feature • Tonight SOI W. 1st I L fort frontage. Reliable firm will lease. Write ns what you have POE BALK— Used earTIW ^W O - or may have open In neat two or NINTH RACE — FUTURITY SPECIAL! hr* aodaa. Good condition. Wry three months, Boi M'ja, Tampa. reaaowbla. M l E. Fifth St.

Tw«~CHEVROLrr~ i I 2 “ ton ANN PAimPUL truck with g wftaei Block Hit TRUTHPUL LAD CENTRA L FLORIDA BXP01T10W 1917 FOR lA L R t Small Natioaal cash mond traitor. Oood rubber, ja c k ro e tags, A -l conditlan. phone Ml It. ragtomv naod very little. f l O THI116 | *°TU ** Magnolia Avoao* phone M l. GENERAL HAHABA WEEK BUDDY OATES * FEB* I 1 PAINT »JP with'ibiaiw S~GsV> Of the Year I — J quility produc s. It pays. SUn- WILD PANNY Iry-Rogera Hardware Company. RED PICK CHANCR CHARLIE !*FOR SALE— 13-man t its »M I (iuernaey Jersey heifer. Reason- sble. R. Hauser, School Farn,. iP O. Ran MB. SANFORD • ORLANDO WERT'The-JEWELER (IKIRAl f a * And WatdtoR Kennel Club 11 OKI DA Y COMPANY A h Watch And Jvwelry BgpsWRj Seatinold Cocnty Prodoera ^ to CMy Attmi More Fruit* And Vegetables Thau A a J Aai Wafer . Similar Area In America


VOLUME XXVI Member Aaeoctated HANFORD. FLORIDA, MONDAY. FEBRUARY 15. IM7 m p s p a m c B S M Ustablinhed In I90R M '.M IIK R 99 Lewis Pltns TIME CLOCKS RING AGAIN House Studies SHERMAN STAMP AROUSES S O U TH E R N PROTESTS jFrance Ready Campaign For Appropriation ]To Take Hand Mine Workers Legislation lu Revolution Steel AfreeneRt To B i 11 i o n ~A n d Half May Demand Interna- Be Sought Liter Dollars Allo­ tlonal Control Of Thin Year; Coal cated For Post­ Insurgent Support, Confab Opens Soon office, Treasury High Source Says

WASHINGTON. Fb. |}_(A>>— fc»t la tha m eoetnetiee p trM 1937 Is Crucial The House Apprnprintions Com­ Hint For Reply fotWwtat Uh ChrU V w , ( b mitter spptnved a bill todny to *«oi> tracts tkc s*riy , ex^ri- For Labor Head make $1*500,955,000 available tu From Portugal tacw of a jrasac am t t ia New the Treasury ami Postoffice De­ Orlcaas, where a 4 m M m i . Fuel Operators Ex­ partment* for thr fiscal year he British” Ship Fire* itrvant of kia 4m 4 pareate ginning July 1st. On Rebel Plane Off •trhrn lo brine *F tbs lad la I f pect Demand F o r The house mntedia rty began n Morsnra of bis family aaaw. 1 Increase In Wages debate on It* pr.liminary to pass­ Algerian (’oast Through tbs la arraatlmi a f tbs age- bindly pastor of • yarlab sbartb Ho Tl»# ti«*rl*lni l*re«« ■ fa ii Garba aad Bebert Taylor, tbs screen's newest ssala WASHINGTON, Feb. 15.— The hill was the second regu­ whsrs Bobby slag# ia tbs choir, Francp, \\ it Ii warning bowa hi • seeas from “Caaxflle" which show. at the Bite t (AP)—Jahn L. I^wlo prob. lar appropriation measure of tit- Yankee relatives ia Now York session and Carrie,! $75O,0tK) to words to Italy, is proimmi aad Mnadiy. Greta, playing the role of the LaJy of the ar. traced aad they mad for tbs •lily will devote his entire permit the establishment of trail* to ilcnviml inlvriuitionnl con­ loess Tartar, somethlag uncalled for In ffrcvio'je roles orphaa la aa eadaavsr to csaflna nttrntlnn until Apr. 1 to a Atlantic air mtil .orvie In-gin­ trol of fort'igu mipport for sao, most iOsriaf female star has played. new wage contract for hla ning about Nov. 1st. Spniiish instirgcnl.s Hy Felt. United Mine Worker* and IVstnffire officials plan •«» op -S. tint Inn it alive sources said HAPPY DAYS IN OLD NEW ORLEANS frigid mansion i t aa awyamm psaa wife. then will demand a steel em­ rt ate the service at f»r«t on :i today. m - Anthorilatiw pri'iliction* theilc Ktaadmother. Hera bo "East Masts West" Is aa Brig- ploye*’ agreement two-trip s-we.’k basis. •Jeraec. h#art-breoklng report- That wa* word paiuteu Approximately one third of Hint a Franco-Hrilisli liUnk- rnees, straggling again* the Inal Mery by Edwla Orseswes< atli* of lln* l’orlti);csi> const written * peris fly ts display tba around today among usually the to si appropriation— $5tXV .cheating of aa a sat mi aasti well informed labor men, although would b,- s,night If Portugnl re« loeabls Arties psneaalby. It was OtKkOOO—was earmarked fo- the kb presence. How Lewis himself baa rrfu.nl to tli> - Il'MIlaae* It* !♦■*» TSreel main,-,I ndimiint against supervi* ftS T ii typical Garbo cast of -b% srlth oesey clew bt bas. dirseted by Herbert Maasa aad ■he lad opoets their plans aad at close hi. strategy in the 1037 cam­ st'tt of its iHir.I.-rs and folio IV oil jjpMboa1* Include Uowsl Baniiaeii. Di# I®**** la a great uahrsreky Mauds Howell acted aa Aeeseims ■bo same time wins the loos ad paign on the labor front. I'ri'iuicr loon IllimtV tlocbnation yBaabeth Allan. Jamie Baiph, w*'k mysierisus klltlags aamag Director. 8he abo krid bar asoal his austere yraadparsat that Franco cannot nuvpt con. w a r y OsnWII, Letters Utris aad '*• fr**’1'* n ‘ eeoatlfie ilomb are The present wage and hour trvnta leading to the happy ett* agreement between miners afld timiod violation, of non-mtorvou- 'T t i m Hops Crews. '»hes a bend, solving tbs m y*try amr. Fists reJ with A Him are La- soft coal operators espirrs Mar, 31. lion. els Mannheim, famous Gerawa n Negotiations toward a new con­ DETROIT, Feb. 15.—01*)—Factory whistles called approximate­ Ilium tol l tbo Italian ambassa­ actrem, Godfrey Tearle sad Booh I f e i ssl&»sr arjtsi *.ass tract are to start Wednesday in dor that landing of Italian force* ly 75,000 employees back to work today In General Motors’ plants ney Brent. CITY NEWS BRIEFS near Malaga, Spain, was a flag­ Devil’s Playgroumr New York wih miners and opera­ re-opening through the nation following settlement of a six-weeks' tors far apart on their proposals. rant violation on non-intervention • • K r i e l d W “ * H ht » Turkish hath. ere imosg iur- strike. Within a few days the Corporation expects to have nil its Tue.day's tides. Tidal Str.tlon, legislator* of South l aioltna and Georgia have j,.„o .1...... pm'. . ling plans of the |Mdoffice de­ Majcr Jrsn Pierre Chateau es­ Operators will ask that the pres­ and that Franco will not tolorntu Features Dix, Del Ocean Pier, Daytona llearh: low. tablished i he first pTrmsssm ent 35 hour week be eitrnded to 135,000 workers back to work. Above is shown some of the women partment for issuing a new three-cent stamp Inuring 'It, . . tin, William Tenimselt Sb. t - “ open invasion" of Spain, B ^m n tte fci.in *** /Tlorsnes Bice plays tho herolos 6:50 A. M. and U:lt P. M.; high, jyymnaie aistory m l fartc. >wJ fib re s In ihs romantic part whne smlrm.nt in what Is aew 40 with no increase in pay rates. workers returning to their job., apparently happy because the week­ man (up|«er left) who.,- Union arnty devastate,| liliiili ..f 11>. .. ii|, during the War Between the Tvv„ lit in-Ii destroyers fired at Rio And Mo*ri8 Cheeter Morris, Dulorn Del Bio sad Richard Dig are tho three 6:55 A. M. and 7:15 p. M. Oklshoms la I7M. Oklahoma was Coal mrn eipert miners to see a ly pay check can again lx- expected. IA P Photo) Stairs. Tho stamp al«o would carry the pi.lute , ,f ( « „ ,.n „, | l. ud. is, Gen. Grant (crnterl nn airplane "believe,I to bo A ‘*v A WELL kniirm h p m •’ • ■ . BOIJtATKO CAST Theodors von Bits. Hava lladex, principals In Columbia'. D evil's playground* a fa.t-paced, under- admitted to statehood la IM7. 