Innovation Journal · Issue 6 · Spring 2017 Innovationissue 6 · SPRING 2017 INVENTING Journal the BLENDED W RLD F T M RR W
InnovationISSUE 6 · SPRING 2017 INVENTING Journal THE BLENDED WORLD OF TOMORROW Global trends shaping our future In this issue: Navigating the future: HP 2017 Megatrends report Page 4 Virtual Reality comes of age Page 7 Inside HP’s Engine Room Page 10 How to influence purchases and win friends along the way Page 13 Here’s a bright idea: use less energy! Pages 15 HP and Yale: Reinventing the classroom Page 17 Energy for everyone Page 19 Colorful side of innovation Pages 20 Investing in a Virtual Reality future Page 21 Find out what awards HP’s leaders recently won Page 22 Abraham Lincoln once said, “you cannot escape the responsibility of tomorrow by evading it today.” As innovators and for- ward thinkers, I believe the onus is us to understand what lies ahead, how societies will change, economies will ebb and flow and the world around us will transform. That’s why each year HP deep dives into the major socio, economic and global trends happening in an effort to understand where the world is heading. In this issue, we get a glimpse at the future through our annual HP Megatrends report. This year’s report explores future themes including the evolution cities will endure in the coming years, the differing realities of middle class families across the globe and the rise of the autonomous workers thanks to artificial intelligence, machine learning and robotics. We marry these learnings with our advancements in technologies to help to inform our strategic decisions around future products and services; and the experiences we deliver through them.