For immediate release Contact: Melanie Hall (broadcast & print) Steve Johnston (online) Email: [email protected] Telephone: 07804 819 818 Website: Facebook: Worcestermusicfestival Twitter: @worcsmusicfest

Powerhouse drummer confirmed to appear at Worcester Music Festival 2015

Worcester Music Festival is pleased to announce that world-renowned session drummer and composer Jason Bowld will be performing a drum clinic at Marr’s Bar on Saturday 19th September at 4pm.

Known for his powerful drumming with industrial legends and supergroup Axewound, experienced drum tutor and accomplished song-writer Jason has toured the world from club level to stadium level with the likes of Fightstar and and continues to do so with various artists including Killing Joke, and Bill Bailey.

Featuring as one of the festival’s must-see workshops for drummers and music fans alike, Jason will demonstrate material from specific songs to different drumming techniques and concepts, including drum and bass, linear patterns, soloing and showing off!

Jason Bowld performing live with metal supergroup Axewound. Photo: Steve Johnston

Having gigged and recorded with EMF guitarist Ian Dench and singer Amanda Ghost, Jason has earned respect from U2 and Depeche Mode producers Dave McCracken and Steve Fitzmaurice. Personal requests from Sony BMG to record for up and coming bands has reinforced his efficiency in the studio, where he has been known to record drum parts for albums within three days.

On the drum clinic front, Jason has great experience playing and teaching at most of the main, worldwide drum festivals. His passion for education is further backed up by his tuition column in Rhythm magazine and contributions for the latest Rockschool syllabus, which he has written and performed tracks for.

Jason Bowld appearing at Worcester Music Festival in 2009. Photo: Steve Johnston

Worcester Music Festival welcomes local music hero Jason Bowld back for his continued support of one of the UK’s fastest growing, metropolitan live music events.

Be sure to catch a heart-stopping masterclass from Worcestershire’s own world acclaimed drummer - for FREE at Worcester Music Festival 2015.

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