30 week with a pay increase of Sanford Lodge No. 62. of the and Gen. Shetblan (rlgbll. Ile|< John A. May, author of i. -I. i.-u „f pr„t, .t pa—,-,| by the Smith Spanish insurgent plane," official sou roe, icportcd in lam,Ion when BHlm s— >. . f . '______Break Re It her, Maria Bhelios, era comnly-drama which will be .bowing -at the .Rita Theater at least IS percent. Masonic Order, will meet at 7:30 CaioIiii*! I.'kfi-vlatim*, i« hliuwn m«li£ht$vitly |Miin(iii|a t•• I|(r i«i.i#|*> mi tin P. W. Burns, Alabama llvestoch it iitienipteil to botnlt them off ‘ d w T o f NIeh,^ F j f n l " 4 " «rf«* Tilbury and H.rry Have*. Wednesday aad Thursday. The film’s high spot deplete the .pec- Unless an agreement is reached o’clock t» norrow night in the raniittfi l»all ilurini? Shi’iman’* *lifllivur of Colimiliin $\ . , . t« |*| specialist, recommends blackstrap before Apr. I, about 400,000 min­ Baseball Heads Wilcox Explains Masonic Hall. S|M-,ial features the coast of Algeria. tacular crash o f a U. 8. aubmarlne In fifty fathoma of water aad molaises as ons of the cksapest ||fiyr my^y'play iSd^Sd! ” * *lto *mcng lh> php,r*’ ers may strike that day. are on the program. the aubeniurnt efforts of tho Navy’, crack d ivm to rsscoe the whuer feeds available to llveitock • 27 7 ' China’s mlal.t.r of eduratlon Lewis is known t0 believe the trapped middles.' producers. Seeking Paint Antagonism For Local Area Shows ,hWhsa ordered all school. be success of his entire drive to **oc- Thirty Hey Srout* of Troop Sanford Establishment County School Five were slated to return late to­ S B f r r i ! . a r S l ”. 7 ^ * * " whh radio fc>for, ,he .nd irnnicc the unorganized’’ depends Population Slump g ^ e w t i y gradual*#. af I M t Many Chlacaawkools are hu*#, (Ur*lkl_t.'caiii liner and a fifty filhoma Is too much tu Three poumls of ensilag. and on bis success In steel. For Grandstand Court Proposal day from Camp Winona where one pound of hay per 100 pounds s Z _ n Uy 1 tW5 derroes-aU4.M*eM»i:i»* nnd’-u picture ’fully manned eubinaitar. they spent at hrw day ramping pe­ Wages fight On Insects Youths Attend of l.vs weight of cattle fed daily — — ' * I For January, 1937 M W 7 « Ll4” ’ .Uoro‘*Y »*«•»• rjulpmam. DIs, as the navy's ae# direr. Is riod under Scoutmaster Herman triangle of two navy o ffW ^ ,'.,. W'V ■ 7 * will supply dairy cattle their < tcMw aad Nat Peadletnn gradual- ______probably the only min able to .Watson, "Wright Call Repretientative Say« Morris. Poimlulion In th<* Sanford mvu Insepirakla, who part oart ’• 7 r t k ' *r ' r M1 **°E »h»hs to roughage requlreaeeata. . y Seminole Autoists Bureau Of Entomology Ex|)criiU’n(s U iuVrair In Orldodo if * * ft —* Columblr, and wher uni- MIAMI, Fla.. » b . 13. — W> — ' the friendship of a voluptuous .1- ,fc# kolt,m’ ,WlF fsthoms below make contact with Ik# eunkro On LocaliteH To II i k h e h t Tribunal duiup,| n miluml iltirrnmi « f - __. . . wwsseprw tam p i . . l U / l i k > k . ------L.I l L ... __» _____ . . a__. mm The ".’ snford American Legion ,ywerahjr tducaiad players Inttadsd Juvenile eourt suthorllke are bulk, but refuses to Iry IL The MethodH For Preventing Destrue- •rvrti in Jnitiinry, arnn«l n^ l»i i n i ren Interested la neRhar' of them. I rnw ln,p Analysing last year’s highway ~ Buy 4,187 Plates, Poet will mret tonight at 8 o'clock ’ I T T ? T?" **■ ; H*,r T seeking the owner of a Mryele events rr.pon.ibls for this dra­ Help In Project Ih Not Crowded official r«*|N»i t r*'b ,imm| totlav “Devil’s Playground" turns Its | ,n • " • W l«b » eompsrtmsnl. In latgton Hut, Lakeshnr* Houle-, _____ tion Of Oops By Rests Seminole DiMplays > F »n k Belcher and tbo •vamp,” which a negro boy said “ follow- ml«hspa, South Dakota’s masse by Ihirobl Hankins vital atktU* rttrntion In s sensational e l l m a s .,,Urr aW“ r ‘hs matic situation unfold In a rapid- Collector Reports vanl, for a regular session, acc,tid­ 8hellos. *1" aim home. vehicle depanmew classed only Henry Watson, president nf tho' -Mark Wilcox, former Seminole Are Prominent At tkinn for th'* Mdion. , la a .pectseular crash beween a hw rdous descent with a life- dir# succession of thrills, romance ing to Commander Lloyd K. I.o.and in Sanford > •!> Ium.I bearing hose but the pressure at and action-packed comedy. M of P30 aceldetya aa uaavaldskU. Sanford Baseball Association, to- County reprrsrnta'ivc in Wash­ lli< figure * an* aa follow»: Automobile license sales for day ralliM attrntion to the urgent ington, explained his opposition Boyle. ■plani t . of an •-•abli ioi.. m dt.it 27th Exposition 1937 in Seminole County today Visitors Exhibit wag,- a 21 hour a -In fight lilt tha—mail* white, ,*l; f* oiatii need of a “ new face" for the grand-1 to President Roosevelt's proposi' white, h; mab* eobutil, ••; fetiinlM V nP MARTIN LEAVES HOSPITAL MAILMAN AND WASH DAY COME TO •TRAILERVJM.E’ 'otaled 4,187, Jno. D. Jinkins, tax Methods by which the Govern­ against insect, that o-o Id -I u.ty School rhildr. i of Seminido TRAILERVILLE’—CAPITAL OF TIN CAN T0URBIS stand at Municipal Athletic Field, to inctea.e the number of jus- ment purchases surplus cabbage B olonit, I; total. JI. rnllecto* reported for the period He, along with Jimmie Wright, tires serving nn th,. Supreme Satisfaction For the Sou’ ll', valuable inuk t'iiintv today were enjoying nn ex of Dec. I, 1936, to » b . 12, 1937. crops were to Have t een explained It i. the U. Bureau of I n- o Ib-.itlM mab* white, femalo TTT7 the club's secretary and treasurer. Court, in a letter received by The tra holiday on# ili-cn-ed by atl- at 3 P. M. today in the Court logy and i white, H; mate rotoreil, 7; fem.ilo t > T, lie divided the sales into the suggested the donation, by San- Sanford Herald today, head* d loti y i ibotitie* « „ dull following classifications; House by an A A A representa­ Chamber Function! ;! Stahl. nll vvlute sin- »» I*• l %*«I, «; total, JH. ford citizen, o f ea.lt or materials Mr. Wilcox, who ia the prr.cn*. tive. •I in • ntiglo u’„ it.I t la* opening i.f the IbremlH’r leeonl hIhiwiiI a Passenger cars—$5 tsgdl 182 to palm the structure. representative of the Fourth | I * h .i 11 v*. four men at sold; III) tags, 2.432; ftS tegs. the Centrul I |o|oil Kvpo-inon 11,1 " " '" " d t-’1"" ,,r vrttlt "It is the only eye sore on the Florida District1, said tha’ ho Preparations were being pushed Woman’s Club Event 'y *••••'- «-i •»«• *, 48A; |20 tag* 54. t Miami,» | hirth)« aiul I:* ilealIm re|»orte I. whole baseball horixon,” Mr. Wat­ favored s minil«-r of the Presi­ today by Forrest Gatahel to move a a | a* I «iisinlll|l«'<| <1 % f *a||«s\\ , Trucka-aeries “G", 139 sold; rronouneed S u i- , ...... ,lf ...... '* r lla**kitis staltslies cove? son said. “ The City and the WPA dent*. drmsnd* with re«p>rt to Into his new store on Feb. 26. "Un­ * nting u, r- at the festival found Sanford, series “ Gil". 