Memphis Pullout Irks O-GI Qally
Special ceremonywiU,mark Ad'IlY in the life of Chasing the Eagle - Flag Dayin Cass City B•••·school principal, Brinkman neartop rBJ;lk Page 3 Page~ Page 5 CASS CITY CHRONICLE Complete coverage ofthe Cass City community andsurroundi,ngareas since 1899 , VOLUME 102, NUMBER 11 CASS CITY, MICHIGAN - WEDNESIfAY, JUNI4, 2008 FIFTY CENTS ., ',' .; . ":I:t)N4)~"G~$~ oNti sutlttEMENT .~: , ~. ~ .., ,~, , } ~ ... Trio hurt Fuel prices in weekend ::,~ ", accident " hammering Three Thumb residents, includingIII Cass City woma.\l, were injured iiti single-vehicle accident over' t~ weekend in Sanilac County's Dell1 ware Township. ,;. area farmers The crash occurred at about 11: 10 p.rn. Sunday on Bay City-Forestvi1Jl: by Emily Davis rector, the price ofequipment and re Road, east ofRuth Road, according StaffWriter pair has also inflated in part due to to Sgt.. Brad Roff of the Sanilac fuel cost. "Increasing energy cost County Sheriff's Department..· :Some people can make adjustments ripples through everything theydo," "The preliminary investigation m: to deal with the rising cost of fuel. he said. dicated that the vehicle, driven byan Unfortunately for farmers, it's. hard Severance agreed. "I just bought I8-year-old Cass City woman, was to make cutbacks. some parts, I'm sure it (fuel) affects, traveling eastbound on Bay City "You can't make many changes," those prices. It's not necessarily the Forestville Road and failed to stop at life-long farmer Roger Root said. fuel costs that are the biggest prob the stop sign at Ruth Road," Roffr~ "When you have to fill up your trac lem, though. It's what fuel will do to ported.
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