
L E I G H P A R I S H C O U N C I L MINUTES For Meeting To Be Held At Leigh Village Hall On 15th March 2016 At 7.30pm

Present: Cllr Stillitano (Chairman), Cllr Bennett, Cllr Smith, Cllr West, DCllr Penfold, the Clerk and 2 members of the public

1. APOLOGIES FOR ABSENCE – Cllr Scutt, Cllr Vincent


3. TO APPROVE AND SIGN THE MINUTES 3.1 It was resolved "THAT THE MINUTES OF THE MEETING HELD 19th JANUARY 2016 BE APPROVED AND SIGNED BY CHAIRMAN”. Proposed: Cllr Bennett, 2nd Cllr Smith. Unanimously agreed and signed by Cllr Stillitano.


5. FINANCIAL MATTERS 5.1 Smaller Authorities' Audit Appointments. IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY AGREED THAT LEIGH PARISH COUNCIL WOULD REMAIN OPTED IN TO THE SMALLER AUTHORITIES AUDIT ARRANGEMENT. 5.2 It was agreed that the Clerk would contact Tony Hurley to clarify the position of S106 money for Leigh and if any money available, how to utilize it. Also to ask what happens when the Community Infrastructure Levy takes over from S106 on the 1st April 2016. 5.3 Clerks salary for 2 months agreed. Total: £305.94. Proposed Cllr Bugler, 2nd Cllr Bennett. Unanimously agreed. 5.4 Broadband at £10 per month, £20 agreed. Proposed Cllr Bugler, 2nd Cllr Bennett. Unanimously agreed. 5.5 Hall hire fee for 13/2/16 £39.00 agreed. Proposed Cllr Bugler, 2nd Cllr Bennett. Unanimously agreed. 5.6 Payment of £172.50 for Oak Tree agreed. Proposed Cllr Bugler, 2nd Cllr Smith. Unanimously agreed.. It was agreed that the planting should be arranged with Castle Gardens, during June. Planting site to be identified and commemorative arrangement to be discussed with Village Hall Committee. Councillors to consider possible position of Play Park when planting the Oak Tree. Cllr Stillitano will discuss with the Village Hall Committee at the meeting on Friday.

6. PLANNING MATTERS APPLICATION NO: WD/D/16/000149 PROPOSAL: Renew slate roof tiles to rear extension & REAQR COVERED WALKWAY. Reinstate historic window opening in Farmhouse. LOCATION; ILES FARM, ROAD, LEIGH, SHERBORNE, DT9 6HW PC Comments:.No Objection. submitted 20.2.16

7. HOLLYWELL CROSSROADS 7.1 DCllr Penfold reported that an interim report on the crossroads following a site meeting, had been received. White lines have been put in, but they are awaiting cutting back the trees. On the site visit there was some discussion about the signage obscuring visibility. DCllr Penfold will report any further action at the next meeting. 7.2 The crossing at Dancing Lane in Sherborne remains an issue. DCllr Bevan is dealing with this.

8. HM QUEEN’S 90TH BIRTHDAY CELEBRATIONS 8.1 This issue was discussed in Finance.

9. PLAY PARK 9.1 There will be a meeting on Friday with Cllr Bugler, Cllr Stillitano, Cllr Scutt and members of the Play Park Committee. Cllr Bugler reported that a grant from the Rotary Club had been withdrawn due to the length of time taken to establish the Play Park, however they might review it again in the future. A piece of land has been identified adjacent to the Village Hall at a potential cost of £25,000. This would be both for a Play Park and village green. A collective agreement will be needed to move forward to provide a community asset. Grants will also need to be reviewed. Cllr Stillitano will report back at the next meeting.

10. NEIGHBOURHOOD PLAN & UPDATE FROM OTHER VILLAGES DISCUSSIONS. 10.1 Cllr Smith updated the meeting regarding the recent village meeting on the Neighbourhood plan. 90 turned out, 43 showed interest in taking part. The overall feeling was that other village problems might hold up the development of a neighbourhood plan for Leigh. Cllr Smith has discussed this with WDDC and they advised Leigh to do an individual plan, but consult with other Parishes. Leigh Parish boundary will be the boundary for the neighbourhood plan. The timeline will be to submit the boundary plan, WDDC will take approximately a month to agree that this is acceptable. Once the boundary is agreed applications for funding which has increased to £9000, can be made. The volunteers will then be utilized to start the neighbourhood plan and steering committees created. Cllr Smith outlined some of the advantages from joining forces with adjoining villagers in the creation of a Neighbourhood plan such as footpath and flood plain management. 10.1 It was noted that the Neighbourhood plan needed to take note of data protection. Cllr Smith to review the procedures. 10.2 Cllr Bennett requested the development of a Mission Statement, this was considered and it was agreed that this would be top of the agenda for the Steering committee.