277, series "C»K'\ 4»he .Mary, Lil.,- Mon- have been overly generous In help*, the judiciary, “hut I am uttal'er- building, located at Fourth Street eess; May IteiH’at ,hr...... ' ts highly a live in It,' 314; light trailers, series “ IB", roe uiul Paol i ing u. t» build a clubhouse and to ably 'anford Avenue, is to be one | liltliifi \hitli hi •• di-play,. Among ,1, ■ l,H-al honth. 66; heavier trailers, series “ 11”, ... , ' iteniiM nniut it secure mueh-nerdtd repairs to the pointing additional judge, when* of the moil modern in the City, Initial rffortt* evi-rti-ii Saturtlay 1 . 31; o'her trailers, series "L ", 9; i i a * . , * f . hum in m| , nf1'' i i IbMlieN Of 1)58 Are diamond itself." | th,. incumbent ha. tracked th* muni by th»* t Iu ii iInt «»f t uwi- 'lt.|t|.»>v of Vi*|)|;||ii(| school buses, hoarse, and wreck Spuni-h American tVnr veter­ ...... all iifii i'i * I home demon Mr. Jinkins railed attention to afternoon for rerenmnies honoring heads of the Baseball Association 'the Supreme Court." i«t« met with "Verwlu lining »ue* 4,ll,>,,'U »!••• I" ' »•»*♦ ilttenllou »ri» i h u im iu ; nie.it exhibit by TOKYO, I I the faet that less than 10 busi­ the American* who d id when the 15 - IbslieH of dul not frrl they could u«k tho v “ The Suprem, Court docket is re**, T. K. Sim|»*on t hamlM-r l,M‘ ' 'J' leaf »i« r who It #*»u»imi"I«* * li.ijeer, Kutuiir Farm- iloM reb b rm it, f the i ItitietfU ness days remain in which one battleship Maine was blown up in , ile-at 111»• ,f ,| if th$ • < municipality to give further aid. , not emigrated", Mr. Witeov .aid. piesiiletit, *nl 1 uwljy. • «»f \m m ,i |terv»*ed by s\|ex lirw year w I* |eenv«*ri*d ill I Im» may obtain s one percent dis­ Havana Harbor >>M Feb. 15, 1889. try iti’118 die pointed out that the City “ A* a milter nf far: increasing t'nngiu’ulatioim an S.inli.nl Gulden H u b ; .Maiirhourpi", de-tin>.,| Saturday and County real, personal and Sanford N’amnal Giinnlstnrn to. ai»l it* Mi$ ii i t nn'Ih*«*ii .wive through" for the outfit and con- up the work rather than speed it wen* *howeie«| on the 4 liainlH-r. **•T dn|d »v. by .Mr^. \ \ . \\ . Srmi.; filial by fit lntar.gib!v taxes. night an I tomorrow will undergo *, '•aid di-'pati lu*a to iributel sufficiinr rash to enable tip.'* .Mr. .Sim|t4ofi ie|Mittill tbAt lie ih it y e a r Ihbmii •• f t i c b o k *f Iwi'iity ■ *'Vi'll .nr I•• • i• 1111« were the linin'! i l.ipam e > New a Inspection by Col. Civ-a of Jack­ favorable brev.lui^ tfiihn.i, . ««.n it to come cut of the setison with ' "The remedy does not lie." Mr. affair w a* •uicre^ilul far bey n«l l ied iln moriiintr in it.,nk ihe ;»7tJi Aifmcy. A tern* m tskgsM ri|iierr|y uttivin . an mtt n i m n m m M m m m E * no outatandtng debt on hand. | Wilcox continued, "in the appoint- the ripeiiMtiDtit of the *p<»n*or«» i "n-tTiuiVi. fair m Otlandu wbi Ii The Infill nf de.'lthit wax <*X« Ms sf Mw WsrW htwwg MWM mu *swM Vteeete • stem * f Mw msMn» Blizzards Claim v signed to National Guard duty. fie»l In m .ftur* to b .iro • »f *f|ie M b iM N M M i D M I PMMk ' , • La.t week Mayor Kdward lltg- |ment nf additional judges who.e ami lint imuo iltau* pbiis an* I*#* • ’ year i« uMrurtin^ niurr iban |n*r,i*d to exietsl 7m>. Twenty* Tomorrow tho medical detachment m m litio n w h iili .»!•• t 'lifi iv o i.*•,, Lives Of Two In gin. annuunceil that 11 *500 was opinion, are known in advance inif ilrafte«| “ for a ie|>eat |h r« half a doit'fi tuumira of Central 1’itfbi M*riiMin|y injur d wen* in will be Inspcctd by Major Greene formanre " 111 tile lii •«( West, Northwest available f»r the cumplction oflh e)Bnd who ar,. virtually agreed to I Inridsl. h-wpirah. Japant* e imhijm, policed of New Orleans, at.,, a regular Al'hotigli Hli|*htfy le«s fban |o0 Only 'I..... in * • 11«'nli* v nn *t. 5'1-man clubhouse. While the pmj- uphold the policies of a particul- In M «i lit*- i|*xil Auditorium, the the scene nf the ili«.i<*fer and SENATORS STUDY FDR'S JUDICIAY PROPOSALS army officer. turneil out for the function, market m l b #• |»n by it . ■r va# a ect viriginally was to In, finance,! ar administration. The remedy »iifmiLil II'Uiu* M ihm it np, lunrii; directed relief noauiree. At least four deaths were at­ with WPA funds, condition* be­ lies in the adoption nf amend­ ha la-livvisl' S«nfiird.a .uidrnt u, lliverside will U'tt.ot lo.ijor utieiitiol, i, Miliruty Academy of Gaiin-svllle, snowstorm ami perished within a J f)X I ayment o U l t I^mgwooil Tourist Club tmlay W. D. Hofmann, president of inside of "floe's" coat p*icker. mile o f his home. r roll I!...... t itg v'orto-v. • h.i’ nf .M It Kt»tiler, who nhnw % •,,l i and llidlywu d. FI.,.. I, i# n ia m ig u n H H , , Ija n H lM *well,sl to $6250 the total con ] the llof-Mac llatn-iy Co„ enter- l*rior m tho pntgrum, I* IL pulay liu.l infornod pi...... a t A man missing two weeks was J | trihutrd by the organitation to 'aincl Kotariuns today at the garden alMHindiriic with '— (• cited for an oii.sinn Itug roc. Leshrr, new president of the CeU* thorities that It otiiibl ,-rvo on found froxen to death west of , _ [ . , I flood aufferrra through Halva- regular weekly lun.-hron at the mil to rrcogiiition of which hu ery City I'rinting Co., was wel-bi cummittee ...... I by S* it,- Grant's Pass, Oregon. Cirruit Court here to.l.y re- ^ Afm r ch#Ilnr|, Kr„t|l Mayfair Hotel with a series of has hr*ii awurded a ntrrir -trija', erWrd an order from Attorney F(.rrn of lhe |of>| poit, »ai«l «v slight of hind tricks which h>- corned imo the cltlh a, a new mene " f 1 15,1111 according *.* word n ,-i iv,-i hi-rv tu- y |.. .. • I ,. „ ., Il -ael, to mat...... otnno rid t1jo |( nnon nicipal Court, Polica Chief Rny Flevrn other suits, charging wi k ,-nd, according lo record, in .lay In laniiavllle, Ky„ alone I and then ahook it out again, tnad 'Seminole High School -ludeni, of g,.n ||,arham h i, t».k,-d le,t William# reporad this m<\nlng. failure to pay the sales tax, re­ tb office of • utity Judge U. W. LOCAL WEATHER' , , , „ kY '•»- «•'*»■; * '“ •'h'cd cigarette di,appear w,th Sanfurd. i ,h. within the n-xl Ware. Decked are more than a scorn main on the Court' record* and lll«b luv Malv of defendants on minor charges are answerable in March. They n o n * rmy m any Mftion of thet in a table napkin without soiling I’.otartans v.eed tmLy to hold Lit days if po ... tin, I. dv. Tito jurio's books -how that nino |( M " .a .y country la atlmlnlstered by the or ''-imaging the napkin, and the Mar I meeting on Mar. 3 in represen-ing Jack-onv.lle. Miami such aa drunkenness, disorderly •re filed against local firms or unit's branches nii.pl-',. s.-V'i, of ih,-iu nrgriH-s.'n ‘ is n > m ibu ilKAJU-r | am.isril u l k K ” Gray by »lippinir UrUmbi in ronjunrfton wiiii ihu '«n«l Tumpn. ronvcm-A la-t week conduct, assault Li 4 others individuals. _ sics. ul'.i mid w i'Id rig I Ren-a* since y ' «1 ll». ilrec carila iuui a « oviIo;hj UrUoUu Uuur> Club, . . » in Ti»mpu. ituuti Sa'Ui'l-j. j 4 _ «J 23