11. WASTE BIN 11.1 Cllr Scutt not present to report.

12. DEFIBRILLATOR 12.1 Cllr Bugler asked if Leigh should have a community defibrillator. He has contacted British Heart Foundation and registered interest. The Village Hall are also making enquiries regarding this. The cost would be in the region of £400 plus fitting, installation and powering as well as service cost. Estimated at £100 per year. “IT WAS UNANIMOUSLY AGREED THAT LEIGH PARISH COUNCIL WOULD SUPPORT THE PURCHASE, INSTALLATION AND SERVICING IN CONJUNCTION WITH APPROVAL FROM THE VILLAGE HALL, THE PURCHASED DEFIBRILLATOR TO BE PLACED ON THE OUTSIDE OF THE VILLAGE HALL”. Process to be discussed at the Village Hall meeting on Friday.

13. INSURANCE 13.1 The insurance quotations were discussed. Cllr Bennett to check if the Play Park is covered by our insurance at present. It was agreed that the Parish Council would insure the Stone Cross as there was no clear ownership and historically the Parish Council has maintained it.

14. CORRESPONDENCE 14.1 Sievers Lane Correspondence 14.2 Letter from Roger Greene, Legal Services Manager regarding Business Interest Form completion. 14.3 Safer Fund - Community Grant Round 7 detailed circulated. 14,4 Review of rural bus services circulated. 14.5 Training schedule for 2016 circulated from DAPTC. 14.6 DAPTC Annual Conference 2016 - The Impact of Local Government re-organisation on Parish and Town Councils 14.7 Referendum on Change of Governance System at District Council 14.8 Dorset Highways Top 12 Performance 14.9 West Dorset, Weymouth and Portland Local Plan Information - Guidance from February events 14.10 Mobile library service review - confirmed new schedules and stops for withdrawal 14.11 release - Trading standards warn of Blue-Badge copycat websites

15. ITEMS OF URGENT NATURE SUBJECT TO CHAIRMAN’S APPROVAL 15.1 Mr Evans with the support of maps illustrated how the Parish Council could provide a stile free circular path around Leigh. All the farmers are happy for this to happen. IT WAS AGREED THAT THE PARISH COUNCIL WOULD FUND THE PURCHASE OF 4 GATES TO BE INSTALLED WITHIN LEIGH AT A COST OF £120 EACH, COST ALSO INCLUDES INSTALLATION. MR EVANS WILL DISCUSS WITH MR ACKLEY AND THE LANDOWNERS AND ARRANGE INSTALLATION. Unanimously agreed. It was resolved that the circular walk would be named Queen Elizabeth’s Walk, Mr Evans will purchase plaques with the name and date on for each gate. Estimated cost £2.50 per plaque, the parish council to cover the costs. 15.2 One stile is on the land by the village hall, Cllr Stillitano will find out the name and pass to Mr Evans, so he can approach regarding replacement of stile with gate. 15.3 The footpath at the back of South Street, number 51 is impassable. Mr Evans to discuss with David Ackley and review.

16. DISCUSSION PERIOD. 16.1 DCClr Penfold informed the meeting about the forthcoming referendum in West Dorset that has been requested by Public First following their successful petition of 5% of the electorate. The referendum giving options on the structure of WDDC will take place in May at the same time as Police Crime Commission referendum. The cost of this requested referendum would be in the region of £95,000, to which the taxpayers will end up funding. 16.2 Cllr Stillitano to discuss with Cllr Scutt and Councilors plans for the village meeting and report back to the Clerk

17. DATE OF NEXT MEETING – Leigh Village Meeting 7pm 4th May 2016 Leigh Parish Council Meeting 7.30pm 4th May 2016.